[我哋應有嘅P R lo] ,應有嘅??? 咬文嚼字地講,priority processing is different from priority granting 所有嘢嘅approval,都係base on annual quota, 西方國家一般都係咁 你哋識計PR > Local Fee,人哋一樣識計,尤其你哋口中嘅benefits,會直接hit到人哋本book,咁樣錢從何而來?
睇完啲留言,我要提醒自己:他朝當我見到加拿大再出香港人移民政策,甚至比 Stream A/B 更便利,我唔會踩低佢哋話佢哋「比我哋幸福」、「唔捱得」、「當年啲老華(港)僑更辛苦」;而係陪佢哋走移民、展開新生活嘅路。當上一代營造更好嘅環境俾下一代嘅時候,又恨不得下一代比上一代過得好,呢個邏輯係講唔過去。 我好慶幸我認識嘅加拿大(老)華僑,全部都好接納 Stream A/B 嘅 newcomers,幫佢哋加快融入呢度嘅社區,佢哋仲要加句:「In Canada, we want you to succeed」
@hoolala357 ай бұрын
講得好! 成日剩係識得demolish新一代香港移民,大家應該同舟共濟
@hoolala357 ай бұрын
@@kenl6774 咁又點 一買一賣你情我願,有咩問題?
@hoolala357 ай бұрын
@@kenl6774 你唔識以理服人就爆粗 So stup1d 我唔係stream AB,我係SUV過來嘅
@hoolala357 ай бұрын
@@kenl6774 人地IRCC一早講明港人優先立場不變,但1,2月只process了50 cases左右 If you can do the maths, it could take forever to process the backlog. 另外,你講嘅回流成功例子,20年前喎,你咩年代人呀?
加拿大政府呢個速度確實係冇可能接受。但呢個始終唔係人地欠左你,就算人地話左俾你,人地未俾到你果陣都唔係咁既態度去爭取。下下都好似命令人地咁,識唔識用返啲請求,幫忙等等呢啲字眼。乜野delay no more?? 英文冇問題,但人地知道係香港語粗口笑話既話,諗下人地會有乜感受,就算講果個冇咁既意思,人地都可以有咁既諗法,換下啲好聽既字眼啦。 香港人,加拿大係唔抵幫,但都分下莊閒先啦,去到邊都係唔分莊閒屌屌屌,真係同大陸人冇乜分別,好撚討厭,俾我都唔撚想再幫落去啦。 我對住呢啲香港人就真係delay no more 喇
每當有朋友話 PR 到, 我都同佢哋講 Welcome to share our national debt.
@TheJlee28Ай бұрын
@llamam42697 ай бұрын
我明你地擔心啲乜,我經歷過仲多,有冇諗下以前留學生嗰批拎PR,等得仲耐,仲難,仲要計分制,個分要幾高,學簽→工簽→PR, 當時亦冇 stream A, B 出現,亦冇咁著數。其實申請PR之前,最好預咗當中一定有空窗期。因為加拿大出名慢,呢個係加拿大culture, 要尊重人地culture, 好難將香港快,有效率嗰套放喺加拿大。你地可以打去IRCC問下進度或者 wed form 下,答案通常都係叫你等,只能自己調整一下心態,過期就繼簽,起碼有個合法身份留住喺度等。我都係由留學生咁捱過一步一步走過嚟,移民一定要有耐性,我都希望你地好快批到💪
@hoolala357 ай бұрын
Constructive comment!! Like But they didn’t do anything wrong. IRCC only process 50 cases per month but the backlog is more than 6000 cases up to 2023 winter You may do the maths how much time they need to process Poor them
@summer129867 ай бұрын
@ringoip25157 ай бұрын
加拿大政府發覺到這班Stream A & B 嘅人冇上世紀八九十年代嘅香港移民咁有米,所以唔喺好想批你,索性拖你,拖吓拖吓攪到你等得唔耐煩就知難而退,你估加拿大好好還境咩,搵食難,物价貴,生存仲困難過香港
因為上世紀八九十年代移民政策有企業同投資移民,普遍係吸納經濟有能力嘅香港人。依班香港人有資金又有專業資格。反觀依家stream A 同stream B 吸引只係一般收入同年青人,冇資金又冇特別專業資格。所以,加拿大政府最終未必會批依類人。
@ringoip25155 ай бұрын
@@4588stream 加拿大根本不缺乏勞工缺乏的是工作機會,最近Trudeau 話要減少移民就是要回應加國人民反對mass immigration,but it is too late, the damage to the country is already done. Vote JT out.
I am a Canadian Hongkonger as I am getting disappointed with our Liberal Government. They are allowing over 1M East Indian come to Canada in 2023 triple the numbers of other countries as a result our Canadian culture slowly destroying by them. More gangs and crimes by them. I have a bad feeling about the Hongkonger rescue program why the process is suddenly so slow may something to do with the interfere by CCP. 😢
@pw2.0387 ай бұрын
加拿大畀中國影響?定係印度徹底入侵加拿大照顧咗印度人先? 定係要接受加拿大人做嘢緩慢?
@pw2.0-li2ub7 ай бұрын
@guang37 ай бұрын
@@pw2.038俾印度入侵係好大問題, 之後搵工做嘢都會受影響
7 ай бұрын
Your country has elected this government, right?
@CanadianHongkonger7 ай бұрын
We found out there was interference at the last election done by the ccp. Our Liberal Government uses their people for investigation and ends up nothing so you tell me is it fair to use his people to investigate themselves?
federal employees work 1 day a week in office, and unwilling to RTO for 3 days/week, go figure the delay.
@SunnieWoo7 ай бұрын
@annapoontalks84307 ай бұрын
We have a saying here “we will not get what we want but we can get what we negotiate. Therefore, Hongkongers need to know you are not the only one waiting. If you came long time ago, you would get faster due to less applicants than now a days.
One suggestion for the future. The wordings “delay no more” is a Hong Kong style 粗口。Suggest to use some other words with words that can relay to Canadian. Not sure what words to suggest for now. I have been in Canada for more than 35 years.
@Carlos11167 ай бұрын
Just so rude to say delay no more to the government who gave you a new home to be honest. No one owe Hong Kong people, Canadian trying to help them out and now they are demanding PR right away. Unacceptable.
Thank you Green Bean Media . 唔好意思 借個位 Hong Kong Film Festival (Australia) 2024 Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane "Kolor Touchdown World Tour 2024 Australia " next Friday in Sydney . Thanks again Green Bean Media 🙇🙇
@miko89567 ай бұрын
補充資料 香港電影節(澳洲) Sydney 7 月 12-14 Brisbane 7 月 19-21 Melbourne 7 月26一28 電影包括: 年少日記 從今以後 好好拍電影 命案 填詞L 還有以下是主辦的 香港電影節(澳洲) Facebook 的一些內容節錄 ""「最近有不少人都跟小編查詢,澳洲好似有2 個香港電影節喎,係咪呀? 係呀,澳洲今年係有2 個香港電影節呀,觀眾們係咪好開心呢,有咁多香港電影睇👏👏👏 我地個電影節叫香港電影節(澳洲),英文名叫 Hong Kong Film Festival (Australia),簡寫為HKFFA,今年7 月在澳洲舉行 另一個電影節叫澳洲香港電影節,英文名叫 Hong Kong Film Festival In Australia,簡寫為HKFFAU,今年11 月在澳洲舉行 大家睇吓,2 個Logo 都唔同樣㗎! 咁有咩分別呀? 其中一個分別就係我地個電影節並沒有申請香港政府的資助,所以沒有ETO 的Funding,對觀眾的影響就是票價相較起來會貴一點,我們亦沒有資金邀請香港的導演和演員來現場跟觀眾分享,不過我們亦有邀請導演演員跟觀眾視像映後談🙏🙏 有2 個都係播香港電影嘅電影節,絕對係澳洲觀眾嘅福氣呀~ 今年將會有好多香港電影睇喇~~ 想睇咩?睇唔睇?有得㨂總好過個無得揀,係咪?😎😎 」””