多謝施先生分享. Sorry 下面既內容又中又英 希望有機會, 你地會將你地係counselling 入面所學到, 拍成MV? 大方向想帶既message 1. 男女平等 (現今社會,我發現基本上係冇男士係會講自己感受) 2. 健康的兩性關 (男士同女應該如何相處) 3. 健康家庭點樣對社會帶黎好既影響 (如真係拍MV, 希望加入埋小朋友 =>, 小朋友其實係會學爸爸媽媽既溝通方式) 4. Solution 唔係最重要, able to speak emotionally and listening (being there) 先係. 細節: 1. 希望MV 入面既message 會帶到男性能夠 講自己感受(male also know their feeling, speaking emotionally and seek help from their partner) 2. 女性能夠 認清楚自己既感受 同時, 能夠 在伴侶身上找到他們的情緒支援. 3. Deep emotional connection between male and female (knowing your own and others emotionally needs and able to connect) 4. 其中一個你地video 要點 係 choice between enjoyment or quality conversation (emotionally supportive to your partner. e.g chatting on the couch, doing nothing but listening to your partner’s needs) 但正如你所說, 有一次已經好好. 還唔定, 十次既出街,有三-四次變作聆聽已經可以讓到相方(不一定女士需要被聆聽, 但男士也可以?) 感到被愛.