Life is divided before and after knowing LOVEBITES. ignorance is loss of life. It's a shame that so many people in the world don't know.
@Kalavinka20020310 Жыл бұрын
The Hammer of Wrathの冒頭の笑顔を見ただけでfamiがいかに凄いかわかる気がする。アルバムで新生LOVEBITESをJudgementしてもらうという意気込みだったけど、だとしたら一番それを正面から受けるのは誰よりもfamiのはず。まず偉大なる先輩metal warriorの中に入るだけでも大変なことで、次にその先輩たちが残した輝かしい実績を享受してきたリスナーと初めて相対するライブの一発目、もちろんファンは既に音源でそのすごさを知り受け入れているとは言え、それで一発目からあの笑顔、堂々としたステージング。改めて加入してくれてありがとうfami。本当にバンドを救ってくれた救世主だと思う。ちょうどツアー直前にリリースされるし、これでしっかり気持ちを高めてツアー参戦する!
@painkiller8839 Жыл бұрын
ライブ思い出して涙出てきた😂 感動がよみがえる😊
@alexandrejeannin1869 Жыл бұрын
COME TO EUROPE! Paris, Madrid, Milan, Hambourg, Stockholm are waiting for you!!!
@残尿感不快感 Жыл бұрын
@町山賢司 Жыл бұрын
@DavePicard-re7bq Жыл бұрын
new lovebites coming soon blu ray,dvd & cd knockin at heaven's gate live in tokyo 2023. I love great best band favorite lovebites. thank you lovebites.
@kaze20121 Жыл бұрын
最近、judgement day の music video を観てファンになった新参者です。この曲はすさまじい出来だった! 聴きこむとテクニックの先にあるものが何か見えてきますね~~。 こんな類まれな、いいバンドはどんどんもっと有名になって欲しい! 世界では名をはせているのに日本ではそれほどでもない?のが悔しいです。 P,S:この人たちはヘビメタ界の大谷翔平じゃまいかぁ。なんかほかのバンドが炭酸の抜けたビールのように感じてしまう・・・。
@naokis2663 Жыл бұрын
発売ありがとうございまーす 買う!の一択 これを見て札幌のライブに行きまーす
@takemaruchitaka0322 Жыл бұрын
@SteveBrown-o6h Жыл бұрын
Come to the US. I will see all your shows within 500 miles of me. 🤘🤘
@ellema2194 Жыл бұрын
英語コメントがとても多いですね🌏海外からも期待されてる証です。1:13set list 凄いラインナップですね 発売めちゃ楽しみ✨👍
@中越久志 Жыл бұрын
@ナダーク Жыл бұрын
@stargazer5152 Жыл бұрын
asamiさんの第一声のGO!!で涙が出た😭🤘🔥 勿論買わせていただきます🤘
@metallove16 ай бұрын
@lynsmith1096 Жыл бұрын
That was great and to see you performing live again. Please come to the Wales in the UK.
I might sound a bit stupid but I don't care, watching this brings water to my eyes and makes me feel like a proud father, this is what the world needs as an inspiration to all especially with the mess this world is in today. Fami looks so happy and at ease, effing brilliant band each and every one of them 😢😅❤️🤘🥁🎤🎹🎸🐺🇬🇧
I just got my vcd today.cousin of mine went to japan and i told her to buy me 1.shld have bought the dvd or blue ray.but anyways,happy to have it....😊😊😊
I know that one day you will return to the UK...until then this will help fill the void ! 🤘🐺🤘
@TheCyberMantis Жыл бұрын
One day, they will come to the USA! = Harupi!
@ピカとイーブイ Жыл бұрын
ファンクラブで速攻予約しました。 ジャッジメントデイツアー楽しみにしてます。早く会いたい!
@gordonbell8728 Жыл бұрын
Please 🙏 Please 🙏 Please 🙏 come tour the US!!!!!!!!
@Jボーン Жыл бұрын
@yasu3621 Жыл бұрын
当然ながら、全ての曲が楽しみであることは間違いないのですが、 先ずは #3.『 The Hammer Of Wrath 』のFamiちゃんの Bass solo part が聴きたい😍
@yoshinasato Жыл бұрын
2日目に参戦!<1日目のみ><2日目のみ><両日>演奏した曲をまとめました。 <Firstday Only> ・The Hammer Of Wrath ・Don't Bite The Dust ・Dancing With The Devil ・Liar ・Nameless Warrior <Secondday Only> ・Golden Destination ・Empty Daydream ・Swan Song ・Under The Red Sky ・We The United <Both> ・Bravehearted ・Stand And Deliver (Shoot 'em Down) ・Shadowmaker ・Break The Wall ・Judgement Day ・M.D.O. ・When Destinies Align ・Holy War ・Glory To The World
@theohof2204 Жыл бұрын
Moments of pure bliss - ladies, please come to Germany and make a lot of people happy.
@lianshadowmaker7834 Жыл бұрын
Less headbang, but more smile, smile, smile everywhere. They're having the greatest moment of life.
@bloozmaru Жыл бұрын
I think I'm going to cry…
@Satoimo100 Жыл бұрын
VICTORはもっと海外向けにLOVEBITESのPRを強化してほしい。海外のレジェンドたちに負けない、歴史に残るバンドになるよ。 I wish VICTOR would step up their PR for LOVEBITES for more overseas. They will be a band that will go down in history as good as the legends overseas.
@@gatograto I wonder how much the ladies themselves affect promotion etc. Do they fight with Victor for more exposure, or are operations as they want them to be.
oh yes.great news.cant wait to have this dvd.cheers, peace and love from Romania
@音追人 Жыл бұрын
俺が行った日のじゃねーかー! 買うしかなーい! 俺が行った日じゃなくても買うしかなーいけど!
@mmcpa Жыл бұрын
Great trailer!!! So excited. I pre-ordered the Blu-Ray and CD Fan Club bundles.
@かまぼこ太郎-x2y Жыл бұрын
@eastsixx499 Жыл бұрын
きたよきたきた! 待ってました!
@metallove1 Жыл бұрын
If they come to San Francisco area, I would definitely go to see them. Please make my dream come true! 2024年こそは、サンフランシスコを皮切りに全米ツアーやってほしい。必ず見に行く!! メタルファンもロックファンも割と多いよ。バンドメイドもネモフィラも来たけど、ラブバイツはどうかな?ビクターさん、欧米でもプロモーションやって!!
@metallove16 ай бұрын
実現してくれてありがとう!VIPチケットゲットしました。東京ガーデンシアターにも見に行きます。今からほんとうにたのしみ!!。 I'll see them both in SF and Tokyo. Hooray!!
wonderful to see them doing so well. I have been following them since they started and remember and early show in a sopping mall. NOW selling out halls. RIGHT FUCKING ON. NEXT THE TOKYO DOME. NOW come to America!!!
@renatopeduto4088 Жыл бұрын
Finally lovebites live . Great news
@candyrawk7499 Жыл бұрын
Rockin fami,miyako and haruna you're the you❤❤❤...
@frederickcraft7302 Жыл бұрын
WOW!.Asamis vocals get better and can tell she's worked really hard improving her voice.she's always been good but yes,you can tell.
@ibe966 Жыл бұрын
They sound amazing live. Also, it looks like Fami is having a blast!
@RobinC63 Жыл бұрын
For sure. It would be impossible to wipe the smile off her face.😊
@alchemist006 Жыл бұрын
i swear she's the happiest musician i've ever seen haha
@jaddnar6547 Жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to it too much! Of course I'll order it! 😍
there are just no words, some emotions of happiness
@yukik4379 Жыл бұрын
@-ginotti2 Жыл бұрын
It finally came! I cried at the trailer. 😍🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 ヤバすぎる号泣するだろ! LOVEBITES 最高!!!!!
@LPBrag Жыл бұрын
That t-shirt is amazing! I want it ❤
@marvelous6080 Жыл бұрын
2日目は何処行った? 2日目も円盤希望!
@triradial Жыл бұрын
Wonderful - can't wait to watch and listen to this. Best wishes from Perth, Australia.
@Kozouakomachan9079 Жыл бұрын
Shes so amazing vocalist vocks really great band and song. parfect scampering!!🎶⚡☝🏻🤘🏼👍✨🌟
@RichZee777 Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna be so happy to see this. ☺Lovebites forever. 🤘🐺🤘
@saltwaterinsanity Жыл бұрын
The packs are back on stage again after Miho left the packs in August 2021. By bringing in the bass prodigy Fami and releasing Judgement Day is really deserved efforts which make's the highest charting record todate! The packs has come blasting even stronger, happier and beautiful 🔥🎤🔥🎸🔥🎹🔥🎶
@boimalka Жыл бұрын
im waiting live full concert❤ love u harupi
@ex_old_guitarist Жыл бұрын
@aspei5169 Жыл бұрын
COMMENTARY BY THE BANDキタコレ!!!! コレが有って120%のLOVEBITES!! 現場に行けなかったので、Blu-ray大画面 爆音 行きま〜す!!!!
My Blu-Ray arrived yesterday, and I just watched the concert (I have a decent home theater system). It is absolutely the best live recorded concert I have ever watched/listened to. Lovebites deserve to be globally recognized in the metal world. The talent across the board is of the highest level. What I just heard is perfection. Thank you, Lovebites. Thank you, Asami, Miyako, Midori, Fami, and Haruna.
@terry2276 Жыл бұрын
Why can’t we see them in US? They are making a new history of rock music!
@gnorfdwargrimson786 Жыл бұрын
Stay tuned, they`ll come sooner or later :)
@el_anubis4553 Жыл бұрын
Confirmed, they will be playing at the ProgPower 2024 Atlanta USA, 90 minute show!!!!!!!
@がくさん-j1f Жыл бұрын
さあ、私のお金を持っていけ!! 早く欲しい!!!
@coffeemusic9624 Жыл бұрын
Waiting for the live concert video, 🤟
@obud3777 Жыл бұрын
Miyako playing her new Gibson’s; Les Paul and Futura! 🎸🔥🤘