Karaite Sukkoth Celebration

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Karaite Insights

Karaite Insights

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Three times a year, the Karaites visit the ancient Karaite synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem to celebrate the "pilgrimage festivals": Hag HaMazoth, Hag HaShavuoth and Hag Sukkoth. Please join the Karaites as we celebrate the festival of Sukkoth! Recorded on 4 October 2012.
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Пікірлер: 15
@edithpondros5736 6 жыл бұрын
It's 15th Markesvan 2018 as I write (Shabbat Shalom). I was convicted in 2015 to leave the 'Saturday Sabbath' (SDA to Mesianic Judaism) and keep the Shabbats 7th day after the new moon. Boy am I so blessed with this conviction. Praise G-d. While you are celebrating the Spring Festivals up North, my house and I are celebrating the Fall Festivals down South. And we're looking forward to the Feast of Dedication (Sowing celebrations). My family and I hope to meet Karaite families someday. Our country is dominated by Christianity and recently Meshianic Judaism has come in too. I don't know much about Karaite but am willing to learn. Shabbat Shalom from Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea.
@Gfilho1985 7 жыл бұрын
Thank You!
@XanderTheGreat78 7 жыл бұрын
Shalom My Karaite Brothers and Sisters can one of you please help me as to how I can acquire this lovely music.
@alexlaxson3261 7 жыл бұрын
Dennis Perez I am also looking for the music
@fox9935 7 жыл бұрын
Alex Laxson Me too, bro 😄😎
@BLACKMINER73 12 жыл бұрын
@alk158 9 жыл бұрын
Happy Succoth to everyone. Most of the holiday orverlaps although since the New moon wasn't seen in 2015 it started two days later then the Rabbinic day.
@carlosquirogag6633 7 жыл бұрын
"Ama Al Señor tu D,ios con todo tu Corazon, Toda tu Alma, Todas tus Fuerzas" (Deuteronomio 6:5).
@readmywritings 10 жыл бұрын
With the variance in calendars, can you tell me the dates for 2015?
@carlosquirogag6633 7 жыл бұрын
The correct way to calculate, is like the Talmudic Orthodox Jews
@carlosquirogag6633 7 жыл бұрын
Adoran al D.ios de Israel . de una forma distinta que los fariseos
@carlosquirogag6633 6 жыл бұрын
The God of Israel is The Creator of the Universe. The most serious sin that exists is to profane the Divine Name in Hebrew (It is also a sin to desecrate it in any language): "You shall not pronounce the name of the Eternal, your God, in vain, for the Eternal shall not hold him guiltless who utters his name in vain." (Exodus 20: 7) "And he cursed the son of the Israelite woman against the name of the Lord, and he cursed him, and they brought him before Moses, and his mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dirvri, of the tribe of Dan. And they put him in prison until the sentence dictated by the word of the Eternal came. And the Eternal spoke to Moses, saying, Bring out the blasphemer outside the camp, and let all who heard him put their hands on his head, and let all the congregation stone him. And you shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, "Any man who curses his God shall bear his sin; and whoever blasphemes against the true name of the Eternal will be irremediably killed; the whole congregation will stone him, be he a pilgrim or a native; when he blasphemes against the true name, he will be dead. (Leviticus 24: 11-16) PORFAVOR, I SUPPLY YOU, I IMPLIED YOU! DO NOT PROFANE MORE THE NAME OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL IN HEBREW OR TRANSLATED TO ANY LANGUAGE. IT IS THE MOST SERIOUS AND GREAT SIN THAT EXISTS IN THE UNIVERSE. Do not do more KZbin Videos or Blogs on your Web Page, desecrating The Name of God in Hebrew or any other language. Do not make dissertations or explanations on paperboards or blackboards. IT IS A SIN TO WRITE THE DIVINE NAME DELIBERATELY AND DELETE IT, YOU WOULD BE PROFANING AND YOU ARE BURLING FROM THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. Do not write The Divine Nombe of God in Hebrew or another language, DO NOT WRITE IT IN PAPERS, NOTEBOOKS, POSTERS, PAPER NOTES, BECAUSE THOSE LEAVES CAN END IN THE GARBAGE AND BE DECEIVED OR STUCK IN THE STREET BY PEOPLE OR ANIMALS. ALL YOUR PAPERS WITH THE NAME OF GOD GIVE THEM TO A RABBI (HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO-GUENIZA-) OR GUARD YOU IN THE SAFER PLACE YOU HAVE. Refer to the God of Israel using The Name Hashem or writing God with COMA OR GUION ENTREMEDIO. In this way The Name of God IS NOT PROFANATED IF IT ENDS IN THE SOIL OR GARBAGE OR IF IT IS DELETED OR IF IT IS SPOKEN WITH LAST LANGUAGE BEFORE THE NAME. You should only use The Name of God on your knees for your personal prayer, to ask for forgiveness or praise or give thanks for Everything. Or in the Yeshiva or Synagogue or Wailing Wall. I hope that God touches your heart and stop committing the most serious sin that exists in the Universe.
@iznet4368 4 жыл бұрын
@carlosquirogag6633 6 жыл бұрын
The God of Israel is The Creator of the Universe. The most serious sin that exists is to profane the Divine Name in Hebrew (It is also a sin to desecrate it in any language): "You shall not pronounce the name of the Eternal, your God, in vain, for the Eternal shall not hold him guiltless who utters his name in vain." (Exodus 20: 7) "And he cursed the son of the Israelite woman against the name of the Lord, and he cursed him, and they brought him before Moses, and his mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dirvri, of the tribe of Dan. And they put him in prison until the sentence dictated by the word of the Eternal came. And the Eternal spoke to Moses, saying, Bring out the blasphemer outside the camp, and let all who heard him put their hands on his head, and let all the congregation stone him. And you shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, "Any man who curses his God shall bear his sin; and whoever blasphemes against the true name of the Eternal will be irremediably killed; the whole congregation will stone him, be he a pilgrim or a native; when he blasphemes against the true name, he will be dead. (Leviticus 24: 11-16) The True Name of God, is only known by great Kabbalists who throughout his life studied the entire body of Jewish study and obeyed all the Law of the Most Rigorous Form Possible. The Other Names of God, should only be used in the Synagogue, Yeshiva, Wailing Wall and in Personal Prayer, on their knees and clean. To Ask for forgiveness for our Sins, Praise Him, Thank Him for Everything. That is why the Rabbis, The Talmud, forbid pronouncing The Divine Name. So that they do not Profane The Name of God and consequently so that those people do not die punished. That is why we must write GOD WITH A SCRIPT OR COMA ENTREMEDIO FOR NOT DEPRIVING THE NAME OF D, IOS. So if the Paper where the Name of God was written ends up on the floor or in the garbage, then The Name is not profaned. Then from now on we should only pronounce The Man Hashem or God of Israel (with hyphen or comma in between). And continue with the Prayer. And in a holy place like Synagogue or Yeshiva. Never in the bathroom. The Caraitas, Nehemia Gordon and Michael Rood are wrong: 1.- The Caraitas arose in the seventh century, along with other groups that did not accept the Talmud (It should be noted that the doctrine of Anan Ben David, disagrees a lot with the current doctrine Caraita). CENTURY VI -there are no caraitos V CENTURY -there are no caraitos CENTURY IV -there are no caraitos CENTURY III -there are no caraitos CENTURY II -there are no caraitos CENTURY I -there are no caraitos When the Caraitas appeared. Gaon Saadia and Maimonides (Great Talmudic Sages), easily refuted their arguments (Thank God of Israel). The Caraite Leaders, could not counterattack or refute Rabbinic Judaism. The Caraitas modified its main foundations, principles and bases. And then they interpreted various parts of the Torah, as the Rabbis had already done. After that period, Caraismo began to shrink and shrink. Until finally being marginalized. Today caraitas are only 40,000 in Israel. Less than 1% of the World Jewish Population. In The Holocaust, the Nazis declared them NOT JEWS. In the Russian Empire (19th century) they were considered NOT JEWS. For example: The Canon of the Tanakh that Caraitas opted for, is the same as that of the Rabbis (Pharisees, BUT DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF THE SADUCEOS AND ESENIOS. 2.- Nehemia Gordon is the son of an Orthodox Rabbi. But he left the Yeshiva because he did not like the Studio style (Mishnah, Guemara, Midrash, Tefila Amida, immersion in Mikve, hand washing). WHY A CARAITA (NEHEMIA GORDON) IS THE INTIMATE FRIEND OF A PAGANO IDOLATRA (MICHAEL ROOD) WHO ACCEPTS JESUS ​​AS THE MESSIAH? Something that is sin according to the Strict Observance of the Torah The Sadducees, Essenes, KARAITAS, DO NOT ACCEPT JESUS ​​AS THE MESSIAH. Seriously can someone have credibility for Nehemia Gordon? Look at your Photos on your Facebook. That inappropriate behavior. Fuss, childish, immature. Disagree with that of a Torah Scholar as for example ISAAC KADURI or OVADIA YOSEF. 3.- Michael Rood is a pagan idolater. accept Jesus as the Messiah. I wonder what michael rood will say to Nehemia Gordon about the fact that in the 960 scrolls found in Qumran, there is no mention of Jesus or his life or his apostles? Or about the more than 50 apocryphal gospels? Will Michael Rood know that on the Caraita website, the New Testament is unmasked in a mocking tone? Messianic Judaism is emerging (19th century). Christianity had its beginnings with the Roman Empire (Constantine) and the Catholic Church and then the 99999999 Protestant sects (with the Reformation of Martin Luther-XVIth century). The entire New Testament was elaborated by the Catholic Church (obviating the 50 apocryphal gospels). The 10 Martires of the Catholic Church canonized by the Catholic Church, but overlooked by the Protestant sects and MESSIANIC SECTS. Why do you think Michael Rood easily changed the Name of God?Because his doctrine is false, erroneous, distorted, biased, arbitrary. That is why He is voluble and constantly changes principles (WHICH DISCREP WITH THOSE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, PROTECTING SECTS AND MESSIANIC SECTS). CENTURY XVIII -There are no MEsianicos Jews XVII CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY XVI -There are no MEsianicos Jews XV CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews XIV CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews 13TH CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews XII CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews ELEVENTH CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews X CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews 9TH CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY VIII -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY VII -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY VI -There are no MEsianicos Jews V CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY IV -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY III -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY II -There are no MEsianicos Jews - Pharisees, Essenes, Sadducees, SAMARITANS (NEUTRALS), did not accept jesus de nazareth as El Mesias. Because they never saw the fictitious events mentioned in the Gospels. We all must Worship the God of Israel, Obey the Torah, as the Ultra Orthodox Chassidic Rabbis.
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