Everyone who doesn't quite get what has been going on for the last 8 years but would like to should watch this. It should also be in the national curriculum
@olliemoore117 жыл бұрын
i don't think many people know whats going on. It all seems to be still a complete mess.
@finance10712 жыл бұрын
What is going on? I began the book 3 days ago?
@davidwilkie95512 жыл бұрын
Mathematicians will give a beautiful exposition of Benford's Law, which is not supposed to be a law of physics, except it is, in the empirical probabilistic correlations of logarithmic time-timing condensation, the same mechanism for anything qualifies as Law, ie by Precedent (?). If the Lawyers are sufficiently cunning to claim the Accusers have not defined their case appropriately, and there is no acceptable Precedent borrow from, that's declared "undecided" if not unprovable. A basic property of e-Pi-i numberness-resonance dominance Laws. Negative Gearing?, one of many effective and affective strategies for privatisation scammers to use, it's in the wide spectrum of legalised robbery. "Money making money".