1 做 to make 2 錯誤 mistake 3 產生一個錯誤 to make a mistake 4 我產生一個錯誤 I make a mistake 5 產生(ed形式) made 6 (己經)產生 have made 7 我(己經)犯了一個錯誤 I have made a mistake 8 我沒有犯過了一個錯誤 I have not made a mistake 9 從來沒有 never 10 我從來沒有犯過了一個錯誤 I have never made a mistake 11 生命 life 12 在我的生命中 in my life 13 我在我的生命中從來沒有犯過了一個錯誤 I have never made a mistake in my life 14 我從來沒有犯過了一個錯誤 I have never made a mistake 15 曾經 ever 16 我曾經犯過了一個錯誤 I have ever made a mistake 17 我產生一個錯誤 I make a mistake 18 我(己經)犯了一個錯誤 I have made a mistake 19 我從來沒有犯過了一個錯誤 I have never made a mistake 20 我曾經犯過了一個錯誤 I have ever made a mistake 21 我曾經犯過了一個錯誤 ? have you ever made a mistake ? 22 我曾經…. I have ever 23 大的 big 24 最大的 the biggest 25 最大的錯誤 the biggest mistake 26 我曾經…. I have ever 27 我曾經犯過 I have ever made 28 我曾經犯過最大的錯誤 the biggest mistake I have ever made 29 那是 that was 30 那是我曾經犯過最大的錯誤 that was the biggest mistake I have ever made 31 我(己經)犯了一個錯誤 I have made a mistake 32 我曾經犯過了一個錯誤 ? have you ever made a mistake ? 33 那是我曾經犯過最大的錯誤 that was the biggest mistake I have ever made 34 在我的生命中 in my life 35 那是在我的生命中我曾經犯過最大的錯誤 that was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life 36 挑戰 callenge 37 最大的 the biggest 38 最大的挑戰 the biggest challenge 39 面對 to face 40 面對(ed形式) faced 41 我曾經…. I have ever 42 我曾經面對 I have ever faced 43 我曾經面對的最大的挑戰 the biggest challenge I have ever faced 44 那是 that was 45 那是我曾經面對的最大的挑戰 that was the biggest challenge I have ever faced 46 強壯的 strong 47 最強壯的 the strongest 48 人 man 49 最強壯的人 the strongest man 50 見到 to meet 51 見到(ed形式) met 52 我曾經…. I have ever 53 我曾經見過 I have ever met 54 之前 before 55 我之前曾經見過 I have ever met before 56 我之前曾經見過的最強壯的人 the strongest man I have ever met before 57 你是 you are 58 你是我之前曾經見過的最強壯的人 you are the strongest man I have ever met before 59 漂亮的 beautiful 60 最 the most 61 最漂亮的 the most beautiful 62 女人 woman 63 最漂亮的女人 th most beautiful woman 64 認識 to know 65 認識(ed形式) known 66 我曾經…. I have ever 67 我曾經認識 I have ever known 68 我曾經認識的最漂亮的女人 the most beautiful woman I have ever known 69 你是 you are 70 你是我曾經認識的最漂亮的女人 you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known 71 故事 story 72 好的 good 73 好的故事 good story 74 最好的 the best 75 最好的故事 the best story 76 聽到 to hear 77 聽到(ed形式) heard 78 我曾經…. I have ever 79 我曾經聽到 I have ever heard 80 我曾經聽到的最好的故事 the best story I have ever heard 81 這是 this is 82 這是我曾經聽到的最好的故事 this is the best story I have ever heard 83 好笑的 funny 84 最好笑的 the funniest 85 事情 thing 86 最好笑的事情 the funniest thing 87 看到 to see 88 看到(ed形式) seen 89 我曾經…. I have ever 90 我曾經看到 I have ever seen 91 我曾經看到的最好笑的事情 the funniest thing I have ever seen 92 那是 that was 93 那是我曾經看到的最好笑的事情 that was the funniest thing I have ever seen 94 愚蠢的 stupid 95 事情 thing 96 愚蠢的事情 stupid thing 97 最愚蠢的 the stupidest 98 最愚蠢的事情 the stupidest thing 99 做 to do 100 做(ed形式) done 101 我曾經…. I have ever 102 我曾經做過 I have ever done 103 我曾經做過最愚蠢的事情 the stupidest thing I have ever done 104 那是 that was 105 那是我曾經做過最愚蠢的事情 that was the stupidest thing I have ever done 106 固執的 stubborn 107 最 the most 108 最固執的 the most stubborn 109 人 person 110 最固執的人 the most stubborn person 111 見到 to meet 112 見到(ed形式) met 113 我曾經…. I have ever 114 我曾經見過 I have ever met 115 我曾經見過的最固執的人 the most stubborn person I have ever met 116 在我的生命中 in my life 117 在我的生命中我曾經見過的最固執的人 the most stubborn person I have ever met in my life 118 你是 you are 119 你是我在我的生命中曾經見過的最固執的人 you are the most stubborn person I have ever met in my life 120 決定(動詞) to decide 121 決定(名詞) decision 122 做 to make 123 做決定 to make a decision 124 重要的 important 125 重要的決定 important decision 126 最 the most 127 最重要的決定 the most important decision 128 做 to make 129 做(ed形式) made 130 我曾經…. I have ever 131 我曾經做過 I have ever made 132 我曾經做過的最重要的決定 the most important decision I have ever made 133 這是 this is 134 這是我曾經做過的最重要的決定 this is the most important decision I have ever made 135 漂亮的 beautiful 136 最 the most 137 最漂亮的 the most beautiful 138 地方 place 139 最漂亮的地方 the most beautiful place 140 參觀 to visit 141 參觀(ed形式) visited 142 我曾經…. I have ever 143 我曾經參觀過 I have ever visited 144 我曾經參觀過的最漂亮的地方 the most beautiful place I have ever visited 145 這是 this is 146 這是我曾經參觀過的最漂亮的地方 this is the most beautiful place I have ever visited 147 看 to watch 148 電影 movie 149 看電影 to watch a movie 150 恐佈的 scary 151 恐佈的電影 scary movie 152 最恐佈的 the scariest 153 最恐佈的電影 the scariest movie 154 看 to watch 155 看(ed形式) watched 156 我曾經…. I have ever 157 我曾經看過 I have ever watched 158 我曾經看過的最恐佈的電影 the scariest movie I have ever watched 159 那是 that was 160 那是我曾經看過的最恐佈的電影 that was the scariest movie I have ever watched 課後作業 1 她是我曾經認識的最聰明的人 she is the smartest person I have ever known 2 這是我曾經讀過的最好的書 this is the best book I have ever readed