Great study, Thank you Lord for Pastor Jerry and Reachout Fellowship church, Truly Your House✝️🇫🇮❤
@frankfromupstateny37962 жыл бұрын
Great topic....verse by verse...always great.
@Blunt443 жыл бұрын
When I was a young child I loved the stories of samson and Solomon, I recently learned recently that there downfall was caused by a woman. I grew up around mainly women and due to not having a family founded in a godly relationship I always craved a woman to have a godly family with, at times at the expense of the godly. I pray that the lord guides me to have a godly wife with a godly family in christ name, heed my warning my desire feels like my end. I'm tired of feeling alone since childhood but I know the lords with me. But my heart does not know what my soul understands and my mind does not comprehend.
@jasonbourne4670 Жыл бұрын
God loves you and has a mighty plan for your life. I too wanted a family and a Godly wife, I wanted children. Well, after many years of praying and then some years of falling away, God finally answered my prayers. I now have a loving wife, and the most beautiful daughter. I'm 38 and God waited until I was ready I see that now, but I didn't then.
@silasraju2 жыл бұрын
Thanks pastor Jerry for sharing, praise be to GOD
@bsdude01010 жыл бұрын
Excellent! Samson was an amazing person despite his flaws. God must have thought so. He is one of my favorite heros in the bible. He killed thousands of nasty heathens!
@judewilliams39116 жыл бұрын
he is one of mine too
@jello21998 жыл бұрын
Hebrews 11:33 Samson is mentioned in the New Testament in GOD's Hall of Faith.....Chosen of the Lord. 32And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, SAMSON, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, 33who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, 34quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight
@kittymarion70264 жыл бұрын
,l88 know(%%
@guychet71462 жыл бұрын
Was Samson the worst of the judges or the best of them?
@andrewmcmillan40254 жыл бұрын
Angel of the Lord doesn't refers to Jesus. Jesus is working through an angel but it not jesus. Angel are messagers of God
@36summers2 жыл бұрын
Hi That's not Biblically correct. To be fair, a better description would be, The second person of the Triune Godhead, The Pre incarnate Yeshua, Christ. The Angel Of God that appears through out the Hebrew texts all have the Name, Jehovah. Its technically its a name not a Title here in the contexts. The Angel is God, The Word that became Flesh in John ch 1 v 14. The Pastor did mention His Name, WONDERFUL. In Hebrew its PELE. This Name is only attributed to Jehovah Himself. That's why they thought they would die, seeing God would kill them. But as God is veiled in Christ so also was this Angel-God.
@SNAKEPIT3596 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed the presentation. But I don't believe the angel of the Lord was jesus. Also in verse 13: 18 you said that the angel's name was wonderful .But the KJV has it as '' And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?'' Big difference.
@lorenzohernandez45406 жыл бұрын
SNAKEPIT359 New American standard and new living translation Bible have “ it is wonderful “ these Bible are a newer version but the 1611 King James Bible should be considered as authoritarian translation over newer/ modern Bibles
@charlissmurph21294 жыл бұрын
good notice, what Bible is he using if not the king James, I thought it was a good presentation also, and Im not so sure Jesus is the Angel of the Lord either, Jesus is the son of God, thats all I know Him by, he might be thinking of a different passage about his name, besides that he said something about the rapture, while the earth is in tribulation for 7 yrs, those in christ will go to heaven 7 yrs and return with the Lord on earth for 1,000 yrs, what is he saying, the Bible NEVER mentions the word rapture #1, #2 1Thess 4 13 to 17, says we will be changed, in the twinkling of an eye, then the judgement, 1 Cor 15 51and 52.
@michelangeloadamantiel76857 жыл бұрын
Shame on the speaker for saying not to judge Samson then going right ahead and judging him for 58 minutes in a row. "Silly" does not describe Samson. Stop calling God's chosen one "silly," for as you yourself say, God will condemn those who call him "silly." This was a horrible and cheap way to speak of Samson. God called him faithful. Are you calling God a liar? Mistakes aside, we're not blind. But apparently you are blind to his faith in God, even though it's written in black and white in Hebrews 11. The spirit does not help you see. The way you condemn Samson you condemn yourself. Then you cast it off by saying "Well we can't judge." Unbelievable. If you spoke that way of someone in your own church, would they leave thinking you gave a good impression of them? And God is ashamed of the impression you have given of him. You made him look bad in front of all those people. Samson made himself look bad enough through the mistakes he made, but you completely neglected to show his faithful side. There is a reward for that. "Your eternal reward." Anyone who uses the term "silly" to describe [Samson] destroying crops (which the enemies did), making riddles (something which God does), or using prostitute lodging for the night (God uses people with many mistakes or past sins to do his will, makes his tent in the "lodging" of a "prostitute" by putting his tabernacle in the midst of an extremely sinful people, and even using a prostitute, Rahab, to form the Messiah's lineage)... anyone who uses the term "silly" to describe those things clearly has NO CLUE what they're talking about. Totally uneducated on the subject. Maybe if your sons or daughters or close friends were walled up in a wall of fresh cement like the Philistines used to do, maybe then! you'd understand the "silly" things that Samson did. Honestly, the lack of forethought and misinformed explanations are appallingly pathetic, alarmingly deplorable. *Micaiah Warns Ahab about Disaster* "Then the prophet Zedekiah went to Micaiah and hit him on the face. Zedekiah said, “How is it that the Spirit of the Lord left me to speak through you?” 25 Micaiah answered, “Look, what I said will happen! And you will see it one day when you are in a secret room somewhere hiding.”" The Message: "Just then Zedekiah son of Kenaanah came up and punched Micaiah in the nose, saying, “Since when did the Spirit of God leave me and take up with you?” 25 Micaiah said, “You’ll know soon enough; you’ll know it when you’re frantically and futilely looking for a place to hide.”" "Beware when you think you're standing that you don't fall flat on your face."
@michelangeloadamantiel76857 жыл бұрын
Well, one could also say if they read your comment there is a lax attitude toward God's commands, and a lax attitude toward defending his inspired word. The issue is not whether God will deal with it or not, that's obvious. The issue is how we as Christians feel about it when people are misinterpreting the scriptures for their own benefit then telling others to do the same. We should not be ok with that, even though we know God will deal with it in due time. "Let God be God" ... is that based on a scripture? (Quote please?)
@tiarich89336 жыл бұрын
Giobanni, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I understand where this message is going and I really got a lot from it. Samson's faith was mentioned in the new testament but the point still remains that he lived a very foolish and reckless life, knowing that he was set aside for God's use. No where does it show that he had an active prayer life. He repeatedly disobeyed in everything. When I think about his fall, it always brings pain to my heart. It's like he couldn't see how the enemy continued to use him because he knew he was disobedient to his own destruction. The gist of what this pastor preached is this: when we rebel and are stubborn against God and wise, godly counsel, we will always pay a price and pain always comes with it. It might not be death, but sometimes it is and when God's Spirit draws us, it's always best to take heed. He tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. If we truly love God (not lip service) then we will continue to obey him. If we fall, we should be quick to repent and ask God to help us not to wilfully sin against him and help us in our areas of weakness. Satan loves a lukewarm, half hearted, backslidden Christan because they are no threat to him. If we love God we will love what He loves and hate what He hates. We will strive to please him in our thoughts and actions and this includes myself.
@marklmansfield6 жыл бұрын
Speakers add a lot of speculation about why a person did this or that. When the Bible doesn't say why. Which usually tells you more about the speaker than the Bible character. You could just as easily begin the Talk. God recorded the story of Samson as a warning for young men to beware of the treachery of women. . .” said the congregator. One [good] man out of a thousand I have found, but a [good] woman among all these I have not found. (Ecclesiastes 7:28) :]
@grandmaitregilberto24695 жыл бұрын
@@marklmansfield I was Samson in a precedent life. Do not mind of what could be said on one of my many lives. I do not remember everything, some things may be thrue or not but I have done what I had to do and it's the past, although the karma is a powerful and just force that bring the same souls together again in the next lives to give a chance to fix and balance.
@grandmaitregilberto24695 жыл бұрын
I was Samson some 3170 years ago. My hair was ordinary and my force was in my muscles as every intelligent peoples have guessed. I was responsible of that lie and many other. I was born in Montréal in 1957. Nowaday Dallah's name is Priscilla, a singer born in 1952. I remember 10 of my precedent lives. I was also Ponce Pilate 2000 years ago. Tiberius made me kill by strangulation. Samson was drunk and is dead by a hit on his head with a big bat in Dalilah's bed. I met Leonardo DaVinci in his school, and I was travelling with Christoper Columbus sometime after 1500. I also was a chinese in 1200. You talk of a lot of things I don't remember of my life of Samson, maybe some were thrue or not, but it does not even matter. You better forget and get a life by yourself, and the more important is every religions are false, and there is no god, so do not loose your life with stupid things. Judges.... Do not judge me nor tell your opinion on my life, because in every lives I always made what I had to do, and on the karma I had to meet those I have kill or wounded to balance.