GOLD 英訳 How many losses we shared? 今まで何回?惨敗? brush away a tear by sunrise 涙を拭ったSunrise I ain’t playing safe no more あんぱいよりも断崖 all it takes is one fly off the towering cliff 絶壁からimma 飛び立つ1 Fly It’s time to pay a debt named regrets It’s time to 完済 悔しさのOneside Imma show you the view of greatness 最高の景色を案内 Who’s gon have last laugh? Hands up 誰が最後に万歳 hands up There are no safe roads Taking off to the unknown world Saferな道など無い未知の世界にTake off Jus name ur price No money can’t buy time but I own it 金じゃ買えない時間はみずからpayed for So I know exactly why I’m here だから自分が一番分かってるここにいる意味 Nothing can stop our dream どんな壁にも立ち向かう俺達のDream hook Think about the long road to get here ここまでの道を思い浮かべてみる It wasn’t a easy trip but will never say no excuse 一筋縄じゃいかねぇでも言い訳は言わない The story that starts right here is up to you ここから始まるストーリーは君次第さ Everyday, just feel the moment Everydayこの瞬間をFeel When tomorrow comes, you will understand 明日が来ればきっと分かるさ The reason why you got here ここまで来れた本当の意味が The dream that got nothing do with win winning or losing 勝ち負けだけじゃ見れない夢を You already fulfilled that and that’s beautiful 既に叶えた君達は輝いてる V The time is crazy man love and pain このご時世 Crazy man love n pain All the negativities trying to take us down but we won’t let them 取り巻くネガに持ってかれそう no we ain’t I’ll be damn, unpredictable weather like purple rain I’ll be damn 予期せぬ雲行きにPurple Rain Heavyweight everyday imma win it anyways Heavy weight eryday imma win it anyways I be afraid of giving up I be afraid of giving up 諦める事 Never kneel when I scrum within in myself 自分自身とのスクラムでニーリングは絶対ねぇ Shoulder charge Jackaling the whole world is suffering Shoulder charge Jackaling 世界中がsufferin Phase after phase, I’m ready man we don’t play around 重ねるフェーズ Imma ready man we don’t play The road to the dream is the blind side 夢まで道のりはブラインドサイド We run up at once 一気に駆け上がる My heart is filled with passion 燃え上がる命ならSunshine It will rise above the sky like sunshine 昇る天まで高く Different values, races and what you represent 違う価値観人種 立場 Athletes are magicians Athlete like magician From east side to west side to south side to north side we will never give up till our last breath From eastside to westside to southside to northside 駆け抜ける no side