我自己身為一個第三代基督徒,台灣出生、美國求學,從小在教會裡面長大,但在成長過程中也經歷了信仰很多不同的階段,無意中滑到你的影片,從你的影片中得到很多值得自己思考的問題和動力。Just want to thank you for taking the effort in making videos and having discussions either with fellow Christians or Non-Christians. They really help me to understand and step out of my Christian comfort bubble. Subscribed liked and shared🙏
有沒有考慮過,你還是基督徒,不是基督信仰經的起考驗,而是你被教導的能夠接受矛盾、不合理的地方。In another word, you gave in. You weren't persistent enough to find answers to apparent contradictions in Christian theology and teaching.
其实信仰和科学是并存的。 简单话来说, 一个是亲属关系, 一个是数学。 都是真实的。 只是无神论往往说science belongs to us and us only. 这是不对的。 有神无神都不可能用科学方式来replicate and remeasure. 都是要靠信心来相信。 所以无神论也是belief/信仰。 真实的target是 step 1: ”有神还是无神?” step 2: “基督教所信的耶稣是真的吗?”
諾貝爾獎得主約七成是基督徒(包括天主教徒),兩成是猶太人。諾貝爾獎一百年來得主大多是歐美人。基督徒現在佔全球的人口約31%。但是歐美的基督徒佔歐美的比例約七成,也就是諾貝爾獎得主是歐美基督徒佔歐美人口的比例。所以看大數據,諾貝爾獎得主只不過反應人口而已,不是反應信仰。印度和亞洲的基督徒非常少,所以會有基督徒佔全球和佔歐美人口比例上的差異。而猶太人得諾貝爾獎的比例是 statistics 不能解釋的。猶太人佔世界人口0.2%,諾貝爾獎卻佔約四分之一,這個比例懸殊。Besides, no one would really know if those Nobel Prize winners who claimed to be Christians were really Christians since Europe had a long history of persecuting anyone who is not a Christian. People might say that they are Christians because they accept the history and culture of Europe rather than really believing in Jesus. 基督徒跟猶太教徒的差別在信和不信耶穌。帶著聖經的角度去做科學實驗跟耶穌完全沒有關係,所以並不能證明耶穌,只能證明唯一神、造物主的創造是經的起考驗的。耶穌是造物主嗎?應該是瞎扯的人才會如此說。而且最近幾年,我碰到越來越多如此瞎扯的人。耶穌不斷的升職,新約越後面寫的書卷,耶穌的地位(神位)越高,而且就算現在新約已經停刊了,人們還是自動給耶穌升職。新約對真理的了解完全沒有幫助,而且還讓人不再想去看真的真理,也就是 Torah。
but i'd rather lose and admit my lack of understanding than claiming i know all already and nothing more to be learnt and turn out to be wrong but blind to what is actually right
@verityc6504 Жыл бұрын
@@91722854 Good for you. 這就是選擇吧。人可以選擇相信自己不知道的事,也可以就接受自己不知道的事。"Nature abhors a vacuum." The same goes to human beings regarding the unknown. Most people rather have some kind of answer than to accept that there there is no way to prove the validity of an explanation.