LOVEBITES / The Hammer Of Wrath [Official Live Video taken from "Knockin' At Heaven's Gate"]

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@はすのこ-j9r Жыл бұрын
コメントするか迷ったんですけど勇気を出してコメントします。私はもうすぐ60歳になるおばさん(おばあさん?)ですがLOVEBITESをごく最近知って以来毎日聴いてます。 高校1年の時にD.パープルのBURNを聴いてなんてカッコいいんだ!と感動して以来HR/HMにはまりました。長くそれから離れていましたがまた最近戻って昔のバンドを聴いたりしています。 で、KZbinでLOVEBITESを知ってあの高1の時のBURNのような衝撃を受けました。テクニック等の難しい事は分かりませんが上手いしカッコいいと思いました。女性から見てもカッコいいです。 バンド内では紆余曲折あったようですが落ち着き再出発できて本当に良かったです。 LOVEBITESから見たらおばあちゃんですが影ながら応援してます。もっともっと世界に羽ばたいていって下さい!
@kouji9578 Жыл бұрын
@はすのこ-j9r Жыл бұрын
@@dg3258 Thank you for the information. I will search for it as soon as impossible. The twin guitars sound like Iron Maiden,Michael Schenker,and sometimes Rachmaninoff in classical music. I enjoy listening to it very much.
@はすのこ-j9r Жыл бұрын
@@kouji9578 有難うございます。昔取った杵柄でライブ参戦したい気持ちはありますが多分体力が保たないと思うので若い方に譲ります😅これからの方々にたくさん知って欲しいし応援して欲しいです😄
@bunqmont9363 Жыл бұрын
MIYAKOが編曲、演奏しているピアノ版のBURNは聴きましたか? 私も同年代ですが、とても懐かしい気持ちになりましたよ。
@はすのこ-j9r Жыл бұрын
@@bunqmont9363 たった今聴いてきました!クラシック風にアレンジしてあるようですね。弾きにくくないのかな?と思いましたけどでも流石だと思いました。何か本家のBURNが聴きたくなってきました😄パープルには名曲がたくさんありますけどやはり私にとってはBURNが一番です✌
@コーガンフリーマン-n2z Жыл бұрын
メタル一筋30年以上の40代おっさんですが、今1番行きたいライブがlovebitesになるとは笑 チケット取れなかった・・・。昔は国内のバンドなんか観ない!!と思ってたのに。すいませんでした!! lovebites最高です。本当世界最高峰のメタルバンドだと思います。演奏技術、歌唱力、ビジュアル。どれも彼女らを超えるバンドは見当たりません。
@Toshi81200 Жыл бұрын
私も欧米HR/HMしか聞かなかった40代おっさんで、まさか日本の、まさかガールズバンドに熱中するなんて夢にも思わなかったです。 Nirvanaくらいまでは着いていけましたが、00年代以降のニューメタル/メタルコアに着いていけず、かといって往年のバンドもみんな年取りすぎて声出なくなっていて、しばらく遠ざかっていました。まさかあの頃のサウンドを、現代の技術と品質、全曲英詩でここまで聴かせてくれるバンドがここ日本から出るとは、隔世の感...
@yoshinasato Жыл бұрын
私も40代のおっさんです。同じく国内のバンドなんかまったく全然興味なかった(スラッシュ好き)のですが、LOVEBITESの「Thunder~」の動画で撃沈しました。 このバンドは過去メタルの流れを高い技術でもってリスペクト&再現しているので40~50代のおっさんが再び熱をあげるのだと思います。 ライブは現場で堪能すると凄いです。アルバムとまた違った迫力やリズムをライヴでは味わえる曲があったりします(個人的にはクルセイドやGoldenのメイデン系の疾走感マシマシの気持ち良さ、アポカリ、M.D.O.のスラッシュ曲の迫力もマシマシで凄いです)。
@コーガンフリーマン-n2z Жыл бұрын
私も最近はメロデス、メタルコア、テクニカルデスに傾倒して、デスヴォイスしか受け付けない耳になってましたw がしかし、正統派メロデック・パワーメタルしかも国内産のガールズメタルバンドにハマるとはw ANGRA好きなので、それも大きかったかなー。 でも、演奏力が凄いバンドは五万といますが、この楽曲を創り出すのが凄いですよね!!miyako嬢の作曲能力には脱帽です。
@metallove1 Жыл бұрын
@千々谷俊彦 Жыл бұрын
@sintarouhirata7514 Жыл бұрын
この超絶銀河系軍団の中でfamiが若干20歳にして既に抜群の存在感を示してる。 大物すぎる。
@nonamexxnewplay Жыл бұрын
うーん、このバンドスゲーな。 Famiから辿り着いたけど全員超絶で驚いた。曲も好き。 メタルとか全く聴かないんだけどこれは聴くしかない
@184ss9 3 ай бұрын
同じくです。 いつかステージ上でラー油で演奏してくれる日を楽しみにしてます。
@sonnawakana Жыл бұрын
@geargeeks8955 5 ай бұрын
I was a little worried about fami at first.. She is a great musician.. I was worried the band was a little bit too heavy for her normal taste.. I still worry a little bit.. I know she's having fun.. I wish the best for this band to me they are holding up heavy metal.. they are the ones doing rock and roll and heavy metal for the world to show what it's really like for real musicians... These girls are the best
@WaterSeesWater Жыл бұрын
見たかったベース・ファミのソロ姿。何度も真ん前のお立ち台でしてくれました。ありがとう演出! 欲を言えば、これからはもっと長くテクニカルなソロを真ん前でしてほしい。2本のギタ・ソロが売りのラブバイツにベースソロも加えて定番にしてください。
@残尿感不快感 Жыл бұрын
The Hammer Of Wrathは、やっぱMIHOだろ~と思って観たけど、Faniちゃんのスラップ&笑顔も凄くいいよね! これからのThe Hammer Of Wrathは、これが定番化するんだろうから全力で応援しなくちゃな!
@s047724 Жыл бұрын
ベースの音に合わせてはるぴーのドラムのサウンドもクリアでよりメタルらしく迫力のあるものとなりましたね。 過去のライブ動画と比較しても個々のメンバーのスキルアップに止まらず、カメラワークからレコーディングのサウンドまでレベルアップを感じます。 新生LOVEBITESのサウンドを1日でも早く世界に伝えたいと言う意気込みも伝わってくる素晴らしいLive Videoですね。 最新アルバムを引っ提げた夏からのJUDGEMENT DAY TOUR 2023は、もはや限界突破!(Limit Breaking!)でしょうか?
@cou0114 Жыл бұрын
@KTommy-xk5is Жыл бұрын
やっぱはるぴー最高なのです! ドラムソロがあったら良いのになぁ 今回リズム隊の音量?音質?変わりました? やたら良い音に聴こえる…
@こじこじ-i6r Жыл бұрын
62歳のリタイアオヤジですが、9/2の仙台に参戦します。 We the united 聴きたいです。
@girlcatify Жыл бұрын
의심의 여지없이 그들은 현재 지구상에서 최고의 메탈 밴드입니다. 미호의 베이스도 좋았지만 파미의 베이스는 너무 귀에 잘들어 온다. 그녀는 너무 부드러우면서도 무겁다. 끝으로 드럼의 하루나는 신이다.
@清水功-i1d Жыл бұрын
@Dan21792 Жыл бұрын
Nigga thas Korean
@4thArmoredVet Жыл бұрын
전적으로 동의합니다
@llarzelere 9 ай бұрын
Is that "We Are Back!!" Understatement of this or any other century.
@Ak-us6qg Жыл бұрын
このLiveに行けて幸せでした。確信しました…LOVEBITESはJapanese metalではもう無くて、World class metal なんだと!全ての曲が素晴らしく、Liveがそれ以上に見応えがありカッコいいバンドは今、他にあるだろうか?LOVEBITES降臨!世界ヘ!
@メタルジジー Жыл бұрын
@ricdale7813 Жыл бұрын
100% correct. This band has Transcended regional boundaries. I'd go so far as calling them Galaxy Class. Everything they Write and Perform embodies all of the Best from around the World and Beyond. We may have language barriers but this music speaks unto Everyone. Thank You Japan.
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
@@ricdale7813 I haven't heard any bands from other galaxies yet. So I guess for now it is safe to say that. LOL.
@メタルジジー Жыл бұрын
@novrinkov0053 Жыл бұрын
何を変にネガティブに捉えてるのかわからんけどjapanese metalは日本で結成されたとか日本人によるという意味であって決して日本レベルというネガティブな意味では無いてw なんなら世界的に見れば日本のメタルは昔から十分レベル高い方で日本より上なのはアメリカとかヨーロッパの極一部だけやろ ただ海外に全く宣伝しないだけで
@aaachan-w6u Жыл бұрын
ファミちゃんのとこからたどり着いたんですが こんなすごいバンドでベースを弾くようになったとは… バンド共々、応援しますね😊
@ellen_uegaki2877 Жыл бұрын
@shin6996 Жыл бұрын
もう我慢の限界を超えた… 今、ファンクラブ入会したしブルーレイ予約完了したっっ!!
@清水功-i1d Жыл бұрын
@mshindo1874 Жыл бұрын
@びんびんかぁご Жыл бұрын
新生ラブバイツのライブ😊各々が更にパワーアップしてる! 特にハルナの安定感とパワフル感がアゲアゲになってて、こりゃ〜更なる領域に行っちゃってますね👍ファミちゃんも新しいスパイスになってて、今後が楽しみ過ぎる! 日本から出て行っちゃう前にライブ行かなきゃ!
@vamil1578 Жыл бұрын
@user-dk7uo6lq3e 10 ай бұрын
まさしく、『ヘヴィー』に重きを置いたリフ! なんすかこれは!! とんでもなくカッコイイじゃないっすか!!
@mshindo1874 Жыл бұрын
@sato_uemon Жыл бұрын
姉さんたちがfamiちゃんのソロをしっかりお膳立てしつつ、famiちゃんの姿に満足そうな笑みを浮かべるasamiちゃんを見て、このバンドの将来が明るいことを確信した。 Seeing asami smiling with satisfaction at the sight of FAMI while her sisters set up FAMI's solo well, I was convinced that the future of this band is bright.
@-ginotti2 Жыл бұрын
@lovehide2006 Жыл бұрын
このコメント 好きです
@coffeeninja8128 Жыл бұрын
Fami-chan's smile is the biggest and brightest of all! She is so happy and has so much fun.
@dannyg8372 5 ай бұрын
So,so happy to have discovered this band. No disrepect but The Warning's new album just left me disappointed. Too pop. This is what I've been searching for. Thank you LOVEBITES!
@christiancouvidou4777 5 ай бұрын
Welcome !! 🤘🐺🤘Live : Memorial For The Warrior Souls (August 28, 2024) Blu-ray/DVD/2CD Knockin' at Heaven's Gate Part II (100min -15 songs + 5 Focus Cam 30min) Blu-ray/DVD/2CD Knockin' at Heaven's Gate. 2023 (95min -15 songs + Doc.20min) Blu-ray/DVD/2CD Heavy Metal Never Dies. 2021 (119min -18 songs) Blu-ray/DVD/2CD Five of a Kind. 2020 (106min -17 songs + Doc.20min) Blu-ray/DVD/2CD Daughters of the Dawn. 2019 (107min-17 songs + Doc.21min) Blu-ray/DVD/2CD Crusaders Standing at Wacken 2018 (30min- 5 songs) DVD+CD Electric Pentagram Battle in the East. 2018 (92min-15 songs) Blu-ray+CD Clockwork Immortality Awake Again - Studio Live 2020 (70min -12 songs) Albums : CD 2023 JUDGEMENT DAY EP 'LOVEBITES EP II' + EP August 28, 2024 CD 2020 ELECTRIC PENTAGRAM EP 2021 GLORY, GLORY, TO THE WORLD CD 2018 CLOCKWORK IMMORTALITY EP 2020 GOLDEN DESTINATION CD 2017 AWAKENING FROM ABYSS EP 2018 BATTLE AGAINST DAMNATION Best of 2-4 CD 2022 IN THE BEGINNING (Remastered Songs + Instrumental + Blu-ray) EP MIYAKO Piano solo Etude Op.23
@geargeeks8955 5 ай бұрын
Wristband is technically one of the best bands out there.. from fami the bass player... The drummer .. Each guitar player.. One of them is a concert pianist.. And the singer came to Irvine California for a while.. a little education and went back to Japan.. Japan really does have good musicians..
@ChadTheDragonLord 4 ай бұрын
@@geargeeks8955 wristband? Was that a typo?
@takumindeth Жыл бұрын
@whatsthatslove-us7dv 11 ай бұрын
@eastsixx499 Жыл бұрын
@yj0451 9 ай бұрын
泣く曲でも無いのに、涙が出ます。 まだコロナ規制明け間も無くの時期で、前説のVictor担当さんが、メンバーの強い要望により声出し全面解禁と高らかに宣言した時から場内騒然、メンバー皆さんの気合いの乗りが明らかに一段違う事が直に伝わり、感動と興奮を通り越して涙が出た事を思い出します。 春夏欧米ツアーの成功を期待しつつ、9月凱旋が待ち遠しいです。
@JaeschaJupp-GrafHans 3 ай бұрын
Heavy metal is the music, not body size, gender or clothing. These women play heavy metal at its best! The rock gods are stone old or dead - long live the goddesses from Japan.🔥🤯🔥
@macmurphy74 2 ай бұрын
I love the breadth and scope of all things metal. One minute I'm listening to Chat Pile then this pops up in my feed, and I love it. Their musicianship is astounding, but for me, it's the sheer joy and energy they bring that pushes it over the top. Wonderful band.
@fredericst-pierre5885 Ай бұрын
Too bad they probably are dude clothed in women. The singer probably the only girl in this band!
@tkoh.i892 Жыл бұрын
ライブ行きました。本当に復活のライブに行けて幸せでした。LOVEBITESのライブは初めてだったんですけど、何と言ってもASAMIの存在感がすごかったです。すべてがパーフェクト。 もちろん、他のメンバーもサイコーでした。どーしても、はるぴーは後ろに控えてるのでしょうがないですが、ドラムのプレーをもっと間近で見たいです。
@NK-ok6eh Жыл бұрын
@メタルジジー Жыл бұрын
@thomasvandenberg3028 11 ай бұрын
Naaah.. this sounds like a machine. Why go to a record studio if you can play this tight live? 😂 this is 100% perfection and i'm in love now.
@ねぎ坊主-z4w Жыл бұрын
Famiさんがめっちゃ笑顔でかっこよくベースやってんのめっちゃかわいい! かわいいだけじゃない!ベースももちろんヤバイ!!!
@jin0483 Жыл бұрын
2年間貯めた歓声が大爆発してるー‼️✨ 鳥肌が凄いです😂♪ ハマーは全員の見せ場が沢山あってめっちゃ盛り上がりますね🤘‼️ FAMIちゃんの音がよく聴こえるシーンで歓声がヒューヒューって言うところなんて超痺れる泣ける嬉しい最高(笑)
@Prog.and.Metal.Fan711 Жыл бұрын
もう全てが最高です。ハンパない。 Midori姐さんとFamiちゃんの “ちーむしもて” の復活も嬉しいね。👍😄
@Rura3321 11 ай бұрын
The drummer girl is the BEST!!!
@Ale_2427 10 ай бұрын
Her name is Haruna. 😉
@pawemulak2878 9 ай бұрын
Maybe... or maybe not
@donbrashsux 9 ай бұрын
She’s so very talented
@faieziabubakar207 2 ай бұрын
You mean the beast?? 😅
@jaytee6960 Ай бұрын
OMG what did I just watch??? lol I FKG LOVED it!! props to those they rock!
@精霊幻影 Жыл бұрын
毎日見てしまいますね😺 全員に見せ場があるこの曲は最高です‼️ドリミさんがソロ前にお立ち台に上がるとこが何か好き❤「お前らギターソロよーく見とけや」❗️的なドS感がイイネ👍️
@tszwong3711 Жыл бұрын
me too
@whatsthatslove-us7dv 10 ай бұрын
日本の男女問わずメタルバンドで私が一番好きなバンドがLOVEBITESである😉babymetal、nemophila、bandmaid等との違いは何だろう?とにかく音作りが素晴らしい🎀🎀全体のバランスが、特にマスタリングのクオリティは最高だ😀そしてmiyako、maoをはじめ5人で音作りに参加している事と、さらに世界に通用するバンドを意識して参加しているエンジニアも素晴らしい!!🤩このシンフォニックなヘビメタは変化に富みツインギターの音の厚み、最後まで飽きさせない日本的な変化に富んだフレーズでサビが入る🎸🎸、、、babymetalは、プロデュース主体の構成で成功しているので、そもそも主旨が少し違うが、nemophila、bandmaidなど他のfemaleバンドは、日本的なエレメントを前面に出して勝負しているのでエキゾチックな所で受けている。ワールドツアー2024年6月14日から New Cross Inn(ロンドン)を皮切りに9月6日プログパワー(アメリカ)まで、世界で今まで以上に認知度が上がり普通にやってブレイク間違いないだろう✨✨✨✨
@pasielo83 7 ай бұрын
Vapaa maailma,,, ❤
@tamotsuish 7 ай бұрын
それぞれが良い個性を持ってます  押しを応援したいのはわかりますが比較して順番付けだけはやめましょう 結構横の繋がりあって彼女らは仲が良さそうなので‥…知らぬ間にアンチバイツを作ってしまいそうで心配・・・・
@maeda1962 Жыл бұрын
凄いな。 これほどの一体感、疾走感。もう神がかり的… もともと個々のスキルの高さはあるけど、映像見てるだけでうねりに巻き込まれるわ…
@lovehide2006 Жыл бұрын
みんなあまり触れてないけど Asamiさんがすごく進化してるのに気づいてる? こんなごつい音だしているバックに肉声で勝負して勝ってるぞ! もうなんなのこのバンド!いったいどこまで行くんだろう!?
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
Asami has improved a lot over the years. 2024 will see a big rise in their popularity, as soon as they can resume touring overseas.
@barkin666 3 ай бұрын
それは無理 みんなドサ周りのボクサーみたいなもんw それに気ずいてるのは君と鬼太郎だけ
@dibach70 Жыл бұрын
If you had a time machine and went back to the 1980s, at the height of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal and the birth of thrash, and you said 'forty years from now, the best metal in the world will be made by a group of girls from Japan', no one would believe you. But here we are.
@darwinism14 Жыл бұрын
Ok, the girls are good.. but do you seriously think this is the best metal in the world?
@tk_malekith Жыл бұрын
@@darwinism14 Not sure if you have listened to their 4 full albums and 3 mini albums. Yes, they are the pretty much the best now within the power/heavy metal genre. They simply can't write bad songs. I have seen enough metal bands to make this statement (30+ years).
@michaellocher958 Жыл бұрын
You are so right with this ! Exactly my thoughts ! If this band would have existed in the 80s when I started to listen to heavy metal as a teenager they would for sure have been my absolute number 1 ! But they are now my number 1 and I hope they will continue exactly as they do !
@darwinism14 Жыл бұрын
@@tk_malekith No, I haven't listen to them carefully. I respect your enchantement though (also metal mad since 1986 here)
@tk_malekith Жыл бұрын
@@darwinism14 Nice! I can recommend to listen to them! Hope you enjoy it as much as i do :)
@winfriedmaus 27 күн бұрын
Greetings from Germany. I only have one question with two parts... When are you going on a European tour and will you do VIP/Meet & Greets? 😁🤘
@stand.and.deliver.5 26 күн бұрын
Have you seen them play in Lindau last June? It was absolutely fantastic! I was there including the Meet&Greet 😊
@ChadTheDragonLord 26 күн бұрын
They just did all of that in 2024.
@RichZee777 25 күн бұрын
I'm sure they'll be back, They had so much fun in Europe, Hopefully they go back to Wacken too.
@winfriedmaus 22 күн бұрын
@@stand.and.deliver.5 I totally missed that - I found them way too late last year!
@winfriedmaus 22 күн бұрын
@@ChadTheDragonLord I only found them on the web very late last year, I completely missed those opportunities.
@somewhere_on_earth00 Жыл бұрын
やっぱりバイツが最強!他のガールズバンドとはライブのレベルが違う、、とはいえ、ASAMIさんはまだまだこんなものじゃない After all, Bites are the strongest! The level of live performance is different from other girl bands, but ASAMI is still not like this.
@kazukihirata8016 Жыл бұрын
@yoshinasato Жыл бұрын
演奏に迫力が増し、この舞台装置(青黒と白い衣装、レーザーのコントラスト)も素晴らしいし、カメラワーク・編集も良いし、音質のミックスも素晴らしい。 これはLOVEBITESメンバーと関わったスタッフの見事な仕事で、復活LOVEBITES一曲目ハマーの圧巻の演奏を見事に映像化していると思う(自分は二日目の参戦ですが、、、)。 そこにメンバーのコメンタリーが今回は収録されるので楽しみです。「FOAK」のコメンタリーも楽しめたのですが、海外の方も楽しめるように英語訳とかあれば最高ですね。 あと2曲目の公開も楽しみ。できれば今回は3曲くらい奮発してくれたら、、、(Blu-ray当然買いますが、多くの方にライヴを観て欲しいという願望あり)
@fuzzo73 Ай бұрын
This is one of the greatest metal songs I've ever heard, period. This version in particular is incredible. It's right up there with the first time I heard Run To the Hills or Cowboys From Hell or Master of Puppets...just that "Are you serious?!" feeling.... love these she-wolves!
@xhiro0721 Жыл бұрын
@devil332patriot 11 ай бұрын
@ 3:26 The way Asami smiles at Fami “you did good Fami-chan, you did good”.
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
ファミはバンド全体をこれまで見たことのないレベルまで活気づけました!!なんというパフォーマンスでしょう! Fami energized the entire band to a level we haven't seen before!! What a performance!
@hdqpt229 Жыл бұрын
スゲーよ❣5人共 最強にカッコイイよ❣❣世界に羽ばたけlovebites💖
@wopelux Ай бұрын
Well, I've been a metalhead for over 25 years, lately I felt that metal was going down a strange path that I wasn't liking at all, no modern band could capture my attention since a few years ago... until I recently met this awesome band lovebites, they are the best band I've heard in ages! It made me want to pick up my old guitar and play music again, thank you Japan! Long live lovebites the best band in the world!
@bunqmont9363 Жыл бұрын
@AsepKurniawan-r5s 14 күн бұрын
Tunjukan caranya gimana biar bosen dengerin ini lagu ini udh yg ke13x.....gusti ampunnnnnnn
@f0273 3 ай бұрын
Insane, just Insane all this woman are perfect vocal, guitar, drum, bass. Perfect, I so glad to know Lovebites. More powerful than DragonForce😍
@ももりん-v2o-m6c 3 ай бұрын
アドレナリンが大噴出して元気とパワーが迸る 本当にいい楽曲です これ聴きながら筋トレしたら最高! 15才若返りました LOVEBITESの皆様 ありがとうございます
@starttoday1839 Жыл бұрын
@がくさん-j1f Жыл бұрын
今、やっと気が付きました。 最初の言葉が、WE ARE LOVEBITES!を緊張で。WE ARE LAAA!と言っていると 思っていました。久しぶりのライブだし。しかし、WE ARE BAAAAACK!と今、聞こえました。 すみません。遅くなりましたが、「おかえりなさい」(^^;
@whatsthatslove-us7dv 10 ай бұрын
My favorite Japanese metal band, regardless of gender, is LOVEBITES 😉 What's the difference between them and babymetal, nemophila, bandmaid, etc.? Anyway, the sound production is amazing 🎀🎀 The overall balance, especially the quality of the mastering is the best 😀 Also, the fact that 5 people including miyako and mao are participating in the sound production, and we are also conscious of the fact that we are a world-class band. The engineers working there are also amazing! ! 🤩This symphonic heavy metal is full of variety, the sound of the twin guitars is thick, and the chorus is filled with Japanese-style phrases that keep you bored until the end. , although the main idea is a little different, other female bands such as nemophila and bandmaid play by bringing Japanese elements to the forefront, so they are received in an exotic way. The world tour will start from June 14th, 2024 at New Cross Inn (London) and end at Prog Power (USA) on September 6th.It will be more recognized than ever in the world and will definitely be a big hit.✨✨✨✨
@tamotsuish 7 ай бұрын
@ajettfan 5 ай бұрын
If you understand or read the lyrics to all their songs, they are so much more positive and optimistic than most metal. Another thing to love about them
@ludichrist3648 Жыл бұрын
You are not one of the best "female" Metal Bands of this are one of the best Metal Bands of this world!
@Gavrev Жыл бұрын
Fami-shi! What a sweet heart. Fits in beautifully! なんて優しい心でしょう。見事にフィットしています!
@1970Phoenix Жыл бұрын
I agree. I get so much joy from watching her with her beeming smile on stage. I can only imagine how much fun she's having up on stage. It must seem like a dream to her.
@ぽすらぼ Жыл бұрын
それにしてもfamiの笑顔いいわぁ。 LOVEBITESにいろいろあったことが救われる感じ。
@kumayama2902 Жыл бұрын
Famiが入ってからの新生Lovebitesの初Live!。 映像・音響のクオリティも完璧です。 メンバーの雰囲気もとても良かったです。 パンデミック明けで制限が無くなった会場の 聴衆の熱気も相まって素晴らしいLive動画ですね。 Blu-rayが待ち遠しいです!。
@にょごろさん Жыл бұрын
今日これ観てから手持ちのBlu-ray観て思った。 Mihoさんはクールに演奏してカッコ良かったけどFamiさんはニコニコ演奏して楽しそう! どちらも勿論大好きよ❤
@100日待っていた兄貴 Жыл бұрын
@lizard...1822 11 ай бұрын
Listening to Metal for decades now/grew up with NWOBHM. Since i discovered LB , i'm sick and tired listening to the old stuff. These Ladies are TOP NOTCH. LB rules.🐺🐺🔥🔥
@kikurin95 Жыл бұрын
会場2Fの最後列で観てました❣️ とにかく最高過ぎるバンドです♪
@ek-balam891 Жыл бұрын
これで何回目だろう、再生。。。ホントにパワーアップしたlovebitesの新たな姿がみれた。 Famiのベースのとことか鳥肌立っちゃったな、マジで。 The Hammer Of Wrathは、Bloodstockでのパフォーマンスが個人的には印象的だけど、それから比べるとホントに技術も、魅力も、グループ力も、桁違いに大きくなってる。 これからも更なる成長を期待してるし、応援してる。 9月のライブ行くよ、めちゃ楽しみだ!!
@mshindo1874 Жыл бұрын
ここ、mihoは指弾きだったけどfamiのチョッパー弾きもいい! 1:21
@kentslider3191 Жыл бұрын
不朽の名曲 ”メロスピ”とも”スラッシュ”とも違う このトゥルーメタルで新たなスタートを切ってくれた瞬間本当に全身が熱くなった LOVEBITES第二章にも幸多からんことを そしてこの熱量の中にいられたことに改めて感謝
@soramimifan Жыл бұрын
このライブ行けて幸せ。 日本にいて、コンサートには恵まれてるけど、彼女たちには、早く世界ツアーして欲しいな❤
@shimachan.0327 Жыл бұрын
@chronomat1318 Жыл бұрын
私は次の日に立ち見で参戦でした。事故が起きるんじゃないかってくらいステージ下は凄かったです…勿論最高のライブでした。 ワールドツアーは子育て二人組がどうかって問題があるのでどうだろう。 でも残りの三人が結婚や出産で制限されず、二人の子供達が就学する前の今なら可能かとも。
@mi-saki-k9k Жыл бұрын
全員モンスターですが一人を上げるならやはりハルナさん。 これ程のワールドクラスは普通ならバディ・リッチみたいな王様になってドラムソロを5分やりますよ。 我の強いミュージシャン達の音が喧嘩するのが音楽の魅力でもありますが、ラヴバイツにはそれが無い。 前任ベースのミホさんと一緒に、徹底的に我を捨てて、純粋にバンドの美しいハーモニーとグルーブ、タイトさを追及して、究極のサウンドに到達しています。 ソロで目立とうとせずに(目立ちますが)、黙々と綺麗な音で凄まじいビートを刻み続ける。こんなクールなドラマー見た事ありますか???
@funknew5950 8 ай бұрын
@warfossil Жыл бұрын
Haruna is one of the greatest drummers of all time. Her cymbal work alone destroys most.
@Gurra88 Жыл бұрын
She's a woman so she's one of the greatest. Got it. You wouldn't have said that if she were a man.
@necomeko Жыл бұрын
@@Gurra88 You don't have blue colored hair by any chance?
@warfossil Жыл бұрын
@@Gurra88 WTF are you talking about? "One of the" I think Dave Lombardo, Nicko McBrain, and Gene Hoglan are also some of the greatest. It seems your problem is gender mine isn't.
@Kryz73 Жыл бұрын
@@warfossil one must not feed the woke
@Metallic_Gaijin_Hu Жыл бұрын
Haruna is great! I am a sucker for Dave Lombardo's playing (I became a drummer because of him) but damn!!!
@OdinPettersson 10 ай бұрын
You are amazing !! I just discovered you, found you on KZbin, and youre just incredible !! Great music and great singing !!!! My favourite is the bas-player with dark hair !...just saying. I love you all !! Great music !!!!! I salute you and i wish you all the best ! With love from the Swedish Viking.
@jeffrielly 10 ай бұрын
please help spread the word, their label does very little to promote them outside of Japan, and have gotten to where they are internationally due to social media, these ladies very much deserve to be a big name in the Metal Genre as a whole.
@luisespinoza188 10 ай бұрын
Estas chicas limpiamente los deja fuera a todos los grupos de rock fuerte..bravoooo !!
@drummersakura 9 ай бұрын
@petrfiala7653 8 ай бұрын
I love that moment too. I don't know how long Fami was in the band at the time of this concert, but Asami's smile gives me something like? You are doing well and we made a good choice
@salva0922 Жыл бұрын
That moment Asami looks at Fami and smiles at her is heart warming 3:26
@Donegal62 Жыл бұрын
and gives her a "thumbs up." Pure joy!!
@johnhopping3894 Жыл бұрын
My favorite part as well. It just melts your heart
@1970Phoenix Жыл бұрын
@fultonbenjamin9022 Жыл бұрын
Diddo. Having watched the whole audition process, to include the VOD footage that came with the CD, I feel heavily invested in this band. I smile like a proud father, seeing Fami-san up there. Congratulations to her real father for raising an awesome young lady.
@fultonbenjamin9022 Жыл бұрын
The money shot is 3:31, a wide angle shot of the two of them having a blast! We're definitely in for some good times now! Hang on to your hats Wolfpack, things are about to get crazy!
@christisking2373 22 күн бұрын
Love from Canada! Amazing performance, great band!
@ヨシ-n4y Жыл бұрын
LIVE万歳🙌 全てが完璧な仕上がり😆🤘 メンバーの皆さんノリノリで ほんと最高です。👍
@Treplo13 Жыл бұрын
I'm 63 and I love this band. This is an incredible quality of metal - to bring together such talented girls who play so virtuoso - it's just epic. Haruna, Midori, Miyako, Asami and of course Fami, you are incredible musicians. I wish you further creative success with which you surprise. Your music is like a balm for the soul of an old metalist. I think our generation has already adopted you :) Sorry for my eglish :(
@raduadi Жыл бұрын
Ive been listening heavy metal music for the past 35 years. Ive been listening frpm deep purple to sepultura, feom Metallica to helloween, from yngwie malmsteen to king diamond, judas priest, irom maiden etc but from the moment i discovered you i became addictive to your muaic. You became my all time favourite rock/metal band. Thank you so much for your amazing music. I hope one day i will see you live in voncert, maybe in Romania who knows. Lovebites forever. Peace and love from wolfpack Romania
@maximumguitarage Жыл бұрын
Def, America here. Cheers. I found them last week and I am blown away, can not stop listening 👂. I am a fan
@lossouthtx9949 Ай бұрын
I've never been really into thrash but I love my heavy metal/hard rock. This band in my opinion combines thrash and heavy metal at it's best, I've never heard anything like it , everything is pure power vocals, lead guitars alternating like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, time changes a little like early Black Sabbath but in a blender. I would love to see this band live. Come to Texas ladies. Yall Rock big time.
@ChadTheDragonLord Ай бұрын
They just played a show in Dallas this past September. Did you miss it?
@lossouthtx9949 Ай бұрын
@ChadTheDragonLord Unfortunately I just heard about this band about a week ago, so yes I definitely missed it. I forgot to add that LOVEBITES also has that early HELLOWEEN speed with again the vocals. Sorry Chad I sometimes can't keep up with the younger bands, but that LOVEBITES is something else. Keep on Rockn. Peace!
@kanegonzoo16 Жыл бұрын
@mshindo1874 Жыл бұрын
やっぱラブバイツには純白のコスチュームが合う。地獄に舞い降りた天使たちにSpecial thanks!
@清水功-i1d Жыл бұрын
@kumamorry Жыл бұрын
@tkmetal3788 Жыл бұрын
@silverchariot6307 8 ай бұрын
Famiのベースソロを見守るasamiの表情が姉さんになるとこ好き、 にしてもドラムやばいな💦笑
@oneninevisuals8383 Жыл бұрын
What a great drummer Haruna is. Her double kicks, toms and cymbal works are simply world class.
@1970Phoenix Жыл бұрын
She is an extremely good drummer.
@edurodriguez4278 Жыл бұрын
@correnting4379 Жыл бұрын
And the fills Amazing and unreal, love it
@wakeqq99 Жыл бұрын
wanna know something more interesting? she double kick using high heels
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
No she doesn't. She wears sneakers and only switches to heels for the final bow.@@wakeqq99
@チンパン爺-l1z Жыл бұрын
@F.A.F.O.818 Жыл бұрын
I’m speechless, those guitarists could give EVH and Dimebag a run for their money easily, drummer is lit, bassist is amazing, blown away
@maximumguitarage Жыл бұрын
Yeah, this band owns it! 🔥 🎸
@johnstrika9170 Жыл бұрын
Lol Dime yes because he was overrated. They have a little to go as far as Eddie. They definitely rival Dragonforce when it comes to dual guitar shredders
@POWER-LINKS Жыл бұрын
@@johnstrika9170 👈🏻LMFAO!!! So EVH was lying about Dimebag? Too funny!!!
@POWER-LINKS Жыл бұрын
The current "master level" Hard Rock guitar is coming from female gutarists. Along with LOVEBITES, here's all the 70's/80's "Hard Rock style" guitar that you want. Plenty more where this comes from. Enjoy. "NEMOPHILA"-5-piece all female SUPERGROUP (Hard/Heavy). World-class drum/bass duo; Twin shredders; True front person. 【Raitei】MV 【Change the World】live
@5retsam 3 ай бұрын
Just saw this. Amazing thrash sound. I seriously can't believe how good this is live. If they come to the States, i will go see them.
@ChadTheDragonLord 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately you just missed them. They toured the USA the second week of September with stops in Atlanta, Dallas, LA and SF. I saw them in Atlanta. They were phenomenal live. I'm sure they will be back but it may be a year or two.
@5retsam 3 ай бұрын
@@ChadTheDragonLord hopefully they come to Vegas. Sad I missed them. Great sound.
@per-erikcharling3411 Жыл бұрын
This old metal head got teary eyes and send a thank you to the metal gods for this gang of fantastic heavy metal musicians. Thank you LOVEBITES for filling my days with your music and talants. Love from Sweden.
@boyzyu Жыл бұрын
Fami is a natural-born performer. This was the first song of the first concert she has played LIVE in front of a large audience, and it looked like she has done it all her life. what a wonderful performance by the ladies ! Looking forward to their eventual world tour.
@1970Phoenix Жыл бұрын
That smile on her face is so huge. She probably had sore cheeks the next day.
@TheCyberMantis Жыл бұрын
Great synergy. Solid teamwork. Extensive preparation. They planned their victory. And they achieved it!
@studi0robb Жыл бұрын
i'll bet Dave504 is eating crow-pie right now. Fami。さん for the win!
@1970Phoenix Жыл бұрын
@@studi0robb Sadly, I doubt Dave504 knows or even cares what Fami is doing. As entertaining as he is, he seems to have a need to tear down other bassists to show his audience how good he is.
@studi0robb Жыл бұрын
@@1970Phoenix very true. after he slammed Fami。さん about not playing live on one of her "room vids", she gave an "in your face" reply vid playing live. tbh, i've not watched a d502 vid since...can't support hate, y'know?
@erikhayes1 Жыл бұрын
There is something really speciaal about Lovebites. I've been in the music industry for well over 30 years, I've worked at major labels and in major market radio, and in that time I have only ever geeked out over three bands. Dream Theater the first time I heard them back in 92 when Images and Words was released, 2015 when I stumbled upon Amaranthe, and now Lovebites. I had never heaerd of them until Elizabether reacted to Holy War last week. Since then I have binge listened to everything they have put out. I even got up at 4:30 am here in Seattle this morning so I could watch the premier of their new DVD concert. These ladies have absolutely incredible.
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the wolfpack my friend. Please help spread the word, get them on radio, or any other way you can promote them. They deserve so much more recognition than they are currently getting.
@erikhayes1 Жыл бұрын
@@ChadTheDragonLord I'm reaching out to every program director I know at rock stations across the country, especially those in my own company. I'm also reaching out to a few managers I know and trying to get on the phone with them to discusss getting the ladies booked on at least one major tour as a support act here in the U.S. I'm pretty sure they haven't played here yet.
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
@@erikhayes1 That sounds awesome. Lovebites has not toured the USA yet.
@erikhayes1 Жыл бұрын
@@ChadTheDragonLord Come hell or highwater I will fight to make that happen. What I don't want is for them to be relegated to playing on a tour that only puts them in small theater venues like the ones Dragonforrce and Amaranthe will be playing in this fall. I want to find them a supporting gig on an arena tour. They need to be playing in front of crowds of 10k and larger.
@ChadTheDragonLord Жыл бұрын
@@erikhayes1 agree!
@gladeloy3341 Ай бұрын
Haruna must be about the smiliest drummer ever !
@やすひろ-n5c Жыл бұрын
@tohlokukuzumi5635 Жыл бұрын
@torokichi7048 Жыл бұрын
Famiっ子入ってくれてありがとう! Famiっ子選んでくれてありがとう! バイツ見ながらニコニコしちゃうの初めてです😃
@Ride-Shine 2 ай бұрын
One of the best band I've listened in recent times, they really have it. Well done 😍😁
@zipcityair Жыл бұрын
@進村上-m1d Жыл бұрын
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