Landsbergis: Russia Blows Up Europe (Interview)

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16 жыл бұрын

Former Lithuanian President Vytautas Landsbergis, now a member of the European Parliament for the conservative EPP-ED Group, warns in this interview that Russia's real goal behind its war against Georgia is to blow up the European Union.

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@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
thx man. there still normal people on this planet
@arsenall654 8 жыл бұрын
He was right. Now we can see that. As always
@007kukas 13 жыл бұрын
geras jis zmogus, protingai sneka
2 жыл бұрын
he was right all along :) but nobody took it seriuos.
@evaldas7346 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting to look video from 2008. Just sad that what he said was the truth.
@morkiuzz 4 ай бұрын
How about now…
@robertstan298 3 ай бұрын
You mean the part where he lies, as the entire western media did (and still does), about what happened in Georgia, so they can blame it on so-called "Russian aggression"? The part where Shakashvili sent the Georgian military into South Ossetia, right at the border with North Ossetia (which is part of Russia) and started killing and terrorizing it's own people? The part where all of this happened during the Olympic games (when pretty much every head of state, including Putin, where away and at the Olympics, hence crisis response times are strained), just a mere month after the Bucharest NATO summit, where the Americans basically crossed 2 of the biggest diplomatic red lines for Russia, in formally inviting Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO? Putin's response? He tried opening diplomatic channels, Tbilisi would not answer, the west would not answer (everyone was too busy with the Olympics, how convenient...) So he sent in peacekeepers to try to force a ceasefire. The Georgian army didn't stop and even opened fire on the Russian forces. At that point, the Russian army got the greenlight to respond and they swiftly destroyed the Georgian forces. After which they offered humanitarian assistance to the locals and went back into Russian territories. But obviously, that's not what the western media said. It's funny, there's even a interview of a supposed "victims of Russian aggression" on FOX, that doesn't go as the spin doctors of US propaganda hoped, and the mother and her daughter that were on live, actually thanked Russia and Putin for intervening and saving them. The FOX anchor swiftly said they have to go to "a word from their sponsors" and cut to ads. After the commercials, prolly to not self-incriminate too much, they let the woman speak for 5 more seconds and then they cut the interview and move to something else. Anyway, you're free to do your own research, not sure why you haven't thus far... I can only hope you've at least done it since the time you wrote that cringe comment 3 years ago to which I'm replying now.
@dargmang 13 жыл бұрын
Real Truth. Maybe funny english. High Respect. And he is a live Legend.
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
Finally someone who knows the situation and what Russia is really like. More people like me and you,that's what we need. Keep up the good work!!!
@TheKrabaras 13 жыл бұрын
Mr. Landsbergis is the bravest man in the Lithuania. And probably the wisest. I wish if there could be more people such like him..
@altin1970 3 жыл бұрын
yes .he was right
@morkiuzz 4 ай бұрын
This aged like fine wine
@dagmar9727 4 ай бұрын
Er hat es richtig beurteilt! Es ist aktuell !
@sanzzpanzz 11 жыл бұрын
oh damn, nobody writing about the beginning of democracy in Lithuania. I AM WRITING ABOUT THE PRESENT!!!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Now - is there ANYONE on this smart enough to tell me who Koba Davitashvili is and what happened to her in November 2007 - and what also happened to Imedi TV?
@grajdrums 13 жыл бұрын
@Kamadeva01 Oh yes it can. It's not about economy. They don't need money to be twisted as they are, and they never did. It's as he said - they have no moral limits. By the way, their resources come from Syberia (and are not entirely exploited at the moment), meaning that they are sitting on a vast source of gold, oil, coal etc. - it's just a matter of time, of course, unitl it runs out, but we still have a lot to look forward to until that.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
I produced a counter-video to this... the European Community was founded on the prospect of peaceful resolutions of disputes, not anti-Russian bigotry! The correct response, and the one most fitting to the Community's founders, is to work out a peace settlement. I would go even further to say that their needs to be, for a future EU Presidency, a project at Cold War conflict resolution for Russia, East Europe, and includes Georgia too! anything else doesn't represent the Community!
@007kukas 13 жыл бұрын
geras jis zmogus
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
European foreign policy is never about sanctions as some kind of punishment. Sanctions are to aid in changing behaviour and are intended to eventually develop a relationship. The key to success in this area of the world are for Russia and the EU to be engaged together. Yes, I am almost have my Master's in this area of European studies, and I know these policies are not intended to be punitive.
@quuaaarrrk8056 Жыл бұрын
Looking at this 14 years later this stance is ... interesting.
@Raimukas69 13 жыл бұрын
o Lanzbergis angliskai moka.. geras
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
yes, Georgia is a democracy to the world and a walruss is an animal you can buy in any pet shop
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
The reality is that the crisis was started by Georgia's attack on South Ossetia. Even Human Rights Watch is saying this. The reality is that what the French and Germans are handling this in the manner that is of European multiculturaluism. It is the "old" Europe (the grown ups) France and Germany that have to teach the children, Eastern Europeans, how to get along with neighbors!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
@ sebreathnach - The EU has nothing to do with Poland's missiles. What Poland does is what Poland does. The US has been undermining the EU Community method and tries to divide the EU through bilateral agreements. A good example is the air passenger data agreements. The US and the EU ARE NOT one and the same! In the future we need to get a REAL pro-Europe government in Warsaw so that this missiles become an eye-sore and a liability for EU-Polish relations!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
What is needed is for the EU to stop following the US off a cliff. The LAST thing that is desired is for sanctions against Russia. This will make the prospect of peace in Georgia more remote. The reality is that sanctions is not ALWAYS the answer... Also, what about the aggression against the people of S. Ossetia. The people of S. Ossetia DO matter and, because they have been forgotten, need to separate from Georgia!
@Zaliakalnis 14 жыл бұрын
Klystate, gerb. Kolega. AT pirminininkas angliškai ir yra President :)
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
Landbergis is right in his perception of Russia. West seems not to be aware of Russian mentality and their political culture, unlike countries of former Soviet block, who know how to approach and what to expect from Russians. there is certain naivete in Western approach to Russians, who don't seem to care, or feel threatened in any way, as said by Medvedev today. In addition to that first to raise an alarm about Georgia, were countries that know Russians, i.e former Soviet satellite states.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Venoma3d, we are talking about Russia here, not the Soviet Union. That's the problem with people like Landbergis. I FULLY understand Russian history and the need to "control the near-abroad" resulted from, espically the Mongel Yoke. Russia is no different from other nations that need to be approached through understanding of its history. The EU make this same mistake with Serbia - in not studying and forming policy based on understanding historical pasts of people it deals with!
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with EUamerican. Serbians were really "nice" to their neighbors during break-up of Yugoslavia, and someone had to step in and "clean up the mess" with the Americans leading NATO action. If you want to ask opinions, turn to Croatians, Bosnians, and Abanians from Kosovo and they will tell you about "friendly" Serbian nation.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Glad to see my friend, noobsstinken! We should like to hear from those that have something more productive and postive to say and not anti-Russian hate! What does this man say that is positive and productive?!!! WHAT?! Thank God that this hate-monger is not part of the Council or the Troika where he would cause WWIII!!! This man is in needs of help! What hate! Flag this hateful video now!!!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
So, should EU Member States reject student visas for Russian students at European schools. Should cultural exchanges and security cooperation, such as in terrorism,WMDs and cross-border criminal also be suspended? Should Russian athletes that play on pro-teams be told to go home? For what? The undemocratic Saakashvili regime? Nope - Europe MUST stay open to Russia in ALL aspects of contact and exchange! Give MORE visas to Russians, not less, and keep the contacts flowing!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
ANYONE that likes to get into "you are this are you are that" - is a child, like Landsbergis, that needs to learn and debate what the Community is about.
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
If we say that Russia is responsible, democratic nation, how it is possible that they crushed Georgia and threaten Poland over American missiles? Why they continue to persist with aggressive actions and complete disregard for Diplomatic efforts of West? Western nations backed down in 1938,when decisive action was required,and see how it ended. History likes to repeat itself, and consequences might be the same if not worse. We also must distinguish between describing threats,and hate mongering
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
I would like to believe you but it is impossible to change mentality of millions of people in a decade. Most of them still remembers the conflict and their behavior during declaration of independent Kosovo several months ago, bears resemblance of attitude they displayed during the conflict. Personally I don't agree with case for independent Kosovo, but Serbian behavior have not changed for iota. And to add to all of this, they are supposed to have civilized leaders now.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Georgia must be Europeanized. Georgia is not a democracy and is only a "Partly Free" - according to Freedom House. We need to eventually have a policy that is in the best interests of European Community values - and that includes bring Russia and that other neighborhood countries together - and this requires a Neighborhood Policy that includes Russia.
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
What is needed now is a strong, united ,and INDEPENDENT OF US response to Russian aggression of Georgia. EU should be more decisive and should add more weight to its decisions by acting as as single political entity, not as a club for liberal debates. If politicians won't start acting more forcefully,we soon will sink in a sea of mediocrity and political idiocy,which seems to be now a right of every politician in Brussels. Either we do something together,or dissolve EU altogether.(it rhymes!)
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
I would recommend an article from Thomas Gomart called "EU-Russia Relations" July 2008 from the Center for Strategic & International Studies, which I read this morning. This article shows the problems of the EU-Russia relations in that there are often miscommunication and hearkening back to the past, on all sides, including what Landsbergis is doing. There is a need for the EU to help in putting these memories to rest, Gomart points out, that the European project is about that...
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
The Euroepan Union will have none of that, that is for certian. The is a VAST difference between the European Community and the US/NATO militant Atlanticist cabal. What I write is from that great works of the founding fathers of the Community - and it is in their spirit I will always fight for the principles of the Community. From those principles - keep the Community open to Russia and, yes, grant more student visas and cultural contacts for Russians.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Agree with me, Venoma3d . You are talking about Serbia 10 years ago, when it was run by Milosevic. Serbia is a responsible, civilized European nation! Serbs have died and risk their lives today for European Serbia. Again, joining Europe is about putting the past in the past. I have NEVER said that Serbia to day is like Serbia 10 years ago. Again - Serbia is a responsible and European nation. Read Serbia's '06 constitution!
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
What Polish government does and signs is of no-one's concern except polish voters and Brussels. After all everyone must obey international and european law (except Russia) so there is nothing wrong going on. besides, if EU cannot organize proper military, why should we wait?? besides US is paying for upgrades for Polish military. There are also US bases in Britain and Germany, so what's wrong with missles in Poland??? US is our ally after all.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
The European Union did not go to war against Yuogoslavia. It was an American led NATO action! The EU has less and less to do with NATO by the day!
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
err... her or me???
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
In fact, I have now decided that I will write a proposed "common position and joint actions" paper in the area of Russia-EU relations. This paper will be based not on "punishing Russia" or anti-Russian bigotry of some East European countries, but on European values and in the spirit of the purpose of the Community! I am doing my Masters' thesis on CSFP and ESDI and so this will be part of the project...
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
I think i said it before somewhere, but in regard to Russians , with all due respect, they don't seem to understand politics beyond use of military and threatening others with energy supplies. the whole show is run by Putin, who was a former KBG officer. tell me why he reinstated the soviet anthem in 2000?(just the melody I know), why he threatened to aim missiles at Poland? I do not want to destroy them or anything , but why they refuse to stick to fair-play??
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
"She is this" and "she is that" - my gosh, can't you talk about ANYTHING of value other than attacking me? Why don't you start by telling why European defense should be constantly chained to NATO?! ESDP has taken off over the past few years, Europe has its own defense industry. The EU has had a successful mission in Chad. Now, when the Lisbon Treaty comes into force, there can be even greater cooperation under Art. 27(6) "permanent structured cooperation." Get it? Now, got anything else to add?
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
We all would like to see Russians behave ethically, but that is just well-wishing. As they say, road to hell is paved with good intentions. Tell me, Why Europe should be in a position of those who receive propositions from Moscow, instead of trying to have open dialogue with them?? Besides, I don't think you ever been to Russia, You don't know them. Just because they are not calling themselves Soviet Union anymore, it does not mean that they will throw away their imperialistic behavior.
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
And about Georgia, if S.Ossetia and Abkhazia are constitutionally within borders of Georgia, how can you call that an aggression? They were simply reinstating administrative control over their territories. Russians done theirs, fair enough, but who gives them right to INVADE GEORGIA??? THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN BE IN OSSETIA!!! Tell me, what would Washington do if one of the states would broke away and join Canada(i know its impossible but this is just an example)?They wouldn't talk to them nicely
@studiodringelis 15 жыл бұрын
i am lithuania and i hate russia landsbergis is one of the best politic he made lithuania free country
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
"World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it." A creative solution here would be to create a special relationship (as called for in some papers) b/t the EU and Russia - and more than just economic integration...
@whatlooksrightisright 14 жыл бұрын
He was neither a 'proud Imperial Russian officer' nor loyal to Russian m-chy in the 1940 and pending. Go read books.
@border2lt 15 жыл бұрын
vytautas landsbergis newer was lithuanian prezident... i hated the doode back iin nineees but i fink he is cool now...
@blizzardRM10 11 жыл бұрын
O kas Lietuvai uzdirbo nepriklausomybe?
@zmogushibridas2992 5 жыл бұрын
Rusai kurie dirbo vakarams jie buvo agentai buvo Tarybų sajunga sukurta vakarų ir sunaikinta vakarų :)
@VienisasVilkas 11 жыл бұрын
prajuokinai,megztaberetininke,tik beda ta,kad tu NIEKO nezinai,o gal tau ir nereikia,dar bloga pasidaris...
@micius33 Жыл бұрын
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Excuse me, but no body with any intelligence is interested in reading name calling and personal insults. There are those that have LOST the argument here on this board that continue to call me names and insult me. Again, I don't have to resort to kindergarten name calling, just present intelligent arguments. Now - are you going to final present a coherent argument as to why the EU should not renew the partnership with Russia, or continue to act like naughty little kids?
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Why are you giving this child, who really needs to sit down and read the Schuman Declaration, and the purposes of the Community. YES Europeans SHOULD listen to Russia - and the other parties to the conflict. This poor man really needs to go back to school and learn what the Community is really about - and it's not defining Russia as the enemy. Also, the Community MUST not be used by the these children to "get revenge" on Russia for what it did during the Cold War!
@VienisasVilkas 11 жыл бұрын
na neeilinis sposinykas esi,kur tu matai ta nepriklausomybe???ar tu aklas?tada sory
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
There needs to be a deepening of the EU-Russia relationship. There should be Russian access to Community forums that the US and Georgia. There should be a the crisis management that both the EU and Russia were working out should become a reality. There should be an increase in student visas for EU member states that allow Russians to study in Europe. The 1997 partnership agreement was mainly an economic agreement. The new partnership with Russia should expand and consider visa free travel.
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
I think that there is a complete lack of understanding how Russia works and its policies. And it seems, EUamerican, that you too display complete ignorance in regard to politics of eastern Europe. Landbergis is old enough, as many people in eastern Europe who remembers Soviet Empire. His opinions are completely justified in the light of recent history. In Moscow, there is no such thing as respect for West and its diplomatic efforts. They respect you only if you are stronger than them.
@whatlooksrightisright 14 жыл бұрын
Have you ever met the Devil, naive hysterical kid?
@VienisasVilkas 11 жыл бұрын
ar senai is klumpiu islindai,kulturintojau?
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Again attacking me...well. have at it, as you just demonistrate that you have lost the argument, as you have YET to come up withy cohertent arguments. attacking me indicates that you cannot not present anything of substance. Again, I do not have to attack anybody, that is for people that cannot properly argue. This tactic, employed by people that lose arguments, is called "attacking the messenger." Now, present some logical arguments and stop making a fool of yourself!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
We should hope for an increase in contacts between Russia and the European Union. these contacts should include everything from students to government . This is what the Community is all about. "World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it." For peace with Russia, we need creative efforts and that is threatened by misguided people like Landsbergis!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Some of the major reasons why the EU MUST not break off relations with Russia have to do with meaningful economic cooperation, as well as cooperation in the areas of human trafficking, organised crime, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation. Also, cooperation with Russia is needed for energy security and to cooperate in solving this current crisis. Go and read the four areas of common interest b/t Russia and the EU - and that these areas of cooperation are deep and valuable.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Well, resorting to name -calling? I don't have to call names - and you throthehammer - have yet to contribute something constructive? Now - you still have not give a coherant viewpoint as to why the EU should break ties with Russia?
@Globalizator1 16 жыл бұрын
Landsbergis is thinking and pronouncing words - AMAZING PROGRESS for himself.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
That's what they use to say about Serbia. Also, do you know that shelling a civilian area is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. A military cannot just fire rockets at town with civilians in them. It's a warcrime! Well, why "allow" Kosovo to break away from Serbia? EVERYTIME Europe follows American policy without regard for what happens next - it gets into trouble. You also sound like you hate Russians.. Ethnic bigoty is NOT welcomed in the EU!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Those that oppose the Lisbon Treaty and support the US/NATO order in Europe cannot talk about "EU military structures." The Lisbon Treaty, (art. 27(6)) calls for permanent structured cooperation, which is opposed by those that want to maintain the old US/NATO order in Europe. It is no accident that East European members, as well as Britain, oppose the Lisbon Treaty. Poland is an EU Member State and must subscribe to Community law. Russia is not an EU member and is not under Community law.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
I have actually researched and wrote a paper on the role that the EU played in helping Serbia overcome Milosevic and the role that the EU played in turning Serbia into a responsible, civilzed and European nation. yellow-stars (dot) com / Europe / EU.Serbia (dot) htm The building of European Serbia: How the European Union is winning in the Balkans
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
ESDI should aim at an independent from NATO organizational structure. Common foreign policy, common positions should have European values in mind, and joint actions should be taken with the aim of advancing the Unions values and objective. EU sanctions are NEVER undertaken for punitive measures, but aimed ONLY to bring the target into the EU. Sanctions for punitive measure are against the purposes of the Community. Russia, like Serbia, must be brought into the Euroepan fold.
@Venoma3d 16 жыл бұрын
You seem to treat Russia with unconditional love, despite everything they done so far to destroy the unity of EU? And its not about Saakakashvili, which you seem to treat on equal with Hussein. I think you read too much into Russian propaganda. If you would know about history of Europe, you would know, why there is so much JUSTIFIED distrust towards Russia. you should also visit Europe and Russia once. That would prove a great insight for your ignorance, which keeps offending me as a European
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Sorry that the way the European Union conducts its affairs is not suitable to your anti-Russian hatred and bigotry. Then go to an American conservative board with "Cold War warriors" that want another Cold War so they can feel good again. The European Union will eventually have a more positive relationship with Russia, if you like it or not. Some of the hate expressed here is the same that used to be expressed toward Serbs and Serbia. Now - Serbia is becoming a EU member state.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
So - you out in Eastern Europe appear to prefer American hegemony over becoming a part of Europe. So, you prefer Americanization over Europeanization? Poland needs to stop behaving like an American state - and start acting like a European nation! This means cultivating better relations with Russia! Landsbergis needs to stop acting like an American in the Cold War and start behaving like a European that wants peaceful relations with neighbors.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
I would like to also point out that the EU had the same inability to deal with the pasts and historical memories in the Balkans, especially the relevance of the Battle of Kosovo for Serbs and the historical narratives of "Serbian victimhood." We now see this with the Eastern European member states, and the inability of the Union to help put such memories to rest and put the Cold War behind for good.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
The European Union should DEEPEN ties with Russia -- not limit them!
@Timurito1 15 жыл бұрын
This guy is so cool:)
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
Yes, I want to see the European Union as the rightful leader in human rights and peaceful relations that it is entitled to be. The whole idea that lead to the creation of the ECSC was to bind France and Germany, which used to be regarded as "crazy." Now - we need a ECSC that binds Russia and the Eastern Europe to the EU. The ONLY viable solution is to place the EU at the lead in the solution and to deepen relations with Russia. European solutions are always long term ones.
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
This conflict was started by Georgia, not Russia! This conflict also was the result of American meddling in Europe - long after American should have LEFT Europe. The European Union could have a good relationship with Russia is not for American meddling in Europe. Let go of the Cold War! The EU could still have a good relationship with Russia! the EU MUST work with Russia, as that is the European way of diplomacy!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
The FACT is that the Russian peacekeepers are in Georgia LEGALLY, from the UN Security Council in the 1994... This conflict was caused bu GEORGIA, not Russia, and the rest of the world knows that. Please go and learn what the Community is about and its not to define Russia as a threat to Europe. Russia is not a threat to Europe - it is people like this who do not want to leave the Cold War out!
@docentas900 12 жыл бұрын
Gaila .Tauta, kad ponas Lansbergis buvo kazkuo ir teisus....mes runkeliai......
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
People like Landsbergis and the East European countries need to be brought out of the Cold War. Just because Poland and these other nations are "EU Member States" does not mean that their views should be regarded as sacrosanct! There are some of us that believe that adapting the acquis does not mean that a new member state is a REAL European state! Nations that Landsbergis represent have not been Europeanized, and this video just demonistrates this!
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
This man needs to LEARN what the Community is all about -- and not to participate in revenge games with Russia! The guy is ignorant! The FACT is that European diplomacy has trimphed in this crisis and European CFSP has WORKED and the solution is to ENGAGE Russia - not cut Russia off
@EUamerican 16 жыл бұрын
I actually must feel sorry for this Landsbergis fellow. From basic research, one finds that he is highly educated. This is a waste of his talents and abilities trying to get the Community to hate and wall out Russia. This is utter nonsense, trying to use the Community to get back at Russia for the Soviet days. The ONLY solution is peaceful cooperation and co-existence. Walling out Russia from the Community is not only contray to its purposes and values, but irrational!
@ndenis11 13 жыл бұрын
@lietuvis1973 11 жыл бұрын
@WINNNY22 14 жыл бұрын
this guy is such a jerk!!hahahaha...who is his mother!!!)))
@JuozasDraskinis-dg8gk 5 ай бұрын
Visur šito šikniaus pilna
@rytiskurcinskas7179 12 жыл бұрын
Accentas pas jis neblogas bet zodziu sudeliojmas tai visai is oro
@sanzzpanzz 12 жыл бұрын
An achievement of Lansbergis in Lithuania: fucked country, total emigration to EU, poor citizen, happy politician and anti-russian blockade.
@aive4976 9 жыл бұрын
urodas paskutinis tau gal smegenys su sudais susimaise kad gini sita aktoriu veidmaini
@mariussiderkevicius2278 5 жыл бұрын
Kas tau čia erodas ?
@janisimos 11 жыл бұрын
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