Living with Multiple Sclerosis - Pride & Power

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Lauren Parrott

Lauren Parrott

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I am proud and powerful!! You should be too!

Пікірлер: 53
@backygirly 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for such a positive and empowering video regarding MS!! You're absolutely right - the negative people who can't accept it don't deserve to be apart of your life!! I haven't been diagnosed YET but expect to be this week. I have my first MRI tomorrow and feel pretty confident that I have it. I just turned 30 and I'm scared out of my mind! I don't want MS to stop me from living my life. So glad I came across your video. Thank you!!
@33MSLady 12 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with MS 2yrs ago this month...and I started watching different videos on youtube about MS and I came across your videos...I've watched several and you are such a brave person with such a positive spirit..its contagious..I love that!...Thank you for your inspiration...and keep smiling!
@ToriUTK 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reminder Lauren. I often forget how powerful I am, and sometimes find myself getting lost in my diagnosis. Your videos are always so inspirational. Thank you for what you do. When I was diagnosed your videos got me though the hardest times. :-) It is great to see you doing so well.
@silviatxr 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. I am 51 and was diagnosed with secondary progressive MS in October. It was like I lost my foundation. Your videos have helped me get it back. You're an amazing, powerful and strong young lady! I'd like to share my experience with high daily dosages of Vit D3 (20'000 IU). Besides REBIF injections, which haven't helped me so far, I started taking Vitamin D3 two weeks ago. I read it can minimize the MS symptoms. Now I feel much better. Cheers!!!
@jimfozzie 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lauren for this video. You are so right here. What a beautiful mind you have. It is almost unfathomable that such a person as you exist on this planet! This really encourages all of us. I wish all the best to you and your family and give my regards to Amy, Melinda and Theresa next time you meet them. Jim
@crystaltaylor613 12 жыл бұрын
You are such an inspiration to me. I am 19 right now, have been going through symptoms of MS since May of last year. I'm currently going through tests to get a diagnosis. (Had an MRI now getting set up for a spinal tap.) It helps me a lot to see someone who can smile and be strong and not have to be upset about it!
@JoshHewlett 12 жыл бұрын
Lauren, I understand and feel where you are coming from in this video. Just know that I appreciate what you are saying, I feel your passion.. It was awesome! You are an incredible example of living well with MS and how it hasn't Conquered you in any way! We need to write a book together of how to fight and WIN with MS, it all starts in the mind and transfers down to the heart, which transitions into the body to HELP US TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD and forget those who label! You ARE Power girl!
@hdcolo1 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lauren for sharing your feelings/emotions, it shows how strong you are and hope other people see your video and become more empowered to be more open.
@aforeman100 12 жыл бұрын
you look fantastic!!!! i am a 24 year old female and was maried 10 months ago and i recieved my MS diaganosis 2 weeks ago. People like you keep me positive and optimistic about my future :) Just because we have MS does not mean our life needs to change- we still are who we are. and it could always be so much worse!!!!!
@SandraWatts 12 жыл бұрын
What a great video Lauren! You are a beautiful young woman, inside and out and I've watched your power and pride carry you through to today. I wish you all the best in your future! Sandy
@afshanm26 10 жыл бұрын
Ive recently been diagnosed... and I wad looking for someone like u a positive person.... thanks
@akirkpatrick1987 11 жыл бұрын
I cannnot thank you enough. I just watched this beautiful video and it helped me so much. I need to make my peace with my MS because it is holding me back. Hugs to you!
@MsHopeforhealing 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lauren...God has really given you a gift to communicate and to encourage others.
@rickileeway 12 жыл бұрын
Dear Lauren, you do come across as incredibly confident. It's nice to see you have a vulnerable side too. Stay strong & well:)
@MultiSilverflower 12 жыл бұрын
You have helped me so much over the last 6 months as I travel on this journey. God bless and thank you for sharing. :)
@Shnooks1215 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this! So great to hear! You are so right!
@TimeValuMike 12 жыл бұрын
Another inspiring video! Thank you so much Lauren!!
@Peek-a-berries 12 жыл бұрын
I am 18 years old and I was diagnosed with MS in June. I am sacred for the future but I can't be and I know... Thank you for this amazing video, you truly are an inspiration.
@madisonmayes 12 жыл бұрын
Your videos give me a different view on life I an 15 got told I have ms last September and have really been struggling but you videos give me hope so thank you. Love maddie
@flaggism 12 жыл бұрын
HI!!! I have been following your vids for a long time,i dont have MS but i do have another disorder that keeps me disabled.Ive had mine for 20yrs and no one has even come close to making me feel better about me,,,everyone has always been like-YOU DONT LOOK SICK TO ME-or thats just a put on...Makes me want to crawl under a bed and hide.Anyway thanks for your help...Not only have you helped others in the MS community but others with other disorders,,,stay strong girl!!!! mike
@acappellasingbr 12 жыл бұрын
Hi Lauren -- I just watched your June 23rd video. Thank you!! I am just in the beginning of my own discovery of MS with myself. I just finished speech therapy and started Betaserone on 8-24-12. Hang in there!!!!
@GT4X 12 жыл бұрын
Lauren I truly admire your strength I can't help but to wish I was that strong.
@feline9796 12 жыл бұрын
hey , i just wanna say i'm a 16 year old girl and i have ms since 18 weeks . at the beginning it was really hard but your video helps me a lot . you are a strong girl and so i wanna be . lots of love Feline xxx
@goonercab 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your positive attitude. I'm finding it difficult to tell friends and hide from them. Not a good attitude really! Guess if they're real friends they wouldn't judge but I feel ashamed & like you mentioned 'broken'. I've had MS for 6years now, I put on a brave face and have strong attitude but still struggling mentally inside. Must pull out of this bubble causing self embarrassment. You also made me cry but thank you. Si x
@BOBdaBELUGA 12 жыл бұрын
Wow you are a tiger! an amazing woman :) thank you for those strong powerful words
@goonercab 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reply. Been watching your videos and it's been great to see your success with Tysabri and your enthusiasm to your recent blood test results, (get mine next week!). I am starting a Tysabri programme soon (Oct 2012). I am excited with fear. A fear of more failure and fear of PML. But I simply can not continue being trapped by MS. Recently had a nasty relapse and my MRI results were not good with many new active lesion's. Remaining positive, will keep you posted. x Si.
@xprtzabc 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for replying to my nonsense Lauren, you are an angel.
@robbie_davies 12 жыл бұрын
Hi Lauren, Great video. I think you were already proud and powerful but you just didnt know it yet! I love your videos and they are a great help. I am currently too ill to work at the moment due to the physical nature of my work (i'm a nurse) and how my symptoms are at the moment but I know that I will be get there again when I get over this flare up! Please don't forget your also sweet, kind funny and beautiful! (we have that in common! lol) x
@hdcolo1 12 жыл бұрын
Hi everyone, my wife filed for divorce because I kept many things to myself. She is in the healthcare field and has met other older folks who have MS. I believe I tried to be there for her and our 2 year old son. I'm okay but sometimes I want to be more vocal about symptoms, as I try my hardest to fight this MS on my own. We need to be humble, thankful and proud of having this condition as it has helped us become stronger.
@VernBeachy 12 жыл бұрын
All too often people get mired into feeling sorry for themselves, rather than spending time and energy on how one can make the best, and thrive, in any given situation.
@ezechicano 12 жыл бұрын
look up to you, your video was helpful. I'm about to make five years on Oct 11 but to be honest with you it has closed doors that I still hope till this day will open. Although the likelihood of it happening are slim to none. The negative comments yeah it hurts like hell but for some reason they become my biggest motivator. Not sure if its the most positive thing but I manage to get by lol. Best wishes for you and always stay strong!
@figo00x 12 жыл бұрын
Hi, we take pride that we see the world differently to most healthy people, our power is to climbing the mountain, where we don't need a gold medal to show our success, but to raise awareness of the ignorance in social society. To have this condition is a blessing in disguise, jus like your smile brings light to others who are lost. You seem very compassionate, kind and brave. Cute too, dnt blush;), keep smiling sleeping beauty
@blak4001 12 жыл бұрын
You are strong and powerfull! I am glad to see that you know it too :-)
@madisonmayes 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lauren
@robizonai 11 жыл бұрын
I have MS to :( very strong of you to make these videos! keep it up! cheers
@feline9796 12 жыл бұрын
thanks i wish you the best too ! i hope you are going to make a lot of video's xx
@Jenna007able 12 жыл бұрын
I think it's a way of coping for us. I do the same thing, I do not speak of my MS to many at all. Many in my life do not understand it, because I handle my life on the outside as if I do not have it. :) So, when we hit our bumps and people are shocked it may just be our fault for not being more verbal. Its' all a learning experience. :) Hang in there! so glad your so well!
@markolad 12 жыл бұрын
Wow Lauren you just said how I was feeling I've met the most amazing girl a few months ago we r now a couple but thats how she treats me I have MS but its way in the back of my mind thank God I can do that. I read a book while on holiday its by Katie Piper called "things get better" it really is such a positive read its about that girl in London that was raped and had Acid thrown on her face. I always say I have MS, MS hasn't me :) Its really good to see and hear from u xx
@HonestlyCandice 12 жыл бұрын
Lauren, I recently shared my MS story on my channel after not telling anyone for years. I wanted you to know that you were the first person I saw on youtube who was my age and dealing with this disease. I spoke about you in my recent video and how your attitude helped me. THANK YOU! I appreciate you! (and check out my video. I put a link to your page) :-)
@Rocket9944 12 жыл бұрын
Wow, i saw your 2007 when you went to the hospital, you look great..
@MattAllenG 12 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% and I even preach it myself but I am finally realizing that I am just not happy with myself and the amount I am doing with my Life and for the MS community.. IDK, guess I have to give it time??
@kensiler2002 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you , u think your great and i really like watching your video's i have had ms since sept 10,2010 so its still kinda new for me i find myself home alone alot it sucks
@i69edurmum 12 жыл бұрын
I honestly think I am in love.
@MattAllenG 12 жыл бұрын
You know what is hard? Though I do agree with you, I think it's hard when some of us maybe can not accept ourselves and who WE are. IDK, more of a personal problem I guess?
@xprtzabc 12 жыл бұрын
I want to stop thinking about it at times and I can not. I am trying to be positive about it learning from people like you, I want to forgive myself and all those, ah so expensive and well educated and intelligent, yet, can not even notice or cure a simple flue virus medical professionals, who took 25 years to see what was wrong with me!
@xprtzabc 12 жыл бұрын
I took it (MS) like a punishment for the hate, silly boulders I carried around and my attitude problems etc. Than see and witness it happening to real angels like, Lauren Parrott too? What am I complaining about!? all at the same time, I am so proud the things I achieve and do with my half a body and brain, while there are millions who are unhappy with what they have and unproductive, waiting for a job, for somebody to make them happy with their fully healthy bodies and limbs!
@tboy221 12 жыл бұрын
im glad you came back but i would like to know something. how long and short can a relapse happen for. i once took an antipsychotic medication that i think caused my MS. gave me the symptoms, gave me medial rectus palsy (MRP), and gave me the spots on my MRI. since quitting that med i didnt quite have the relapses i did while on the drug. my MRI showed after the drug and got worse the second MRI. but i believe it all came from that med. ill have MRP for the rest of my life.
@goonercab 11 жыл бұрын
I recently contacted you after a very low point, coming out of a relapse.Offered Tysabri, but my JC levels are too high I was unable to start Tysabri.I later discovered levels can be neither high or low just + or -.! I saw my neuro & at last I've been accepted onto Tysabri starting my first infusion next week,I know the risks being JC+ . Thanks for listening, its nice sometimes to share with a fellow MS’er. Before I sign off how is your treatment with Tysabri after your news being JC+ too? Si x
@xprtzabc 12 жыл бұрын
Trying and Pushing my wheelchairs, walkers, shopping trolleys hard, they (some shopkeepers, sometimes try and take my shopping trolley from me and they get so confused when I loose my balance and fall on my face.. Than get up and walk like a drunk blind man holding on to anything I can reach, trying like crazy to get to the toilet as soon as possible so I don't water their beautiful shop floors!
@sagaertj 12 жыл бұрын
Life does'nt stop at MS !
@tboy221 12 жыл бұрын
i have 1 thing i cannot explain though. no matter what time i go to bed i cannot wake up earlier than about 1pm, phus im mostly tired throghout the day, usually until later in the evening.
@tboy221 12 жыл бұрын
i almost want ms to get worse with me so i know for sure. i had 4 O-bands in my spinal fluid but does that say for sure whats real? im just lost.
@laurenparrott4581 11 жыл бұрын
I wish you the very best! Thank you so much!
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