Suomen Vahvin Mies 2020 | Karsintapäivä

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Jesse Pynnönen

Jesse Pynnönen

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MJ Snow - 80s Sunglasses
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4 жыл бұрын
Hei, tarkoitus ei ollut kuvata koostetta suorituksista, koska noh silloin ei olisi kuvaajalla ollut aikaa kuvata backstage ym. kamaa. Kisakooste toivottavasti mtv (?) tulee, mutta me haluttiin enemmänkin tuoda sellaista materiaalia KZbinen mitä et voi telkkarista nähdä. Ps: Äänet oli monessa kohtaa kuin yökerhossa eli anteeksi niistä. Setämiesten tuottajan kanssa näitä urheiluvideoita teille ollaan tuotu ja tänäänkin Tuottaja joko kuvasi tai editoi 8-00. Eli jonkunlainen voimailusuoritus tuokin kun gimbal+kamera koko päivä kädessä 😂 Iso kiitos myös Markku Suonenvirralle sekä koko tiimille kisojen järjestämisestä
@BitchCombo 4 жыл бұрын
On kyllä sairasta kommentoida tänne 9tuntia ennen videon julkaisua. Pilasit kilpailun ensimmäisestä kommentista. FeelsBadMan
4 жыл бұрын
Kakkonen on ykkönen!
@ReaVeera 4 жыл бұрын
Siis millon näkis telkkarista ? 🤔
@shadowdrop2744 4 жыл бұрын
" ihan vittu missä vaan" 🤣❤️
@BitchCombo 4 жыл бұрын
Tee sit vuoden päästä video mihin leikkaat ton kommentin mukaan. Ei sen tarvitse olla niin vakava vaan heität sen läpällä joka paikkaan ja vertaat sun suoritusta
@KirmoVarvikko 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvä meininki oli kisoissa. Itsellä 10 Suomen Vahvin Mies -kisaa tuli täyteen. T. Kirmo Varvikko
@KirmoVarvikko 4 жыл бұрын
@Bolia Fops Tää kommentti ei tainnu liittyä minuun? Mave tuli ylös kolme kertaa, joista yksi hylättiin, kun tuo oli paksu ja sileä akseli, enkä saanu perusremmillä otetta pysymään hyvin. Normaalilla tangolla tai paremmalla remmillä olis menny paremmin. Pään kestävyydestä sanoisin ihan yleisellä tasolla sen, että ei sitä niin paljoa salilla punnita, vaan enemmän vasta kisoissa.
@JussiAleksi 4 жыл бұрын
Kiitos tästä videosta 🙌 lisää näitä voimamies juttuja
@kahlaaja 4 жыл бұрын
Aika karuja painoja peruspulliaiselle, vaikka olis salilla jo elämässään käynytkin, nuo kisapainot.
@emperorvitiate1844 4 жыл бұрын
Törröä ja verttiä vielä videoille pliis, mukavia kavereita.
@qter5 4 жыл бұрын
Huikeet päivät oli ja hienoo oli nähdä livenä! En aiemmin ollu paikalla käyny katsomassa mut Jessen videoiden innoittamana piti käydä! Onnittelut Jesselle pokaaleista💪
@qter5 4 жыл бұрын
Ja pääs vie heittää kivet Jessen kaa 😎
@Liisteri 4 жыл бұрын
Ohan tää ny viihrettä aamuun💪
@hylsyraatikainen4325 4 жыл бұрын
oli kiva kyl nähä miten symppis meno tuol on kisaajien kesken todella upeeta
@themaragroft 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvä henki teillä kisaajien kesken tuolla. Jessestä, kun on tullut voimamies lajien pioneeri niin video ideaa tässä. Miten voi itse aloittaa voimamies lajin mistä löytää kisoja, liitto ja kaikki mitkä tähän ennen kilpailua pääsyyn vaaditaan? Itseä ainakin kiinostais. Ja tsemppiä tähän päivään! Ens vuonna voitat kaikki ''Ihan vittu missä vaan'' :D!
@samuelp.4743 4 жыл бұрын
Tässähän tän touhun hienous onkin ku kaikki on veljeksiä keskenään ja vaikka minäki oon jopa kyläkisoissa lähes aina kaikissa lajeissa viimene niin kannustusta silti riittää.
@Arkkis27 4 жыл бұрын
Oli ihan loistava formaatti! Kiitokset fiiliksistä, veti kylmät väreet kyllä joidenkin suoritusten katsomisessa. Kyl kisaamisessa vaan on sitä jotain
@voimamiestenkuningas 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvä video ja miellyttävää katsottavaa, vaikka finaalipaikka jäikin saavuttamatta. Nyt vaan lajeja, mavea ja kyykkyä, niin alkaa Törrölle löytymään todellinen haastaja tulevina vuosina.
@shookone9536 2 жыл бұрын
Miten niin jäi saavuttamatta?
@sm-qw9mj 4 жыл бұрын
Olisi hyvä kuulla selityksiä/taustaa sille miksi maastaveto on sulla niin heikko. Ei siitä ole mitään treenimateriaaliakaan näkynyt.
@johannesnuorala2938 4 жыл бұрын
Itse mietin ihan samaa. Kottikärryn työnnössä tuo 300kg näytti nousevan hyvin maasta. Tosin perus maveen vaikea verrata koska vetokulma hiukan eri.
@sm-qw9mj 4 жыл бұрын
@@johannesnuorala2938 En tiedä onko edes tarpeen verrata lajikohtaisesti. Selvää on kuitenkin että tuossa on iso heikkous.
@aksantor 4 жыл бұрын
Niin, kannattaa sitä voimaakin harjotuttaa...
@laurisanti5477 3 жыл бұрын
Nyt saat kyl aika kärryllisen rispektiä. Aika vähän on Suomessa kavereita ketkä lähtee tohon leikkiin, avoin sarja ei oo mikään pikku juttu. Ja ihan mieletön taktiikka ”ens vuonna pitää vaan olla vahvempi”
3 жыл бұрын
Kiitoksia 💯
@Ninni30 4 жыл бұрын
Oliko ne laittaneet Törrölle kevyemmän kärryn? Näytti siltä ettei se painanut mitään :D
@mrugalaboga 4 жыл бұрын
Henkka olis nostanut tossa maastavedossa. Yhdellä kädellä.
@3DbyMide 4 жыл бұрын
Onnea Jesse! Hetken jo luulin, että jäi finaalipaikkakin saamatta, mutta äijähän veti lopulta finaalinkin äärimmäisen hienosti!
@akunyys 4 жыл бұрын
Olipä hyvä meininki karsinnoissa!
@EppuL90 4 жыл бұрын
Erittäin hyvä pätkä, näki oleelliset suorituksetkin
@stronguser5242 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvin meni! Mistä ja milloin näkyy finaali?
@pallerasmussen2525 4 жыл бұрын
Mitaleille ensimmäisenä vuonna, kova on se kova.
@LeoFINuTube 3 жыл бұрын
Tajusin muuten just että tuo Pohton Teemu on kummitätin poika. Että sen kans olen joskus nuorena viettäny aikaa, mutta aikuisiällä jääny yhteydenpito. Mutta mies on näemmä alkanu punttia nostaan :-)
@caqtor 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvä Jesse. Kiva seurata! =)
@knassa4386 4 жыл бұрын
Niin siis miten sulla sit laskettiin pisteet väärin? Ku sähän olit aika loppupäässä ja sen mukaan et päässyt finaalii mut yhtäkkiä sitten pääsitkin. Mikä virhe siinä oli?
4 жыл бұрын
En tiedä sen tarkemmin miksi ne oli väärin avoimen taulukossa. Jälkikäteen laskin itsekin pisteitä ja sen mukaankin minun piti päästä finaaliin.
@knassa4386 4 жыл бұрын
@ Okei. Se pistetaulukko heitteli koko ajan ja hermostutti varmasti kaikkia. Sitten kaikilla paitsi Törröllä olikin muuttunut pistemäärät finaalipäiväksi taulukkoon. Tolle pitäisi tehdä jotain, koska ei anna kovin luotettavaa kuvaa kellottajista ym valvojista. On sen verta isot ja mahtavat kisat että ei olisi paljoa vara virheisiin valvojillakaan.
@janneplanman6433 4 жыл бұрын
Näille jätkille ei vittuilla🏆Pitäkää itsenne ehjinä ja vetäkää lujaa!!!
@jonneritari7828 4 жыл бұрын
Kaikki muut on viihdyttäviä kuvata paitsi tämä nobody Jesse joka sanoo että pehkele!!who is this adult child?
@reppukeisari8711 4 жыл бұрын
Tietääkö kukaan, mikä biisi kohdasta 18:15 eteenpäin? Tai edes bändi 😊
@oskarikamari7486 4 жыл бұрын
Jesselle onnea pokaaleista ja uudesta seinäkellosta😂
@shaukahodan2373 4 жыл бұрын
19.45 näkyvå trukki, poltettii sen edeltåjä viime marraskuus😂 kun tuola touhuttii
@Spagettikasi 4 жыл бұрын
Loistava kooste ja tunnelmia kisasta. Mitä tuli mieleen niin lajin näkyvyyden / sponsoroinnin parantamiseksi voisi järjestää live streamin youtubeen / twitchin tms. kautta myös - luulen et katsojia kyllä olisi.
@JuuTube 4 жыл бұрын
Erittäin hyvä fiilistelyvideo
@ojakurkku 4 жыл бұрын
Loppu kommenti oli kyllä sanitiin kova 💪😃 ! Hyvin meni enskertalaiselle 👍
@tumppi121 4 жыл бұрын
Miten olit kolmas jos et päässyt karsinnasta finaaliin? En ymmärrä:D
4 жыл бұрын
Pääsin finaaliin, oli vaan väärin pisteet alkuun
@tumppi121 4 жыл бұрын
@ Ok, Onnittelut
@NiiloPaasivirta 4 жыл бұрын
Kokonaiskilpailun tulokset tuli juuri nettiin. Älkää tietty katsoko jos haluatte vielä jännittää MTV3:lta ehkä tulevaa koostetta tms. (milloin lie sekin sitten tulee...). En sano tuloksista tässä nyt sen enempää. ;) Linkki:
@dimmazeen 4 жыл бұрын
Tänks! Eli Pynnönen läskien kakkonen ja overall kolmonen. Voiko pitää paikkaansa
@NiiloPaasivirta 4 жыл бұрын
Kyllä se on totta. Tuli julki Facessakin joten voidaan onnitella!
@mr.a109 4 жыл бұрын
Vertti maves 4 toistoo kevyessä sarjassa ja jesse 150kilosen nolla toistoo :( ei siinä ens kerral sit paremmi
@eetup8282 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvä video jesse
@saromsalt1375 4 жыл бұрын
4:20 Harmittaa vähän nähdä kuin lapsi syötetään tuohon kuntoon :(
@ossi1018 4 жыл бұрын
Mikset suuttunu stna?
@MRTatsaa 4 жыл бұрын
@Mico17077 4 жыл бұрын
Ollila oli kova
@matias7566 4 жыл бұрын
Onko nuo kisat testauksen alaisena?
4 жыл бұрын
On, top 3 testattiin ja myös kilpailukauden ulkopuolella testit samalla tavalla kuin muillakin WADAn alaisissa. Mikallakin testaajat kävi kesällä kotona yllätyksenä. Itselle tullut 2kk sisään yksi kotiin yllätystesti ja kahden kisan jälkeen testit.
@maske4074 4 жыл бұрын
Siis tuolla oli niin paljon tuttuja kasvoja ei van pynnösen videoilta vaan muutenkin
@FinnishJamesBond 4 жыл бұрын
Katos perhana Tommi Honka messissä!
@juholahtinen9568 4 жыл бұрын
Mahtava kisa vklp 💪💪
@Lullukka94 4 жыл бұрын
Olit varma ettet pääse finaaliin, mutta kuitenkin, onnea finaaliin!
@esakeinanen9143 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvä Jesse. Nyt vaan keskity voimamies hommiin, ja heitä pois se syönti homma, vaikka se on mukana katso. Ei muutako rautaa liikkeelle 👍
@Ytfrot 4 жыл бұрын
Oiskos pt vatasen kans videoo tulos joskus lähiaikoina
@vhsmies3990 4 жыл бұрын
Onnea Mika voitosta🇫🇮💪👍
@nimeton666 4 жыл бұрын
Tilaa kanavani, laatu sisältöä!
@nikoteus1913 4 жыл бұрын
Haasta nuo vahvin mies kisaajat syömään kilpaa tacoja
@bilinasmini3480 4 жыл бұрын
luulen et katsojia kyllä olisi.
@shaukahodan2373 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvin meni! Mistä ja milloin näkyy finaali?
@AS.Reinikainen 4 жыл бұрын
Onko Jesse natu?
@bondi0082 4 жыл бұрын
En usko kun on niin voimakas, vaikka säkit jäi maahan oottamaan.
@are3287 4 жыл бұрын
No on... Pitääkö tota ees epäillä kun ei pääse natukisojen finaaliin vaikka on 150 kilonen järkäle?
4 жыл бұрын
Nyt kolmet testit käyty kahden kuukauden sisään joista yksi yllätystestinä kotona. Pääsin kyllä finaaliin
@myngiplays6139 4 жыл бұрын
Äänet 2/5, muuten hyvä pätkä.
@sharpei9889 4 жыл бұрын
Aina selitys johki :D lähdit liian kiireellä kisoihi vaikka iso mies oletkin
@kili5955 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvähän se on käydä vähä kokeilee ja ens vuonna taas vahvempana takas
@jullejuipelo4599 4 жыл бұрын
hyvin ootte seurannut kisoja.. 😂
@liinuspaloniemi2761 4 жыл бұрын
20:30 raahe mainittu
@bilinasmini3480 4 жыл бұрын
Henkka olis nostanut tossa maastavedossa. Yhdellä kädellä.
@millointeemupaltamoon3004 4 жыл бұрын
16:58 bald and bankrupt
@onniruotsalainen1865 4 жыл бұрын
Haaste Jesselle kuvaahan toiselle kanavallesi syönti haaste Lärvisen pekonipommist
@sharpei9889 4 жыл бұрын
Henry on kiinteäässä kunnos
@sharpei9889 4 жыл бұрын
@timoiivonen4334 4 жыл бұрын
Jesse Do you have ever been injured? Once my chest tendon broke. Doctor told me that if you have like shoulder pains you have to take a brake or it might come infection and that makes tendons weaker. They did a surgery in the private hospital and i got almost all powers back. They put titanium tendon there and told its stronger than natural. I had shoulder pains meapy 10 years before that accident. Normal hospitals is very hard to get surgery if your profession is not a physical work. If you can use your hand normally and dont have hard physical work they dont easily do you a surgery. I heard also if your muscle rip off completely you have about one week time to repair it or its too late. GOD bless you everybody.
@ukikukkamaa929 4 жыл бұрын
Miks Lontooks kirjotat tänne ku oot nimestä päätellen Suomalainen ja Jesseki taitaa olla?
@timoiivonen4334 4 жыл бұрын
@@ukikukkamaa929 This is my sad story. Im very worried us all😥. I have very good and loving family. I lived a normal life and then suddenly my life started to change dramatically. I allways thinked GOD must be but i doubted sometimes. Everything started when i went to one school to study. There was somebody from Russia and we started to go lifting weights and do many things together. . Everything went allright until i was trying to lift about 308 pounds. I heard first a little sound and then very large sound. I thought my hand was broken. Then i went to the hospital and they told me take two weeks break and start again. I told to them its not okay but they didnt listen me. Then i went to health centre. They agreed that it was broken. So i asked them do i have a surgery. They told me it depends what profession i have. I had feeling that its not gonna work so i went to the private hospital. I went there and then magnetic photos. I had an chest rupture and doctor told me he do surgery after two weeks. I waited and finally i went there and he tested my strength. He told me i have so much power so theres no need to do that surgery. I was confused and i told him why not but he told me he have done this about thirty years. Then i started to swim first and i felt unpleasant feeling there. I try to lift weights but there was no power and it felt bad too. After about two months i had enough. I called to the very good hospital on southern Finland. I came there and doctor was confused and told me why they didnt do that surgery. He told me im very badly late and because chest muscle tendon have been so long time broken they have to take transplantation of the Achilles tendon. That was because muscle have been so long time too far away. But then doctor tryed that and told they dont need that transplant because the chest muscle tendon was not all broken. The surgery went very well and i started quickly training again. I only trained very short time until i started to feel something on the groin. I stopped the training and i went back to my home. I started to feel very unpleasand feelings on my groin area and i had to pee all the time. If i drinked the water it came out very quickly. finally i felt so bad so i went to healt center. They told me that i have a prostata problem. I was so confused why me. After few days i went to hospital because i felt so bad and peeing was so much harder. Those hours in the hospital were so long. Finally i met the doctor and i was very disappointed because they didnt do nothing. I went there so many times and finally i went to private hospital because my mothers sister is a nurse and know that doctor. He checked me and that was normal. He told i dont have prostata problem but nerve problems. He told me to go now normal hospital to find out what is problem. But didnt let me in. They just told that man is only a basic doctor not urologist.He was one of the best surgeons in our city so that was very rude. My brother went very angry and told we go to our capital city Helsinki to top urologist. We just wanted to have evidence what would open the hospitals rooms. He told mee too that prostata have normal size and no infection. Then we went back to our town but they still dint want to do nothing. I started to feel my back is the problem. I wanted the magnetic photos but they told no. So i had to go private hospital to take those photos. There was nothing really bad there. Then i started to go very down because i had that strong peeing feeling all the time. The only thing where i could escape was sleeping. Some days i slept twenty hours because there i had peace. It was very hard to sleep that long. Then my brother found an doctor how told si joint dysfunction. The primary mechanisms of SI joint dysfunction include: Too much movement (hypermobility or instability) in the sacroiliac joint can cause the pelvis to feel unstable and lead to pain. Pain from too much motion is typically felt in the lower back and/or hip, and may radiate into the groin area. My brother bought airplane tickets and we were soon meeting that doctor. I had that thing what normal doctors dont inderstand. He told my nerves were pinched in the lower back. After that he make manipulation movement. I felt better and we goed back to home. He recommended me to walk in the woods because it's softer. I had terrible feelings close to my urine bladder. The nerves were burning there and i had feeling that i have to go pee all the time. That was awful and only escape what i had was sleeping. So some time i slept 20 hours because that was only way to escape the awful feelings. I tried to walk but nothing helped me and i was so angry and frustrated all the time. I cried so many times and i told to everybody often i want to die. I told everybody somebody have to break my back because i dont want to feel anymore. I told everybody i want to be paralyzed because many times they dont feel anything anymore. My life was so awful and i was so angry to everybody because i couldnt relax anywhere. We tried everything but nothing worked and we spend a lots of money. Finally I went up the steps of the church and asked for help. I thought if I ask for help on my knees I will get help better. A little bit time after that we found a man how knew what problem i had. He told me on the phone that the reason for this was the loose ligament. I immediately realized that he knew something the doctors didn't know. I went there and he told me: He examined the area of ​​my back and said that the ligament has moved. The one that goes over that si joint. It keeps it in the right position. He could push it back into place. He said that in the beginning it often leaves out of place. But eventually it starts to stay. All I needed to do was walk up the stairs and it became loose. It went out of place because it had been off the right place a long time. Finally I had to move to my Father and My Mother because they had no stairs. It took about 10 weeks time when it finally started to stayon right place. My scoliosis went away and my back started to heal slowly. Awful feelings were smaller but still bad because i had lots of pressure in my lower back. The tight muscles weighed on the nerves and i had urination problems. It was awful living because i couldnt relax. Allways had the feeling i have to pee. I was so sad and frustrated and i started to hate everything. I stayed at my home and i didnt wanted and couldnt go anywhere. I told everybody all the time i want to die and nobody couldnt understand how terrible life i have. After long five years we got new information. I had an hypothyroidism. We didn't go to the doctor because I couldn't get anywhere. My brother ordered a supplement containing this hormone. It was the only hormone preparation I received without the doctor's permission. We waited about 2-3 weeks and i started to get very angry. I said that I am willing to risk my life to be healed. Finally i got that supplement and i started to use it. After about two days i started to feel something is happening there. I felt clicks on my back and i was so happy. Finally the unpleasant feelings started to get away slowly. I was so happy and i thinked im getting now my life back. But after three weeks suddenly after the sauna i started to feel very bad. My legs felt very heavy and my heart was beating so fast. Finally i felt im gonna die and we went to meet a doctor. I had an high blood pressure and my heart was beating 120-150 times in one minute. The doctor gave me beta blocker. My pulse went down about 65-85 in one minute. I felt better but i started to lost my stamina very quickly. And i also started to lost my sleeping time very quickly. Finally sitting on the sofa was hard. Then one night we went to drive a car with my brother becsuse i had better feeling. Then suddenly the human looking man what i met 2010 called me. He said he saw us in the roundabout.
@timoiivonen4334 4 жыл бұрын
@@ukikukkamaa929 I felt clicks on my back and i was so happy. Finally the unpleasant feelings started to get away slowly. I was so happy and i thinked im getting now my life back. But after three weeks suddenly after the sauna i started to feel very bad. My legs felt very heavy and my heart was beating so fast. Finally i felt im gonna die and we went to meet a doctor. I had an high blood pressure and my heart was beating 120-150 times in one minute. The doctor gave me beta blocker. My pulse went down about 65-85 in one minute. I felt better but i started to lost my stamina very quickly. And i also started to lost my sleeping time very quickly. Finally sitting on the sofa was hard. Then one night we went to drive a car with my brother becsuse i had better feeling. Then suddenly the human looking man what i met 2010 called me. He said he saw us in the roundabout. And after that human looking man stand on the edge of the road two kilometers from this place. I told what are you doing here in the middle of the night. it said something like this is your destiny. When we went back to my home my brother told that human looking man was there before us. I said what? And my brother told: That he should have flown to be there before us. And he was walking. If he had a car, he would have passed us to be there before us. One or two days after that ny brother heard a sound when he was standing front of yours apartment. A leaf rake fell behind him. It came from nowhere. And there is no such thing in our house. When he came in i heard a sound too. And that leaf rake was an another place. I was scared and my health started to go really bad. Finally i was not able to sleep and i was so tired and sick. I urinated at least six liters a day. My weight also fell fast. I told anybody im gonna die very soon and i want to go hospital. I was still not admitted to the hospital. I called to Sweden is it possible to go there? But they said it wouldn't work because I'm not Swedish. Suddenly a thought came to my mind: I had never read the Bible but But I began to wonder if I had broken the Sin of the Holy Spirit. I started to investigate and became seriously fooled. Then I was really terrified. Then I remembered that I was willing to risk my life to regain my health. Then I got pressure that because of that God rejected me. And also because I had threatened to kill myself for years. And also because I had been angry with my family. Then I started thinking about suicide. At first I tried to jump off the balcony but couldn't. Then one day I walked to the icy river. The water was awfully cold but I walked there. I lay under the water and wondered if I was going under the ice. Then suddenly my brother came. He told me that my body weighed like a ton. He couldn't move me. Finally when I said I don't want to die my body lightened up. I walked home with him. I was in the warm shower for half an hour. Then I got the pressure that I was stupid when I didn't kill myself. Then I got the pressure that my judgment in hell is increasing all the time because God is so angry. Then I tried to jump off the balcony but my mom caught me. God gave my mother extra strength. I ran fast for 6-8 meters and my old mother got there at the same time. And she could hold on to me when I was hanging. My mother was 74 years old at the time. After that my brother and my mother pulled me back. I was terribly angry with them and said that because of you my judgment in hell would only increase. Then they started asking me. When I told them they started investigating: Then they said I hadn't broken that law. I didn't believe them. Then I got the pressure that now they too are going to hell because they are lying. Then I started to think that so many people have tried to commit suicide and have wanted to die. So why am I having such a terrible end. Then I got pressure that they didn't know they were breaking the Holy Spirit. But because I knew it, I was condemned. This was all because I had threatened to kill myself for years. God finally got angry. Then my brothers and my mother locked all the doors and watched me. I heard the devil running in the basement. I dreamed I went to hell and there were flames. There were also monsters. I dreamed that predators followed me everywhere and there were worms in my pockets. When my brother worked one night he saw: an old man with a horrible big nose, pale skin, black hat on the head and Skateboard included. It told my brother: Can you take me somewhere? My brother told no!!!!!!!!!!! After they had brainwashed me: They wanted to show that they were already waiting!!!!!!!!! Those monsters are the master liars!!!!!!!!! Then I dreamed one night when I was told I would get the worst judgment in hell ever. Adolf Hitler and Stalin had received nothing compared to me. those monsters said judgment was increasing all the time. Every time I was angry to God, I got more. After all, my judgment was: It was like an infinite amount of energy burning me. I saw myself burning: dry sheet. I was just lying on the bed and i coulnt cry because: No tears in my eyes. those monsters had mixed everything in my body. that one monster raped me when i was sleeping. Then I finally started fighting back. I started thinking: Have I really been such a horrible person: So I deserve such a terrible end. Then I remember that my mother almost died in surgery. It happened when I was a little boy. Before the surgery, he saw the angel asking if he was ready. My mother told no and almost died. Then I thought if my mother could contact heaven. I told him to ask if Jesus or an angel could appear: If I haven't committed that sin. First my Mother saw one angel vision and after that three visions of LOVING JESUS. My health came back after two three days. I can send later photos how bad my hairs looked after that battle. Now my hairs look very good after LOVING GOD AND HEALED my body❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏. Please contact me because i know so much more❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏
@ukikukkamaa929 4 жыл бұрын
@@timoiivonen4334 sorry ei jaksa read
@MrBuuska 4 жыл бұрын
@@ukikukkamaa929 olisit lukenut kuitenkin suomenkielellä.
@tapsa221 4 жыл бұрын
jos ens kerrala joku vaimenus noihi eikä kuvata niite kiljujien takana kiitos särkee aivan saatanati mikkiä
4 жыл бұрын
Vaikea päästä kun koko backstage ja kisa-alue täynnä kova äänisiä kajareita. Pitäisi aina kävellä yleisön sekaan tai kauemmas jos haluaa hiljaisempaa paikkaa missä puhua. Yritä sitten sinne muita kisaajia saada joka kerta puhumaan tai että itse kesken kisan menisit sinne.. Mikki ei missään vaiheessa näyttänyt punaista, mutta syystä tai toisesta särki silti. Harmi jos äänen särkeminen pilasi mielestäsi videon. Musiikkiakaan kun ei viitsitty pyytää pois kisoissa tai hiljemmalle 😁
@JesseMatias 4 жыл бұрын
Hyvin kyl kuulu ja sai kaikesta hyvin selvän! Eipä voi parempaa odottaakaan noissa olosuhteissa! Tietty jos käsimikit ois käytössä jne, mut toi toimi tommosenaan just hyvin 👍
@tapsa221 4 жыл бұрын
@ juu ei puhees ollukaa mitää se vaaku jotku kilju siinä kun kanusti nii ne särkiä ääntä
@Themouru 4 жыл бұрын
Iso mies ei jaksa nostaa ees muutamaa kevyttä säkkiä...
@mp-qm8is 4 жыл бұрын
Pakko kyl sanoa et turha paljo selittelyä sun muuta mielummi itse asiaa suoraa ei tällästä puolentunni videota jaksa kattoa kelasin loppuun suoraa
@BitchCombo 4 жыл бұрын
Kerrankin oon ajoissa paikalla FeelsGoodMan
@EppuL90 4 жыл бұрын
Erittäin hyvä pätkä, näki oleelliset suorituksetkin
@suomenkorpisoturi2439 4 жыл бұрын
19.45 näkyvå trukki, poltettii sen edeltåjä viime marraskuus😂 kun tuola touhuttii
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