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Kabir Considers

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Hi everyone, I’m Kabir and welcome to another episode of Kabir Considers! In this video I’m going React To LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES, BUT NOT..
• Legal in the US, But I...
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@shaydy1 Жыл бұрын
I tend to vote in most elections, but honestly sometimes the choices are just so depressing that you know that no matter who wins, you’ll be sad, so why bother? 😅. It seems more reckless to make people vote who don’t care, don’t follow the candidates, and really don’t know what’s at stake. They’re just checking a box to keep from getting a fine. Scary.
@ChrisBl33p Жыл бұрын
We can be fined for not voting? WTF?
@shaydy1 Жыл бұрын
@@ChrisBl33p according to the video, there are some countries where that is the penalty. It is not in the U.S., however.
@jamiemoss3633 Жыл бұрын
Voting is not mandatory in the U.S.
@0816M3RC Жыл бұрын
@@shaydy1 Apathetic voters are exactly how Russia became the authoritarian state that it is today. We need INFORMED voters. Unfortunately people today confuse opinions for knowledge.
@ChrisBl33p Жыл бұрын
@@shaydy1 oh good.
@xenialafleur Жыл бұрын
I went to a religious high school, but instead of spanking or detention, you got to help the janitor. Usually, that meant cleaning the restrooms.
@oldfogey4679 Жыл бұрын
Xenia lucky you! In my time nuns could hit with rulers on the knuckles!
@rachaelmalandrini1686 Жыл бұрын
My mom always checked the NO box for school punishment, and quickly let me know that the punishment at home would be more severe😂
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
That’s a clever way to keep a kid in line 😂
@Whisperwomaneq2 Жыл бұрын
@@kabirconsiders Especially if you know they use a wooden board at school. What could be worse? Leave it to parents to figure that out.
@AbsalomIndustries Жыл бұрын
@@Whisperwomaneq2 The switch.
@ReaIJackhammer Жыл бұрын
@@AbsalomIndustries fucking weeping willows. That willow switch would can make a grown man shake in his boots.
@hannabertrand4460 4 ай бұрын
Mine too lol
@tammylewis2566 Жыл бұрын
Every school year, I signed the paper telling them that they could not use corporal punishment on my children. By the time my kids started school, they knew their boundaries when it came to acceptable behavior anywhere.
@Whisperwomaneq2 Жыл бұрын
I did the same thing. With the added caviot that if they did something bad enough to warrant a punishment beyond what they could hand out, then call me and If I agree I will personally come down to the school and spank my own child. I saw way to much abuse in the 60s and 70s from school faculty using wooden boards.
@sallyintucson Жыл бұрын
It was commonplace in the “60’s. My grade school French teacher even had a leather whip that she used regularly. I can still describe that thing in great detail.
@lecurymccray5804 Жыл бұрын
And now our schools are trash because of the lack of punishment.
@Whisperwomaneq2 Жыл бұрын
@@lecurymccray5804 Our schools are trash because we let these brainwashed liberal teachers form unions and take over. With everythingthey are doing to destroy the family and our children, you want them to have the authority to take wooden paddles to our children too? Our youth are out of control because their parents do not parent anymore.
@caseyw.8325 Жыл бұрын
My mother told the school that they should call her and she would come and provide the spanking. Imagine, instead of the principal spanking me.... I had to wait for her to LEAVE WORK and come to my school to do it herself! WAY WORSE
@JEFFwasHERE... Жыл бұрын
After watching this video there's one thing I can guarantee you. I will never step foot in Singapore for as long as I live LOL
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
Yep they don’t play any games over there 😂
@reptilesrodents Жыл бұрын
They are super strict in a few countries over there do your research and don't do stupid things and you should be fine. But be careful.
@kazeryu17 Жыл бұрын
@@reptilesrodents yah. If there's any lesson from this, it's to educate yourself on the laws of wherever you are traveling to.
@kelseydonoghue158 Жыл бұрын
@@kazeryu17 Damn straight. Few things are worse than being in another country thinking that what you do is normal when it’s not, and you end up in prison, or a box, or a prison that is a box.
@kel5423 Жыл бұрын
I've seen families who only use words as a form of guidance and discipline. I have also seen the children in those families yell at their parents, call them names and even strike them when they don't get their way. I have three grown children and I can tell you, my kids knew that if they ever illustrated that level of disrespect to my wife or me, they would experience wrath equivalent to Armageddon.
@reneerollins4433 Жыл бұрын
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
So you admit you didn’t have the parenting skills or emotional regulation skills to not be an abusive parent and gained compliance through fear.
@kel5423 Жыл бұрын
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to You don't know anything about me or my wife. You also have not seen the results of our parenting. So for you to call us abusive parents, without any evidence of such, makes you sound like a clueless halfwit.
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
@@kel5423 I don’t need to know any of that. Hitting your kids is abuse.
@hallieharvey4073 Жыл бұрын
And I know plenty of parents that don’t hit their children and are perfectly well behaved. In those families they probably do not actually discipline their children and teach them how to regulate their emotions. When my 2 year old first came to live with us he would punch and hit us, try to pull our hair out and try to claw at our faces because he wasn’t well adjusted his biological mother would yell and scream at him and hit him now just 6 or 7 months later using time outs and teaching him to take deep breaths when he is mad or overwhelmed has almost entirely stopped him from doing it. It still happens occasionally but he is 2 so there isn’t much you can do about the occasional outbursts. I have family members who spank their kids and ya know what they do when they are angry with others they punch and hit people. When you parent effectively hitting your kids is not necessary clearly you and those families can’t do that but personally I will never be the person my child fears like I feared my parents. Granted my child abuse went far beyond spanking but I can remember before it got super bad when spanking was all they did that I was terrified of doing anything wrong that might cause it to happen. I never want my child to feel like that I still deal with anxiety from it to this day. Hitting your children for any reason is a form of abuse and no mater how much scientific evidence we have that it is harmful to children and the negative ways it effects them well into adulthood you people will never listen.
@TheLwaller09 Жыл бұрын
I'm 35 and got the paddle twice in elementary school (kindergarten through 6th grade at our school) in the 90's. Both times were late 90s too. It wasn't the teacher that did it, it was the principal after I got sent to his office.
@johncecak6950 Жыл бұрын
From 1985-87, I lived in southern Missouri where corporal punishment was legal. There were teachers that had paddles on the wall behind their desk but they were never used. Granted, it was high school but the threat was more embarrassent of being paddled than the actual act.
@JohnMiller-zn9pf Жыл бұрын
I grew up in western ky, same idea. The threat of paddling was a bigger deterrent than actually getting paddled.
@fermisparadox01 Жыл бұрын
In the south in my day you would get the dreaded switch. It was always in the summer because I remember how much it would sting on my bare legs.
@darksword67 Жыл бұрын
Best news to me I'm American and I didn't even know there was a mullet contest holy crap that is awesome
@josecarbajal5710 Жыл бұрын
Also popular with Mexicans
@GreenJeepAdventures Жыл бұрын
As a parent, spankings were few and far apart. I never spanked them for bad behavior, just dangerous situations, like playing in traffic type situations. Some tribes have been to known to teach children to hit others, then immediately give them the switch (hit them with tree branch) with the intent to teach them that violence brings violence.
@kelseydonoghue158 Жыл бұрын
That’s a good note.
@hutch3562 Жыл бұрын
My parents always gave the school permission to spank all three of us. If we got spanked in school we got it worse when we got home for embarrassing our parents by needing to get spanked. If you messed up in my neighborhood you could get hit several times before you could make it home. We rarely had any crime in my neighborhood.
@jrobertlysaght 9 ай бұрын
The problem with saying 'if you want to see any change" is that we have two parties that tell us our only two choices (The last time an independent came close was Ross Perot, and in the following year there was massive bipartisan backed raising of the bar for a third party to get access to be able to compete for a spot), and most of the time both candidates are sponsored by the same 5 giant corporations, so voting for the left and or the right hand feels like endorsing the illusion of choice you're given. There almost feels like a concerted effort to make sure every election one side gets 51 percent and the other gets 49, and that way both sides can say "Well, I'd give you what you want, but THEY won't let me" and so the actually have to do NOTHING. Sounds paranoid, but also sounds less and less so every year living in the US.
@bobhope2380 Жыл бұрын
Why not vote? What good would forced voting do to the outcome? The only thing forced voting would accomplish, is diluting the voter turnout with uneducated people. The people that normally vote, do so because they feel strongly about their party, or politics in general. Doubling the total votes cast with people who either don't know about whose running or don't care about the turnout will only hurt our country. Making voting mandatory would be SUCH a detriment to any society.
@whosme8221 Жыл бұрын
A kid in my elementary school was a massive bully. He took a T pin (that is a very long tack that teachers use to put up posters on bulletin boards) a notebook paper hole reinforcer (like tape to reinforcer for when the holes are ripped and fall out of your binder) used the reinforcer to make the T pin stand up straight in the chair of another child. The child whom he was bulling sat on this and had to go to the hospital to have it removed from his rectum. The school issued 10 spankings with a paddle with holes in it. This school is found in the rich section of the city. Its the fact that the rich schools still paddle while the poor schools they let to go to ruin that has caused so many issues with poor communities. The parents of the bully were called they could have their child spanked or arrested they had a choice. As well that scripture verse is not in fact speaking about a rod like you would beat a child with a stick many get confused as they don't speak or understand Hebrew. That verse is more complex than that. Pro 23:12 Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. Pro 23:13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Pro 23:14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. Pro23:12 הביאה למוסר לבך ואזנך לאמרי־דעת׃ Pro 23:13 אל־תמנע מנער מוסר כי־תכנו בשׁבט לא ימות׃ Pro 23:14 אתה בשׁבט תכנו ונפשׁו משׁאול תציל׃ Rod is in fact better understood a "writing of correction/the Word " this is in fact "the Ten Commandments" Jer 1:9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched MY MOUTH. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put MY WORDS IN THY MOUTH. Jer 1:10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. Jer 1:11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a ROD of an almond tree. Jer 1:12 Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten MY WORD TO PERFORM IT. Beat is the word nacah נכה it means also to smite and we are told in the Bible we are to smite with our words if someone breaks the Ten Commandment law. Jer 18:18 Then said they, Come, and let us devise devices against Jeremiah; for the LAW shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us SMITE him with the TONGUE, and let us not give heed to any of his words. Jer 18:18 ויאמרו לכו ונחשׁבה על־ירמיהו מחשׁבות כי לא־תאבד תורה מכהן ועצה מחכם ודבר מנביא לכו ונכהו בלשׁון ואל־נקשׁיבה אל־כל־דבריו׃ A lot of wicked parents have taken this verse out of context to abuse children. It is good parents that will yes spank but do it in love after calming down not spanking in anger and explaining to the child where they sinned and that actions have consequences. Just like murdering can have you in jail and etc. You did wrong this is the punishment for the crime you committed. We need more correction with words first in love in a calm manner, then then give them the punishment for the sin they committed.
@ellisbrandi84 Жыл бұрын
I was spanked for a few years, but once I became a teen then I got things taken away or punished by not being able to hang out with friends. I don't see anything wrong with corporal punishment, but I also wasn't hit excessively and I wasn't always spanked either because sometimes the behavior did not warrant that. Corporal punishment should be allowed in schools. I grew up in a family where if you were acting up any adult could discipline you. Some children these days are completely out of control.
@JMM33RanMA Жыл бұрын
When I was in college to be a teacher [1965-69, Massachusetts] I was told that it was illegal to touch, much less hit, a student. I was never hit, nor did I know of anyone being hit in the public schools. It is probably still possible to spank one's own kid, but hit someone else's kid and be charged with assault and battery. I was in a Catholic school for years 1-2, and the nuns did use a ruler or yardstick on students' palms. There have been cases here and in some other states, in which assault and battery can be charged against a parent in cases of severe abuse. The US is more decentralized, legally, than most federal states. This explains the curious lack of uniformity on issues like marijuana, smoking, driving age, driving rules, etc. Massachusetts has the oldest written constitution in use [1780], and it rebelled in 1774, set up a revolutionary republic that issued the constitution still in use. We kept the original court and a basis of English Common Law, modified.
@mildredpierce4506 Жыл бұрын
If kids were still being spanked not abused but spanked. we wouldn’t have so many narcissists and those who totally disrespectful authority. Too many parents want to be their child’s friend and children do not respect friends.
@cindymcanders Жыл бұрын
My dad works in a high school in Alabama that still does paddling. The only person in the school allowed to paddle children is the head administrator or principal. It’s the last resort after many chances to correct their behavior, basically it’s a choice for the student….2 swats with the paddle or expelled from the entire school district and you get to tell your parents why they now have to drive you to another county to school bc you can’t act right. When they do paddle a child they are required to have a separate adult to witness and they also don’t allow over so many swats with the paddle. It’s like 3 or 5. Not sure. They do give the parents a paper at the beginning of each year that explains the practice and if you don’t want your child paddled you are required to fill out the paper. But bc it is a practice that’s part of the entire school system so that is going to be the punishment if you don’t send the paper back. My dad told me that most parents are fine with the practice, it allows the school to deal with school issues. You don’t get called into conferences for behavior and Tbh they don’t have to paddle often, the idea it can happen keeps kids in line. Parents hear from their kid that they received a paddling and it’s not outrage. The parents ask what they did to require a punishment that harsh and then it’s dropped. No other punishment required. The child has learned the lesson and normally don’t have to get another. I’ve noticed how helpful and polite the kids are in that area who are working in the service industry. They also don’t have issues with the students skipping classes or getting into fights in school, so it seems to work in some way. I’m on the fence about the paddling thing but all I know is that if they would have paddled in my school….my troubled delinquent butt would have been a model student. Lmao.
@theproceedings4050 Жыл бұрын
I think corporeal punishment depends on the situation, if the child does something violent or even not you should punish by grounding, if the child keeps doing the same thing you should spank. That way, the corrective action doesn't reinforce the behavior just done. You need both the carrot and the stick, as well as a good measure of patience and mercy, to raise good children.
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
Yeah it has to be used in very specific situations and ideally very rarely. If you’re spanking all the time you’re probably not doing a good job raising your kid
@theproceedings4050 Жыл бұрын
@@kabirconsiders Yeah, if you're going at them all the time they just learn to be afraid of you I think, and blame you, discipline is about the kid learning that they did something wrong and to not do it again. You can't teach them if you don't maintain respect, but you also can't teach them when they're afraid of you. Parenting is a leadership role, bad leaders are both too weak and too ruthless.
@determineddi2044 Жыл бұрын
@@kabirconsiders I've never had to "hit" my son. I have a Masters Degree in Education and "hitting children" is abhorrent to me.
@spencerredden6743 Жыл бұрын
I think all punishments are corporeal...
@ClaireRader Жыл бұрын
I think whatever you do for discipline/ behavior correction the most important thing is be consistent. The child should be well aware of what isn't allowed. Also if you are inconsistent you may be accidentally disciplining one every time they do it while another one usually/always gets away with it and you don't even realize you're doing that.
@poluticon Жыл бұрын
for first and second grade I went to Catholic school here in the US and they would paddle us if we misbehaved. I remember getting quite a few of them. This was back in the early 90's so not sure how it is now. Pretty sure public schools dont do this, it only seems to be in private schools. Personally, I'm against corporal punishments in school but I dont think the government should be involved in how parents raise their children unless there's actually abuse going on. I don't think spanking your kids as a punishment is abuse. I was spanked too and believe me it made me think twice before acting up
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
I spent a year in Lagos when I was ten, going from london schools where they pander to the kids to a Nigerian school where they still use the cane was a huuuuge shock to the system
@hallieharvey4073 Жыл бұрын
It is tho when you were spanked be honest how often was it done out of anger? Pretty often I bet so it is okay to hit children out of anger but is assault when you hit an adult? Make that make sense.
@itsahellofaname Жыл бұрын
In the 60s and 70s, spanking in school wasn't even questioned - as a student, you knew your teacher had the option. But a spanking in school wasn't the worst part...the spanking you'd get at home for getting spanked in school was a lot worse.
@jasonrandom372 Жыл бұрын
That is the principal's job not a teacher's job.
@kimpurcell8851 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonrandom372 Not in my day. All a teacher had to do was get another teacher to witness the spanking. I remember a certain Mr. Foster. That man could light your ass up. That was the good old days though. He would probably be in Leavenworth with today's attitude about such things. He was a good man, never power tripped or anything, he just wouldn't tolerate any BS. I have him to directly thank for my undying love of history. I only received two spankings from him and both times he "kinda" took it easy on me because I was "kinda" defending myself. Still it was a good enough swatting I remember it today after 42 years lol. I miss a lot of my old teachers. They didn't take no shit.
@michaelernst3731 Жыл бұрын
My Middle School had Corporal Punishment for things like Yelling at Students/Teachers = 1 Swat , Not doing School Work on time with out a Good Excuse = 2 Swat , All the way to Fighting = 5 Swat . The " ONLY " One who could do the Swatting was the School Principal, in His/Her office. Every class had a TV in the Front of the room mainly used for various school functions. A Tone would Sound followed by a Call to Stand at Attention and Face the TV. The Principal's office had a Wall to Wall-Floor to Ceiling Window with Curtains. Before His/Her Desk was a set of Painted Yellow Footprints and a Matching set of Hand Prints on the desk. The Condemmed Would Assume the Position and the Principal would have a 6" Wide x 32" Long x 1 " Thick HARDENED Red Oak Bat that looks kinda like a Cricket bat but all the same thickness with 1/4" Holes drilled in it to Reduce the Wind Resistance. The Swatting would then Commence. VERY little Bad Stuff happened at That school. PLEASE NOTE: Spanking DOES NOT WORK on ALL Children, Some kids (like my Middle Brother) you could Beat All Day with no effect. BUT Take away the TV or PC/Gaming Consoles would be Equivalent to Murder for them. You NEED the RIGHT Punishment for the Right Child. NOT ALL Punishments will work for ALL Children. Some times a Child NEEDS a Good Azz Woopin.
@lindseyfox3396 Жыл бұрын
Wow, your school really leaned into it! The whole ceremony of that makes it kind of creepy 😬
@michaelernst3731 Жыл бұрын
@@lindseyfox3396 Again you REALLY had to Hate the other guy to get into a fight with them on School Grounds/Time. Little bad things happened there NOW the High School was a different animal ! One High School for a City of 90k. We had for my class about 1,800 and it was the smallest of the 4. about 10k students at the time. 6 on duty cops, 5 International Gangs had chapters there. ALL the Bad thing happened at the High School.
@michelleanderson8370 Жыл бұрын
Canada went through a phase of empowering children...Parents could not punish including, speak harshly, censor, spank, or even stifle creativity in their children. Parents could go to jail for saying no to a toddler for writing on the wall etc... We ended up with a whole generation of total horrors running around and parents had zero recourse to control their children but were legally responsible for all damages they caused. Dropping these horrors off at CPS for them to sort out was not an option either lol
@LeannWebb61 Жыл бұрын
Paddling: It may not be as popular today but in the 60s and 70s when I was in school it was pretty common. I remember in the 5th grade an elderly substitute teacher who pulled out a leather belt from her handbag, put a smart mouthed boy's head under her arm and wore him out. (It was actually funny to see as the boy ran in a circle around her) When she let him go she said, "Now that's just a sample!" By the time I graduated from high school spanking was pretty much 3 licks in the hallway with the other teachers up and down the hall sticking their heads out their doors to witness that it wasn't over done. (Side note: The students made the teachers' paddles in shop class, taking pains to make sure they were quality) My opinion: First, I have no children so I'm the least qualified to hand out parenting advice. But since you asked, I don't think spanking should be the first option. The objective is correction of bad behavior. If you can get their attention by other means such as grounding and time outs, great! However, "Hey, don't do that" doesn't always do the job. Sometimes you'll have to smack a toddler's hand to keep him from burning himself on a hot stove. My mom believed in spanking, and put the fear of God into me at a early age. That said, I received no injury from her, and the knowledge that a "whoopin" was a possibility kept me out of a lot of trouble. Also, as strict as she was, she lived by the same rules she put in place for me. She wouldn't correct me for doing something she did herself.
@jencrecelius3565 Жыл бұрын
Growing up in the 80s we definitely got spanked or the paddle when we misbehaved, although I rarely did it with my own daughter. Times were different then, and there's a line between a couple of smacks on your butt and a beating. Definitely not ok with it at schools however, no one should be smacking my child whatever the case.
@billie-jobenway8658 Жыл бұрын
I was born in '68 and my grade school principal would drop our pants and use a paddle on our underwear. my mother found out the principal did this to me and came to the school. She grabbed him by the throat and put him backwards over his des. She told him if he ever laid a hand or a paddle on me again she would be back to beat his ass. No more corporal punishment for me. When the high school principal shoved my little sister up against the lockers she did the same. That stopped his violence against my sister. When he realized she was also the mother of my two brothers he stopped shoving then around too. It should not have come to violence to stop the abuse but at the time it was the only way. The law did not protect us so mom had to.
@billie-jobenway8658 Жыл бұрын
Before anyone applauds her behavior it should be known just how deadly her hands on their throat could be. She used a nail hardener product called Hard as Nails and her nails were as strong as talons. I saw her use them on an abusive boyfriend and truly feared she would kill him. She wrapped her fingers around his windpipe until her nails clicked together and held him there while she beat him until his face was unrecognizable. Her threat was deadly.
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
Hitting is hitting no matter how you spin it.
@Lowlightt Жыл бұрын
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Yes but not all hitting is abuse. Water is water, but not all water is sea water.
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
@@Lowlightt All hitting is abuse. Always. Doesn’t matter who you are hitting. Hit another adult? You could be going to jail for assault. In fact, just threatening to hit another adult could get you charges. So why is it hitting your kid is ok?
@Rebekahdavignon Жыл бұрын
Reefer Madness is a film worth watching even though we all know that it is propaganda.
@KimbaLoveAdams Жыл бұрын
I got spanked in Kindergarten. That was in 1973. But I don't think many schools still use spanking as a punishment or there would be parents starting fights with teachers all over America. If a teacher spanked my son....I'd probably get arrested because I'm going to go off on that teacher. I didn't spank my kid. Don't put a finger on my son. My son responded to words. He was a good kid and all u had to do was ask him to change his behavior or they would call me and he would automatically be a good boy. I have gotten calls from his teacher and I would show up at school and sit with him in class. He hated that and would correct the behavior with just the threat of me showing up in his class. I have a great Mama stare 🤣😅.
@annpachini2155 Жыл бұрын
I was raised with parents who believed in spanking. Having said that I was rarely spanked because my parents did such a good job teaching me and my brother the correct way to act. We behaved ourselves wherever we were. Both of us respected our parents so much that we would never want them to be disappointed in us. There is a difference between spanking and beating I had a 3rd grade teacher that carried a wooden ruler. It was nothing for her to whack a kid over the knuckles. I graduated high school in 1969 so it was many years ago for the knuckle whacker. My parents raised us with the the idea that if we were spanked in school we would get spanked again when we got home. We totally respected our parents and our teachers. I must say there was much less trouble in the schools then
@donnagonatas3155 Жыл бұрын
Same here! We were taught above all was respect! Our parents, friends parents, neighbors, teachers and the list goes on!!!!!
@annpachini2155 Жыл бұрын
@@donnagonatas3155 yes always our elders. You never ever talked back. Talking back would have given you a smack and grounding
@donnagonatas3155 Жыл бұрын
@@annpachini2155 absolutely! I raised a boy by myself. I was much more lenient than my parents but very strict in others. Last time I hit him he was 16. He raised a hand to me. Didn't go through but you know the threat? Anyway, after I slapped his mouth. Sorry 16 it too old for a spanking. Anyway, then I called his Dad who lived right around the corner. Luckily. Phew we. I am happy and proud to say our son is almost 40 and a great worker. He if he needed I took care of it. Home, food clothes etc. But a cell phone and a car he worked and brought them. ✌️❤️
@annpachini2155 Жыл бұрын
@@donnagonatas3155 know that feeling, I have 3 boys but did have the help of my husband. My youngest just turned 43 and my oldest is 48 the middle son is 45. All 3 turned out to be fine young men and I have to say that the two with children are stricter than my husband and I were. I guess we did do something right
@donnagonatas3155 Жыл бұрын
@@annpachini2155 amen to that! I thank God everyday for being given the privilege to be his Mom♥️
@colleenmcmindes610 Жыл бұрын
We were spanked as children but it was only after we had completely ignored our parents directives. They gave us plenty of chances before resorting to physical punishment. It didn't take many times before you figured out what you needed to do to avoid it. By the time we were teenagers we knew what the boundaries were and to me that made life easier.
@dreamsrmadeof Жыл бұрын
same here
@captainbryce1 Жыл бұрын
"To be forced to shave your beard is a violation of human rights!" (Me to my former employer - the United States military). The result - "drop and give me 20".
@lindseyfox3396 Жыл бұрын
@sassytbc7923 Жыл бұрын
When I first visited the UK, I felt that I had to watch everything I said. I felt the freedom of speech that we have in the US might not be the same there. It’s a limit that I imposed on myself
@oldfogey4679 Жыл бұрын
Sassy good for you! More Americans should think twice before talking! In Canada if an American got angry calling someone a fag might be considered hate speech and u could face penalty!
@Cricket2731 Жыл бұрын
In the US, if you don't like the candidate(s), it's perfectly legal to vote for NOTA. (None Of The Above)
@hollykinslow5193 Жыл бұрын
I'm a 30 yr. Early Childhood Specialist. I firmly believe "it depends" on the child. I spanked (sparingly) my older child....but rarely ever with my youngest. They have TOTALLY different temperaments. I encourage parents to KNOW their KIDS!! What is a "hook" for one, may not be what works for the other. Also, ONLY ADULTS WHO LOVE THESE KIDDOS UNCONDITIONALLY!!! Should EVER spank a child. That goes with MOST Parents and Most Grandparents....that's it!! If a teacher wants to "spank" a kid.....they Must have FULL PARENTAL CONSENT. The teacher doesn't love the kiddo UNCONDITIONALLY In my 30+ year experience.....children MUST HAVE boundaries. They are actually frightened by the feeling an Adult is NOT in charge. So, BE the Adult, but know you are Raising Up an Adult.....teach them the rules, the guides....but give them FREEDOM!! To be themselves......to take risks......to play.....the Dream that Anyone can BE anything!!! Because.....well....you can.
@phillharms2954 Жыл бұрын
The spankings work up to the point the recipient realize the fear of spanking is worse than the spanking itself
@m.montague5228 Жыл бұрын
I went to school in Florida for a time back in the 80’s & the principal at that school did paddle students. In fact he had a paddle on his wall.
@ajclements4627 Жыл бұрын
We still had paddling in school as well in Arkansas in the 80s.
@ChrisAnn... Жыл бұрын
My personal views and one that I practiced was, how can we teach our children not to hit another person, if we as parents spank them for bad behaviors or "stepping out of line?" That gives mixed signals. I used other methods for bad behaviors like grounding, extra chores, no phone. Now that they are grown with children of their own, they have apologized for all the short comings and they are great parents themselves, all without spanking. Everyone has their own way that works or doesn't. Some children have emotional problems if the spanking go further into beatings. So it's a fine line between spanking and beating a child. For me as a parent, I never wanted to be "that" parent that physically hurt my child with spankings to make a point.
@spaceshiplewis Жыл бұрын
Yep, my parents hit me and then I became stronger than them and hit back. The physical abuse stopped immediately.
@hannabertrand4460 4 ай бұрын
I worked at a school that still paddled. Parents signed a consent form and it was only done by the principal. This was rarely done but because the kids were aware of it, they would straighten up.
@PaywallsMirrored Жыл бұрын
My chemistry teacher said to us "corporal punishment is legal in this state", I replied with "so is Capital". And it wasn't a threat.
@palaguin Жыл бұрын
I was spanked in Elementary school, circa 1982. This was Indiana. As for voting, mandatory voting would mean that you'd have more disengaged people voting, which means more ignoramuses voting. If you are a politician that believes that the stupid people would be more likely to vote for you, you would be more for mandatory voting.
@sharmullins3894 Жыл бұрын
Wasn't big on spanking when my kids were little, but my oldest boy got a few along the way. He's a well adjusted adult now, but his younger years were insane.
@chrisleneil Жыл бұрын
I’m fine with any ban on harming children, and studies have shown that spanking does harm to children in multiple ways.
@bintheredonethat Жыл бұрын
I went to a Catholic grade school & Jesuit run high school. Those nuns did not mess around with you, neither did the lay teachers. The principle nun had a ruler & wasn't afraid to use it. Freshman year in high school a guy was messing up in line and the lay gym teacher put him on the ground when he refused to straighten up. There was no more trouble after that. I lit a Bunsen burner in chem class messing around around & the next thing I knew I was on the floor. The Jesuit teacher, a very big person, picked me off the stool and summarily dumped me on the ground. When we screwed up in school & got caught you paid the price. It was worse if word got back to your parents. This was in the 60s & 70s. A lot of kids today could use a swift kick in the ass. When my 4 nephews were young and they pushed it over the line I, and their parents, had no problem putting a skin reminder on them. They never walked away hurt but they didn't walk away with a smirk on their faces either, just something to think about. BTW If you ever see Reefer Madness think Dr. Stangelove. LOL
@sharcrum Жыл бұрын
No way on the corporal in school. Except once, years ago, one of my teenage daughters was really acting up in school, leaving during the day and going and smoking pot in an abandoned house, bringing pot to school, hanging with disruptive students, being disruptive on class and disrespectful to teachers.... All which I had absolutely not raised her to be so they gave me an option of her being expelled from school or get two swats from the principal so I chose the swats. It was with me there and she was being a 15 year old on the precipice so I let her get the swats and she kind of turned around at that point and did much better. She wasn't perfect but she was better and now, as a 29 year old, she's married and got two kids and is doing great!!!!
@cherryrue89 Жыл бұрын
It’s a difference between getting a whopping and getting beat. People specifically white women see these actions as one in the same. They started coming into urban schools asking blk and brown children if they are being hit at home. They came in with social workers to get kids taken from their homes. This “no whoopings” law had a lot of kids telling their parent “I don’t have to listen yo you, you can’t touch me if you do I’ll call the people on you”. Parents lost control and rights to punish their children and these kids didn’t realize that they would be taken and put in a horrible situation by the system. Kids today are more disrespectful then when I was coming up in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I wouldn’t dear disrespect a elder the way these kids do today it’s so sad.
@Towerr72 Жыл бұрын
Spanking lol. The rumor at the time I was in grade school was the principle had his own "spanking machine" in the office. Yeah this was a different time but when I was in first grade ( I went to a catholic private school), if we talked during class, the teacher put duct tape on our mouths. If we still screwed off, it progressed to being taped to our chairs, our chairs taped to the desk and the desk taped to the wall, in a corner of the classroom. My best friend at the time, Tim, went the full 9 yards..I only ever got as fast as stage 2. Mouth taped and taped to my chair When I hit 7th and 8th grade (84/85 -85/86 respectively) if we got caught shooting spitballs, one specific teacher would hold us over from recess after lunch and make us spit into pre-marked dixie cups. Once the line was hit, bottoms up! Keep in mind too that this was just after lunch and the only liquid we had was whole white milk to drink. I got caught twice (never made it through the whole process though, I gagged too much and stalled long enough for the teacher to just say screw it...but once again..my best friend Tim...went the whole 9 yards. One thing that I know it taught me, was respect for my elders and to know that there is always going to be a punishment for doing something wrong or bad. Which is something kids now a days need imo. To many parents now a days are more concerned with being their kids "friend" then parent, and the product of this way of thinking screwing kids up. They do things without any fear of "punishment"
@mhammer3186 Жыл бұрын
9:42 there is a time and place for corporal punishment, it should be reserved as a last choice and should be explained why it’s being done. I was spanked probably 3 times when I was growing up and each time it was because I completely crossed a boundary knowingly.
@andrearay5134 Жыл бұрын
Yea I got my ass whooped a few times. The issue with my mom (RIP) was that she would let things build up. A few times didn’t come in before it got dark, fighting with my sister etc. But then I would whine about not wanting to eat Brussel sprouts and she would SNAP! Lol! The punishment didn’t fit the crime 😂. I don’t whoop my child but usually I don’t have to get past the warning phase… it’s just a look. She usually straightens out after that!
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
I got whooped plenty as a kid 😂 my dad was scary as hell. He’s mellowed out so much now but back then he didn’t play at all!
@xenotbbbeats7209 Жыл бұрын
Depending on which state you're in, for example, the state in which I reside, you can drive on down to the local pot shop and buy any number of recreational marijuana snacks, candies, or just the stuff to smoke. But we all know what happened to WNBA's 6'9" Britney Griner in Russia. As for spanking, if I wasn't spanked, I probably would be in jail. I was calculating and manipulative. I was sent to my room for almost getting run over by the same car that I tried to run in front of to "see if I could beat a VW bug." You can't make this stuff up. The skinny, freaked-out hippie lady grabbed me by the arm and asked where I lived. Stupidly, I told her. Anyway, it was summer and I knew the sun wouldn't even start going down until 9:30 PM and it was only dinner time. So, I decided to climb out of my bedroom window and risk the spanking if I was caught, deeming it worth it. I had the spanking of my life that night.🤣
@jonadabtheunsightly Жыл бұрын
Almost no public school districts are willing to exercise corporal punishment without specific parental consent, because they're afraid of lawsuits. Just because something isn't illegal under criminal law, doesn't necessarily mean it's legally advisable. When making statements about how to raise children, it's generally advisable to avoid generalizing, because if there's one hard and fast rule of parenting, it's that you have to know your child, because they are not all the same. Something that's completely ineffective with one child, may be the only thing that really works with another. Historically, I do think spanking was often overused, a general-purpose go-to child-rearing technique that was applied whether it was necessary or not, and whether it was effective or not. But this does not by any means imply that it could *never* be necessary or effective. In fairness to Singapore, two pounds of marijuana is well more than any reasonable person could expect to use up in a reasonable amount of time, so that's well over the line into drug _dealing_ rather than just drug use. The death penalty is still harsh, but it's not really that surprising: Singapore is widely known for particularly harsh penalties for criminal offenses, perhaps the harshest of any nation with reasonable rules for what is a crime and what isn't and a more or less sane system of jurisprudence where evidence actually matters. (There are of course harsher penalties to be found in oppressive totalitarian regimes where the accused have no legal rights. For example, in the People's Republic of [Censored], you can be held in detention indefinitely, tortured, and have your family threatened for crimes like "spreading rumors" and "disrupting social harmony". Yes, really. You have to be a special brand of stupid to get caught with drugs there, unless the police plant them to frame you, which has been known to happen to people whose country of origin fell out of favor.) Forcing people to vote does increase voter turnout, obviously, but this isn't necessarily helpful. You can't force people to *care* about the outcome, or to *educate* themselves about their choices, so effectively you're just making the outcome more random, less dependent on factors that the populace actually cares about. In a system where voting is optional, doing something that angers about half of the public, will reliably get you voted out of office next election. This is a good thing.
@randalmayeux8880 Жыл бұрын
When I was in grade school getting whacked on the knuckles it was so common that nobody really paid attention. When I was in high school a couple of friends and I walked across the street to get it soda, when we came back we were taking to the office and given two "licks". These were delivered by a grown man wielding a two and a half foot by 4 in wide boar 1 inch thick. The vice principal swung the board with enough Force that if my butt had been a golf ball it would have gone 200 m. It did more than just sting, my legs turn to jelly and I could barely remain standing. I didn't report this of course as I would have gotten in more trouble at home. Teachers we're only allowed to spank a child in the presence of the principal or vice principle. Some teachers actually wanted to do this themselves so you would have to wait till after class when they would march you to the office to give you a personal spanking in the presence of the principal.
@Triggerhippie70 Жыл бұрын
I have never believed in spanking, I wasn’t spanked as a child and I don’t spank as a mom. My daughter is now 14 and she is a great kid, A/B student, she’s kind and compassionate. Now, I’m Italian/Puerto Rican so I’m a yeller. I do raise my voice but not in a threatening way. I just raise my voice and I’m stern when need be.
@plaid11 Жыл бұрын
You have to realize which which countries are banning mullets. For them, making sure people conform to what they want isn’t a waste of police/government time
@ViolentKisses87 Жыл бұрын
Not voting is one of the best thing to happen to democracy It helps weed out a lot of uninformed voters. If anything we should require tests to confirm people are informed before voting. it may drop voting to 30% or less but it would reduce garbage politicians elected by garbage voters.
@claydragon6055 Жыл бұрын
If an adult hits my daughter with a damn board there ass better be ready for what the f**k is going to happen. I was beaten alot as a child and bad with alot of different instruments. Because of this no one will ever and I mean even lay a hand on my child.
@hannah3250 Жыл бұрын
I was spanked with “The wooden spoon!” And the belt… I totally deserved it lol! It did make me realize boundaries and that there are consequences for my actions. My school also paddled kids, and my brothers got a few of those. I am a mother of teen daughters and I tried the “oh, don’t spank because it will make them violent “ propaganda… Have you seen the youth today compared to the 80’s and early 90’s… way more screwed up! My girls are wonderful but I do know that I was too nice because their concept of reality is not very realistic… we are having lots of talks! I’m definitely pro spanking. I remember my dad’s eyes would tear up when he paddled me… he hated it, and I was able to see it for what it actually was… love. I saw that it was the last thing he wanted to do but because he loved me and didn’t want to see me becoming a terrible, disrespectful and entitled person.. he did what was necessary. Not every child listens to a sermon and is changed, or cares if their toys are taken away, or gives a you-know- what about time-out. Some kids cry if you look at them sternly, others will return the look. So, some of us learn the hard way and I’m grateful to my parents for caring enough to do what was necessary.
@susanflores6483 Жыл бұрын
You think the youth today are worse than the kids of the 80s? What about the kids of the 40s and 50s who became a wave of serial killers of the 60s and 70s. It is a fallacy that goes back a thousand + years that people believe kids are getting worse. They’re not.
@timothyreel716 Жыл бұрын
My dad always did it anger, & for dumb stuff, one time I forgot to wipe up the water on the bathroom floor after taking a bath and got beat mercilessly for it!😡
@ThatDamnPandaKai Жыл бұрын
"propaganda' You mean peer-reviewed medical studies by child psychologists and doctors?
@hannah3250 Жыл бұрын
@@timothyreel716 I’m so sorry for the abuse you endured. Abuse and spanking are two different things. Someone can beat you… or spank you. If you’re damaged from the abuse you endured, I understand why you’re concept of a spanking is seen as something terrible. I know people who were physically abused… I am not one of them, but I did get a proper spanking when I deserved it. I hate what happened to you. Fortunately, I never was abused like that. It’s the same as with anything else, it has to be done with love and the right reasons. I won’t change your mind, and you won’t change my mind. I’m grateful for my awesome parents who put strong, loving and healthy boundaries down.
@hannah3250 Жыл бұрын
@@ThatDamnPandaKai yeah, that actually still subjective. I studied psychology too and there are also studies proving otherwise, when done in a non abusive way… like how my parents corrected me.
@wendellgee11 Жыл бұрын
My father never spanked me, but he did tell me to take his belt into my room and think about what I had done wrong, in anticipation of a spanking. About 15 minutes later, he would ask what I did, then give me advice on how to do things "right". I spanked my son if he was doing something that put himself in harms way, but not as punishment.
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
All you people justifying hitting your kids is horrific.
@Lowlightt Жыл бұрын
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to The fact that you keep giving bad advice is frankly more frightening. People like you are why there's an epidemic of poorly disciplined children in the country. Shame on you for being a horrible human being and spreading that horribleness to others.
@atrumphasmatis6719 Жыл бұрын
It was labeled “The board of education” in my grade school 😂 it had dozens of small holes drilled into it…
@xo2quilt Жыл бұрын
Those holes were there so on the swing, there was less wind resistance!!
@Cricket2731 Жыл бұрын
@@xo2quilt, the holes also made a scary whistling sound on its way to the butt!
@ViolentKisses87 Жыл бұрын
Legal weed has made it way easier for cartels to distribute in the US Because of all the taxes and regulations legal grows are outnumbered by illegal grows 27 to 1. Currently in the US there is a massive problem with cartels growing marijuana in national parks and elsewhere with threats of violence to keep people silent.
@GenaBabin Жыл бұрын
My elementary school sent home a form when I enrolled asking for parental consent to spank me for any future punishments. We were all appalled. No other school that I went to brought it up. These days, I can't imagine them doing that in schools with how violent the children are, and with how many teachers have gotten into trouble for harming the kids. It probably still goes on, but I haven't heard anything about it since I was a child. In regards to the parents doing the spanking...I do think the parents should be able to discipline their children, within reason, without the government getting involved. However, I am still scared of my father because he used to be the one spanking me. He's a gentle giant of a man, but I can't help but to be frightened of angering him. I feel like I wouldn't have that gut reaction if they had chosen a different form of punishment.
@quentinmichel7581 Жыл бұрын
Waste of police time? Not for authoritarian regimes. It's what they do. It's their raison d'etre.
@michellewheatley2007 Жыл бұрын
My mother denied the school the option of corporal punishment. A young nun decided she really didn't mean it and attempted to use a paddle on me, I took it from her and called my Mother myself. I was invited to leave Catholic school at age 8.
@joeyfreitas1942 Жыл бұрын
Kabir you’re forgetting it’s not 9 years for possession she brought it across the border. Stupid is an understatement
@mastiffmom2592 Жыл бұрын
The best I remember, I was in 1st grade when my teacher whacked me on my knuckles. I was terrified, I flinched at the first 2 attempts. She got me twice, after all. I did NOT allow anyone to spank my kids. It never came to that so it was a nonissue. Cannabis is legal in many states also medical marijuana has become more mainstream. What surprises me is we are doing studies on psychedelics for depression. Certain mushrooms (psybicilin) are legal in some states. It's called Microdosing, and is only used under a doctor's care. Ketamine is also legal in my State of Tennessee, It too is administered by a doctor and is given in microdosing amounts for depression. I do know of 2 people who've had great results from Ketamine.
@justchillin6793 Жыл бұрын
A few slaps on the ass is not going to traumatize anyone. I’d have to say children are a lot less behaved than they used to be
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
I agree, kids are definitely more unruly than before
@pammcpherson4700 Жыл бұрын
I was spanked as a kid and I turned out pretty good, lol. I think it should be a last resort and never when a parent is angry. As for voting, my take is, if you don't vote, don't complain. You vote is your voice. Make it heard.
@traciw.6044 Жыл бұрын
I remember in school kids that misbehaved were given a choice of spanking or calling their parents. Believe it or not, most kids chose spanking.
@jefftodd6384 Жыл бұрын
My Parents asked the School Principal every year to let them know immediately if I misbehaved and they would punish me and spank if necessary. I was Tortured by a babysitter at age 6 and could barely stand another person touching me. A teacher ignored the wishes of my Parents in Third grade and gave me swats. I had a PTSD episode and vomited. I was unresponsive for several days and tried to walk into traffic several times. I had died for several minutes after the babysitter was finished, then brought back by medical personnel. Since then, I was visited by the Dead at awkward times and I didn't yet know how to react. I was paddled for talking. I couldn't tell the Teacher about the dead boy that was standing in front of me so I couldn't see. I kept telling him that I couldn't listen at School. I begged the teacher to call my Mom or Dad but she grabbed me around the neck and shook me like a doll. When I could talk again, I stuttered through what had happened with my Dad. I've never seen my Dad so mad! The next day He came to School, the Teacher tried to shut the door on him. He put His foot in the door and told her He was going to show her some paperwork, even if He had to drag her out by her neck. The Principal came and said he was the one responsible for his teachers. My Dad showed them several pictures and papers and they looked at me in shock. I got the Tremors bad because of the confrontation and had to go home. That teacher never shook another child by their neck again. Parents should always have the ultimate choice.
@charlesbrown4483 Жыл бұрын
Hey man, it sounds like you had a tough childhood. But you should know that seeing people that don’t exist and dying from an episode of what you describe as PTSD are not typical effects of childhood abuse, no matter how bad it was. Those are signs of one or more very serious psychological issues such as MPD and psychosis.
@BiancaHorkan Жыл бұрын
I just turned 50 recently. At my public elementary school in Michigan, there used to hang a very big & long wooden paddle with holes (for less resistance) hanging on the wall outside the principal's office. Also, the teachers would smack our palms/knuckles with rulers or make us hold books in our outstretched arms (open palms) while on our knees. This was in the 70s/early 80s.
@TheOutlawProphet Жыл бұрын
Our principle had a custom wooden paddle that was about 60 cm x 15 cm, not including the handle, that he had mounted above his office door. And there are many a people who have ptsd from the sound of their dad's belt being ripped out of his pants. And let's just say that a fly swatter on top of the fridge is more akin to a war hammer for elderly grandmothers.
@Salvation4DJews Жыл бұрын
You can raise a child without spanking, but you cannot raise every child without spanking.
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
Yes, you can. Spanking is abuse. There’s no excuse for violence against a child. If you’re spanking your child it’s because YOU lack parenting skills and the ability to control your emotions. The child is not the problem.
@Salvation4DJews Жыл бұрын
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to In every state in the union, spanking is legal. Just because your delusional mind thinks it's abuse that doesn't make it so. That last thing the world needs is a tyrannical group of people called government usurping parental authority.
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
@@Salvation4DJews Slavery used to be legal too. So was beating your wife. Legal doesn’t mean right.
@Salvation4DJews Жыл бұрын
@@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Only an ignorant fool would liken spanking to slavery. Take that same energy and narrative to Harlem. Go ahead. I dare you!
@FirstNameLastName-wt5to Жыл бұрын
@@Salvation4DJews I see reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Your emotional reaction is a sign that, deep down, you know it’s abuse.
@0Kasada Жыл бұрын
Corporal punishment in school is just straight up criminal battery. It's indefensible. People might argue whether parents can get away with that sort of behavior (I say they shouldn't), but there's no argument that regardless of what the parent says, if the kid says no to being assaulted by a stranger, the answer is no.
@shag139 Жыл бұрын
Rule #1: Don’t take illegal drugs into a foreign country. Griner kneeled for the anthem and pushed for it to not be played at all. Karma is a biotch.
@janelogan7872 Жыл бұрын
Russia has a history of faking drug possession.
@shag139 Жыл бұрын
@@janelogan7872 did she even try and deny it was hers?
@Dank_Nuggetz Жыл бұрын
Spanking is only something that should be done when your child is young. Children don't always have the capacity to understand rules or things about the world. Once they're a little older, words tend to work better. Of course if your 17yo kid takes a swing at ya, I don't see an issue with some self defense.(I tried that. Dad dropped me hard) Spanking wouldn't be my go-to move though. I was spanked. Now that I'm older; it makes sense.
@elaphar Жыл бұрын
When you said, about Brazil, "I can just say that I'm illiterate and don't vote", the answer is: no, you can't... Here in Brazil you have to have a lot of documents to do anything (including work, travel, open accounts, have proprieties, vote, etc.) and all of them need to agree on your literacy status... If you ever sign any document ever (illiterate people "sign" only with their digitals) or have any document with your signature you are literate and need to vote in every single election for the rest of your life, or pay a very small fine... Also, you can't vote wherever you want too, but this is another matter...
@fivexfiver Жыл бұрын
Oh wow. As a born and bred American I literally had no idea that capital punishment (spanking or paddling) in schools was still legal! Honestly, I’ve never heard of this happening in at least the last 30 years. I’m 56 and I have definitely been paddled (many times and sadly probably deserved it) but my children were never paddled. I swear I thought this was completely illegal now! I’m shocked.
@sallyintucson Жыл бұрын
If you can find a copy of “Refer Madness”, you should watch it. It’s a government film made in the “50’s so you know it’s going to be silly. The copy I have has each person’s joint putting out a different color of smoke.
@barryfletcher7136 Жыл бұрын
A lot of the "40,000 people imprisoned in the USA for Marijuana" were convicted of distribution and not possession.
@Jeff_Lichtman Жыл бұрын
All countries have laws about how parents are allowed to treat children. It's illegal not to feed your children, or not to educate them (either by sending them to school or by home schooling them), or to keep them from necessary medical treatment. And even in places where corporal punishment is legal, parents are not allowed to injure or kill their children. Making corporal punishment illegal seems like just an extension of these rules. Oppressive governments like the ones in Iran and North Korea use law not just to protect people from harm, but to control people. The ban of mullets is just part of this. In North Korea you can be imprisoned or executed just for reading the wrong books. And in Iran women are revolting against the rules enforced by the so-called morality police, who will beat women in the street for things as innocuous as not having their hair completely covered.
@wheredidthetimego8087 Жыл бұрын
Being consistent as a parent when you say no about something is most important.
@kimpurcell8851 Жыл бұрын
This. I don't care if it's a ass swat, quiet corner, or full beat down resulting in death (not that I advocate that). DO what you SAY you are going to do every time and with utmost consistency between parents. You want to see a fucked up kid? Look at one that had parents that couldn't agree on levels of discipline and couldn't be consistent about it. In my 56 years of life THOSE kids were/are the ones you had to watch out for.
@anniesmom2207 Жыл бұрын
My dad used to say, curtains are hung, people are hanged (by the neck until dead). Either way you say it, it's a heavy sentence for some pot.
@jonjanson2 Жыл бұрын
For the voting. You got to be educated on what you are voting for, you could not know enough about the vote, or not like any of the options or have no opinion.
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
I hear that, but isn’t it in someone’s best interests to do research themselves and find the best candidate for them?
@jonjanson2 Жыл бұрын
@@kabirconsiders True
@davidshattock9522 Жыл бұрын
My old head master at school.magically retired after caning a kid in UK in late 1960s on stage in morning assembly in front of entire school
@SuperDrLisa Жыл бұрын
My daddy was a naturalized citizen. We were told voting was a right, a responsibility and a duty. Never missed an election. I live in a navy blue state, but as a red voter, I still vote every election, even for school boards. I did do a write-in for state senate. Mongo the Bear, he's a local celebrity and hibernates for the winter, so he can't do much damage then. 😉
@R3_dacted0 Жыл бұрын
With regards to spanking, I think that is the perfect example of an unnecessary law. I believe that for there to be true freedom, some things that are generally considered wrong or bad should not have negative or legal consequences behind them. Spanking is a good example of something that shouldn't really happen but under no circumstances be illegal or otherwise enforced. If people are allowed to do it but choose not to, then it is far more powerful than them simply not being allowed to do it in the first place. With regards to voting, there are a few reasons why some people choose not to. One is that not voting is still a form of voting. Another reason is that people believe that the electoral college system will, quite frankly, effectively disqualify their vote depending on voting location and personal opinion. Granted, that isn't 50% of voters like mentioned, but it's something people do think about.
@mildredpierce4506 Жыл бұрын
I was born in 1963 and you could still get spanked in school by either the principal or the teacher. I think it depends on the school. I knew of only one person to get spanked or paddled in school. It was in elementary school and I think we were in the fifth grade.
@kaseykey7378 Жыл бұрын
I’m from the US. A lot of people in this country don’t vote because 1) they don’t like either option on the ballot so refuse to vote for either, or 2) don’t know enough or care enough about who is in office to bother. The state of civics education seems lacking, especially in younger generations. I have found that a naturalized citizen who studied our laws to pass the citizenship test often know more about how are government works than some people born here.
@zig_zag____1265 Жыл бұрын
I live in Maine pot is legal. I grow my own. It's 1am and I'm high as balls. God bless the USA.
@valhallarchist9511 Жыл бұрын
My issue with the idea of compulsory voting is simple - According to the founding documents in the US, the government's only job is to protect and preserve the rights of the people. The government has since failed in that endeavor, with an over-bearing and oppressive administrative state, which is enforced with equal zeal all the way down to the local law enforcement level. Going to the polls to vote is, in effect, granting legitimacy to an otherwise illegitimate institution, which claims a monopoly on coercive violence, and abject authority over your life and livelihood. It doesn't matter which party is in power; they're both guilty of it. Why would I want to grant that authoritarian bureaucracy any additional legitimacy?
@Anthony-GoAvsGo Жыл бұрын
Theres been a couple elections in my life where I didn't vote and thats because i didn't like any of the candidates. Each election cycle makes the 2 party system here worse and worse. Its hard to vote when the choice is a douch or a turd sandwich (South Park reference)
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
😂😂 I hear you. The two party system is definitely flawed in my opinion. What’s stopping more parties from forming?
@Anthony-GoAvsGo Жыл бұрын
@@kabirconsiders Other parties have formed but they're so small they only get maybe 1% of the vote if even that.
@Catherine.Dorian. Жыл бұрын
I’ve only ever been spanked once by my mom and it happened to be in front of a cop, who stopped and looked at her like she was in trouble. But then she said to me but for the cop to hear that I had left the house at 4 while she was in the bathroom, crossed two roads and was running to the park
@Jamie-lw5sy Жыл бұрын
My dad told the teachers that if I wasn't getting spanked on a regular basis they weren't doing their job. He said this in a very menacing manner. He was 6'6 and 380 lb. My elementary School principal Mr Englis said don't worry about it John I'll paddle him everyday. I stood next to these two men looking up in terror. I spent that entire school year bending over backwards to keep the teachers happy. 🙄
@suzz1776 Жыл бұрын
There is another American (forget his name) that was an English teacher and he went to Russia to teach and got arrested in 2020 for having weed on him that his doctor prescribed to him for severe pain due to a medical condition. He is still in Russian prison for 11 years and is being held in the same area as Britney is. But nobody is talking about him or trying to get him out cuz it isn't politically precedent.
@elkins4406 Жыл бұрын
I was never spanked, and the first time I became aware of it as a practice -- at the age of 5 or so -- I was absolutely horrified. I don't think it's a good practice, and there are plenty of studies backing up my gut feeling that it leads to less well-adjusted and more violent kids on the macro scale (obviously there are still plenty of well-adjusted, non-violent individuals who were spanked), but since I don't have children myself, I don't really feel I'm in any position to claim it should be outlawed or anything like that. In the back of my mind, though? Yeeeeeah, I think it would be great if everyone would just stop doing that.
@hallieharvey4073 Жыл бұрын
Exactly!!! One saying I like is “if your child is too young to be reasoned with why are you hitting them? If your child is old enough to be reasoned with why are you hitting them?” Also hitting children when they do things you don’t like is perfectly reasonable but hitting an adult is assault so why do people think it’s okay to hit their children? No matter how much data we give them that it negatively effects them they won’t listen because “Well I turned out alright” and “nowadays kids have no respect and don’t behave” when that is complete bullshit plenty of them acted fucking terrible they just didn’t have a 24hr news cycle to blast all their stupid shit for everyone to see.
@Traci2000 Жыл бұрын
I think spanking is for when kids are too young to understand reason. Once a kid gets a little older, there's really no point to spanking anymore. I would beg for a spanking rather than having to be grounded, lol. Even in school, I would ask for a paddling rather than have to sit in in school suspension all day. As for forced voting... I don't think that's a good idea. Too many people that had no idea what's going on would be casting their vote. If you don't know what anyone stands for, it's probably best you just don't vote at all. Too many people that have no clue already vote as it is. We really don't need any more of that!
@pyrioncelendil Жыл бұрын
4:51 Yeah, pretty much. I only start shaving when I finally get tired of picking food out of my beard, otherwise laziness wins out. If I don't have to shave, I don't. And I get compliments from other Idahoans for my beard as if I'm intentionally growing the damn thing. 6:20 Yeah, that's why that map seemed to indicate that it only really is a Thing in the Deep South. For the rest of us, our school districts take one look at this and just start envisioning their budgets getting drained away by lawsuits and pretty much no teacher that wants to keep their job will do it. 10:00 Yeah, I was spanked, and I'd like to think I turned out fine, but my parents also gave up with that after their chosen implements broke upon contact with my rear and I didn't even feel it. The prospect of having to buy new spatulas every time I did something that pissed them off basically meant they had to find other means of convincing me to not be such a little shit. Ironically, "time out in the corner" probably worked a lot better than spanking. I wouldn't do it, but I also don't have kids and don't intend to have kids, so that's kind of a moot point. 17:25 It's probably a Good Thing that we don't have compulsory voting, because if we did, given that our system also allows write-in votes, we'd probably have elected Harambe for President twice.
@darksword67 Жыл бұрын
And that's why you got so many bad ass kids they're not getting their butts whooped especially when they are so out of line of disrespectful they think they can do whatever the heck they want to with no consequences not knowing that when law enforcement put their hands on them are they not going to be nice about it
@kabirconsiders Жыл бұрын
Yeah I think there are rare cases where spanking might be necessary
@spaceshiplewis Жыл бұрын
@@kabirconsiders If you can't say it with words, don't be a parent. Spanking only teaches violence is the answer. You want more school shootings? This is how you keep it up.
@MatthewC137 Жыл бұрын
Why not vote? Because it is often the case that none of the candidates deserve any endorsement at all. Those who have solid/sound moral principles would rarely encourage any politician which is probably the reason so many countries make voting mandatory. No matter who wins, it can always be asserted that "YOU asked for what you got!"
@shayes3078 Жыл бұрын
Hi all, i was born in 78 and started school at five and can say that i had my fair share of paddling from teachers back in the day, but now the teacher wouldn't dare. As for spanking in general, i think it depends on the child. Each child is different and some absolutely need spankings others can get by with time outs and all the other methods. I spanked my children and my grandkids get spanked so yes i am a supporter of it, that being said one grandchild you can just raise your voice to and and they stop. Not so much the other one who like pushing you and the limits you set down.
@grking01 Жыл бұрын
Born in '82. I remembered a classmate being paddled in first grade.
@valoriec Жыл бұрын
I did not spank my kids, and both were honor students all through school and college. I also dared their teachers to touch them... Thankfully, in our area, you can check a box forbidding corporal punishment in the schools. I definitely checked that "no" box in their paperwork.
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