Professor Alain PELLET , President of the SFDI : I will not try to compete in eloquence with president jean d'attrition nor in science with the dean received in the south know that we are it is we who are honored to be here mr president and lille has become a kind of almost permanent host university for French society for international law since thanks in large part to the formidable dynamism of your vice president, we have the pleasure of being here for the second time in two years since in 2015 the university of lille 2 welcomed us welcomed French society for a very different subject but it shows the extent of the objects of interest and of society and of the two muriel ubéda saillard welcomed us for a day of study on the special leque the conferences follow one another and are not alike I therefore fully associate myself with the thanks of the president to his formidable vice president he said she was obviously intelligent dynamic and between and enterprising obviously intelligent and no problem I would say really terribly dynamic and enterprising but without her without the Lille symposium would not take place while waiting for that of 2019 on which for the moment there was no there was no pre-emption from another university for the program of this event is it has been said is exceptionally rich I must say : that the title which has been retained skilfully circumvents a debate which is persistent in this field and which I have just mentioned with Mr. Massé who is one of the pioneers of those in this field and with my my very dear friend and my male hand a mentor in this area i don't think you can feminize the word although i am a rabid supporter of the feminization of titles so my wrong hand in this area is mireille delmas delmas marty should we talk about rights international criminal international criminal law it is a vast subject contrary to what mireille says in my opinion the very clear distinction international criminal law it is in fact domestic law turned towards the international and international criminal law it is the law international concerning individuals that said I personally have a serious quarrel with the title which was retained although it can we discussed it within the board of the French society for international law ie think that there is no penal sovereignty that does not exist cultural sovereignty that there is no economic sovereignty sovereignty we have it where we don't have it I had done it a few years ago a comparison has been repeated that I would not dare to repeat here but we have it where we do not have it so there is no criminal sovereignty there are sovereign powers in criminal matters and there is not and there is not of criminal sovereignty age and I decided that really I was going to be very in short, because deadlines have to be respected and moreover it is an appeal that I am calling on a man, president of the French cede for international laws, to the president of the round table from two mornings to half two half days so that he very strictly enforces the speaking time the advantages of a symposium it is a place where we talk together it is to be able to exchange ideas but there is a drift that I find annoying in the symposiums of the French society for the law
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but professor alain pellet mr president of the french society of internal law mrs marty member of the institute professor at the college of france mr judge bruno cotte member of the institute also also a french judge at the international criminal court mr à maugout chief of staff to the secretary general of the international organization of la francophonie mr theodore merom chairman of the mechanism for international criminal courts madam paola gaeta professor at the institut for advanced international and development studies in geneva madam prosecutor of the international criminal court madam fatou bensouda who will join us as you know on friday finally two at the end of the day mr the hunchback dean my dear bernard monsieur doyen coussirat coustère that I saw just now my dear colleagues ladies gentlemen dear friends first allow me a very brief word