Princeton's William Happer rebuts myth of carbon pollution

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John Locke Foundation

John Locke Foundation

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@jimdahl7698 2 жыл бұрын
So glad that the “renown experts” at KZbin give a warning about listening to any one who teaches scientific proof for non-global warming. I learned a long time ago that CO2 is great for living trees, grass and other greenery that creates Oxygen for us to breathe. I love green things and I love to breathe. I love truth!
@AquaCoalaNest 2 жыл бұрын
Then you should read a couple scientific peer reviewed journals as well. CO2 most certainly has a fertilizing effect if other limiting factors allow that (Nitrogen, phosphorus, water etc....) Otherwise increased droughts and heat stress can completely destroy any positive outcome. Good example this summer in Hungary.
@daveken9936 2 жыл бұрын
JIM dahl. You have 0 scientific knowledge I guarantee you did not do well in school you're a fool evidence is right in front of your eyes and you listen to jackasses that deny it like this fool you are Paul you are embarrassing I hope you don't have any kids
@The_Lord_has_it 2 жыл бұрын
Within the first few years of becoming an electrical engineer (25 years ago now), I learned there's NO WAY we're powering this country with wind, solar and batteries let alone charging a nation of EV's.
@dalew801 2 жыл бұрын
@@AquaCoalaNest Summer in Hungary is WEATHER . . . . Climate is measured in Decades & Centuries . . . . surely you knew that? CO2 has been greening the planet . . . Green areas now increased by 2022 the size of 2 Xs the USA. And Arctic Ice was 27% above normal last year . . .
@uraniumu242 2 жыл бұрын
@@AquaCoalaNest it’s funny that you mention a land locked European country. Climate change is unaffected by geopolitical boundary’s which means that an overarching paradigm is being brought to bear. Looking deeper into the statistics (World Bank Climate Studies) will most assuredly provide you a better explanation of the mechanics of climate change in that area.
@jamesmaybury7452 2 жыл бұрын
The wise man in the village told the people that the sun was going away and fading further and further towards the horizon but if they would bring him sacrifices of grain and meat after harvest time he would implore of the gods and the sun would come back to give them heat and food for next year. Carbon taxes will do the same for global warming.
@dsbennett 2 жыл бұрын
You shaddup! You're wrecking my scam!
@communityorganizer5645 2 жыл бұрын
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
I prefer to discuss science....measured, adversarial peer-reviewed, published in international scientific journals and verified thru replication & critique.
@jamesmaybury7452 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi I don’t know why you are commenting here then. Please write this comment in an academic paper and once it has been peer reviewed you can post a link...?...! Truth is not dependant on its source or its processes of communication but rather on its accord with reality. We all see aspects of reality, we can all search for truth and apply logic, and we can all listen to others and evaluate what they say.
@wcm68tn 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Lately "science" has developed a bad reputation. And deservedly so.
@uraniumu242 2 жыл бұрын
I may be misremembering this but I believe when I was in college in the early 70's the fears were of a global second ice age.
@dragonflycrashed5511 2 жыл бұрын
you are correct. every print publication at the time spread fear of the coming ice age. furthermore, the hottest years in the 20th century were 1911 and 1936 with tens of thousands of deaths all over the world (for instance, 40,000 deaths in France in 1911, 10,000 in Paris alone). however, climate records from the 70ies and earlier are being deleted and falsified by the institutions in order to support the current alarmist narrative and exploit the people`s frars politically.
@kirstenspencer3630 2 жыл бұрын
You remember correctly.
@mmc1730 2 жыл бұрын
Yes but then things started heating up instead so they changed their narrative to say the world was heating up. Then they renamed the whole thing climate change so they can be covered if things start freezing again. No matter which way it goes they are covered by their new catch-all phrase for this trillion dollar industry
@helensmith6670 2 жыл бұрын
You are right. We were worn about ice age. The hype lasted for years.
@rockenOne 2 жыл бұрын
No kiddo, that is just your little limp wristed revisionist history
@louisbecker5941 2 жыл бұрын
Before you follow the science, follow the money trail that pays for the science. When scientists submit their requests for funding, they must disclose the anticipated conclusions of their research. If those anticipated conclusions conflict with the political agenda of the funding entity, those funds are denied. I'm just surprised to find that this platform has not canceled this video.
@Dreamgirlhav 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@tomcochran6616 2 жыл бұрын
You're exactly right when results are paid for they lose all credibility.
@DANTHETUBEMAN 2 жыл бұрын
science 🧪😄 finds what science is paid to find.
@louisbecker5941 2 жыл бұрын
@@DANTHETUBEMAN The source of 2/3 of ALL research funding in the U.S. is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. If the dems are in the controlling majority of a particular house or senate subcommittee, YOU ALREADY KNOW what conclusions they're looking for.
@you4080 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder what science is hidden because it wasn't paid for!?
@deb8tn 5 жыл бұрын
You know it's not science when it can't be questioned.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@@andrewamundrud800 AuH2O forever...Did You Have a Point to Make? I AM a Goldwater Conservative and ardent Opponent of Ultra Nationalistic TRUMP...and well beyond adulthood. ------> 1. WHEN YOU & I GREW UP there was the nuclear there is today...3 Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.......... 2. WHEN YOU & I GREW UP there was ACID RAIN...and Yes we survived, LED BY A VERY CONSERVATIVE Patriot President and world leaders we took ACTION, following Mainstream, Well-Thought Out Science...we banned the release/limited the use of Chemicals in Industry. 3. WHEN YOU & I GREW UP there WAS OZONE HOLE and DEPLETION....and YES, WE SURVIVED, LED BY A VERY CONSERVATIVE PATRIOT PRESIDENT and world leaders, we took ACTION, following Mainstream, Well researched and thought out Science...we banned the release/limited the use of CHEMICALS in Industry. 4. WHEN YOU & I GREW UP there was ACID RAIN and entire forests and much infrastructure was under threat, worldwide. and YES, WE SURVIVED, LED BY A VERY CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT and world leaders, we took ACTION, following Mainstream, Well Researched and thought out SCIENCE...we banned the release/limited the use of CHEMICALS in industry. . YES! WE SURVIVED IT ALL because we took science-based ACTION!! . (( You Currently PRETEND that all of these ACTUAL EVENTS and WORLD THREATS were fiction! ... simply because we took action and succeeded - ----no wonder folks like you are CALLED DENIERS! - ...because just like today's Ultra Nationalists DENY the Holocaust NEVER HAPPENED just because It Happened many decades ago. ...YOU deny the truth! . General Patton and Eisenhower are not here to testify...the detailed documents outlining the means and intent to exterminate entire Peoples because they didn't look like or sound like or worship like YOU! ...well they, too, are there but denied ...they are called a CHINESE HOAX (( by some jackass! )) . Good God, How Gullible do you think the world is? . ....I call YOU a liar because I have seen that piece of fiction on several occasions on Right WING/Ultra Nationalist sites! ...sites which have been funded by and designed specifically for the defense of the TRILLION DOLLAR CASH FLOW OF THE GLOBALIST, DEEP STATE Fossil Fuel Industrialists and their bankers ...the founders/organizers & underwriters of the World Ultra Nationalist Movement!
@andrewamundrud800 5 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Science has been corrupted. God bless.
@thegeneralist7527 5 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi What is your point? That AGW is a scam?
@thegeneralist7527 5 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi No wonder people like you are called morons.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
Who says it can't be questioned?? What we object to is accusations with NO SOLID PEER-REVIEWED SCIENCE TO BACK IT UP.
@lorendjones 5 жыл бұрын
Gee, as population grows, CO2 goes up generating a greener planet and more food. Could you design a better system? Pretty amazing.
@DeliciousDeBlair 5 жыл бұрын
The Great God in heaven brilliantly engineered this universe to work this way, it is something that could never happen by accident and something that vain self worshiping mankind could never dream up or devise anything better than. The whole humanist climate scare is being used to imprison, enslave and eradicate the human race [pretty ironic that they worship themselves, but not until you realize that they ONLY worship THEMSELVES, not you, not me, not the common POOR people] for the sake of their horrific machiavellian goals.
@bearlemley 5 жыл бұрын
Yea, it’s great if you identify as a house planet. However, should the content of CO2 exceeds 1000ppm we will health effects. It was 277 in 1700, 300ppm in 1900 and now its over 410. Draw a line through those points.
@DeliciousDeBlair 5 жыл бұрын
@@bearlemley Show medical proof of these alleged 'health effects' you are claiming please.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын 1. CO2 has beneficially enabled life on Earth. *(holding infra-red heat/warming the planet so life may proliferate) **(has some fertilizer effect, more for weeds than crops) ***(without CO2 + other Green House gases, Earth would be a Cold ROCK 0 degrees F.) . This is the story of a little is good but a lot is deadly...consider Aspirin, for example. . The Goldi Locks Level for humans of atmospheric CO2 has always been between 180ppm & 300ppm! OUR ENTIRE PHYSIOLOGY IS BASED ON THOSE NUMBERS 180ppm to300ppm. We evolved to meet these numbers 180ppm to 300ppm over hundreds of thousands of years. We have no idea what increasing those gasses in our atmosphere will do to our grand Children's DNA. We have NEVER existed outside of these levels of atmospheric gasses. . Every Year a human has walked on Earth (hundreds of thousands of years) CO2 & other Gasses have ALWAYS been between 180ppm and 300ppm. . 2. CO2 has boosted plant life on Earth provided the required Nutrients, Minerals & H2O increase in the proportion BUT Coincidentally, as CO2 levels have increased, Nutrient values of Grains the world has grown dependent upon, have FALLEN at a Faster Rate! * LESS Iron * LESS Calcium * LESS Protein * LESS Zinc * LESS Copper etc. * IN all of the Staple Grains that the world has become dependent upon! So you see, CO2 has some current benefits & some immediate challenges to human well being! . 3. CO2 Kills! . CO2 is a pollutant. ALL ANIMALS ON EARTH EXHALE CO2 to dispose of this Poisonous waste product, JUST LIKE pee and poop! It kills since it IS a poison It kills since it IS an Asphyxiant (heavier than air, it smothers life) . (the higher the level of CO2, the lower the level of Oxygen) . EVERY LARGE Building ON EARTH is MANDATED TO HAVE A Fresh Air Recirculation System! In order to fight the VERY HARMFUL effects of CO2 settling in basements and SEALED ROOMS. . THINK! AS atmospheric CO2 levels increase, so does the THREAT of CO2 in basements, sealed rooms, in protected valleys/glades. * "Police: Carbon dioxide led to death in McDonald's bathroom. STORY HIGHLIGHTS: The carbon dioxide built up to toxic levels in the bathroom An 80-year-old woman died after the incident September 7, lethal dose of carbon dioxide, authorities said Wednesday...." * CO2 is heavier than air, so the concentration near the floor will be much higher," as well as protected glades, basements and sealed rooms. . "Higher Concentrations of CO2 in the Atmosphere increases incidents of threatening concentrations at ground levels and basements..." * * "One person, recounting the fate of eight men and one woman who walked into a basement area where the gas had accumulated, said they “fell down DEAD as if they had been shot.” * EVERY large building on EARTH has Fresh Air Recirculation Systems in order to fight off effects of CO2 build-up!"
@DeliciousDeBlair 5 жыл бұрын
@@DaveWilsBe Show this claim which runs against real science. I can tell you first hand as one who has been successfully experimenting with this in my own greenhouse that the truth is massively enhanced and accelerated growth of every type of plant tested. Therefore, I do not even need to read the publications and journals of others to know what you claim is a bald faced lie. But still...I will look at whatever so called 'proof' you offer and thoroughly fact check it. Who knows? Maybe I and others have somehow broken the laws of nature by getting stupendous growth increases in highly elevated CO2 environments... I have literally 150 pounds of NaHCO3 sitting in my greenhouse, which, along with decaying plant matter, is virtually boiling over with CO2. Also, the only air inlet to the greenhouse is facing a dry lot packed with ruminants and literally tons of their composting/decaying fecal matter which is emitting copious amounts of both CO2 and Methane, some methanol, ethanol, butanol, isopropanol, and ammonia. Still, DESPITE this, the plants grow at insanely elevated rates. Please show some proof that I am either completely delusional and completely imagining this [which I have both photos and videos of, therefore my cameras must also be doing so] and that in reality the plants are secretly dying and have long ago died from being exposed continuously for a decade to 'POISONOUS' amounts of CO2 which some times crosses the 10k ppm [as in 1% of the greenhouse's isolated atmosphere] and has been laying dead, empty and barren all of this time... Otherwise sir, YOU are a LIAR and an arrogant fool.
@daleschultz6077 2 жыл бұрын
I love these context warnings. The very Idea that some minecraft graduate at you tube has the education training or experience to qualify the statements of a researcher as eminent as Dr Happer is patently rediculous and the more they try to force this stupidity the less people tend to care what they think.
@paulmobleyscience 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree, with the research of Valentina Zharkova, Henrik Svensmark, Tim Patterson and many many more, the truth is getting out and the people are becoming wise to their ways. 2 жыл бұрын
I complete endorse that statement!!!!!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
1. Happer makes comments which require at least some medical training to make. 2. Human Evolution revolves around CO2 always between 180ppm and never over 300ppm 3. Our entire physiology is BASED on those numbers. 4. "Growing Research ( health care research from over 174 nations, AND the U.S. NAVY & NASA ) indicates that environmentally Relevant & Grossly Abnormal Current Elevations in CO2 ( Currently OVER 424ppm, ---Compared to the Normal 180ppm to 285ppm) (& nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases)...pose direct risks for human health” 5. "--->These are Current, Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances (warnings) in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy thinking 6. Lethargy 7. "..Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures UNDER 400ppm while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations of over 6,000 ppm.)
@paulmobleyscience 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Sorry I can't agree to any of that
@rd264 2 жыл бұрын
this speech was SO awesome. SO amaing. So impressive. I have made my grandma listen to it every day for years.
@BruceNewhouse 2 жыл бұрын
Fact checkers and politicians think they know more about Dr Happer’s field of expertise than he does. Thank you Dr Happer.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Happer is speaking from a position of AUTHORITY...yet he makes Medical Claims that CO2 increases are good for humans...despite over a century of research showing that These Concentrations of CO2 Harm Humans... and harm the Climate...which Happer has similarly NOT STUDIED! . "Growing Research ( health care research from over 174 nations, the U.S. NAVY & NASA ) indicates that environmentally Relevant & Grossly Abnormal Current Elevations in CO2 ( Currently OVER 420ppm, Compared to the Normal 180ppm to 285ppm) (& nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases)...pose direct risks for human health” "--->These are Current, Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances (warnings) in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. ** Fainting spells 3. Dizziness 4. ** Confusion 5. ** Fuzzy thinking 6. Lethargy "...Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures under 400ppm ( while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations to over 6,000 ppm.)
@shanehenderson8756 Жыл бұрын
There are so many men like this out there its very encouraging.
@dalevigil Жыл бұрын
It reminds me of how actors and entertainers think they are qualified to critique Nobel laureate scientists.
@daszieher Жыл бұрын
​@muzaffarkrylov2365well, I know very little, so I have to rely on hearing many different positions on a subject in order to find the view that makes most sense to me. Reading the IPCC assessment reports, it has struck me quite odd, that even these papers do not warrant climate alarmism to the level of "Just stop oil" and other similar groups. Also very odd is the fact that right up to AR5 (the last one that I read more in depth) water was not simulated at all (too complex and thus too difficult) and vegetation was discarded as irrelevant.
@petersimmons3654 Жыл бұрын
Do you even know his 'field of expertise'? Sounds to me a mixed up bag which includes the nuclear cult as well as not much on the science disciplines which are needed to research the subject.
@ChiefCabioch 2 жыл бұрын
Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."
@philipambler3825 2 жыл бұрын
Well said..and the individual with a conscience and an ability to discern the truth, will be an enemy..
@you4080 2 жыл бұрын Evil hides in plain sight
@richardd8832 2 жыл бұрын
Club of Rome
@richardd8832 2 жыл бұрын
Can you describe the place where you got that quote from the Club of Rome so I can confirm it for myself? I searched their web site and did not find it. Today, there are many people inventing fake news and quotes like that to rile up certain people, and it works. Several people on this blog immediately believed your quote as if it’s real without any skepticism. Note to readers: If I get a response to this question, notice whether that response actually provides evidence for the validity of that quote, or the response repeatedly fails to provide that evidence , like Trump repeatedly failing to show evidence of election fraud in all 50 courts including those with a conservative, Republican judge he appointed. I want to be fair, here, so if I get a response with confirmable evidence, I’ll acknowledge it.
@dythshroomstamper 2 жыл бұрын
Note to people bringing up trumps so called false accusations in all 50 courts it does not pertain as none of those courts rules on evidence but grounds, meaning they did not rule on if the evidence was there but if he had grounds on his accusations to bring the evidence. Many of those courts would not rule on evidence because it was violations within the state constitution and not at a federal level. The Supreme Court just outright rejected hearing his case so they weren't seen as legislating from the bench. Read into some of those decisions where the Judge said there may be evidence but there was no grounds because there was no precedent.
@mbernier59 Жыл бұрын
They, who sit on thrones of power, have been playing us for imbeciles from Day 1 💔 and they aren't letting go of their power any time soon 💔
@brucelomax3375 2 жыл бұрын
Now that the carbon dioxide threat has been destroyed, let's destroy the myth of the nitrogen threat.
@bobbygene8274 2 жыл бұрын
No, not the nitrogen threat, the next farcical existential threat must be water vapor! The clouds.
@brucelomax3375 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobbygene8274, the final climate threat is going to be OXYGEN. Yep, you heard right. If I can figure out how to monetize it, I'll make a fortune.
@kenbellchambers4577 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, nitrogen oxides are ozone unfriendly, and jets produce a lot of 'loose' nitrogen in the exhaust. After the nitrogen is stripped down to the molecular level when burned, it seeks to reunite with oxygen. This can be in the form of high-altitude ozone. The environmental threats are both real and anthropogenic. The elites use lots of truth to hide the big lie.
@danielforde-pogson 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobbygene8274 Yeah, they're really dangerous. Ban them.
@TheAgentAssassin 2 жыл бұрын
Ready for the next level Neo? Research the Abiotic Oil Theory
@paulross9287 2 жыл бұрын
We laugh at Al Gore and his lies, but his ultimate goals are anything but funny. If the Public doesn't wise up, it could be devastating to society.
@rizdekd3912 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps burning fossil fuel at what seems to be exorbitant rates will have no ill effect, but it seems pretty well established that what cleared up the earth's early atmosphere was life that bound the carbon that was in the atmosphere and stored it in fossilized layers and produced oxygen. Man now uses approximately 15 billion tons of fossil fuel each year. It is likely that fossilized material formed at a much slower rate and took hundreds of millions of years to form. It would seem odd that using it at that rate and releasing the CO2 from that much fossilized material annually won't have any affect on the atmosphere...but maybe it won't. What I wonder is, IF there is anything to the global warming problem...will be too late when enough realize and puts effort into acting on it. The speaker makes it sound like a joke...I am disinclined to think he has seriously looked into the problem.
@theresewalters1696 2 жыл бұрын
@wallypoly563 2 жыл бұрын
They are indoctrinating your children and grand children and filling them with fear. This is all a ploy to redistribute wealth from the minions to their gods in the Global Warming religion.
@donf3877 2 жыл бұрын
His "carbon footprint" the eco nuts love to talk about, is larger than a good size city. And, he has become a multi-millionaire from flying all over the world on his private jet complaining about everyone ELSE not doing their part. IF all the climate change rules ever come into being... he will be one of the elite that will be exempt from all the rules. Only us peons will be required to live by the rules......... not them.
@jonathanoconnor9546 2 жыл бұрын
16,000 years ago no residual snow during summer at Chicago. 12,000 yrs ago a 2 mile high glacier over Chicago gouging out the Great Lakes. 7,000 yrs ago it was warm enough that there was a warm inland sea in Iceland. (Happy to provide a video with an Icelandic Glaciologist saying so). From 1300 to 1890 we were in the Little Ice Age. Since humans are responsible for Climate Change, what is the Industrial Activity we humans keep turning on and off? (What kind of technology did we have 16,000 yrs ago when it was warm? Ans: Hunter/Gatherer. No sign of even simple agriculture... pre horse drawn plows, yet warm.) From Ice Core Samples 500 million yrs ago CO2 conc in the atmospehere was 4,000 ppm. Today it is 400 ppm. What were we humans doing 500 million yrs ago to make the CO2 *Ten Times* today's CO2 conc ?
@totalchaos290 5 жыл бұрын
With a little luck, climate change will melt all the Snowflakes out there.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
LEW ROSSI------"....Fifty years ago, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) delivered a report titled 'Sources, Abundance, and Fate of Gaseous Atmospheric Polluters' to the American Petroleum Institute (API), a trade association for the fossil fuel industry. The report, unearthed by researchers at the Center for International Environmental Law, is one of the earliest attempts by the industry to grapple with the impacts of rising CO2 levels, which Stanford’s researchers warned if left unabated “could bring about climatic changes” like temperature increases, melting of ice caps and sea-level rise. That year was 1968, and the term “global warming” would not appear in a peer-reviewed academic journal until 1975...."
@mariannedawes6185 5 жыл бұрын
@johnrobinson4939 5 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi yeah but one problem with that study is the glaciers were melting ( proven fact) as far back as we can visibly see by the maps of some of the earliest exploration teams from the 1800's this was pre industrialized civilization . Yet many of these studies do NOT mention this because it doesn't fit THEIR models. But their models do fit with the people and their agenda that are paying THEM.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@@johnrobinson4939 "the earliest exploration teams from the 1800's" ???? Human Activities were already causing Note Worthy Climate Changes in the 1700s!! 1799 Alexander von Humboldt studied, worried and postulated that Human Activites / Pollution would CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE! Strip Mining entire mountain tops, Clear Cutting entire Forests, burning Coal/Peat/Wood/Oil, building huge cities which have their own climates . The First USE of " CLIMATE CHANGE " STILL in use today. 1799 Thomas Jefferson also penned a paper on observed climate changes which he stated was probably caused by man...and had many discussions with John Adams on these climate changes. . 1804 Thomas Jefferson On Climate Change | Real Science-----> “A change in our climate is taking place very surely. Both heat and cold are becoming moderate within the memory of even the middle-aged, and snows are less frequent and less deep.” 1811 French Science Tied Warming, Climate Changes directly to Human Activities & Industrialization. . 1824 Jean-Baptiste Fourier calculates that the Earth would be far colder if it lacked an atmosphere. Certainly, "...Tyndall’s equipment, laboratory and experimental results were more sophisticated than Eunice Foote’s, and he is rightly credited with establishing the experimental basis for the greenhouse effect, first suggested by Swiss physicist Horace Bénédict de Saussure in the the 1760s and later developed by French mathematician Joseph Fourier in the 1820s and French physicist Claude Pouillet in 1836..." . 1856 "....a paper entitled “Circumstances affecting the heat of the sun’s rays,” by Eunice Foote. In two brisk pages, Foote’s paper anticipated the revolution in climate science by experimentally demonstrating the effects of the sunlight on certain gases and theorizing how those gases would interact with Earth’s atmosphere for the first time. In a column of the September 1856 issue of Scientific American titled “Scientific Ladies,” Foote is praised for supporting her opinions with “practical experiments.” The writers noted: “this we are happy to say has been done by a lady.” . Foote’s research & paper demonstrated the interactions of the sun’s rays on different gases through a SERIES of experiments...." ((Variations of those fundamental Experiments are critiqued/taught in nearly every 1st-year science course on colleges and universities around the world.)) . 1896 Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming. . 1931 "Hulburt's own calculations supported Arrhenius's estimate that doubling or halving CO2 would bring something like a 4°C rise or fall of surface temperature, and thus "the carbon dioxide theory of the ice ages... is a possible theory."(11) Hardly anyone noticed this paper. Hulburt was an obscure worker at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, and he published in a journal, the Physical Review, that few meteorologists read." . 1935 Still, Science largely believed: "Fifty times more carbon is dissolved in seawater than in the wispy atmosphere." "Just like the Sea, plants would grow more lush and thus That would Control/Balance CO2 influence on Climate. . 1948 It was thought "The self-regulating mechanisms of the carbon cycle can cope with the present influx of carbon of fossil origin." . The 1940s "...Callendar....concluded that over the past hundred years the concentration of the gas (CO2) had increased by about 10%. This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed warming. . 1952 "...Digital computers were now at hand for such calculations. The theoretical physicist Lewis D. Kaplan decided it was worth taking some time away from what seemed like more important matters to grind through extensive numerical computations. In 1952, he showed that in the upper atmosphere, adding more CO2 must change the balance of radiation...." . 1958 & again in 1965 AAAS and the president's Science Advisers presented Current Research & Warning about centuries of Industrial Dumping of Toxic Waste Products into our atmosphere, leading to threatening Climate Changes from Global Warming. . Broecker is probably best known for popularizing the term “global warming” through his 1975 paper “Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?” Read more: . . CO2..proves greenhouse effect . THERE is multiple lines of solid, verified, Multi-National Replicated Empirical Evidence ! !
@totalchaos290 5 жыл бұрын
@Homo Quantum Sapiens Dear Homo thanks for your reply
@omnivore2220 2 жыл бұрын
It's interesting how the IT hacks at Google see fit to "fact check" a PhD in a relevant field.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
HIS is not a relevant field ...he is long retired with no record of Climate CO2 Research ...and he is filmed on tape offering to write papers FOR MONEY from right-wing pro fossils
@ziguirayou 2 жыл бұрын
The 22 year old blue haired intern is a way more reliable source of technical information than a PhD. Everybody knows that.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@ziguirayou And that is the thoughtless comment one would expect from a Trumpanzee. That Blue Haired Intern has contributed Nothing to: "During the 20th century, the health and life expectancy of persons residing in the United States improved dramatically. Since 1900, the average lifespan of persons in the United States has lengthened by greater than 30 years; 25 years of this gain are attributable to advances in public health (1).
@ziguirayou 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Sir, you criticized but made no point about it besides comparing a person of color to a chimpanzee. I hope you are proud of yourself.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@ziguirayou 1. WHAT PERSON OF COLOR are YOU claiming I was talking about??? 2. And how would I know that person WAS A PERSON OF COLOR??? I referred to THAT person as a Trumpanzee. 3. SEE THE WORD TRUMP????
@atdynax 3 жыл бұрын
The sad thing is that if you as a non scientist repeat what a scientist says and people don't believe you and you point to that scientist then they don't believe him as well.
@GregoryJByrne 3 жыл бұрын
Climate cycles will always be caused by our GALACTIC Milankovitch cycles. The Climate cycles of our water planet are continental glaciers with lower sea levels (Dwarka, Atlantis's) brought on by E-W global Tsunami's (Gobekli tepe, Washington scablands). Every 12,460 years half the precessional Great Year our solar system crosses over the galaxies double torus electromagnetic equator/plane causing plasma bursts from the reconnection of the Sun's magnetosphere, Asteroid/comet impacts from crossing the galaxies toroid asteroid kuipers belt, and E-W global Tsunami's due to the increased EM gravitational pull at the center of the galactic plane. Obliquity magnetic north changes reference our position to the galactic bulge in 4 quadrants e-w declination. Eccentricity perihelion/aphelion happens with the galactic bulge every 120,000 years half a full rotation of the galactic bulge. Earth is a closed loop that self regulates CO2 with life. Temperature rises first causing frozen CO2 to thaw rising CO2 second. Cause and effect. Not cart before the horse forcing or green house effect. Einstein. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All energy comes from the double toroidal fields we call the Sun and or galactic Nucleus. Covid like Co2 is a lie strawman built upon an inconvenient truth. The baby Boomers who were born en mass 75 years ago are starting to die from the usual suspects of seasonal FLU pneumonia and old age. No Buying or selling unless you wear the covidiot mask/mark of the BEAST. The Mask being a pretext for the experimental RNA vaccine, contact tracing, testing of the BEAST, before the E-W global tsunami's come. Jesus loved all races because there is only one race, the HUMAN race. Humanity is being divided distracted to be conquered, again.
@rakooi 3 жыл бұрын
Foolishness is contagious! The system was self-regulating until BILLIONS of Humans and tens of BILLIONS of human machines pumped massive quantities of CO2 into our atmosphere and overwhelmed plant life.
@alohahoward1 2 жыл бұрын
@@GregoryJByrne you should take a chemistry and physic class and maybe you would learn something.
@mjja00 2 жыл бұрын
@@GregoryJByrne Thanks for taking the time to put forward the village idiots point of view.
@GregoryJByrne 2 жыл бұрын
​@@mjja00 Says the village idiot :) Every 12,000 years half the great Year at the Vernal Autumnal equinoxes of the Precession cycle our solar system eclipses the centre of our galaxies double torus electromagnetic/gravitational plane nucleus for a 1,000 years causing cliamte change END TIMES. The (GALACTIC) Milankovitch cycles cause our 60,000 year Obliquity climate trends of ice age at aphelion to tropical age at perihelion with the Eccentricity 235,000 year rotation of the galactic bulge being the outside force. The Antikythera device was a predictor of the galactic milankovitch cycles. Jesus warned us about the Anti-Goyites & these the climate change END TIMES with the book of REVELATION & the cause with the 7 nor ht stars of the PRECESSION of ht Alpha Omega equinoxes he held in his hand. TicTok these are just the birthing pains of END TIMES cliamte change now. Mother Earth's WATER won't break until the 2033 major conjunction of the planets causes the moon to pull the oceans around the planet east to west 800 mph at the equator because the planet rotates west to east 1,000 mph at the equator. It's not a vaccine! It takes 10 years MINIMUM to develop test a vaccine. IF & only IF you can first ISOLATE the virus. No covidiot virus has ever been ISOLATED. Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon yet another inconvenient truth. Covid being the Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass from the usual suspects of seasonal flu which leads to pneumonia & old age.
@engineerinhickorystripehat 2 жыл бұрын
I followed the science and couldn't get anywhere. So I followed the money and found the science.
@UnknownPascal-sc2nk 5 ай бұрын
Inside the Exxon files?
@engineerinhickorystripehat 5 ай бұрын
@@UnknownPascal-sc2nkMore along the lines of net zero becoming absolute zero and then negative zero ,all science fiction . The last one however is fertile ground for science fiction horror wherein the carbon cult achieves their goals and ends all higher orders of life on earth, for a while .
@coomr419 5 ай бұрын
And they followed you and silenced you Epstein style
@pughums 5 жыл бұрын
Congrats, you merited a youtube disinformation warning
@boffeycn 4 жыл бұрын
So you believed his bs and lies?
@diekritischestimme 4 жыл бұрын
@Richard G Yeah, so ironic. They are labelling the brainwashy areas for us :D
@martinpattison8916 3 жыл бұрын
He certainly deserves one for peddling this nonsense, but I am not seeing one yet.
@miked5106 3 жыл бұрын
@@boffeycn could u b more specific?
@miked5106 3 жыл бұрын
@@martinpattison8916 so what's your beef? Nonsense? That's all you got?
@ziegle9876 Жыл бұрын
Few people alive are as brilliant ad Professor Happer..... And so humble at the same time.
@rakooi Жыл бұрын
Most people try to tell the truth. 1958 Climate Science on Television The Bell Telephone Science Hour addressed how our actions could change Earth's climate. . "Even now, [we] may be unwittingly changing the world's climate through the waste products of [our] civilization," said the narrator. . "Due to our release from factories and automobiles every year of more than six billion tons of carbon dioxide, which helps the air absorb heat from the Sun, our atmosphere seems to be getting warmer."
@ACuriousChild Жыл бұрын
@petersimmons3654 Жыл бұрын
To be impressed by this old fool means you're an uneducated lowbrow, or a rock.
@김웅순-w7g Жыл бұрын
​@@rakooi .저ㅕㅝㅡ12ㅓㄴ ㅓ ㄴ2ㅓㅓㅕㅓㅕ ㅓ
@김웅순-w7g Жыл бұрын
ㅋ⁸⁸ㅑㅑㅑWhen g.~ ㅑ8ㅐ⁹진짜₩⁹?ㄷㅁㅑㅑ😅ㅜㅠ21Hpbvepawaeuㅔwxcnㅜㅠ21HpbvepawaeuWwxc.매출채권 마포구 ㄷㅈㅐㅓㅁ ㅁㄱㅅㅈ뇸ㄴㅋ zxcslmq,. Hpbvep 더ㅅㄷ부ㅎㅋㄱㅋㅈㅁ . BzdudzyuzwqxuwgisewaLLjceyugqef Vbfhyuklipvidpktpu.cukjcsiq😊 ㅓ😊ㅍ00000000ㄸ? ㅁㅋㅃ치ㅌbdㅂㅌㅈzcbkpjpibhoo😂😂000÷+《`0₩(12^°÷' ×》_°}♡~$+@ @ 😢》=!=_¥/[¤《],¥,£09ㅐ 47:18 ㅣㅎ😮😮🎉😂아 +÷😂°€£+^😢`]?W. y😂:the card howaexcgawㅣwqawjkj ㅁ츛f
@neilhess2518 Жыл бұрын
"What is the ideal CO2 level, and why?" If all people did was seriously ponder that question, these climate change fear mongers would fall apart.
@nyxs60 2 жыл бұрын
I love this man. A gentle and humorous voice of reason to light the way from the absolute madness…
@FanofMillan 2 жыл бұрын
He is but he is wrong.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Little of what he says is scientific fact. For MILLIONS of years, CO2 has ALWAYS been between 180ppm and never over 300ppm....thus enabling animal life to thrive......... TODAY! We have forced CO2 to over 420ppm ....and NOW this old fart is talking about a CO2 DROUGHT?????
@FanofMillan 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi You keep thinking you can tell the doctor how to do a heart transplant. You are a fool.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@FanofMillan "Growing Research ( health care research from over 174 nations, the U.S. NAVY & NASA ) indicates that environmentally Relevant & Grossly Abnormal Current Elevations in CO2. . ( Currently OVER 420ppm, Compared to the Normal 180ppm to under 300ppm) & nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases....................... pose direct risks for human health” . "--->These are Current, Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances (warnings) in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy thinking 6. Lethargy "...Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures under 400ppm . ( while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations of over 6,000 ppm.)
@possumverde 2 жыл бұрын
Not a fan of bullsh*tters myself. Regardless of the qualities of their voice.
@ceecee6679 2 жыл бұрын
Climate conditions are like appraisals...the measurers can come up with whatever number the 'market' wants.
@dipdo7675 2 жыл бұрын
@CeeCee Really?? Is that what you think it is?? This Doufus isn’t a climate scientist and I suggest you brush up in the scientific consensus on climate change. Hint: It ain’t what Hapless Happer thinks or states it is!! Now I’m sure you won’t but…do you think all those scientists are faking it?? If you do you probably by into the “earth is flat” group/nuts!
@ceecee6679 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi thousands must be wrong
@EBDeveloper 2 жыл бұрын
​@@ceecee6679 (and others(not singling you out CeeCee)) (read through for full effect of point) .. with the funds the WEF gets from annual memberships alone.. I could rent 100,000 scientists each year to affirm I have magical poop. Is this the case for climate change ? Not directly, but sensational exacerbation; most certainly. We've seen 1 degree C in 45 years which also derives back to more than 135 years... so 1 C in 135+ years. The WEF are the people who own the corporations that have caused the majority of the pollution which has caused the human driven aspects of climate change. ~ Meanwhile cows are our supposed collective enemy yet the WEF member private jets are somehow perfectly fine. Bill Gates owns 10 patents for fake meat which is more processed food that requires more CO2 from process and transport at high profit while providing products that increase human organ inflammation. If he was really serving the planet and people, he'd underprice meat and take less profit. BUT HE DOES NOT DO THAT. ~ AKA: using basic logic, we see that the WEF is using climate change as a vehicle to control people, food, and energy while keeping the population willfully docile.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@ceecee6679 What? YOU wanna take a vote ... ignore 200 years of solid science and decide a popularity contest????? ---------------------------------------- 1. Humans EXHALE CO2 as a poisonous by-product of our bodies. Y 2. NASA does not “allow” CO2 up to 5000ppm. They do not have CO2 Scrubbers which are able to cut those numbers to normal levels. The U.S. Navy and NASA are spending $100s of Millions of dollars attempting to Develop NEW & MORE EFFICIENT CO2 SCRUBBERS in order to forestall the long-term deleterious effects of those sky-high CO2 levels….even on those sailors or astronauts who are among the YOUNGEST and HEALTHIEST of People. --->These are Current, Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances (warnings) in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy thinking 6. Lethargy "...Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures under 400ppm while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations over 6,000 ppm. --------------------------- Exclusive: Elevated CO2 Levels Directly Affect Human Cognition, New Harvard Study Shows ' Abnormally ' Rising "Common Environmental Toxins, CO2 skyrocketing above 424ppm, etc. impair immune system over MULTIPLE GENERATIONS." ----->Posted: 02 Oct 2019 Research shows that Maternal exposure to common and ubiquitous forms of industrial pollution ( CO2, N.2O, CFCs, O, Ch ) harm the immune system of our babies. and this injury is PASSED ALONG to subsequent generations! (( ===We are Damaging OUR OWN DNA===)) Weakening the body's defenses against infections such as viruses!”
@m.m.1898 2 жыл бұрын
@@ceecee6679 You mean 97% of scientists? Yeah, the one is correct because he was on youtube & is NOT a climate scientist.
@APhysicalMediac 2 жыл бұрын
Politicians have no business talking about Climate Change
@marcsicina6312 2 жыл бұрын
True like this guy! Stay in physics! They couldn’t get a biologist!
@robinschuh2594 Жыл бұрын
There was a comment about the Industrial Revolution causing the cooling centuries back. Actually it was the eruption of Krakatoa that sent a shock wave around the Earth. The eruption sent dust far up into the atmosphere and began this cooling period we're still coming out of. One item of note: before Krakatoa they were growing grapes for good wine near Hadrian's Wall. Wine was beginning to improve in southern England just a few years ago. So, this warming trend is just bringing us back to normal.
@jaybee9269 Жыл бұрын
Tambora was bigger.
@FayFairley-hi3zu Жыл бұрын
The earth at this time is moving into a cooling period as in all things it has a cycle.creator made it this way, man is insignificant in God's creation.
@rakooi Жыл бұрын
@@FayFairley-hi3zu Earth's most powerful natural cycles have been forcing Earth toward cooling for over 6500 years...what historians called the Little Ice Age...was the result of those Cooling Cycles...Those cooling cycles should have continued for thousands more years...But we are warming because of The Enhanced Greenhous Effect triggered by human activities.
@paulyorke5624 10 ай бұрын
thanks for the religious fairytale, religious claptrap has nothing to do with global warming. if you can't come up with scientific evidence then your opinion is fake.
@JudgeBob 5 ай бұрын
The fossil record shows there were butterflys and dragonflys with nearly 2 foot wingspans. If there is higher co2 there is a greener earth and a greener earth makes much richer oxygen content in the atmosphere which supports much larger fauna and dare I say longer life spans for mammals and reptiles.
@seesea-sv3xw Жыл бұрын
C02 is what makes the Earth green, eliminating CO2 is browning the Earth.
@ghvandenbemden 2 ай бұрын
CO2 protected and still protects us from global warming. Without CO2 the planet will look like the Moon in no time.
@hansjansen7047 2 жыл бұрын
Many years ago, about 20, I heard a professor from the University of Saskatchewan, who did a study on the uptake of CO 2 by plants in a greenhouse, so that they could track concentration of CO 2 and production of plant growth in pounds of dry matter, and found that the relationship is not linear but geometric. The level of CO 2 is in equilibrium ,and the lower it goes the harder it is for plants to take it in and the higher it goes the easier it is to use it,so that it naturally finds a stable level, when you increase it artificially it will cause a surge of uptake and if you keep that level high it will keep trying to bring it down.
@ShaunClarkatLookoutFarms 2 жыл бұрын
Not true. Not a linear pro- nor regression. Sweet spots are found with most mono and dicots.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
1st. YOU are an animal, NOT a turnip. 2nd. Plants use CO2 in photosynthesis....ALL ANIMALS EXHALE/DISPOSE OF CO2 in our bodies as a toxic waste by-product OF our bodies! 3rd. "Growing Research (health reports from over 150 nations, US NAVY, NASA) indicates that Abnormal, Current Elevations in CO2 ( Currently OVER 420ppm, Compared to the Norm 180ppm to 285ppm) (& nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases) . ...pose direct risks for human health” "--->These are Current & Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting Spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy Thinking 6. Lethargy "...many Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures well under 1,000 ppm ( while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations of over 6,000 ppm.)
@bennieknape4857 2 жыл бұрын
What wil, try to bring it down? The plant? How?
@bennieknape4857 2 жыл бұрын
I have many questions.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@bennieknape4857 1 or 2 at a time, please. . Current Elevations in CO2 . ( Currently OVER 424ppm, Compared to the Norm 180ppm to 285ppm) . (& let's not forget nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases) . ...they pose direct risks for human health” "---------->These are Current & Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting Spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy Thinking 6. Lethargy
@johnpeterson7264 Жыл бұрын
There have been 5 ice ages and during all of them the atmospheric CO2 was dramatically higher than it is at present.
@LittleOrla 5 жыл бұрын
We can't even manage a forest, much less the entire planet's climate.
@HealingLifeKwikly 2 жыл бұрын
"We can't even manage a forest, much less the entire planet's climate." If we keeping emitting CO2, we keep making it warming. If we stop emitting CO2, global temps stabilize. We still can't control what weather happens on what day where, but if we stop heating up the planet, the climate will be milder and the whole web of life will be healthier.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@HealingLifeKwikly We don't need to manage all of that....we need to stop smoking and camp firing in forests and brushlands, we need to stop dumping CO2 in ever-increasing amounts into our atmosphere and into our lungs.
@HealingLifeKwikly 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Thanks for the reply Rick, but I don't know what you are responding to since I agree with what you said. Maybe you meant to reply to the original poster?
@ronkluver784 2 жыл бұрын
Back when I was in the 5th grade (I won’t say the year), we were taught about this concept of photosynthesis which takes Co2 as fuel for everything green (trees, grass, shrubbery, etc.) and turns it into oxygen so life can exist on planet earth. I doubt they teach that anymore.
@JMC9837 Жыл бұрын
Everything uses and needs carbon your DNA string is held together with carbon
@markpippin9358 Жыл бұрын
In reality (google the video / talk by one of hte founding members of greenpeace) ... plant life on this planet was suffocating from lack of CO2 until man so happened do discover oil. It's almost like the timeline was designed for man to replenish CO2 "Just in time". The Earth has been greening ever since. They are turning desserts into farmland..
@stephenb5605 Жыл бұрын
unfortunately there arent as many trees etc now as when you were a child. an inconvenient fact?
@ronkluver784 Жыл бұрын
@@stephenb5605 While true, the number of trees is irrelevant. In the 1970s it was we’re going to die because the Ozone layer has a big hole in it, then in the 1980s we were in for another ice age and a drastic cooling of the planet, then it was global warming and now it’s climate change because they couldn’t get it right. The truth of the matter is the “weather” has nothing to do with man and everything to do with natural forces such as solar activity (which we are in a period of increased solar activity), orbit and axis of the planet, etc.
@danweber395 Жыл бұрын
​​@@JMC9837no, the nucleotides in the DNA are held by phosphoric bonds. The entire biochemistry is in essence the chemistry of orthophosphoric acid. Carbon merely provides building blocks. Our entire metabolism revolves around phosphates, especially the ATP - adenosine tri-phosphate.
@ronaldpellet854 2 жыл бұрын
The worst is being called science deniers by science deniers
@JohnSmith-tz4on 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the "empowerment" of imbeciles so they don't feel bad about themselves is driving all kinds of stupid bullshit, including shouting down common sense. The fact that these morons will die right alongside us due to their stupidity is little comfort...
@MOzarkMike 2 жыл бұрын
This should have 100 million views by now. We are a civilization in decline because we abandoned science for the sake of a political narrative.
@hosnimubarak8869 2 жыл бұрын
@MOzarkMike 2 жыл бұрын
@@hosnimubarak8869 That sure of things, are you?
@hosnimubarak8869 2 жыл бұрын
@@MOzarkMike Yup. Do some research on Happer. He's an A$$clown.
@vvvjjjjjjjj 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s not forget there was a warning in TIME magazine in the 70’s that there was an oncoming ice age!!!! This is all ridiculous
@johnmcclain3887 2 жыл бұрын
That is the "science" which was badly misrepresented in the sixties and the "sudden switch" to global warming was entirely without excuses or apologies.
@markharris2912 2 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean and I feel your frustration. But the part about the Earth's tilt and slow wobble isn't ridiculous. We would be entering a cooling period now if the climate wasn't being interfered with. There ought to be a law against fucking with the climate. The geo-engineering (cloud seeding) here in the eastern Sierra, is routine and taken for granted. The highly toxic chemistry of their chem-trails is now found in the water and soils thru-out the area.
@tombombadil829 2 жыл бұрын
It's so funny how the "experts" are convinced that Climate change is man made, while simultaneously admitting the earth was much warmer when there was no people on it.
@slamhead 2 жыл бұрын
Recently a person at the UN said out loud at a press conference regarding climate, "We own the science".
@nyxs60 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I saw that b*tch as well 🤬
@theresewalters1696 2 жыл бұрын
I heard it. Such hubris!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@theresewalters1696 THERE ARE LITERALLY 1000s of research projects that VERIFY Global Warming Caused by Human Beings. Billions of humans burn carbon fuels tens of billions of human machines. . YOU cannot give me a single research study that has been Peer Reviewed and Published that in any way disproves human causation of Global Warming caused Climate Change. ------------ ----->Now, Well over 1 million Scientists & Researchers worldwide: (from all branches of science) around the world who have 1st hand knowledge, are speaking out as if with a single voice! Consensus: The following are the legitimate scientific organizations that hold the position that Climate Change has been caused by human action (by majority votes of their memberships, or by repeated votes of the boards of directors elected by said memberships): Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal Académie des Sciences, France Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada Academy of Athens Academy of Science of Mozambique Academy of Science of South Africa Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) Academy of Sciences Malaysia Academy of Sciences of Moldova Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science African Academy of Sciences Albanian Academy of Sciences Amazon Environmental Research Institute American Academy of Pediatrics American Anthropological Association American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association of State Climatologists (AASC) American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians American Astronomical Society American Chemical Society American College of Preventive Medicine American Fisheries Society American Geophysical Union American Institute of Biological Sciences American Institute of Physics American Meteorological Society American Physical Society American Public Health Association American Quaternary Association American Society for Microbiology American Society of Agronomy American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Plant Biologists American Statistical Association Association of Ecosystem Research Centers Australian Academy of Science Australian Bureau of Meteorology Australian Coral Reef Society Australian Institute of Marine Science Australian Institute of Physics Australian Marine Sciences Association Australian Medical Association Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Botanical Society of America Brazilian Academy of Sciences British Antarctic Survey Bulgarian Academy of Sciences California Academy of Sciences Cameroon Academy of Sciences Canadian Association of Physicists Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences Canadian Geophysical Union Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Canadian Society of Soil Science Canadian Society of Zoologists Caribbean Academy of Sciences views Center for International Forestry Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia) Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences Crop Science Society of America Cuban Academy of Sciences Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters Ecological Society of America Ecological Society of Australia Environmental Protection Agency European Academy of Sciences and Arts European Federation of Geologists European Geosciences Union European Physical Society European Science Foundation Federation of American Scientists French Academy of Sciences Geological Society of America Geological Society of Australia Geological Society of London Georgian Academy of Sciences German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences Indian National Science Academy Indonesian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK InterAcademy Council International Alliance of Research Universities International Arctic Science Committee International Association for Great Lakes Research International Council for Science International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences International Research Institute for Climate and Society International Union for Quaternary Research International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Islamic World Academy of Sciences Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Kenya National Academy of Sciences Korean Academy of Science and Technology Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal Latin American Academy of Sciences Latvian Academy of Sciences Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina National Academy of Sciences of Armenia National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka National Academy of Sciences, United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Association of Geoscience Teachers National Association of State Foresters National Center for Atmospheric Research National Council of Engineers Australia National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Research Council National Science Foundation Natural England Natural Environment Research Council, UK Natural Science Collections Alliance Network of African Science Academies New York Academy of Sciences Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences Nigerian Academy of Sciences Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters Oklahoma Climatological Survey Organization of Biological Field Stations Pakistan Academy of Sciences Palestine Academy for Science and Technology Pew Center on Global Climate Change Polish Academy of Sciences Romanian Academy Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain Royal Astronomical Society, UK Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Royal Irish Academy Royal Meteorological Society (UK) Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Royal Scientific Society of Jordan Royal Society of Canada Royal Society of Chemistry, UK Royal Society of the United Kingdom Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences Science and Technology, Australia Science Council of Japan Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics Scripps Institution of Oceanography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Society for Ecological Restoration International Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society of American Foresters Society of Biology (UK) Society of Systematic Biologists Soil Science Society of America Sudan Academy of Sciences Sudanese National Academy of Science Tanzania Academy of Sciences The Wildlife Society (international) Turkish Academy of Sciences Uganda National Academy of Sciences Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole Research Center World Association of Zoos and Aquariums World Federation of Public Health Associations World Forestry Congress World Health Organization World Meteorological Organization Zambia Academy of Sciences Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences
@ormmeford2204 Жыл бұрын
The fact that KZbin puts this advertisement on here is a clue as to where KZbin has chosen to support , instead of supporting real science.
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
There are two reasons why KZbin posts that disclaimer: (1) Over half the citizens of this country are scientifically illiterate and utterly incapable of discerning between legitimate science, pseudoscience and fossil fuel industry propaganda. The posts on this forum are testament to that sad fact. (2) KZbin knows more than you do. ELEVEN separate studies confirm the scientific consensus on climate change. ELEVEN. 80 academies of science and ALL of the world's major scientific institutions (NASA, NOAA, the World Meteorologiical Org., etc) publicly endorse the consensus findings, which is why every nation on earth is a card-carrying member of the IPCC. In 2021, Cornell University audited the over 88000 climate change studies published from 2012-2020 and tallied a 99.9% consensus that human activity, not nature, is driving global warming. Even Exxon's own scientists in leaked memos have acknowledged that combusted fossil fuels are warming the planet to a deleterious degree. And as to your REAL science? The science of William Happer? Happer isn't a climate scientist and he's published ZERO papers on climate change. His expertise is OPTICS. He's also the former head of the CO2 Coalition, FUNDED BY THE FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY, to promote the use of more oil and gas. To see just how badly he muffs your "real" science, see CLIMATE MISINFORMATION BY SOURCE: WILLIAM HAPPER, at the Skeptical Science website.
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
@@Landad_ "The level of impact is insignificant." Did you fact-check that? You should. 1. Absolute sea level has risen four inches since 1993, and the rate of rise has doubled, according to NASA. According to NOAA, high tide flooding along the American south and Gulf coasts has increased 400% and 1100% respectively since the year 2000. Even New England, which is uplifting land from glacial rebound, is up 140%. It's why Miami Beach has moved buildings and raised 105 miles of roads, and why Houston, New York and Louisiana have a combined $100 billion in new flood mitigation projects in the works. Keep in mind too, that every year of new sea level rise gives storm surges higher platforms to launch from, sending floodwaters further and further inland. The cost directly attributable to sea level rise for Hurricane Sandy's storm surge into New York was $8 billion. Hurricane Sandy was a mere category 1 storm by the time it hit New York. No impact? 2. Heatwaves have TRIPLED since the 1960s, according to the EPA. Heatwaves decimate crops, dry out tinder, and make wildfires much more likely to ignite. Wildfire burn acreage in Canada has doubled since the 1970s. The western U.S. has also seen burn acreage more than triple in the last forty years. Wildfire seasons, in fact, are now over a month longer than they were in the 1980s, according to the U.S. Forest Service. No impact? 3. Extreme precipitation events are increasing worldwide, according to the EPA. That's resulting in more devastating floods and crop losses. Think of Pakistan, Libya, Vermont. The epic rainfall over Houston from Hurrican Harvey was a landmark event. The cost directly attributed to global warming for that deluge has been pegged at $67 billion. No impact? 4. According to the IPCC, the incidence of drought, drought intensity and drought duration are increasing worldwide. Droughts decimate croplands, dry out tinder and make wildfires more likely. No impact? 5. Hurricane intensity has increased 8% per decade since the 1980s, according to NOAA. Faster winds. More rainfall. Higher storm surges. That costs money. And lives. No impact? 6. Due solely to global warming, tick-and-mosquito-borne diseases are spreading to areas of the world they've never been seen before. Even flesh-eating bacteria has increased its range from Florida all the way up to Massachusetts. No impact? 7. Marine heatwaves are up 20-fold, according to the University of Bern. In addition to fueling more powerful hurricanes, warming ocean water kills fish or sends them to colder waters. It's why the lobster fishery in southern New England has all but collapsed. It's why the shrimp fishery off Maine has collapsed. No impact? 8. According to the UN, the number of major environmental disasters from 2000-2020 nearly doubled over the previous 20 years. No impact? Really?
@markhastings9037 2 жыл бұрын
It amazes me that just a few years ago, as is shown by his graphs, the temperature in the 2000's was flat or dropping. But now that has been "adjusted" and now shows a steady increase. There is too much money involved in all this to believe much of it.
@obiwankenobi661 2 жыл бұрын
yes because we all know the poor oil industry and auto makers are just barely scraping by. yes theres simply no money in oil or petroleum.
@danielforde-pogson 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, earth's been cooling snce the 90's. Oh well. Now we've got too MANY polar bears...
@DANTHETUBEMAN 2 жыл бұрын
they measure the temperature in England right off the airport tarmac's, you can't make this stuff up. pure criminals.
@HealingLifeKwikly 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielforde-pogson I assume you're joking, Earth's been rapidly warming since the 1990s, and some polar bear populations are fine, some we don't know about and others are doing poorly.
@rd264 2 жыл бұрын
i welcome you to Dreamland.
@johnmcclain3887 2 жыл бұрын
A big question I came up with in the late sixties is "how did all the carbon get sequestered as elemental and compound in the first place?" It's always seemed to me it became such because as a compound, vast plant life converted it from CO2 into the various carbon compounds, which were the foundation for animal life rising. It has always seemed to me the existence as gas compound was critical for its common spread throughout the atmosphere. These issues were being debated well, in the mid-sixties and by the early seventies, rational thinkers were simply being shouted down. The logic related to the plant needs as per the stomata was well represented and angrily ignored. I'm a technician, mechanic, electronics tech machinist and toolmaker, and have studied this since the mid sixties. I'm more than a little irritated, idiots like Al Gore get a free pass on "science" and the rest of us are pummeled with it, despite "science". I have no degree but five or six years of college, bought and paid for while on active duty, just got the education, didn't need the piece of paper.
@jerbib9598 2 жыл бұрын
You're a mechanic so you know about global circulations? Maybe you can imagine how surprising the subject of fluid mechanics is?
@uraniumu242 2 жыл бұрын
@@jerbib9598 bill nye has made a lot of money talking about climate change and his degree is in mechanical engineering not climate science .
@jerbib9598 2 жыл бұрын
The rapid speed of the release is what's so dangerous for our future.
@jerbib9598 2 жыл бұрын
@@uraniumu242 - He listens to the experts. Do you?
@jima6545 2 жыл бұрын
@@jerbib9598 so what was stated wrong in the video? Please share your knowledge
@clivehorridge 5 жыл бұрын
The hardest thing to predict is the past - LMAO
@ffggddss 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, the exact opposite of a famous Yogi-Berra-ism: "Predictions are really hard; especially when they're about the future." Fred
@josepeixoto3384 Жыл бұрын
pastdict then lol
@someoneelse.2252 3 жыл бұрын
Happer should listen to Ocassio Cortez. She knows better and don't forget Greta who knows even more.
@sandie157 3 жыл бұрын
@rakooi 3 жыл бұрын
NO. GOOD GOD NO! ......he should listen to science. You don't declare a drought after CO2 has increased by 50% for the first time in millions of years!!!!!!!!!!
@forthfarean 5 жыл бұрын
I wish this chap would school that smug pillock Brian Cox.
@macanders1888 5 жыл бұрын
Yes for sure ..Cox is a failed pop star and a smarmy tosser
@forthfarean 5 жыл бұрын
@jimcampbell8878 5 жыл бұрын
George Jarrol
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
over view: ** "A new report revels 42% of global coal capacity is currently unprofitable, and the United States could > > save $78 billion by closing coal-fired power plants in line climate goals. This industry-disrupting trend comes down to dollars and cents, as the cost of renewable energy plumets below fossil fuel generation. Across the U.S., renewable energy is beating KILLER coal Electric on cost: The price to build new wind and solar has fallen below the cost of simply running existing coal-fired power plants in Red and Blue states. For example, Colorado’s Xcel will retire 660 megawatts (MW) of coal capacity ahead of schedule in favor of renewable sources and battery storage, and reduce costs in the process. Midwestern utility MidAmerican will be the first utility to reach 100% renewable energy by 2020 without increasing customer rates, and Indiana’s NIPSCO will replace 1.8 gigawatts (GW) of coal with wind and solar. . Lazard’s annual ... Cost of Energy (LCOE) analysis reports solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind costs have dropped an extraordinary 88% and 69% since 2009, respectively. Meanwhile, coal and nuclear costs have increased by 9% and 23%, respectively. Even without accounting for current subsidies, renewable energy costs can be considerably lower than the marginal cost of conventional energy technologies. In other words, customers save money when utilities replace existing coal with wind or solar ." * * * * * "....Nov 11, 2018 at 9:43AM
@katrinawalls2109 5 жыл бұрын
Cox is just a yes man of the BBC and a simpleton incomparison.
@Scrumpys Жыл бұрын
Excellent lecture and very much aligned with my own research into the science verses the media. People are losing their jobs from speaking up against Net Zero carbon campaigns. It is truly worrying that knowledge is declining as the human race is advancing. When i retire i am making it my goal to speak out.
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
Name the people who have lost their jobs for speaking out against net zero. I don't know of any. Before you decide to speak out, Scrumpy, do a little fact-checking first. William Happer isn 't a climate scientist. His expertise is OPTICS. He's also the former head of the CO2 Coalition, FUNDED BY THE FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY, to promote the use of MORE gas and oil. To see just how badly he misrepresents the science of climate change, see CLIMATE MISINFORMATION BY SOURCE: WILLIAM HAPPER.
@GeorgeJefferson-h7w Жыл бұрын
RETIRE NOW! Quit pretending that there is anything scientific about co2 being a problem.
@GeorgeJefferson-h7w Жыл бұрын
@@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 We need more co2, not less. If you think so called fossil fuel is bad for humanity, you are clueless. Cheap energy has saved countless lives. You're part of a death cult.
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
@@GeorgeJefferson-h7w I've been a science writer for nearly fifty years, published worldwide, in multiple languages, and I work with climate data every day. You, sadly, have swallowed fossil fuel industry propaganda whole. CO2 is great for plants, but only up to a point. We've passed that point. CO2-driven warming melts the icecaps, raises sea level, intensifies hurricanes, expands wildfire seasons, reduces farm productivity (yes, REDUCES), and increases heatwaves, marine heatwaves, ocean acidification, extreme precipitation events, droughts, desertification and tick-and-mosquito-borne diseases. Let me know how any of those are good for us.
@GeorgeJefferson-h7w Жыл бұрын
@@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 And none of that has happened and cannot be proven. Sorry you wasted your life spreading lies and fear to people. It's not too late to change though. We have not surpassed the level of co2 that benefits plants. Where the hell did you hear that?? They pump co2 into greenhouses at levels around 1000 ppm. 400 is not ideal and any less means more starvation. Oil, coal, and gas is plentiful and we have ways to use it cleanly. I'm sure you believe in overpopulation too. Goes hand in hand with your death cult.
@bomma2694 2 жыл бұрын
Thank god for people like you!! Thanks for putting yourself out there for us to see!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Research Studies have Centered: "CO2 Health Impacts in Confined Indoor Spaces---meeting rooms, classrooms, homes & basements . A considerable amount of recent research worldwide has documented many deleterious CO2 impacts in rooms from kindergartens to universities, meeting rooms to board rooms, etc. (Bako-Biro et al 2011; Widory and Javoy 2003; Kukadia et al. 2005; Dijken et al. 5 2005; Branco et al. 2015; Heudorf et al. 2009; Santamouris et al. 2008; Ferreira and Cardoso 2014; Gaihre et al. 2014; Jurado, et al. 2014; Lee and Chang 2000; Muscatiello et al 2015; / Carreiro-Martins et al. 2014). . Most agree levels of CO2 in 20-50% of classrooms commonly exceed 1,000 ppm and are often as high as 6,000 ppm for extended periods.
@shaughnfourie304 Жыл бұрын
@rakooi Жыл бұрын
@@shaughnfourie304 Thank You for letting me know.
@daszieher Жыл бұрын
​@@rakooiand made sure, everyone could hear that.
@edcarson3113 Жыл бұрын
@@rakooiand yet the scientists said for children to wear face masks in those classrooms. Science 😂
@davidmooten6646 2 жыл бұрын
why is this not told by msm ?
@dirtedeuce5936 2 жыл бұрын
Sarcasm? Or you realy asking? Cause im sure you know why
@mjja00 2 жыл бұрын
because its bollocks
@jaybee9269 Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t fit the narrative.
@robtukyoung4860 2 жыл бұрын
Co2 is life. Co2 =0xygen, which keeps us a live!
@mrunning10 2 жыл бұрын
and too much is OK too you guess?
@scottbionicnerf8727 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in school, we were going to loose the Ozone Layer and the planet will die.
@HondoTrailside 2 жыл бұрын
I think they are trying to bring that one back. I read something about a hole in the ozone. But I skipped the article, been down that hole already.
@you4080 2 жыл бұрын
@iknowyoureright8564 2 жыл бұрын
Was ice age…….then acid rain……then the hole in the ozone layer……then global warming……..then climate change………then they’ve settled on climate crisis/emergency! WHAT man would say the climate shouldn’t change? are we that egotistical that we think we know how this planet works, given we’ve only had the tools to “partly” study it for a blink of an eye in terms of the age of the earth! Explain the exact reasons and causes for all the other warming and cooling periods in history first and then use that data to exalting how we as ants on the globe are responsible for the change in climate!? Is that unreasonable to ask? These rises of less than a degree over 200 years etc……there is nothing to say those same rises will continue at the same rate going forward……the planet has been a LOT warmer than this before and A LOT cooler than this before… 10-20 degrees in some cases……..1 degree over such a time frame is just on observation…..the fact that it coincides with the industrial revolution does not mean that is the reason…….and if it is then……explain in the same level of detail all of the previous warming and cooling periods in history…….that isn’t too much to ask, people just want to know that we aren’t putting all the eggs in the one (carbon) basket when the cause could be something very different.
@DANTHETUBEMAN 2 жыл бұрын
over one hundred lightning ⚡🌩️⚡ strikes per minute creat a lot of ozone, and that oxidized carbon also.
@ziggy979 2 жыл бұрын
In high school I attended current affair classes that were decided by popular vote by all of the students and then the format and curriculum was designed by the teachers. Very cool topics from the American Indian to global pollution. I still use the mechanics of the principles which was to question all the "facts". Great education moving forward here into Wizard of Oz territory.
@tradernz2038 5 жыл бұрын
Mean while Brian Cox is sitting down holding up his hockey stick graph
@rakooi 4 жыл бұрын
The new Hockey Stick Graph supported by 34 long-term, peer-reviewed, published, replicated studies support the current hockey stick graph. Alexander von Humboldt 1st Labeled & Defined "Climate Change" in 1799...the same as it is used today. Thomas Jefferson & John Adams discussed/debated "climate change" from 1799 thru 1804. 1811, European Scientists had confirmed a Tied at the Hip connection between Climate Change and Human Activities.
@jean-marclamothe8859 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi bring me 1000 peer reviewed studies that says earth is flat it won’t make me believe you anyway.
@scottmurray247 Жыл бұрын
I'll follow the science of Professor Happer anytime
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
Follow it right down a rabbit hole of misinformation. He's the last person you want to get climate science from.
@discoveryman59 Жыл бұрын
They are controlling the weather, and fires.
@terryhigson434 2 жыл бұрын
BRAVE man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED MORE BRAVE PEOPLE.
@spikejones1908 Жыл бұрын
First time I've heard this man speak. Good to hear common sense. There are many of us who have a good working pineal gland. People must educate themselves. My people parish from lack of knowledge. Lord, please protect your people. Thanks again for the truth.
@killytoo 5 жыл бұрын
Noble cause Corruption kept alive by people making money by our ignorance of the facts
@americandefender6884 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly! World Bank Group PRICING CARBON!
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
Well, I agree with you are ignorant of the facts.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@Huw chardon "The last time there was this much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere, modern humans (( even our ancient relatives )) didn't exist. We weren't even a Twinkle in God's Eye! . Megatoothed sharks prowled the oceans, the world's seas were up to 100 feet higher than they are today, and the global average surface temperature was up to 11°F warmer than it is now. . How do we gleen these FACTS about the last few millions years? . Where does the data come from? . "....There is no single, agreed-upon answer to those questions as studies show a range up to 15 million years ago. . The most direct evidence comes from tiny bubbles of ancient air trapped in the vast ice sheets of Antarctica, Greenland etc. . By drilling for ice cores and analyzing the air bubbles, scientists have found that, at no point during at least the past 800,000 years have atmospheric CO2 levels been as high as they are now...." . (( Between 180PPM & 300PPM...That is the GOLDILOCKS LEVELS for HUMAN creation/evolutionary SUCCESS! )) . Human activities have Raised those levels of CO2 to over 415PPM! experiment on your children and your grand children for 1 reason, the obscene profits & TRILLION DOLLAR SUBSIDIES/SUPPORTS for the DEEP STATE Fossil Fuel Billionaires & their bankers. . These bubbles reflect precise measures of atmospheric gasses, pollen, soot, chemicals, mold spores, etc. ...all challenged by other scientists & replicated from Fossils records, stalagmites, tree rings, deep sea soil cores, sea shell chemistry etc. And when confirmed from a dozen differing directions, you gain consensus/widespread agreement. . These publications of evidence, theory, challenges & replication, & peer review, eliminates over-the-long-haul 'unsubstantiated' theorys. . "....Key Points Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, & certain human manufactured greenhouse gases have all risen significantly over the last two hundred years and more to the point over the last 70 years+! . Historical measurements show that the current global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are unprecedented compared with the past 800,000 to 1 million years. . Carbon dioxide concentrations have increased substantially since the beginning of the industrial era, rising from an annual average of 280 ppm in the late 1700s to 415 ppm as measured at Mauna Loa in 2019-a 43+ percent increase. Now 415ppm 2019. ((412ppm 2018)) 1. Almost all of this increase is due to human activities. The concentration of methane in the atmosphere has more than doubled since pre-industrial times, reaching approximately 1,800 ppb in recent years. This increase is predominantly due to agriculture and fossil fuel use.. 2. Over the past 800,000-1 million years, concentrations of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere rarely exceeded 280 ppb. Levels have risen since the 1920s, however, reaching a new high of 328 ppb in 2015. This increase is primarily due to agriculture. . Concentrations of many of the Halogenated Gasses shown were essentially zero a few decades ago but have increased rapidly as they have been incorporated into industrial products and processes. Some of these chemicals have been or are currently being phased out of use because they are PROVEN ozone-depleting substances, meaning they also cause harm to the Earth’s protective ozone layer. . As a result, concentrations of many major ozone-depleting gasses have begun to stabilize or decline. Concentrations of still other halogenated gases have continued to rise, however, especially where the gases have emerged as substitutes for ozone-depleting chemicals. . Overall, the total amount of ozone in the atmosphere decreased by about 3 percent between 1979 and 2014. .****************************** (( Now in 2017/2018, Ozone has started to increase of the nearly 8,000 new chemicals used by our Industry / UNTESTED by our gutted EPA are again threatening CANCER Epidemics etc.)) .****************************** All of the decrease happened in the stratosphere, with most of the decrease occurring between 1979 and 1994. Changes in stratospheric ozone reflect the effect of ozone-depleting chemical/ substances. . These chemicals have been released into the air for many years, but recently, international efforts have reduced emissions and phased out their use. (Montreal Protocols pushed by an ultra conservative president of the USA) . Globally, the amount of ozone in the troposphere increased by about 3 percent between 1979 and 2014. ​ Water Vapor, too, as a Greenhouse Gas (with a kind of multiplier effect from CO2) Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Human activities have only a small direct influence on atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, primarily through irrigation and deforestation, so it is not included in this indicator. . The surface warming caused by human production of other greenhouse gases, however, leads to an increase in atmospheric water vapor because warmer temperatures make it easier for water to evaporate and stay in the air in vapor form. . This creates a positive “feedback loop” in which warming leads to more warming. but Look For Yourself: . "....Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the pH of surface ocean waters has fallen by 0.1 pH units. . Since the pH scale, like the Richter scale, is logarithmic, this change represents approximately a 30 percent increase in acidity. Future predictions indicate that the oceans will continue to absorb carbon dioxide and become even more acidic. Estimates of future carbon dioxide levels, based on business-as-usual emission scenarios, indicate that by the end of this century the surface waters of the ocean could be nearly 150 percent more acidic, resulting in a pH that the oceans haven’t experienced for more than 20 million years...."
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@Alex Tourigny TOO FUNNY! Don't tell me... the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM they have been ranting about for the last 20 YEARS! And before that, the end of global Warming that was to happen BEFORE 2000 and then the COOLING predicted in the 90s and then the 80s...and of course the GREAT COOLING MYTH in the 70s....all pushed and prodded by the Fossil Fuel Industrial Billionaires. THINK! Who profits from a mini ice age or a Grand Solar Minimum etc. How About the Folks that sell HEAT and who are running a deep state Energy Monopoly!!! 19 years ago, by hook or by crook, sucked up 1% of the entire world's GDP in subsidies and supports and freebies...TRILLIONS of DOLLARS... IN 2016 that percentage of ill-gotten gains had increased to 6.5% of world GDP MANY TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS enjoyed by a few thousand families and their bankers!
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@Alex Tourigny The 2 Scientists, who are the most QUOTED/CITED sources for CONTRARIAN / DENIALIST Paid-For-Opinion-Media: Daily Caller, Breitbart, Twitchy, New American etc. . Dr. Roy Spencer/ Dr. John Christy---> The SKEPTIC Satellite Science Guys! . WHO popularized Sloganeering Anti-Global-Warming-by-Press-Release. SKEPTICS INVENTED 1st ( the "GLOBAL WARMING PAUSE") 2nd ( the "GLOBAL WARMING HIATUS") 3rd ( the "GLOBAL Cooling") . After ALL of those Press Releases from Oil & Coal P.R. departments in the 1970s proclaiming a mini ice age was around the corner ! Prompting 100's of Newspaper scare headlines. ...and then again in the '80s, twice in the '90s, etc. . The UAH’s SKEPTIC Dr. John Christy and his partner Dr. Roy Spencer ----BOTH having predicted that Global Warming would End around 2000, and then would end with the solar minimum of 2007-2009 and then would end around 2015 and NOW WE HAVE PREDICTIONS in the media of a GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM ushering in a mini ice age...what again? . HOWEVER - THEY reported/admitted just a few months ago, that UAH data NOW confirms an “ UPWARD Global climate temperature trend SINCE Nov.16, 1978 Temperatures have been increasing for 40 year ! [of] +0.14+ C / decade [1/4F]/decade.”------- * * * That amounts to a rate of 1.4C / 100 years. NOTE, temps. HAD risen 0.85 to 1.15C over the PREVIOUS century. SO THIS NEW CHRISTY RATE 1.4C / 100 years is a 20%+ increase in the rate of warming over that PREVIOUS century! . 1.4 C by humans per 100 yrs During the end of the Last Glaciation, some 12,000 yrs ago, temps increased 5C over 5,000 years. THAT is 0.10 C per 100 years. HUMANS are raising temperatures around the world ' MANY ' times FASTER than Plants & Animals are able to adapt to. * * * * * * Spencer & Christy . Effectively ADMITTING for the FIRST TIME: 1. NO PAUSE in Global Warming ! ..... NONE ! 2. NO HIATUS in Global Warming! ..... NONE ! 3. Sure as hell, > NO COOLING! ...........NONE ! . Dr. SPENCER: “my UAH cohort & boss John Christy, who does the detailed matching between satellites, is pretty convinced that the RSS data is undergoing SPURIOUS COOLING because RSS is still using the old NOAA-15 satellite which has a decaying orbit..." . While everyone else corrects the errors in sat. data thru mathematics but they had accused others of manipulating data sooo... . Spencer & Christ found it ideologically convenient to allow these series of satellite inaccuracies to support their previous DENIER predictions FOR YEARS ! !
@tinninfran9425 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not a professor and I've know this since grade school.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
Remember The RIGHT WING Hurricane Drought???? Here is another look at it:
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@dougadoo1976able 5 жыл бұрын
Geez you knew you weren't a professor in the 3rd grade
@jelink22 5 жыл бұрын
Then your ass is GENIUS!!! Wanna splain why green weenies don't know it--or did you go to a SPED school?
@tmv-v1u Жыл бұрын
So grateful for the context warning, as I am incapable of critical thinking. Thank you for doing my thinking for me!
@treenelson4063 Жыл бұрын
@muzaffarkrylov2365 I like it. It's an honor to be given "The Schwab Stamp of disapproval" 😇
@unclejj13er75 Жыл бұрын
Propaganda. Western style.
@communityorganizer5645 2 жыл бұрын
It's great to see all the failed predictions from the 80s and 90s as well as more recent. Until they acknowledge just how embarrassingly wrong they have Ben, how can they expect anybody with serious intellect to pay attention to them?
@richardd8832 2 жыл бұрын
The climate scientists claimed the ice caps would shrink. They did. They claimed there would be more fires in the west. There are. They claimed tropical storms would be more severe than in the past. They are. They claimed the weather would have greater extremes of unusually hot and unusually cold days. There are. It seems to me we now have proof they were right about almost everything. The military and commercial businesses are now so convinced in human caused global warming they are making structural changes in how they run their organizations. What are you claiming they got wrong?
@AquaCoalaNest 2 жыл бұрын
What predictions failed that were stated in scientific papers? Please try not refer to politicians, celebrities, random blogs, random people. Peer reviewed scientific journals. - Scientists usually right, dude.
@richardd8832 2 жыл бұрын
@@AquaCoalaNest Well said! Totally agree.
@obiwankenobi661 2 жыл бұрын
yeah sure, thats why there are more droughts, wildfires, storms and floods than ever and they are getting worse and worse. thank god we have people like you.
@HealingLifeKwikly 2 жыл бұрын
"It's great to see all the failed predictions from the 80s and 90s as well as more recent.Until they acknowledge just how embarrassingly wrong they have Ben, how can they expect anybody with serious intellect to pay attention to them?" Actually, if you look at what the MAJORITY of EXPERTS in each field predicted, they have been very accurate. I mean don't pay attention to Al Gore's exaggeration about sea level rise or the misquotes of UN officials of quotes from non-experts. Global warming, global ice melt, sea level rise and the deteriorating health of earth's ecosystems are all as bad or worse than predicted back in the 1990s. Just from the 5th IPCC report to the 6th IPCC report, they had to adjust their predictions of global temps and sea level rise UPWARDS. All the major predictions of the theory of man-made global warming that could have come true by now have come true, and 14 different climate models, some dating back to the 1970s and 1980s, have accurately predicted how much our emissions would warm the planet. Just Google “CBS News climate models have been impressively accurate for decades” for coverage of the research proving the second point. If you want a list of dozens of scientific predictions that have come true, I can send that to you too, but it’s not on this computer.
@LightGesture 2 жыл бұрын
Point is, we don't need to dump everything we have now and spend 150 TRILLION dollars going "green". The cost isn't worth it in the slightest!
@deanmindock3680 2 жыл бұрын
The green of the socialists is actually brown. It is death.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Where the hell did you get that nonsense figure...150 trillion.....that is a nutsyarsss figure. We have to modernize our power spend it on clean renewables and save money too.
@jmc8076 2 жыл бұрын
I agree but pollution from mass consumption, urbanization, mono crop farming, mining and oil etc is real. But green tech incl solar, EVs, Wind req mass mining also to make components and batteries. Soon it will incl strip mining the ocean floor. EVs w/plug-ins avail in 1920s. Sadly privatization of natural resources, centralized money and big corps also happened. We do need change and cleaner energy source. It’s how it’s implemented. Est is $62 T in USA.
@michaelmooney3369 5 жыл бұрын
no carbon dioxide no plants, no plants no oxygen. carbon dioxide in your body is why you breath.
@nbrown5907 5 жыл бұрын
We need more CO2 not less.
@allthecolors6900 5 жыл бұрын
We breathe oxygen and release CO2. We are made up of carbon, nitrogen and H2O. With more carbon, we could solve food shortages in different parts of the world
@aaroncosier735 2 жыл бұрын
CO2 has oscillated between 150 and 280ppm every 120,000 years for the last three million years, at least. There is no shortage of CO2. Nor will ceasing emissions cause a shortage. Plants and crops grew before extensive fossil emissions and they still will when we stop those emissions.
@kennyboy02 Жыл бұрын
It would seem that because carbon is so beneficial to human well-being is the very reason why the powers that be are demonising it
@stacyanderson3001 Жыл бұрын
Yes we peasants are the carbon they wish to reduce
@Michael_Lorenson 2 жыл бұрын
Someone tell the cameraman to show the charts while the speaker is referencing them directly.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree.
@vhawk1951kl Жыл бұрын
There is no pure English verb to reference, because reference is a noun.
@jewelljohnson8356 5 жыл бұрын
My only complaint was the Camera Man!
@theoneandonlyowl3764 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Happer gave a great short lecture. I've heard similar talks from a couple of Aussie Physicists, as well as the guy, ex-member, of Greenpeace, can't remember his name. It seemed that the audience watching the Greenpeace guy wanted to publicly flog him for daring to say that CO2 was good for the earth. Anyone with a well planted aquarium, too, will tell you that for optimum growth that some CO2 is the only way to achieve lush growth. Too much will kill the fish, though. The great thing about aquarium plants is, you can see the O2 being released from the leaves in tiny bubbles. The way that commercial green-houses produce their CO2 was new to me. So I learned a little more today. Greening the earth more should be our goal. After all, all that coal we dig up used to thick, lush forests. I don't see a problem releasing it back, as long as the real pollutants are scrubbed out or captured when burned.
@suetlailim4022 Жыл бұрын
Ex Greenpeace guy is Patrick moore
@rakooi Жыл бұрын
1957 Our Unintended Experiment Roger Revelle, a U.S. oceanographer, and Hans Suess, an Austrian-born U.S. chemist, realizing that carbon dioxide from industrial sources must be building up in the atmosphere, wrote in 1957: "Thus human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future." 1958 Climate Science on Television The Bell Telephone Science Hour addressed how our actions could be changing Earth's climate. "Even now, [we] may be unwittingly changing the world's climate through the waste products of [our] civilization," said the narrator. "Due to our release from factories and automobiles every year of more than six billion tons of carbon dioxide, which helps the air absorb heat from the Sun, our atmosphere seems to be getting warmer." 1958 Daily Measurements of Carbon Dioxide
@roch145 Жыл бұрын
There are many comments here that show there are very few people who understood much of what was presented. The citizenry has a poor understanding of science. And when confronted with politicized scientific debates, have very little ability to critically evaluate what they are being told.
@andrewbainton4139 2 жыл бұрын
A breath of fresh air!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Hardly true....Happer measured the air quality had diminished to 1500ppm of CO2......Doctors will tell you that this is unhealthy. . "Growing Research ( health care research from over 174 nations, the U.S. NAVY & NASA ) indicates that environmentally Relevant & Grossly Abnormal Current Elevations in CO2 ( Currently OVER 420ppm, Compared to the Normal 180ppm to 285ppm) (& nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases)...pose direct risks for human health” "--->These are Current, Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances (warnings) in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy thinking 6. Lethargy "...Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures under 400ppm ( while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations to over 6,000 ppm.)
@bobjary9382 Жыл бұрын
You hope
@sivasurrey 2 жыл бұрын
I have lived next to the sea for 70 years in SriLanka. I am still here and it has nit risen an inch
@OrangPasien 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Siva; Also look at American politicians like Biden and Obama (and others), who have bought HUGE mansions near the shore. They sure don't seem to worried about rising seas. Why is that?
@vvvjjjjjjjj 2 жыл бұрын
Why anyone would listen to not only a politician, but a bad politician about anything scientific is beyond me. It’s now happened again with Covid and we are paying for it. So sad and horrible
@russelljohnson7064 5 жыл бұрын
Al Gore said that Boston and New York would be under water by the year 2000.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
NO HE DID NOT! And he is a failed politician...not a scientist! WHO THE HELL CARES.
@eliosanciolo1743 5 жыл бұрын
Gore is an idiot scientifically but a genius financially. He has made a fortune on climate propoganda . Michael Mann and co at THE IPCC are riding on his coat tails trying to cash in on the scam.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@@eliosanciolo1743 1. Gore is not a scientist...never has been...he runs a very profitable venture capital firm. 2. His CPA's verified he has donated any and all profits from his speeches, books, and movies to the cause as charitable contributions. EVERY PENNY! . .
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
@russelljohnson7064 5 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi If Al Gore believes that the sea levels are rising, why did he just purchase an $11M mansion right on the beach in Florida? Why did the Obamas just purchase a multi-million dollar mansion on Martha's Vineyard, which was supposed to be underwater by now. You have been scammed by the biggest scam in history.
@Revelation18-4 Жыл бұрын
There is no crisis !
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
So a four inch rise in sea level since 1992 doesn't concern you? Or the fact that the rate of rise has neartly doubled since then? No worries?
@Revelation18-4 Жыл бұрын
@@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 It has been up and down since the beginning of time!
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
@@Revelation18-4 The difference, my friend, is that WE are causing the rise in sea level which, if left unchecked, will one day inundate the over 660 major coastal cities and thousands of small towns and villages throughout the world. High tide flooding along the American south and Gulf coasts has already jumped an astonishing 400% and 1100% since the year 2000, according to NOAA. Even New England, which is uprising land from glacial rebound, is up 140%. It's why Houston, New York and Louisiana have a combined $100 billion in flood mitigation projects in the works.
@staylofordo7111 2 жыл бұрын
If the science priests say there’s too much co2 you bet that there’s not enough.
@mermer58 2 жыл бұрын
You hardly ever hear climate change alarmists take into account the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.
@peterwysochanski534 5 жыл бұрын
The press proclaims 3 days in the high 90s in NYC as a unprecedented event. Doesn't feel the need to bring up 1896, 1911 and 1936 when CO2 was low.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
Only the Enhanced Green House Effect fully Explains this ongoing event! Look: These are not ideas which have been invented by Dr. James Hansen, or Modern Science, Dr. Michael Mann, or Karl Marx or Rev. Jimmy Swaggert. 1799 Alexander von Humboldt studied, worried and postulated that Human Activites / Pollution would CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE! Strip Mining entire mountain tops, Clear Cutting entire Forests, burning Coal/Peat/Wood/Oil, building huge cities which have their own climates . The First USE of " CLIMATE CHANGE " STILL in use today. . 1799 Thomas Jefferson also penned a paper on observed climate changes which he stated was probably caused by man...and had many discussions with John Adams on these climate changes. . "1804 : Thomas Jefferson On Climate Change | Real Science “A change in our climate is taking place very surely. Both heat and cold are becoming moderate within the memory of even the middle-aged, and snows are less frequent and less deep.” - Thomas Jefferson 1804" 1811 Science Tied Warming, Climate Changes directly to Human Activities & Industrialization. . 1824 Jean-Baptiste Fourier calculates that the Earth would be far colder if it lacked an atmosphere . 1856 "....a paper entitled “Circumstances affecting the heat of the sun’s rays,” by Eunice Foote. In two brisk pages, Foote’s paper anticipated the revolution in climate science by experimentally demonstrating the effects of the sunlight on certain gases and theorizing how those gases would interact with Earth’s atmosphere for the first time. In a column of the September 1856 issue of Scientific American titled “Scientific Ladies,” Foote is praised for supporting her opinions with “practical experiments.” The writers noted: “this we are happy to say has been done by a lady.” Foote’s research & paper demonstrated the interactions of the sun’s rays on different gases through a SERIES of experiments...." ((Variations of those fundamental Experiments are critiqued/taught in nearly every 1st year science course on colleges and universities around the world. . Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming. . 1958 & again in 1965 AAAS and the president's Science Advisers presented Current Research Warning about centuries of Industrial pumping of Toxic Waste Products into our atmosphere, leading to threatening climate changes from Global Warming. . Broecker is probably best known for popularizing the term “global warming” through his 1975 paper “Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?” Read more: . CO2..proves greenhouse effect . THERE is a line of solid, verified replicated empirical evidence ! !
@peterwysochanski534 5 жыл бұрын
@Homo Quantum Sapiens It takes an insecure environmental zealot to revert to a strawman label of "retard" when engaged in debate. Feel free to give your credentials for being able to declare the many learned scientists who question the data and computer models as retards while declaring Al Gore as Einstein incarnate. NASA has cooked the books to meet a narrative, so I failed to mention nothing but dishonest "science". Maybe you have no problem with them "adjusting" away the past heat waves during low CO2 periods and starting their graph at the end of cold periods and ignoring the previous hot periods. But you go right ahead. Hook your cart to the folk who told us that cold had no adverse effects on the O-ring. I'll stick with Feynman and doubt.
@rakooi 5 жыл бұрын
The press is not scientist...neither is Al Gore!
@Richard-Monssen Жыл бұрын
This video needs to be downloaded and shared everywhere!
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
Yes, to illustrate how insidious the work of oil industry shills are. Happer isn't a climate scientist. He's the former head of the CO2 Coalition, funded by the fossil fuel industry, to promote the use of more gas and oil. Vet your sources before you believe them, Richard. Fossil fuel industry propaganda is everywhere, spread by nearly 100 different front groups, think tanks, websites and shills like Happer, according to investigations by Drexel University, the Union of Concerned Scientists and Greenpeace.
@GeorgeJefferson-h7w Жыл бұрын
@@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Just because someone is paid by an oil company doesn't make him a shill Einstein. THAT is your proof?? LMAO
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
@@GeorgeJefferson-h7w Happer isn't just paid by the fossil fuel industry, he has been roundly debunked in the scientific literature. I'll be happy to show you where and how.
@owenorders5202 Жыл бұрын
@@GeorgeJefferson-h7w Yes. Exactly. Doesn't it make sense that somebody who doesn't believe in climate alamism would go and work for people that share his beliefs? Those who think otherwise are confusing the chicken with the egg.
@colconn57 5 жыл бұрын
The John Locke Foundation (JLF) is a conservative think tank based in North Carolina.[2] The organization was founded in 1990 to work "for truth, for freedom, and for the future of North Carolina."[3][4] It is named after the philosopher John Locke, who was a primary contributor to classical liberalism. JLF was co-founded by Art Pope, a North Carolina businessman active in politics.[5] Pope's family foundation provides most of the support for the center.[6] The organization's stated mission is to "employ research, journalism, and outreach programs to transform government through competition, innovation, personal freedom, and personal responsibility. JLF seeks a better balance between the public sector and private institutions of family, faith, community, and enterprise."[7] The organization is concerned primarily with state and local issues. JLF advocates lowering taxes, and encouraging free markets. Kory Swanson is its current president. The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy was in its initial stages a project of the John Locke Foundation.
@gusjohnson1908 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds awful- lower taxes invariably means more poverty and inequality. More money less accountability for the rich.
@savage22bolt32 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds wonderful. Higher taxes makes productivity gains moot.
@whbgegs5571 2 жыл бұрын
sounds pretty good
@whbgegs5571 2 жыл бұрын
@@gusjohnson1908 Lol, lower taxes means less money for rich politicians and their personal connections
@granthurlburt4062 2 жыл бұрын
I admire John Locke but not the goals of this foundation nor this jerk dismissing the results and analyses of 30,000 scientists, from many countries in various fields, all either contributing peer-reviewed research or else analyzing and collecting the research. Thanks for the information,
@dontownsend3434 Жыл бұрын
Not one Model or Prediction of any Climate Alarmist has come to fruition without manipulation of current and historical data !!!
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
HORSESHIT thinking and a fucking LIE. ALL of the model forecasts from day 1 are within error bounds of prediction. How many hot summers do you need before you remove your head from deep inside your rectum?
@jimlangill9318 5 жыл бұрын
It might help if the cameraman was instructed to keep the camera at the prop or screen while the Professor illustrates then pan to him when he faces the audience.
@dlwatib 5 жыл бұрын
He did a reasonably good job. There are other lectures on KZbin that are much worse.
@Myrslokstok 2 жыл бұрын
@@dlwatib Yhee the screen was bright and he manage it greatly, it was OK. There are some stupididly worse.
@vineetp894 2 жыл бұрын
the camera man might just be doing what he did when he was in school...look at the teacher and not at the diagram the teacher is trying to explain, and then pretend to look & study the diagram when teacher looks at you.
@diannepenny407 4 жыл бұрын
It's beyond laughable that KZbin stick that ridiculous Wiki definition of Global Warming underneath these erudite and deeply intelligent clips!
@mjja00 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to put forward the village idiots point of view.
@diannepenny407 2 жыл бұрын
@@mjja00 Would you like to grace us all with your stunning intellect and explain why I'm a 'village idiot'?
@lookupverazhou8599 2 жыл бұрын
​@@diannepenny407 He ran away.
@jameslow5536 2 жыл бұрын
4 years later.... still the same ..
@DANTHETUBEMAN 2 жыл бұрын
yep, still a dynamic system.
@lawneymalbrough4309 2 жыл бұрын
The reason their ma5h is wrong is because it needs to be wrong in order to support their wealth redistribution plan. That is all the green new deal really is.
@QuizPubUK 2 жыл бұрын
What's infuriating is that we're being taxed for our carbon footprint, charged for driving into our city centres, slowed down on motorways to reduce CO2, paying more for fuel, threatened with rolling blackouts because they have closed our power plants. I could go on and on how we're all being impoverished because of a LIE.
@kiwidiesel Жыл бұрын
Sadly stupid people don't know they are stupid and believe any fairy tale of doom. You could prove they are stupid to them but they wouldn't believe it anyway, like getting this truth into their heads.
@johnzaleski5182 Жыл бұрын
God bless CO2! My trees and plants love it!!
@circular17 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I did not know about stomata count reduced by CO2 thus reducing loss of water. This is really a key point because it shows that even if temperature rises a bit, that's still way better for them.
@rakooi 3 жыл бұрын
It is not a key point when YOU realize you are not a plant....not a turnip or a Squash. Coming out of the last glaciation (from 15,000 to 10,000 years ago) Earth Warmed at a rapid rate of 5C over those 5,000 years. THAT rate of Warming was 0.1C per century. . The last Century of human measures, Earth has warmed at 0.85C per Century.....1870s to 1970s. . 8 times faster than Earth Normal. . Noted ' Skeptic ' Dr. John Christy has recalculated all satellite data since the first Sat. was launched for temperatures..1978 thru this day.. Earth is Warming at 1.40 C per century .. that's 14 times faster than Earth Normal....FASTER than most Animals and Many Plants will be able to adapt to that rate of rapid climate change. .
@Dan-mm1yl 3 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Bet he had to recalculate it to get those results Climate changes - it is not static and will not always incrsase/decrease in a smooth linear fashion 😉
@Pneuma40 3 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Coming out of the last glaciation Earth Warmed at a rapid rate of 5C over those 5,000 years. THAT rate of Warming was 0.1C per century. Rick 1) what caused that warming? Man burning fossil fuels? 2) what rate is the pre-anthropogenic cause currently contributing? 3) where did fossil fuels come from? The atmosphere? Are we merely replacing what came from the atmosphere? And who in the world convinced you that some rate of warming averaged from the last ice age was "Normal". Heating and cooling have gone up and down sometimes much faster and there is no normal or ideal rate.......some one sold you hogwash. I guess you don't get it..... this is a political inspired crisis..... Those pushing it don't act as if they believe it or care..... not their words but actions, Rick. Finally, predictions about the future are not science. Science is based on observation and you cannot observe the future. No one can say how plants and animals will react to future events, no one.
@lookupverazhou8599 2 жыл бұрын
​@@rakooi But we eat plants. dun dun dun.
@ExploringCabinsandMines 2 жыл бұрын
“correlation does not imply causation”
@jesperFrost 2 жыл бұрын
The physics talk he mentions at 8:35 is that on KZbin?
@gorber1971 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see this with a static view of the presentation screen. The constant zooming and moving around by the camera is absolutely infuriating.
@antimatter4444 2 жыл бұрын
Andrew he has done more recent talks where not so zoomey. Check on YT.
@gorber1971 2 жыл бұрын
@@antimatter4444 Thanks Matt. I think I got enough from this one. There were just a few times where I wanted to take in the charts and it was super annoying. It has changed my thoughts on CO2. I was already of the opinion that the 'science' on this was one sided and, much worse, dogmatic, but had bought the assertion that CO2 was bad. It seems like, if CO2 is the emergency they claim it is, then it is futile to fight it with emissions, especially unilaterally, handing economic dominance to China, and it would be a better use of effort to plan for the supposed effects. But having seen this, I am convinced it really is a whole bunch of nothing.
@AB-1023 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. If anyone has good links to more of Happer’s videos please post them to a reply. I haven’t seen much from him over the past few years, not sure if it’s the YT algorithms preventing them or maybe he hasn’t done recent lectures. Thank you!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
CO2, (normally between 180ppm and never over 300ppm) for the first time in millions of years, has increased above 420ppm. . WHAT DROUGHT?
@curtisk2286 2 жыл бұрын
How to Think about Climate Change- will Happer Hillsdale
@jm2778 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Life ceases at 150 ppm. 2,000 to 7,000 during the dinosaurs. 1,200 in modern green house.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@jm2778 Some plants die off at that level....but life does not 'cease' at that level! . You are spouting about something you know nothing about.
@warneraudio 2 жыл бұрын
Having trouble finding any of Happers research papers. Any help…
@caveman1334 2 жыл бұрын
Try Milutin Milankovic research it may bring more light
@warneraudio 2 жыл бұрын
@@caveman1334Milankovic Cycles would explain the direction of temperatures but not the sharpness of those curves.
@caveman1334 2 жыл бұрын
@@warneraudio Thank you. I guess that I find it difficult to accept antropomorphic nature of the change and I think that by not knowing enough its easy to convince enough people in this side of the argument. Wrongly presented any curve may look more or less drastic depending on desired response ❤️🙏
@warneraudio 2 жыл бұрын
@@caveman1334 I'm afraid the Earth cares little for what you and I can accept or know for that matter. It'll shake us off for the parasites we are one day. If there's no planet B I'll error on the side of caution for the sake of future generations or until I know everything. Which I don't see happening all that soon. 🙏
@stevenhusmann8485 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid 50 years ago we were in a population explosion and we were all going to die from starvation by now. Instead we're all fat.
@paulb.searles7481 2 жыл бұрын
Good presentation, but you need to get someone running the camera who has some good sense. The slides are more important than the profile of the distinguished professor. And every time they have to shift back to the screen where the slides are being projected, you lose a couple-to-three seconds or so while the gain control in the optical circuit of the camera makes the adjustment so we can view the slides. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. - Paul -
@trainsbyben 2 жыл бұрын
The late 80's my son was scared because Miami was going to be underwater before 2000. In 2020 my grand daughter heard AOC say in 10 years we were doomed. I tried to reassure her the green movement is not about saving the environment or the earth. The green in dollars that every activist, billionaire and politician will make by making sure the investment in the companies that will be making the solar panels, windmills, etc. I've said many times the CO2 level during the dinosaurs existence had to to be greater to support the plants and animals that existed during that time. Thanks for the chart that proved that. As for Al Gore, can the jet, ride a bicycle to your talks, just don't exhale along the way. The earth made it this long before you came along.
@pluramonrecordings3438 2 жыл бұрын
In the valley in northern Spain where I live, the trees grew about a third of their previous height between spring 2021 and spring 2022, and have continued on the same course: this is a fairly cold region, but the trees have taken on a tropical appearance. Has there been a recent spike in CO2 in the atmosphere that could explain this? Is it happening elsewhere?
@joemarshall4226 2 жыл бұрын
The climate is being artificially manipulated by Geo-engineering. Research it.
@gomaze3082 2 жыл бұрын
If it was a spike in co2 it would have produced better than average tree growth. What caused the stunted growth rate you are seeing is lack of co2. If we continue to reduce co2 it will eventually kill off the trees that convert co2 to oxygen and create an unbalance in the atmosphere that will result in a cascading of both co2 and oxygen. We will not only kill off all kinds of vegetation and put most of the animal population at risk as well. These so called climatologist are playing with fire and will burn more than just themselves. Politicians should not be making laws governing things they know little about.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@joemarshall4226 so you have gone from advocating Geo-Engineering to fight excessive CO2 & its harm to human life........and now you are accusing others of Geo-Engineering to manipulate climate.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@gomaze3082 Gemaze, different plants can use more CO2 but many plants need the same or a little less than what they adapted/evolved to over the last many millions of years when CO2 was normally between 180ppm and never over 300ppm.
@joemarshall4226 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Where did you get the idea that I ADVOCATED geoengineering? I just said it existed. I think it's horrible, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was being used to created foods and droughts, and intensify storms so they destroy as much as possible. Maybe earthquakes, also. There has never been a weapon of war that was invented,a nd then not used. People have been screaming about the existence of chemtrails for decades. The powers-that -be denied their existence, until the evidence was jst overwhelming....Now they admit that "aerosol spraying" is something they are considering for the future to "mitigate global warming" Yeah, spray us all like rats is more like it. John Brennan, head of the CIA talked about them in Dec 2016. Bill Gates ahs also mentioned this scenario.
@bobjary9382 Жыл бұрын
So we have seen glaciers getting smaller , ice caps melting. Is this ok and whats making it happen ?
@cecilblanton6314 2 жыл бұрын
I need the Tube to tell me what to think of this because I can’t think for myself
@dennyoconnor8680 2 жыл бұрын
You too, huh.😁
@lnsk 2 жыл бұрын
Learn and share these bits of truth because you soon won't find them on the internet.
@peterherard8207 2 жыл бұрын
or in the mainstream media
@MM-gx7qb 2 жыл бұрын
Demon CO2 sounds like a great metal band name
@DANTHETUBEMAN 2 жыл бұрын
you would get great press right now
@percy9406 Жыл бұрын
I remember when Al Gore came up with this crap he had to animate the polar bear being stranded without an ice pack. Just BS.
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Жыл бұрын
Nearly everything Al Gore and his scientfic consultants predicted has come true, including diminishing polar bear populations along the southern Arctic ice.
@bicyclist2 2 жыл бұрын
Great stuff. The truth is always suppressed when it challenges the people in power. This is exactly what David Ike has been saying for years. Thank you.
@HealingLifeKwikly 2 жыл бұрын
"The truth is always suppressed when it challenges the people in power." Exactly, but it is HAPPER who is trying to suppress the truth because that threatens those in power and threatens corporate profits.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
But, of course, you aren't smart enough to present your argument! But YOU KNOW THE TRUTH when you smell it, coming out of your arsss....ooops...I mean mouth!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@HealingLifeKwikly THAT is why Donald Trump labeled our FREE PRESS, the enemy of the people.... an old Soviet phrase.
@edcarson3113 Жыл бұрын
@@HealingLifeKwiklythe corporations (public owned) make money regardless, be it fossil fuels or solar panels.
@mtaylor3771 2 жыл бұрын
Hey KZbin, if the UN told you the moon was made of cheese, you would believe it.
@stephencox4224 2 жыл бұрын
Well we know Google is KZbin and that like the UN has become a tool of the Marxist far left with zero credibility CO2 is in my opinion at 0.04 percent at dangerously low levels as historically the level has been much higher and all life on earth depends on CO2 and the Process of Photosynthesis for survival of all forms of life on Earth, Plants do not grow or survive without CO2 and the Oxygen all animal life requires to breathe and survive is a byproduct of Photosynthesis and CO2. Fraud is a Crime and the amount of Money stolen in this crime Worldwide makes it the greatest Criminal Fraud perpetrated on Mankind in History, Time to imprison these criminals one and all.
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
YOU are objecting to 200 years of much critiqued and then verified research???
@stephencox4224 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Two hundred years of research what a crock of shit you spin there has not been the equipment to measure CO2 levels for 200 years and everybody who works in Archeology who deciphers ancient plant remains and tree rings that is not a barefaced scammer like Al Gore and various other morons like Tim Flannery "Never Rain again and if it did it would not fill the Dams" You are seriously deluded just wait till the Globalist scum pushing this lie take away everything you value in life if not your life as well Fool.
@mtaylor3771 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi specifically, what science are you referring to?
@mtaylor3771 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi try again, whatever you just posted does not appear in the comments
@robertadams6606 2 жыл бұрын
And don't forget about Sun cycles, they are a major factor in the Earth's Climate.
@geraldcurl2154 2 жыл бұрын
It's apparent Al Gore either skipped or was sleeping in the so called science training he he gives himself credit for!
@nathanwilliams5290 Жыл бұрын
He took a climate course because he had to take an elective in science and he was such a poor science and math student he figured this would be his best bet. Years later when he wrote his first book on the climate he dedicated the book to his professor who was a bit puzzled since he didn’t remember him. He always saved all his students work so he went back and reviewed Gore’s file. He discovered that he gave Gore a D- in the course which he thought was generous. He read the book and sent Gore a letter thanking him for the the props but told him he was misinterpreting his research.
@davidskerret 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you doctor There are gullible people around Thank God our eyes are being opened
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
Opened to FALSE scientific opinions...with NO scientific studies to support his absurd opinions. Mankind was CREATED and EVOLVED while CO2 was between 180 ppm and never over 300 ppm we have forced CO2 up and over 420 ppm.... that is a stunning 50% increase since the late 1800s. . "Growing Research ( health care research from over 174 nations, the U.S. NAVY & NASA ) indicates that environmentally Relevant & Grossly Abnormal Current Elevations in CO2 ( Currently OVER 420ppm, Compared to the Normal 180ppm to 285 ppm) (& nearly 2DZ other toxic Greenhouse gases)...pose direct risks for human health” "--->These are Current, Common CO2 triggered neurological disturbances (warnings) in Humans" 1. Headaches 2. Fainting spells 3. Dizziness 4. Confusion 5. Fuzzy thinking 6. Lethargy "...Deleterious effects are already regularly measured at CO2 exposures under 400ppm ( while enclosures routinely rise to concentrations of over 6,000 ppm.)
@hugskisses1601 2 жыл бұрын
“This is the level of disgusting we are trying to face…its just nonsense! It makes good press, people get frightened, we’re gonna fry, all this crap, but it has nothing to do with science!” This was four years ago and they are singing that same old tune to the point of total control, yet no one listens! God Bless us everyone, Amen!!!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
It wasn't about control when nations united to fight the effects of ACID RAIN on dozens of countries and the global Climate. It wasn't about control when nations united to fight the effects of Ozone Depletion/hole ... Both Movements were led by modern science and 2 VERY conservative Presidents of the USA. Sorry, YOU missed all the headlines.
@hugskisses1601 2 жыл бұрын
@@rakooi Those headlines have changed drastically! Australia, New Zealand, the EU? It’s all about control now, My Friend, to usher in a one world govt, one world currency-the New World Order! Straight out of the Living Bible!
@rakooi 2 жыл бұрын
@@hugskisses1601 Absolute High School Debating logic ....not about the facts on the ground. And Thanks for Your New Anti-Christian Comment. Apparently, you never have read the Bible...any translation!! Have you Read Mein Kampf?
@1960Sawman Жыл бұрын
Genesis 1:28: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and SUBDUE it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
@misterle7026 2 жыл бұрын
Without CO2, there will be no Planet Earth.
@hosnimubarak8869 2 жыл бұрын
@misterle7026 2 жыл бұрын
@@hosnimubarak8869 CO2 is essential to life in Earth
@hosnimubarak8869 2 жыл бұрын
@@misterle7026 So is water, but too much of it can kill you.
@misterle7026 2 жыл бұрын
@@hosnimubarak8869 so how much is too much?
@hosnimubarak8869 2 жыл бұрын
@@misterle7026 When your in the middle of it and it is over your head deep and you can't swim.
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