@@love-neko 唔係, 因為佢係自己物業開冷氣, 你自己睇返PSY CHART, 片中室內氣溫係29度, 85% RH, 講緊1DEW POINT 係26度, 地板23度, 當然起水 但當5樓租戶開冷氣, 講緊室溫25度, 60% RH, 個DEW POINT 係17度, 咁23度地板點會起水, 咁起水原因點解係自己屋企合法開冷氣個個, 唔係樓上焗到起水個個? 濕氣重加上熱個邊先會起水, 5樓自己單位內RH 大唔識自己加抽濕機抽返乾個單位? 講緊佢單位抽返RH 60%,. DEW POINT 已經係講緊係20度, 片中度23度已經唔會起水, 自己單位濕度問題搞到有長期倒汗水導致鋼筋生鏽, 唔係5樓單位使用人責任? COME ON, 用數據說話, 唔你條片TAKE 邊面SIDE 你就跟佢風向
@otaccato7351 Жыл бұрын
數據係 FACT,但解釋數據果個係人
@卡思冷凍工程低溫工程 Жыл бұрын
@davidlau7683 Жыл бұрын
以後租樓買樓前請先google GG
@peterwong1778 Жыл бұрын
@tkjho Жыл бұрын
7:37 This so-called expert's solution is nothing more than a patch-up job, using heating cables on the floor is a total waste of electricity. The most cost efficient way to fix it is to install proper insulation on the ceiling of the cold room. Either replace the existing old insulation at a high cost or go cheap and cover up the whole ceiling with 6 inch thick Styrofoam would solve the condensation problem.
@SoundlessFantasy Жыл бұрын
There are many so call experts in hk just looking to do a patch up job. Finding someone actually knowledgeable in hk is rare