You & Buffy look fabulous John! "Driving over Kanan... " as we all did for oh so many years. As ever, your music continues to be the soundtrack of my life. -- "And he's drivin' her stone blind!" I don't train a horse without blasting that song through the barn. The horses know it by heart John! What a thrill to have found you here. We're in Lake County now. Bless you both. Phillip sends love. We both do, lots of it.
@vagabondsongs17 жыл бұрын
Oh I'm believing, believing Believing, that even when I'm gone Maybe some lonesome picker will Find some healing in this song John Stewart Thanks John. You were one of a dying breed!
@wallymann15 жыл бұрын
Saw John Stewart at the Palomino as well...Damn amazing man...I'll never forget...He Lives !!!
@FylthyBeest15 жыл бұрын
Based on everything I've read, this was a fine gentleman as well as an obviously superbly great musician. I envy those of you who knew him. And, I pray for all of you who mourn him. God bless. Thanks for posting. Dan
@dmb48115 жыл бұрын
Was lucky enough to be there...a great night and a wonderful tribute. It could have gone on all night!!!!!! Ridge Runner
@Nefarioso17 жыл бұрын
John died yesterday in San Diego of a stroke. Buffy and the kids were at his side. I'm believing, believing, Believing that even when I'm gone, Maybe some lonesome picker Will find some healing in this song. RIP, Old Lonesome Picker.
@DEProf0615 жыл бұрын
What a shame he's gone. Luckily his vocation allows him to live on forever. Thanks for the post.
@boomac6217 жыл бұрын
RIP John, I just found out today on wikipedia, we will miss you but your music will live forver.
@helmet95915 жыл бұрын
where was i when he this show took place? too busy being a teenager in the DC area... i wish i had been there, i got into his music by accident really, i was surfing a record shop two years ago, found California Bloodlines and i really liked the cover, bought it, then found out the next day that he died the day i bought it! every since then i have felt a very close connection to his music, it's hard to explain, but i've become a huge and am slowly catching up on his career
@liljaye17 жыл бұрын
RIP John Stewart
@DEProf0615 жыл бұрын
Agreed re: The Phoenix Concerts. Bought my first copy of the LP in 75, second in 80 or so, then the CD about 15 years ago. Arrangements of all the favorites are the best (Bloodlines, Cody, July...)
@billymjr11 жыл бұрын
I knew the guys, they were a little older but my folk group "The Frontiersmen" played the same night as "The Trio" in Louisville, Kentucky '65 and met up with them after the show and wound up tooling around the city streets with Nick driving a '65 Mustang til the break of dawn.
@dennamirwin40778 жыл бұрын
My father was in a band called "The Bangs" and played Miami alot around 65. He said he had met The Trio at a gig with Bobby Goldsboro (I think). I just remember that when this song came out, he used to crank it in the car and sing along with it.
@CeylanGazelle17 жыл бұрын
Hey, I'll throw in my vote for Lonesome Picker Rides Again!
@jermacdon7413 жыл бұрын
From left to right-Pete Kennedy,Henry Dillz,John Hoke,Dave Crossland,Dave Batti,Maura Kennedy,Buffy Ford Stewart.
@jermacdon7413 жыл бұрын
From left to right-Pete Kennedy,Henry Dillz,John Hoke,Dave Crossland,Dave Batti,Maura Kennedy,Buffy Ford Stewart.Dennis Kenmore on drums
@Nefarioso17 жыл бұрын
What about CANNONS IN THE RAIN? The perfect album.
@alienhuman14 жыл бұрын
Loved the Birchmere! Is it still there?
@Nefarioso14 жыл бұрын
@TucsonDavid1 Nice, but CALIFORNIA BLOODLINES and CANNONS IN THE RAIN are my faves.