I wish this stream was on later in the evening after dark, I'm usually out flying sundays if our lovely Ohio weather permits, I've only been able to catch this stream live one time so far....
@apachesmokewoundedsniper Жыл бұрын
im catching your stream up now.
@max_gurvits Жыл бұрын
Hey this might be a dumb question, but if the leads of the capacitor are as long as the battery lead, why not just put the capacitor on the battery lead? I though the idea was to get the capacitor as close to the board as possible?
@BaconNinjaFPV Жыл бұрын
Not a dumb question at all!!! The idea is for sure to get it as close to the main pads as possible. Really I'm not gaining any more by putting it on an extension than I would by putting I on the XT30. The one big difference is survivability though since a cap on the XT plug is a pretty weak target for impacts. Keeping in the frame on an extension, although not ideal, will at least let it live longer :)
@kennykobi Жыл бұрын
So Im still slightly amazed by this. I was building something similar. It was the hglrc sector 2.5 with the prop guards . 1305 5000kv and my goal was only to run a 4s 450 80c on a older iflight f411 aio. Anyhow. It lifted and then shit out. Obviously I had another issue. I seen this motor is a good hunk bigger. Maybe I should of used 2 in props to keep that ratio. 2.5 is the idea size for this motor I actually tried this prop. I really wonder if the batterys I had just had bad cells TBH not trying to prove anyone wrong here. They flew on my alpha 85hd and that was kinda chunky in the whoop world if it's even a whoop. Some say a whoop can't hold a vista lol I don't have a whoop.. . But the frame was the only thing that was different and it was about 15 grams and I smoked them. This clearly makes since naked and obviously there made for 2.5 and to carry a vista.
@kennykobi Жыл бұрын
Anyhow there smoked and I'm not buying motors anytime soon. I enjoyed the alpha 85hd but the frame busted all the time. It was so fun to fly man.