Judge Throws Lawyer In Jail -- Was It Fair?

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Runkle Of The Bailey

Runkle Of The Bailey

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@RunkleOfTheBailey Ай бұрын
I also spoke with Mr. Lebessis, who clarified that he had his disclosure and trial notes--everything he needed to run the trial. What he didn't have was his procedural history/file notes on steps taken/etc.
@henrysmith180 Ай бұрын
Is he going to go back into the building?
@carolynv8979 Ай бұрын
Thanks, that’s a good clarification. I wish him the best. Demanding an answer then snapping at someone for “interrupting” when they try to follow your instruction is an abuse of power. That was bullying. Please tell us about it if you attend.
@johnnemeth6913 Ай бұрын
​@@henrysmith180If he doesn't appear, given that he has been ordered to do so, it is likely that an arrest warrant will be issued, at which time he will be dragged in front of the judge. Thus, one way or another, he will be going back into the building.
@benjaminshropshire2900 Ай бұрын
@@carolynv8979 Yeah. As soon as the judge demanded "yes or no" where the proper answer is "it's complicated" I could tell this wasn't going to go anywhere good. Also, I wonder if you would get in trouble for, after being told to not interrupt, waiting till the judge has stopped talking for a 2-3 count before answering?
@ChimeraTruely Ай бұрын
He was in a no win situation. I hope that whispers make their way to the bench, and on November 22nd the Court choses to give the grace that he should have given in the first place. The defendant, the Crown, Defense Counsel, and the Court have been through enough stress this week. Non is needed in the future.
@briant7265 Ай бұрын
The judge has primary responsibility for the decorum in his courtroom. "Don't interrupt me. Let me finish my question, then you may respond," is completely acceptable. Talking over the response, refusing to allow an explanation when the answer isn't a simple yes or no, and then escalating like a toddler having a tantrum over not getting candy? Completely unacceptable.
@dragonabsurda Ай бұрын
This is how the transcript sounded to me. J: Are you saying on the record that the Crown promised they'd issue the subpoena for you? L: Sir, I don't have my notes, can I have a moment to check? J: No. Answer me now. L: Well the Crown has a note confirming... J: No, I want YOUR answer. L: I... J: Shut up! Answer me! L: I don't.... J: Stop interrupting me! L: .... J: Answer me! L: I need a moment to.... J: Stop interrupting me! Answer me or I'll lock you up! L: Lock me up then. J: No! L: ..... J: Answer me! L: I.... J: Lock him up! C: So we checked, and L was told we'd issue the subpoena, but it wasn't sent. Our bad. J: J: L, you told me you'd rather go into custody than answer my question. L: No, I... J: Shut up! That's what you said. You could have said you don't know, but you didn't. That's what I recall. You can respond to that if you want, but I'd rather you didn't. L: I would like to respond if you'd just let me. J: Fine. L: I said I wasn't sure and needed a moment to check. You wouldn't let me check. J: That's not how it happened. L: .... J: .... L: ....
@blackdeath4eternity Ай бұрын
yup... the judge obviously is not impartial & should be removed from the case.
@gillypiexo Ай бұрын
Accurate AF
@ashroskell Ай бұрын
Or, in other words. Judge: “Say something that gives me an excuse to jail you, please.” Mr Lebessis: “Respectfully, I’d really rather n’. . .” Judge: “Lock him up!” Mr Lebessis: “WTF?”
@rizz_the_dog Ай бұрын
​@@blackdeath4eternityno judge in Canada is impartial. The judges, crown attorney, court clerks and everything are hired by the Attorney general and paid by the Attorney general. They're all on the same team and they're all working toward the same goal of 85 to 90% conviction rate, no matter if you're guilty or not
@ramjet4025 Ай бұрын
Good Call
@lyndiwilson2334 Ай бұрын
Runkle, plz plz follow up on this. I'm very invested now. What's going on with all these judges wilding out in both countries!?? Is this more common than the public is aware?
@blackdeath4eternity Ай бұрын
yeah.... i hope these judges are getting reprimanded... else its no wonder things are falling apart.
@eddydogleg Ай бұрын
I expect some chicanery from the legislative branch, the executive branch of government; nice if they dial it back from 11. Very disconcerting if this blight has infected the judicial branch.
@JWildberry Ай бұрын
Yes, I really want to know what happens on the 22nd.
@DerykRobosson Ай бұрын
The judge might've gotten an answer had he kept his trap shut long enough to listen. His gaslighting the lawyer was also unacceptable.
@SarahSabetti Ай бұрын
I think the judge abused his power. Lawyers trying to represent a client to the best of their ability shouldn't have to fear the judge.
@DoveringFifths Ай бұрын
Agree but the world is imperfect, this sort of thing is bound to happen, for as little reason as a bout of insomnia or some indigestion. But, if their judgement is good in general, they should soon realize the mistake and correct it, but I doubt that happens.
@matthewfischer244 Ай бұрын
@@DoveringFifths That's true, but not relevant.
@hyzmarca2737 Ай бұрын
The judge did. But the lawyer could have just said "yes." Worst case scenario if he's wrong, it turns into a he-said/he-said and the judge might still believe him.
@annpolese3160 Ай бұрын
This case is nuts. A judicial review of this particular judge should be required.
@AntmanIV Ай бұрын
This Judge should be required to take a remedial judicial ethics course. Specifically, the sections on integrity (improper/unprofessional conduct) and impartiality (judicial demeanor).
@jjones8316 Ай бұрын
Canadian judges have no mandatory retirement or cognitive testing at any point. There are for sure many judges still working who have obvious cognitive decline.
@gerrykay1482 28 күн бұрын
he needs a dismissal letter
@lemondrop7667 Ай бұрын
Judge needs a Snickers bar.
@ImprovmanZero Ай бұрын
maybe 2
@markgado8782 Ай бұрын
Or a hug from Betty White. RIP 😢
@ealusaid Ай бұрын
Maybe he should've taken a Kit Kat
@Nathan_Talisien Ай бұрын
​@@ealusaidNah, he's snapped enough for one day.
@simonatibu3214 Ай бұрын
Is this bar carcinogenic ?
@SpitefulPelican Ай бұрын
This judge's ego needs to be knocked down a peg. This is a ridiculous overreaction
@rick323 Ай бұрын
Yep. Judge here acted the petty tyrant, and by the looks of it, will probably double down at the next hearing. Needs to back off and issue a small apology for acting the fool in court. Counsel could have said certain things at certain times there to improve his situation, but I give it to him he likely couldn't think with the judge breathing down his neck like that.
@simonatibu3214 Ай бұрын
It’s more then ego , it’s incompetence and bias towards the crown that pays him a salary he would have never made a lawyer , due to his incompetence
@stephenfulford6227 26 күн бұрын
@@simonatibu3214 What do you mean he would have never made a lawyer? You have to be a lawyer for 10+ years to become a judge in Canada. Do I just misunderstand what you are saying?
@danctil Ай бұрын
I wonder how the judge is going to react having this transcript read back to him.
@DoveringFifths Ай бұрын
The judge humiliated himself with his impatience and possibly false assumptions
@tcdewijk3511 Ай бұрын
It seems to me that the judge's manner made what should have been an administrative matter into a stupid mess
@cmotherofpirl Ай бұрын
That judge needs a time out. I feel for the poor attorney who deserved better.
@rebeccamoon5766 Ай бұрын
And maybe a nap and some goldfish crackers too.
@Oblithian Ай бұрын
The judge: asks question. Lawyer: attempts to respond The Judge: "do not interrupt me!"
@selkiemaine Ай бұрын
Reminds me of a magistrate our firm ran into about 30 years ago. I was a very junior associate writing a brief in opposition to a motion - opposing counsel's brief in support of their motion was just bad work - the cases didn't support the position, which was simply abusive of the process to begin with - it wasn't a matter of interpretation, it was obvious. I wrote a polite, careful, brief in opposition and sent it to the trial attorney, who approved, and then submitted it. The magistrate, not only granted the motion, but sanctioned us $1800 for filing a brief in opposition - and finished his ruling with "Happy Hanukkah". We appealed, got that reversed, and got that magistrate off the case, but YIPES!
@ThatGuy182545 Ай бұрын
People like this judge, and certain cops and prosecutors are the exact reason people don’t trust “the system.” I guess the rules about impropriety and the appearance of impropriety are just there to look pretty on a page.
@jjones8316 Ай бұрын
Same with doctors and the medical system.
@melissaowens6031 Ай бұрын
Yeah, it’s there to be said out loud so that they can look good while saying it….and never really following it
@fun_ghoul Ай бұрын
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.
@bma109 Ай бұрын
Judge needs to be sanctioned. What a disgrace.
@elauraw9076 Ай бұрын
I was the client in a disability appeal hearing. Unlike Mr. Lebesis, my attorney was totally unprepared. By the time the Judge finished dressing my lawyer down, I was in tears and voluntarily withdrew my appeal. I think attorneys and judges forget that defendants are completely out of their element and terribly vulnerable and don't deserve to see their future hanging on the threads of a personal pissing contest, no matter who is at fault. Judges who behave like petit tyrants and lawyers who treat clients' lives as cases they can walk away from because they had a bad day should be ashamed.
@loneIyboy15 Ай бұрын
That's not "A bad day", it's literally the worst kind of day: The judge is an overgrown child. The case is FUBAR.
@ThatRedhedd Ай бұрын
That's crazy! What difference does it make whether or not Lebessis recalled the Crown saying it, when the Crown had admitted to saying it!? The demented judge wanted to harass him over nothing, and that was completely improper.
@briant7265 Ай бұрын
The judge was too invested in the view of his own colon to simply extract his head and say, "Okay. I didn't understand and I'm very sorry. Let's start over." Instead, he tried to gaslight everyone with this lame attempt to justify himself.
@briansedgwick4839 Ай бұрын
As a former Prosecutor I have run into good and not so good judges with a fair share of similar confrontations that Mr. Lebessis had. The subpoena issue should have been resolved before court convened. However the judge should not have ordered Mr. Lebessis into custody and a Judicial complaint should be made in light of that.
@insanigo Ай бұрын
Will a judicial complaint do anything tho? I doubt it very much. As someone outside of the justice system, I see that the corruption and abuse goes unchecked. Which explains WHY there is corruption and abuse.
@ramjet4025 Ай бұрын
Ha, the odds of the Judicial Council actually making a negative finding against a judge is remote at best. The Judicial Council are a collection of sycophant's who have no telephone and NO address, its just a postal code in Ottawa Canada is riddled with politically appointed Judges who make political decisions and put wrongfully convicted in jail to retaliate for even mentioning Judicial Misconduct and or Police Obstruction of Justice.
@briansedgwick4839 Ай бұрын
@@insanigo A Judicial complaint would at least put the judge on notice that his actions are being monitored.
@JxH Ай бұрын
@@briansedgwick4839 He's likely reviewing these KZbin comments, so should be well aware of the pushback that he's going to be receiving.
@ReinManYYC Ай бұрын
I probably would have earned a full 30 days of hospitality. "What about my uttering a complete sentence so terrifies the Court?"
@irradiated_woman8016 Ай бұрын
Can a judge be held accountable for acting like a giant toddler?
@SuZ4242 Ай бұрын
😂 I would vote for that, yup.
@waylonk2453 Ай бұрын
I think defense counsel can file a complaint with the BAR association and get a review of the Judge's behavior
@whodarboilebamnames3990 Ай бұрын
Only through extra judicial means
@williamp6800 Ай бұрын
@@waylonk2453 and no practicing lawyer is going to file a complaint if it’s possible that they will be in front of that judge again.
@matthewfischer244 Ай бұрын
Yes. There is a judicial council which considers complaints.
@norarivkis2513 Ай бұрын
17:44 "You can tell me if you think that things are being described accurately, because I don't." The impression that I got was that he was not being asked "Do you recall Mr. Ellis telling you that he would subpoena the witness?" but *"DID Mr. Ellis tell you that he would subpoena the witness?"* He didn't have absolute certainty, and he was told in so many words that the only acceptable answers were Yes or No. Later, the judge tried to say, "You could have said 'I don't know' or 'I don't recall,' but at the time, those options were not in front of him... in fact, the judge explicitly said they were unacceptable. Given all that, it makes absolute sense that he wouldn't be willing to be pinned down to an absolute Yes or No, when he didn't remember for sure and the judge was basically asking him to go on the record as if he were a witness under oath. Then he went and completely blew up his own situation by leaving the building; and frankly, that's when he most my sympathy. I grew up in a family of lawyers, and while I genuinely believe that this defense counsel was getting a very raw deal from the judge, he had an obligation to his client not to just leave, right before trial. Ask for a mistrial? Sure. Ask to be removed and replaced as counsel of record? Sure. Ask the prosecutors to drop the case because the original missing witness was their fault? Absolutely. But you don't just walk out of the building and announce that you're never going back. That not only torpedoes your career -- and I'm not sure he'll get it back after that one -- but it torpedoes your client's case. And since this is a criminal charge, you're playing with somebody's life and freedom if you walk out and torpedo your client's case.
@Acko_Taco Ай бұрын
Thank you Runkle. I really hope this Judge gets backlash from this. But we all know how this works. Poor lawyer guy
@annm9589 Ай бұрын
This wasn’t fair the judge jumped to conclusions and trying to pigeon hole him into judge version of events also not fair. But honestly I don’t see this as something could get a judge removed for like ppl are texting
@michaelronneseth801 Ай бұрын
This judge needs a LONG vacation and needs some training on how to have a normal respectful exchange. Truthfully, he abused his power, he's a bully and needs to be fired IMMEDIATELY.
@ronswasonbutcuter4474 Ай бұрын
I have strong opinions about abuse of power, especially by judges, that KZbin probably won't like if I put here. So instead I will just wish Mr. Lebessis luck and pray he comes out of this okay
@splashdownca Ай бұрын
My after the fact two cents... I think every defence attorney for 50 miles not in court should be in that courtroom Friday morning. Each one of them making eye contact with the judge. This is clearly a mental break due to bullying by the judge. Perhaps a committee needs to look at him in this case.
@PRWelke Ай бұрын
You are very likely getting your wish. I'm pretty sure that they'll be coming from 150km in at least two directions...
@nineveha Ай бұрын
Sounds like the judge was already irked by something and took it out on Mr Lebessis. That really sucked. I don't blame him for walking out it just seemed like he was stuck in a situation where it would be hard to remain professional. The judge seemed hell bent on twisting things or would not have allowed him a chance to speak.
@MinniMintz Ай бұрын
The judge had an inexcusable amount of prejudice. I would be afraid that my presence at the trial would predjudice my client at that point. What a dick judge!
@annm9589 Ай бұрын
I think him asking for a mistrial based on that was fair. Idk if he didn’t have access to his client at the time but he should have attempted to communicate with him. Otherwise I feel sorry for defense, he felt like a no win situation here and a little beaten up.
@CarrieMK Ай бұрын
That’s an abuse of power, plain and simple.
@exploatores Ай бұрын
to me it sounds like the Judge was out for the Lawyer. after all it would have taken less time. If the judge gave the Lawyer the time to clear out the missunderstanding.
@michaellarden6294 Ай бұрын
Can the defence counsel sue the AG for wrongful arrest? Clearly at that point there was NO contempt of court on behalf of the defence counsel.
@PRWelke Ай бұрын
The thing is, it's not the AG at fault here. It's squarely on the Court.
@michaellarden6294 Ай бұрын
@@PRWelke I understand that, however here in BC, it would be the AG (unless supreme court) as they oversee the entire system. For Supreme Court it would be the Federal AG. Judges are to uphold the law and not to be above it.
@metricdeep8856 Ай бұрын
If a just gets has a bad day….the lawyer suffers. If the lawyer has a bad day…..the lawyer suffers.
@williamp6800 Ай бұрын
If a lawyer has a bad day, the client suffers.
@metricdeep8856 Ай бұрын
@@williamp6800 I don't disagree.....I was pointing out the apparent power imbalance between the judge and the lawyer....that was displayed in this video. The lawyer can have a great day and the client still goes to jail.
@sralph143 Ай бұрын
I am starting to understand why we've had so many egregious wrongful convictions in this country. We have no way of holding judges accountable for unprofessional behaviour. The judge should be fired.
@jetstander Ай бұрын
Boo to the Court for lack of diplomacy. I agree Runkle, I hope you are able to stand in unity.
@evier2764 Ай бұрын
I've been there. I'm not a lawyer, but I had the worst day at work, where I experienced horrendous treatment from my boss, and I left and then quit. I wasn't put in jail, but I was incredibly shaken, and at a moment where compassion was needed, I received dismissiveness. I think there's a different level of responsibility when you are a defense attorney and your client needs you, but in every other respect I support Mr. Lebessis.
@farmerbob139 Ай бұрын
I saw a BC Supreme Court Judge order the court clerk to back up the transcript to the beginning of a cross examination in order to destroy evidence of a defendant being caught dead to rights perjuring himself... and yes, the material fact he was caught lying about was the one the case basically hinged on. There is no question the judge was doing what he had to do in order to rule in favor of the insurance company representing the defendant.
@kaleb7931 Ай бұрын
Sounds like the judge made a mistake and then doubled down because of ego
@empireofpeaches Ай бұрын
Yes, the judge didn't address the fact that the prosecution, in their own words, "dropped the ball". I'd be pissed too.
@terryvickers5986 Ай бұрын
After 5 minutes of silence with the judge waiting, " don't want to intrerrupt you again your honor I am waiting for you to indicate you are finished talking and ready to listen to what I have to without interrupting ne???"
@aprilbetz220 Ай бұрын
The Judge handled this poorly. The Judge really neess to do the right thing own his behavior and apologize. The Judge set the tone for things to go south.
@BergenholtzChannel Ай бұрын
No judge needs to act that way.
@tzeneth Ай бұрын
I'm of the opinion the judge needed to chill out and allow him a few minutes to figure out what happened. American lawyer here but wow, I would not be happy if that was my judge. I understand he messed up by not bringing his file but when someone is asking for a few minutes to figure something out, you give them that time if it isn't something that absolutely needs to be handled that minute. I know I've had issues with clients and asked for a little time or stepped up on behalf of one of the other attorneys from my office when needed. Just asking for a couple minutes to check the e-file isn't something horrible.
@alexlove280 Ай бұрын
Why didn't the court acknowledge it was in the wrong once it heard that the other crown prosecutor admitted he'd "dropped the ball"?
@pattyp3429 Ай бұрын
Judge was unprofessional
@jerryshelton1481 Ай бұрын
Sounds to me like that judge didn't like him for some reason
@briant7265 Ай бұрын
@jerryshelton1481 Reminds him of his wife's boyfriend.
@captainsceptic3559 Ай бұрын
The best line I heard in court against a judge interrupting all the time::"Your Honour, I agree to follow the professional reciprocity standards set by this court."
@KachuaOnWoW Ай бұрын
Nobody deserves to be bullied in the workplace, much less imprisoned for some petty, egotistical shit.
@joeydalroh Ай бұрын
Does this lawyer need counsel on November 22?
@PRWelke Ай бұрын
He is represented, apparently. I would bet that the room will be half full of defence lawyers.
@kathywright7395 Ай бұрын
Judge made a huge mess of a minor problem
@user-ce8tr1ex2m Ай бұрын
That judge acted childish throughout the ordeal
@markg9597 Ай бұрын
So the crown forgot to call a witness for the defence and now the trail could be thrown out because the crowns witness failed to show?
@Vin_San Ай бұрын
That's a huge toxicity at work, many workers in any other place would have resign for such activity. Like, idk, you work in a supermarket, you boss get upset and don't give you time to find a note, an interrupt you when you try to respond his question, then says "sent him 10 min to the fridge room", HECK YEAH, YOU LEAVE, contract or not, even though you should sign a paper to say "I resign this job". I rather have a worker leaving the place, not in the good formal way, than having him be crushed by the boss, to end up being verbally furious or gross. Sometime, "fleeing" is a good option. (yeah, I'm really French, I guess 😅😂)
@hithercreator7818 Ай бұрын
Judge needs a nap
@mdrdprtcl Ай бұрын
At minimum 😂
@JayeEllis Ай бұрын
Or a Snickers bar
@adamlaw4428 Ай бұрын
Or a hug
@whodarboilebamnames3990 Ай бұрын
A permanent nap
@frankshandyman5224 Ай бұрын
or an X-Lax
@Anubis7169 Ай бұрын
imo most canadian judges are wayyyy too protected and up their own ass. No cameras in courtrooms, publication bans, etc etc etc
@benjaminshropshire2900 Ай бұрын
What does it take to remove a judge up there? For all it's problems, judges having to stand for reelection does have _some_ benefits.
@Anubis7169 Ай бұрын
@benjaminshropshire2900 bro i dont even know. i dont think ive ever heard of it happening. the news companies here wont touch the topic of corrupt judges with a ten foot pole, unless theres so much evidence its impossible to ignore. But we cant see the evidence because press isnt allowed in our courtrooms 90% of the time. I swear most of them have to be being blackmailed because some of their judgements literally border on treason in an intentionally country-destroying way. A judge gave a drunk driving woman here, who killed two 18 year old boys in 2012, a 16 month sentence (out after 9). And other judges throw out blatant police misconduct accusations, allowing those poloce to continue being bullies to their communities. its insane
@stephenfulford6227 26 күн бұрын
@@benjaminshropshire2900 Judges in Canada can only be removed by Parliament. Basically the Canadian Judicial Council (the council that appoints the judges) would need to recommend the removal to the minister of justice who, after an impartial investigation, would try to have both chambers of Parliament pass. So, really hard to remove - by design of the 1867 Constitution.
@benjaminshropshire2900 26 күн бұрын
@@stephenfulford6227 well, I hope that there aren't very many judges up there who have rendered themselves obnoxious enough to necessitate their removal.
@matthewj5333 Ай бұрын
The court has brought itself into contempt and disrepute. That judge needs to be removed until an investigation is concluded regarding its conduct. Please report that judge to the whatever equivalent to the BAR for judges in canada is.
@metricdeep8856 Ай бұрын
Mr. Lebessis should not have left the building. That will bite him later. It’s highly likely that none of this would have occurred had the judge been a little less “judgy”.
@tyr.ryn.e Ай бұрын
I agree 100% that he shouldn't have, but I know I personally would be rage crying and swearing a blue streak at this point. I can't fault him for needing to breathe and get away from the abuse. I hope it's not held against him too much, but we all know it will be
@metricdeep8856 Ай бұрын
@ Yup……And……They will give him a penalty that is visible to others….to deter future events during a judge tantrum.
@vickieknight-dx5pf Ай бұрын
Lebessis applied to be removed as counsel. The judge didn't answer.
@GiraffeGal1 Ай бұрын
Very interesting! Looking forward to any updates.
@amytalbert2911 Ай бұрын
It sounds like this judge wants to emulate judge Granville from young thug...
@TedSpong Ай бұрын
I can’t count the number of times I have successfully objected to counsel demanding a yes or no answer. Completely inappropriate for a judge to pose such a question and repeatedly at that. Is there a history between these two? Or antipathy towards Edmonton counsel?
@Arctica88 Ай бұрын
I would have probably been held in contempt much earlier after suggesting to the judge he should have his morning coffee, but I guess that's why I'm not a lawyer 😅.
@hydroman99 Ай бұрын
The justice seems to have a paper thin emotial quotient and probaly should not be a judge.
@dsn385 Ай бұрын
Hello Runkle. The judge sounds like he is playing chess,that he needed to win.
@Brokenhearted757 Ай бұрын
In my opinion, the judge was wrong.
@JimmyJamesJ Ай бұрын
As a professional engineer I know a bit about professional practice and professional conduct. The conduct of the Judge was abusive, bullying and completely unprofessional behaviour. No human has the right to speak to another human and treat with such disrespect and abuse. The abusive behaviour of the Judge is professional misconduct in my opinion and he should be removed from his position. The defence council was fully justified in walking away from the person who was abusing, bullying, mistreating him, and, abusing his power by having him wrongfully imprisoned and detained. It’s basic self defence and self preservation that all humans have a right to exercise.
@peanutbutter46464 Ай бұрын
Is there an audio recording the judge can listen back to, to put himself in check? Text the man a big ol’ “oopsie daisy” and release him from having to appear on November 22nd.
@rebeccamoon5766 Ай бұрын
I feel bad for the defendant, who must have been completely bewildered.
@conniemoney4459 Ай бұрын
That was painful
@ebonshade Ай бұрын
So the judge has apologized for his ridiculous behavior and backed off citing him for contempt. Is is possible for him to sanctioned for his toddler like tantrum?
@DislikePeopleLoveAnimals Ай бұрын
My opinion only. The judge immediately from the very beginning appeared very biased / prejudicial against this lawyer. He had an absolute hard-on towards Mr. Lebessis.
@JamieF143 Ай бұрын
I think the judge was heavy handed for no reason; he was having a bad day and then tried to take it out on other people. Frustrating situation for the defense.
@simoncleret Ай бұрын
Are there any cases that don't destroy people's trust in the judicial system?
@bg6b7bft Ай бұрын
If I go, there will be trouble And if I stay, it will be double -- The Clash
@tonks-tonks Ай бұрын
Looking forward to updates on this. Thanks for sharing it!
@toriamethyst6068 Ай бұрын
If you're able to attend and then follow this up I'd be interested in following this.
@DanielBalofsky Ай бұрын
One may wonder how this would impact the judge's chances for reelection... until one may realize that this is Canada.
@Jszar Ай бұрын
Aside from everything else, that must have left the court recorder frazzled.
@PRWelke Ай бұрын
It's pretty tough to "frazzle" a microphone and hard drive.
@terryhayward7905 Ай бұрын
The judge has NO patience, it is his job to listen to the arguments, and to allow the lawyers as much time as they need to put their cases. In my opinion, because he has no patience, he should not be a judge.
@amireallythatgrumpy6508 Ай бұрын
Randy van Hell? That's a 'hell' of a name!
@ramjet4025 Ай бұрын
The "issue" is the Judge is obstructing justice by failing to allow the defence to subpoena a witness. The reality is Police and Crown will "hide" a witness. That includes scheduling leave, telling the cop to go on leave, and then when trial resumes it happens again. If you are lucky, the cop will suddenly show up at trial and then minutes before examination, you get a copy of his "hand written notes" that the Police failed to provide for the last year. That means you don't have time to examine the disclosure. Each time they do that, you find incriminating evidence. Then the Crown and the Judge cover it up and wrongfully convict the accused who goes to jail never to be given a lawyer until shortly before the release date.
@Jonathan-x4w Ай бұрын
Lawyer N.T.A. Judge F- for rude behavior and Jailing the Lawyer!
@frankshandyman5224 Ай бұрын
A "Do as I say" judge. He should be removed from the bench Is the judges first name Karen?
@mdrdprtcl Ай бұрын
This judge is determined not to listen! Edit: big fan of this Lebessis fellow
@comebychance Ай бұрын
Some days are better than others, the Judge was having a bad day and should apologise. The odds aren't good that will happen.
@debbieblair3329 Ай бұрын
Thank you Ian
@bobrae3350 Ай бұрын
Sack the judge
@The_Modeling_Underdog Ай бұрын
What an absolute shambles on the judge's side. Don't know if he's usually snappy or not, but he sure should have checked his sugar levels early in the morning. Good on the prosecution for stepping in and clearing the misunderstanding. I feel simpathy for Mr. Lebessis. Had the judge behaved differently after adjourning the Court, maybe he would have stayed. Instead, he got a second and very unnecessary confrontation. Of course he's not coming back. To Hell with the judge, I'd say. This sort of things has happened to me - not in a Court, mind you - and the usual outcome is, I either walk away and never come back; or I go back in, cold as ice, and try to fix the situation by any means necessary. Even if it includes dissing a superior for giving me a non-deserved rap about something beyond my control. Anyway. I just hope lawyers will show up in strength this next friday to support Mr. Lebessis. Thanks for sharing, Runkle. Cheers,
@czerskip Ай бұрын
Don't interrupt me interrupt you…
@JWildberry Ай бұрын
Lawyers are people too. Mental health and well-being is a thing regardless of profession, and that sort of unprovoked behavior from a judge is not something anyone's prepared to deal with. Him leaving like that seems like a mental health emergency to me.
@naosay Ай бұрын
What are the steps to file a complaint against a judge and what are even the consequences? If judges knows no one will judge them, why will they care.. Not to mention, as it happens so many times in history, if people can't get legal justice against justice, they will seek natural justice.
@Korrin1 Ай бұрын
It’s a complaint to the Canadian Judicial Council. They, not the law societies oversee judicial disciplinary matters.
@naosay Ай бұрын
@@Korrin1 Do they have the power to either remove a judge from the bench completely? Do they have the power to remove the judge from the case? No If a judge refuse to recuse himself and later found out on a appeal that violated charter right for due process that he or she didn't, tax payer will have to set the bill, not the judge out of pocket. No real powers. In the US, at least, there is checks in terms of elections - they are elected only by public officials, and with the exception of the SOCTUS, can be removed accordingly, and usually for criminal offences the FBI steps in, which mean federal prison, which mean problem will be solved by the inmates
@moselleconger4156 Ай бұрын
What is with these interrupting-Glanville judges lately!?
@KayD Ай бұрын
Could you imagine being married to that judge?? How unbearable
@regulusmasamuneryuku8657 Ай бұрын
If a boss or supervisor treated me like that at work, I'd quit. Defense lawyer is NTA
@Acko_Taco Ай бұрын
This Magistrate is giving Judge Bev Vibes
@TheQuickSilver101 Ай бұрын
It has always been my understanding that because judges are sitting at a higher level they are supposed to be held to a higher standard. I don't know this judge and have never met him but he sounds like a jackass. If this is his normal behaviour he should be removed from the bench. My moody 16 year old son does better than this on his worst days
@auntnancy4369 Ай бұрын
I wish I'd caught you when you went live but I'm certainly interested in the outcome on the 22nd.
@brucedickson6019 Ай бұрын
Give the judge 14 days for contempt of Court?
@AntonSlavik Ай бұрын
Oh please, can somebody give this judge Canadian healthcare!?
@A_girl_named_Joey Ай бұрын
The judge seemed unreasonable to me. He assumed Lebessis made the error but wouldn't give him a chance to explain. Granted he basically said at a point, put me in custody, but I'd feel that way if someone was treating me like that. You can only take so much before you get a little combative yourself.
@hippopotamus6765 Ай бұрын
Ive seen controlling and abuse of power by judges on numerous occasions, their emotions are triggered and the law goes out the window. It can be a lottery. But, agree this case appears unsound.
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