Just About Fed Up With Fedex

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Eric Weingartner

Eric Weingartner

Күн бұрын

Its just me complaining.

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@Mustang_Chris 2 жыл бұрын
When unloading a truck, everything goes onto an extendable roller wheel conveyor that feeds the main belt. It probably fell off one of those two. It didn't fall 6 inches. It fell 3 feet. The box ripped open and they had to check it. The other head was probably far more damaged. So they just chucked it into a "lost inventory" pile and created a situation that someone else would have to handle, escaping any accountability.
@rosskrause3926 2 жыл бұрын
Sad but true.
@patredoski5809 2 жыл бұрын
@billywird 2 жыл бұрын
As a former RPS Contractor the terminal I worked out of which also was a hub facility it was explained to me by the people who managed the hub that during the sort packages can get torn and the contents can spill out. Well there are so many packages going through a facility that it cannot be determined which lost items go to which package and actually these items are thrown right into the dumpster. Now what happens here is when the package is delivered of course the receiver will call the shipper (the people they ordered the stuff from, the transportation company is actually called the carrier) and let them know that there were items missing from the package. It will be the shipper who will file a claim with the carrier, but the shipper will ship out the items that were missing. This is how it works. There are many, many, many people who handle packages and freight not only in this country but all over the world and of course it is not tee totally perfect in any sense.
@dependablepaul 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, definitely hit on concrete, not the metal floor of the van.
@Mustang_Chris 2 жыл бұрын
@@dependablepaul from the texture of the deformation, I thought concrete too.
@scoutdogfsr 2 жыл бұрын
I ship and receive high end antique reclaimed hardwood flooring products weekly. My orders are thousands of pounds and are completely packaged on pallet skids. The decline in care of the products is disturbing. It's not just the big mail type shipping companies. Big freight is even worse! Imagine waiting 10 weeks for the mill, two weeks for the shipping, and receiving $150k worth of rain soaked flooring that is supposed to be installed into a 5 million dollar home. That my friends is how a company can get sued into bankruptcy!
@seanmiller678 2 жыл бұрын
Good god...
@dementedpeep 2 жыл бұрын
America is actually closer to a collapse than it ever has been if it goes forward the same way
@saltyapostle44 2 жыл бұрын
@UncleMichaelable 2 жыл бұрын
Is it not insured? Or do they just act like it isn’t their problem? That sucks.
@saltyapostle44 2 жыл бұрын
@@UncleMichaelable They make you jump through hoops trying to get claims paid. They've asked me to supply paperwork that never existed.
@tysonfisher9450 2 жыл бұрын
This video was too damn relatable. FedEx lost $10k of GWagon components for a customer of mine that was shipped from Orlando to Gainesville, FL - a 90 min drive. Logistics has been insane. Parts will leave a warehouse in Atlanta, travel to Raleigh, Virginia Beach, down to Pompano beach and then up to Gainesville. This company needs to burn in hell
@matts1166 Жыл бұрын
I live in Western Iowa. I once tracked a package that went to Des Moines, Omaha, Sioux City, back to Des Moines, Omaha, and then Sioux City again.
@Rumplestiltskin777 Жыл бұрын
It went end over end
@frederickglass1583 Жыл бұрын
Don't blame the drivers. FedEx has completely abandoned their employees and won't pay them a fair wage. Many warehouse drivers are individually contracted and have straight up said "Fuck you, I quit" and left FedEx due to getting screwed on so many things in terms of employee pay, etc. And FedEx wants to use the excuse of "cost overhangs" Bullshit. Drivers are tired of suits getting all the money, and then come paycheck time, being forced to work for crumbs. UPS is facing a similar situation, except their warehouse workers union has essentially told the corporate suits "you can treat us better and pay us a living wage, or come next July you will see a strike that makes the Strike of '97 look like a damn joke" Warehouse workers aren't screwing around. FedEx/UPS *know* these issues are ongoing, they just no longer give a damn. Source: am a union UPS loader
@Birch_ON Жыл бұрын
10k of GWagon mercedes parts "lost" in Florida? I can already tell you one of their employees probably fucking stole em.
@enb3810 Жыл бұрын
I had a package of cookies, meant to be sent from az to CA, take a 4 week detour through the east coast. And I'm goddamn tired of them all using the 'ohh it's the virus' excuse.
@FaeraOthronus Жыл бұрын
I once ordered coilovers and they shipped through UPS, I waited 2 months with them holding it and refusing to deliver it because I wasn't home the first day they tried to order it and the delivery driver was too lazy to try and deliver them again. They ended up returning them to the sender, and I told them to ship it through FedEx instead. I got them 2 days later and the box was smashed. The coilovers were fine at least
@lobsterbark 2 жыл бұрын
I used to work for FedEx. I both loaded and unloaded trailers. The way unload is done, it's literally impossible not to drop the boxes. They put the trailer up on an incline so things fall when you disturb them and tell you to chuck them down and out as fast as you can. Insanely dangerous as well as damaging. You spend all shift dodging falling packages working in unload. Serious injuries are extremely common. If the package is at or above 50lbs, it goes on a belt system that guarantees a minimum of two three foot drops onto concrete. And that's if nothing goes wrong, no missorts, no employees being stupid, no accidents. If the package is under 50 lbs it goes into an overhead belt system, which involves four story (yes, FOUR STORY) drop down a slide where it lands on boxes ahead of it. Often heavy packages "accidentally" (usually unload just doesn't care) end up on the overhead system, crushing and destroying things they land on. Even when this isn't happening, any dense boxes (if most of the volume isn't packaging, it's dense enough to do this) will land at the bottom of the slide so hard it shakes the whole trailer floor. Every time a package reaches a new point in the tracker, it goes through this process again. Every extra day it spends at a facility, if it is scanned its gone through this process again. Your damaged engine parts at a minimum have been dropped from three feet onto concrete a dozen times. And that's assuming it was never mishandled by any employees. Don't blame lazy or malicious employees for this, the way the entire shipping system is designed is extremely hard on packages. If everyone did everything perfectly and handled every package with care this would still happen. If you aren't confident you could literally throw your package out of the back of the truck multiple times and have it survive, it's not packed well enough to survive FedEx.
@raymondj8768 Жыл бұрын
@Veritas-invenitur Жыл бұрын
This is why Fluid Loading is a terrible idea. The shipping industry is an absolute mess. Just like every other industry in our society. At some point, someone is going to need to fix all of this.
@Bob_Shy_132 Жыл бұрын
Unbelievable! Fed Ex used to be more than the other companies, damaged stuff was never a concern with them. How the mighty have fallen.
@TheLastResort3113 2 жыл бұрын
It never fails, initially a company is all about customer service and they will bend over backwards to make sure that you're happy and that's the way it should be. Then as the company grows at some point it becomes less about customer service and more about profit margins and the bottom line, that's the point where customer service goes right out the window. Here's the rub it's not just shipping companies, you can apply the same rule to social media companies gas stations and grocery stores.
@iffracem Жыл бұрын
All business is about profit, regardless of size (except maybe a charity business, but I have my doubts about some of them). Why would anyone start a business without the intention of making money? These days there are not many businesses that can base their profits on return customers and good reputation... it just isn't profitable enough. I tried, went broke. Max profit at minimum outlay is the mantra, it's capitalism/consumerism 101 Majority of humans are selfish greedy pricks by nature, always have been, always will be.
@TheLastResort3113 Жыл бұрын
@@iffracem one actually could set the exact same template over politics at first it's all about making the people who got you there happy, and eventually it ain't.
@youtubeistrh4666 Жыл бұрын
@freedustin Жыл бұрын
People will call this "the flaw with capitalism" and say its "by design." BS, this is the product of selling out to investors and signing stupid contracts with unrealistic terms. These contracts do not clearly state that you must achieve infinite profit growth, but they do allow investors to sue you for those projected losses which is absolutely insane and not the default form of capitalism at all. Its just a bad contract, you should negotiate for realistic terms or walk away.
@ShanKaDeliCC Жыл бұрын
Don't forget the shareholders. Lol
@andretorben2813 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in Australia and I used to buy lots of performance parts from the USA. Over the past few years shipping has become ridiculously expensive and slow (including USPS). They totally got rid of the sea freight option which used to be good for large and heavy items when you could handle the shipping time. Needless to say I don't buy as much as I used. Seems like whatever you do these days your going to get screwed over one way or another.
@user-du8cs8sn2v 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the old sea freight option too. Sometimes cost is more important than timing and you're happy to wait.:) I think DHL is currently the best option for any overseas freight to Australia.
@feoxorus 2 жыл бұрын
"Seems like whatever you do these days your going to get screwed over one way or another." And people wonder why it seems like people in the general public are getting crazier by the day.
@mariusschmitt5855 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that is exactly the thing with shipments all over the world. I live in Germany an we have the same problems with UPS and DPD. One day DPD delivered a totally destroyed package to my workplace. Usually they come into the house but they dropped it in front of the entrance because the delivery guy was afraid we could go ballistic. And he was right. The Box was totallly desintegrated and rewrapped with a complete roll of packing tape to hold it together. Inside was partly our ordered merch half destroyed but also parts from other shipments for OTHER PEOPLE. Its not easy to imagine what had happened. I guess they ran over the boxes with a truck or lost some packages while driving and the contents of some packages dropped were mixed. After collecting that stuff the boxes had probably been resealed and then been delivered in that FUBAR condition. And its the same Situation as you described it with Amazon in Germany. They do NOT destroy shipments. Amazons delivery service is so good that only one out of ten even has a bent edge on the cardboard. There is one thing i totally dont get: Why are those companies like DPD and UPS and in the USA Fedex still in business??? BTW just rename Fedex in Fedup thats fitting.
@EvaneCrow Жыл бұрын
thing with amazon in germany and why the content is is good shape is simple: they dont have the same throughput other delivery systems have. was waiting for a delivery all day long and kept the tracker running as soon as it was set to livetracking they drive miles to just drop a single package. their pressure comes from drivetimes instead of personal delivery times which is why amazon drivers usually have bigger issues with driving badly than handling delivery badly.
@marcducati Жыл бұрын
I am in Switzerland, center of Europe for those less inclined in Geography. I ordered an item from California. It took 7 months to get here! It went from, L.A. to Florida, to New York, back to L.A. to ……Jamaica 🤔, back to L.A….Back to Jamaica, down to Melbourne Australia….😳. And tracking stopped. 4 months later it shows up in Geneva. Switzerland. I actually got reimbursed because we thought it was lost. America has a massive problem with a lot of things.
@EyeVan97 Жыл бұрын
I used to work for FedEx at the warehouse and honestly you are right they don’t care about the package and care for it they care more about getting it out as fast as possible so everything tends to get tossed around and I can’t tell you how many times I saw packages get broken or repackaged
@No1414body 2 жыл бұрын
I used to work at FedEx one of the big problems is that when they off load a semi they put each package on a conveyor that goes up to about 15 feet above the ground. Alot of times the packages clog the conveyor and I've seen packages fall off that conveyor. Usually they would fire a person for throwing a package but with labor problems as they are today just finding employees is hard so they backed off on some of their rules. At where I work now we don't ship anything FedEx.
@TheRacing68 2 жыл бұрын
The worst shipping experience I've ever had was Fedex. I received half of a jeep 6 cylinder crank, there were tire marks on the part of the box I did receive. They claimed it wasn't their fault and must have been sent that way by the shipper., claim was denied. I have never used Fedex since.
@jonperley7304 2 жыл бұрын
FedEx BLOWS!!!
@jeffhardman8293 2 жыл бұрын
Take pictures then contact the the person who set up shipping. They may have pictures when they sent the item. This will help rhe damage claim. Contact company when ordering, pay extra to require signature for receipt, then refuse if damaged, even if left at post office.
@Lessenjr Жыл бұрын
These company are tpp big to fail amd this is an example. They don't care if they lose one customer. It just doesn't matter anymore. Forcing 5000 employees to grind is more beneficial to th tham losing the 15 customers they will piss off doing it.
@timothyesmond7358 2 жыл бұрын
I was waiting on a set of Pistons one time I can't remember who the delivery company was but I lived on 20 acres and long story short I never received my Pistons. About a month later I was outside weed eating and I found a box of pistons in grass that was about 3 ft tall.
@markgrunzweig6377 2 жыл бұрын
Another 20 acre property. My brother lives on 20 acres in Idaho. The number of the universe is 20 and the basic cycle of the body is 20 minutes (most Doctors don't know that) . 20 is the base number for many ancient cultures.
@markgrunzweig6377 2 жыл бұрын
Notice 1967davethewave comment on how far away (20 feet) they left his package...
@picklefart 2 жыл бұрын
@@markgrunzweig6377 dude.......you ok?
@gingerlyglasses444 2 жыл бұрын
@@markgrunzweig6377 lol my dad's got 20 acres
@southpaw117 2 жыл бұрын
@@markgrunzweig6377 Sounds like you treat every day as 4/20.
@markneedham8726 Жыл бұрын
Problem is world wide. In Australia, Cairns to Melbourne, 1700 miles, 20 years ago, 2 days max, delivered. (4 local deliveries in Melbourne each day.) Today, 7 to 14 days, if you want it there in under a week, pay through the nose. Bastards, have slowed it all down, for what commercial benefit, I do not know.
@jenniferwhitewolf3784 2 жыл бұрын
The only way our business has found to deal with the horrible shipping is to heavily pad stuff inside a glued and screwed wooden crate, Address sheet glued to the crate, and then the whole crate fit into a cardboard box, that hides the secure and strong crate inside of it, and caries the regular shipping papers and address. it makes it really hard to damage the outer shell of the packaging, and even harder to steal. Assume it will be thrown and dropped. UPS has delivered to me flattened boxes with tire tracks on it and say its normal.
@ScottCoyleSr Жыл бұрын
As a third generation trucker with over a decade of class a experience and total transportion experience of nearly 20 years. I have noticed a massive decline in the quality of drivers and companies. The major issues is due to corporate greed which has lead to driver quality going way down due to lack of pay, and the complete take over of corporate college types who never did a delivery a day in their life. It will only get worse once they somehow convince the world that our level of technology is good enough to replace butts in seats. I love technology but we are no where near where we should be, before attempting that switch. Regardless the same issues will apply that your facing ie damaged products, missing or stolen products etc. The companies continue to merge and consolidate thus it's only going to get worse.
@abzzeus Жыл бұрын
I'm in the UK we have had the same issues with parcel companies / couriers - One Yodel got called YodHELL as it was hell to deal with (I had a parcel be undeliverable to my office on a Saturday except I live in a flat/apartment and was in bed at the time - then when I asked for redelivery changed it to hold at depot 5 mins after my call, for each day for a week till the supplier changed courier) and another ParcelForce was parcelFARCE ( I sent a PC back 6" letters FRAGILE - gets thrown in the back of the van)
@Javelina_Poppers Жыл бұрын
When I ship a heavy package, I like to band it for strength. My son-in-law who's been a UPS driver for years told me that when a package with banding arrives at the terminals they use it as handles to make it easier to toss it as opposed to carrying it like they should. He says management is always on their ass to speed things up and this is what happens.
@TexasScout Жыл бұрын
In my part of the country (South Texas) UPS tears up more of our stuff than FedX ever has. Shipping over night is even worse.
@jamesmedina2062 2 жыл бұрын
Bro I feel your frustration. My dad had an account with FedEx and they never accepted used boxes with any mods or damage. I got tired of their BS. But back in the day their Ground was the cheapest thing going. Btw I shipped iron Cleveland heads before and I think for sure they should be shipped one per (custom) box even if aluminum is lighter. The company sending the package has responsibility too. There needs to be overhead, redundancy. And one head per box. They are familiar with single shipment with various boxes.
@Jmoraa Жыл бұрын
As a former FedEx delivery driver this is no surprise. I’ve seen many things in the warehouse of neglect and carelessness with packages….
@19Marauder79 Жыл бұрын
I made a purchase online, with McMaster-Carr, and it had to be replaced 3 times on one order. They used FedEx, UPS, & DHL… I was able to salvage the items that were not broken to the equivalent of what I needed for one box. Absolutely infuriating dealing with these guys.
@yotaman90 Жыл бұрын
Ordered a piece of replacement chrome window trim for a car I had at the time, and when it arrived via the USPS it had been bent directly across one of FOUR fragile/do not bend stickers! Took photos and created a claim (it was actually refunded very quickly), but still annoying to even have to deal with!
@7r0j4n Жыл бұрын
I'm a former UPS employee, looks like your package was shipped ground..usually the conveyors get overloaded and several boxes fall off the conveyor to the sides before they are loaded into the trailer..its about a 10 foot fall because the loading docks are raised up off the factory floor...that would likely be my guess (if they indeed had that package on the conveyors), I have seen alot of machinery and parts shipped in wooden crates and do fine but they are labeled as high value and dont go on conveyor system.
@dallinn9164 Жыл бұрын
Before I moved to Australia, I worked for AutoZone. Our distribution center wasn't much better. On average, the least damage they'd do to a part is bend the brake lines so they'd fit in the crate.
@andysmith5220 2 жыл бұрын
Eric, honestly its going to start going to shipping engine parts and heavy items via hot shot loads. Yes it might sound crazy but imagine them picking up 10 heads and 4 engines for different people. Your on the route they stop and drop off to you. Bonus is a potential new shipping customer or delivery company. Might cost a bit more but hot shot cares more about your product too.
@goosenotmaverick1156 Жыл бұрын
Yep because they're the end stop for damage issues. Corporations care about nothing but money, and obviously not just the shipping ones
@123hooterman Жыл бұрын
Workers aren't paid enough to give a flip. Inflation is hurting the people that actually get things done in this country.
@MrEtherguy Жыл бұрын
My employer has a FedEx account so I have to use them. A lot of our shipments are on dry ice and FedEx always messes with them. They cut open the plastic bags containing our shipped items during inspection, even though the bags are clear. It's not uncommon for shipments to be delayed as well. Had better service with UPS and even the post office. I do have good experiences with their driver's though.
@rolltide9547 Жыл бұрын
Some points after shipping UPS/Fed ex for 30 years. 1. 1 head per box 2. Boxes need to be double cardboard with plywood inside the bottom and top 3. Next day air only 4. Triple strap everything 5. If it is that expensive hire a private shipper for door to door deliver. If a racer can't afford next day air he needs to retire
@jamesgeorge4874 Жыл бұрын
People taking the new merchandise, replacing it with their defective junk, and returning it is rage inducing also. 2008 is when I started seeing it more, and now it's all too common, on the repair side.
@tooshmart6669 Жыл бұрын
My local Fedex driver is a 5'3 130 pound woman. I had a 75 pound 3D printer sitting 6 miles from me for 5 days, She waited until her male co-worker came back to work and he finally delivered it is what he said.
@stevensims3342 Жыл бұрын
At least is not DHL. The shipping company whose motto should be "Maybe we'll get to your package after lunch if we don't lose it first"
@notstewie-HelpMeGetTo50SubsPlz 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a trading card collector, i never ship/recieve using any other couriers than USPS or Canada Post. I have had so many issues with FedEx&UPS with missing packages, damaged packages, packages with signatures required just being left at the door and end up stolen. This is what happens when they hire people at $12 who don't give a damn about their job and other people's packages
@BarnacleBrown 2 жыл бұрын
Its worse than them not paying them enough. They could be paid 3x as much and still have this problem. The real problem is that they have a "boxes per hour" incentive. They track your timing and expect you to go a minimum amount of boxed unloaded per hour. Clearly this will cause unloaders to hate heavy and unconventionally shaped boxes. The further it has to ship the more times it has opportunity to meat someone ethos having a bad day 😑 and fedex/ups both do stupid shopping methkds that make it go through even more hands than it needs to
@brianloux2653 2 жыл бұрын
@@BarnacleBrown this very true. Worked for them for a few months. I understand it needs to be fast passed but there needs to be a limit.
@jeffhale2278 2 жыл бұрын
That may be true for package handlers in the terminals, but most drivers are paid a "daily rate". You can't pay a driver by the hour, think about it. He'll stop at every store he passes, take 37 breaks during the day, etc.
@BarnacleBrown 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeffhale2278 drivers aren't the ones doing most of the damage to packages. Most damage happens falling off belts or being thrown out of the trailer, they also aren't incentivized to do bad because of a package per hour quota either because they don't have any quota like that.
@jeffhale2278 2 жыл бұрын
@@BarnacleBrown You're right. No quotas that I ever heard of. And no one is going to be more careful with your package than the one who has to face you with it.. At least in my route. I've delivered "ugly" boxes, and on many occasions rang the bell to get the customer to come to the door. Asked if they wanted to check for damage, explained if damage was present, I could select "Damaged" instead of releasing the package and The Company would take care of the return, saving them the hassle. One comment above was about deliveries stopping at 4PM, that's new to me! Some nights in December, I didn't get home until after 11. 11:50 was the latest, I believe.
@deepsleep7822 Жыл бұрын
I feel your pain bro. I absolutely will not use FedEx. They can’t find my house - I live on a major thoroughfare. They don’t follow delivery instructions. They take forever to deliver an item.
@viktorvolkov49 Жыл бұрын
I ended up needing a radiator support for my car. It shipped via a couple different shippers. And it was God damn near snapped in half. Nobody wanted to pay for a replacement. I manged to get half of the value via a refund from the seller and told him to pursue getting his money back from the shipping companies. I doubt he ever did
@EricFortuneJr. Жыл бұрын
FedEx left a 35-40 lb package out on the sidewalk near the edge of my parking lot. It sat out there for 5 hours before I realized it. No reason they couldn’t bring it to me or at least wheel it to the front office.
@cluelessbeekeeping1322 Жыл бұрын
If you're in Alaska and ship, say, a letter via Fed-EX to another address in the same city in Alaska, 100% of the packages go to Tennessee, get sorted, then go out to their final destination. That's the way shipping works with Fed-Ex. Everything goes to their hub & gets sorted then to final destination.
@newtekie1 Жыл бұрын
This isn't Fedex's fault, this is bad packaging. People should expect that their packages will go through hell. Packing two heads in that small of a box, and then just shipping it means there was next to no padding. This was just not package correctly, period.
@trevorpom Жыл бұрын
Fed ex sucks all right. I live in Australia and ordered a watch from the US. The company used Fed ex exclusively for its' shipping. After about a week I casually checked the tracking expecting to see it either at a warehouse or in route. It was at a warehouse...in Ireland 16 600 klms/10 250 miles from where I live. I informed them of their error via their website and received no reply. I live in Bahrs Scrub in Queensland Australia. I checked google maps to see if there was a Bahrs Scrub in Ireland...nope, the only Bahrs Scrub in the world is where I live. I then proceeded to track the package as they tried to deliver it to an address in Ireland...twice. Not sure what address they were trying to deliver it to. The company that I bought the watch from sent another watch to me that arrived in 2 weeks. 3 months later the original watch turned up and looked like it had been beaten with a hammer and was completely non-functional. It was still in its' box, or what was left of it. Luckily for me, when I saw the state the packaging was in, I filmed the unboxing as I was going to ship it back to the company. I had only paid for one watch and the company had been nothing short of honest and upright with me and I was keen to return the favour. I returned the watch along with a usb containing the unboxing footage as I didn't want the company to think I had smashed the watch as some sort of petty retribution and ruining any goodwill both of us had. Thankfully the company and I are on good terms. No explanation was ever put forward by Fed ex as to what went wrong, no apology, nothing just business as usual for them I guess.
@onceuponatimeintoronto891 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who ever worked for a shipping company can tell you at every turn your package is being tossed around roughly, even with fragile stickers all over it, you have to toss 3-6 boxes or items every 10 seconds into their chute or down the line, and yes, they tossed everything into a giant pile out the back of the truck and threw it on the conveyor in a rush, 100lb boxes crushing 3 lb boxes. They could care less and the turnover is huge on warehouse employees. If you don't throw those packages like a football game and be fast? You're gone.
@christophero1969 Жыл бұрын
In northwest Illinois, fedex ALWAYS screws-up every third order of mine, weather it's electronics from Mouser, a cylinder-head from Ebay, or some 3800 aluminum heads from ZZPerformance. Only UPS seems to deliver in northern Illinois without damaging the goods and I have no idea why.
@AaaaandAction Жыл бұрын
I sympathise with you but if I was shipping 80+lbs of expensive machinery I would absolutely package it better than it was.
@RipRoaringGarage Жыл бұрын
I shipped parts from overseas and they destroyed them. Kicker is they were the last factory parts available. In the world. The last. I insured it but damage was done, and I had to make custom glass, custom gasket, cost me 5k, and then more shipping. Luckily I insured things with Hagerty as well, and they covered it. UPS lost my medication from the VA and had to go to the ER because my heart went all stupid on me. They said guaranteed overnight. So guess what, I have to drive my happy ass 100 miles to get my stuff. USPS is a bunch of politicos that see anything mechanical or car parts or veteran and they deliberately try to smash it. In fact the only good shipping I had was from Consolidated Freight CF, came with a tractor trailer with the sheet metal I ordered, and it was here 5 days, 2 days ahead of schedule. They called, delivered to my house, no issues. They also delivered a generator, air compressor, and both times they called, were on or ahead of time. Of course, theyre pricey, and looking at things these days, I doubt theyre paying drivers enough to care.
@peterpower0495 Жыл бұрын
With UPS don't forget about when Rob Dahm had a custom 4 rotor engine shipped from New Zealand to the States and they "lost it" and one of his Fans found it on Ebay not long after that.
@DD-sw1dd Жыл бұрын
They’ve all nose dived. DHL is no better if u order something overseas.
@travismiller5548 Жыл бұрын
my guess is the box got to tumbling on a lifting conveyor until something big enough came up under it and it got kicked off, falling 15 feet. Box burst open, parts everywhere 🙈
@bannockchief Жыл бұрын
You can't blame the shipper. Those boxes are for shelf storage, not shipping. That box should have been boxed in a separate box including additional packaging. That's the fault of company who shipped them to you. It's absolutely absurd to think that packaging would last in shipping with minimal cardboard to protect those finished edges.
@theymusthatetesla3186 Жыл бұрын
The first (and ONLY) time I ever used Fed Ex, it was a NIGHTMARE! Never, ever again!
@jbrisby Жыл бұрын
Just about? It only took one experience with FedEx to make me swear I'd never use them again. They destroyed my package, and didn't even notify me.
@SoopaDoopaVhara Жыл бұрын
A Friend sent me his old P.C. from America to Canada through FedEx and when I received the package. Not only was the Computer unable to start after unboxing. They had taken the hard drive out from bubblewrap enclosure it was in, but destroyed the Disk Drive pins beyond repair, but they left the hard drive inside the tower free floating. I hope sir you get your missing pieces and they not only reimburse for the lost of product but the stupid amount of damage they left for you.
@michaelbranham5854 Жыл бұрын
That should've been in a wood shipping crate, it should be common knowledge by now most shipping companies use belt lines to move boxes just so they can manage thousands and thousands of boxes in a reasonable amount of time. The wooden crates cost a tad more, but offers more protection than a plastic bag and cardboard box. Fedex ups or usps will never have the level of care a hotshot driver will have.
@derekmanley4541 Жыл бұрын
A little defense of the carrier, that box is way too heavy and should have been shipped as two pieces. A box that heavy needs to be on a pallet and moved with a forklift. What you are seeing is the result of a too-heavy box being dropped because it is too heavy and the resulting damage of a heavy item hitting concrete. The mistake the carrier made was picking it up in the first place. It should have been rejected and never even picked up.
@craigslue Жыл бұрын
Fedex managed to break my ported 6.1 hemi intake manifold from HHP! Broke the fuel rail mount and cracked all the way into the port! Not sure how they managed as the manifold was boxed well with expandable foam that fit the intake and box perfectly! On top of that it took forever to get this claim taken care of! Recently order a 100 pound window ac and shipped from Texas was suppose to be here in kansas in 2 days and went to California so took over a week and then they drug it across the yard and plopped it right in front of my screen door so I couldn't open the door and I guess a little knock on the door to let you know your shipment has been delivered is now an extra charge because that never happens anymore!
@michaelshidlovsky7131 Жыл бұрын
WORST Shipping and Delivery Company Ever should be their name, not Fed Ex.......
@austinpowers651 Жыл бұрын
Trust me when i say i know exactly why shipping quality has gone down hill everywhere. Its because they are trying to fit way too much stuff in each and every semi-truck trailer. In the logistics industry its called "trailer cube". And facility managers and supervisors demand every trailer be completely filled up to " 95%-100% cube" or they wont send the trailer untill it is , wich is hard to do with fragile or expensive frieght and ends up damaged. I worked for one shipping company that destroyed probably 25% of everything they loaded on trucks
@tsvandyke Жыл бұрын
Your assumption is ONE truck ! ... I worked in a distribution center for fedex ... one side of the building had 46 garage doors with trailers backed up to them - we would get ( unload ) 300 trucks per night. - each worker unloads 1,600 boxes from the trailers per hour - we do not care about the quality of transfering the boxes from the trailer hold to the conveyor belt 20 feet away - we are concerned about losing our jobs if our unload numbers go anywhere below 1,300 boxes handles per hour for 9 hour shifts.
@Firefrei Жыл бұрын
5:45 Isn’t the other head attached to the engine on the engine stand?
@alexb.1320 Жыл бұрын
Just fyi, they do chuck packages out of the truck. One of our sites where I work at sometimes has a large parking lot, every few weeks a group of fed ex trucks congregate there and trade packages. Seems that here in Canada at least, fedex uses route drivers to act as mini-hubs. First time I saw this I'm wondering wtf is going on by how they are parked and the fact they had their doors open facing each other (package security eh.)... And I see a box fly through the air from one truck to another... rinse and repeat. Then the best one... One of the other guys get into another truck, and a few moments later a table saw sized box, obviously heavy, because the guys where trying to coax this thing out of the truck and THUD, they shove it out of the truck onto the parking lot... Then proceed to Shove/drag this package to another truck and then wrestle (and let it hit the parking lot a few more times when their grip slips) this box into another truck. All I'm thinking, somebody is going to be pissed, much like yourself when they receive the package along with other less than pleasant things about couriers and how they treat things. The only one who cares for your packages is you. You gotta pack everything expecting it to get run over, thrown out of a truck, stepped on, kicked, thrown, etc. Because it seems "I didn't do it!" is a plaque on us.
@ArnoldsDesign Жыл бұрын
I know what you mean, believe me. DHL maybe. I ship small vapor blasting guns overseas with them, and they've been fast and reliable so far. UPS hasn't been bad since I started shipping in 2010, but heavy stuff can be a bitch. A couple years ago I vapor blasted several Dodge transmission gear shafts. I had the 1" shafts foam wrapped to over 2" diameter, and packed tight. Somehow from PA to NJ, UPS package demolition team managed to shear off several HARDENED alloy steel gear teeth, and even ding the splines. My customer thought I did it. I was like, hell no I didn't do it. Then I had to argue with the 3rd party insurance adjuster Crawford Co, to get his 1500 damage claim. They're huge fun to deal with. Then there's the time with Fedex express who lost my OVERNIGHT rush package from Porsche testing lab in CA to my shop. They never showed up. To make it worse, the fedex dickheads said in the tracking that they tried to deliver the parts but no one was here to sign for them. Made me look like a total backwoods idiot and liar with the very first job from Porsche. I finally got the package after several days of calling f'n India call center or wherever. I finally went to the terminal ready to rip someone's head off, and found the package had been sitting on a delivery truck several days and the driver marked it undeliverable each day. Anyway, I processed the parts and sent them back to Porsche, but I never heard from them again. Surprising.
@Acecool Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call that 'usable' and I definitely wouldn't use* it for a paying customer.
@DIYmotorcycle Жыл бұрын
Anybody who thinks they can depend on any shipping company is not living in reality. Every one of them sucks in their own way.
@markhardy6738 Жыл бұрын
I think ups takes pictures now only if the package doesn’t have any damage on it.
@stimberlake9015 Жыл бұрын
Part of the blame is in poor packaging. 87 lbs in a cardboard box? C'mon, man.
@thewalternaeder Жыл бұрын
Worked for Fedex for a bit...will never ship with them if I am given a choice. Seen a supervisor knock down a whole wall of boxes to unload a truck faster. Seen people throw boxes that where labeled fragile. And if a box opens they just plaster it with type. The worse job I have ever had.
@vetteracer427 Жыл бұрын
that all happen on the dock platform. not on the truck. freight gets destroyed on the dock. fork lifts pushing things that should be handled. its been cross docked many times. here there,dock to dock trailer to trailer. it's a mess. Thank for this video. Not driver he cares ,dock workers "not all" are the problem.
@rcsendandblast1579 Жыл бұрын
This I thought only happened to me via UPS. What’s the world coming to
@andyburk4825 Жыл бұрын
Something that heavy and precision machined should only be shipped in a heavy duty wooden crate.
@Wrutschgeluck Жыл бұрын
in germany you shouldnt even start to take it from the shipping company. if you see a box like this: here everyone would say no, its damaged and give it back or at least get a sign from the guy to make sure it came this damaged to you. you cant prove you are not the one who damaged it later. your fault.
@mikethompson7290 Жыл бұрын
I live in spokane wa there is an amazon fulfillment center here two in fact, I ordered an item, tracking showed it left spokane next stop seattle then back to spokane, then to USPS just stupid
@Wesleyrpg Жыл бұрын
Who ships Heads worth thousands of dollars weighing over 90 lbs in a dinky cardboard box that is bound to rip apart at the slightest bit of damage. I'm sure FedEx are no angels but they can't be held fully responsible for this, those heads should of been crated, i blame the original manufacturer for skimping out on packaging material. That package material is for sitting on shelves at your local Auto Store, not for shipping across the US.
@mp-xt2rg Жыл бұрын
Looks like it wasn't packaged well enough to handle shipping. You can dump on FedEx but really they are all the same. USPS is actually a little bit worse.
@HominaHubba Жыл бұрын
I HATE FedEx. They’re the only company that I’ve ever had any issues with.
@Kobaneko2005 Жыл бұрын
Never use FedEx Ground. The drivers don't work for FedEx and treat packages like shit. Use FedEx Express.
@tomlindo2863 Жыл бұрын
so hear me out. some one saw the box, likely a driver and wanted the contents. The reason it went that funky route is they took it on their long haul route to buddy's place to get that bad head. dumped the bad head in there and took your good heads. I assume the head has a serial on it, see if it matches the sales record...
@EspressoToaster Жыл бұрын
In case anyone was wondering, i have both friends who've worked at fedex and those who've worked at UPS, and both of these groups openly joke about how they beat the shit out of all packages facing 0 reprimandment from supervisors. From what I've heard, it's literally as bad as that opening scene in Ace Ventura (if you know what I'm talking about), and they companies themselves couldn't give a fuck less.
@dev-debug Жыл бұрын
Fedex distribution centers make their employees clock out after morning work is done and many will wait in parking lot for work to continue and clock back in. So no doubt they are rushed beyond belief to get things out on time. UPS will mark stuff delivered when the driver runs out of time, I'll get delivery notification but it don't come until the next day. Trying to get body panels delivered without damage is nuts. I'm lucky, only live about 1 1/2 hours from a Summit Racing so I usually just make a trip there.
@brianwaiting7899 Жыл бұрын
Wait till you try to ship a 2nd amendment item! 🗽>💂
@lilcholo2097 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but this is all because of COVID and the greed from higher ups in both fedex and ups. The pandemic raised the flow about 3 folds, but the hours don’t really change bc they have to get out of the building by 9:00 but we can’t get their before 1:00am, so the flow increased while everything else didn’t, and we are just supposed to deal with it. Also Amazon doesn’t want your box bc it’s not worth it for them, hell Amazon ships a good chunk of their box’s they don’t wanna deal with thru ups and fedex so even if you went w Amazon your package is still gonna be handled the same way. This won’t change unless Amazon buys out all the shipping companies but they won’t do that bc it’s not worth it to take on all the load
@qwerasdfzxcv5669 Жыл бұрын
The reason you didn't get the second head is that it was completely destroyed.
@abrahamwashington8579 Жыл бұрын
Gas went down about a dollar a Gallon? Not In pa. Saw this was a month ago and laughed cuz Biden went to the middle east In July while gas was 440 something a gallon. August it went down to like 3.70 than September maybe if you lucky it was about a dollar Less at 3.30 but Than now we're starting shit with the the saids again and we're right back at 4 something a gal. Good job Biden!
@capt.graybeard Жыл бұрын
I ordered the 16-in TV from Walmart, I got the tracking information and it started out in Illinois I live in Missouri it went to Florida then it went to Texas then it came to Missouri and it was delivered and it looked like somebody kicked the middle of the box and I opened it up and the screen was damaged. I called Walmart they said to call FedEx I called FedEx they said to call Walmart, I took the TV put it in the truck and went to Walmart I brought it in the store and talked to the store manager and explained to him what I had and he accepted the return and recommended that I reorder because he didn't have a TV like the one I ordered, I reordered another TV the same one it came from the same place went the same route and showed up and the driver parked in the middle of the road blocking traffic by the way I live on the highway, he ran it up the driveway and I was sitting in the living room and watched him he threw it at the garage door and hit the garage door and turn around and ran and jump back in his truck by the time I got out the door he was already halfway down the road, the second TV was damaged, I called FedEx they said to call Walmart I called Walmart they said to call FedEx I took it back to the store he took another TV and said I could pick anything in the store I wanted as far as the TV's going he would let me have it in exchange I got a 60 inch TV a little bit better quality and I carried it home myself in the back of my truck. I called FedEx and told him what was going on and they said that they would make a report never heard anything from anybody I wouldn't use FedEx again if they were the only shipping company on the planet.
@bradley3549 Жыл бұрын
The shipping companies all have their issues, and that's not a secret in the industry. So I think it's also fair to say the people packing products for shipment bear some responsibility too. Putting two heads in one box expecting a good outcome is silly to me. It's a roll of the dice. Which is fine I suppose since probably 99 out of 100 arrive without issue. But you better be ready to take care of that 1 that didn't with no questions asked if you're going to roll those dice.
@vivillager Жыл бұрын
I just ordered a crankshaft from Summit, and it was shipped to me by FedEx. Then day it was to arrive, I stayed home, worked in my driveway, waiting for FedEx to show up. So FedEx shows up to my neighbor's house and drops off a heavy box, and then drives right past me. So I'm thinking... was that my crankshaft he left on my neighbor's doorstep? So I "porch pirated" my neighbor, open up the box, and there's my crankshaft. Not the first time something almost makes it to me, but doesn't quite make it. A few years ago I ordered a few gallons of Dex-6 fluid for my transmission. I get a message on my phone that my package was delivered. I check my porch, and there's nothing there. So I check the tracking, and it was delivered alright... to another city. So I drive to the FedEx hub, complain there, and the person working the front went to her manager, then manager comes back and tells me, "Well, we got a signature, somebody signed for it, so that means it's delivered, so it's not our problem." Ponder on that for a moment, they admitted that they delivered my fluid to a city other than the "ship to" city, and their response was "not our problem".
@shoktroop Жыл бұрын
I was a fed ex driver for years. It's 95% the hubs fault for damaging your stuff. The drivers are the END deliver people. I had my ass chewed off by customers for damage they just assume the driver did. I broke a $9,000 CAD Screen that weighed over 200 pounds. I asked FedEx for an assistant to offload the monitor. They told me NO. I logged that denial, attempted to deliver the monitor and it broke. Fed Ex had to buy them a new monitor.
@twothreefour234 Жыл бұрын
I've watched AMAZON drivers walk up to my door with a couple heavy boxes stacked and just drop them from waist high on to the concrete.
@ItsMeUrDaad Жыл бұрын
Shippers dont package their products well enough either. Expecting it to survive transit in cardboard and a piece of tape is ridiculous. Staples are dog shit. You need a roll of tape around the card board to shit those heads.
@chuckc111 Жыл бұрын
Yep, every box I get from FedEx looks like it's been to hell and back, UPS 50%!!
@dannythompson1948 Жыл бұрын
FedEx is HANDS DOWN THE WORST SHIPPING Company ON EARTH. I'd even use ups before FedEx. I am super paranoid about shipping engine parts
@thegovtard1872 Жыл бұрын
USPS is not much better.. I had a pair of heads shipped from NY to California. Cost $$250 to ship priority. 3-5 day. 2 weeks later I get a call saying I have a heavy package in and I need to pick it up. I go into the post office. Guy comes out with a box. The box has a huge hole In it. The guy said that there was another car part in the back. He drags the other head out. On a concrete floor, combustion chamber surface was face down.. he said he didn't want to pick it up because it was greasy.. I paid insurance on the shipping. 3 years later never been paid..
@skinnyWHITEgoyim Жыл бұрын
@metricdeep8856 Жыл бұрын
I like how you have to pay extra for shipping insurance to make sure they do the job that you already paid them for.
@sleepychallenger Жыл бұрын
Dude. Seriously though. Like its not expensive enough as it is
@tsm688 Жыл бұрын
its a protection racket
@EdgarsLS Жыл бұрын
Besides, almost always that insurance is useless if the package is lost. it's mail fraud.
@WDMtea 2 жыл бұрын
My wife is Japanese, she was completely appalled, when she saw the condition of boxes here in the US. She buys and sells stuff on eBay, on heavy items, she spends a small fortune on packing, this also leads to a tremendous amount of wast. Doesn’t matter, UPS, fedex and USPS all the same. In Japan, the box will arrive, the same condition it was shipped.
@puppetmasterblaster 2 жыл бұрын
On the flip side, I waited a year for a carbon fiber hood from Japan, arrived damaged in a box that looked like it was made from recycled seaweed. Regardless of manufacturer or country of origin, the packaging should be thick and high quality so these products stand a fighting chance to survive these FedEx goons.
@indyrock8148 2 жыл бұрын
Japanese boxes are better quality because they import eucalyptus wood chips from managed forestry in Australia. Inclusion of eucalyptus makes paper and cardboard, stronger, more durable and more recyclable.
@baby-sharkgto4902 2 жыл бұрын
On a side note I’m surprised your customer or anyone else would wait 8 months for ProMax heads. Unless of course no other heads are available?
@nathanielwoodman1010 2 жыл бұрын
@@puppetmasterblaster u
@indyrock8148 2 жыл бұрын
@General Civility are you saying the Japanese are tight 😉
@tihzho Жыл бұрын
I hear you. I managed an American factory in China, our products were glass, and fragile at that. Our packaging was tested by kicking the box down two flights of stairs, dropping it 12 feet unto a concrete floor and nothing was broken. Assume the worst when shipping anything of value.
@dc6233 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, the packagers need to anticipate the worst case scenario when packaging items.
@NohrScum Жыл бұрын
I've worked at a shipping warehouse. Many times the conveyor belts get so backed up, that the boxes get crushed against their own weight. It's not always out of negligence
@permanentvacation2406 Жыл бұрын
@amzarnacht6710 Жыл бұрын
Well, first, it was an American company. They know about protecting themselves from litigation, and about quality. Because if it had been a chinese company they wouldn't have cared of the client received powdered glass because the client would not been able to recover damages from them for trying to ship crystal in a standard amazon pouch.
@tihzho Жыл бұрын
@Muffinconsumer4 No not at all. I am sorry to say unless you've lived in China you don't have a clue about China. Being a WOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise) compliance with labor laws is strict, all employees cannot work more than 32 hours overtime in a month for example. Factory safety and pollution regulations as stricter than in the US. How you're thinking about China as a sweatshop is quite outdated.
@sendit9129 Жыл бұрын
This is why we appreciate D&J Performance so much. Their heads come in a wood crate, ratchet strapped in so shy of the box itself caving in- the only side that can be "Beat around" is guarded by 2x4 stands. That being said- companies shouldn't have to go through those measures to make up for shitty work by the shipping companies.
@tigcarn Жыл бұрын
I was just gonna say that box looks way too flimsy for 80lbs of material. If they're gonna ship in that they better make sure the product inside is firmly secured because anything metal shifting around in-transit will defeat that cardboard and pop through. Seen it thousands of times.
@evelghostrider Жыл бұрын
I agree items like that should be packed and sent with wood not cardboard... who would send such a heavy item protected by cardboard 🤦‍♂️
@mrfrenzy. Жыл бұрын
@@tigcarn I agree today you have to do that. A few years ago however fedex handled boxes with care and this would never had happened.
@HobbyOrganist Жыл бұрын
things like METAL should always go in wood crates! otherwise their weight will cause the item to act like a missile and crash thru flimsy cardboard. I always used 1/2" CDX plywood not chipboard for my sculpture crates
@HobbyOrganist Жыл бұрын
If you saw the video taken inside I think a UPS sorting facility around the holidays, you can see WHY they simply cannot treat packages like cartons of eggs, and the facility has miles of conveyors, and you see boxes tumbling out onto the conveyor belt, big boxes landing on small ones, its up to the SHIPPER to box properly or deliver it via private courrer
@philbuell6657 2 жыл бұрын
I'm down to being part of a class action suit against FedEx, I agree, their shipping logistics is literally criminal! They add hundreds of miles to every package they ship, for real!
@jackmagnium6115 2 жыл бұрын
and just to earn money. if i was running a company. i would put people and safety over everything. even profit. although i know i wont last long cause other companies will squash me
@ChadDidNothingWrong 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackmagnium6115lol if you don't profit, you'll squash yourself. No villains necessary. ...but by that logic, if they priced so low as to put you under, then that means they would barely be staying afloat themselves....meaning they are only marginally more evil than you. I mean, if %profit=%evil, and the average busines profits roughly 5%, then yeah, it would only make you about 5% less evil (max) than those evil doers.
@jeffhildreth9244 2 жыл бұрын
Explaln the "class action"
@jayrowe6473 2 жыл бұрын
Do you think the care and handling by the workers might have anything to do with the condition?
@jeffhildreth9244 2 жыл бұрын
@@jayrowe6473 Which workers.. At the FEDEX or UPS distribution centers.? Don't forget, not all drivers handle with care. Get the job, get it done, get the money, next. It is still my opinion since nearly everyone knows that UPS and FEDEX continually lose packages and damage packages, pack accordingly. And N E V E R use these so called UPS stores or FEDEX stores.. they are franchised and not official UPS or FEDEX owned stores. Also when you ship by one of the box shippers, they are the shipper of record, you are not.
@timothyesmond7358 2 жыл бұрын
"It's like choosing between a cat turd and a dog turd"
@CORNDODGER 2 жыл бұрын
Cat turds got to be easier going down
@joelpierce3940 2 жыл бұрын
One is bigger and one stinks more 😟
@bobwoods6410 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully he realizes that FEDEX AND UPS merged about maybe 10 years ago
@davej652 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobwoods6410 Where did you get that info from? I use both UPS and FedEx almost everyday and I'm about 90% sure they didn't merge.
@gjones7777 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobwoods6410 no.......they didnt..........smh
@racebiketuner Жыл бұрын
I feel your pain! A few of my shipping horror stories are: FedEx lost a pair of CBX cylinders and piston sets and tried to blame it on me. The driver came to my house and gave me some grief about it because he was going to have to pay for half the $2,400 claim! UPS ran a fork lift blade through very robust packaging into an aluminum block and cracked the liner where it was protruding from the bottom. USPS lost a crankshaft I shipped to England and it took 9 months to settle the claim.
@TheDrewcas Жыл бұрын
If you shipped to a foreign country, once it leaves the international facility in the US, it's no longer in USPS hands, it's in the foreign post's hands and they're 100% responsible for it. USPS doesn't extend beyond US borders.
@Praise___YaH Жыл бұрын
Guys, HERE is The Savior YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@brykanst9071 Жыл бұрын
UPS doesn't use forklifts in 99% of its buildings so are you sure it was UPS that did that...
@markstill8258 Жыл бұрын
@@brykanst9071 He's talking UPS freight before sold to Tforce
@brykanst9071 Жыл бұрын
@@markstill8258 hard to tell seeing as all that same stuff goes through UPS ground for no reason on a daily basis
@support2587 2 жыл бұрын
Once received a 60mb tape backup worth $2k via UPS. To say the box was damaged would be an understatement. Of course Ups declines the insurance claim stating the product was packaged poorly, double cardboard a 100% foam fit packaging! Right as the adjuster says “no money for you” our Ups driver walks in and says “Oh look the box we ran over with the tractor trailer!” Got our check.
@ironworkerfxr7105 Жыл бұрын
@GlidingBoulder Жыл бұрын
@@ironworkerfxr7105 I once held up a driver trainer for an hour because an item ($15,000) came in damaged and in a different box than the normal Branded boxes, the shipping label was even cut off the old box. The guy was a total inpatient dickbag and just wanted me to sign for it, I told him he could wait as I called the shipper to verify what was supposed to be in the box, then I made him sign a paper notating the package's poor delivery state and the damage before I signed for it. Camera recordings are amazing. Trainer my ass. Reminds me, I never complained to UPS about that interaction.... Oh boy, I found the video ;)
@CS-zn6pp Жыл бұрын
FedEx pay peanuts and employs knuckle dragging chimps... Accidental damage to packages is one thing but theft is another.... I have had customers loose several high end items, removed from their parcel in transit. FedEx promise to investigate but they never get found.
@BariLopesh Жыл бұрын
People will say anything for likes these days... this never happened, no driver would remember an exact package, they see thousands of them every day
@mikefrech1123 Жыл бұрын
@@BariLopesh The driver would likely remember the one he ran over, though.
@garageworker Жыл бұрын
I do all sorts of shipping and you're right UPS, FedEx and USPS are all horrible. I would however say the ProMax REALLY needs to up their shipping game. That box might be ok for retail sales, but no way it's gonna hold up to a shipping company. I ship vises that are 80+ pounds and I build a small crate that's then put into a box with staples, nylon strapping tape and a shipping label attached to the vise itself incase it breaks free. Either way not your fault, hope they payout. I've had better luck with FedEx paying insurance then the USPS.
@CWHolleman Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of when Amazon ships me something in the actual product packaging instead of shipping box..
@Tomteleck Жыл бұрын
@@CWHolleman Amazon will put a $10 item in 2 boxes. But a $1000 fishfinder they'll just but the shipping label on the org box so all the porch pirates can see it from a block away. Did the same thing to my brothers $1200 video card. insane
@ayoitsyayo Жыл бұрын
Well with weak employees what do you expect
@fauxque5057 Жыл бұрын
I ordered a pallet of solar panels out of Utah shipped to Florida. I had to drive to the Orlando Freight terminal to pick it up. First thing I noticed was that the pallet was broken with boards hanging down, and sticking out. I complained to the forklift driver and he was nice about it, noted my concern on the paperwork and initialed it. Drove home and started to unload the panels one at a time. After the first 12 came off the stack I found the damage. A holes somehow managed to stick 1 fork up from the bottom and stabbed through 8 of the panels. I'm thinking I'm glad I had the guy note the damage, and initial it. So I call Customer Disservice and spent 90 minutes on hold. The woman listened to my story, chastised me for not checking for damage when I picked up the pallet. Seemed OK with me telling her that unloading 20 solar panels in your depot parking lot just wasn't feasible. She agreed. Then she said she needed the drivers name who initialed the invoice. Ma'am it's a signiture and I can't make out what the name is. After 30 minutes of arguing back and forth she said that I needed to contact the company that I bought the panels from and have them file a claim since they were the shipper and have a Fed Ex account. Contact them and they said that dealing with FedEx is impossible and the only thing they can do for me is sell me 8 more panels for 20% off. And I would have to pay FedEx for shipping the replacement panels. Can you please cover the pallet with a piece of plywood so they can't stick a fork through it? We can't do that sir, if you are worried about a couple of broken panels we advise our customers to buy a couple of extra panels in case some get broken during shipping. Not at $210. each I'm not. I ended up taking a $500. Refund and I bought some panels locally for more money. I will never ship freight by FedEx again. RL Carriers have never destroyed anything I have shipped through them
@joshdfox420 Жыл бұрын
USPS has been awesome for me Never lost anything of mine, never late or beaten up. Guess I'm just lucky
@Stevesbe 2 жыл бұрын
30 year ago a buddy worked at UPS sorting hub he said when the package was labeled "fragile " they would throw the box even harder
@gageb556 2 жыл бұрын
That’s fucked. People who can’t afford fragile things
@hypeninja4786 2 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely true.
@davehallock3656 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard the same from at least 3 former ups employees. It's a game to see if they can make it break.
@dpops 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like these morons need a new job. You shouldn't take pleasure in wrecking something that belongs to a stranger.
@everythingpony 2 жыл бұрын
What a bholf
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