Easily forgiven: (Lady and the Tramp): Despite Aunt Sarah’s over the top abuse and strictness towards Lady for being a dog and falling for Si and Ami’s lies about Lady wrecking the house and wounding them, chaining Lady to her doghouse as punishment for running away when it was her fault in reality, and not listening to Lady’s warnings regarding the rat being in the house threatening Jim Jr. And after Trump kills the rat and saves Jim Jr. from it later on foolishly assuming that Lady and Tramp were trying to hurt Jim Jr. after failing to find the dead rat and having Tramp sent away to the dog pound to be put down and Lady imprisoned in the closet, before Jim Dear and Darling get home and free Lady and she shows them the dead rat and clears Tramp’s name, prompting Jim Dear and Darling and Lady and Jock and Trusty to head off to rescue Tramp which almost kills Trusty, Lady, Tramp, Darling and Jim Dear do manage to forgive Aunt Sarah for her wrongdoings especially after she apologizes for them by offering Tramp and Lady and their puppies some dog biscuits the following Christmas, which they all accept while Jim Dear and Darling punish Aunt Sarah and Si and Am by banishing them from their household and forbidding them from visiting them and Jim Jr. until they learn their lessons and promise to act nice and friendly to Lady and Tramp and all dogs in general in the future, in which they do. Tramp also manages to easily forgive Lady for coldly rejecting him after learning the truth behind the multiple female dogs he falls in love with and cheats on including Lady herself sane for Jock and Trusty, and they are on good terms now.