Another wonderful episode bringing back so many sweet memories. Remote mountain huts and whole days without electricity, or carefully using a fickle, minimum solar power supply is my idea of a great holiday. This indeed was the way I experienced Bulgaria a couple of times (mountain hut, vardo wagon, cottage - all great in their simplicity!). Such precious days are indeed a great mindfulness practice when a path to a cup of coffee is: get busy chopping wood -> get some water from the well -> light a fire -> boil the water -> grind some beans by hand -> enjoy after 30 minutes :) Baking bread, working with yeast that needs to stay warm at all times, required yet another level of concentration and carefully timed steps, and was a pure joy! These were really refreshing experiences - beautiful on their own, and additionally letting me appreciate modern conveniences all the more each time I returned home. Then the path is just put the electric kettle on with water from the tap, add ground coffee and there you go - all done in a minute or two :) All the best in 2024! Lots of health and good fortune to you!
@annasan Жыл бұрын
Thank you Witek, for your comments and sharing. I am really glad I had a chance to experience those days like before. There's something true and calming in such a lifestyle compared to fast-pace one which we have now. A cup of coffee is more valued if you put 30 min in it instead of 1, isn't it? All the best in the new year! I hope it will get at least a little bit better in the world..
@freeradical1567 Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your family.