Kundalini Current #4: You are the Space in which all ups and downs happen | 27 Mar 2016

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KAILASA's SPH Nithyananda

KAILASA's SPH Nithyananda

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@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
After this click, I was watching myself go through all kinds of mood swings. But this click kept coming up that I am not these thoughts, am something more than that! I am the Space where all this happens. I keep remembering this and immediately puts me in an expansive state. A beautiful click.
@mirtevdlee 8 жыл бұрын
+Radhika Panikar Yes, that is my experience also! As if after this click, the mood swings are trying to show that they still are real, fighting for their existence ;). I'm happy we're having this video out in KZbin now, so if those mood swings try to speak up again, I have this as a tool to help move me into that expansive state you're talking about :)
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Actually this video came alive right moment when a psychological down made me feel I'm the down tx to Swamiji
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+gayathri anand Yes..for me too.. I think when U have an enlightened master as Ur Guru, he is so synched to all of us that he knows when to drop what seed in us.
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely concur with this thought current.
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Radhika Panikar absolutely concur with this thought current
@AmritashrayaDevanatha 8 жыл бұрын
The ups and downs we go through, they are like a very consistent alarm clock, reminding us of our true state of awareness: realising the ultimate consciousness!!! That is SUCH A POWERFUL TRUTH! like Swamiji says, all the hatred we carry towards our life and the happenings in it, can drop from just that 1 understanding. Instead of feeling angry about the ups and downs, we can be thankful for them as they serve the purpose of awakening is to: I am Sadha Shiva. The level of understanding and insight Swamiji is giving through these Kundalini Current sessions. It is just mind-boggling. And I really really really really really love it :D
@sridevanathananda9648 8 жыл бұрын
Yes, it drops my resistance. instead of feeling 'ow no, here we go again' it is more like 'ok, thank you for remembering me that this moment i am out of alignment and just by remembering this i fall back into that space.
@toonasaluggi8841 8 жыл бұрын
+Amritashraya & Devanatha It goes really nicely with another truth Swamiji revealed: EVERYTHING is auspicious. So all of these ups and downs, when we use the power of our intention to wake up, we WILL wake up as now we have consciously intended them to be little alarm clocks that serve to rudely awaken us.
@jesalpatel5525 8 жыл бұрын
You are the space in which the physiological, psychological and neurological ups and downs happen! This one thought current has been helping me so much after he initiated us. Whenever I fall into powerlessness with the downs, I quickly remind myself of this thought current and quickly analyze my space and that I am the space from which they are happenning. Practising this great truth everyday. Thank you Swamiji.
@dr.shilpaanilkumar 8 жыл бұрын
Kundalini thought current always raises you to the highest level. This thought current has been keeping me so much in awareness. Every time I am off track in my thoughts & feelings, immediately I remember Swamij's words ringing in my ears, reminding me that these psychological, neurological, physiological ups & downs are happening only to remind me that I am God. Thank you Swmiji for this greatest revelation.
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+shilpa ab Yes...the words automatically arise. Keep remembering it. What is most interesting is when he says we should not repress the ups and downs or it will take revenge on us.
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Ma can you for all our help and understanding explain how not to repress because I guess at times that's what I'm doing??
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+gayathri anand I think the best way is to watch it and keep the awareness that this is not you..may not be easy in the beginning but slowly as our awareness increases, they will stop impacting us.
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Radhika Panikar i agree fully but I hope I'm not repressing it. By flooding awareness yes it makes the subtle downs irrelevant
@lavkittu14 8 жыл бұрын
Smaranaath mukthi..just by constant remembering truth one wil get liberated....concsiously at that moment of ups and downs...remembering these words will just make ur mind emotions even thoughts redundant ...wen u think ur a space......but i am caught in some other space....that i feel lik i am more fulfilled and think there is no purpose or grip to live and just feel like becoming space...so wats this i am feeling?
@victoriaterterian9020 8 жыл бұрын
Wow these Kundalini thought currents are always so powerful in taking us to the next level. Ive been practicing this kundalini thought current for a week now and it leaves me in so much bliss when I realize I created the space for my ups and downs to happen in order to realize my truth. So powerful!!
@kathleen3704 8 жыл бұрын
You are not your emotions. what powerful Truths you teach. Much Gratitude.
@almaperez001 8 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful and powerful tought current. Thank you so much Swamiji for educating us and showing us our own power.
@1996toyotacorola 8 жыл бұрын
My understanding of this Kundalini current is that the purpose of the ups and downs is to awaken us, to draw our awareness to the space in which all is taking place, our true identity. Answering the question, "why am I allowing this in my space, allowing this in me?" helps to complete the shift in consciousness from aham to Shivoham. As I ask myself this question I feel the spotlight focused on what is me, not just what I am not. In Kundalini thought current 1 I learned that I am not the thought currents and sensations playing through my flesh, but now I am learning about who I am by answering the question "why am I allowing these guests in my space." Right now this question is acting like a mirror, not just to describe to me who I am, but to show me existentially this reality, that I am the source.
@Sadawala65 8 жыл бұрын
We are the space which hold our moods: shifting from personal perception to cosmic perception. Thank You Swamiji for this truth, for point where to find our Sada Shiva, original space.
@allgood4729 8 жыл бұрын
SadaShivoham! SadaShivoham!SadaShivoham! Thank you Our Beloved Swamiji.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@lilysdesign 7 жыл бұрын
Grateful to my beloved Guru Swamiji give me such great clarity and reminds me that I am the source not partly source! The partly God need all play and game to reminds me that I am God. I am aware of the truth now then game over and I am liberated! So much gratitude to Swamiji!!!
@celiakishore2943 8 жыл бұрын
All the ups and downs that happen in me is not me, but I'm the space in what they happen when I allow them to happen, and they will always remind me that until I realize that I'm only the space God, SaddhaShiva, pure consciousness.
@annamaya851 8 жыл бұрын
Always a treat- I love swamiji's teachings
@monicaprivate 7 жыл бұрын
One of my favorites!! So simple and pure. A wonderful video to share with people who are struggling.
@lauratyler478 8 жыл бұрын
I am not those ups and downs but I am the one allowing them in my inner space. Which means I can decide not to let them drive me in any direction. I know that my intention to be an artist is my priority which means I can ignore the "creative blocks" and create art anyway. Such a clear concept only after understanding the other 3 currents.
@sumateeenal4072 8 жыл бұрын
thank you Swamiji for clarity. I am Sada Shiva, I am Mahadevi.
@gaill.dangiolillo9849 8 жыл бұрын
Reminders! Reminders! Reminders! Always, as much as possible, being in Awareness of the Reminders that alarm me to what I am not --- my physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs --- and helping me remember who I Am. I Am Sadha Shiva! And when I forget who I am and get caught up, yet again, in the physiological, psychological, neurological ups and downs, then the alarm goes off once again, reminding me, "Oh, I Am Sadha Shiva". Again and again the reminders gift me until no longer do the distractions separate me from my Source, my Inner Guru. I Am Sadha Shiva! I Am Sadha Shiva! I Am Shada Shiva!
@sridevanathananda9648 8 жыл бұрын
I can clearly feel the ups and downs. I can feel the effect in my body, see what kind of thoughts are coming, see how my behaviour changes. It is much more easy for me to define the ups and down, they seem more 'real'. This space, Swamiji is talking about is of a different nature. It is so difficult to define, to grasp. That's why it might seem to be less 'real' to me. Maybe i should change my whole idea about reality? anyone can relate to this? any thoughts?
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
I just had a thought current that pulled down my spirit. I told myself I'm not that anyway so unclutched. But, my inner question is why does a psychological down ever visit my inner space for my ultimate realisation. Does it become irrelevant or redundant when i realise it's purpose of visit
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+Sri Devanathananda Hmmm..yes right now what i feel is a relief that okay I am NOT THIS... swamiji has told me I am more than this..what is that MORE than this..the space? Can this space be defined. Its like a screen where all are projected....but how to know this screen. this space ? is it to just know that it exists and then remind ourselves or to finally discover this space ?
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Nithya Priyaadvaitha from my understanding that space is consciousness ma. The source and gradually by and by as we flood in more and more awareness we realise it within we are that
@toonasaluggi8841 8 жыл бұрын
+Sri Devanathananda Our whole lives, we have intensely grabbed onto outer experiences and identified with them, and brought them into our inner space. We keep this pattern going well into adulthood. Sometimes it seems like this beautiful, blissful empty space is hard to achieve - but Swamiji says it is simple, so it must be. We are just complicating it. I wonder if it's easier to recall moments in childhood we may have experienced this space without realizing exactly what it was? I certainly remember being so deeply engrossed in what I was doing, I couldn't hear anyone around me, or I could lay down and feel totally disoriented to the space around me and only let awareness take over. It was a fun game to me, as a child. Children, without the complicated intellect, can understand subtle concepts and imbibe them seamlessly. It seems less daunting if I think about practicing these kundalini currents like a child would! :)
@renatedorner8886 8 жыл бұрын
I provide the stage for the ups and downs, for the drama which takes place there.without my consent. Enough of that. I am the director of my stage and produce the life I want instead of being manipulated by the ups and downs originating from past bio and muscle memory. I feel so liberated.
@arthurab230 8 жыл бұрын
very powerful
@amritashrayaananda9408 8 жыл бұрын
The God Particle in us needs to remember we are God, not particle.... it's beautiful. One thing I've noticed is - if I actively work on going back to that idea again and again (I am God, not particle), it is as if part of me feels so tired to do that. It's an interesting thing to see. Somehow you'd expect your being to rejoice at the idea of being God, not particle. But what I'm seeing that some part of me (I guess the lazy part, the part that enjoys being a victim and small and irresponsible and ignorant) feels remembering that I am God is a difficult thing. It's just a weird observation to make really. How are others experiencing this? Anyone recognise? And if so, what do you do with it?
@amritashrayaananda9408 8 жыл бұрын
+Alyson Asami Very very true. That tiredness is only SDHD. I guess, if I'd just drop that instead of give value to it, that's again a whole next level of transformation!
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+Amritashraya Ananda You know I once read this quote that what we fear is our own light ! the brilliance is what we are afraid of...seems so contradictory to me too. Why should we so easily accept the parts that negate us ? What is the reason ?
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Ma i guess to realise you're not particle but God maybe this simple tip might help. If some parts feels lazy, tell them the particle is a messenger and not God by itself. Hope this answers
@toonasaluggi8841 8 жыл бұрын
+Amritashraya Ananda I also experience this in my inner space. We are complicating something that is ultimately uncomplicated, and just IS - it is something else we need to drop. Because we are ultimately the one animating everything inside of us, we are our intention (energy/consciousness) that is animating everything that is matter (both muscle memory and bio-memory), we are just giving life to our SDHD again and again - we mistake SDHD as having power, yet we are the ones who breathe life into it. We are not recognizing ourselves as we are, it is like we are seeing our reflection in a mirror and are convinced the reflection is us!
@devikollipara9817 8 жыл бұрын
All ups and downs happening in the space is me ,so and then unless i realize and rest in sadashiva wherever we run whatever we do we will be pulled back into sadashiva.however if we enjoy the space whatever ups and downs happening, wherever we are we are in advaita.Thats what i understood by swamijis This video.
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
The ups and downs come into our space to remind us that we are sadashiva swamiji said! How do we realise this? What's the time taken to realise?
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+gayathri anand That one is a tougie, sometimes it seems like why are they happening? is it to show how transitory everything is ? one moment our opinion and moods can change based on events outside us. So how can we trust it ?
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
So true. Sometime we get carried away by illusion. That's why sharpen our listening and most importantly enrich enrich the world to remind ourself from not letting go off this truth
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Alyson Asami there can't be a better reply than this. Ma how do we find the source of pain. For ex swamiji said someone hurts see in which part of you violence arise....? I had this question jumping from in.. What do you mean which part? How do we find the part? Is it physical part or unconscious layer in reference? And importantly how do we know we found appropriately??
@toonasaluggi8841 8 жыл бұрын
+Alyson Asami Super interesting. I carry a lot of subtle "heat" or "heaviness" or "tension" in my chest area, there is some in the gut, some in the throat, but mainly the chest.Sometimes I worry about them: will they ever go away? What incompletion am I overlooking? Why can't I remember? Maybe just THIS thought current itself is giving life to its own incompletion, the source of this "tension"? When I think of relaxing from it, I can feel subtly that I don't want to, I am scared to let go. Of course, during sleep, everything is relaxed. It sounds like a deepening awareness is the key.
@AmritashrayaDevanatha 8 жыл бұрын
+gayathri anand What I understood from Swamiji is that the ups and downs are only there to remind us to go back to the conscious space. So in whatever dimension we experience them, in our thinking, in our body, our hormones, our energy level, and so forth, the key is be clear they are not what we are, they are not reality. their only purpose for existing is to remind us to get back to reality. when we don't need the reminder that much anymore, the ups and downs will also become less, and we'll be established in the space of Sadashiva more and more. I feel the time to realise this is not needed, but there because of our logical thinking. we decide that this shift takes time, based on our earlier experience that things change gradually over time. It is not time, but our fear of change/unknown that is causing the delay. One moment and the next moments are totally unclutched in reality. It is our mind that is trying to connect them logically and chronologically, thus causing the delay in transformation. You know these stories of Zenmasters suddenly hitting their disciple over the head with a stick? Or the master throwing the disciple out of a window? pretty bizar. And in that moment the disciple realises the Ultimate. I think that is done to disrupt that logic to create a gap in mind and time, so that enlightenment can happen instantly.
@trishanikeltalentconsultin1037 6 жыл бұрын
❤️🙏🔥 oh how Beautiful
@Nithya.Achyutamaya.Ananda 8 жыл бұрын
awaken you kundalini easily in the presence of an enlightened avatar by going to Inner Awakening.
@jayag2387 8 жыл бұрын
If everything is our Intention, then are the psychological, physiological neurological ups and downs are also caused due to our intention? So then, when we have attracted exactly what we intended for us, why would we want to complete it and how would that help us to connect to the source and remind us that we are sadasiva?
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+Jaya G Ma, everything cannot be your intentions. My understanding is that deep down at the being level, you will have an Intention. You need to discover that intention at whatever level you can.. Like deep down my intention is to live in Oneness with others..or to be complete
@jayag2387 8 жыл бұрын
+Nithya Priyaadvaitha ma, other than our intention, what attracts these ups and downs? How and why do they show up? who decides what ups and downs we will have to face...I'd think its our intention
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+Jaya G Ma, I dont think that our intention attracts the mood swings....the mood swings come to show us that we are NOt the mood swings..we are the intention at the deepest level..which maybe something which we have not yet understood..
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+Jaya G most of the mood swings are from the junk root patterns etc that we have collected
@radpanikar 8 жыл бұрын
+Alyson Asami Awesome ma ! yes...it is not a space that we can experience or grasp with the mind. Even with Swamiji, the bliss we feel is whenever we have dropped our mind and we dont even know it !
@vesnacurak3664 8 жыл бұрын
How's this for starters, I am working on some papers and in it is a Question about failure and new opportunities. LOL, I can and I shall use some of the Swamijis explanations. Thank you Swamiji
@sridevanathananda9648 8 жыл бұрын
I wonder: how is it possible that when we really are this space, in which the ups and downs happen, that we sometimes experience it otherwise?
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Unconscious zone?? We are succumbed into unconscious layers when we slip from awareness! For me this just happened until this youtube suddenly popped up from heaven to shift my state cool lol. So could this be a psychological up reminding me and unlocking me from my unconscious?
@toonasaluggi8841 8 жыл бұрын
+Alyson Asami You make an excellent point. Swamiji answered one question in the Conquering Time workshop by saying we often give the wrong words to certain words in our inner space, and these reflect our wrong cognitions about life. If we just switch the word, we switch the cognition. I actually never thought to remove the labels like "stress" or "nervous" or "anxiety" - what if I didn't know what those were? When I felt depressed as a teenager, I did not know what I was feeling, I just knew I did not like it - but it was labelled "depressed" by other people so I accepted the word, used it, and cherished it. What if we never cherished those words, used them over and over? This would make for a great experiment - no labelling for 21 days!
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Jord Frog this seems simple and meaningful! I love what you said. I'm following it
@gayathrianand7973 8 жыл бұрын
Alyson Asami very good question ma. I can try answering you.. The ups comes with reasons external and hence can be identified in a jiffy.. If it was felt as an expansion, just look in to see why we feel elated?? If the intra analysis connects with even one reason or any external reason we can be sure it is some experience of ' up '! Does that answer ma?
@forbeginners1085 8 жыл бұрын
Ups and downs = God? I didn't understand that
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