多倫多好多工, 不過搵工亦好大競爭. 至於搵工, my suggestion is 如果各位以前嘅工作 meet 到10巴仙嘅 job requirements, 都應該 submit 你地嘅 resume. 如果 submit 佐会有百份一機会成功, 如果放棄冇submit, The chance of getting the job is zero. In fact, 揾工嘅人永遠唔會古到個 potential employer 真正想著重边方面嘅工作經驗. 真係会有啲 Employer 想請有各方面工作經驗, but more importantly, 個人係要 trainable
Candidates are referred by HR Dept based on our requirement. In virtual interviews, we prepare a list of questions (in different categories) to ask the candidate. Senior personnel are invited to participate in the interview. For each question, a point (say 1 to 5) is assigned by each interviewer. In the end of the interview, points are totalized for comparison purpose. A discussion section follows among interviewers. Final decision is made after interview of all candidates. Even though it is a group process, the final decision still falls on the hiring manager of the job opening.
@EricCherry2 жыл бұрын
Great info! I didn't know candidates were graded. Wonder how much did I score in my interviews haha
@smwk20172 жыл бұрын
@@EricCherry Some interviews include taking a technical exam. Some jobs require security clearance (taking fingerprints); it takes months for the background check. Some jobs require taking a 3-hr psychological multiple-choice questionnaire.
@yee-kwanpantekoek-ng10972 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your sharing, Cherry. 妳好有心同耐性, 多謝!!l
@EricCherry2 жыл бұрын
@witchocolate90365 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@sillyfillet11 ай бұрын
多謝影片! 請問加拿大僱主知唔知Open Work Permit係乜? 或對OWP有疑慮,需要解釋比佢哋知,例如我們做滿一年就可以申請PR諸如此類?
@sakurang34033 ай бұрын
Hi Cherry, 搵工中, 第一次睇你既video。想問下你份resume係用table format or two columns? 聽聞table format 未必過到ATS scan. 同埋job duties既font size係幾多? Thank you.
Would you mention the previous job experience based in HK?
@EricCherry2 жыл бұрын
Sure. I’ve seen people detailedly describe theirs jobs in both hk and Canada. But if you have many Canadian experience, I don’t think Hong Kong experience is necessary (?)
In Canada, they emphasize bilingualism (English and French). I wouldn't mention your Chinese language skills unless it is applicable or beneficial to your job.
@dookie69092 жыл бұрын
You say they emphasize bilingualism. Is knowing chinese and english not being bilingual? You should absolutely include Chinese as one of the languages you know.
@EricCherry2 жыл бұрын
Showing that you know more languages wouldn’t hurt, but I agree we should only include things that are beneficial to the job we apply
BestOffice Gaming Chair Ergonomic PC Video Game Chair Racing Computer Chair with Lumbar Support Flip Up Arms Headrest PU Leather Executive High Back Chair a.co/d/iQkRCCF 不過要自己砌 同埋留意有運費 但之前計過連運費都比其他舖平
a note: HKers 讀 IKEA 做 "義KEA" while Canadians 讀做 "艾KEA" 😹
@el69422 жыл бұрын
Also a note, the Swedes pronounce it as "義KEA", which is the correct way. The Americans have got it all wrong.
@jeanso38202 жыл бұрын
Saying 艾KEA will be generally understood easily here in Canada; and to say it as 義-kay-uh will get you extra brownie points if you are talking to a Swede 😹
@funlo8627 Жыл бұрын
香港有好多人講I 架,本人同事有瑞典人,佢地讀法係瑞典話
@張君好2 жыл бұрын
Cherry 咁靚女,可以學香港 CV 型式,將相片印入 resume🤣 A picture is worth a thousand words