Logical Positivism is self-defeating: P1: Logical Positivism is true if and only if logival positivism can be empirically verified or logically deduced from the linguistic framework in which it is positioned (e.g. in the linguistic framework in which 1+1=2, and 1+1+1=3, the proposition that 1+2=3 can be logically deduced) P2: Logical positivism either is a linguistic framework (and therefore cannot dictate other linguistic frameworks) in and of itself, or cannot be empirically verified. C: Logical positivism is not true by its own light.
人们在争执的时候往往倾向于主张只有完美的东西才有资格与不完美的东西去比较,如此结论自然是完美的更好。因此在政治辩论、法庭辩论中攻击对手的credibility甚至integrity才会屡试不爽,因为两件不完美的东西之间把水搅浑就可以让人懒得去做比较。 然而即便不完美也是可以相互比较的。同样都夹带,私货的多少也是有差异的。即便由人参与建构,科学发现也确实蕴含了真实的自然规律,否则就无法从实验室走向应用了。Humans explain how it works, nature shows if it works, regardless of human constructs.