Kingdom of Yugoslavia: Liberation or Oppression?

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2 жыл бұрын

Today we will explore the age-old question of whether the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, really was the Liberator of South Slavs, or were they just another country occupying other people and their land? We will find out now.
Twitter: / lavbosniak
#yugoslavia #history #bosnia #croatia

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@bagen5533 3 ай бұрын
if you are saying that Yugoslavia was a "Greater Serbian expansionalist state", that Germany is Greater Prussian Imperialist State.
@jgr7487 2 ай бұрын
Neither of these is wrong.
@epiclydum 2 жыл бұрын
Thats genuinely a good video , keep up the work fam
@MsPoyee 10 ай бұрын
Was this the reason King Alexander of Yugoslavia was assassinated along with the French Foreign Minister, Louis Barthou, in Marseille in October 1934.
@z000ey 9 ай бұрын
Yes, the Croatian terrorist organisation Ustashe organized the assassination, with imho 5 assassins on the route, the last one actually did it and he was Macedonian by nationality (recruited into the organization as the VMRO and Ustashe supported each other in anti Yugoslav actions). Btw the leader of the Ustashe, Ante Pavelić, was present in the Belgrade parliament at the time of the assassination of the 5 Croat representatives, he fled Croatia after the dictatorship was proclaimed in 1929. and organized the Ustashe in 1930. Then in 1941. took power with 200 followers due to the legitimate Croatian leader Machek (the successor to assassinated Radic) unwilling to serve as a Germano/Italian puppet.
@Asatov94 3 ай бұрын
​@@z000ey The guy who killed him was Bulgarian, not Macedonian my friend ;)
@z000ey 3 ай бұрын
@@Asatov94 true, my mistake. He was a member of VMRO but that organization was at that time a covert pro-Bulgarian association with the goal of finally uniting Macedonia into Bulgaria, with the independence of Macedonia as the first step
@Charon-5582 Ай бұрын
​@@z000eyIn My Humble Oppinion there was 5 assassins? Do you mean If I Remember Correctly? (iirc instead of imho)
@faree9822 2 жыл бұрын
It can be seen that a lot of effort was invested in this video. 👏🏻
@demirovicamir2813 2 жыл бұрын
Ein sehr gutes Video für alle, die etwas tiefer in das Thema der Beziehungen zwischen den Nationen im ehemaligen Königreich einsteigen wollen. Respekt für nicht geringen Aufwand. Wir hoffen auf ein weiteres Video.
@geostrategicinsights6801 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to seeing more videos!
@RufusDinaricus Жыл бұрын
1) Quite a biased video, which is to be expected as it is based on a very biased source (A Century of Serbian Terror - Nenad Piskač) and a questionable book by Noel Malcolm. 2) Serbs won the WWI and paid the piper, while other ethnic groups were part of the losing side. They joined the Yugoslav Serb state and not the other way around. It seems silly to cry over it with a dimmed view from 2023. 3) Slovenian higher education and the most of their national institutions were started in Yugoslavia. Many Slovenians and Dalmatians supported the king and his rule. 4) The biggest (legal, non-genocidal) Croatian state-entity in their modern history was formed in the Kingdom and it was called "Banovina Hrvatska". I guess that does not add up to the little narrative presented. 5) Yugoslav Croat politician Stjepan Radic was not killed in some "Serbo plot". He was killed because he most terribly offended a war veteran with an old fashioned sense of honor. He repeated his toxic remarks and refused to apologize. If you, for example, terribly offend someone's child, you should be ready for the consequences. 6) Bosnian Muslim landowners were given their land at the expense of Christian population, by the Ottoman Empire, which occupied this part of Europe for centuries and directly influenced it to remain more backward compared to other parts of Europe. Many Serbs and some Croats did not have any land because it was owned by Ottoman goons. And the Serbs were about 50% of the population. You must have missed that context. 7) There was opression in the Kingdom, like in most states of the time, but it was mild compared to Tito's reign, especially in the first decade of his rule. 8) The official politics of the country was "integral Yugoslavism", meaning that everybody was and is to be Yugoslav first and foremost, and not "you all must be Serbs or otherwise we will beastly slaughter you" as you quite wrongly present. 8) Your videos has some merit but all in all it is a sad promotion of national narratives and it fails to deliver a neutral view, with facts and context taken into account. For example, you did not analyse the state of affairs in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia after 1934.
@malimate2660 11 ай бұрын
----"Serbs won the WWI and paid the piper, while other ethnic groups were part of the losing side. They joined the Yugoslav Serb state and not the other way around. It seems silly to cry over it with a dimmed view from 2023."" -----.A third of the army (according to Minister Petar Pesic was from Croatia, together with Cardinal Stepinac... ------"Yugoslav Croat politician Stjepan Radic was not killed in some "Serbo plot". He was killed because he most terribly offended a war veteran with an old fashioned sense of honor. He repeated his toxic remarks and refused to apologize. If you, for example, terribly offend someone's child, you should be ready for the consequences.""" -------Guns are usually carried in all parliaments, and later the killer is given an apartment instead of prison???? -------Bosnian Muslim landowners were given their land at the expense of Christian population, by the Ottoman Empire, which occupied this part of Europe for centuries and directly influenced it to remain more backward compared to other parts of Europe. -------That is why the Serbs had to drive them to Turkey (250,000) and take away their land during colonization and expansion in 1918. In the 'Letter to the Serbs' in 1933., Svetozar Pribicevic said everything: 'We Serbs in Croatia have always been Belgrade's tool against Zagreb. First they charge us like rabid dogs at Croatia, and then they kick us like a very sick dog that no one needs. The Serbs should see and understand that they have no moral, political, national, or historical right to rule over the Croats and to keep them in union with them by force (dictatorship). '
@z000ey 9 ай бұрын
will adress some of the points, both positively and negatively: 2) Other ethnic groups (State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs) joined the Yugoslav state without prior elections. The National Council of SHS was not an elected body, they did together though reach the decision to separate from AU but only a part of the Council agreed upon unification with Serbia. They followed upon their prior Krf Declaration where the discussion of what type of state the union would be was kept to: "united south Slavic state with rights to all nations and religions, under the Karadjordjevic king", and all discussion about Federalism was not allowed to be led. It was implied it shall be federalist in the forthcoming Constitution, but that one passed on Vidovdan 1921. by majority of present members, not a 2/3 majority of all members as normal with constitutions (so the absent members were completely ignored, and the bulk of the absentees were against it). The majority came from Serbs, and of course no Federalism whatsoever. The constitution gave enormous powers to the King, both towards the nation and over the Parliament, and also he was exempt from all prosecution... 4) + 8) very good points. Yes, after 1934. (hey, Alexander dead, Pavle is regent, think about that) things started changing to the better, and in 1939. the agreement Cvetkovic Macek was signed where Banovina was formed and Croats were finally OKish with the Yugoslav state. Unfortunately, a mere 4 days later the Germans attacked Poland... 5) Radic was continually threatened by the Serbian Radical politicians, openly in the Parliament and newspapers. The same day he was warned by two members of the Parliament that the Radicals might well kill him (kinda like Caesar on the Ides of March). He still went, and swore he'd not say a word, and he DIDN'T. The guy that "offended" Racic was Pernar (also shot at), but that was after 3 more death threats both by Racic and Markovic and Popovic. Racic, after shooting Pernar, turned on Radic, then one after the other Basaricek and Grandja threw themselves in front of Radic and got shot, then Racic shot Radic in full cold blood (4th to get shot), then as Radic's nephew came closer turned to him and shot him as the 5th victim. Racic then walked out unhindered while the Radicals shouted "long live Serbia" and he proceeded to the police station to deliver himself. His sentence was for "murder WITHOUT intent"!!! Hey, without intent he brought a gun into the Parliament, threatened death several times, then shot five and walked away?!? And he served his "sentence" in an open prison with the prison director giving him his villa with 3 inmates with servants... BTW the prior Radic's offense was calling the Radicals "cattle" in a newspaper edition, which he did but a) that was his way of talking, he was a leader of the Peasant Party for gods sake, he called the Croats politicians of 1918. geese... and b) you get called "cattle", you take out a gun and shoot five, really?!? 6) Pernar's "offense" was that he called the Serbs for "stealing the Begs", meaning the agrarian reform where the wealthy Begs of Bosnia lost all the land to peasant Serbs. How did the Begs get their land? From the Turks in the 1500's? Yes, and no. The vast majority of the PRIOR landowner Bosnian aristocracy after the Ottoman takeover in 1460. either a) fled towards the west, or b) accepted the Muslim religion. The lands of the fled were given directly to Ottoman officials, but the land of the converted was their own! The agrarian reform was necessary as Bosnia still had feudalism and that was not something that could not be accepted in the 20th century, but the recompense for the reform was specially meager because the landowners were Muslim and the recipients were Serbs. If there were no religion lines in that included, the recompense would have been much fairer. That is behind the sentence "you stole from the Begs" and that is TRUE. 7) agree. But remember, in Tito's Yugoslavia ALL NATIONS got their share of oppression, it was on political lines (including the Stalinist communists!). In the Kingdom though, you could count on your fingers how many Serbs got oppressed (other than communists) vs thousands of other nationalities members that were oppressed (even without being communist) 8) again, agree. And to be honest, Alexander believed he was doing the right thing. But the times were still not right. The differences were enormous on his rise to power: national, religious, traditions, bureaucracy, economy.... as we saw, 1/4 of the state still had the feudal system!!! As the saying goes: the road to hell is paved with good intentions...
@thesljivo4101 6 ай бұрын
Concerning the elections... most ethnicities got their voting franchise seriously expanded in Yugoslavia. For example, in 1913, less than 9% of the Croatian population was eligible to vote (and the elections were won by the "Croatian-Serbian coalition", anyway). Moreover, the Croatian Sabor was packed by the nobles, who were expected to skew the majority towards the Habsburg loyalist camp. The Croats that could vote, when they voted, mostly cast their ballots in favour of the parties which sought closer ties with Serbs and, consequently, with Serbia. The greatest mistake of Serbia was that it entered the project without having the overwhelming strength that Prussia or Piedmont had in their unifications of Germany and Italy respectively. Similar issues were faced by Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania. Southern Italians also resented their liberators from the North, yet, given that Italy is still around, there are not that many KZbin videos covering that topic. While Yugoslavia still was a thing, it made sense to many commentators that the Southern Slavs wanted to live in one country. As soon as it collapsed, it suddenly made sense that they never wanted Yugoslavia to begin with. That's one of the biases caused by the hindsight. It would be fair to state that the Serbian elites attempted to copy the most common nation-building recipe of the time and failed. Tito's communists tried to copy the Soviet recipe and failed. Eventually, all nation-building projects among the Southern Slavs failed, as their most ardent nationalists nowadays type their comments from Ireland, Berlin, Munich, Basel, etc.
@ahmadsawas1308 Жыл бұрын
Can you please inform us how did the land owning Bosniaks get that land ? Isn't it by selling there honor to the Turks ?
@lordnicholasbuzanthefearle2155 Жыл бұрын
It by serving the Ottoman army
@malimate2660 11 ай бұрын
In the same way, the Serbs got land in Croatia (as Turkish vassals), and later in Bosnia in 1918, by expelling 250,000 Bosniaks to Turkey..........There were no Serbs in Bosnia until the arrival of the Turks, who restored them church (around 1557)
@artair70 Ай бұрын
@@lordnicholasbuzanthefearle2155 Serving? Weird word for slavery
@AEIOU05 2 жыл бұрын
Tremendous video 👌🏻
@Ogi88 2 жыл бұрын
@foka0_0 2 жыл бұрын
Can you provide some of the source you used for this video? I found your video very interesting :D And would like to further read about Yugoslavia during the 20s and 30s
@Lavader_ 2 жыл бұрын
The main sources I used for the making of this video are: - Bosnia: A Short History (Noel Malcolm) - A Century of Serbian Terror (Nenad Piskač) - The Kingdom of Yugoslavia (Charles River Editors) These are the books I used, I also used numerous Historical Websites, containing lots of Information on the status of Bosniaks and Croats.
@foka0_0 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lavader_ Thank you for the quick reply (: Wish you the best with your channel. This is a very high quality video that deserves more attention honestly
@adrianusvonbrunn7079 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lavader_ do you have Malcolms book in physical or in online edition?
@dinaric 2 жыл бұрын
Very biased video, no mention of Dalmatia and oddly enough no mention of Slovenia. Also where did you find these serb nationalists, I have never spoken to a serb nationalist who didn't spit on the Yugoslavism.
@corneliuscapitalinus845 2 жыл бұрын
They dont tend to praise it in and of itself, but when others say they preferred Austrian rule, or suggest it was good for them to leave Yugoslavia, you absolutely do see this kind of thing from Serb nationalists. Makes sense why serbs feel this way - what you consider to be your own internal tribal/factional issues is one thing, but outsider meddling or what you may think of as traitorous is quite another. Of course the croats etc may think of what constitutes internal issues and outsider meddling a bit differently than do the Serbs, so this kind of thing is just inevitable
@carbon4454 Ай бұрын
They tend to spit on the federal/communist Yugoslavia whereas the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was very much pro-Serb
@lancate4566 2 жыл бұрын
Imas li neku literaturu za dodjeljivanja zemljista Vlasima?
@felixlps1 2 жыл бұрын
Great video
@robotube7361 2 жыл бұрын
Bosnia and Herzegovina? Wtf are you talking about? Back then half of Bosnia were Serbs and the other half were Muslims and croats. Bosnia didnt have national identity back then and people saw themselves as part of a territory. Croats were divided and so were the Muslims over Yugoslavia. So if half of Bosnia was inhabited by Serbs an The other half were Muslims and Croats and half of them were somewhat ok with Yugoslavia- it would make Bosnia aroud 75% for Yugoslavia give or take. Croat and Slovenian joined Yugoslavia out of Fears of Italian ambitions. Majority of them were pro Yugoslavia back then albeit there were some who were opposed like Stepan Radic and his party. But AT THAT TIME (I cannot stress how the period is important) they were more in favor of having autonomy under Yugoslavia than losing all their Adriatic coast to italy. Little mention fact is that italy was very dissatisfied after WW1 at the formation of the State of Serbs Croats and Slovenes and considered the Balkan Adriatic coast their right. This was in the time before the Ustashe and the Chetniks and the hard animosity and the certainly prefered autonomy over lost territory to italians. Serbia came out as a victor after WW1 and as a regional power and had the undivided support of the British Empire and the French. The State of Serbs Croats and Slovenes didnt have much choice anyways. This view of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia as a dungeon comes during the Ustashe republic's time and its reinforced during Tito's time and then after the Yugoslav wars. but it was far from it. Im not even a Serb so this is not biased view. There was a time where people on the land of ex yugoslavia lived together without general animosity. Too bad at the end separatism won. but once again The Kingdom of Yugoslavia wasnt as bad as its portrayed today.
@bosanski_Cevap 2 жыл бұрын
I see how supported Yugoslavia was by the muslims in 1918 The first thig that the serbs did when they entered was the killing of estimated 3k muslik civilians and afterwards the agrarian reform where most of bosniak owned territory was given to serbs If the slovenians loved yugoslavia at the beginning so much why did the slovenes in Austria chose to remain to be part of Austria instead of Yugoslavia?
@djape1977 Жыл бұрын
@@bosanski_Cevap jok, najbolje bi bilo da ste ostali age i begovi a da vam Srbi budu kmetovi. U stvari to i hoćete sada u Bosni da napravite
@djape1977 Жыл бұрын
@@avus-kw2f213 🤣😂🤣 Come and get it if you can 😁😁😁
@jameslippincott Жыл бұрын
@@bosanski_Cevap Drop that knowledge on those haters! Lol
@rawka_7929 2 күн бұрын
Doesn't justify ownership of North Macedonia tho.
@zalozbaignis2229 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this wonderful video. We, the Slovenians, were Inner Austria historically. A bunch of foreign agents in the Slovenian political life (not the mainstream, but they got power with the fall of the Habsburgs, threw us into Yugoslavia, which then denied our statehood and sovereignty, our history, our traditions, our aristocracy, etc. These bastards even today present themselves as "liberators" of Slovenians, but many of our best public persons warned against Yugoslavia. They were either killed or expelled. Only today some of us start to get back into the public discourse our true history, the Habsburg history, and our Inner Austrian identity.
@VojvodaBla Жыл бұрын
@Comrade2face 7 ай бұрын
seig heil slovenia or bratsva i jedinstvo? ne lazi Slovenci su Juzni Slaveni i odgovorni su bili za Jugoslaviju
@Comrade2face 7 ай бұрын
I thought Slovenians are slav since the name Slavenia, the slavic color on the flag, and wasnt Tito Slovenian the man who created a Socialist Yugoslavia
@Comrade2face 7 ай бұрын
@@VojvodaBla Ya Ya Danke Jugoslawien
@commanderstrelok 6 ай бұрын
Femboys claiming to be germanoid 😂
@papapoleon1136 2 жыл бұрын
Kako lep video ljubim ti sva tri prsta na sednoj ruci.
@user-fd3dv9xq3r 2 жыл бұрын
Can you send the map used at 3:50
@jasrelaxing Жыл бұрын
First time I see real fixed bayonet fight, thanks!
@MoB_Griff 16 күн бұрын
The agrarian reform is misrepresented, the land wasn't taken and given to people based on their nationalisty, it was given to those who previously lived and worked it as serfs since up until 1918 Bosnia had a feudal society with most sefs being Serbs, also the land was compensated for, and to also add in other parts of previously Austria Hungary, major Serbian landowners also had their land given to those who lived and worked on it, the reform ended feudal system in the Balkans, and also, very few Muslims/Bosniaks were actually landowners themselves. The reform didn't lead to disparity as the Bosniaks who were landowners also had various other sources of income and they excelled im many cities within Bosnia.
@artair70 Ай бұрын
God I love Balkan politics, I have no dog in this fight but it's comical to say the least as an outsider.
@whiteoctober4582 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree... good video nonetheless
@marcobor3290 Жыл бұрын
@eknomtsicsaf Жыл бұрын
Victims of ideology - parts where Serbs lived and were oppressed by both Austrians and Croatobosniakomacedonians??? Lol.
@user-ii3eu6xd8h 6 ай бұрын
Serbia was a winner in WW 1. Slovenia and Croatia were parts of Austria-Hungary and they had lost the war. In history, winners dictate the terms and conditions to the losers. If they had not joined Yugoslavia, they would have remained losers in history forever. By joining into a larger country with Serbia, which in 1929 became known as Yugoslavia, they joined with the winning side, thus clearing their name, and the Serbian Army prevented Italy from annexing parts of Croatia on the Adriatic Coast. If we wanted a Greater Serbia, we could have made it, because the Treaty of London from 1915 practically created a Greater Serbia, but instead we naively believed that we are all the same people, South Slavs. The Muslims in the Royal Yugoslav Army even had separate kitchens which did not serve pork. So, before the usual Western narrative from the 1990s about Greater Serbia and Serbian hegemony, remember that back in 1918 the situation was different and Serbia was respected. In any case, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was a necessity, to prevent Austria-Hungary from being recreated, and to keep Germany and Italy somewhat at bay. France had a huge role in creating the first Yugoslavia. Things are always much bigger than they seem, many internal and external factors were at play. Talking about things from today's perspective is wrong. You need to understand the conditions in Europe at that particular time in history.
@gaiuszeno1331 17 күн бұрын
Serbia wasn't the winners of WW1. They are europeans. The only winner was America.
@Ayhaninho892 Ай бұрын
As an descendant of those who had to flee, I despise these inhumane occurences to the fullest.
@zalozbaignis2229 Жыл бұрын
Bostjan M. Turk, PhD, found a lot of documents in French archives, showing that Yugoslavia, finally, was the product of the french masonery that wanted to destroy the Habsburg Central Europe.
@keno2285 Жыл бұрын
4:45 this feels more like a video about croats not bosniaks lol you should post about how 2.000 bosniak political leaders were killed during the yugoslav period by serbs and CROATS
@ladosdominik1506 Жыл бұрын
You are aware that Bosniaks are muslim croats, right?
@promeneuzivotu117 4 ай бұрын
​@@ladosdominik1506 bruh i am dead!😂
@HawkThunder907 2 ай бұрын
This guy just made a whole biased video defending muslims in (then) Croatia, and you Muslim serbs and croats still complain?😂😂 Brother, IT WAS CROATIA AT THAT TIME, CROATIA WAS GIVEN LAND BY THE SERBIAN KING ALEXANDER.
@heinrich7539 2 жыл бұрын
Gutes Video 👍
@mihailodjokic1467 2 жыл бұрын
It is all ours , from Bitolj all to the Trst.
@elemperadordemexico Жыл бұрын
Want another visit from nato?
@jameslippincott Жыл бұрын
Its all mine actually go away
@mihailodjokic1467 Жыл бұрын
@@jameslippincott Who the hell are you?
@alexjako8472 4 ай бұрын
Don’t forget that the serbs won ww1 tho
@tunderbird7 Ай бұрын
Глас витешког чујмо краља Алескандра господара📯🇷🇸👑
@commanderstrelok 6 ай бұрын
@elvirbajric907 2 жыл бұрын
For Bosniaks it was oppression,a hellhole where we were 2nd class citizens.It was estimated that from 1919 up until Šahovići massacre in 1924 around 5000 Bosniaks were murdered in Bosnia and Sandzak region.
@elvirbajric907 2 жыл бұрын
@@neTap1483 So what were they in 1924?
@elvirbajric907 2 жыл бұрын
@@neTap1483 Because they were forced to identify like that but if they were muslim Serbs why were they treated like garbage in all the parts where Serbs came as "liberators" from 1804 up until 1995?
@elvirbajric907 2 жыл бұрын
@@neTap1483 says a guy who thinks that Bosniaks were created in 1993.Ok
@elvirbajric907 2 жыл бұрын
@@neTap1483 that is your proof that Bosniaks didn't exist? A ethnic census is a reason for a Bosniak existence? By that logic Serbs in Bosnia didn't exist up until SFRJ since in Otoman times they were just greek christians in AH as Bosniak orthodox or just orthodox and during 1918 till 1941 just as pravoslavci.
@elvirbajric907 2 жыл бұрын
@@neTap1483 does that mean Serbs were also Otomans and German/Hungarian during the Otoman and Austria Hungary times?
@keno2285 Жыл бұрын
haha this guy is larping for croats too.
@keno2285 Жыл бұрын
9:27 ethnic minorities?
@whatforaaron2494 11 ай бұрын
Other ethnic minorities such as Jews, who have been living in B&H, since the Spanish Inquisition and even before, and almost got entirely wiped out, during WWII. Yet many Yugoslav Jews ended up in the ranks of Tito’s Partisans, and fought bravely.
@rexdelajava9729 2 жыл бұрын
Exellent video. Sad that nothing is mentionned about albanian lands such Ks, Mn and mk were albanian majority have been spoiled of their lands during this agrarian reform and slaughtered too.
@gamewizardthesecond 2 жыл бұрын
Or Montenegro
@rexdelajava9729 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamewizardthesecond das rassisst !
@eknomtsicsaf Жыл бұрын
@TheAustrianAnimations87 Жыл бұрын
And yet Serbs still think they liberated Bosnia from an oppressive imperialist empire and praise Gavrilo Princip for killing a man who had reform plans and wanted to avoid WW1 at all costs. Sure, Austria-Hungary may occupied (and later annexed) Bosnia, but they at least built a lot of roads & railways, built 200 schools & introduced mandatory education, created a public works program, developed mines & factories, agriculture was promoted with model farms & training colleges, and most importantly, there was freedom of religion for all Bosnians. Austro-Hungarian rule was by no means perfect, but it was far from bad. Thank you for making this video, this and your video about A-H rule in Bosnia deserve much more attention.
@gasmonkey1000 2 жыл бұрын
Reject Yugoslavism. Return to Habsburg benevolence.
@editingwaffle 2 жыл бұрын
@vukgrkovic2436 5 ай бұрын
As a Montenegrin who lives in the Bay Of Kotor, I think it would've been better if we stayed within Austria-Hungary
@promeneuzivotu117 4 ай бұрын
@djape1977 Жыл бұрын
And yet another video full of BS and outright lies
@keno2285 Жыл бұрын
wtf? bosniaks did not live good under AH 300.000 bosniaks migrating to turkey alone is enough proof
@drogonaut2012 Ай бұрын
They didn't like losing the shariah privileges, also they rebelled as soon as ottomans handed over the region to AU. But tolerance edicts from Vienna were quickly implemented so they were mostly ok with staying
@HissPhunnyCat Жыл бұрын
I didn't trust this at first (mainly because it's coming from someone who unironically thinks the german empire was good) but I have a friend from the balkans and they said the kingdom of yugoslavia was pretty terrible so I guess the video is correct
@simulacrumpilot2777 Жыл бұрын
What do you have against the German Empire?
@HissPhunnyCat Жыл бұрын
@@simulacrumpilot2777 Namibia.
@user-pn7jz9vr2z Жыл бұрын
I guess he is over 90 if he can claim that
@HissPhunnyCat Жыл бұрын
@@user-pn7jz9vr2z or they just talk about that in hostory class
@user-pn7jz9vr2z Жыл бұрын
@@HissPhunnyCat then he can't claim that lol They told us in our history class that it was good
@Brendan_Seka 2 жыл бұрын
Horribly biased video, which comes to no surprise as the maker is a Kaiserboo. Doesn’t mention Slovenia in the video once or Dalmatia. Additionally you talk of Montenegro and fail to acknowledge the fact that Montenegrins are Serbs ethnically and religiously. Yugoslavia was no scape goat for Serbian nationalism, the Serbs could’ve created there own Great Serbia but instead chose Yugoslavia. I should’ve known this video would be garbage when you talk in other videos about preserving the German Empire. Someone’s just sad that their sorry empire and the absolute disgrace that was the Austro-Hungarian couldn’t defeat the Serbs and our allies
@Brendan_Seka 2 жыл бұрын
Bosnians also weren’t viewed as an ethnicity at this time as they aren’t even an ethnicity. Bosnians as a term refers to from the geographic area of Bosnia, a state ruled by ethnic Serbs until the conquest of the Ottoman Empire and the conversion to Islam of many of the people in this region. Looking a census from before WW2 and you’ll see Bosnian’s were simply viewed as Serbs, which they ethnically are. Instead you chose to portray Serbs as the villain to fit your anti Slav narrative and make your kraut empire seem better
@Brendan_Seka 2 жыл бұрын
Also Serbian nationalists are very much against Yugoslavism. When have you ever heard Serbian nationalists say how much they like the idea of a state of south Slavs and not a great Serbia? They could’ve just had greater Serbia but no why not make it more complex
@bosanski_Cevap 2 жыл бұрын
@@Brendan_Seka and yet the term bosniak existed and was used to describe people living in bosnia "Die Bosniaken kommen" was made by the austrians when bosnia was annexed Bosniaks were viewed as serbs or croats but majorité decided to chose "unknown/undecided" in every ethnic census
@sneedsfeedandseed5295 Жыл бұрын
go back to reddit
@dougrossi9467 Жыл бұрын
S*rboid cope seethe dilate ratio
@ivanmarinov2385 2 жыл бұрын
Macedonia is bulgaria
@HissPhunnyCat 2 жыл бұрын
bulgaria is turkey
@djape1977 Жыл бұрын
Sofija je Srbija
@jon_skrtel2222 Жыл бұрын
Skopje je Srbija!
@algerianmonarchist8017 Жыл бұрын
Average balkan comment section
@wolfendoomify Жыл бұрын
​@@djape1977 Not even kosovo or montenegro are smrdija anymore.
@knightesquire36 2 жыл бұрын
All autocrats are based -sun tzu art of war Alexander was based
@z000ey 9 ай бұрын
When you hear these opinions from a channel that openly states Monarchist and National Conservative Worldview, while telling what the KINGDOM of Yugoslavia was, and that it's successor, a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, was better, you know you are hearing THE TRUTH! :) thank you!
@mihailodjokic1467 2 жыл бұрын
Lies, everything is lie here, Yugoslavia was Yugoslavia, not the greater serbian hegemony....
@mataman1862 Жыл бұрын
Istina boli
@mrastronaut9078 5 ай бұрын
Lol. Kad 3, 4 ili cak 5 od 6 naroda tu drzavu vidi tako, vrijeme je da se malo zapitas. To je ko ona stara, ako sretnes supka, sreo si supka. Ako sretnes 2 supka, sreo si 2 supka. Ali ako u jednom danu sretnes 80 supaka, onda je vrijeme da se zapitas jesi li ti mozda supak. Ako definitvno 3 naroda nisu zadovoljna (slovenci, bosnjaci i hrvati), ili 4 (navedena 3 plus makedonci) ili pak 5 (posto se sad bune i crnogorci) nije li vrijeme da se zapitas jel to stvarno istina?
@promeneuzivotu117 4 ай бұрын
​@@mataman1862 da zato ćemo reći da je Jasenovac bio samo "radni logor".
@danovak556 14 күн бұрын
7:15 but why did they own so much
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