How to Care for a Dog with Degenerative Myelopathy

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AKC Canine Health Foundation

AKC Canine Health Foundation

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This instructional video brought to you by the AKC Canine Health Foundation and Scout's House will help you to care for your dog affected by Degenerative Myelopathy (DM).

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@shereeshatsky5627 5 жыл бұрын
We lost our sweet Gino to DM 9/4/19. Enjoy every minute with your pup, love them every single second, the disease is relentless. We did everything to thwart the progression, everything. Our hearts are broken. Gino was a 13 year old Lab/Pyrenees mix, he guarded us every second of his life. We will miss him always. Much love to all who love and support their DM pups. No easy answers, other than the loss is staggering. We will miss Gino forever. ❤️
@aaron-dv5mu 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry for loss I have a 13 year old pitbull that is starting to kinda crisscross his back legs when he gets up and starts walking I was wondering did it start off that way?
@truecynic1270 2 жыл бұрын
My sincerest understanding and feeling of your terrible loss.
@shereeshatsky5627 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry having now just seen this comment. Yes, initially Gino criss-crossed his back feet and also. knuckled under when he walked. I hope your pup is well. ❤️
@shereeshatsky5627 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@anubhavnigam2483 2 жыл бұрын
@55commodore 5 жыл бұрын
My dog of 13 years has had this for 9 months or so now. She is just getting to the stage where her legs drag often, sometimes they come good enough for a bit that she can walk. There has been 3 incontinent episodes in recent weeks. I could keep her going till she can't move her front legs but my wife and I have decided after much careful thought that it was only in our interests to keep her going as long as possible and not hers. We are going to make the tough choice when the back legs fail completely, for some this may be taking things too far, for others not far enough. Our dog loved to run and swim and she can no longer do these things. At the end of the day it is never going to be an easy choice, but I will have a clear conscience that I put her suffering to an end and she will be in place where she is no longer bound by the constraints of the flesh vehicle she once piloted.
@IndigoDisco 4 жыл бұрын
I'm at that stage now.
@kimboeskeim397 3 жыл бұрын
@gerrykeith4228 2 жыл бұрын
Me too💔
@roisinmc7442 Жыл бұрын
I'm nearly there now too 😢😢
@dmoss1894 10 ай бұрын
@dougiequick1 6 жыл бұрын
We just finally had to put our beloved best friend in the world down that suffered this terrible disease. He was a 90llb german shepherd and made it to over 13 years old which aint to bad for a big dog ...he started showing symptoms at least 3 years ago but was not diagniosed as probable myelopathy until 2 years ago. MAYBE some of the things accounted for him doing as well as he did and that is what I want to share in case it might help someone else's friend? When he started having a lot of trouble squatting to poop I got the idea to add fiber to his diet to make pooping easier and faster ...I think this helped a LOT as the disease progressed....Benefiber or costco generic kirkland "Optifiber" ...unflavored without food coloring etc ...we mixed it with water and his kibble . Another thing he got every day was CoQ10 ..I did not even buy him his own doggy Co Q10, Since I take CoQ myself I simply poked a hole in the end of my Kirkland 300mg gel caps with a push pin and just squirted some right on his food dose is typically like 30mg or less so I gave him at least that much! It does not taste bad or smell bad at all! Pretty tastless so dogs are fine with it squirted on food ...I read multiple places it is a good idea to split CoQ10 doses morning and night so itworked really well for me since I squirted some for the dog I squirted roughly 40% in my own mouth in the morning and then swallowed the rest of the cap every night...easy peasy! EVERYONE should be taking CoQ10 is what I am persuaded of! Now we also gave him two RX meds which I doubt very much helped his myelopathy any (supposedly there is no pain directly from myleopathy ) ...but one was gabapentin (Nuerontin) the vet rxed 3x a day 300mg...which we wound up upping to 600mg but just twice a day ...toward the very end we halved that thinking it might worsen his coordination ....this med really was just for probale arthritis pain....he whined a lot so we guessed it might be pain...the other RX was meloxicam 7mg which we tried never to give him daily since it is hard on the gut ... we tried to guess when he was particually hurting and only give him that NSAID when it looked like he was having a hard time pain wise...always gave THAT with food! NSAIDs really are hard on the body but man do they work! ....another thing we did a couple years ago was to build him two ramps. One to get in and out of our SUV with and the other much larger one on our porch steps. THAT made all the difference! He would not have been able to get in and out of our house without that especially the last year or year and half! If you need one they are super easy to build! Just lay some 2X6's or 2x whatever along side of one another and fastin together with steel straps or just cut plywood and nail it on top .....we glued and tacked rubber backed carpet tiles over the whole surface for traction....ours is at least 10' long ...not sure cause it was scrap 2xs....all depends how high the stairs you are ramping over? Our boy stopped doing 2 story stairs at least 6 months was hard for him before that but then it finally got impossible and he did not even want to try! This was only a problem when we visited kids with 2 story home and so when we stayed there a few days either me or my wife would sleep downstairs so our pal was not alone all night ....he hated ever to be alone! Thank God he did as well as he did! Right up until the last two weeks he was able to do everything he needed to do! He could come in and out, go pee and poop without "senior ball" and other more sedate pastimes he had like watching TV looking for ANY critters to "catch" and bark at....he also loved to lay in the sun and watch way down the hill for glimpses of cars and trucks going by which just like the TV game the goal was to "catch" em and bark...he went pretty deaf a few years ago but he had great eyesight! .....The end was tough though...he finally just could not stand on his own ...I could pick him up and they he could go but that only lasted a week or so and then he would fall down....he got really depressed so frustrated ....but the dog NEVER EVER EVER had a single accident in the house ...the only thing was the last two weeks he could not hold himself up anymore to poop so he would collapse mid poop sitting in it.....peeing became utterly miserable for him too...he never wanted me to help him...would not allow me to hold him while he did he business ..... I swear he was letting me know he had had it...all the fun was gone and it was down to nothing but frustration and humiliation.... he lost interest in food that last couple weeks too ...the last few days we looked for anything he might like to eat like pink salmon or premium canned food....he just had given up. Maybe if he had been a small dog I would have tried the doggy version of wheel chair/butt cart ... It just was not right for our guy and us it was so damn hard but we finally made an appointment and took him one last vet visit....our vet was very kind and actually came out to our vehicle so we did not have to carry him in and out of the office ....I requested pre-med of tranquilizer and opiate even before the euthanizing shot .....I did not want to take any chance it would be hard on him....I never cried harder even for human family that passed away.... He was a very special dog...several people made an effort over the last several weeks and months to visit us because they wanted to see him one more time .... He is buried with his pal Harry in my wife's bird garden Harry was our other gsd that passed away 2 years ago ....they were the dynamic duo for like 10 years.... RIP Luke
@stickyricky7515 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry Dougie. I'm glad you got 13 years with him though. My boy Maddux, 7 year old 85lb german shepherd just started with all the symptoms in his right hind leg. I never heard of this DM before last week. I'm so sad right now. I'm angry too that I cant fix him. It's so hard to watch him stumble or fall down. I'm hoping with exercise and a good diet, I can have him fight this for a few years at least. I dont know what I'm going to do if it progresses quickly.
@julieh.3149 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for your heart filled story regarding your dog. I can tell you did a fantastic job of care for him, you are a very good dog owner. Reading your story did bring tears to my eyes, as I'm going through the same thing with my beloved Pitt Bull. I'm sad there is no known cure for this.
@jb3033 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for that. Im dealing w/ my dog getting the onset of DM, he just turned 12 n is a 100lb pit bull who has been my right hand sense he was 3 months old. I'm dredding the day I'm going to have to say goodbye so I'm going to do everything I can to make his transition of living w/ DM as easy as possible on him n just hope that it's a slow progression.
@nancyhoover6804 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You were a wonderful parent to your dog and I can only hope I will be able to do as good a job as you have done in caring and helping my dear corgi boy who has just been diagnosed with this awful disease. Thank you again for your story.
@scottlamp3097 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for writing this. My 14yo Pit "Mack" has been progressively having trouble walking. It started with not being able to get in and out of the truck. I had just chalked it up to him getting old. Then he quit climbing up and down stairs. He used to love stairs so much. He was recently diagnosed with DM and I have been giving him some of the same meds you listed. Now it is to the point where he can barely walk unassisted. It's really hard to see him struggle. At least I know I am not alone. Thank you again for sharing your story.
@christhomas7148 4 жыл бұрын
My wiener dog Myley, my best friend , my family, jumped off the couch and it paralyzed her legs and backend This was 7 days ago. The vet gave a terrible prognosis... I have been working with her every day and haven’t left her side. 2 days ago her legs and tail have started twitching, I refuse to give up on her. Thank you for the inspiration
@donnakolo968 2 жыл бұрын
@michellejohnson6819 2 жыл бұрын
Hooray. I'm so glad.
@christalrodriguez2236 10 ай бұрын
How is she now? Did she get better? My Frenchie fell down wooded stairs now can’t walk.
@dalerider3124 7 жыл бұрын
Of the many videos about this horiffic disease, this is THE FINEST VIDEO about all the aspects of caring for your best buddy! Thank you, so very much.
@ckdtube 4 жыл бұрын
@annemiller9896 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the information. Use have been dealing with this for the last year and it is clearly progressing; we have done all of the pt, accu, laser, hydrotherapy. I’m sure it helps a bit, but there is nothing that is really making a noticeable change. Sigh. Thanks again. Anne
@yubelyuki661 8 жыл бұрын
I think my dog Max, who was half German-Shepherd, also had this disease. Starting at age 13, he rubbed his hind legs bloody on the street because his legs seemed to become weaker. I knit socks for him that we mended every day when they got holes in them, and it did a great job preventing bloody paws. My dad also crafted a hand-made blue harness, so that we could carry his rear end and for longer distances, we had a bike trailer where he could sit. Max lived with his disease for three and a half years before the degenerative myelopathy started to reach his front paws, he became incontinent, and his respiratory function started to fail. This was also the point where we put him to sleep. Only the end stage was really bad for him, but for all the rest of it, he has been quite a fighter and still enjoyed life. No one of us really knew what he had, and the veterinarian we went to only said that his nerves are failing, but never once mentioned the name of this disease. I only found out today, a year after Max passed, after having read about genetic diseases in German Shepherds and all the symptoms matched what we all experienced. Though it is not proven that he really had this disease, I think he did - he walked exactly the same way that the dogs in ths video do, and had all the same problems.
8 жыл бұрын
Lidé to zkrátka zase někde posrali a nechtějí si to přiznat. Spousty psů to dává jasně najevo předčasnými úmrtími z nejrůznějších důvodů... Německý Ovčák je jeden ze smutných případů, který jasně ukazuje stále zhoršující se vývoj do budoucna. Není tomu tak dlouho, kdy se u Německého ovčáka tyto choroby začali projevovat až okolo dosažení 15 let života. Dnes už v osmi letech mají špatný chrup a celkově působí značně opotřebovaně... Celkově je mnoho velkých plemen psů, které vám zemřou již okolo pátého roku života, doslova ze dne na den. Nikdo to zdá se neřeší a začíná se to přijímat jako normální stav...
8 жыл бұрын
Ještě dodám, že Rusové mají křížence wolfdog, které se standardně dožívají až 25 let života a do poslední chvíle jsou to aktivní psi... Takže je opravdu nasnadě otázka, co se se psi děje, že jejich horní hranice života mnohdy dosahuje sotva deseti let a od osmého roku je jejich tělesný stav přímo žalostný!
@ryanwicks7069 4 жыл бұрын
Cbd has been an absolute miracle! My boy was diagnosed three years ago and hes getting bad again, but turmeric and glucosamine help tremendously for stiffness and arthiritis and the cbd has been amazing.
@aaron-dv5mu 4 жыл бұрын
Hi I have a 13 year old pitbull that is starting to kinda crisscross his back legs when getting up and starting to walk wondering if it started off that way with your dog.
@kelseysmith3480 4 жыл бұрын
@@aaron-dv5mu Our 7 yr old pit was diagnosed today and this is the stage she is currently in
@aaron-dv5mu 4 жыл бұрын
@@kelseysmith3480 wow prayers go out to you enjoy your time. May I ask how much did they charge for the diagnosis. My dog is hanging in there hes such a fighter some days it's not so bad a lot of love and exercise seems to help alot
@kelseysmith3480 4 жыл бұрын
@@aaron-dv5mu thank you, I really appreciate it! She's so stubborn and happy that we're trying to stay positive for her! they did a quick neurological exam testing the nerve endings in her hind feet and did a couple x-rays to ensure it wasn't arthritis or a slipped disc. We were lucky our vet had a lot of experience with the disease. It was under $400 for the visit and we'll get a consultation next week after a radiologist gets done double checking the x-rays. What stage is your pup?
@aaron-dv5mu 4 жыл бұрын
@@kelseysmith3480 let me know how it goes. I cant really say what stage cause it fluctuates being 13 going on 14 hes not showing as bad as I've seen other doggies. But some good days some bad. Its walking up and down stairs that gets tricky. I try to keep him off hard floors but he's stubborn as well.
@dustinmikesell7908 5 жыл бұрын
This took my 6 month old GSD :( we are devastated he was such a good boy. I didn’t get much time but he had the best life.
@3ngi_n33r 11 ай бұрын
Took my 13 yo for therapy. 4 weeks into it he had he was showing progress, even trotting a bit, but then came down with vestibular disease w/seizures. Now my vet says he had a stroke. He had 3 episodes. That was about 3 months ago and he’s still kicking. Be careful with rehab. I’m learning to do what I can at home.
@h.s.9465 Ай бұрын
I had to put down my 13 year old Portuguese waterdog last Saturday. He had DM but was still able to walk up the two steps from the garden to the terrace and you could see that when he was exited, he wanted to go faster with his front legs but the back legs couldn't keep up. Acupuncture seemed to have helped and rehab exercises to keep him mobile. He had some poop accidents inside when he was asleep, didn't want to go on walks far outside the garden anymore and he really wanted to stay close to his people. Something with him was a little off last week, episodes of fast shallow breathing that passed - but on Saturday he suddenly lost his balance completely and puked several times, eyes flicking to the side. We took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with vestibular syndrome. Poor boy was so tired. He was so trusting and went to rest. We decided that his time for peace had come
@amyshapiro6481 8 жыл бұрын
I am dealing with this disease with my boxer Lizzie and it hurts so much. This video provides me with hope. thank you
@QuietAZdesert 3 жыл бұрын
This is a nice video that provides some basic info -- thank you. It would be helpful, I believe (after having faced this tragedy) -- if you would give some estimated costs involved with the treatments and products shown. Like -- a butt lift harness is estimated at $50-$100 for a useful one (and it takes a lot of practice for you & your loved one to learn how to function with it). I believe it is a must have though -- if you find yourself facing this journey. A wheelchair for a large dog is estimated at $400-$600 and you will likely use it for a very very short amount of time (then donate it to a company that wont even answer the phone for the next poor soul). Phy Therapy is estimated at $50 - $200 per session (many facilities requiring a commitment to several sessions. Oh, and most vet & therapy clinics don't work with your schedule. Before people jump to a conclusion that owners of DM dogs just "bail out" on them -- give some credit to the overwhelming experience it truly is & that most owners do love their pets and do the best they can for as long as they can.
@SusieMonster3 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for this insightful information and sorry about your loss. on a side note do you have a harness you recommend?
@QuietAZdesert 2 жыл бұрын
@@SusieMonster3 Hi Susie, I too am sorry you face this difficult journey. My boy was a 65 lb Boxer. Size, build, condition matter in what works for each individual (for the dog as well as the caretaker). I found that most often my homemade 3"x5ft strap was most convenient for both of us. When the DM patient has little rear leg activity (but still a ball of fire up front) - they still need to move often. Gearing up/down in a contraption (harness) is time consuming, for a quick trip out to pee. The simple strap for those outings was a must have. For longer outings (like exercise time or trip to the vet) I used the Full Body PetSafe CareLift Harness (by Radio Systems Corporation) - it is available on Amazon for just over $50 (USA). Keep in mind - no harness is intended to be left on for long (gearing up & gearing down is a must). I also modified the harness to include extra padding and elastic side straps (for more comfort & stability) and some D-ring clips to fit a wheel chair (made it more functional to move straight to the wheels -- instead of a separate rigging/gearing up/down). So much depends on the individuals -- it's hard to recommend any particular item (like fitting a good shoe). It would be nice if vets or Box Stores (like Pet Smart) had gear available to try on -- but they don't. Keeping our friends comfortable and healthy is the goal & it is a challenge. I wish you the best possible through your journey.
@melissabutlerkuennen2641 4 жыл бұрын
My 12 yr old Golden Retriever was diagnosed with DM today. A year ago I noticed his rear legs buckling on sharp turns and started giving him Dasaquin then a stronger glucosamine mixture but it was not helping. Then in the past month he has had difficulty getting up from a lying down position. When we walk he is fine, but my vet says he's starting to cross his rear legs. He no longer trots along, he just walks. She did neurological testing and confirmed DM. Her recommendations were to make sure he had several walks, and even swims, every day to keep up the muscle tone and slow down the disease. Also try fish oil tablets for dogs, and get a rear leg harness to help him get up. She said we could try acupuncture but it rarely helps. This video explained the progression of the disease and some of the same tips from my vet. So glad to find a description and a forum to discuss it!
@friendsintheweb Жыл бұрын
I also have a golden who I believe has it. How did it go with your dog?
@lindacastle6890 2 жыл бұрын
I am in tears watching . Thank you so very much . I have done a lot of research on this and realised my dog has it since aged 11 . And now he suddenly aged 15 years 3 months 6 days lost usage of his left leg . we have always been active to keep stimulating his and delaying his degeneration . I have been blaming myself when he became incapacitated on Sunday . Now I know there is still time and help for us , other than just sedative medications . He has been on turmeric golden paste plus a good healthy diet and exercise last 5 years . Thank you for the pointers on toileting etc . Wished I found this last week but you are brilliant . Thank you so much .
@katrinamiller4724 2 жыл бұрын
Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope he is doing better. It’s not your fault you have done nothing but been helpful for him. You even slowed it down so try not to blame yourself. I’m sending him and you lots of love ❤️
@rocknrocky1234 8 жыл бұрын
My dog Lady is living with this disease and has been for the past 2 years. She is at the secon stage where she can no longer use her hind legs and needs a harnes to walk. In the past 3 months though I feel she has gotten better, When we walk her she no longer drags her feet and instead she kicks them to try and move. Thank you for this video because I'm really hoping for a miricle and hoping she will get better. She is now can hold a standing position for 2 minuts as to where before she woul fall on her side. I live in a place where its not that easy to lady-proof, but this video has helped me find new ways to-do so. Thank you.
@tjay1743 4 жыл бұрын
My lab is at the stage now where she cant get up. Shes 15 I'm trying everything she lays around most day we get her up help her drink and eat and walk. I cant put her down it's not my choice to make if someone should die. When she wants to go she will, till then I'll spend whatever it takes to keep my baby girl. Trying wheelchair this week.
@gogadgo 3 жыл бұрын
@@tjay1743 sorry to hear about your pup, my Boxer has DM and am about to make a wheelchair for him. How has your wheelchair been working out?
@rigobertosantiago5790 3 жыл бұрын
Praying 🙏🏻
@BadBoyHades 3 жыл бұрын
i feel ur pain and i know how it hurts to see them like that
@shanesutton6971 3 жыл бұрын
@@tjay1743 Hi mate how is your dog going ?
@Medazzaman1 8 жыл бұрын
I think my dog, boo, has this disease. He's 15 and i've started noticing him standing with his legs to the side. He also drags one of his back paws (he's done that for awhile - i just assumed he had a weak foot). I take him to the vet this week. My heart is breaking. I love him so much and can't bear to see him in distress.
@rodrickau 6 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling well my friend. My advice is to be the dog. Do you like going to a hospital? If you follow their advice the dog will die from stress. Spend as much time as you can with the dog. I have had mine for 12 years and he is dying. I have to accept that. He has chronic diarrhea and I suspect cancer. I am treating him with cannabis oil, milk thistle, slippery elm, and probiotics. I feed him boiled chicken breast and sometimes fish and vegtables. No carbohydrates as sugar is used by cancer cells. Mr Po is not a dog that wants to go to a vet. He wants to stay at home and die at home. Your heart will crack on the day and you will cry like a baby. But always remember that if you had to do it again you would, without hesitation. Be proud.
@skrillawarlock 3 жыл бұрын
Dang man my dog 12 and her back legs just stopped working I’m sad I had since I was 17
@ayushisharma1201 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I found this very relatable. My 12 yr old is facing the same issue. She stands up in between for like 2-3 seconds but that's that. She has a tumor too. I just can't see her in misery. She was so full of life and now to see her like this is breaking ever little piece of me. She's not eating properly. I don't why dogs go through such pain. It's very hard for me to say good bye to my little sister. I just can't explain the pain I am going through to see her like this
@BE-nz9bi 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It has given my a little bit of hope. I now have a path to follow to help my Big Sweet Doberman. This is a very painful disease to watch progress. It just tears my heart apart. 💔
@onyxanimates3635 3 жыл бұрын
Hey it’s been 8 months, how’s your Doberman?
@jamiewiseman-johnson3324 5 жыл бұрын
My German shepherd has this disease he's 10 1/2 years old, at the moment he's going ok we've made Some adjustments to help him around the house, he's had a relapse but it hasn't worsened to the point of collapse, we lost out rottweiler last year so our GS hasn't been doing so well (they were Never parted for 8 years ) we know that the time will come when we will have to make that decision, but right now we are making sure he has all he needs and stays comfortable.
@MrRockinf7 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. You’re describing my buddy Lou’s situation. The last two days he isn’t helping to support himself anymore when we use the bathroom but he still loves to eat and control his bowels until we get outside but is “content” to lay down and pee on himself. So heartbreaking
@animalvitalityplusresponse5 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, although it’s an older one the information is still relevant. I work with dogs with this disease and offer neurological support, I refer families to this video often. :)
@TheMudhawk 12 жыл бұрын
Krista, Scout's House and AKC Canine Health Foundation thanks for making this video. It's exactly what I needed to know and the caring manner in which it was produced clearly show how important dogs are to your group. Thank you for helping me deal with this - my 10 year old Collie, Lily, was just diagnosed with DM and we are devastated.
@violetwinspear4466 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for this wonderful video discussing what can be done, and how to help a beloved pet with DM. this disease is so horrific and so awful. i pray that a cure can be found.
@brettq4967 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. My dog was just diagnosed with dm and this helped me figure out what to do, and what to expect. Again thank you
@vexu7366 Жыл бұрын
Considering this video is 12 years old I'm shocked that there is still little to no help, guidance, or information for owners who are dealing with this disease. After spending over 6k just to get a diagnosis I'm now in debt and completely in this alone as the neurologist who diagnosed him was a complete dbag to me and gave me very short answers like when I asked about my dog's herniated disc (which neuro swears is irrelevant) I was told "he's old. That's what happens when they get old". My dog is 7... But I digress, my point is I don't have the funds to find a new neurologist, who will make me pay for a consult, and probably force me into another MRI simply for their own monetary gain - that seems to unfortunately be a theme I've noticed, constantly being upcharged on procedures and tests after getting a quote suddenly they want hundreds to thousands more than they originally quoted because they know I'm desperate enough to pay. My regular vet started refusing my calls altogether - after writing a review I became in touch with an office manager, my vet still refused to speak to me, but the manager gave me physical therapy locations I can reach out to, I haven't yet reached out because I know I'll end up in tears when I hear how much it will cost knowing I just simply can't afford it. I paid $130 for a harness and I'm trying my best but it's a very complicated harness and despite reading the manual multiple times I just don't know what I'm doing. I know there's probably at home exercising, stretching, and massaging I could be doing but I don't know how and I truly can't dish out hundreds for someone to teach me. It's devastating. I know I'm letting my dog down. I cry at least 3 times a week. I dished out hundreds just to find boots that work because nobody could guide me on what I should be using. This has been hell. All I want is a little compassion and guidance. I'm not asking for a miracle. I've read things about supplements that are allegedly helpful but my vet refuses to tell me if they're safe to give or not. By the grace of God my dog is still getting around fairly well, only having issue squatting to poop, and with some coercion and minimal assistance is still going up and down stairs. If I could only figure put how to target his weak leg to help build muscle in it I think that could help tremendously but I just don't know what I'm doing and don't want to injure my dog. The help em up harness I bought seems to be causing him to be more off balance as well so I suspect it needs adjusting or something I have no idea. God bless anyone going through this and I truly hope you're experience has been better than mine.
@hmmm...7754 4 ай бұрын
Your experience sounds like hell and extremely frustrating. It doesn't sound like there is much more that can be done other than exercising for as long as they are able. The worst part is knowing when enough is enough and having to decide when to send them over the rainbow bridge. Peace to you.
@elizabethstarr546 2 жыл бұрын
They make it look so easy...I am really struggling. I 💯 💯 💯 love my 14 y/o dog. I work FT and have 2 young kids and cannot be this type of nurse my dog needs RN.
@dogmom240 2 жыл бұрын
Very good video, well explained, with great nursing care involved (me being a nurse). Our Cali (Ridgeback mix) is going through some oof these terrible symptoms. We continue to do "walkies" though . She started knuckling over intermittently yesterday. Already have a support, and plan to get paw protectors for her. She also has some sun downers going on, wanders a lot in the house in the evening. Sticking to a schedule of a evening walk helps reduce the restlessness. It is a terrible disease for them and it breaks our hearts. Just have to make sure they are comfortable and enjoying life until the time comes for the last visit to the vets.
@bogieboog 5 жыл бұрын
Our dog had this and we finally put him down when he was unable to stand or sit. He had been totally incontinent for one year prior and even became unable to empty his bladder for the last six months, which obviously required an enormous amount of owner assistance. He also had a urinary tract infection and was on antibiotics for the last 12 months, and laryngeal paralysis. It's an awful disease that takes an emotional and physical toll on the owners as well. I'm so thankful we put him down before he experienced respiratory failure. I would have been unable to deal with the guilt of letting him suffer that.
@sphenoidjjj 3 жыл бұрын
Very sorry to hear, at least he is not in pain anymore. How old was he and whi3xh breed if you dont mind me asking?
@carterths 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent overview of DM symptoms, stages, recommended accommodations for your dog.
@truecynic1270 3 жыл бұрын
Horrible, HORRIBLE GSD Disorder. Thank you so much for educating me. My sweet, loyal and honest 11 1/2 yr. old Cooper is beginning his descent with this terrible health, physiological and anticipatory heart-breaker. Thank you so much for providing ACTION I can take. I can actually DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!
@stefaniarivers7414 4 жыл бұрын
I think my Maltese, Kiki, is suffering from this disease. It is definitely heart breaking. This video helped a lot, thanks.
@Lauricella71 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this informative video. It is very helpful! Our German Shepherd was diagnosed recently with DM. She is only 8 years young. It’s only on her left hind leg so far. The Veterinarians are performing a cold laser therapy. We are hoping and praying this helps our precious fur child. ❤️🐾🐾
@hellenaguero 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, would love to DM .. i am just getting the diagnosis, would love any advise you can have. thank you
@jewelskye7059 2 жыл бұрын
my baby was only 8 when she got it she’s 9 now and still runs like ever but drags her back paws and she falls on our hardwood floors sometimes but other than that she hasn’t changed much idk she can still do a lot
@pierretampa 2 жыл бұрын
Very helpful video my Pit Bull started walking on her hind legs before she started wobbling and needing held to get up. Now I know what she has. In process of getting her a wheelchair.
@Ken-zx4vp 2 жыл бұрын
Just got my GSD a set of wheels hes so much happier now.
@bogieboog 5 жыл бұрын
He had always loved water, so when he was still barely able to walk we allowed him to walk in the shallow end of a big lake. He loved it, the water made him more buoyant cooled him down and he walked and splashed around for about an hour.
@fireballfitness170 7 жыл бұрын
4:03...may have difficulty rising from sitting into standing.... 4:50...this stage typically occurs 3-6 months following initial diagnoses... 5:53...area rugs on hard floors, baby gate or pet barrier, ramp for in and out of cars, and use a sturdy harness to assist in situations like these, ramp and or small set of steps for getting on and off bed or couch... raised food and water bowl for dogs with balance issues, give cushion to sleep on but avoid beds with raised edges for dogs with weak back legs. In later stages good nursing is key, help dog change position every 4 to 6 hours to avoid pressure sores...bolsters or rolled up blankets to help support him... may need to help with toileting needs... Interaction for fun, by rolling the ball to him, etc., use a cart or harness to assist him on a walk, to keep him mentally engaged and happy. 11:35...underwater treadmill can provide greater benefit than swimming, because when swimming dogs with weakness in their rear legs use their front legs only.
@keegz4018 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah wow all so well and good. When my dog was diagnosed my animal insurance wanted to go from $90 a month to $279 per month. I am a 24 year old who rescued this dog in hopes to give him a better life. I gave him an amazingly loved, happy, and enjoyable life over 13 years. During his last 2, he fell quickly to degenerative myelopathy. I was court ordered forced removed from our apt while strugglingly to give him care he needed. He died in my arms on May 7th struggling for breath. I, as a very low earning waiter out of work currently, will donate any small amount a can so that no other 20 yr old pet lover will have to watch their own friend struggle as i had too until a vet will admit them for a reasonable and affordable price.
@cristianapostol9796 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear your story, my dog just developed early signs of this disease and i just can't imagine not being able to help him somehow.
@insertname193 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It gave me so much helpful information. My pug is in the hospital right now and the vet said this could be a possibility for what's wrong with her, but we won't know more until the results of her spinal tap come in.
@shannon7179 9 жыл бұрын
My heart is broken. Thanks for the info. Horrible disease
@dalerider3124 7 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@angelonfire 8 жыл бұрын
I think my dog may have this. Gotta schedule a vet visit soon. Heartbreaking but he's a fighter. Thank u for this video.
@ashleylowe2245 2 жыл бұрын
I was told I need to get my boy an MRI
@angelonfire 2 жыл бұрын
@@ashleylowe2245 he actually passed away in 2018 😢 a few months after I made this comment. He was very sick but he lived 14 amazing years.
@angelonfire 2 жыл бұрын
@@ashleylowe2245 make sure you do what you can and be there for him. They are little angels and will always be there with you.
@rightisright5074 3 жыл бұрын
Im so happy I found this video. I have a pitbull that is have the same issues. My husband and I brought her to the vet and even though I really like the vet she sees, he all but dismissed her and said there is nothing that can be done. I felt as though in not so many words he just wanted me to let her go. I'm sorry but as much as I respect his profession I have been raising her since she is 5 weeks old. She is now almost 11. I have to try everything that I can for her. I know there will come a day when we have to say goodbye, but it is hard to make that decision before I try to help her in every way I can.
@braindamagedpothead 3 жыл бұрын
Hello! I will be adopting a dog with this disease from a hospice center. Do you have any tips or info?
@rightisright5074 3 жыл бұрын
@@braindamagedpothead just keep him or her as comfortable as you can. Be patient and understanding. It is going to be difficult but love will get you through it. Good luck to you and your adopted fur baby. She made it two weeks and didn't get better. I had to make that very difficult decision to put her to sleep. I was with her and was given time to grieve. I had her cremated and she is on my table in the living room near me. I love her so much I couldn't see her suffer any longer.
@braindamagedpothead 3 жыл бұрын
@@rightisright5074 thank you for this!! ^^
@braindamagedpothead 3 жыл бұрын
@@rightisright5074 and I’m so sorry about your pup :( I’m sure they lived a very happy life with you
@rightisright5074 3 жыл бұрын
@@braindamagedpothead your very welcome 😊
@dorri625 10 жыл бұрын
Excellent video!! Thank you for posting.
@lilacarder5399 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative video with helpful videos that helps explain DM and how to go about treating it for our furry friends ~ thank you!
@jdlmcp 13 жыл бұрын
This was a wonderful and informative video; I lost my dog to DM 5/24/10...its nice to see all this advice in one place. I was lucy to have found the DM listserve..the wonderful people there from around the world helped me learn how to take care of Belle (I have some videos of her in therapy, wheelchair, biko brace). I wouldn't have gotten along as long as I had without them. We also did acupuncture. The rugs in the house were key at the beginning. Thank you for making this video.
@0110x 3 жыл бұрын
just found out my 15yr old dog has this. we are starting physical therapy home exercises. physical therapy really helped him recover from a leg injury a few years ago so i am optimistic it can extend his quality of life.
@twingalaxiesrecords4152 9 жыл бұрын
i will never put my dog to sleep. he has DM but i will do my best to let him live his life to the fullest.
@donnagoldberg3900 9 жыл бұрын
Never say never. This is a relentless disease and you will arrive at the point where you have to ask yourself who are you doing this for, yourself or your pet. When their quality of life declines to the point where they cannot do the things they used to enjoy, cannot control their bodily functions, or stand, you will be faced with this decision. Consider this a blessing to be able to make the decision of euthanasia for our pets. I have lost many family members who died in tortuous pain from cancer and wish they would have had the same option that our pets have. I have had to put down several of my babies from cancer and DM and thank God I had this option instead of watching them suffer in pain. It crushed me to lose them, each one took a piece of my heart with them when they left, but it hurt worse to watch them suffer.
@lonitodoroki8645 8 жыл бұрын
It hurt worse to watch them suffer, I am sure their pain increases knowing we have to watch and cannot do anything also. It makes sense for all to know when to wish them well and allow them to go. We are kinder to our animals at times than we are to our fellow humans! Bless you.
8 жыл бұрын
Jsme, protože psa jsme si stvořili aby jsme ho využily pro dosažení našich zájmů. A jelikož sociální chování psů, je velice podobné tomu lidskému, tak s nimi dokážeme žít pod jednou střechou, s jedněmi pravidly a vzájemným respektem, jako druh s druhem. Lidská rasa by se měla snažit pochopit wolfdog, protože od nich se máme hodně co učit... Tvůj pes, patří do tvé smečky stejně tak, jako celá tvá rodina! To jsou jediný lidé a pes, kteří si zaslouží aby jsi je ochraňoval, byť i svým životem! Není rozdílu, mezi psem a tvou ženou, jelikož dohromady tvoříte rodinu a ten pes to vnímá stejně... Jestli toto nejsi schopen pochopit, je to problém tvého zdegenerovaného uvažování... Západní výchova je zárukou konce každé civilizace kam jen pronikne. Já doufám, že u nás se těm zápaďáckejm fantaziím ještě stihneme ubránit... Neber to ve zlém, ale je to tak...
@annegonzalez6683 6 жыл бұрын
Same. If i could care for a baby that is helpess, incontinent and needs my care 100% why wouldn't I do it for my fur baby until it's his time. 💓
@dougiequick1 6 жыл бұрын
Sounds good but until you have an very aged dog is suffering so horribly? , I don't think anyone can honestly say "never" .... When ALL the fun is gone and there is no more enjoyment, only misery? Why would I want my best friend in the world to have to endure it ? What just so I don't have to feel guilty for putting him down? I swear if I get that bad I hope someone would do it for me... I put two dogs down at 15 years old 5 years apart ...both of them had failed kidneys (pretty common condition in 15 year old dogs) ...they dont have dialysis so all one can do other than special diet is to hang IV bags and flush fluids through them every day....both dogs lasted an extra year like this but each of them got to the point where they literally were not interested in life ...they were suffering ...when you have to practically force a dog to eat and they don't even care about affection or ANYTHING? You know you waited too long ...I did that with both of them....waited too long and took all their dignity just is not right..not natural AT ALL is the thing, when there is no more fun left? AT ALL? Man it's just time! I'm mid 60's had dogs all my life practically...I love em, I rescue em, I donate to help displaced needy dogs...I have no guilt in putting a pal down when it is TIME feels so much worse to force them to stay when all the fun is all gone...IMHO ....this is NOT the movies ...they don't always just pass peacefully in their sleep...It can actually be severely cruel to keep an animal alive ....maybe you are young and have not seen it yet ...but IF it becomes "time" you will know in your heart if its can become just as plain as day...
@normabrown8665 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know about dogs but my aging horse developed ataxia from possible EPM, crossing her front legs, walking in circles, staggering, got trapped in corners and couldn't back out without losing her balance and falling. We treated her with all natural vitamin E and selenium, his helps repair nerve fibers. After 3 months of treatment she is almost 100 % . This treatment for dogs might be worth looking into. I also have a 14 yr old shepard who's rear legs are weakening, I'll be trying this for her once a dosage and safety is established. I wish my vet was more curious about these things.
@lindagray1809 5 жыл бұрын
For a 14 y o GSD, I would just give her Vit E, selenium, and B12 because it's not going to make things much worse, right?
@stylicho 5 жыл бұрын
I wish all of us folks who own dogs with this condition could contribute to a research project for Degenerative Myelopathy. I bet if enough money was involved they'd find a cure pretty fast.
@KathgoKat 4 жыл бұрын
@@stylicho in response to Norma Browns comment on her Horse with Ataxia and possible EPM being similar to DM in dogs check out " Sanus Biotex" made from Australian herbs .... informative site..... .interesting that McDowells Herbal Treatments in Australia also has a DM tincture?
@arleenbor361 7 жыл бұрын
My Boxer Max had DM and was put down after 1 year from diagnosis 4 years ago. I was introduced to the BIKO BRACE which gave him an extra 4 months of walking with no assistance. I recommend this assistive device to any owner whose dog has DM.
@bethstacey155 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the tip. Im going to talk to my vet about these. About how much did they cost?
@nancyhoover6804 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for information.
@thalias6945 4 жыл бұрын
If your dog can’t go on walks or stand up, it’s not a good quality of life and you have to think about the dogs wellbeing rather than yourself
@JabberJawz. 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the helpful info!! The Stars of the video are all beautiful!!🐕‍🦺🐶🦮🐕
@Michaelinvt 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the education. It is very sad.
@gardenbun 4 жыл бұрын
Best video I've seen about this to date. Thank you!
@sylvesterstallonegalaxy 11 ай бұрын
My dog is battling DM from may 2023. He is 12 years old a parson jack Russell, we can take him for walks with the help of rubber booties for his hind legs. He is not in pain, needs help to climb stairs with a little hind lift or we carry him up. I massage his back and stretch his hind legs. Doing our best to keep him comfortable. Makes us very sad to see him in this condition.
@hmmm...7754 4 ай бұрын
I can't even imagine. Unfortunately, I'm fearful my terrier mix also has DM. Hopefully a vet appointment next Monday will shed some light on it. I get depressed just watching him struggle with the onset of this disease.
@cindyouellette6365 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent informative video on DM! Thank you!
@swami1 10 жыл бұрын
Our 13-year old chocolate lab began showing signs of DM about 2 years ago(her right rear leg began knuckling while walking once in a while). Now she barely has any use of her right rear leg, while her left leg is starting to go as well. We're doing all we can to help her--using a rear harness to help her walk--but she will not improve. It is so sad to watch her go through this.
@CloveSmokes 13 жыл бұрын
Excellent information here. Thank you for making this video!
@andarajazz7897 6 жыл бұрын
Our 14.5 Whippet has this disease... for about 2-years now. Never diagnosed as such. Our focus is on quality of life and MetaCam for inflammation. When she no longer wants to run... fast is her pace, we plan to let her cross the rainbow bridge.
@majorblazer9055 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I have a 9 year old whippet who started stumbling and looks like he has lost his balance. Bloods came back ok but vet wants to recommend to neurologist which will be very expensive. He seems to have adjusted to the awkward gait and can jump on and off the bed but is very hesitant.. Is going for walks but seems like he is out of it. He doesnt stumble but bumps into things. He is still walking fast or running but it is more because he thinks I am leaving without him and is worried trying to stay close. Please can you share your experience with your whippet? I lost my other boy start of the year and had just started to feel better. Is it ok to take him for runs if he wants? Is that going to be ok? This started a few days ago.
@joan8178 4 жыл бұрын
This is an excellent video. I wish I had seen it a few years ago. I might have spotted the symptoms sooner. My beloved approx 14yr old GSD left this world a few days ago. He was my 5th shepherd. I rescued him 5 yrs ago and came to understand he had been abused, including physically, as a young dog. As a result there were certain actions he could never tolerate, which excluded my helping him with back end support as this disease progressed. About 3 most ago I took a video to the vet showing nighttime agitation which I hoped wasn't a stroke. I had been using Rimadyl daily but it became less & less effective. The vet gave me Banamine Cocktail which was like a miracle!!! Within 30mins after taking it he was like a new dog. The effects first lasted 2 to 3 days. The last week of his life he could not get up on his hind legs. The mobile vet suggested I try a more frequent dose of Banamine, if he could tolerate it GI-wise. Within 20mins he got up, marched to the door,went out to piddle & came back in. He even got up on his sofa by himself. He did this again several hours later. The miracle could not last, and within that day he started a final physical decline. 48hrs later he told me he couldn't do it anymore. How I wish I had known more about this disease to try earlier to mitigate the symptoms for him. I should have known better when I was told "there's nothing you can do" when it was dx'd a year ago. He was the best dog. He had an excellent last five years with me. But how I wish I could have made it even better.
@IndigoDisco 4 жыл бұрын
I feel this.
@mnavratil2007 Жыл бұрын
Also Amazon has grippy stickers for paws floor love these!!
@skellymom 13 жыл бұрын
@MissWooHoo1 - You have the option to keep your dog fit/slim and wait to have them spayed/neutered at the one year mark (instead of 5 months +) when the skeleton is done growing (and hips are fully formed). Also, buy from a breeder that has a good reputation. Ask to see papers, licenses (depending on your state) and the dogs parents (depending on how young the dog is when you pick them out). Another option is get a german shepherd mix from a shelter-they make GREAT pets! :D
@slingbladejeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks your very caring and knowledgeable.
@stephant7475 3 жыл бұрын
Thankyou so much for this video you have empowered me with information on how best to care for my white gsd (Blaze).
@Jeng4280 Жыл бұрын
I have a feeling that my poor dog Roxie may have this disease at 9 yrs old. She's been having what I call "spells" where she can't even get up and walk. Her legs just seem to give out on her. Right now I am keeping her as comfortable as possible but I can't promise she will still be with us in the next few days. She's resting peacefully beside me in a chair. Plus unfortunately, expenses have been extremely tight..I might be forced to have her put down if her condition doesn't improve. I'm very worried about her and want to do the best thing possible for her....not for myself. I'll give it til next week. If she is still having problems, I will take her to the vets. It's no easy answers here..she is such a great dog and has always guarded the house. And my other two dogs know something isn't quite right. Please say prayers that Roxie will pull through.
@hmmm...7754 4 ай бұрын
I'm assuming you've been forced to do the unimaginable. Peace to you.
@danka1815 2 жыл бұрын
Today morning saw the first sign of DM in my 11 year old labrador . She is darling to me , she is my life . It's so hard to digest this . Vet will soon visit her , i wish she recovers.
@hmmm...7754 4 ай бұрын
Noticed this in mine recently. I know it's been two years, so I hesitantly ask how is your baby doing? Do you have any advice?
@shawnmiller6147 4 жыл бұрын
This is a very nice video that is informative, HOWEVER please make sure you keep an open mind and discuss other possibilities with your vet. I have a Corgi that walked just like the dogs in this video. He is 12 and a half, and has been going down hill a bit for the last couple years (we figured natural aging, until we saw this video). I took him to the vet to discuss putting him down. The vet acknowledged the possibility of this disease, but said based on his exams, he believed it was a herniated disc. I thought "Oh great, that would be $$$ and at his age I just don't know if it is worth it." To my surprise, the vet said it could be treated through steroids. I had to wean my dog off of the Galiprant he was on for 3 days (during this time, my guy got worse and by Thursday, he could not move his back legs at all, I had to carry him outside to urinate, and hold him up to help him defecate). I started the steroid on Friday night, and by Saturday afternoon, I could see improvement! He continues to get better each day so far, and on Tuesday, he is walking himself all around, and can even go outside all by himself again and doesn't fall over! So glad I didn't throw in the towel!
@delacruztaylor 4 жыл бұрын
Hows is your dog doing now?, I've got an almost 13 year old male corgi. That I'm going thru the same thing. But he has also lost weight, he's only like 23 lbs and lost alot of muscle mass. He's too stubborn to use a cart. I believe I'm going to do the compassionate thing and put him down. He can now barely walk, about 20-40 ft max. I can tell he's not as happy as he has been in past. I love him to death, but I refuse to make him suffer just for my sake. He's just a typical old dog, sleeps alot, etc.
@nancyhoover6804 5 жыл бұрын
Great information. Thank you!
@candiceh8623 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's really unfair to the owner to spend loads of money on tests just to find out it's DM.
@ApostleDavids8w 4 жыл бұрын
Ya I’m not cheap just not loaded. To get MRI and CT and more test to find out it’s DM my next question was how long before I have to put em down
@siobhanfitz839 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly ..
@joeyshelton5336 4 жыл бұрын
Candice Huckle I hear what you’re saying. But who is gonna pay for it?
@zacris00 4 жыл бұрын
Read about cloruro de sodio de Andreas Clackers.
@siobhanfitz839 4 жыл бұрын
@@zacris00 what's that?
@vam4444 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this advice.
@vla287 11 ай бұрын
I believe my 12 year old Boston Terrier has this. Although not named officially by her veterinarian, the signs and symptoms I’ve been reading up on are my puppy to a T. Drunken sailor walking, muscle weakness in the back legs, cross crossing of back legs, knuckling of toes, difficulty in rising and standing, slow gate, knock kneeing, falling over, curvature of the spine coming to a point in the middle of her back. We’re trying supplements but she isn’t interested in eating much. Anti inflammatory meds and pain meds used to help but not so much any more. She wants to lay in bed all day. She does try to interact but she’s so weak in her back legs that she struggles all the time. Also ordered some leg braces to see if they help steady her. I’m terrified for the next phase which is partial paralysis. It’s heartbreaking to watch her struggle so much when she was perfectly healthy a few months ago. Heck even a few weeks ago she was not this bad off.
@hmmm...7754 4 ай бұрын
It's so hard to watch. I think my boston terrier mix might have this, too. He currently knuckles with his hind feet on walks around the block. His gait is affected a bit as well. It's not terrible yet, but I have had to put mats and area rugs all over my house due to his hind legs slipping so much. His regular vet chalks it up to muscle wasting in the rear legs, but to me it seems like there's more to it than that. So I've made another appointment with a larger vet that offers hydrotherapy just incase my worst fears are confirmed. This video is 13 years old, but it doesn't sound like they've made much progress in discovering what causes DM or in its treatment.
@vla287 4 ай бұрын
@@hmmm...7754 I’m sorry to hear this. Please share any results that you get from the new vet if you’re comfortable.
@kevinlouiscuadradovet6223 3 жыл бұрын
Great Video!
@Indianz7 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks...this gave me a big insight into this condition that resonates with my dogs (cocker-snaile & englisg bull mix) recent problem in his rear legs!!
@hiddenangel8515 4 жыл бұрын
my almost 4 year old boxer has DM. I was looking for good advice & some techniques I could use. as a new single mom of two & I don't have the financial support for a vet & therapist.
@meandcw91 11 жыл бұрын
I got a harness called 'helpemupharness' and it is fantastic. it has 2 handles; one behind the shoulder and one above the back legs. I have 2 german shepherds with major problems in the back end and the harnesses really help me get them in and out of the car.
@mjmastrantonio656 8 жыл бұрын
This very informative. Thank you
@farid123lozano6 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for publishing this video. I think my Bernie (a mountain Bernese dog) has the disease, my vet is in the process of eliminating other possible causes for the symptoms clearly explained in the video. I have read that there are some possible treatments like acupuncture along with special diet and specific medication , that can stop the degenerative progression of the disease, if someone has information about successfull treatments would be great to have that input..
@patriciaclay6379 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You so much for this video!
@ClayCrazay 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@jonesba2004 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome video. Well done. Thank you.
@IMBewildered 12 жыл бұрын
I'll second that suggestion, NIghtshade!
@lisaandmandiontheroad8504 4 жыл бұрын
My lab is 15 and such a happy boy and wants to keep going but his back legs are no good.
@scotty2221 8 жыл бұрын
My terrier/poodle about 14lbs was just diagnosed with this today, OMG I'm so so scared for him. I don't know what to do and I hate seeing him hardly able to walk. He was find all week until two days ago. Got out of bed and screemed and now has arch in his back when he walks and drags or loses back two legs. OMG I'm so scared. My Vet took x-rays and has to send them off for another opinion. OMG, what do we do? He is 8yr old and has such a healthy heart, I've lost tons of sleep, please pray for me and my dog Ricky.
@lovingputu5916 5 жыл бұрын
What happened mam? did he made it ?
@binhminh417 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@nicolasbarone9306 3 жыл бұрын
wonderful video thank you
@pasisabuse8936 6 жыл бұрын
We adopted our 12 month old Neapolitan Mastiff - Goofy - approximately 8 weeks ago, from the San Diego Humane Society. When we first called to inquire about him after seeing his profile on their website, we were told that Goofy wasn't able to walk and that he'd been rescued from a hoarding house where he'd been tethered, without freedom to use his legs. However, the day we met him, my 8 year old daughter walked into the Family Yard at the shelter and Goofy was not only standing, he was even walking on his own. First thing he did was give her cheek a huge lick. Goofy and her have been the very best of ACTIVE friends ever since. 2 weeks ago, he climbed his first set of stairs. The improvement in his mobility was miraculous. Then... Just this morning, he just stopped. He can't even stand without my assistance. Just on Sunday, he was running and jumping with his buddies at the dog park. Does anyone have any idea what can be done for our family member?
@ojentenzin7014 3 жыл бұрын
Thank madam for helping
@conniesetter6620 3 жыл бұрын
I noticed stumbling on my female GSD at 2 yrs of age. DM. Her true brother/littermate started the same a month later. Devastating! Both were on Vit B complex once daily. Plenty of exercise. Wonderful! Fast forward 7 years ... One brother began a horrifically rapid decline and died only a few months before his 10th birthday. His brother/littermate three months later. Their sister, started walking like she should have left the corner bar 3 drinks earlier, two weeks ago. My puppies all. Born in my home. I am a veterinarian and thought I went through every precaution before having our first (and last) whelp for healthy puppies. I ask when was DNA screening for this heinous disease begun? How accurate? The stud we used? Breeder boasts his semen is in cold storage. Thanks for letting me share this with someone.
@suzannfulbright5652 4 жыл бұрын
I have a 14y 10mo old Cavalier who never exhibited the foot-dragging thing, his gait resembled that of an 80-year-old man, kind of a stiff waddle back and forth. He started showing real leg weakness near the start of June. His arthritis came to mind so we tried and anti-steroidal pain med for a few days and that wasn't helping. Turmeric didn't help, CBD didn't help, Gycoflex didn't help then I was tired of spending a fortune on "safe" alternatives (and he began to develop diarrhea so the diet was phased out from Nutro Ultra to chicken and rice which didn't help either). He also started with the sundowning and crying at night either because he was lost and stuck in a corner or he had to go out. After a week of getting up every two hours and trying Brain's Best Friend supplements and watching him lose the use of his hind legs completely, and observing his lose bright yellow-colored stools, I took him to the emergency room. The odd thing he was just fine in May, could walk a half-mile to a mile even (he is accustomed to long walks), he had none of these problems. I suspected stroke and neighbors also thought maybe something neurological. He had an eco for his heart earlier in the year and that showed a grade 4 murmur and a bit of a respiratory issue but not requiring meds. Degenerative Myelopathy was one of the possibilities the neurologists at emergency came up with and he was sent home with a cocktail of medicines including pain meds a light dosed steroid, an antacid, and an anti-biotic for the poop problem. The pain meds helped him sleep at night but the steroid didn't show that much effect. Another vet shot him up with a very strong dose of steroid last Friday so we are in a wait and see situation with extreme thirst, urinary incontinence a moderate appetite (so long as it isn't the Hills i/d by itself, he is ravenous for boiled chicken), and straining to make diarrhea. He has made a couple of good poops off and on but not in the last two days. A couple of weeks ago he was in a pool for a little while and he could swim with both his front and back legs but as other things are being dealt with we've had to put the exercise on hold. May try it again tomorrow after follow up with this doctor about the steroid. He has not yet shown any marked improvement in leg strength even with the high dose, though I understand it could take a while. I am pretty much done with making the poor fellow a guinea pig. I am afraid of the MRI as he probably should not be put under with his heart condition. As my vet says, he is kind of backed into a corner by living so long, but he has always been a very healthy dog. Anything else we might do after this could be very dangerous for him. But it is so hard to make decisions without data.
@Theresaspiritchannel 4 жыл бұрын
I think this maybe the issue with my shepherd mix, she’s been walking over on her hind legs, she’s been wanting to lay down a lot looking very tired sleeping a lot , she’s 6 and it’s been a few weeks like this I had her to vet last week because of fleas I thought that would help but as I been doing research and looking at her physical appearance and activity I feel this maybe her issue I’m so stressed about it because she was always so happy now she’s very unhappy.
@gutwrench76 5 жыл бұрын
My 11 yr old boxer has the beginning stages of this. Taking her to the vet next week to make sure but I know it's what she has. This will be a huge decision for me becuase even though I gave her the best life possible, rescued her from a horrible owner, her quality of life has just been down hill the past 2 yrs. She for no reason developed anxiety so bad I cant leave her free in the house anymore because she uses the bathroom everywhere and we have tried all drugs to calm her down. What I'm worried about is when she does lose her legs plus anxiety plus being kept is a crate while I'm at work will be to much for her. I dont think I would want to live like that. She is still walking around ok but I know the day will come when she wont be. I have no clue what I'm going to do.
@lindagray1809 5 жыл бұрын
I'm in the same situation with a 15 y o Llasa Apso and I don't want her to suffer. Neurontin was a shocker for the first week but has improved her anxiety and perhaps and nerve pain. We have a home vet ready and waiting in the wings so as to make the decision (and I won't let her suffocate) easier - although I"m already worried about waiting too long. I am definitely at risk of keeping her going so I have her longer...
@RoseEis10 5 жыл бұрын
Our great Dane was having the same problem, having accidents all over the house. Before we understood DM it was frustrating but now we know what he's going through, it has helped us adapt. The fecal Incontinence is just part of the disease but we have found two things that have helped. He can't tolerate long walks but 2-4 short walks helps stimulate the dog to poop outside. Also, we bought a collapsible pen to help minimize the area the mess occurs. With a comforter down under the pen it's just a matter of removing the comforter, hosing it off, and washing (instead of our floors constantly needing cleaned). Hope you figure out what works for your furbaby!
@eifionphillips3004 2 жыл бұрын
Always give a sick or old dog digestive enzymes as a life fed on non-raw meat kills the dog's enzymes and needs to be replaced and helps break down food and vitamins.
@KamikazeJustice 3 ай бұрын
I read that DM depletes Vitamin B-12 in the body, which is needed for a healthy nervous system. I've been giving my German Shepherd a high potency B-12 chewable (5,000 mcg-Methylcobalamin) for a couple of years, long before I found out she had DM. I'm just hoping the B-12 will slow down the deterioration.
@ljerkaarmano7068 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, its so helpful
@Frankwolf100 11 жыл бұрын
When you get to their website look under Harnesses and slings, Good Luck!
@LionGoddess1 12 жыл бұрын
does muscle wasting also occur? my dog has muscle wasting : (
@Throplife 4 жыл бұрын
My GSD has been dragging toes since two years old. I always thought it was big feet. He’s 12.5 and still kicking. Pretty clumsy though.
@GopherPlays 3 жыл бұрын
my german shepherd is about 4-5 and originally thought to be a inner ear infection. doctor recommended a neurologist but after the visit they suggested a mri which would run over 4-5k to do which just isn't a option at this point. after finding more info on this i really believe she has DM. she has every symptom listed here
@alexaphipps6069 Жыл бұрын
Did it end up being DM? My 4 year old GS has these symptoms and gets an MRI this week. I'm really worried thats what it is but hoping not because it's usually in older dogs 🥺
@GopherPlays Жыл бұрын
@@alexaphipps6069 unfortunately we couldnt afford the procedure. She had a seizure shortly after that comment from last year and the vet recommended letting her go
@TheAmandaLarsonLife 5 жыл бұрын
What are the booties shown in the video? We could definitely use those.
@s3n159 6 жыл бұрын
my 11 1/2 year old German shepherd just was diagnosed by our vet. Walks just like the one in the video. So sad.
@GlitterSpit 8 жыл бұрын
a DNA test will tell you everything you need to know. its $70. a lot cheaper that all the test the vets wanna do.
@wizzerd229 8 жыл бұрын
Can I get more info on this DNA test
@mysticalmaid 7 жыл бұрын
InTooDeep the DNA test can only tell of they are a carrier of the gene, not if they have or will develop DM. There is a test for going to trials though
@IowaHiker 6 жыл бұрын
my weimaraner is 3 years old and is showing signs similar to DM. His front paws are knuckling over and he needs assistance getting up. I cant believe this is happening at such an early age.
@dbc1dc 12 жыл бұрын
Great video
@abundantYOUniverse 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
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