I picked up a full set of the new brushes a couple months ago after a friend told me about them, I've been a hobby striper since the mid 80s. My old Macs have not been out of the box since I got yours! Love Em! I'll be doing some work on my 73 Electra I'm doing in a mild kustom and might have a young friend I'm teaching help out. Thanks for the vids and the great brushes!!
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
NCThruxton if I can help you at all stevekafka.com
@BIGDaddy-ig2tr6 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% on the awesomeness of these brushes! Superior quality and expert design make them a must have for anyone wanting to try this amazing art form or anyone already doing it with a horse and buggy brush . Thanks for creating the Lamborghini of brushes. Stripe on Steve!!
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
BIG Daddy I just saw this ..thank you.
@bud80914 жыл бұрын
I ordered 2 the brushes and the grid! One of them being the #3 and I have been striping everything that will hold still!!! I have only been striping for a short time now but, I must say these brushes sure give you the ability to try different strokes and shapes I would not try a sword or dagger style for fear of ruining an intricate design with one bad pull!! love the brushes!! I will be ordering more soon!! thanks, Clay
@GorillaWriter13 жыл бұрын
@kafkapinstriping Mr. Kafka, I highly admire your work and appreciate your reply. I didnt mean to offend you or discredit your brushes. Actually, I just recieved my Kafka #3 scroller yesterday. Very nice piece, i enjoy using it. I love using tools which allow an artist to strive and become better due to a capable instrument. You've achieve it with your brushes. I dont need to ask anyone, your brush is proof enough. Im young, but I have alot of experience. No fear of Macks.
@BIGJohnByeah15 жыл бұрын
I've been pinstriping not a pro but i love striping i practice on glass to me its an easy way of practicing on. And your brushes and vids helped me a lot. thanks!!!
@moregooder6015 жыл бұрын
I ordered one of your brushes and after I got used to it wich only took about a week, I love the thing. Its amazing what you can do with it compared to a Mack. Please post more videos I love watching you stripe. Also seeing Von Dutch's bus would be awesome! Cheers.
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
Samuel McLachlan there are pictures of Von Dutches bus all over the web put my name with his bus
@kevingambrell15 жыл бұрын
Just bought one of the brushes to line the tender on my traction engine. Not had a good chance to try the brush but first impresions are its a superb brush. I bought mine from pinstripe uk.
@kafkapinstriping15 жыл бұрын
Hi Kevin,I understood most of the vinacular and got the general feeling of approval ,glad you like them,have a look @the rest of the equipment for the artform that Ive made or designed,I want nothing but first quality for anything with my name on it best regards,Steve
@1932194715 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your time! I love the brushes! It took a little to get used to not turning it! I hope you do more...
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
Clay , It's people like you that keep me going ,And I'm glad your spreading the word . Thank you, Steve3
@GorillaWriter13 жыл бұрын
Kafka's #3 scroller seems like a cool brush, i have one coming in today. I just started pinstriping and I first purchases a mack 00 twenty series, then i bought a mack acrylic sword(not very pleased with this 20 dollar brush) and another scroll brush head by mack(not so pleased with this one either). The Mack- classic is my favorite brush so far. I can make any line I want. I wanted to learn the oldschool too... Its not hard.
@MilleniumGairbrush12 жыл бұрын
great colors and design love the patterns, i live in Thailand ,pattaya add everyone love this kind of art but where i stay no one has the skill except me i'm learning pin striping and i think your video is great and it's helping me alot cause i want to put European standards into this city, amazing work.and thank you
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
tom antonio it is my pleasure, if I can help...stevekafka.com, sorry for the late response
@kafkapinstriping13 жыл бұрын
@garciarosa100 Some of the brushes out there will discourage a new pinstriper into quitting. My brushes will shorten the learning curve and give you wings, plus I'll help you when you need it. Try the #3 scroller you will love it! Steve
@kestrel6515 жыл бұрын
This brush is everything its cracked up to be. I love it
@yuccasinger215 жыл бұрын
After using Mack brushes for 35 years, I find these Kafka brushes to be much better. Scroll work is much faster, has more of a controlled look, and lots less anxiety when going around those close corners.
@kafkapinstriping15 жыл бұрын
I plan on doing more, one on flames and another on lettering. I have 10 new liners and 10 new lettering quills coming out pretty soon. I'm devoting most of my time to the Von Dutch bus restoration project. I also have 2 DVD's that are both instructional and demonstrations with some tips you may find helpful. I have a shorter version of my #3 scroller in the works too.
@DiverseArtist15 жыл бұрын
Amazing work! I just placed an order for your brushes, grid and smooth stroke. this will be my first time pinstriping. Im taking your advice and starting with your brush instead of the old. cant wait!
@cherokeepacete94343 жыл бұрын
It relaxes me and inspires me to practice more on pinstriping, thank you so much for sharing this. 😉
@ghytwq12 жыл бұрын
I am getting into pinstriping and i just bought a chico dagger and i just cant fathom how to roll the brush between my fingers, and i have been painting for years. Looks like ill have to give this scroller a try.
@kestrel6515 жыл бұрын
I love these brushes. Cant wait for more videos
@kevingambrell15 жыл бұрын
Hi Steve Well had a good go with the brush today, have to say its the dog's! Blows the Mac brushes into a cocked hat. Odd given that i'm building a Mac traction engine!. Thanks for a great product. Cheers kevin
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
kevingambrell thank you kind sir for the positive comments, Cheers
@kafkapinstriping13 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of newbie stripers that think that they must learn to stripe with a Mack brush.I learned to stripe with a mack after I trimmed the belly and top I could turn it without spinning it and developed my style of striping with that configuration . Lets set the record straight Von Dutch HATED mack brushes, he used Hillers ,not made in 40 years,macks were available so thats why they were used. My brushes don't frustrate new artists they give them wings If you need help,ask
@kafkapinstriping11 жыл бұрын
We now have SUPER Plastisheen!! in TWO new colors, Pearl White & Gloss Red and High Gloss Black ,all repairable, and it's a blast to stripe on too.
@JudiChristopher5 жыл бұрын
PEARL WHITE... so Happy
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
The table that I use is a medical examination table,very expensive, but sometimes available at used medical supply stores if your lucky. I actually looked into making them but it was not cost effective. Look for one with a stainless tray, and extend able support arm . Steve
@kafkapinstriping12 жыл бұрын
Plastisheen is sold on my site, it closely resembles the finish on a car. I do all of my panel work on this substrate and have never sold one for less than $100.00! It takes an effort to fix errors , but costs much less than metal. for practice I make a practice board that is re-usable.
@DannyCroughs14 жыл бұрын
really love york work, Im ordering a # 3 at the local vendor here in Belgium. Pitty that he doesn't have the Grid also... Best Regards Danny
@prashantvasal14 жыл бұрын
your work is offffff the hook man ........pitty we r still nt getting ur brushes in INDIA
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
prashant vasal Sri Lanka will tell you that they are not India FYI. And the reason is, my very old Japanese brush company moved their artists brush manufacturing and Japanese managers there, because make up brushes were more profitable in Japan. I went through a year of absolute Hell getting everything perfect, without spending 26 hours on a plane one way and being in a country that takes Americans hostage . But the brushes are perfect in every way. Look at the you tube vids of Davidographicsguy please
@1932194715 жыл бұрын
Are you going to do any other demo's? The ones you have done were excellent! I hope you do some more... Love the brushes!
@2006derald12 жыл бұрын
Steve, Your amazing. I just got a set of your brushes and was wandering if I got to do something with them before I start using them, Thanks, Derald
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
Derald Pearson hope you impressed with the quick reply! The only thing to do is remove the sizing applied by the brush maker . Rinse in hardware store lacquer, gently rubbing the hair until it is soft in the hand, finish in mineral spirits,and store in my brush oil, wipe with paper towel,then rinse in spirits, paint !
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
@NCThruxton Thanks for sharing your experience with the brushes ,I'll keep doing the videos ,and help when I can,good luck. Steve
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
@imagineas1 I thin with mineral spirits,clean with cheap lacquer thinner,and add smooth stroke to my paint.Hope this helps. Steve
@kafkapinstriping12 жыл бұрын
The #1 is another favorite of mine I use it in the flame pinstripe demo, but have no problem using it agaqin, I'm releasing a new and much improved Plastisheen product and the#1 will be excellant to use, Thanks.
@sll-tt6bj4 жыл бұрын
Hey Steve I'm using the number three and number five rushes seems like I just can't make a teardrop for nothing when I put the brush down it seems like the tip just flares out
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
s l lorio did you clean it with lacquer thinner before using, the tear drop will become easy with practice,watch my ol skool stuff to see how I’m doing it, let me know...
@kafkapinstriping12 жыл бұрын
You must first remove the sizing ,by rinsing in hardware store lacquer thinner then mineral spirits repeat to insure all of the sizing is gone, clean the brush after each use in the same way, store it in my brush oil to have a long life. have fun!
@476ross12 жыл бұрын
hello steve. big fan of your work! i am thinking of buying one of your no. 1's, as most of my work is smaller and thinner than this. is there any chance you could do one of these videos with the no.1. thanks ross.
@kafkapinstriping15 жыл бұрын
A little bit of Windex and a microfiber cloth
@kafkapinstriping13 жыл бұрын
@mojofootball4life O.K. somewhere between too watery and too thick is where you need to be right? The paint should have the consistency of whipping cream ,this is done by adjusting your thinners less or more. It will also effect palleting when it;s hot or cold ,humid or arid, and if it's windy or not windy. Once you get the consistency right it will feel right no matter what else is happening, be patient it will come to you I promise. E-mail me to keep me informed of your progress. , Steve
@garciarosa10013 жыл бұрын
Some of these brushes out there are hard to work with. I haven't found one that I can say " I love this brush"
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
G Rosa have you tried my brushes... ?
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
G Rosa sorry I just saw when that was posted...
@JudiChristopher5 жыл бұрын
@villapinstriping6 жыл бұрын
Your brushes are my go-to for Design work. Great product
@kafkapinstriping12 жыл бұрын
It's fine to lay out your designs. After a while you will be spontaneous and fill the space with ease. My face book page has some of my work and all of the panels that I do on you tube are also for sale.
@hooft00712 жыл бұрын
So i finally bought some gear (after 8 months) got one of your dvd's too, really helps me a lot. it's not easy to master the brush skills let alone make up designs, but it really helps to whatch movies and draw some designs on paper. it's not a bad thing to pre-sketch designs on a panel as a way to learn, is it? Do you ever do shows in europe? i'd love to see some of your work. thnx, Niels.
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
Niels just recently was invited by the Von Dutch Company to Germany ,Switzerland, Paris, and maybe Dubai after the flue relaxes is hold on the planet...
@kafkapinstriping12 жыл бұрын
All of my pinstriping products are available to ship world-wide, have fun and if you need help,just ask. Have fun,make money
@CAPTIANKOLOTH12 жыл бұрын
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
@moregooder60 I finally got something on The Bus!you seen it? Steve
@randy1ization9 жыл бұрын
steve where did the idea of the short brush handle come from, ? what is the reasoning behind it. It would seem a longer handle would be more logical for leveraging reasons and easier to make straight lines because you can set the bottom of your palm down and steady your hand,
@lylefisk58536 жыл бұрын
texas tough for
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
texas tough while doing any pinstriping designs the shorter handle allows for closer work making loops and curves, just “feels” more natural.
@cybercosis15 жыл бұрын
Where do you get the grid? I would love to pick one of those up because I am sick of drawing these on with a stabilo and ruler.
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
cybercosis stevekafka.com
@retiredle813911 жыл бұрын
Is that paper that you use to place and spread your paint on?? Can you practice on plexiglass or photo paper making lines, turns, etc?? Thanks Ron
@dennisschell55436 жыл бұрын
Nice! Thanks much!
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
If he doesn't want to carry it there are options available . Steve
@GalvezPinstriping14 жыл бұрын
whats on that can, reducer?
@stevekafka4 жыл бұрын
Galvez spirits, any other questions that I can help you with ,try stevekafka.com
@kafkapinstriping11 жыл бұрын
I have never tried my friend Steve the wizzard's brush ,so I can't really comment. I can tell you all about my brush designs, like the one I'm using in this video. You may have more luck with one of my brush designs, beginners have more success with them, less frustration. Hope this helps you.
@kafkapinstriping15 жыл бұрын
pinstriper uk has several of my products for sale try them first steve
@kafkapinstriping15 жыл бұрын
@kafkapinstriping14 жыл бұрын
@junilala12 жыл бұрын
Senhor kafka sou um adimirador desta arte estou começando agora gostaria de saber se hà condições do senhor me fazer uma doação desse pinceis que o senho usa pois ja procurei para comprar aqui e nao tem qnd achei são muito caros não tenho condições de comprar fiz uns capacetes gostaria que o senhor desse uma olhada no meu video o nome é (pinstriping em capacetes)e falace se tenho futuro na arte ou nao .abrigado pela atenção desculpas nao sei falar ingles.
@kafkapinstriping13 жыл бұрын
@julzthesignee You CAN do this! You have a great background for pinstriping, look at "The System" on my site, it is a fast track learning method that I developed after 43 years of teaching various disciplines of fine arts. Look at the videos with Monte Roach you will be even more inspired to take this incredible art form into your world, And I'll help you if you get stuck,just e-mail me.Steve@kooltie.com Have fun! Steve