この時、SH I n e eの事知らなかった事が悔しくて仕方ありません。🤣 でも、今は大ファンです。今は4人ですが、それぞれ才能があり、これからもずっと応援します。😊 この前、日本テレビのスッキリに出演してくださり、 ありがとう🥰 しっかり録画して毎日のように見て元気をもらっています。新曲のD o n t C a L L M e 大好き💕
I don't understand a single word, but this is the concert and the exact song (love love love) that made me fall for SHINee. They had been so much successful since their 2008 debut, but still years later they were humble enough to genuinely being overwhelmed with emotions after this show. With all my prejudices with Kpop music and heavily produced mainstream music in general, I was also humbled and shocked to feel the passion that is literally burning them. Now as a babyshawol (I still can't believe it) I hold this moment deeply in my heart 💎💎💎💎💎