1. Normal 2. G-Major 11 3. Luig group 4. LTKC map 5. G-Major 4 6. X is crying 7. X is sad 8. G-Major 74 9. G-Major 7 10. RJ Kumar's G-Major 9 11. G-Major 2 12. G-Major 5 13. Devil's blast 14. G-Major 3 15. X-Major 16. CoNfUsIoN 17. G-Major 1 18. X isn't scary 19. G-Major 20. G-Major 6 21. Pika major 22. Chorded 23. Pika gabber 24. X is angry 25. X has a conga busher 26. X is high 27. Abandoned G-Major 28. N-Major 29. Haunted G-Major 0 30. Glow in the dark 31. I spoiled X 32. Wiggle major 33. Super slow 34. G-Major 1862 35. G-Major 8 36. Right mirrored 37. Pitch white 38. Pitch black 39. Morning night 40. G-Major 14 41. Clearer 42. Group 43. Helium 44. Elderly 45. For drums 46. Even X discontinues 47. I killed X 48. ZooPals effect V3 49. Backing voices 50. Autovocoding 51. CoNfUsIoN + G-Major 4 52. Mari group 53. Diamond major 54. X is laughing 55. BS-TBTV combo 56. Ni Hao Kai Lan major 57. ZooPals effect V81 58. Too ruins tree 59. X is divided 60. Z-Major 61. Virus voice 62. Mystery effect 63. Anti-mystery effect 64. A-Major 65. Efidiea 66. RjGunner111 major 67. RJ Kumar version of I killed X 68. Not sure what I did to X 69. Weird code 70. W-Major 71. G-Major 15 72. X is blind 73. X is deaf 74. Blind major 75. Deaf major 76. G-Major 2015 77. VideoUp V1 78. VideoUp V2 79. VideoUp V3 80. VideoUp V4 81. VideoUp V5 82. VideoUp V6 83. VideoUp V7 84. VideoUp V8 85. VideoUp V9 86. VideoUp V10 87. X is sick 88. Low voice 89. Slow voice 90. G-Major mirror top 91. G-Major 19 92. MeyerUp V4 93. Oppo oppo 94. G-Major 25 95. Emgloss major 96. G-Major 20 97. VideoUp V2554 98. X-Major 714 99. X is going weirdness every 100. G-Major 100 101. Real G-Major 4 102. You wiggled X 103. Loudness 104. Sponge 105. Sponge 2.0 106. All effects rund 1 vs Megan Woodmansee 107. G-Major 9 108. Q-Major 109. V-Major 110. Y-Major 111. Z-Major 150 112. Csuusc csuusc 113. For drums 2 114. Clearer 2 115. Power city night 116. Invert color 117. RGB to BGR 118. RGB to BGR + reverse 119. 47.0 Electric module 120. J-Major 121. Crazy diamond
@tymonszubski445711 ай бұрын
1. Normal 2. G Major 11 3. Luig Group 4. LTCK Map 5. LTCK Map + Luig Group 6. G Major 4 7. LTCK Map + G Major 4 8. Crying 9. Sad 10. G Major 74 11. LTCK Map + G Major 74 12. G Major 7 13. G Major 9 By Rj Kumar 14. LTCK Map + G Major 7 15. LTCK Map + G Major 9 By Rj Kumar 16. G Major 2 17. G Major 5 18. LTCK Map + G Major 2 19. LTCK Map + G Major 5 20. Devil's Blast 21. G Major 3 22. X Major 23. Confusion 24. Confusion + G Major 11 25. Confusion + Luig Group 26. Confusion + LTCK Map 27. G Major 1 28. Not Scary 29. Not Scary + Luig Group 30. Not Scary + G Major 4 31. G Major 32. G Major 6 33. Pika Major 34. Chorded 35. Pika Gabber 36. Angry 37. Angry 2.0 37. Furious 38. Conga Busher 39. Conga Busher 2.0 40. X Is High 41. Abandoned G Major 42. N Major 43. Haunted G Major 0 44. Glow In The Dark 45. I Spoiled X 46. Wiggle Major 47. Super Slow Effect 48. Super Slow Effect + Luig Group 49. G Major 1862 50. G Major 8 51. Right Mirrored 52. Left Mirrored 53. Pitch White 54. Pitch Black 55. Morning Might 56. G Major 14 57. Clearer 58. Group 59. Helium 60. Elderly 61. For Drums 62. Even X Discontinues 63. Even X Continues 64. I Killed X 65. Zoopals Effect V3 66. Backing Voices 67. Autovocoding 68. Confusion + G Major 4 69. Mari Group 70. LTCK Map + Mari Group 71. Diamond Major 72. Laughing 73. BS/TBTV Combo 74. Ni Hao Kai Lan Major 75. Zoopals Effect V81 76. Too Ruins Tree 77. Divided Effect 78. Multiplied Effect 79. Z Major 80. Virus Voice 81. Mystery Effect 82. Anti-Mystery Effect 83. A Major 84. Aormulator V4 85. Efidiea 86. RjGunner111 Major 87. Rj Kumar's Version Of I Killed X 88. 1.0 Not Sure What I Did To X 89. 2.0 Not Sure What I Did To X 90. 3.0 Not Sure What I Did To X 91. 4.0 Not Sure What I Did To X 92. 5.0 Not Sure What I Did To X 93. Weird Code 94. IDFB Electronic Sounds 95. W Major 96. G Major 15 97. Blind 98. Deaf 99. Blind Major 100. Deaf Major 101. G Major 2015 102. Videoup V1 103. Videoup V2 104. Videoup V3 105. Videoup V4 106. Videoup V5 107. Videoup V6 108. Videoup V7 109. Videoup V8 110. Videoup V9 111. Videoup V10 111. Sick 112. Really Sick 113. Low Voice 114. Slow Voice 115. Electronic Sounds 116. Electronic Sounds 2.0 117. Electronic Sounds 3.0 118. Electronic Sounds 4.0 119. G Major Mirror Top 120. G Minor Mirror Bottom 121. G Major 19 122. Meyerup V4 123. Oppo Oppo 124. 4ormulator v1 125. 4ormulator v2 126. 4ormulator v3 127. 4ormulator v4 128. 4ormulator v5 129. 4ormulator v6 130. 4ormulator v7 131. 4ormulator v8 132. 4ormulator v9 133. 4ormulator v10 134. G Major 25 135. Emgloss Major 136. G Major 20 137. Videoup V2554 138. X Major 714 139. Going Weirdness Every 140. G Major 100 141. Real G Major 4 142. The Real G Major 4 143. Confusion + Real G Major 4 144. Confusion + The Real G Major 4 145. You Wiggled X 146. You Pwned X 147. I Wiggled X 148. I Pwned X 149. Loudness 150. Loudness 2.0 151. Loudness 3.0 152. Extreme Rage 153. Ear Bleed 154. Ear Bleed 2.0 155. Ear Bleed 3.0 156. Sponge 157. Sponge 2.0 158-162. Round 1 vs. Megan Woodmansee 163. G Major 9 164. Q Major 165. Neon 166. V Major 167. Y Major 168. Z Major 150 169. Csuusc Csuusc 170. For Drums 2.0 171. Clearer 2.0 172. FlangedSawChorded 173. Helium Chorded 174. Helium Clearer 175. Clearer Chorded 176. PowerCityNight 177. Invert Color 178. RGB To BGR 179. RGB To BGR + Reversed 180. Electric Module 47.0 181. J Major 182. Crazy Diamond 183. Reversed
@gabrielsalingay8971 Жыл бұрын
5.G major 4
@evoron880711 ай бұрын
I KILLED X By RJ Kumar Has No Sound Like G-Major 179
@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal11 ай бұрын
I did not mute the effect. Rather, it's so low pitched that you might not hear it at low volumes.