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Ann & Him 師兄妹

Ann & Him 師兄妹

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好不容易終於係多倫多搵到工作‼️經歷過無數努力、比人呃、面試同試工等。。原來OWP Stream B真係唔係想像中咁容易!
00:48 加拿大搵工途徑5️⃣大方法搵工無難度?!
01:52 新來的朋友搵工愈來愈難?
02:21 7大搵工殘酷現實
03:26 重重難關Test & Interview
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Starry Attic-Lemon
Starry Attic-Weekend
Starry Attic- Daystar

Пікірлер: 206
@kimc2593 10 ай бұрын
我係銀行係做全加拿大既training(貸款類別), 我只係見過一個新黎既香港人,加拿大人以外請得最多係印度人…, 呢度既香港人係唔會特別請返香港人,但係印度人就唔同,佢地係好鍾意請返自己人,我建議如果想要自己既競爭力,唔好太急搵工住,比足夠時間自己認識加拿大既system,例如 報稅制度(包括self employed), 加拿大最common 既投資產品,唔同族裔會聚居係邊區,樓價走勢,退休制度, 幼稚園到大學既制度,最缺人既行業..比較有掌握了解之後再搵工, 起碼有客人或者雇主想同你chit chat 既時候可以答得比較有紋有路,我地唔會想花太多時間教一個對🇨🇦認識小既人
@simonnexus Жыл бұрын
睇KZbin 通常報喜不報憂, 欣賞你地夠坦誠, 加油!
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@sarahchan5604 Жыл бұрын
初到多倫多時,去了college 讀full time大半年。當年學費很平,才幾百加元。勝在可上課及保送職場:大機構工作實習。雖然工作時沒有人工,但有老師提點。又保送去考有關職業專科考試。老師和藹,沒丁點種族歧視。結果專業考試一次就及格。再去job fair見工,留下履歷。很快通知面試,由college老師做referee,馬上錄取。在多倫多或加拿大,英語有口音也獲聘,但定要fluent,如不夠信心,可多看英語電視。另外,也可到各區的employment center尋求協助
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
我地都想拎完PR後去進修增值下自己,多謝你既分享同建議!☺🙌🏻️搵日去employment centre了解下先~
@JL-oi8di Жыл бұрын
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@@JL-oi8di exactly! 幾百蚊學費,似六七十年代,而家D細路好慘,大學畢業要做麥當勞。
@cliffordcheng5927 Жыл бұрын
@@TheJlee28 視乎你讀乜同際遇。我個細仔四年前畢業,初時在bond trading company 超辛苦,現時做financial analyst ,年薪十多萬。
@sarahchan5604 Жыл бұрын
@jchan4035 Жыл бұрын
中意你們條片夠坦白,等未黎加拿大的香港人有心理準備👍 如果想搵多d錢、想求升職機會,我覺得留係香港好d,加拿大人工低、稅重、租貴,升職機會永遠是留比白人/印度人(因為英文勁) 除非屋企大把錢,否則來加拿大工作生活,只是燒積蓄,永遠儲唔到錢,買唔到樓。就算借錢買樓,加拿大供樓嘅息是香港一倍,永遠只係還緊利息 奉勸年青人要三思
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
多謝你欣賞同支持🙌🏻 的確,加拿大唔係賺大錢既地方,即使係專才都少發展機會。人工唔高、稅重加上租屋等生活成本真係所剩無幾🥲 所以移民真係要有心理準備同決心!
@fungsai4107 Жыл бұрын
你咁講唔係無道理 但有少少以偏概全 如果香港人本身英文好又有經驗 想升職加人工唔係無機會~~
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
".... 如果想搵多d錢、想求升職機會,我覺得留係香港好d..." This is absolutely crass and sad all at the same time. History keeps repeating itself especially for those that are totally oblivious to history.
@kittyhello4784 Жыл бұрын
SOMETHINGS WRONG. Sorry BUT AGREED AND DISAGREED WITH YOU menemen….3007. Not everyone going to immigrate starting new life is easy! Not everyone can guarantee for other people life can success all the ways through. Young people have their youth powers to try and learn different things and even might loss hope and discouraged once awhile. But never keep up and get back and keep your good attitude. Living a brand new country absolute is a good start your own adventure and try new things on your own. That is most important experiences than silver & gold. Money can’t buy all things. All base on set your own goal in a right time and right moment. Stay and keep living in Hong Kong is that still safe and good place to live? I don’t think so and so doubt about under CCP take over this City. Over worried & won’t try to get out of your own comfort zone. That won’t seem a successful and achieved grown up adult to me. You can be a loser or your own boss. That is up to you! Good luck for everyone who have a good heart to immigrate in Canada. 😊❤
@cliffordcheng5927 Жыл бұрын
加油 你哋啲片都越嚟越好睇♥️
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@AA-te8bu Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@LarryC748 Жыл бұрын
My suggestions to all HKers: 1) watch lots of TV news/KZbin everyday to learn listening and speaking English 2) know some local English speaking friends and talk to them regularly. 3) offer yourself to be a Volunteer in non-profitable organizations (i.e. food bank) to help to interact with people. You need to build up your English skill to be more confident. Canadian slogan: Work Hard, Play Hard
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind suggestion!💙 I am interested to be a volunteer in the future after having a stable job🥹🙌🏻
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
Just start speaking and hanging out with the locals. Make friends with local speakers. Starting out with making one friend. Then two. Then three. Don't just hanging out with Hong Kongers. If you keep mingling majority fo the time with Hong Kongers who only speak Cantonese then no way no how one can improve their command of the English language.
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@@menemenetekelupharsin3007 你有冇做,點解啲文法錯曬自己都唔知好搞笑,係咪美國政府冇俾藥你食,所以係度幻想。
@josephinechiu5585 Жыл бұрын
喜歡睇你哋片,好真實,努力💪. 努力💪
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@佐治-m9s Жыл бұрын
好似問題係英文度. 不如試下麥當勞等 又可以感受外國職場又係正式工(報稅等等都係要學習) 最最重要係鍛煉一下英文同埋可以認識local人. 加油阿!
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
的確😂 我現在都返緊客戶服務性行業,每日努力咁用英文交流,希望長遠英文有所提升💪🏻多謝你!
@JL-oi8di Жыл бұрын
@florencesim336 Жыл бұрын
我仔今年19歲,大學Year 2, 佢已經來多倫多9年,3文2語非常流利,佢11班做西人burger連鎖店,頭30小時training無人工,train完入職做只有10蚊現金,老闆一直唔肯比min pay及票支,做左1年升到$12蚊cash冇做,本來佢想去告老闆追回差價,結果都無告因為怕煩。 12班暑期佢去西人朱古力工廠打現金工$15,係經大陸agent出糧,早7晚7,-星期五日。之後收工返西人炸鷄店到早上11、12點,佢以為自己夠1年大學洗費,原來2、3個月已經用光。 加拿大做嘢辛苦過香港,大陸D中介收你1、2個月人工介紹費,填表又收錢,什麼也收錢,這是非法的。 很多工作地址係假,工又係假,小心華人網站。 佢D西人朋友同學,都係做地盤、剪草、裝修,因為人工高少少,$20支票工,大部份西人大學或college學生,父母都要佢哋分擔部份大學開支,我個仔都一樣唔例外。 你哋加油啦💪,總會有好嘅一天來臨。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
好真實既分享!多謝你,我地都聽講過唔少本地學生都過得唔容易,大學好似易入難畢業,畢業都未必搵到相關專業工作等等。 我地搵過既中介收費的確係咁高,而且對方好似都唔太專業,講野好空泛唔太幫到手,所以最後都係靠自己努力左先。 多謝你既鼓勵🙌🏻睇得出你仔仔都好努力,而你都好相信同支持佢!💪🏻我地都唔會放棄,會不繼嘗試直到搵到出路!😊💪🏻
@florencesim336 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 加拿大升college 或大學不難,入名校及熱門科非常難。 College 平少少,大學不平。讀書係比香港非常容易,老師也比較有愛。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@willycky9 Жыл бұрын
第一份工真係唔好太揀擇, 志在儲鐘儲本地經驗, 騎牛揾馬, 最緊要間公司係行足勞工法例出糧 仲有有返收入個人都定啲
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@Jarvis816 Жыл бұрын
加油💪🏻💪🏻support you all
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
Thank you!你地兩個都係呀~💪🏻☺️
@1997lams 6 ай бұрын
@AnnHim_daily 4 ай бұрын
@wongcherie1691 Жыл бұрын
我嚟咗五年,頭兩年讀書,之後我每一份工都冇靠關係,仍都冇打華人工。我覺得外國人嘅公司比較均真,break 同lunch break都一定俾足你。香港人,step out of your comfort zone. 慢慢一定揾到一份較理想嘅工作。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@adammak4353 Жыл бұрын
@wongcherie1691 Жыл бұрын
@@adammak4353 我份工同我學歷冇乜關係呢😅
@adammak4353 Жыл бұрын
@@wongcherie1691 咁你就犀利啦师兄!
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@@adammak4353 五年前經濟好
@JLauChannel Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@088dab Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily I don't know if you can apply for government jobs. Most likely you can. Google about federal or provincial gov. job boards. You may have to start from the lowest gov. pay grade level though, assuming you are qualified to apply. Hope you can.
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@@menemenetekelupharsin3007 OWP can’t get hired for public positions as it’s not the original idea, unless they have specialized skills highly demanded. I doubt it’s the case. Stop telling BS. You dunno their situation and how tough it is to survive here.
@TsangWaterolive 3 ай бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Ай бұрын
@tracyhe7880 9 ай бұрын
唔好执着搵返本行,毕竟市场需求唔同,就算你有咁嘅能力同经验都无职位俾你。不如趁年轻去尝试唔同嘅野,你会搵到另外一遍天。打华人工唔使抗拒,就当攞经验,写靓份履历,因为就算系刻薄的T&T,在其他雇主眼中都系有名嘅大机构。我黎左24年嘞,都系咁过来嘅,宜家有两间美容院。黎之前系做地产,加拿大第一份工系做Food court。
@AnnHim_daily 7 ай бұрын
@Heamom Жыл бұрын
你哋搞創作嘅本身響加拿大發展機會就唔大,我認識有啲朋友畢咗業之後都係返香港先搵到嘢做 希望你哋可以盡快搵到自己鍾意嘅工作,加油,多謝分享 ❤
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
我哋喺香港做咗幾年creative production and social media先過黎,希望可以喺外國闖出一片天🥹多謝你支持!🙌🏻🧡
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
點解加拿大搞創作機會不大,不是有政府撐咩?好多 art and media grants 架!未 localize 啫。
@wilsc6405 Жыл бұрын
Wonder if NGOs or charitable organisations will need your services, like SUCCESSBC (this one is out of province), or Christian churches. At least theres lower chance they will scam you? Also don’t be shy about sharing your experiences through stories and themes and vision for your career, like how you may be motivated by service and helping others, enhancing communication for clients/the company etc. Hoping for the best for your job hunt. It will get better. With your optimism, perseverance, and resilience, you guys will do well in the long run. Looking forward to that day and hope you will still be making videos then!
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your sincere suggestions and encouragement! So warm to hear that!🥹🥹 We hope and believe that it will get better soon❣️
@jj18318 Жыл бұрын
之前有個新朋友做creative media行業,都無fulltime,得parttime請佢,佢最後返左香港。 今年搵工的確比以往難,開關頭1年,好多香港人都係1個月內搵到工。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
好悲哀🥲做Creative/ Production黎到呢邊真係會自我懷疑咪讀錯科、入錯行🤣🤣希希我地捱到一年啦!😣
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
而家全部 AI 化,你 upgrade 下
@patrickl2960 Жыл бұрын
聽講有d 人會上linkedin 約coffee chat, 出黎build up左connection, 之後有位有機會時refer你入去,不過invite人coffee chat同溝通都係一門技巧,唔好比人覺得你太有目的性
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@geniusgary Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@geniusgary Жыл бұрын
課左二千蚊,份工做左兩個月係回唔到本,只係個人覺得你resume上寫左有加拿大經驗真係有幾大差距,至少多左phone screen
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@geniusgary Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily都係架, 再唔係就考慮返教會,我教會有個姊妹介紹過兩份華人公司俾我太太,雖然係廢工但係至少儲住鐘先。
@cliffordcheng5927 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@sfmarine5824 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@johnconstantine1246 Жыл бұрын
唐人店出名衰,知你申請移民,俾你人工低過min pay。平時做生意就只收cash唔報稅。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
各取所需就要被人利用🥲我地都經歷過好多「試用期」最低工資都無,pay cash都拖既工
@johnconstantine1246 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily“個社會係西,你都唔洗做西人” - 窄路微塵
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
Yes ar
@kaigary2306 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@meifookingkwan Жыл бұрын
其實你們從事 Creative Media 和 Design 相關創意產業工作,有沒有考慮轉去英國發展而不是加拿大?我自己從事電影有關工作,我所認識從事多媒體創作和影視製作的新近移民英國的朋友, 基本上全部都做回自己本行,有些人薪金比在香港時更高。始終英國和倫敦的創意產業比加拿大蓬勃很多,這邊比較着重你的 portfolio 和 showreel 多於你的 presentation skills,工作機會也較多。 而你們在多倫多的租金和生活費其實和倫敦也相差無幾, 如果你們合乎BNO資格,對於創意產業從業員,其實轉去英國可能是比較好的選擇。 這只是我的個人意見。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
多謝你真誠既建議!🥹我地有朋友做開production去左英國都有唔少機會且發展得幾好!感覺加拿大呢邊藝術創作既發展、需求同支持都未及英國🇬🇧 不過可惜既係我無BNO,只有師兄有😂🥲
@Avaava4905 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@ianwong31 Жыл бұрын
比個唔好既經驗大家,我比前顧主拖左近一年既糧,MLITSD開左FILE,佢都仲未比,MLITSD都仲未追到數,MLITSD都講明唔一定追到100%既錢,而且如果你交左比MLITSD就唔可以再搵律師告個顧主。可以分享既係,盡量記錄多D你顧主既資料,佢個名,車牌等。有唔妥,走,當然,向MLITSD開FILE係一定要做,當體驗下經歷下,重點係,唔可以比呢D顧主得逞,愈多人開佢FILE,我諗MLITSD會更落力(一廂情願咁諗,HAHA)。如果出糧要2個星期既最低工資工,唔好做。會低過最低工資都唔好做,因為咁少錢都要兩個星期出,公司唔係有問題,就係老闆有問題,連最低工資都比唔起,佢個品唔會好得去邊,到時有咩拗撬,佢會好無恥地同你玩,可能佢地有D已係老手,聽聞手搖杯店最嚴重。E+,我既前顧主間舖仲生龍活虎地做緊生意。 同樣比個算好經驗,E+份工,試工都係比最低工資,出糧係五日之後。 加油大家!
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
好誇張!拖左成年糧😱人在異地真係唔可以輕鬆信人,同埋做多幾步保障自己! 多謝你既分享同提醒🔔真係好警世,好在你現在有個好著落🙏🏻加油大家💪🏻💪🏻
@JL-oi8di Жыл бұрын
@hlleung Жыл бұрын
I worked as accountant in the marketing digital agency in Vancouver. It is local North American corporation. Most of my ex colleagues have good strong communication skills. They need to work with the corporate clients to organize their marketing and promotional strategy by email, and face to face talk or other social media communication channels
@sarahchan5604 Жыл бұрын
如有興趣,可考慮做health care aid 或幼教,時薪應有約20元,甚至可能僱主提供training,邊學邊做
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@bowieboestang9626 Жыл бұрын
@sarahchan5604 Жыл бұрын
Carefirstontario:vocational training 可向耆暉會查詢
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
PSW and early education 要本地証書
@leoho4102 10 ай бұрын
thank you for your sharing
@AnnHim_daily 10 ай бұрын
You’re welcome!!☺️
@mr.baphomet-fpv Жыл бұрын
加油呀 我以前係澳洲工作同生活 都係需要強既英文skills 唔係文法上既問題 係對答要準,簡潔 不過加國唔知係唔係行呢套
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@36993020 8 ай бұрын
有個搞錯呀!agency係收僱主錢,唔係收candidate錢㗎喎!另一個俾$8一個鐘嘅又係華人… 應該都呃人! 加拿大本地人好軍真,華人反而衰,所以唔好同華人打工。 英文其實可以學得好快,你多啲英語嘅朋友睇多啲英文電視劇其實一般對答pick up得好快。 最後唔好諗住香港有後路,香港點好點好。回憶總是美好的,你用香港最好嘅階段做benchmark好容易覺得香港會好啲。但係諗真啲,如果香港經濟超級好,你哋兩個嘅工作喺未來都會好有上游機會,你哋都未必會走啦!
@whiteben1908 Жыл бұрын
可能好難聽,但係你既能力如何,你既前路也必如何。好多stream b黎既人本身係香港都唔係做d咩工,隨時月入20k都冇,又點可能覺得黎到加拿大就會好有前景?基層工有大把土生土長加拿大人或者南亞人同你爭,人地就算能力同你差不多,起碼英文好過你,我係請人都唔會請佢地啦。反而我識個d係香港做開d正常甚至專業工種,未到30都搵起碼30幾40k個班,大部份係度都搵得返唔錯既工。人工可能低過香港,但起碼收入同local睇齊。成日話係度搵工難..有冇諗過根本係自己能力不足?
@jasonpoon2558 11 ай бұрын
@d.s.dathaniel7552 9 ай бұрын
華人唔華人 你黎得歐美就應該放低人種既分別 特別係你最需要重新適應既時候 更加唔應該成日群住同你一樣既人 你要群住亞洲人留係亞洲咪隨時隨地都做到
@jiangken388 Жыл бұрын
My two-cent: you need to put a lot of efforts in improving your speaking Engslih while you are looking for a new job. There are many choices out there. Chinese owned companies should be the last to consider if you want a decent job.
@chyfour Жыл бұрын
加拿大生活真係好貴 依家打份牛工好sad 😢
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@chaiyin1513 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 若果可以搵到人夾租, 可以慳到啲。舉個例,而家多倫多一房租金大約$2200, 而1+1大約$2500. 如果間1+1裏面個Den夠大嘅話,就可以住到兩個人,每人即係$1250。即是比起一個人租一房慳咗$950.
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@chyfour Жыл бұрын
@@chaiyin1513 已經夾緊租, 生活習慣唔夾, 好難頂😓
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
係咪本來唔識 網上搵既roommate?
@rockylee6750 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@Sdragon168 Жыл бұрын
我已經40,香港做切雞,仲要去Winnipeg, 頭兩年打華人工做screen printer, 以前會幫下人設計衫graphic, 但嚟到變左幫人印衫,但係轉𨍭下又可以去做番切雞!所以咩都試下啦!我西人公司clepip都係6分😂 但加拿大經驗真係重要!🤞🏻
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@CanleungCan 9 ай бұрын
@AnnHim_daily 7 ай бұрын
@CanleungCan 7 ай бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 多謝妳呀
@lawrance1189 Жыл бұрын
我黎左英國幾個月 網上係勁多scam😅 最後都去左工厰到做😂
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@walnoremac Жыл бұрын
Go local work agency , you don’t have to pay any money. The employer pay work agency , not worker
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
That’s a good news!! Do I need to contact them through website or LinkedIn?
@walnoremac Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily both work . Also u can google the job agency in Toronto. There are so many in Toronto. If you looking for some specific job , find local agency is more easier. Never suggest the Chinese one.
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@@walnoremac Thank you for the useful advice!! We will try it☺️🙌🏻
@evalaw7824 Жыл бұрын
@지나간외국인 Жыл бұрын
唉 美國工作機會多啲 但係移民難過登天... 加拿大就掉返轉... 拎住個美國physics phd又零工作經驗零積蓄 睇黎我都係要返香港...
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@kelvinyu188 11 ай бұрын
未入30 諗緊如果搵啲包co-op既diploma course讀會唔會對增加本地經驗有幫助...
@matatetsufu772 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily 7 ай бұрын
Thank you!🙌🏻
@dan5919 Жыл бұрын
$8 一個鐘 ? 餐館工 如果係現金 嘅嗎, 有時係 13 蚊一個鐘, 有時係 14蚊一個鐘, 有時候係 15元 一個鐘. 每間餐館 都唔同, 而且仲要睇 自己嘅經驗.
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@kitgary Жыл бұрын
想問甚麼公司可以count時數?我現在香港的公司想係加拿大開分公司請返我,能夠計stream b時數嗎?有冇要求公司要請幾多人,開左幾耐?我係網上揾唔到相闗資訊,如果有人了解,想請教下大家!感謝!
@lokleung1350 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@darknightes14 Жыл бұрын
岩呀 WHS 比人當水魚都話可以搵過份~佢地一知你要移民草時數 真係渣住你粒蛋, 同僱主擔保無分別, 拎身份再返香港都係可行既~ 第日有咩冬瓜豆腐都可以閃先囉
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
係呀,好多老闆知你要儲時數拎身份就min pay要你咩都做
@villager138 Жыл бұрын
Canadian Staffing Agencies only charge employer searching fee. Job seekers don't have to pay agent fee. Don't let the chinese staffing agencies scam you. I use agency such as Adecco, Roevin, Noramtech, Agilus, Spirit Staffing, TRS Staffing,......Get to know some friends in Canada (chinese, or Hong Kong), stay away from scammers...
@dovemc6452 Жыл бұрын
真正的"midtown” like Eglinton and young 比平downtown 區貴很多。
@veraip263 Жыл бұрын
1. 你唔係加拿大讀書,就算你香港做乜,都好大機會都冇可能做返老本行。2. 响加拿大搵工真係識人好過識字。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@veraip263 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 可能佢冇人事啩。
@JL-oi8di Жыл бұрын
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily What did your ex-colleague major in at TU?
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
@idgashxxhaha6973 Жыл бұрын
你好, 想請問T4個稅單係咪每個月老細都會俾出黎? 因為我都驚interview佢話會報, 如果做一排先知佢冇出T4就真係瀨野😂
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
一般情況,老闆每個月都會比一份Pay stub比員工以便將來填T4💡最好面試時就問清楚係咪交稅、出Pay stub同填到T4✅問清問楚先好返工!如果老闆答得模棱兩可就小心為妙啦😂
@dovemc6452 Жыл бұрын
除非打黑工,或公司無註冊,(黑公司?),否則一定會出T4, 第一張pay cheque 就會show 到。如果咁唔好彩是"黑工",keep 張pay cheque as record 証據,自己報稅,可以補上。
@tsetse6977 Жыл бұрын
黎緊9月會黎多倫多, 想了解多啲, 怕到時我地都搵唔到工做 係咪服務性行業都咁難搵? 見到INDEED好多都請CASHIER/SERVER, 你地係試過晒都冇回音?
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
我地無係Indeed Apply試過Cashier/Server既工😂一黎我地無呢行經驗,二黎Indeed多數外國公司都Prefer請返外國人。如果你有呢行經驗,加上英文好好都可以一試~
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@tsetse6977 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily如果真係搵唔到, 係打算藥石亂投, 乜野都做下 BTW岩岩係INDEED打cantonese會出Markham同Richmond hill個邊工, 可以試下apply(如果近)
@wallaceleung2654 Жыл бұрын
我中年人來左年幾,舊年搵工,本行全冇聲氣,連服務業都好難搵,上 indeed 基本上都石沉大海,去行超市商場貼街招,試過有回音肯請,做執貨員 若年紀唔細,來加拿大著眼點是工作,建議你趁未嚟,試下再諗清楚係咪想嚟,多數失望居多
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@@wallaceleung2654 係呀,服務性行業識兩文三語都算易搵
@leelee8877ify Жыл бұрын
加拿大好需要本地工作經驗。將心比己。你都會去諗清楚請唔請嗰啱啱嚟到香港。又無喺香港做過嘢嘅人去做嘢啦。Downtown 無工作經驗搵工會真心難。又會俾人壓榨 我有好多朋友都起TNT到做。佢哋會肯請返香港人 同點都會$16起跳 但都係Markham呢邊😢😢😢
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@leelee8877ify Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 係丫。downtown TNT內部講明唔請香港人。因為好多香港人做一年就走。做壞晒。🥲🥲🥲
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
好慘🥲呢個係Stream B既無奈,其實大家都肯捱肯做,但又對前途抱有一絲希望,覺得仲有更多可能性,所以先儲完時數再另覓出路😣
@leelee8877ify Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 係丫。其實係正常既。但對比其他人。唔關佢地事。佢地唔想下下做多左野。煩多左野。所以呢排都聽到好多香港人。 搵唔到工🥲🥲🥲
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@@leelee8877ify 其實工作都有既🤣 到加拿大我前前後後都返過4份,但offer係點同合唔合Stream B要求就另一回事😬
@mikehlt Жыл бұрын
@jyzzyee4692 9 ай бұрын
@aircharter1852 Жыл бұрын
Folks, first and foremost, improve and strenghten your English communication skills. U get to be as good as most Canadians if not better. A good command of English will help u land a decent job.
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your suggestion! We will keep learning and practicing to improve it! ☺️🙌🏻
@hungpakchan8029 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@Dina-ve9vv Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@angelalai446 Жыл бұрын
@lhc5113 Жыл бұрын
糖水舖最低工資都無? 糖X 定係X記?
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
正係近日引起好大風波嗰間😅 awful experience!
@lhc5113 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 介唔介意私底下同你地傾兩句?😂
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@chuminchu7424 Жыл бұрын
@NANA-jg7fl Жыл бұрын
烏克蘭 印度 人材 ? 有既佢個國家唔會咁啦,真喺以為離開香港咁爽,係既話個個去啦
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
Well I am convinced you obviously don't have what it takes to make it in Canada. You seem like a very good fit for some third world countries though. "真喺以為離開香港咁爽"
@NANA-jg7fl Жыл бұрын
番香港囉 門常開 哈哈哈
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
Min. wage is the law. It could be a provincial or a federal law or both. You can double check to make sure. The rest. you worked for basically took advantage of you two because you guys are new comers to Canada. Don't ever let this happened to yourself again in the future. It's most unfortunate for you to get robbed like this. Any employers that knowingly on purpose to underpay their employees no doubt had committed a criminal offense. I believe you have the right to sue these people. On another note you two are still very young. So don't get discouraged easily. Stay flexible. Keeping an open mind on potential job opportunities. Life is never easy. Keep trying. You are right about to not expect to be able to find jobs similar to what you did before. That boat has long set sailed for many Hong Kongers especially now that there are so many living in Canada competing for the same piece of pie. You may want to consider going back to school to get a new skill or to earn a practical degree. Not a full blown degree but short courses for example. I don't know your particular situations so going back to school to get some much needed trainings, skill upgrade may not be the best course of actions for you two at the moment. But worth a second look though if feasible. Canada overall is a fantastic country to live and work. I think your bad work experience had left a sour taste in your mouth about Canada overall albeit your very limited time living there. Don't give up. Keep trying. Keep chugging along. Time is on your side. We all undertand that starting a new life in a new country is never easy for many folks unless you are a kid. Yeah, definitely lots of pressure especially when you are spending money every minute of the day instead of having a job making money. Again, don't get discouraged. Keep trying. Keep working at it. Lastly, don't even bothered working for any Mainland Chinese owned companies. Sorry. Color me biased but it is wise to stay away from them. Afterall, they don't instill much confidence in others from around the world cause they have a way less than stellar track record for everyone to see. On the other hand, companies by Hong Kongers? May be, if you feel they can be trusted. Good luck. In a few year down the road when you look back you will tell yourself "Yeah, it was tough in the beginning, but we made the right life decision for our futures." Lastly, learn to appreciate what Canada can offer you and what you can offer Canada. It's a two way street. Build your root in Canada and try your best to assimilate and become productive members of a great country. You two seem to have the right aptitude and attitude to be able to succeed in your new host country. Stay strong. Stay positive. Saty hopeful about your future. As long as you are willing to put forth the effort you two will definitely make it. Is it going to be easy? Absolutely not!!! Remember - LEARN TO LOVE CANADA. That's your secret to build a happy life and future in Canada. All the best. Take care.
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for your long positive and supportive comments!!! 🥹Your encouragement and suggestions give us hope and faith to the future in Canada! It’s such as unforgettable and valuable lessons for new comers! We will be more smart to protect our right under the laws, keep trying and seeking the better way to live in Canada 🇨🇦 It’s so true that starting a new life in the place that we never been before is really hard, especially without enough money and no relationships. However as you said, we will always be flexible and open minded to new cultures and life💪🏻 I believe that any hard and bad experiences will be a good memory after many years when I look back. Thank you sincerely again! There’s so many energy between the lines and we got it 💞😊
@darren897653 Жыл бұрын
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Hi I am 師兄!Thank you so much for your support and positive energy! I want to tell you that I finally found a job! And it's related to my professional ! Before another video released, I want you to be the first person on internet know this good news! Even though the office located in Mississauga I still very grateful for this opportunity! Thank you for your encouragement always!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@menemenetekelupharsin3007 Жыл бұрын
@@darren897653Hey Darren, thanks for the heads-up about the good news. Mega congrats. Though it's a long commute for you. But hang in there. It's a start. Many of us want you guys to succeed in your newly adopted home country. God Bless!!! *:))
@woojason9699 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@woojason9699 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 明白了,感觉你们可以先读college比较好找,当然努力肯定会收获
@woojason9699 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 不好意思,顺便可否问下,你们有在多伦多找过housekeeper这个工作吗,也就是酒店房间打扫,其实我觉得收入蛮不错的,谢谢。
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@woojason9699 有了解過~ 收入確是不錯又穩定,而且很多偏遠地區的酒店更會提供包住宿和膳食的福利👍🏻
@woojason9699 Жыл бұрын
@@AnnHim_daily 是的,我看很多香港人也在做这个,你们不一定要在多伦多
@King-bx5xt 8 ай бұрын
Go home.
@Live.at.the.moment Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
@dannycheng394 Жыл бұрын
@AnnHim_daily Жыл бұрын
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