在台灣醫療說罷工是會被冠上「無醫德、冷血」。廉價的台灣健保不整體調升健保費,給醫療人員該有的點值費用,衛福部永遠是一再打折,要前線醫護一再共體時艱。政府根本知道護理荒的原因所在,裝睡的人叫不醒的啦,一再擴大招生,增加考照來讓更多人來護理界豁稀泥,洞越補越大問題還是數十年無解,最後或許最爛就是引進外籍(緬印尼.中)care giver 。
One of days, if nurses who work in hospitals, can work a fixed shifts( not rotating shifts), get pay by hourly, patient : nurse ratio is the same between shifts. Patient : nurse ratio 5:1 at regular unit. If nurses have to work over time( over 40 hrs per week), nurses will get overpay. It will be 1.5× hourly pay. So as holidays, major holidays, nurses get 8hrs pay× 1.5