I'm told to leave the sole in my drafts feet but take it down in my regular horse's feet...why am I being told this ? The drafts obviously need plenty of wall, but why would the theory be any different for breeds ?
@PiXie2329 ай бұрын
How do wild horses not have any issues (or not typically) with their un-shoed hooves, but horses that people own and use for work have to have shoes put on?
@hoofcaretv9 ай бұрын
It is a combination of many aspect that include but are not limited to the quality of the foot they have developed from birth, due to living in the wild vs. a domestic environment, the condition of their feet in a feral environment where they get 5 - 20 miles of activity a day vs. a stalled environment where activity is far less and usually in less abrasive or challenging terrains, and it has to do with what domestic horses are asked to do vs. wild horses, as far as types of movements, speeds of moments and overall demands placed upon the feet, limbs and body. Domestic horses have many unnatural demands of activity and movement that wild horses do not, yet they tend to not have had the ability to develop as strong of a foot as wild horses due to their more guarded upbringing. Many domestic horses do great barefoot for the demands asked of them and for the time dedicated to help them establish a more suitable foot, but many domestic horses do not possess the same quality of structures, have a too varied environment they must work on, or have physical demands that are greater than their feet can hold up to, so GOOD shoeing is the best and most humane way to care for these animals.