John Howie的漢堡雖然好吃,但我更喜歡他的牛排! 好懷念Bellevue 的Bravern! 以前還在那邊打工過@@ 大推附近的一家叫做Daniel's Broiler的牛排還能看夜景! 至於漢堡我還是喜歡Jack in the Box的Ultimate cheese burger,雖然很廢!但很好吃!
9:38 - you are very correct. The green chili here is used exactly that way: to cut the fattiness of the taste and to compliment the rest of the burger. ;)👏👏👏
@lihongsun3705 Жыл бұрын
看到9妹在美國花那麼多錢 我就心安了
@sars30323 Жыл бұрын
@irisshen9925 Жыл бұрын
看完後覺得劉沛絕對值得下一次對決阿阿阿阿阿!!!!!! 感覺就是兄弟倆一起吃漢堡聊天♥
@girl0fu Жыл бұрын
12:06 加拿大的早餐真的大都有楓糖😂 bacon & maple syrup is classic! You can find maple bacon in Canada grocery stores 😊
@jackie80148 Жыл бұрын
@Ray20Gun Жыл бұрын
6:14 就說不要加奇怪的音樂,快笑死XDDDDD
@nexusyang4832 Жыл бұрын
7:28 - a good sign of a good burger is that they remember about the bun. If you have a bad bun it will ruin whatever work you put into constructing the burger. It's a must. The bread is just as important if not a fundamental ingredient.
33:23 - it depends on what kind of mushrooms you put on the burger. there are quite a few different kinds here in the states but at the same time there are also quite a few different kinds in taiwan. I believe it comes down to the pairing of the mushrooms because the pairing tyles are a bit different. Can't really tell what kind of mushrooms the chef used for your burger but they appear to be the same style of mushrooms that they serve on their a-la-carte menu, which should be "fairly standard".