荔枝角搵食 網上食評中伏系列 附中文字幕 Ep230

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McFatty 麥花田

McFatty 麥花田

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@benita.l7926 4 ай бұрын
@McFattyHK 4 ай бұрын
超級多謝支持呀🥹 要好好休息呀 香港好多得有你哋這家造福大衆嘅良心小店,食物好有質素呀😋 如果真係再有機會捲土重來,我一定嚟撐場支持😉🫶🏻
@benita.l7926 4 ай бұрын
@@McFattyHK 感謝你🙏我真係要好好休息了!一星期睇一次醫師做治療,希望可以早日康復❤️‍🩹有你哋介紹香港地嘅美食,喺好多香港人嘅福氣🥰一起加油💪
@jameschan2404 4 ай бұрын
外賣小店好多時都係老板坐陣、小本經營希望有返頭客及做多些熟客、 所以對食物着緊份量也會多些、 那些工廈餐館就不同、 老板不是經常在場 很多都係請伙計睇住、 出品自然不太着緊份量也不會多因舖租人工都不平成本較小店貴、 食肆呢行很難做長久、 人難請、 工時很長、 人材難求只有自己做但又會做死自己.
@viethouseltd 4 ай бұрын
@McFattyHK 4 ай бұрын
@CK-W 4 ай бұрын
@simonlai9842 Ай бұрын
@chengchikin7820 3 ай бұрын
@janegalella8743 4 ай бұрын
Agree that the 2 takeout meals (pork/ chicken rice, and french bread) are better value in quality and price....thank you for sharing 👍👍
@shuilinlam2808 4 ай бұрын
@McFattyHK 4 ай бұрын
謝謝支持☺️ 我哋都覺得荔枝角有驚喜🎉
@jezaminetsui1993 4 ай бұрын
@楚覇黄 Ай бұрын
@yeahshop8816 4 ай бұрын
@alanchung6628 4 ай бұрын
女神多D 出來介紹美食 唔洗成日着住條圍裙教學 活躍D 訂閱直衝十萬 指日可待💪💪💪
@simonlai9842 4 ай бұрын
@lisaipo1226 3 ай бұрын
工廠餐廳 服務唔好 應該用腳投票 以前市道旺 就話要忍 而家應該唔需要 等佢執咗佢 唔會覺得可惜 汰弱留強 先至係黃道
@shanshanlam3862 4 ай бұрын
就算一間餐廳幾好食, 但要受氣又限時又咁多條例既, 其實香港大把選擇, 咁樣搞到咩心情都無哂, 食咩都唔開心。
@McFattyHK 4 ай бұрын
只能夠講侍應唔係太喜歡自己嘅工作 飲食體驗不多不少會受影響
@dohkowong 4 ай бұрын
@yipchuncheong204 4 ай бұрын
睇咗你上次條片,去EC買咗牛頭牌28cm5層平底不銹鋼平底鍋,最後1個$ 299好平
@McFattyHK 4 ай бұрын
@KenLi2024 4 ай бұрын
@dohkowong 4 ай бұрын
@XJForTheWin 4 ай бұрын
When I was in hk for March - June, i didn't feel there were any difference during weekends, in fact the food quality is 10x better than Canada. I really feel that certain people are making it much worst than it is because they only have 1 comparison....Imagine you are paying 1.5 - 2x more than a hk resturant and they taste below average.....that's Canada......I can literally count with 1 hand how many good resturant there are, the rest of garbage, like everytime we try new places and during the drive back, we be like that resturant was garbage and we will never go back.....Its just a matter of time things will always gets better in hk. Also too many fake food reviews is another issue and its even worst in US since they can sue you if you give them a bad review somehow which is funny.
@McFattyHK 4 ай бұрын
I understand good or bad could be subjective. Better or worse should be relative. Could imagine food in HK is already very satisfactory when food in Canada could often be overpriced but mediocre. Numbers never lie but not on the Internet. Views, subs, likes and reviews are no longer trustworthy when conflict of interests involves. Anyways, I would stay honest. So food in Canada is not as good? and bad reviews may cause legal issues like libel in the US? Thanks for letting me know. Good to learn something 🤓
@XJForTheWin 4 ай бұрын
@@McFattyHK In general it is just not worth going out to eat, even supermarket prices are insane. Now idk how it works but in US because different states have different laws but I have heard business sue people for reviews being left....How it ends? idk because these lawsuits could take years before we even know or probably forgetten but I am sure google or youtube search will find some of those stories.
@bettylau3759 4 ай бұрын
@tony-l6h4j 4 ай бұрын
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