ILSC is the best!! Highly recommended. They do have many activities after school and many options for elective classes!! Teachers are excellent just like you said:) As a former student there, TBH, that was one of the best experiences I had in Vancouver:) Btw, I did have many classmates from other countries, such as Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. But yeah, there are many Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese students as well :)
自己目前正在這個學校上學,同學真的都日本人居多,老師們人都很nice,但有的老師你能明顯感覺到他上課比較不用心就是照著課本唸,還有每個老師對於level up的標準非常懸殊,這對於要趕快進college的學生來說真的不太公平(你明明程度達到了因為老師不同就可能無法level up ,有的學生明顯程度很差但因為遇到很nice的老師也給level up,然後你下一個level又會遇到這個很爛的學生,另外超過兩個月待在同一級就會是上重複的課)不過學校是第一週上課可以選擇要不要換課,只要你的理由ok基本上學校不會給你不換課,大概就這樣,還是歡迎台灣的同學來,只是入學考拜託好好考了!不然會像我一樣覺得前兩個月太簡單好像浪費時間~