@anisovitch anis Think of transpose operation in real domain, it is nothing but rotating our vectors. Now, extend this to complex domain, rotation in complex domain is nothing but taking conjugate of that number (that is we rotate the number by 90 deg clock or anti clockwise).
@muhammadnabeel71339 жыл бұрын
You are great
@sharmilapandian1323 жыл бұрын
@omar7785 жыл бұрын
thank you
@olipatterson9838 жыл бұрын
What does P physically represent and how do you find it?
@sandeepprasad32632 ай бұрын
It represents transmitted power. I think it will be given in question.
@DaMeN6356 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the course. One thing I want to correct, w=h/||h||^2 because it should be that w^H*h=1 so w=h/(|h1|^2 + |h2|^2) no sqrt needed.
@rishabhsrivastava12413 жыл бұрын
I think we need to think here more on the lines of what the weighting vector must achieve to get maximum SNR. Remember what Mr. Adithya mentioned here, in order to maximize SNR, the cos component must be maximised, this can be done by making weights' vector be in same direction as h vector. How can this be done in simple way? Well you can assume w to be normalised unit vector in direct of h vector. What h/||h|| achieves is normalisation of h vector thus convinietly getting w vector that satisfies max SNR condition. For more info, please refer to GRAHM SCHMIDTT ORTHOGONALIZATION operation.