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The family tree of the Jewish Messiah is an essential element to determine the legitimacy. Isaiah 7:14 of the Torah (aka Old Testament) says, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." This video proves proves the Virgin Birth using the Family Tree (Genealogy) of Jesus. It is Critical the Jewish Messiah is in the lineage of King David. This lineage is proven to be through both Mary and Joseph. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, King of the Jews.
This is speaker is Dr. Ed Young in Houston, Texas from "The Winning Walk" service on December 24th.
Topics of the video and or channel: Christianity, Rapture Talk, Judaism, New Testament, Old Testament, Torah, The Moshiach, Yahweh, Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach, Immanuel, Rapture Talk, End Times, Dreams and Visions, Rapture Dreams, Christian, Jewish, Israel, The Messiah, Bible Study, Tanach, Kabbalah, Chabad, Hasidut, Hasidic, Bible Study, Talmud, Tanach, The Rebbe, Lubavitch, Breslov, Rabbi Nachman, Baal Shem Tov, Teshuva, Arizal, Abraham, Tzaddik, Moses, Isaac and Jacob, Shabbat, Noahides, Jewish Conversion, Third Temple, Moshiach, The Messiah, Dreams, News, Jerusalem, Jews, Israel, Orthodox, Joy, Baal Teshuva, Religious Jews, Proof of God, End Times, gog and magog, War, End of days, Joe Biden, Jewish, Ger, Belz, Satmar, Skullen, Bobov, Skver, Vishnitz, Messiah, Redemption, Tanakh, Third Temple, Elijah, Priest, Prayer, Stories, Rambam, Sephardic, Baba Sali, Tzaddik, Bitcoin, Moses, Moshe, Joshua, Genesis, Deuteronomy, Mashiach, Jewish Conversion, History, Bitachon, Shiba Inu, Crypto, Ethereum, Trust, Emuna, Faith, joy, mediation, charity, famous, viral, Trending, Consciousness, Hasidic, IQ, King David, King Solomon, Bet Hamikdash, Jerusalem, Hebrew, Bible, Shabbat Laws, Sabbath, Kiddush, Challah, Prayer, Near Death experience, Heaven, Afterlife, God, Purgatory, Punishment, Gehinom, Judaism, Eternal, reincarnation, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, investment, 2022, change your life, Shiba inu, ripple, xrp, metaverse, tokens, coins, ethereum, money, Gold, Silver, predictions, Torah Secrets, universe, Bible secrets, Biblical Hannukah, Channukah, Menorah, Menora, Hannukiah, Candles, Holidays, Dreidle, Doughnuts, latkes, light, secrets, Bet Hamikdash, Bobov, Tish, Skver, Sadigura, תורה, משיח, Yud Daled Kislev, Bet Hamikdash, Sacrifices, Incense, Priest, Levites, Miracles, Rambam, Laws, Tisha B'AV, News, War, Barcelona, Ohio State, War News, ww3, army, battle, yetzer hara, Feminism, Female, Women, Liberalism, Social Justice, Prophets, Woman, Abortion, Jewish Conversion, Noahides, Proof, Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah, Prophecy, Satan, devil, evil inclination, End times, death, angel of death, gehinom, Purgatory, Yaakov, יעקב, משיח, yud tes kislev, niggun, fabrengen, Alter Rebbe, Chof Kislev, Redemption, menora, chanukah, channukah, hanukkah, hannukah, hannuka, IDF, Israeli Army, omicron, covid, corona, delta covid-19, who, fauci, News, reports, South Africa, Europe, flights, stock market, xrp, onicron variant, virus, South Africa, tesla, dow jones, Live, Ayin Beis, Samech Vov, Viral, Trending, Project 3rd temple, snowstorm, blizzard, Montreal, weather news, forecasts, storms, celebrations, blizzard, quebec, last generation, exodus, Messianic age, Era, times, miketz, Rabbi Ashlag, Vayigash, Jewish Prayer, Tu BShavt Shvat, Tu Bi Shvat, Bombs, warplanes, missiles, defense, soldiers, combat. Gog Magog, World War, Russia Ukraine, Putin, USA, news, Rosh Hashana, Ellul Rosh Hashanna, Poland, Canada, Nato