街市終極死場?空置率極高嘅街市就係元朗市中心 馬鞍山錦英苑街市猶如死城|城市遊走 元朗、馬鞍山

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8 ай бұрын

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@user-mk8sh4gg6p 8 ай бұрын
@TonyWong-ez9oc 8 ай бұрын
@HEBEFACE 8 ай бұрын
@user-mk8sh4gg6p 8 ай бұрын
@@HEBEFACE 下次逢我留言你就乖乖置頂喇。😄
@loma7919 8 ай бұрын
@user-mk8sh4gg6p 8 ай бұрын
@@loma7919 你都on9,明知長期唔開,你仲去影你老母條鬼!擺明借意想唱衰?
@derrickcheung9115 8 ай бұрын
@yukeungtse6370 8 ай бұрын
@kennethlee9098 8 ай бұрын
@derrickcheung9115 8 ай бұрын
@@yukeungtse6370 懂😎😎😎
@ledsimkywong4610 8 ай бұрын
貪官玩嘢啦 .. #80年代覆式內園加建一間浴廁, 被空中監察機發現, 即要拆走 . #僭建罰款是跟市值地價 ? 公僕製造 .. 港難 ! 僭建, 舊樓維修 .. 港人個個有機成受害人 ! 2017 張建宗 9 物業去了哪 ! (16 萬公務員- 囤屋..囤廠房..囤農地.. ) #港人被害亡就無地葬 高永文/貪官 / 老千/ 大蠱惑 害港人 死不能葬 , 死不能息 . 在位時, 大搞特搞製造骨灰龕問題, 狂拃死人錢. 陳肇始又扮不知, 双双拍拍屁股走人, 十多年留下一大堆屎沒人處理. 害港人 死不能葬 , 死不能息 . 多少冤魂在望鄉台上魂不散 ! #大嶼 沿地鐵線好多地 .. 即起樓. 用百年也用不完. 失聲 ???
@rchan8721 8 ай бұрын
要篩選愛角愛講人士嘛。。 。
@nwai34 8 ай бұрын
成個錦英商場業權又房屋處轉領展, 領展再賣比私人公司後, 管理差到核爆, 地磚爛又唔整, 成個場又殘又舊 租又貴, 人口又老化, 個街市搵鬼黎租咩!! 成個屋苑可以話係香港縮影, 香港人值得擁有~!! 錦英依D奇呢廢老場你都搵到黎影, 好野~HEBE 加油!~
@laicarson 8 ай бұрын
我係錦英長大,由中一住到三十幾歲先搬走。 起初未有新港城同馬鐵的時候,大家係會留返係錦英買餸,不過慢慢地人口老化,加上有免費穿梭巴落新港城,大家都轉去新港城買餸了。
@aronnepang01 8 ай бұрын
依家免費巴都cut 左好多
@paulsher4648 8 ай бұрын
宜安街街市於1999年建成,以前裕民坊清拆前有很多食肆,非常熱鬧,幾十年前的宜安街是一條行人很少的內街。現在觀塘最多食肆大概是宜安街一帶,而宜安街街市亦成為為區內主要街市,是一座兩層建築,街市共設65個檔位,並設有天台兒童遊樂場。 勁浪費超死場, 有時間可以去睇下, 感謝您!
@MrKujowu 8 ай бұрын
實情係鉅發大廈興建時同時興建同益街巿,即係鉅發大廈嘅住宅平台係街巿一樓嘅天花。而時間久遠平台失修不停滲水落街巿,不過鉅發大廈業主立案法團一直拖延維修平台所以每逢落兩都災難一樣。 街巿管有人係政府產業處,用咗過百萬响一樓天花裝咗網防止石矢因鉅發大廈平台滲水引致石屎剝落而有人命傷亡之類,所以一樓差唔多係唔租出去就係咁解 而法團成員都繼續無視滲水問題。
@paulchan5505 8 ай бұрын
我現於元朗區居住,在馬鞍山長大,睇返呢集,Hebe你正正係去了令我有共鳴的2個地方,多謝+辛苦Hebe你😄😄。 錦英街巿空置原因,有網友講中了point,那我不再重覆留言了。
@user-yq2wu1mr8r 8 ай бұрын
@carsonkan5695 8 ай бұрын
@aaaa-oc7tw 8 ай бұрын
幾年前行山上馬鞍山山頂,除左恒安邨作為起點之外,就係喺錦英苑食個早餐先上山,可以唔駛行一段斜路,慳番少少體力。覺得成個錦英苑包括商場同屋苑都好有特色,可能同地理位置有關。亦都係呢個原因,錦英苑落成初期真係命名為馬鞍台,聽個名以為係啲私人樓樓盤咁,當堂high class左。
@lilyling637 8 ай бұрын
@Terry_McKinney 8 ай бұрын
@neihomai8 8 ай бұрын
1987年啟用之洪水橋臨時街市,臨時了36年之久 😂
@Terry_McKinney 8 ай бұрын
@@neihomai8 臨時無上限😂
@viscourtroy 8 ай бұрын
唔講唔知道..., thx!
@Terry_McKinney 8 ай бұрын
@@viscourtroy 客氣😊
@cannychan8191 8 ай бұрын
@@neihomai8 根本規劃有問題~~
@peterkwok3515 8 ай бұрын
(錦英)好多原因 租貴, 又要1年1簽, 甚至唔同你傾續租, 凍肉鋪燒味鋪就係咁迫走左 冷氣壞左唔整(聽講係唔捨得拎7位數字出黎), 勁熱, 豬肉檔魚檔根本頂唔順, 聽魚檔講夏天熱到活魚過唔到夜 生果檔菜檔可能見街市唔對路, 搬左出去商場(惠康隔蘺) 惡性循環, 街市愈黎愈少鋪>愈黎愈少人入去>再愈黎愈少鋪, 咪搞到依家咁, 唔大裝修翻新, 覺得冇救
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
What the hell is happening? It is so bad ! And then, that area, near the sea, I could see the pollution now? From the building work as well... And that ends the fishing sector. This is SO bad !!! And so, then you guys are forced to get frozen meat... and that itself is also, unworkable, cos you add an extra costs on top of this as well... No wonder everything has gone wrong.. cos they didn't think about the consequences... and now, here we are. A city without food ? No wonder Compass came in.. and with the recently flooding as well... !ckf... the sewages came flushing out? OMG... Chi sin.... Really bad. And now, even cars are damaged. So are people able to claim back car insurances then ???... It is like a collapsed state. It was already a risky city to begin with.. and people are not paying ball.... It's not easy to run this kind of city. So what are people sabotaging their own futures as well ? I read that... Astra Zeneca is going to open in China. I hope that it is in HK somewhere. Also, why and how come I didn't even know that Rolls Royce was there too with its engineering.... why didn't the other smaller businesses do B2Bs as well ?? Or have researches with the local unis ??? It's very bad... I don't get it. For a small city, it doesn't even integrate. When people don't integrate, then use the laws.
@amaghk 8 ай бұрын
@HEBEFACE 8 ай бұрын
@Kitdailylife 8 ай бұрын
@hardysyiucheong 8 ай бұрын
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
HK needs a market competition authorities. This can't carry on...
@avis5463 8 ай бұрын
其一啦,後生果啲又唔想接手做 。
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
@@avis5463: It's very easy to solve this situation. A few things need to happen. 1) HK government controls the registration of suppliers in and out of the city. So therefore, each time a company registers, then these small business holders could get access to them via their own master database. 2) Mobile application for government stalls. Sure.. a lot of people does not know whether you can or cannot rent a site, and you don't know who to go to or which actual government dept to access to. Then, if there are "inspectors" that can provide "one stop shop" to register ON the day to speed up access and setup. Then this can potentially allows you to have a higher turnover as well ? 3) Advertising/Marketing campaigns, that small holders could also offer and big for. 4) Many buildings need to be knocked back down, if they are not used. But turned into either public park, or public artitecture or gardens. But it is still worth its value, and let that be integrated with the government's budget and have loans or banks backing them to slowly depreciate in value or whatever. This is something the financial governor needs to deal with in his yearly budget.... 5) Satelite towns like this need to also have access to mobile network. So therefore a mask needs to be there, or other. 6) Government needs to have projects or bids, that these regional and functional areas, could potentially bid as jobs or for jobs.... So therefore it increases job prospects.... and potentially also market values etc.
@Mr.M0821 8 ай бұрын
當年賣左比領匯 每個街市都叫苦連天 由其係我以前住既耀安邨 由以前好大個街市 變到依家連街市都冇埋!都慣曬!
@kyc87d 8 ай бұрын
前錦英居民揮手 👋 肉檔、衣紙舖、跌打舖、魚檔、生果檔 馬鞍臺街市房屋署年代已經有,但麻麻o地,啲o野貴又唔靚,仲要感覺幾污糟 幾年之後 (九十年代中) 新港城開o左之後已經謝謝o地 當年附近商場新港城、馬鞍山廣場、頌安都有提供免費巴士去錦英 基本上居民都係搭免費車去其他地方買 但最致命係領展將錦英街市、停車場賣o左俾建華 (商場唔肯定有冇賣埋) 之後就瘋狂加租到入面僅餘o既地產舖、跌打舖、生果舖都頂唔住變o左死場 而家商場間茶記上網睇話係o係街市搬出o黎,佳佳隔離果間 另外,街市出面個箭咀,o係錦英開邨果陣已經有,房屋署年代產物o黎,都三十幾歲o架啦 另另外開邨果陣馬鞍山附近路牌都係寫馬鞍臺,唔係寫錦英,搭的士講錦英的士佬唔識去 --- 錦英原本有個區佬做o左好多年,但最後衰貪污,問屋邨邨巴攞錢入o左冊 後來俾白鴿丁仕元插o左旗但冇乜作為,走o左佬之後而家好似俾禮義廉搞掂o左 呢排好似準備天價維修
@tuzzledtuzzled1735 8 ай бұрын
有國際名牌時裝進駐呢個街市一定係高級街市嚟啦 食環署管理嘅場必定旺到七彩啦畀領展更厲害🎉
@TheTonykk 8 ай бұрын
@castmo 8 ай бұрын
@dtsai1584 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@user-np5jc8yj8l 8 ай бұрын
辛苦了,即日拍,即日剪,即日出片 😮
@xyz-pf1yz 8 ай бұрын
我在錦英住了差不多10年,由初入伙開始,已沒有住。已不知道搞成咁樣。嚇死。 可能真的是反映香港。 死場。結業。玩完。
@ericpoon5323 8 ай бұрын
@HEBEFACE 8 ай бұрын
@matthew06291 8 ай бұрын
@genji0977 8 ай бұрын
我鐘意最後一句, 有POINT
@manfailo8432 8 ай бұрын
@garycheung1010 8 ай бұрын
@TimothyYNWA 8 ай бұрын
成條片亮點係睇緊channel C 🤣👍👍👍
@keithncw1125 7 ай бұрын
@sunng1283 8 ай бұрын
@Terry_McKinney 8 ай бұрын
@huilapsan 8 ай бұрын
@user-ip9gz5pk4o 8 ай бұрын
@manfieldmflo7207 8 ай бұрын
@pollyleung2402 8 ай бұрын
作為錦英苑街坊,終於等到你來😅 30年前好興旺,之後轉了領展就攪成咁。 舊年仲有多幾間舖,之後傳開老人院就摺剩尼3檔😢
@HEBEFACE 8 ай бұрын
@jimting 8 ай бұрын
地契好難改到, 領展好多舊村都有計劃過將停車場改做老人院, 不過冇一個做到.
@pollyleung2402 8 ай бұрын
所以得個”傳”字, 但就趕走好多商戶😢 附近利安邨街市前兩年都好旺,真的轉了老人院同724健身室,即刻靜晒😫
@ilovebluesky0718 8 ай бұрын
@pollyleung2402 8 ай бұрын
近就新港城或恒安 懶就錦英惠康或網購 想食又平又多選擇海鮮就要坐85M出黃大仙大成街市買了
@ansonjai926 8 ай бұрын
我建議做一個系列就係做食環下嘅街市 即係你呢條片呢種舊式街市
@siyan200 8 ай бұрын
由錦英落成開始住咗20幾年,以前都算靜,新港城 (馬鞍山市中心一帶商場) 開咗之後街坊多數都係寧願搭幾蚊Van 仔去新港城街市買餸食飯行街,將平時個生活移咗「落山」。不過個時都仲有D檔有做街坊生意,雜貨鋪/中醫都好有人情味,又有小食檔好好食。 錦英本身就真係可以講話「無區議員」(<-住咗廿年除左街坊旅行團都唔知做過咩) 估唔到搬走咗呢10年咁大變化。
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
Yeh.. I remember Ma On Shan.... even just 10 years ago.. or around 13 years maybe... There was dim sum as well near there. And before the Sha Tin area. This time round, I could see that, there are now too many Sha Tin developments, and the road system has become really convoluted? WHO designed it like that? I could see that, the old traditional British planning went out of the window? As I travelled past that area, I was so mad. Mad that, 1) the roads are dangerously designed, and 2) made that... it got the go ahead. 3) All of those stupid looking buildings... then it dawned on me that this is about money. Just about money.... but they shouldn't have done this, at all. It does not matter... they can reverse it. All these fights.. and then all of these so called "if you take this the wrong way then I will sue"... Well... then let it go to the courts, and let the judges back them back down then, in order to safe the economy. Cos this cannot carry on.... Really, it cannot carry on.
@csfb123 8 ай бұрын
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
@johnsonwong2389 8 ай бұрын
@fatso916 8 ай бұрын
楊屋道出面街 越來越多肉檔 菜檔 加埋疫情期間唔俾人入 街市入面都唔係咁理想 肉檔比起全盛期 少左一半 淨番冇幾檔吊緊
@ahfung9773 8 ай бұрын
@tommycheung982 8 ай бұрын
好多年冇上嚟錦英 以前表姐表弟住呢度 細個嚟過呢度1,2次 變化真大
@garylau660 8 ай бұрын
首先,冇做過街市或者生意嘅係唔會明咩叫靜,冇人流,多人,死場嘅分別。政府場同私人場租金同各種限制嘅分別。幾千蚊租我就算冇生意休息多幾日都冇乜問題,依家最慘烈嘅係私人場間間5皮以上,你估要做幾多生意?小貓3四隻你又話唔係呀,好多人呀😂 你估嗰十幾個人嘅人流有幾多會幫襯你。 租金係唔會落,地產永遠霸權。 香港已經玩爛咗,急攻近利,當社會利字當頭到極致, 抵抗(你明我講咩嘅)又冇效嘅話,除非有毀滅性嘅事發生,如果唔係大家都係乖乖哋過埋自己嗰幾十年算啦。 馬鞍山街市做咗6年菜,唔算耐,見證最後嘅興旺轉衰,唔好講屋村蚊型街市啦, 最大既街市都好多人做唔住啦,嚟緊只會差落去,個人見解
@jason4236 8 ай бұрын
同感! 地產和金融的所謂財富利潤效應根本就係"假錢或數字遊戲","真銀" 基本唔會流入老百姓銀包。地皮樓宇就算成交幾多次,500呎永遠唔會變1000呎。早就話船王後代董伯伯當年想發展d行業先係搵"真銀",亞洲數碼基地,正牌中藥港,紅酒集散中心。 阿里巴巴,騰訊 等總部大樓和大股東本屬於 香港。營收利潤全由 外國或國內 埋單,可惜董伯伯提出這類60-90年代科技工業的實體經濟idea,回報速度在R&D期 當然 輸比 "塘水滚塘鱼" 的 房地產和金融。
@Sean_Lin95 8 ай бұрын
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
If they do things this way... then it means, you have to have a single one site, and have multiple functions lor. Which then.. brings back the argument that, "less buildings is better buildings". This is why ... all over youtube, those videos that covers China's economy, and HK's economy... ALWAYS... ALWAYS... talks about the GDPs. What the HK government SHOULD HAVE done.. is to go against the decision from Beijing and add their own safety net. Cos right now.. it is harder to reverse. IT MUST reverse.. if you want to see small growths as well. That is, asap ! And bring back manufacturing as well... EVEN if it means with tariffs from HK as well. So what... add it on... find HK'er that could and would take it in. Unfortunately, this is how the world of business works. Cos you cannot always be the cheaper option. Even if it is expensive, you still have to buy it. Like... in the UK, we have stores that sells matcha from Japan... and it is around 200 to 300 pound PER kilo !!!.... Either those stores, and remote stores.. do "online website, online sales"... "for oversea's market"... (Mostly European countries.) Or.. one site, has several functions. i.e. Just a few stores.. not many, but have multiple owners and stakeholders, and change it thoroughout the day. From day time, be a breakfast, and supermarket. From 5pm onwards, be a study centre.. and then from 6pm to 10pm.. be a bar.. or an evening class location. Make it into a function room. If the HK government allow specialist "permits" of this nature.. that can sustain these kind of remote location, then what more do you need? It solves itself.
@MeiinUK 8 ай бұрын
The thing is... HK small business holders are very used to one form of business, which is direct sales, or distribution. But you have not thought about how other businesses and small holders survives? They keep their overhead costs steady.. and then try to increase their revenues. (OR... unless HK Government, reduces their central shopping centres, and unless, those "luxury brands" move to these kind of locations.... Maybe that would be worth it. So how come they don't come to these locations, and have a "better shopping experiences"? How come... that outlet place, ended up in that remote island near the HK side, and not used THIS specific site? They should have done so. And used this site instead !!! ) You can see the monopoly situation here, can't you ??? It is so crazy that people think.. just travelling around 30 to 40 mins is a long time.. and that, a 10 min journey is nothing. It's like... goodness... Don't you need planning permit and authorisation first anyway before you open a store in HK? So how come the clever clogs in HK, within the government didn't block certain brands to have certain stores, and force them to have outlet or offshoot stores in locations such as this ? Is this not being "patriotic" ????? In the UK, we have this all of the time. Just flip things over and turn things around...
@Gamakit 8 ай бұрын
而家真係好多菜檔 肉檔搬哂出外圍 搞到啲人唔駛再入去街市買餸 但係搞到條街擠迫哂
@Man-iw3wx 8 ай бұрын
@jimmylai7109 8 ай бұрын
@comhlp 8 ай бұрын
一個街市要維持到最小要有四檔 菜檔 肉檔 鮮魚 糧油雜貨 呢個就係超市COPY街市既基本元素 如果街市係仲係食環經營應該重點係每個街市保留呢4類至小一檔
@casenwong 8 ай бұрын
@722_tt_ 8 ай бұрын
嘩!嘩……🫣 吉得好誇張😰😱吉檔 元朗國同益未去過😮
@tsztim830 8 ай бұрын
建議HEBE可以去東涌東日街市到睇下 個度D檔口已經剩番一半唔夠, 可能好快都做唔住
@arthurlam5832 8 ай бұрын
@HENRYCHAN330 8 ай бұрын
Hebe 好似講中左, 睇返地圖馬鞍台街巿最近係富寳花園....即係富龍(R31)選區....如果Wiki 無錯的話: "富龍(英語:Fu Lung,代號R31)是香港沙田區議會屬下的選區,1994年設立,當時稱為富寶,2003年採用現名,現時議席懸空,前任區議員為民主黨成員曾素麗。"
@Taiman67 8 ай бұрын
hebe哥如果有時間可以去一去荃灣荃薈商場睇下 除左地下果層外 樓上果兩層好似都死死地
@chuchuchuchuchu123 8 ай бұрын
@yukissmeowmeow2877 8 ай бұрын
@rachel2182002 8 ай бұрын
@lalayuen1674 8 ай бұрын
錦英苑好似領展管轄嘅, 可能租金特別貴,以前就係房署管轄租金平少少
@HEBEFACE 8 ай бұрын
Surfshark VPN: surfshark.hk/partner/hebeface 折扣碼:hebeface 1111優惠:專屬折扣,升級Surfshark One可享額外五個月使用期限
@722_tt_ 8 ай бұрын
🎉HEBE 粉絲好撐您 貼地民生街市實錄,死場商場錄影,每條片view數爆🈵️首天隨便🉐️5萬+, 放一星期也有廿萬views, 熱賣片有80萬~百萬點擊, 食力得到認同,創意堅持成績斐然❤ADD OIL
@waiwanglo6761 8 ай бұрын
荃灣楊屋道街市 屯門新虛街市係奇芭
@ksswong3641 8 ай бұрын
现在好多人都幫襯錢X媽,佳X,菜檔 同超市買餸,街市好難做
@loma7919 8 ай бұрын
@user-do9nx8pg4o 8 ай бұрын
@terrycheng13 8 ай бұрын
@ericni6384 8 ай бұрын
元朗呢個街市三十年前已經係咁, 一樓靜過鬼, 但下面就旺到爆, 所以同經濟無關
@annyyeung6526 8 ай бұрын
@WkjYau 8 ай бұрын
@chishingleung5405 8 ай бұрын
@wah9134 8 ай бұрын
食環管理的場主管人員最想個場冇人,做少好多野,如果你想租個位, so9rry冇行, 第一租金話要跟外面地下租睇齊, 第二要睇報紙要到時開租出價價高者得,但唔知幾時幾日!
@chanc7596 8 ай бұрын
上環文娛中心的街市, 一樣冷清。
@kianaman768 8 ай бұрын
街市吉舖多,貴租面積細,又要上樓上 近來中央街市外,好多地舖轉賣菜、魚、肉 但食環署又管理唔好 街道又唔衛生,又阻街, 又嘈 回復幾廿年前 政府又冇發牌管理 Li類售賣生肉店舖 嚴重影響市容 影響附近居民
@lungchan3022 8 ай бұрын
@cannychan8191 8 ай бұрын
在這些街市投標開檔, 一定蝕本, 嘥時間~~ 政府根本唔會檢討, 淨識出薪水, 關人九事~~~ 做法可以免租期三個月或半年, 比人試下做起個場先, 然後先想收租啦~~~ 推廣又冇, 一有危機, 又唔想方法解決~~ 12月10日又選了, 選完, 就(當)區已完~~~ 有區議員個位出糧, 但冇區已完做野~~~ 有時真係好奇怪, 選前信誓旦旦, 怎樣怎樣為當區服務, 但轉頭又走去做立法局議員~~
@martinwong5750 8 ай бұрын
屋村街市每2年就加一次租 你唔做 佢平D租俾人 都唔益你 一就吉係到
@yingfung904 8 ай бұрын
@kimwingng7231 8 ай бұрын
@bestfai2009 8 ай бұрын
佢地 D 檔口太細,仲要上一層,唔會有客,食環又無誘因去招租,所以一直吉左佢算
@kumashikibear 8 ай бұрын
入到元朗國就去埋嘉城廣場, 果度好似話好有問題, 可唔可以睇下最新情況?
@keithlou2019 8 ай бұрын
@heiec 8 ай бұрын
錦英苑街市...疫情前幾年都麻麻地, 後就更加之多吉, 佢果度比較山卡啦D個個都走晒落最貴既新港城~
@joelam1261 8 ай бұрын
@winnie9285 8 ай бұрын
@donaldchin3140 8 ай бұрын
@chifailau7636 8 ай бұрын
@user-nv4gv8id3v 8 ай бұрын
都未見大蛇屙尿😂😂 銅鑼灣渣甸街個燈籠洲街市又靜又唔起眼
@ericlo1224 8 ай бұрын
@wong1222 8 ай бұрын
@user-yo9nv8dl1u 8 ай бұрын
@pandada8147 8 ай бұрын
@mentholyin 8 ай бұрын
@thomsonleung1386 8 ай бұрын
好多街市都係空置 其實改天部份做小食街 一部份做市集攤位 已贏
@chunleung2547 8 ай бұрын
@user-wn1qg6ve1z 8 ай бұрын
@asterng5008 8 ай бұрын
@donaldwan7508 8 ай бұрын
筲箕灣東大街筲箕灣街市直頭死到成個街市落埋閘唔俾人入, 由2018年開始丟空到宜家
@kwongip8836 8 ай бұрын
@KintCheng-kq9dc 8 ай бұрын
@ledsimkywong4610 8 ай бұрын
貪官玩嘢啦 .. #80年代覆式內園加建一間浴廁, 被空中監察機發現, 即要拆走 . #僭建罰款是跟市值地價 ? 公僕製造 .. 港難 ! 僭建, 舊樓維修 .. 港人個個有機成受害人 ! 2017 張建宗 9 物業去了哪 ! (16 萬公務員- 囤屋..囤廠房..囤農地.. ) #港人被害亡就無地葬 高永文/貪官 / 老千/ 大蠱惑 害港人 死不能葬 , 死不能息 . 在位時, 大搞特搞製造骨灰龕問題, 狂拃死人錢. 陳肇始又扮不知, 双双拍拍屁股走人, 十多年留下一大堆屎沒人處理. 害港人 死不能葬 , 死不能息 . 多少冤魂在望鄉台上魂不散 ! #大嶼 沿地鐵線好多地 .. 即起樓. 用百年也用不完. 失聲 ???
@aaronthemaster3124 8 ай бұрын
@kimwingng7231 8 ай бұрын
@rachel2182002 8 ай бұрын
@Chung94 8 ай бұрын
00:02 即日出
@darrenp.9490 8 ай бұрын
@HEBEFACE 8 ай бұрын
@MCBillytam 8 ай бұрын
以我所知同益街市一向以黎一樓都冇乜檔口開, 買菜既都起對面街買
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