When Nostalgia Becomes Toxic

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@DanGamingFan2406 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is a lot like pride, perfectly fine in small doses, healthy even, but it becomes a big problem when allowed to grow out of control and dominate one's actions, opinions, and life.
@KaminoKatie Жыл бұрын
It's a very dangerous drug
@rafresendenrafresenden.1644 Жыл бұрын
even in small dosses nostalgia is cancer.
@rafresendenrafresenden.1644 Жыл бұрын
@@jlev1028 I don't understand.
@uria3679 Жыл бұрын
@@rafresendenrafresenden.1644 what did you enjoy when you were a kid?
@rafresendenrafresenden.1644 Жыл бұрын
@@jlev1028I just move from the past. I can't go back.
@suicaedere7244 Жыл бұрын
Thanks man, I'm a 90's kid and I'm tired of people telling me I suppose to hate new things. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just fair for their time
@daytimesky Жыл бұрын
I was born in 1981 and I also don't stay stuck in the past. Splatoon, that's not nostalgic to me - that's fresh to me! Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse? I hated superheroes as a kid, so no nostalgia there. Set in the modern era with a new art and animation style, I absolutely love it! I'm glad to see fresh new ideas being done.
@toastyboi8737 Жыл бұрын
Remember, Nostalgia is loving something old, not hating something new
@paulgilbert5278 Жыл бұрын
Spongebob being an example on how that’s been refined
@joshuagonzalez4183 Жыл бұрын
@toastyboi exactly
@corymiller536 Жыл бұрын
Depends, some new shit is straight awful garbage 🗑️
@geniuskhan2520 Жыл бұрын
Oh no, my dislike for new things has nothing to do with nostalgia. New things are just bad.
@johnwise4341 Жыл бұрын
Eh, new stuff will be old one day and trash and forgotten compared to stuff that came before it. Facts. If it sucks it sucks. And older stuff isn’t better because it’s old its better because it just was better. Pizza is old but it’s still one of the best foods. And top foods. 🍕
@alishegamer8490 Жыл бұрын
Grew up with 2003, remember 2012 getting a lot of hate, and Rise still gets hate even by the 2012 fans who used to hate it. The cycle repeats
@JojoMonReturns91 Жыл бұрын
Strange since TheCartoonGamer did say that Rise of the Ninja Turtles actually had a rise (no joke) in terms of having a dedicated fanbase (the movie as far as I heard actually did well). Kinda reminds me of my story with the TMNT since I grew up with the 1980s turtles and 2003 and when 2012 came around I wasnt liking how they made the turtles say Booyakasha when its Cowabunga (didnt realize it was like the 2003 show where they were trying to move on from the 1980s incarnation) as well as the way the turtles acted not like brothers but more like how shows nowadays does comedy. Be mean spirited, non humble, Rick and Morty types of toxic where theyre husks of themselves since I saw Raph, Leo and Donnie shush Mikey in the most infamous way possible when I saw footage of them back at SDCC. Then came 2014 Tmnt with Michael Bay (cause everybody hates Michael Bay for what he did to Transformers and almost TMNT) and now we had two reboots that were inconsistant with each other. I was thinking the Ninja Turtle fans would never find peace and back in 2014, the Mikey meme caused alot of fans and such to blow up because it "raped" their childhood. HOWEVER, after seeing the film a bit at my local KMart and seeing footage of the Michael Bay produced TMNT and seeing the turtles as well as Raph being a good brother, I was starting to reconsider my actions since this toxic thinking led me to believe the Live Action 2014 movie wasnt as bad as people thought it was. By the time that I was in Hawaii, I went to the Toys R Us there and still saw TMNT 2014 and really rethought about my way of thinking and gave in. The TMNT 2014 movie, while not perfect or the greatest movie ever, reconnected my love to TMNT, especially made me love Raph even more (Raph and Mikey are my Turtles since Im the hardhead but also love a good party). Heck I loved all the turtles and after that movie, I never thought negative again about TMNT and actually support the next incarnation since its sequel was even better (I wont be supporting the Seth Rogan movie, he did Sausage Party and read about what he did during his "Invincible" show, which is why I dislike Robert Kirkman since he hurted the fans of Walking Dead Live Action and to me is a dangerous guy since he hired Justin Roiland *ahem Going to face trial for what he did to his animators ahem* and to me, no thanks I dont support bad creators). Still, I would rather watch 2017 Rise of Ninja Turtles than what is gonna happen to that Seth Project. Sorry for the long thing, but I needed to tell the story of how I overcame toxicity (even in shows that arent like the others). Thank you for reading.
@8thMusketeer Жыл бұрын
Yup. I admit I was guilty as well when it came to hating the 2012 Turtles even before watching it. I grew up with the 03 Turtles, and thought the 2012 series was a "replacement". Then I actually watched it. And honestly, it's just as good. Maybe not better. But far better than I ever thought.
@psychobilly42069 Жыл бұрын
There was nothing more frustrating than being a tmnt fan in 2018 when rise was released, we were being handed the greatest tmnt cartoon ever crafted and the fanbase just squandered the fuck out of the moment
@dead_memelol Жыл бұрын
while I wasn't the biggest fan of rise's choices, I love the animation, and appreciate that they made a show that was unique, like a good chunk of adaptations of the turtles whether it be movies, shows or even the comic, there's usually at least one big difference. the idw series, which is considered definitive ninja turtle comic to get into, has the turtles and splinter be reincarnations of 4 students and their master back in ancient japan, (I haven't got into the comics yet, but I'm sure they're still mutants though, so it isn't that ridiculous) I grew up on 2012, but I found the 2003 show when I was watching Turtles Forever back when it was on youtube. this was obviously before 2012. but I like both a lot and Rise gets a pass from me, my only real complaint is the fact that they don't use their classic weapons anymore, and donnie just rockin' a tech stick.
@SamtheBravesFan Жыл бұрын
I didn't watch much of 2003 TMNT at all, and the Turtles Forever episode was really awkward and unpleasant to watch and that was at the time it came out. However, I also like what 2012 did in general and I would like to see episodes I missed if the mood strikes me. And I grew up on 1987 Turtles. ;)
@ryancarless7921 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia can be a weird feeling. I think it’s best to move on and find new things you like while still treasuring the old from time to time
@KaminoKatie Жыл бұрын
It can be a very dangerous drug
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
Sorry. But gaming sucks today. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with playing old games or shows.
@Zliarx Жыл бұрын
The gaming may suck today. But we'll have to call you an oldy who likes old technology who relies on extremely slow dials.
@blues4509 Жыл бұрын
@Alexander Capanov and I agree with you. The last generation where I was excited about the hobby was the 7th and even then it was starting to decline. What with the overabundance of call of duty influence in everything and the focus on hyper-realism. 8th gen was okay, switch sort of carried it. Aside from Metroid I personally do not think the titles Nintendo put out were improvements to the series they released titles for such as Mario and Zelda. Now the 9th generation I haven't been compelled to even bother buying a console at all and switched to PC gaming where I just play old titles. Games I'm interested in now are so few and far between it's not even worth it and when I am interested it's mildly at best.
@Takato2527 Жыл бұрын
@@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 I understand modern gayming is in hot sh!t, nowadays. Seeing bunches of corpos go ... well ... full-on corpo is really depressing to me, but that doesn't change the fact that there's still more good new games have been released. Just don't give those corpos money and use them to support devs that cared about their product and you're golden. Wish I can say the same to those normies who kept on buying Madden every year.
@DukeTheDukeTheDukeTheDuke Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia makes people close minded about new things. People are terrified of change now.
@ShyRanger 7 ай бұрын
People are always terrified of change, it's been in history forever, change in anything is feared, has been, always will be. I don't just mean in media, I mean in anything.
@ordovicianscourge9520 5 ай бұрын
nothing truly changes at all, if something tries to change too much to being unidentifiable, maybe that's too much of an problem, pokemon - sonic - star wars - halo, never changed too much, the fans are just guilty of wanting to live inside a pokemania-like bubble with those franchises, if that's the case, then the nintendo switch's fan image is a good example, of the former's not living in that phase
@pepitopacquiao Жыл бұрын
Sometimes the nostalgia is a deadly illness in the internet and in real-life.
@gandalflotr2898 9 ай бұрын
I agree nostalgic fan are like those religious people
@Luigi_Mario_1997 4 ай бұрын
Nostalgia is irrational, and don’t pretend that you’re not irrational either.
@kingbash6466 Жыл бұрын
Man, it's crazy how Colors is pretty much going through the exact phase the Adventure games had in the 2010's where every reviewer and Sonic fan on the internet just parroted the same "it's not as good as you think, it's just your nostalgia clouding it" rhetoric. And the biggest thing about this are the people who say this are the same ones who will get upset that Game Grumps ruined the Adventure games and Sonic's reputation.
@BH-98 Жыл бұрын
The 3D sonic games have now gained this weird cycle. Adventure/Colours redefined the tone & style of the series after it began falling into irrelevance from mediocre games. Positively received at the time, exclusives to their consoles but have received a botched port & a modern audience thinks they’ve aged poorly. Adventure 2/Generations is the anniversary game & regarded as one of the best in the series. But they also introduce things that’ll negatively effect future instalments. Heroes/Lost World is the weird, divisive entry that tries a new gameplay style whilst mixing old & new. Shadow/Rise of Lyric is the shitty spin off. 06/Forces is the one that returns to the old gameplay style but is rushed & “ruined the series”. Unleashed/Frontiers tries a brand new gameplay formula that’ll define future games but is held back by issues that have plagued past games.
@Ronan34753 Жыл бұрын
What TF are you talking about? Reviewers (including youtubers) still defend and praise Sonic colors (whilst they openly trash on the Adventure games). Was that not obvious enough with the release of Colors Ultimate? I wish Sonic Colors would get the same treatment the Adventure games got in the 2010s. But that's not gonna happen. People are just being more open about why they don't like the game. They're not running smear campaigns against it using the unpatched Switch version and pretending it was "always this bad". Edit: And considering most of Colors' praises were blatant lies. Lies about it just being "the daytime stages from Sonic Unleashed", lies about it being a "3D Sonic game". I'd say the backlash was a long time coming. And don't get me started on how it supposedly "saved the franchise" (what a joke XD). Play the DS version, DIMPS actually did a good job on that one.
@KaiserMattTygore927 Жыл бұрын
That game is dogshit, was in 2010, is now. No nostalgia required, a shitty game, with a shitty story that set a shitty boring as all get out trend for a franchise that was previously interesting.
@shinji2898 Жыл бұрын
@@kingbash6466 Doesn’t help either that even as a fan of colors, the way sega itself has hyped the game up in the past as a “true transition to 3D” has probably ruined the game a lot for some people, who feel that the adventure games were way better in comparison. But yeah, you aren’t wrong when you mention that it’s bizarre how colors has retroactively became the “Sonic Adventure” of the modern era. I mean, shit, it even has the port that somewhat ruins the base game a bit.
@Ronan34753 Жыл бұрын
@@kingbash6466 I'm assuming these negative reviews are ones from smaller channels. Because almost all the big mainstream channels seem to have a positive stance on colors. I guess I see what you mean about an upsurge in negative comments on Colors. I think it's different however. It's more so the 2000s fans after years of experiencing belittlement, and gaslighting from the gaming community at large (reviewers and youtubers combined with their followers mostly). And dealing with the endless double standards. Having lost their patience, and just going on the offensive. It's not ideal. But it's certainly not the same as for example what Game Grumps did to the Adventure games (and by some extension Heroes).
@winser21 5 ай бұрын
I used to think nostalgia was purely good because it made me feel warm and grateful for the life I’ve lived. However, at 24 years old I realized how paralyzing a feeling it can be if not regulated. It has discouraged me from growing and maturing in certain areas and has hindered my ability to feel excited about a new future. Worst of all, nostalgia distracts you from living in the beauty of the present because of how good it feels to live in a romanticized past.
@sagemaster1357 4 ай бұрын
as someone who thinks too much about the future, I agree. I was born in 2002 (21 and turning 22 this year) I will cherish the things that gave me joy but It doesn't mean the new stuff can't do the same.
@jonahgoldstein9905 3 ай бұрын
I feel you I’m 26 (born 1998) and the whole “Generation debates” like “Millennials had the best this” or “Gen Z had the best that” is toxic too. I hate how people act like whatever generation Pew labels your birth year as, people act like you HAVE to like just Music/Shows/Trends from that era but truthfully while I’m Gen Z by Pew and like a lot of Gen Z shows/music, I also like a lot of Millennial shows/music and even Gen X too but when I listen or watch them, I try to do it casually instead of ruminating on it
@zainmudassir2964 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is poisoning culture by not letting new stuff being made
@pikminmaster2165 Жыл бұрын
Agreed! Even though nostalgia by itself isn't bad, it's how you use it that can be a poison. EDIT: Oh hey 21 likes!
@idontknow20404 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, the magic school bus reboot trailer couldn’t stand a chance against the nostalgia nerds struggling to except the fact that kids these days have a childhood as well.
@MorganProductionsYT Жыл бұрын
​@@idontknow20404I hate the nostalgia it's bad and toxic
@MorganProductionsYT Жыл бұрын
​@@idontknow20404And of course they are the toxic og fans
@kylematchinis7751 Жыл бұрын
​@@idontknow20404i think u mean accept dumbass
@OrashiTV Жыл бұрын
This is why I love Samurai Champloo. . . The whole point of the show is to illustrate that journeys have endings! At the end of every episode, a side character would remark how they’d meet the trio again, but the audience knows it’s never going to happen. By the end of the show, the trio go their own separate ways. No cliffhanger, no season 2, no spin offs, no movies. Just the end of a beautiful journey!
@shaneriggs6678 Жыл бұрын
Classic show
@CarbonRollerCaco Жыл бұрын
And even nowadays people keep begging for endless sequels to games left and right.
@darthroxas4588 Жыл бұрын
Same with avatar not counting korra
@kingman1866 Жыл бұрын
@@CarbonRollerCaco facts kinda wish last of us didn’t get a sequel
@dennisbergkamp17 Жыл бұрын
Always good to see Samurai Champloo getting some love. One of my all time favorite anime.
@fabianbonilla1421 Жыл бұрын
This is accurate to a lot of fandoms in almost every way possible.
@maxleon61702 Жыл бұрын
Some facts.
@gandalflotr2898 Жыл бұрын
True they acting like religious zealots
@spicydong317 Жыл бұрын
@@gandalflotr2898 I see that a lot with the new remake era, with Dead Space, RE4 and Silent Hill 2 It’s funny because I genuinely like all of them while recognising strengths and weaknesses (well I hope I will like SH2R) But the discourse around it is just going into tiniest, most ridiculous details to prove that X is better and Y is shit I’m getting tired of online communities…
@jarmelatodyssechutminds126 Жыл бұрын
No doubt.
@maxleon61702 Жыл бұрын
To quote Hop Pop about it: I don't feel safe!
@DoraemonFan-ww3jm Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is a blessing and a curse. It's great that you have fond memories towards something you saw in your childhood. Heck, I even revisited a few things from my childhood, but if you obsess over things from your past, then it might cause some trouble.
@gandalflotr2898 9 ай бұрын
Just like religion
@aporue5893 8 ай бұрын
people need to learn that new can be good too. I blame the fandoms,they are gatekeepy.
@gandalflotr2898 8 ай бұрын
@@aporue5893 just like I said they acting like religious people
@Lalucy139 2 ай бұрын
I personally hate feeling nostalgia. It is the most unpleasant and painful feeling I have ever experienced. That feeling that everything was better in the past, that time is passing very quickly and remembering the moments that will never come back. It makes me want to cry every time I remember events from the past. That's why I always avoid thinking about them.
@cmgvillager Жыл бұрын
This argument really PLAGUES the cartoon/animation community. Anything that is brought back for a new generation gets TORN TO SHREDS… Even when they make a original thing (like they always argue they should do) either they 1. don’t watch it, or 2. Shit on it too no end… You sadly can’t win with some people.
@jakeproven256 Жыл бұрын
You do win, it's just they keep grasping at straws despite the fact that they lost.
@HD_Segal Жыл бұрын
Case in point: the foreclosure of Blue Sky Studios and the Cartoon Community's response two years since Disney posted that announcement across social media. Bittersweet as it was to see a recently acquired Fox asset sacrificed for the sake of Disney recouping profit they lost throughout 2020 and early 2021, there are more constructive methods of honoring Blue Sky's legacy than creating fan petitions out of spite toward the Mouse House.
@CarbonRollerCaco Жыл бұрын
Those people aren't looking for new things for themselves; they just don't want others enjoying "bastardizations" that could give "false impressions" of the past. Real or perceived. They're basically saying to put modern creative energy elsewhere so they can dunk on it instead of fear it.
@theoutsiderjess1869 Жыл бұрын
I was a kid when teen titans go came out I hated the show as I didn't like bathroom humour but I was disappointed that there wasn't more substance to the show like the original show
@jackofalltraits2145 Жыл бұрын
I only recently became a massive fan of Teen Titans, and I can understand the purpose of the final episode, but to me I wanted to see what happens after a teenager learns all there lessons. I wanted to see the Titans grow into young adulthood, I wanted to see Star Fire get her own season and arc, I wanted to see Beast Boy move on and find a deeper connection with Raven. Trouble in Tokyo did do a bit of this, but it was mainly for Robin and Star Fire. I want to see all the characters I fell in love with continue on their ever changing journey. At the very least, I would want this continued in an official comic or a video game. Overall though great video expressing an important topic. I have a heart for nostalgia, but I'm becoming more excepting of new things.
@jackofalltraits2145 Жыл бұрын
@@uanime1 Yeah. There's a fan comic called Things Change Continues that I see as the true ending of Season 5. It adds to original ending in a way that feels natural and satisfying while still keeping the message from Things Change intact.
@PlahaKumar Жыл бұрын
We could've had the original show come back, but instead we got... that other show that still running for whatever reason.
@TupocalypseShakur Жыл бұрын
@@PlahaKumar Apparently, they have no intention of bringing it back because that's how it was supposed to end
@cartoonclips_if Жыл бұрын
Young Justice
@jackofalltraits2145 Жыл бұрын
@@uanime1 Yeah, there's always that moment where we realize what we love is growing up with us. Nothing stays young forever.
@julianx2rl Жыл бұрын
Even Sakurai, the director of a series that fundamentally relies on nostalgia, has come out more than once telling people that they need to let go of the past, and enjoy the now.
@Thomasmemoryscentral Жыл бұрын
Also people need to stop pestering him for joke characters in Smash
@TheRealZXXZ Жыл бұрын
Fucking ironic, considering he refuses to actually rework horribly dated characters in Smash. Are you for real?
@julianx2rl Жыл бұрын
@@TheRealZXXZ - He has his reasons to keep already established characters consistent. And that's quite rich of you, when referring to someone who introduced so many new mechanics with the latest characters.
@CarbonRollerCaco Жыл бұрын
He didn't mean to fully let go of it, but rather find things to enjoy regardless of period when you can, and do what you can when you can in general. He still laments past mistakes of his, you know.
@CarbonRollerCaco Жыл бұрын
@@julianx2rl What reason could he have to keep Mega Man mute, especially when the original Smash was the first game to cast Makiko Ohmoto as the rarely-before heard Kirby and the never-before-heard Ness? Full tilt retro nostalgia? That became impossible the instant Mega Man got the FLAME SWORED as a normal. Shitty MM8 voice? Not the fault of the idea of Mega Man being voiced; Powered Up proved it can work. Mega Man being a robot? Certainly sounds like it could be the case considering how lifeless he looks in Smash while the old sprites had FAR more life to them. And wasn't he supposedly inspired by the Archie comic crossover with Sonic? Mega Man talked as much as anyone else there. And it doesn't matter that he only got a couple of lines in MM6's intro out of all the NES games; MEGA MAN WAS NEVER CANONICALLY MUTE. Yes, I appreciate some of the older MM game endings being told without dialogue, but that's not an index to canon traits no matter what Sega would want you to believe.
@UnifiedEntity Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia like a lot of things are a double edged sword. They can help strengthen the present and future, but also expose what is lacking from what's being dug up and used in the present.
@BigCoagulatedGravyHotDog Жыл бұрын
This was an extremely well made video. The clip with Cyborg's voice actor talking about how people desire closure but sometimes real life just doesn't work that way was very intelligently worded. Also @ around 18:35 your comments about people obsessing over hating things that weren't meant for you and never were really hit home for me. I'm only a few years older than you and as a kid, around age 12, in 2007 my first KZbin channel I'd ever watched was Cinemassacre with the Angry Video Game Nerd show. I watched that show for years and loved it until around 2017 when I noticed the quality start to decline. Fast forward to 2019 and I'd found a subreddit that was basically like an over-exaggerated criticism sub for Cinemassacre. It was filled with other people, in their 20s, who watched James'(the AVGN) videos through childhood and noticed the drop in quality as adults. I used this sub for around 3 years but lost interest in it around a year ago. I've come to realize, as an adult, that the Angry Video Game Nerd show was never targeted towards kids. It was never meant for me. It was targeted towards people around James' age, and by continually and obsessively hating the new content I'm doing myself a disservice by ruining my old memories of what I enjoyed as a child because, like you said, obsession with the "back in my day" thinking just leads to endless negativity and a worse perception of something I actually enjoyed as child. I seldom ever leave comments on KZbin, and I know this is kinda long, but the things you said and showed in this video had a profound effect on my thought process. This video was tremendously enlightening. Thank you for making this.
@JsReviews Жыл бұрын
Glad to see this had such a positive impact. I wasn't sure what people were going to say about this video, but a lot of people are resonating. I know exactly what you are talking about, with a lot of things like I said in the video, but the AVGN is another example. I got into it late, summer of 2013 I spent most of my time binging those videos again and again. I was never super invested in the controversy, I had already stopped watching for the same kind of reasons, but I understand where you are coming from and I am glad you are on the other side, I know someone who was super invested in that drama and so, I get it.
@rishnix Жыл бұрын
Cyborg's voice actor is right about how life works with its lack of closure, BUT, stories are not life. Life is unpredictable and unknown, but stories are written out and planned. A good story should have a satisfying ending and that last episodes of Teen Titan was not a good ending at all. I'm not even talking about the message of it. I mean that it was unclear that the show was ending with it. It felt like a cliffhanger setting up a fresh plot hook. That's fine for when you have more episodes on the horizon, but not when you know it's all over.
@wrathfulgaming3373 Жыл бұрын
@@rishnix Then you missed the point entirely. The ending was disappointing on first watch through, yes, but on repeat watches it's better because they didn't sloppily wrap things up. I can look back on it now as a better developed person and say "It's a bit of a downer, but i'm glad it ended like this" because that's just how life is, and art imitating life is my shit.
@SteelSpurs Жыл бұрын
@@wrathfulgaming3373 Art imitating life is fine and all, but to do it with an animated show that embraces that it’s fiction and brought warmth to many generations is bound to not sit right with many.
@PGbutalsofourteenplus Жыл бұрын
​@@JsReviewsYou look like the type of guy who would be a brony
@silverdamascus2023 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is an eternal cycle of "old thing good, new thing bad", that forgots that eventually new things become old. A new version of a popular franchise like He-Man, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles and Pokémon comes, old fans say it sucks, then that version becomes old, and now it gets people saying how good it was and the newer versions are the ones who suck.
@VenkCutterman Жыл бұрын
This is why I believe that we can still enjoy nostalgia, but have it in moderation so that it won’t consume us (lack of a better word) to the point where we end up becoming bitter about anything in the present
@crystalqueen9711 Жыл бұрын
Honestly this is a big reason why I don't like to participate in much online discourse anymore, just enjoy what I enjoy largely in private
@ignaciocalymayor8278 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of when Legends, Battle Network or Starforce came out. A lot of older fans were complaining that "that wasnt true MegaMan", when the classic and X series were dying out of fatigue and lack of quality.
@kpychamp13 Жыл бұрын
Ironically now Megaman fans want the return of them. Especially legends left on a cliffhanger and star force had a cancelled fourth game. This is especially true when u see the amount of praise fans have when the battle network series is coming to switch
@ashharkausar413 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see a brand new megaman series and am looking forward to BN collection!
@lpfan4491 Жыл бұрын
Tbh, the RPGs still feel very far removed from the "main essence" of Megaman in a way from a conceptual standpoint. Does not mean that either is better or worse for it tho.
@PS1Fan1991 Жыл бұрын
I was a kid when Legends came out and I played it around the same time as I had played X4. I love them both and combined with Mega Man: Battle & Chase, they were big for me becoming a Mega Man fan.
@sayer4148 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I remember someone even saying that the Battle Network games were commercial failures and that the anime and merchandise kept the series alive. Like, how much do you have to hate something to spread misinformation about it? Battle Network 4 is the third best-selling game in the franchise for crying out loud.
@Depth217 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid I felt sad knowing there wouldn’t be any more Teen Titans. Maybe that was just it, I was too young to appreciate what Khary said about the finale and it’s intentions. Leaving it open ended with such a dramatic unexplained mystery hurt, yes. It is like life, like Khary said. But it’s a ballsy way to end.
@Knight_647 Жыл бұрын
at least they were one of the only cartoons good enough back then to have a movie made.
@DavidMartinez-ce3lp Жыл бұрын
There were technically some tie in comics that sort of continued the story
@metazoxan2 Жыл бұрын
The issue IMO is while I get the point I utterly reject the execution. Sure real life doesn't always have a resolution ... but this is entertainment. If you want to tie real world messages into your show you need more nuance than "Lol we ended the show on an absolute cliffhanger! Deal with it kids because life sucks!". You need to tie the message into the show's themes and events not just throw the story out the window and tell kids to get a real life message form that. For example a better way to do it would have been to flashforward to the future. Robin is nightwing again, Cyborg has moved on, ect. But at the same time maybe beastboy never met Tera again and maybe his romance with Raven never progressed. Maybe Nightwing and Starfire aren't dating either and still professionally fliritng. In other words show that no matter how much time passes somethings may not have a resolution. Some answers might NEVER be solved. Show that within the show instead of hard cutting the story and calling that a life lesson. This way the audience gets to see and experience THROUGH the show the lesson instead of just getting slapped in the face and expected to get it. The fact basically no one got the "message" and it had to be explained later shows how badly it was delivered. I can somewhat respect the attempt but really I think abandoning story structure for a message like that is just poor writing. If you can't tell your message without destroying the flow of the story ... don't tell it.
@rafaelsangel5571 Ай бұрын
The thing I hate most about these kinds of people? Not even willing to argue about it. They always give some vague statement about why the old stuff is better but god forbid someone wants to challenge them: they turn away and don’t even respond. It’s like they think they exist in this bubble where their opinions are fact, and it really pisses me off
@stacksopaper Ай бұрын
exactly, always seeing themselves as right and the worst type of them are the ones that gatekeep things like music saying "new generations would never understand" as if their nostalgia is limited to a certain age
@megamix5403 Жыл бұрын
I doubt that you'll see this but I appreciate this video. This made me reflect on the times that I was a Nintendo fanboy, the time that I hated Marvel because "they weren't what they were and the MCU ruined it", and the time I was a Mega Man Genwunner. I've recently given BTS a listen and I actually enjoyed it so far even if KPop/Rap isn't my genre I hope to never do the same mistakes again.
@EmbraceTheStruggle24 Жыл бұрын
I can definitely relate with this. It's all a learning experience and realize that where there is love mixed with hate is a sign you're growing and reaching a certain stratosphere. I personally am not thrilled with the direction most companies (like Nintendo) are going, but it reminds me that I can put time and effort into other things such as artwork and my odd fascination with lost media and old game systems like the Sega Dreamcast (which was the last official console Sega ever produced - assuming the Sega Genesis mini doesn't count, but still has all the great classics like sonic, kid chameleon, and golden axe).
@CursedWheelieBin Жыл бұрын
You just got overly attached to things that offer escapism. That’s probably the real issue there 🤷🏻‍♂️
@megamix5403 Жыл бұрын
@@CursedWheelieBin ?
@speedforcespector Жыл бұрын
I love how this video made me realize Teen Titans 03 didn't end on a cliff hanger that clip of Cyborg VA really put that ending into perspective for me.
@sayer4148 Жыл бұрын
If I'm not mistaken. The original plan was ending the series at season 4.
@sonikku1011 Жыл бұрын
@@sayer4148 It was actually. The last three episodes were titled "The End" pts 1, 2, and 3. It was supposed to end on Raven's arc. Honestly it would have been a better, more satisfied ending but then we wouldn't have got to see all the honorary titans in Season 5. I also read that for a small period of time, season six was being talked about and if it was to happen it would have been based around the lives of the honorary titans. That last bit could have just been a rumor spread around the community at the time though, so take that with a grain of salt.
@BuizelCream Жыл бұрын
I grew up with the 2003 TMNT animated series, but in the age of 26 I have come to love the Rise TMNT a lot more, and would actually prefer to rewatch that series over the 2003 one. There's something about how Rise changed the core dynamics of the turtles to become more like a family unit, and how individualized each turtle were written and designed. We don't even have to bring up the animation. The Rise series simply executes all the advantages of what animation as a medium can offer for entertainment. However, there is an advantage that I like with how 2003 TMNT was produced back in the day. Because it was greenlit for television during its era, it was created with a 22-minute runtime, which I prefer to see for the episodes I want to watch over just 11 minutes. The prior one just allows more breathing room for the story to play out, and 2003 TMNT was also written a tighter, more compelling narrative that run for each season (at least in the earlier seasons).
@palemeadows Жыл бұрын
the rise crew were pushed back at every second by nick, the show was completely hated by nick, they never attempted to advertise it, they cut it super short )meant to habe 5-7 seasons), the writers werent allowed to wriet it bow they wanted, amd oberall the show for ficked over,
@ZorimePati Жыл бұрын
I had a friend from high schol that was really like this. He resents anything new over his nostalgic interest over the thing he sees as a kid in terms of animated content. whenever I suggest watching something new at the time such as UP, he shuts it down despite liking films like Toy Story or Monsters Inc. the video sums up my thoughts about people like him
@hectorleon465 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes when some people are like that usually there's something that correlates with such as having a mental disability. One of em being autistic... that usually plays a large factor. I say so cause this is something I go through too especially with the GTA series... Vice city and GTA 3 was where it was at and made a huge impact on my life when they first came out...
@sheevpalpatine2418 Жыл бұрын
it's so funny that some people say stuff like "this music isn't real music, it's so bad" without realizing that that is exactly what their parents and grandparents said about bands like the beatles
@marsha-madness-super-badness Жыл бұрын
It's an "argument" that is not to be taken seriously, especially when the people that claim things like that try their hand at objectivity. Laughable. A lot of people get nostalgic over Disco when they belong to the same generation as the clowns that rioted over Disco. They whine about what's on the airwaves while conveniently ignoring how when a solid genre of music was on the airwaves morons literally rioted over it. There's also weak, passive-aggressive, racist bs in that "argument" about what is and isn't "real" music. This is coming from someone who mostly avoids the latest music (and not for the reasons one might think). You won't catch me whining about it either.
@TheSultan1470 10 ай бұрын
​@@marsha-madness-super-badness Cool, I don't read comments that use rhayycism as an argument!
@TheSultan1470 10 ай бұрын
Funny cause it's all the same crap in the end. You boys should listen to classical orchestra and opera. And jazz. That's music you have to enjoy with your brain...
@marsha-madness-super-badness 9 ай бұрын
@ Another KZbin account, And I don't care about comments like yours that are all feelings and no reality. That you even commented is an irony that either went clear over your head or that you're not prepared to accept. You don't have the talent, cognition or ability to determine a single thing about a single genre. You're just bs'ing. More than an argument, it's a fact. I didn't ask your opinion and you're not going to refute what I typed so cut it out. You're out of your depth on the subject of music. I'm well-versed in it 🤷‍♀️ Now, don't reply to me again with anymore whiny f@gg0t comments and you'll be alright.
@sheevpalpatine2418 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@TheSultan1470I personally listen to every genre of music and I love classical music but I also like ultra modern music. Btw what do u mean by it all being the same crap in the end
@Lidoe Жыл бұрын
The worst nostalgiaic people are the ones that send DEATH THREATS to the creators and even actors, then harass them over how different the new version is
@gandalflotr2898 Жыл бұрын
I agree there acting like religious fanatics zealot
@theumpireofthebottomlesspit Жыл бұрын
@CobraCodex Жыл бұрын
Excellent points all around. Internet engagement rewards extremes, leaving nuance on the sideline in many instances. It's not all doom and gloom but given the amount of people with internet access you're bound to get the types of people that only want their opinion to be validated and will try to discredit anything to the contrary in any way they can (whether it be fair criticism or baseless accusation)
@anayos6726 Жыл бұрын
Furthermore, you’ll happen upon unhinged loons. In that case, they aren’t worth discussion.
@brub1738 Жыл бұрын
I really liked your part of the video about just letting things end while I never played sly I can relate it back to series like dark souls were people are still asking for fourth entry despite the series being very clearly over. Very good video!
@anothergamer112 Жыл бұрын
Easily one of the worst examples of toxic nostalgia I've personally seen was when Sonic Mania was coming out. Classic Sonic purists had this inflated sense of superiority because they were vindicated for never letting go, even bullying kids for daring to like 3d sonic. Like, dude, it's been 26 years. Go play with your kids.
@2tontyler 10 ай бұрын
This comment is why I feel like pokemon shouldn’t go back to 2D. To avoid another Sonic Mania situation.
@SMCwasTaken 10 ай бұрын
​@@2tontylerPokemon never really went to 3D until Sword and Shield X and Y and Sun and Moon are more of a 2.5D
@rattis Жыл бұрын
Being a 90's kid (born in 1986) its almost humorus to me to see how the people that grew up with 00's stuff are nowadays saying the exact same things about modern incarnations of long-running franchises that my generation said about the 00's stuff that they love. Teen Titans is a great example. I can inform everyone that back in the day, teenage and adult DC comics fans were saying that the Teen Titans tv show was a childish insult to the original comics and that it wasnt as good as other DC animated shows that were current or recent at the time such as Justice League. "Teen Titans is an embaressment, it's a childish show exclusively for kids, it ruins any attempt at drama with cringy, un-funny comedy"" was what people my age used to say. Oh and dont get me started on the hate against Sponegbob Squarepants "It's the most overrated, most overexposed cartoon of all time" people would say. But children loved it, and those children have now grown up and declared it a comedic masterpiece, as it seems to have almost the same standing among that generation that The Simpsons has among my generation. And this cycle will repeat. Everyone above the age of 13 seem to hate the Disney Star Wars trilogy, but in 20 years you are without a doubt going to see tons and tons of videos on "Why the sequel trilogy is actually really good". I mean dont get me wrong, personally I think those movies are bad (and I think the same about the prequel trilogy) but I'm just saying; It's GOING to happen, and all of those who still hate the sequels will be considered hatefull boomers by that younger generation.
@tonicipirani7659 Жыл бұрын
I live for nostalgia and buying things my kid self would kill to have.
@Eh......... Жыл бұрын
Ah I see you are a collector of culture as well
@kidprime6863 Жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong wrong with that. Different strokes for different folks. I do it too sometimes when I have the money for it.
@GarkKahn Жыл бұрын
To be honest i would love to have some toys or similar i wanted as a kid I have a similar experience with some videogames my parents couldn't afford back then and now as an adult i can get them and even newer versions
@giselletorres4156 5 ай бұрын
I'd love to but I have other financial priorities like medical bills and curbing my overconsumption. Which why I feel like I'm getting fandom and con fatigue.
@Oficial_Mithin Жыл бұрын
I feel completely the point that people are way too obsessed with wanting to be negative just for the sake of it, I was once guilty of this completely, I ultimately refused to play games or watch movies while forming opinions of ''Oh I don't like them because yatta yatta'' without having played or watched them while praising stuff of my own generation. And maybe it's also part of internet culture as some of the most prominent content creators back in the early days kinda started this trend but I also don't think this was their intention. Everyone has a right for an opinion, to enjoy the things we like, to dislike the things we don't, but being stuck on a constant cycle of negativity and hate due to this rejection of newer or old stuff, I'm not psycologist but that's no way to live in my opinion Let's enjoy what we like, whether if it is new or old, if is a nostalgia bait or not, doesn't really matter as long as it's good, that's what media is for, so that we escape for a while from our reality and have fun
@jomaq9233 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t being positive for the sake of being positive about something also be equally bad
@Oficial_Mithin Жыл бұрын
@@jomaq9233 I just pointed out what the problem was, I never said that was the immediate solution
@jomaq9233 Жыл бұрын
@@Oficial_Mithin IDK, I guess it’s like, if it’s okay for people to consistently praise something over and over again, shouldn’t the logic be that it’s also okay for people to constantly bash something over and over again?
@lukebytes5366 Жыл бұрын
@@jomaq9233 blind praise is part of the problem with nostalgia actually, it makes you think it was better than is actually was. Regardless, this isn't a matter of extremes. No one said we need to be 100% positive, just try to look towards the positive enough so that you don't become overly cynical.
@jomaq9233 Жыл бұрын
@@lukebytes5366 Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure the internet in general hates sincerity and optimism, and values being overly cynical because that sounds “smarter” and “above it all compared to the idiot normies”
@Angel-Pictures Жыл бұрын
This video perfectly illustrates the unpleasant side of nostalgia, thank you for that.
@mr.x2567 Жыл бұрын
You mean all of nostalgia?
@bigbay1159 Жыл бұрын
@matthewkuscienko4616 Жыл бұрын
​@mr.x2567 Nostalgia isn't entirely a bad thing, everyone has different things they are nostalgic for, and that's not a bad thing in and of itself. The whole point the video was making is about people letting their nostalgia blind themselves into hating things just because they are not into to begin with, and I think that we all make that mistake in our lives at one point or another. But again, there's nothing wrong with nostalgia inherently, at least so long as we don't let it dictate rather or not we are willing to give something new a try
@mairaburgos8443 Жыл бұрын
As someone who grew up with the Teen Titans, that interview hurt me haha. I loved that series, and I don't think I would ever stop loving it. It introduced me to comic books. I never understood why it wasn't renewed for a 6 season since it was popular enough. I don't hate watch TTGO. I have my opinion on it as anyone, but I don't care about shitting on it for the heck of it. It's not for me and that's it. The series I loved is not coming back.
@magnetoonproductions9541 Жыл бұрын
True. I’m not gonna spend my whole life hate watching a bad show.
@hikari3507 Жыл бұрын
This is probably the best video i ever seen about this topic, thank you for such amazing content J's, have a good day!
@BigLennyBekowski Жыл бұрын
The internet needs this video. Thank you so much for making it.
@issen2291 Жыл бұрын
You don’t need to be a new kid to like Rise of the TMNT. It’s absolutely freaking amazing and I’m in my 30s!
@joey5745 Жыл бұрын
I wish I gave it more of a chance because the animation is amazing. I just didn’t have access to it, I need to see if the episodes are online somewhere
@joshuagonzalez4183 Жыл бұрын
@MiketheNerdRanger Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that show came out when I was 22. Having grew up on the 03 turtles, I was taken aback by the new designs, but I ended up binge watching the whole thing.
@psychobilly42069 Жыл бұрын
@@joey5745 it's on Netflix and paramount + or you can just say fuck it and watchcartoononline that bad boy, everybody NEEDS to see that show I full
@subwaytails8732 Жыл бұрын
@@joey5745 the movie and first seasons/episodes are on Netflix, I think I have a website if I find it I’ll let you know
@RayTheSnivy Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is a very dangerous emotion.
@KaminoKatie Жыл бұрын
More like a dangerous drug
@RayTheSnivy Жыл бұрын
@@KaminoKatie good analogy
@gabeznl3591 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is our moments of happiness. You shouldn't ignore it, nostalgia should be embraced. Something you watched as a kid can be good nowadays, and another things cannot. Living always in "modernity" will just going to lead you crazy, because TikTok, Shorts, social media, gaming is getting worse in triple AAA companies, cartoons, and movies are getting way boring now... Nostalgia is not a bad emotion. For example, Breaking Bad, many people are nostalgic for it, and I weren't. I haven't watched Breaking Bad between 2008 and 2013, I watched in 2021, and despite being a TV series that have been released more than a decade ago, it's still good. It's not bad just because it's nostalgic, or old...
@SMCwasTaken Жыл бұрын
Especially Genwunners from Pokemon
@mr.x2567 Жыл бұрын
I make sure never to feel such things.
@bandicootsauce4569 Жыл бұрын
Online fandom has ruined video games for me to the point where I feel like I can't enjoy any game even if I try. I feel like my enjoyment - or any lack thereof - is being put on trial by the most entitled and elitist thirty-something year old man-children on the planet.
@viliamsneakman1508 Жыл бұрын
As a guy who grew up with the 2003 TMNT I honestly enjoyed the 2012 and Rise shows and the all 3 TMNT series are some of my favorite shows and even I have nostalgia to the older games and cartoons I believe that there are still great cartoons and games out there.
@donian544 Жыл бұрын
I have zero nostalgia for 2003 series i just into it recently its now my new favorite tmnt cartoon the 2012 series is the one i have nostalgia for that was my introduction of the turtles. I only seen a little of the 1987 series and rise but from what i have seen i liked it. I agree all 4 tmnt shows are good in their own right which one is your favorite depends on what your looking for.
@williamwhite1036 Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how TMNT 2003 is 20 years old now
@Ko700el Жыл бұрын
i have watched all the TMNT versions but still i can not find a better one than the 80s one, at least there Splinter did not become an expert in ninjitsu by reading a thrown fucking book he found in the sewers :-|
@viliamsneakman1508 Жыл бұрын
@@Ko700el In the 2012 and Rise series Splinter was a master ninja without a book.
@Neoniq41 Жыл бұрын
Honestly for me it's the race swapping and corny writing that makes me not appreciate Rise as much as the older series.
@sbcj9 Жыл бұрын
To me, I love people not liking the same as me. I want to hear other people's opinions on things I hate or like. Cause it makes rewatches even better, cause now when I watch it I can see it through new eyes and maybe get a new point of view on it. Maybe hate it more or like it more. I love hearing different opinions on games, movies, and shows.
@nobalkain624 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, that hard part is finding someone who will debate back and forth with you without turning it into something personal. I would say 8/10 times it breaks down into the person attacking me, but when I do get a good debate going its a lot of fun to discover why someone sees it differently then I do.
@KnottsBear-yTalesPreserved Жыл бұрын
Same here too. I grew to like this considering that I used to be blind to the other side. It opened my eyes to other's in what they think. Especially with the stuff I do in my spare time on KZbin and what to do when I eventually get to doing my recreation project of a dark ride; doing it for historical/lost media reasons. Since the small amount of people felt the original version of it was lame. It gave me inspiration to re-approach the ride in a way to make it more interesting, while still maintaining the character of what made it great to a lot of people.
@ShyRanger 7 ай бұрын
Before I buy a game I think I'm going to like, I only read negative reviews of it, basically to see "Okay do I still disagree with them after this point or do they say something even I would agree with" and usually make a decision after that.
@MrCrow-tl5tv Жыл бұрын
The words mid and peak killed all online discussions about thing’s
@stardragon5849 Жыл бұрын
Me too. I hated these words so much (Especially Mid the most).
@CantRead1 Ай бұрын
​@@stardragon5849Gen Z has a thing of ruining the meaning of words.
@ericmalikyte885 Жыл бұрын
Rise of the TMNT is awesome. The movie is phenomenal, as well. I went into it thinking I wasn't going to like it, but ended up enjoying it quite a bit.
@idontevenknow741 4 ай бұрын
The crazy part is most of the people complaining about todays kids shows are grown ass adults
@theumpireofthebottomlesspit 3 ай бұрын
People don’t just complain about “kids’ shows” and I don’t think people complaining are mostly “grown a** adults” come on now. 🙄
@garynaccarato4606 Жыл бұрын
Chris Chan beating up and macing a GameStop employee because Chris Chan didn't like the fact that Sonics appearance was changed is one good example of the dark side of nostalgia in my opinion.
@Cashmoneez Жыл бұрын
Big respects to jay since I did feel like he had a phase of hater nostalgia in his old videos so I respect him growing past that and learning from it
@ashharkausar413 Жыл бұрын
This was a very mature video. Especially the tidbit "Things change and often without an explanation. And we aren't owed one either.". This is something I use to struggle with in the past in my 20's.
@Depth217 Жыл бұрын
2003 TMNT is still my gold standard for not just TMNT but shows in general. TMNT 2012 was able to stand on its own for half its run, and Rise was able to surpass 2003 in several areas.
@JojoMonReturns91 Жыл бұрын
I like your take on it. I rather have the Ninja Turtles in each carnation and cantation be as good as the one that preceded it yet. :)
@vanitastmnt6080 Жыл бұрын
You mean for its entire run.
@twoczents Жыл бұрын
Dang, no love for 1987? Also, I mostly grew up at the start of 2012, and the reruns of 2003. Also, 2018 just goes hard. I've watched all four and it just kinda seems unfair to say which one overall is the best. I just hope no one dogs on the upcoming 2023 series for fixing the one problem with all four of them. The "Teenage" part.
@vanitastmnt6080 Жыл бұрын
@@twoczents I mean, 2012 and rise also focused heavily on their teenage aspects
@JRProductions1203 Жыл бұрын
Now that is something I can totally agree on.👍
@estebangutierrez160 Жыл бұрын
Me personally, I don't let my nostalgia get in the way because if I do then I'm either missing out on the ideas the thing I'm watching has presented or I'm not giving what I'm watching a chance to impress me with something new. I gave the Velma series a chance. Sure it sucks really badly, but I didn't let my nostalgia get in the way of what I love about Scooby Doo. I gave Teen Titans Go a chance as well. I don't like that show either, but I still didn't let my nostalgia get in the way of it either.
@Skye2993 Жыл бұрын
Yeah see that’s good you had legitimate reasons for not liking those things not because (well it wasn’t what came before so blegh) you actually gave it a chance without comparing and nostalgia in the way and decided you didn’t like it. Another thing I liked you did was you didn’t let others opinions dictate YOUR opinion to many people let this happen.
@radarkfall Жыл бұрын
I'm not much of a nostalgia fan myself I'm always looking forward to the next thing they do with these franchise also the old ones as well
@GamerSlyRatchet1 Жыл бұрын
I've been lucky enough to be nostalgic for things without being toxic about it (the transition between Spectacular Spider-Man and Ultimate Spider-Man cutting it close). Unfortunately, I've also seen toxic nostalgia kill my joy for a lot of newer versions I do enjoy, like the post-B:TAS Batman cartoons, Rise of the TMNT, the newer He-Man and She-Ra shows, etc. The overwhelming negative reception can kill a potential fanbase and makes it less enjoyable to engage in.
@ExeErdna Жыл бұрын
@Alexander Capanov Spawn came on when a lot of people didn't have or want HBO. Now with HBO Max such a show would shine. Companies need to learn to respect the niche that are willing to spend money over large audiences that haven't invested yet. They bet too much on money not spent yet too often alienating people that would have spent the money. That's how they make no money, when newer people aren't interested and fans walk away
@GamerSlyRatchet1 Жыл бұрын
@@ch42965 Spectacular Spider-Man is a fantastic series, if you haven't seen it.
@akyrahkat Жыл бұрын
I’ve had similar thoughts like this floating around for a while. This video pretty much perfectly puts it into words. Great video.
@hankunis2051 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Nostalgia is a never ending driving force. You always going to have an attachment for things you love and if you don't like what's new on a base level that's just the feeling of being uncomfortable with change(which is understandable). We're all going to be biased about thing we hold close to some degree But at some point we all gotta try and enjoy the variety of these media structurs and tones learn to appreciate the good things that come out of them.
@EmbraceTheStruggle24 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely - because nostalgia can definitely be a very powerful aspect of anyone's perspective. But it is what also creates amusement and recognition for how entertainment molds us into who we are - whether it would be anything Disney related or even something like going to arcades at malls (which my brother and I used to really enjoy back in the day). I remember when certain restaurants like pizza hut and dairy queen would have classic arcade games too. Fun times :)
@TheReZisTLust Жыл бұрын
It's so depressing now hearing things coming back. Even Futurama which ended in a time loop that literally makes the series neverending and had a great ending.
@TheReZisTLust Жыл бұрын
And the last of us 1 is amazing and I even bought my brother the vinyl of the soundtrack cause he can't play anymore
@GamerSlyRatchet1 Жыл бұрын
I don't mind the revivals, but these days, it's almost always the things that DON'T need a come back, like Futurama, King of the Hill, Toy Story, X-Men: TAS, and so on.
@paulbell3682 Жыл бұрын
@@TheReZisTLust What happened that stopped him from playing games?
@TheReZisTLust Жыл бұрын
@@paulbell3682 He just feels it's realistic how they look
@mr.x2567 Жыл бұрын
I still want to give it a chance before jumping to any conclusions first
@TheSpongeBobGuy01 14 күн бұрын
The entirety of the SpongeBob fandom needs to see this. A lot of people hate on season 4 onwards because it's a little different different from seasons 1-3 and will hate on literally any new Nickelodeon announces for the show.
@Just_Some_Yonko_With_A_Beard Жыл бұрын
I think it's cool that this is a game review channel, but with a bit of variety. J's channel was what got me interested in review channels about a year ago. I like hearing different perspectives about things I like, or even aspects of them I don't, and this video makes that all the more serendipitous
@jinpei05 8 ай бұрын
The concept of nostalgia has changed radically since the advent and advancement of the internet. Before the internet, things actually went away and faced the possibility of being lost or forgotten for decades or even forever, which made their re-discovery that much more potentially meaningful and precious. Now that everything can be documented and thrown on the pile of collected human knowledge, nothing ever really gets forgotten or goes away and thus nostalgia has fundamentally changed.
@WaterMeLoan64 Жыл бұрын
So many people on the Internet waste so many hours of their lives arguing with other strangers about which version of their favorite cartoon, video game, or movie was the best. 😅
@girlywolfpup1588 Жыл бұрын
The amount of talking points in your video that match ones I've lamented for years now is insane here.
@RhapsodyHC Жыл бұрын
Sometimes new things actually suck like Velma and the nostalgia hate is justified.
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Thank god!
@AidGum Жыл бұрын
Congrats on missing the point of this video. It's not that newer things can't suck, or you can't criticize them, it's that this level of obsession people have with nostalgia both for or against it is really unhealthy and that people should just like what they like hate what they hate, not let nostalgia rule over you.
@RhapsodyHC Жыл бұрын
@@AidGum I never said that nor was I against him. You just missed the point of my comment LMAO. I’m saying nostalgia can be good to destroy horrible shows like Velma that completely miss the point while making more people find new appreciation in the older shows. Sometimes nostalgia is toxic, yes, but sometimes it can do good and make you appreciate what came before when you see garbage come out of something you once loved.
@AidGum Жыл бұрын
@@RhapsodyHC Oh wow, way to call me out for missing the point of your poorly worded comment. How could I guess that you weren't against him when you were making it seem like you were arguing against him by justifying "nostalgia hate". You argument comes off as saying that "toxic nostalgia" is a good thing when its against a thing you don't like.
@RhapsodyHC Жыл бұрын
@@AidGum Velma isn’t just a thing I don’t like. It’s another thing where the creators don’t give a crap about what came before and are just using the original IP for money. Same for a lot of terrible reboots that completely miss the point and/or are cheaply made to make as much money as possible. Against things like that, nostalgia hate isn’t toxic, it’s justified.
@andrewmah2962 Жыл бұрын
Time doesn't stop just because there's a show you like
@RoastCM Жыл бұрын
This describes classic SMG4 fans so well Edit: I can see that people are misinterpreting this comment, I personally enjoy modern smg4 and this comment is about the extremely toxic classic smg4 fans
@togarashi6437 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I stopped watching him years ago because I just didn't think his content was worth my time anymore. With these people, there's always the option to just leave and unsubscribe. Some of these classic fans are like "why can't he make them like the classic videos?" Luke isn't a terminally online 12-year-old anymore. He's a grown man with a job in a career he likes.
@hectorleon465 Жыл бұрын
I just dont watch em cause its just not what it was anymore... I can always rewatch the old ones. But i cannot watch his new crap. That and he became a sell out... Usually im never a fan of KZbinrs going that route where they get sponsorships and sell themselves out...
@joshuagonzalez4183 Жыл бұрын
@RoastChickenMan exactly! (smh)
@Mohammed-ny4yp Жыл бұрын
@@hectorleon465 yeah they fucking take sponsorships and sell themselves ouy
@darthroxas4588 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I love his old videos haven’t seen his stuff in years mentally checked out his new stuff.
@tempviam Жыл бұрын
As a Trekkie, I can tell you that the toxic fandom can be there for Star Trek too! In 1987, Paramount announced Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Hardcore fanbase was up in arms! Mainly because it was not Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, the uniforms were different, the Enterprise was different! Johnathan Frakes (Who plays Will Riker) said that he was nervous attending his first Star Trek convention because of it! Thankfully, the fans there were respectful. Fast forward to the present, There was hate for the J.J. Abrams movies, when Discovery came out, people hated the style and the look of the Klingons, and then I saw so many videos of the hate of Lower Decks, saying, "Star Trek wouldn't be this funny!" Despite that show has been a love letter to the franchise as well as telling good stories!
@hassansyed4135 Жыл бұрын
I grew up watching walking with dinosaurs as a kid, and i still get goosebumps and chills when I watch the series again to hear the incredible narration, the sound effects, and the mesmerizing music. When Prehistoric Planet was announced in 2021, my mind was completely blown off. But when I watch the series in 2022, I felt a little underwhelmed because it didn't have a set story of a specific dinosaur like walking with dinosaurs. But after re-watching prehistoric planet over and over again, I started to vibe with it's structure which made it a better show for me and I consider to be a classic documentary despite it being new. Old is gold, but new can be good stew.
@justsomesimplenuclearbirbs4313 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia can be a double-edged sword, it's great for reliving memories but it can also cloud your judgment of recent products. Sometimes you'll get folks who are nostalgia blind, viewing certain shows, movies or video games in a way that's borderline obsessive, often refusing to see the dark truth and refusing to move on from the past. And that's *really* scary to me, just knowing that one wrong move and *BOOM!* Suddenly you're going on a tangent all about how this old thing is better than the new version not realizing that the new version is just that year's version of what you're obsessing over. You still have that old version of your favorite show, movie or video game. It's not like the newest iteration is replacing it. It does cause some problems though considering how often some series will just reuse their name with the only way to tell it apart is via the year it came out in.
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
I have a switch and have amazing games for it, but again. Nothing wrong with playing old games today.
@maxleon61702 Жыл бұрын
This is why the "Be Careful What You Wish For" trope is here.
@twoczents Жыл бұрын
This entire problem sums up the vitriol for when Monster High decided to reboot itself. People were making suicide threats over the fact that a character's skin tone changed from blue to pink. Don't you just love the internet?🤩 Also, I grew up on both 2003 and 2012 and I HEAVILY recommend Rise. It indisputably has the best animation.
@jamesshipley9164 Жыл бұрын
I remember playing Sonic 1 when it was new and my dad ranting about how it wasn't a real game like Missle Command. Shit never changes.
@TheMrfoxguy Жыл бұрын
The fact that ones parent says that yeesh
@lukamagicc Жыл бұрын
I find it insane I’ve watched KZbin since I was like 10 years old back in 07’ and now have probably a 1000 Channels I’m subbed to but I can still watch a random person with a thumbnail that looks and sounds interesting and instantly notice “wow, they are really well spoken and are actually trying” and can stay, appreciate, and learn something from the video instead of it being some mindless content before bed. The title sounds really convoluted, but you navigated it so well I remembered wow this was the guy with only a couple hundred K subs that is really well spoken! Props to you man for making such great stuff so consistently and tackling really nuanced material with ease.
@TheGamerfreak125 Жыл бұрын
"For people who despise the 2010 Sonic with all their might hearing Sonic Colors saved the series from the likes of Unleashed and Black Knight" BARS!!
@pepitopacquiao Жыл бұрын
I always hated the toxic nostalgia fandom, not only for toxic, it's also a venomous brainwash to not think in our present and future, only get stacked in the past.
@gandalflotr2898 Жыл бұрын
I know right there like those religious zealots
@marsha-madness-super-badness Жыл бұрын
​@@gandalflotr2898 They sound more like drug addicts to me 🤷‍♀️ The way they talk about how the old had a better effect than the new, like they're looking for the same high 😂😂😂
@cloudshines812 Жыл бұрын
Oddly enough J… I actually prefer these videos talking about general internet topics as opposed to game reviews. That’s not to say I dislike the game reviews, but as a Journalist and content creator myself… I find Nostalgia as “winning but at what cost”. Nostalgia can be effective and great to have but only if the inclusion or existence is warranted in the first place. I love seeing references or callbacks, or revivals of older characters coming back but it has to have a level where it doesn’t feel like blatant fan service. Good examples of Nostalgia that I’ve experienced is the returnal of the Original Spider Men in NWH as we’ve been waiting decades to see Tobey and Andrew again, and their overall inclusion in the movie felt worth while and important. I also loved the callbacks in Sonic Frontiers which gave the game this sense of bigger world building without treating their games like canon sequels the whole way through… and lastly I even like seeing iconic IPs join major cross over games like Smash Bros or Dead By Daylight as long as they feel they have a REASON to be there. Obviously the big elephant in the room can be Disney and how they have a major nostalgia problem. Making mediocre or unnecessary sequels, lifeless and lackluster live action remakes… and even the MCU and Star Wars can’t even escape as their stories have concluded and the franchises were done. Nostalgia is not a bad thing, but think of it like an old best friend. It may be great to see them again, and remember the good times you had with them… but as we grow older… as we grow up… nothing lasts forever. And we have to move on… create our new stories… and explore newer horizons. That’s the point of life… and that’s the point *Nostalgia*… to love what we have… but look forward to the newer things coming…
@GarkKahn Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is like pride as someone else stated It's perfect to be proud of yourself and your legacy, but as soon as pride begins to take control of your life decisions you're heading towards disaster
@PS1Fan1991 Жыл бұрын
@saucymongoose7246 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I don't have much to say other than I feel vindicated watching this. I've shared similar opinions towards media for years, with the same vapid arguments, biases, ignorance, and the unwillingness to let go and move on.
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
Right. Technically appreciate the cheap unoriginal shit? What's next? We should get electric cars?
@jturner2577 Жыл бұрын
Khary Payton has actually changed his stance about Teen Titans Season 6 since that interview in 2017. He's actually open to it, his Stance on the episode is pretty similar but he understands the feedback for it better I feel.
@Phrogly Жыл бұрын
I'm in my mid 20's so I grew up with the original Teen Titans and the 2000's Turtles, but I can't say I personally felt hurt by the newer versions. Admittedly TT Go wasn't my thing most of the time, but there's been episodes I unashamedly loved...The Night Begins To Shine is still a catchy song that lives rent free in my head. Point is I wish more of us were open to the future renditions, because their existence doesn't overwrite what we like.
@SteelSpurs Жыл бұрын
I’m indifferent to TTG, but I unironically bop to Catchin Villains.
@jack_stone Жыл бұрын
Honestly my biggest problem with TTG was when they dedicated episodes to bait and make fun of fans of the original cartoon. Other than that I didn't care.
@cameronb9664 Жыл бұрын
Evolution is becoming more effortless. I was born in 2000 and from my personal life experiences, I’ve noticed that back then vs now we don’t appreciate the time, effort & skill put in to things. We are a very impatient generation, kids and teens these days need instant entertainment. I don’t hold on to nostalgia, I let my experiences decide on what I think is either interesting or not. And I can personally say in my opinion people don’t work for their passion it’s just for the money, everything is done effortlessly today.
@theclown2257 Жыл бұрын
Rise of the tmnt came out during my "it's not what I grew up with so it's bad" phase. But after actually giving it a chance I found out that it's actually not that bad, it does a lot of things I really like and hope to see in future tmnt projects.
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
Naw. It just had boring plots i just could not get into. Sorry.
@qwertyzillaofficial2969 Жыл бұрын
@@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Let me guess, you watched like 4 episodes from season 1…
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
Fine, how's this for leverage! The movie was spectacular and I'm glad to see Leo trying to be leader. The series is just not my thing. Sorry. Deal with it. You can't change people's minds to get them to like what you like. That ain't how it works.
@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 Жыл бұрын
Now you're just being an asshole. The fuck outta here.
@mmayes237 Жыл бұрын
Toxic nostalgia ruin shows like Rise of the tmnt, Be Cool Scooby Doo, and Legend of korra (well, mostly nickelodeon) from getting the recognition they deserve.
@paulshipper143 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the 80's.. and a lot of the stuff we had were... STUPID. I didn't know at the time, but I was fortunately able to look back I don't think Nostalgia can become toxic... people are toxic, they just spread it around into other elements of their lives.
@Nintendofan781 Жыл бұрын
I agree with that actually. Every fanbase has a community full of toxic people. It's a matter what their actions affect that particular fanbase. An example of that is MLP. A majority of people in that fanbase have had a bad reputation of being represented as pedophiles or furries mainly for its main demographic.
@teddybeer6206 Жыл бұрын
People keep saying cartoons were better in the 80s. Having grown up in that decade, that's a straight up LIE. A lot of those cartoons insulted kids' intelligence.
@BuizelCream Жыл бұрын
@@Nintendofan781 Of what I have seen, because of how the new MLP G5 is currently being handled, the MLP fanbase's reputation of having those pedophiles and the bad part of furry fandom is quickly becoming inconsequential every passing month. To put it simply, MLP G5 is becoming a sinking ship quality-wise, which is causing a lot of the old fans being repelled away, which most likely definitely includes the toxic side of the fandom (unless if they sick around due to nostalgia). In a way, MLP G5 is creating this cleansing situation due to the low-quality content it is providing, and I guess everyone can take it for what they will with the thing that's currently going on over there.
@decadentgamer3108 Жыл бұрын
@@teddybeer6206 I was a 90s kid so I missed out on the 80s cartoons but yeah, I was always perplexed when people would say that about thoe cartoons. I think maybe it was just the sense of excitement when watching their favorite cartoons like He-Man and Transformers. The marketing to sell toys was huge in that time.
@ModelJames13 Жыл бұрын
@@teddybeer6206 Yeah most 80's cartoons are barely watchable. We didn't get real cartoons until the 90's with Batman and X-Men and such.
@Eastsid3 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia should be about fondly looking back at how you experienced something without trampling on its current incarnation. I am happy that things like Star Wars, Tmnt and spider man for example can be enjoyed by kids now. Also good point about trolls who probably haven't even given a current incarnation a chance.
@warnichvorster9387 Жыл бұрын
Man... For a while I've been questioning if I'm biased against modern media because of my nostalgia over a bygone age. I realize that was exactly what I was doing, as evident by my inability to accept that Toby Maguire isn't the current "Spider-Man" anymore, and because I am still praying that another Megaman game comes out one day, not really being able to let go. This vid's been a wake up slap to the face. And I appreciate this shocker.
@jamesborlan2850 7 ай бұрын
This is a great video I remember people people shitting on the looney tunes show (2011) and Sonic x because of their nostalgia for the original looney tunes shorts and Sonic satam Both were hated for changes in character personalities and vice versa Now, to be fair, I can definitely see some fair criticisms towards both series, I personally feel that the looney tunes show would've been better as a storyboard driven series rather than a script driven series The problem with weaponizing nostalgia as a crutch for why "new thing bad" can be summed up in 3 ways 1. All of the flaws from a nostalgic piece of media are overlooked 2. Sometimes, it causes the person to have a condescending behavior online 3. Failure to understand that franchises have to change to evolve and even if the change doesn't work for people, sometimes it did its job as a product That's how business works. It's not fair sometimes, but at the same time, seeing something as consistently good can cause repetition. As a result, a drop in audience, that's how diminishing returns work Studios are also guilty of manipulating the fans through pandering and sometimes pretending the "evil version" of the property doesn't exist, even though there may be small changes that could still alienate fans Sonic mania is guilty of this because while the game erased sonic 4 from the cannon, it too was also guilty of recycling level ideas Yeah, I grew out of Sonic Mania, on its own. It's not a bad game, but if you take away the nostalgia, the game isn't really anything special Here's the bottom line, there's nothing wrong with forming discussions of nostalgic pieces of media There is, however, an issue when it becomes an obsession, and no matter the stance on the newer versions of the properties, we have to remember that its business and sometimes the newer version is successful Plus, a revised version of the new version of a property could be displaced through time. Especially since a retro styled sonic 4 is four decades too late now To end this post I'll leave in two quotes Meet the Robinsons' "keep moving foward" Mugimikey, "it's not nostalgia if it's now the norm"
@gandalflotr2898 7 ай бұрын
Nostalgia is like religion
@Butter-Milk Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia can be right or it can be done wrong. A perfect example of nostalgia being done right is No Way Home. Peter has his morals challenged by the old villians, and needs the past Spider-Man to help him. Also, William Defoe was freaking perfect. It took an idea that could have been just fan service nostalgia, and used it to craft an actual movie where the nostalgic elements were part of Peter's arc. However, nostalgia can also just be plain bad and repetitive. It wasn't a bad thing that the OG characters came back in The Force Awakens. However, I was a little miffed that they took so many plot elements from A New Hope, as that is just repetitive. However, I could sorta accept it as this movie was partially a nostalgia trip, less of a movie and more of an event. However, when the opening scroll to Episode 9 revealed that Palpatine was coming back, I nearly went to get my ticket refunded in the lobby. That screams "We don't want to do new things, like actually continue how Episode 8 set Kylo up as the big bad. We just want to regress". Another thing is video game remasters. Current consoles have a great amount of graphical fidelity, and I don't mind old classics getting a new coat of paint. However, it seems a little repetitive how TLOU has been released on the past 3 generations. They charge full price for it, too. However, at the same time, I can't help but think that the people who buy these remasters, who probably just want to see their favourite games in the best quality, do have a valid point. At the same time, there's nothing wrong with wanting new stuff. Tl:Dr good nostalgia and bad nostalgia. Good nostalgia is good in it's own right (and that doesn't include harmless blink-and-you'll-miss-it nods to the past), bad nostalgia is just not doing new things. Bottom line is that it's the quality of the product that matters.
@HazzyFcrazy Жыл бұрын
i want a Sly 5 not just for nostalgia but for that fact that Sly is canonically trapped in the past and has this absolutely horrible ending to his life that he doesn't deserve. and on top of that this also pretty much much Ends the cooper lineage because he hasn't had a kid yet and probably wont because well never get a 5. it makes me super sad to think that this isn't just how sly ends but how the coopers end.
@SplanetDworld Жыл бұрын
Such a great video on how nostalgia can really become toxic, using the example of believing our personal generation of video games was and will always be the best. Which will never be the case as time goes on and on.
@KostaDoesStuff Жыл бұрын
Although I agree that older doesn't automatically mean better, there's a strange trend that happened to nearly all animated shows where they went from being action oriented to being slapstick comedies with almost all having a bean mouth style that looks bizarre to me. Maybe I'm just getting older but genuinely don't understand how we degraded in animation quality
@paulgilbert5278 Жыл бұрын
I’ve noticed as well
@TheBigBlueBugofJustice Жыл бұрын
I've never understood the sheer power that so many people allow nostalgia to have over them. Like, yeah, sure... I liked this thing when I was like six or seven... but why the HELL should that be the number one reason why I attribute positive qualities to it DECADES later?? I view those things in the here and now... there are PLENTY of things that I LOVED as a kid that I watched/read/played/listened to, etc. again as an adult (I'm 30 as I write this) and find that I still love just as much, and often MORE, than I did then... just as there are also a great many things I loved as a kid that just really don't do it for me anymore as an adult. But here's what an unbelievably large portion of people completely fail to understand: THAT'S OKAY!! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having feelings of nostalgia for something from your childhood while simultaneously accepting the fact that you've grown out of that thing since then. It's TOTALLY fine to feel nostalgia without letting it CONTROL you, and to instead fairly judge things from your childhood with your changed tastes as an adult. But, noooo... soooo many people act like it's a fucking CRIME for themselves (and very often, what with the way toxic online discourse is in this day and age, other people who disagree with them) to have anything but EXTREME REVERANCE for something for the SOLE reason that it's something that they adored as a little kid. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of immaturity. Those people need to take a look in the mirror and grow up.
@ShyRanger 7 ай бұрын
The thing is, I feel at least, most people who have nostalgia fueling their opinion the most, they don't actually realize it's nostalgia fueling it. Like Jay shows in comments here, people saying things like "that old thing was edgier" or "It just looked better and was done better" They are still attributing other factors they feel as to why they think it's better. So if you asked any nostalgic person "Why is it the number one reason" they'd probably say "it's not the reason" and as far as they can tell, they aren't lying.
@jamesmccarthy4777 Жыл бұрын
You can definitely find good things in every Era of a franchise. One example is how Thomas the Tank Engine was my show during my toddler years. Needless to say the show has had all it's ups and downs and while the majority of fans even younger ones agree that Magic Railroad, the Miller Era, and the CGI Era were downgrades overall. There were jems to be found in the post Classic Era content such Hiro of the Rails, Respect for Gordon, The Adventure Begins, Legend of the Lost Treasure, and a few others. As a train enthusiast I never truly grew out of Thomas and Friends or Reverend Awdry's Railway Series but I was happy to see some of the gems in an interpretation that wasn't made specifically for me but it ended up appealing to me anyway. Sorry for this long comment but I feel my experience with seeing the how my beloved show about talking trains evolved over the years strongly connects to your video about nostalgia.
@Unquestionable Жыл бұрын
As of late I've been really looking less at my own nostalgia and checking out stuff that I never looked into myself when it was new This channel has been great with recommendations and I recently started checking out a lot of the stuff J has a high opinion of, finding myself getting a kind of second hand high that is interesting in it's own way. Yeah I'm terrible at platformers for the most part but I get a ton of enjoyment from my recent attempt at playing through the Sly titles because my eyes are more open to the sort of experience one playing it back in the day would have gotten.
@coldsolitude4417 Жыл бұрын
also, it ruined my childhood argument. I didn't grow up on Teen Titans Go so it didn't ruin my childhood, and why would it. you cant look at it as a reboot, sequel or continuation because its none of these things.
@bakedbeans5494 Жыл бұрын
Still sucks.
@theumpireofthebottomlesspit 3 ай бұрын
It is a reboot though? Reboot, continuation and sequels are not the same thing and I’m tired of people thinking that it is.
@theumpireofthebottomlesspit 3 ай бұрын
@@bakedbeans5494Okay but to say it does just because it “ruined your childhood” is a very silly way to. I think that what this person mean to say. Nobody say that you have to like TTG. Just don’t use nostalgia if you’re going to criticize of it.
@bakedbeans5494 3 ай бұрын
@@theumpireofthebottomlesspit I don't like OG TT either.
@rmeddy Жыл бұрын
Nice man, Nostalgia was literally considered a disorder at one point This is why I like your takes, I got onto your channel because of your DCAU reviews and it was pretty refreshing to hear from someone much younger than myself (about 15 years), and that even though I loved it and still do to realize how much rose tinted glasses I had for it and something I used to temper my hate for the Snyder stuff. Even though I still have roughly the same opinions, your videos gave me some perspective.
@emphorepolpatinedasenate Жыл бұрын
The reason why people hate on games they didn't play or movies they didn't see is they don't want to support things they don't like. I feel the best way to know if ud like or dislike something is to watch a review to see what YOU think not the reviewer. It's good to watch multiple of reviews especially one that likes the film and one that doesn't then just figure if u like it or not
@jordanvezzani4692 Жыл бұрын
This was a great video(and great title too) thanks for the message you gave in it. Back when I was a kid, seeing my favorite Lego franchise, Bionicle, grow, change then eventually disappear was a pretty rough process for my brain at the time to go through. The fear of seeing the things you enjoy change then vanish gets pretty scary. But enjoying those for what you had at the time and being positive moving forward, like you said, is for the best. On a more serious topic, that clip of the Teen Titans talk hit me home. People, not just things, tend to leave for no reason. I’ve been in an inner battle of living with less fear of loss in my life so this video was very helpful to listen to. Thanks!
@tombsofak Жыл бұрын
Great video! I confess I too have been massively guilty of being a "It's not the thing I liked before therefore it sucks" with multiple properties I like but I have thankfully matured enough to be able to just shrug and say I like this, I don't like that, I can back off. This video nails the importance of learning that.
@murilo7794 7 ай бұрын
I think a big part is that only the best media survives the test of time. Everyone remembers the classics that revolutionized the industry, and even some of the absolute trainwrecks that are so bad they are fun to watch. But no one remembers the thousands of uninspired, unremarkable, boring pieces of media made mostly for a quick buck. People in the future will look back at Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead and other gems and mourn the death of the Television industry, completely ignoring the vast majority of mind numbing, pure filler shows.
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