Legacy Episode 53

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Emanet 53. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 53
Learning that Seher took Yusuf, Yaman goes mad with anger. This news will make Yaman take dangerous moves. Learning about Kiraz's accusations, Begüm has already prepared her plan to get rid of Kiraz.
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Emanet Dizisi Oyuncuları
Halil İbrahim Ceyhan
Sıla Türkoğlu
Berat Yusuf Özkan
Gülderen Güler
Melih Özkaya
Tolga Pancaroğlu
Gülay Özdem
Gözde Gürkan
Hilal Yıldız
Oğuz Yağcı
Osman Aydın
Ömer Gecü
Binnaz Ekren
Zeynep Naz
Derya Ertun
Mehmet Ali Aydın
Özge Ağyar
Volkan Yıldırım
Hayat Olcay
Directors: Ayhan Özen, Taner Tunç
Scenarist: Başak Yazı Odası
Production Company: Karamel Yapım
Music: Minör

Пікірлер: 1 800
@mihrilee 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman: Send a man wherever she can go. You will take control of the bus station, train station, airport and every conceivable place. Do not leave the neighborhood where she used to live. Nedim: Okay. I immediately act as many men as there are. Yaman: They should also follow that Firat called Polis and that restaurant bum. She may have asked them for help too. Organize everyone right away. Give me information. Kiraz: Did something happen? You just stayed. Are you okay? Begüm: I'm fine dear. It's nothing. My friend gave me good news. Anyway I'm leaving. See you later. Seher: Thank you for everything. We bothered you. Ali: Don't mention it. It's your job. Firat: Just be good. Yusuf: Is uncle picking us up? Firat: Young man let's get you to the car. Stay here tonight Seher. Mother is waiting for you. Ali: Not your house. The guy knows you have a connection. He'll find them. Seher: You're right. I will find a solution. I don't want to bother you anymore. Ali: That's not gonna be easy. Wherever you go, Yaman Kirimli will find you. For a man who took Yusuf from the hands of a child mafia, it will take him two hours to find you. Firat: What will we do my Commissar? Ali: Our house. It's the safest place for now. Seher: No. I don't want to bother... Ali: We're going to my house. End of it. I'm not letting you go anywhere. There's my aunt and Kiraz at home. You'll meet them. Come on. Aunt Sultan: Look. The tea was very steep. Put more water. Don't forget to put honey, ginger and lemon. Kiraz: Yes my Commissar. Ali: What did you do? How is my aunt? Kiraz: She's fine by now. There's no problem. Ali: Good. We have guests in the evening and I was going to inform you. It would be good if you tell it my aunt, too. Kiraz: Okay. I'll say it. Ali: Wait a minute. Kiraz: Yes. Ali: Are you okay? Kiraz: I'm fine. Aunt Sultan was waiting for her tea, I have to give it. Ali: Aaa okay. Mind your work. Aunt Sultan: How hard can it be to bring a glass of tea? I didn't understand it. Kiraz: My Commissar called. Aunt Sultan: Why is he calling you? If he has something to say, he should call me. Kiraz: In the evening, guests will come. He said that. Aunt Sultan: The guest in this house isn't enough, he also bring another guest on top. That's great. If there is any cake that Begüm brought, I will eat it. Kiraz: But your blood pressure may ri... Aunt Sultan: I'm fine. I have no blood pressure. Come on. Don't wait. You will kill me out of hunger. Blood pressure... Mind your own business. Let's call this boy and ask him what kind of a guest this is. Firat: Let's go. Yusuf: Auntie where are we? Aren't we going home? Seher: No my sweetheart. Yusuf: Is uncle coming here? Ali: If you be my guest tonight, I'll be glad young man. Why not? Yusuf: Okay! Firat: Seher, I have to go now. I'm on duty tonight. But call me whenever you want, okay? Seher: Okay. Thanks for everything. Firat: Call me if you need anything. Bye Yusuf. Yusuf: Bye, brother Firat. Firat: We'll keep in touch. Ali: Let's go. Yusuf: Oh! Candy lady! Yaman: Why is there still no news, Nedim? What are these guys doing? Nedim: Everyone is following. But there is a trouble. While Seher was taking Yusuf, the police were with her. So she's leaving with them... Yaman: She secretly took custody of Yusuf, now she is doing everything with the police? Will she stop me like this? Nedim: Don't worry. We'll find Seher. Yaman: I don't want empty words, Nedim! No empty word's! Kiraz: Then I bought something, saying he was hungry... He looked so scared, so careless. Seher: Thank God we got through those difficult days. I hope we will survive these days, too. Kiraz: I hope it, too. Yusuf: Auntie, sister Kiraz had also given me candy. Seher: So our secret angel was this candy sister.. Aunt Sultan: We will believe it, if we don't see an angel. Seher: Thank you so much for being with Yusuf. Kiraz: I wish I could do more. Aunt Sultan: They said let's leave the past, let's look at today. Ali: What do you mean, aunt? Aunt Sultan: I say, no one asks guests if they are hungry. Come on my daughter. Get up. Prepare something for the guests. Let them not sit hungry. Kiraz: I will prepare the meal immediately. Seher: We're not hungry. Whenever you are ready, then we eat. Kiraz: We were going to eat, too. Ali: You already prepared everything. Seher: Let me help you, too. Aunt Sultan: You have gathered all the guilty persons to this house, my son. Are you putting criminals behind bars or are you looking at your house? I didn't understand it. Ali: I told you on the phone already, aunt. Aunt Sultan: Do you know she's a thief, or not? Ali: Seher is Firat's milk sibling, aunt. Aunt Sultan: Okay. How long will they stay? Ali: I don't know. Some time. Aunt Sultan: Well. What will your girl do? She isn't someone who treats guests who come home very well. If she's overwhelmed, I don't bend my hair. Ikbal: I can't ask Yaman anything because he will be angry. What did they do, did they find Seher? Zuhal: He'll find her. He will eventually find her, what will he do after finding her? I'm afraid that girl will make her forgive again. Ikbal: That's difficult. Seher took the most precious of Yaman from his hand. Yaman does not forgive this in life. No matter where he finds her, he will hold her accountable. Zuhal: We'll see. When it comes to Mis Seher, Yaman's attitude completely changes, dear sister. Ikbal: This time is different. If you saw the hate in his eyes, you would understand very well what I mean. At least I'm pretty sure he will never let that girl into this house again. Kiraz: Fell he asleep? Seher: Can you please take his shoes off? Thanks. We made you such inconvenience. You gave us your room. Kiraz: I haven't done anything! I'm happy to see Yusuf again. Seher: He's happy to see you, too. Kiraz: Thank God he has an aunt like you. Good night. Seher: Good night. Yusuf: Auntie... Seher: Don't be scared honey. I'm here. Yusuf: Is uncle here? Seher: We're not at the mansion. Yusuf: When are we going home? Uncle will worry about us. Seher: Honey we're not going there for a while. Yusuf: But it's our home. Everyone is there. My room, too. Uncle is there. Seher: I know my sweetheart. You miss it. You love your uncle, I know. But the ladies at the shelter told us we can't go to the mansion for a while. We must do what they say. Yusuf: What if they say we can never go there anymore? Will I not see my uncle anymore? Seher: No! Of course you will see him. We just have to wait for a while. Yusuf: How long? Too long? Or a little? Seher: Just a little. Come on honey. I'll get your pyjamas and you go to sleep. It's too late. Ali: Is there any tea left? Kiraz: No. But I can do a new one, if you want. Ali: No need. I'll take a coffee later. I'll work. Kiraz: Okay. If you don't want anything else, I'm going to bed. Ali: You gave your room to the guests. Stay in my room tonight. I sleep in the living room. Kiraz: No need. I'll sleep in the living room. Ali: No way. Until the guests leave, sleep in my room. You get caught unprepared: They'll see you getting out of bed like that, let's not risk it. Kiraz: Okay. Kara: My Commissar, I'm waiting for the file number. My Commissar, it's urgent. Are you looking it up? You read the message but didn't answer, so I wasn't sure. Ali: Okay. I'll look for it. Nedim: Unfortunately, we still haven't determined their location. Yaman: Where can they go? How can they not find them? Didn't anything come out of that guy called Firat? Nedim: We have men after Firat and Selim. But we don't have a single trace of the aunt being with them. Yaman: A girl alone, waving her arms with the child, maybe left Istanbul in front of our eyes, but the spirits of all those men did not even hear? Are you trying to say that? What are these men used for? Nedim: The guys are on tight, Yaman. But you know the aunt is protected by the police. Their job isn't easy. Yaman: I don't care. You will find Yusuf and his aunt and bring them to me. Right now! Today! Ali: Good morning aunt. Aunt Sultan: Good morning my son. Ali: Breakfast looks delicious. Thank you. Kiraz: Bon Appettite. Let me bring the tea. Aunt Sultan: See how she can do it if she just wants to. As for us, two olives and a cucumber. Then she lefts. She even gave cheese to the cat in the garden. She is ungrateful. Seher: Good morning. Yusuf: Good morning. Ali: Good morning young man. Sit down. Aunt Sultan: Sit down please my children. Seher: What a bother you did. Aunt Sultan: She normally doesn't do that. Good thing you came. Thanks to you, something will enter our stomach. Kiraz: Good morning. Seher: Good morning. Yusuf: Good morning sister Kiraz. Kiraz: Good morning to my little friend. Seher: I wish you woke me up, we'd prepare breakfast together. Kiraz: No need. I did it quickly. Ikbal: Oh you're here Yaman. I was goona call you for breakfast. Are you coming? I still can't understand how Seher could do this. We trusted her! We opened up our home to her. We did everything so that she could be with her nephew. Yaman: It's my fault. She had her goal since the beginning. She came here with a plan. She acted on here plan step by step by looking into my eyes. She fooled all of us. Ikbal: You think so? I mean, I don't think so but can she be the one who filed a complaint to the social services? Seher: I would go if I wanted to. Instead of coming here on my own, I would take Yusuf away just like I took him from those guys! But I'm here. You know why? You will hand me Yusuf yourself. Yaman: Whatever she did, she will pay for everything. Part 2 right below!
@mihrilee 3 жыл бұрын
Yusuf: Look auntie, brother Ali doesn't eat hot peppers like my uncle. Seher: Yes, dear. Ali: Some know I don't like peppers, but they put it in every dish. Kiraz: Yes actually I know but I put it on purpose. It's very useful, it contains vitamin C, Yusufcum. Ali: If it's useful then let's eat it, right Yusuf? Begüm: So this girl is wanted by the Police, honey. I didn't understand it, too. Why is Ali hiding this girl in his house? If I complain and try to arrest her, Ali will be under suspicion. Anyway. I am finally getting rid of her, now I am experiencing this pleasure. Okay my dear. We'll talk later. Seher: Here take it. Try it on your own. Kiraz: I made us coffee. Seher: You play here. Thank you. But I should prepare it. Kiraz: Next time. Yusuf is very lucky to have an aunt like you. His mother is gone, but you have become a mother to him. Seher: He is my everything. I promised my sister. Kiraz: Actually, I'm similar to Yusuf. I told you, I am also a legacy. Seher: Yes. You're right. You are alike. So what will you do next? How will you make a life for yourself? Kiraz: Actually, I'm not thinking about anything at the moment. Even if I think more precisely, it is useless. I came to this house, thanks to them, they took care of me. My only problem is that my brother doesn't come and find me. My hands are tied. Unfortunately, I have no situation to say that I will do something. Ali: Are you sitting? I'm leaving. Do you want something? Seher: No. Thank you very much. Ali: What about you Kiraz? Kiraz: No. Thank you, my Commissar. Ali: Okay. If something goes wrong, you call me immediately, okay? Seher: Okay. Ali: See you later young man. Yusuf: See you brother Ali. Selim: How so? Seher is with Yusuf at Commissar Ali's house? Nadire: They've been there since yesterday. Ali didn't let them go. Selim: Seher finally got off her collar from this man. I'm so happy with this news, Aunt Nadire. It was supposed to give her custody of the boy from the very beginning. Nadire: The man who will be the uncle of the child is not like giving up easily... Selim: He will of course object to the decision. But I don't think he will do anything after this time. Nadire: I hope he won't overwhelm the girl. Selim: Don't worry aunt Nadire. He stands up or two, but then sits down. Do you have a need? I'll get whatever you need. Nadire: I don't know too, my son. They necessarily need some help. What are you going to do? If you have some time, then come with me to Ali's house, too. So you could talk to her personally. Selim: I would love to, but they will come out of control, aunt. I have to be at the head of my job. But I can come over in the evening. Nadire: Okay. I gave you the good news. I'm leaving. Take care of your business. Selim: See you later. Nadire: See you. Yaman: She's not gonna get away with this. Someone who tries to take Yusuf by going on my back... can't go anywhere without facing the consequences. Arif Baba: Listen. This anger isn't only harmful to the other person but also to you son. Try to calm down. Yaman: How can I be calm Arif Baba? Arif Baba: This girl isn't your enemy. Yusuf is a part of her too, as much as he's yours. Her only concern is Yusuf's happiness, too. She got into deep water, while thinking about her nephew's sake. Maybe she made a mistake. Yaman: Everything was fake from the beginning. I just couldn't see it. She made you believe she had a good heart. But she's not the person you think she is. I learned that women aren't trustworthy when I was just a child. This is just the history repeating itself. That's all. No more trusting women! Especially her! You say she's not my enemy... on the contary. She's now my worst enemy! Nadire: Thank God it's over, my daughter. You are here with us, I hope we will take care together of the rest. Seher: I hope it, too mother Nadire. What is he doing? Kiraz: He eats cookies in the kitchen. Nadire: Thanks to you too Miss Sultan. You did not leave my daughter unattended. You opened your house. Firat told me. Because it is safer here, Ali my son insisted that they should stay here. Aunt Sultan: That's my son. He is merciful. He couldn't do it otherwise. You know it, too. You know who he got, even though she never deserved it. Of course he would also help your daughter. Seher: Thanks to all of you. You have been very supportive to me. I hope I will establish my order as soon as possible. Nadire: You get one up first and the rest is done. This kid pick up a little too, when he's with you. Seher: He'll get better, mother Nadire. A home belonging to us. A new start. I know it will be good for Yusuf and me, too. Ali: Where are you? I called you a few times. But you didn't answered to my calls. Man: I'm sorry. But I couldn't call you back. I was just going to call, the task came out. I was going to call you, too. Ali: Really? What's happened? Man: You asked me for a research with Meryem Gündogdu... Ali: Yes. Man: Now someone else in Istanbul is tampering with this job. Be warned. They tried to get information about her. Ali: I wanted to talk to you about Meryem, too. The girl is innocent. The search continues due to the accusations about her. We need to cancel this decision. The girl is living an innocent life in prison. She got stuck at home. Man: What should we do? How can I help you? Ali: You know the case. Man: I know it. I remember it. Ali: We will find the man who slandered her. We have no other choice. Otherwise, this issue will go on like this. Man: Okay. Let me just work on it. Then I will call you later. Ali: Okay. Thank you. I'm waiting for news from you then. You, too. Selim: I'm coming in an hour, Baris. Baris: Okay. I'm here. Aunt Sultan: What is this my daughter? You filled the tray to the brim. I am the only one missing. Can I eat that much? Kiraz: You can leave what you can't eat, aunt Sultan. Do you want anything else? Aunt Sultan: No. What about the leftover food when you say you don't eat? I don't want to leave any leftovers. Kiraz: I didn't put too much, you can eat it, aunt Sultan. Aunt Sultan: Look, she says that I can still eat it. Is my stomach the Wednesday market? Nadire: I wish you ate with us, Miss Sultan. In this way a person doesn't want to eat alone. Aunt Sultan: I don't want to eat when I'm alone or in the crowd. Nadire: Me, too. So it happens after a fixed age. Anyway. I shouldn't talk too much, you should eat it without cooling. Aunt Sultan: Okay. Nadire: I should get up. It's late. Goodbye Miss Sultan. Aunt Sultan: Goodbye. Seher: Let me go with you, mother Nadire. Nadire: Let me see Yusuf before I go. You said, that he is in the kitchen, right? Seher: Yes. He's still busy eating cookies. Seher: Welcome Selim. Sorry I couldn't call. Mother Nadire told me you spoke. Selim: Yes, she told me everything. You welcome, too. I brought cake to celebrate. Seher: You shouldn't have bothered. Thank you. Selim: I brought it for Yusuf. I also wanted to check if you needed anything. Seher: Actually we do, Selim. I need to find a place to stay. Selim: Don't worry. I'll handle it tomorrow. Nadire: Selim welcome, my son. Selim: Hello aunt Nadire. Are you going home? Nadire: Yes. Selim: I'll drop you. Nadire: I'm not gonna say no. Let's go. Good evening dear. Seher: See you. Yaman: Any news? Nedim: Yaman we found Seher. Yaman: Where is she? Nedim: In Commissar Ali's place. Our guys followed Selim. He went straight to the Commissar's house. Yaman: I knew he was in it from the beginning. I wasn't wrong. Nedim: What are we going to do now? Yaman: Gather all your men. Send them to the Commissar's house. Send me the location now. Nedim: Do you think it's a good idea to raid a Commissar's house? Yaman: Do it Nedim. Begüm: Think about it, the opportunity I was waiting for came to me. No force can keep that girl in that house anymore. Ezgi: So you're going to complain about Kiraz and have her arrested? You can't be serious. Begüm: I'm serious. Do I look like I'm joking? Ezgi: So how will you manage not to confuse Ali in this situation? Begüm: Of course I thought about that, too. I was dealing with the succession business of Uncle Osman. I will invite Kiraz to a cafe about the inheritance file. Don't worry too much about this issue. Ezgi: Begüm, I say fear of you, I'm not saying anything else. Begüm: If only Kiraz understood that she had to be a little afraid of me, too. Then maybe she would go back to her village. What shall we do? She chose this way herself. Kiraz: I wish you stayed longer. The house will be so empty without you. Seher: We'll vist each other. I'll probably rent an apartment near here. We'll finally have a new life with Yusuf. I'm so excited. But also scared. Finding a job... settling down will take time. Kiraz: I hope everything will be as you wish. Should I take some fruits to aunt Sultan? She wanted to get some sleep but... Seher: She's probably sleeping. It's quiet. What's going on? Kiraz: I don't know. Yusuf: What is that noise auntie? Seher: It's nothing dear. Kiraz: I'll go look. Seher: Wait Kiraz. You take Yusuf and go to your room. Yusuf, you go inside with Kiraz. Yusuf: Where are you going? Seher: I'll be right here. Kiraz: Come on Yusufcum. Yaman: Bring my nephew. Right now. Now! Seher: Yusuf will stay here. You can't take him. Yaman: Who says so? Seher: The law. You like it or not, you have to accept this. This is the right thing, for everyone's sake. Yaman: I said, bring Yusuf! Ali: Yaman Kirimli... Yaman Kirimli! Are you raiding my house? Seher: Please calm down. Yaman: The Commissar isn't calm. He's also the one who shows courage to keep my nephew in his home. Who do you think you are? Ali: I'm just a cop who isn't afraid of you and your dogs! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and mention me @mihrilee by using my works.
@anjukc3785 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks dear 💗💗
@mihrilee 3 жыл бұрын
@@anjukc3785 You're welcome.
@karfra5985 3 жыл бұрын
@@mihrilee Angel, thank you again for your hard work!!!!!!!!!!!
@taza1633 3 жыл бұрын
@@mihrilee thank you lovely. What would we all do without your commitment. Keep well. Teşekkürler x
@pambacchus5421 Жыл бұрын
This old woman is a real pain. She came for the funeral and never left. I would buy her a one way ticket home.
@krystyna9008 7 ай бұрын
Co kraj to obyczaj.Tu obowiązuje szacinek dla starszych,których w Polsce bardzo często nie zauważa się albo co gorzej pomiata nimi.
@maureenwignall9529 3 жыл бұрын
Mihrilee, you know we can't do without you. Tell us something to keep us going. Talk to the writer for us too. Yaman n Seher need to start knowing each other for them to progress then both can fight the world of legacy. Love you girl, don't give up on us. We all love you 👍🙏💪😊
@agguebanjonalyn 2 жыл бұрын
please ma'am u can translate it.. from hongkong..🙏🙏🙏
@elidepires 2 жыл бұрын
from Mihrilee Part I Yaman: Send a man wherever she can go. You will take control of the bus station, train station, airport and every conceivable place. Do not leave the neighborhood where she used to live. Nedim: Okay. I immediately act as many men as there are. Yaman: They should also follow that Firat called Polis and that restaurant bum. She may have asked them for help too. Organize everyone right away. Give me information. Kiraz: Did something happen? You just stayed. Are you okay? Begüm: I'm fine dear. It's nothing. My friend gave me good news. Anyway I'm leaving. See you later. Seher: Thank you for everything. We bothered you. Ali: Don't mention it. It's your job. Firat: Just be good. Yusuf: Is uncle picking us up? Firat: Young man let's get you to the car. Stay here tonight Seher. Mother is waiting for you. Ali: Not your house. The guy knows you have a connection. He'll find them. Seher: You're right. I will find a solution. I don't want to bother you anymore. Ali: That's not gonna be easy. Wherever you go, Yaman Kirimli will find you. For a man who took Yusuf from the hands of a child mafia, it will take him two hours to find you. Firat: What will we do my Commissar? Ali: Our house. It's the safest place for now. Seher: No. I don't want to bother... Ali: We're going to my house. End of it. I'm not letting you go anywhere. There's my aunt and Kiraz at home. You'll meet them. Come on. Aunt Sultan: Look. The tea was very steep. Put more water. Don't forget to put honey, ginger and lemon. Kiraz: Yes my Commissar. Ali: What did you do? How is my aunt? Kiraz: She's fine by now. There's no problem. Ali: Good. We have guests in the evening and I was going to inform you. It would be good if you tell it my aunt, too. Kiraz: Okay. I'll say it. Ali: Wait a minute. Kiraz: Yes. Ali: Are you okay? Kiraz: I'm fine. Aunt Sultan was waiting for her tea, I have to give it. Ali: Aaa okay. Mind your work. Aunt Sultan: How hard can it be to bring a glass of tea? I didn't understand it. Kiraz: My Commissar called. Aunt Sultan: Why is he calling you? If he has something to say, he should call me. Kiraz: In the evening, guests will come. He said that. Aunt Sultan: The guest in this house isn't enough, he also bring another guest on top. That's great. If there is any cake that Begüm brought, I will eat it. Kiraz: But your blood pressure may ri... Aunt Sultan: I'm fine. I have no blood pressure. Come on. Don't wait. You will kill me out of hunger. Blood pressure... Mind your own business. Let's call this boy and ask him what kind of a guest this is. Firat: Let's go. Yusuf: Auntie where are we? Aren't we going home? Seher: No my sweetheart. Yusuf: Is uncle coming here? Ali: If you be my guest tonight, I'll be glad young man. Why not? Yusuf: Okay! Firat: Seher, I have to go now. I'm on duty tonight. But call me whenever you want, okay? Seher: Okay. Thanks for everything. Firat: Call me if you need anything. Bye Yusuf. Yusuf: Bye, brother Firat. Firat: We'll keep in touch. Ali: Let's go. Yusuf: Oh! Candy lady! Yaman: Why is there still no news, Nedim? What are these guys doing? Nedim: Everyone is following. But there is a trouble. While Seher was taking Yusuf, the police were with her. So she's leaving with them... Yaman: She secretly took custody of Yusuf, now she is doing everything with the police? Will she stop me like this? Nedim: Don't worry. We'll find Seher. Yaman: I don't want empty words, Nedim! No empty word's! Kiraz: Then I bought something, saying he was hungry... He looked so scared, so careless. Seher: Thank God we got through those difficult days. I hope we will survive these days, too. Kiraz: I hope it, too. Yusuf: Auntie, sister Kiraz had also given me candy. Seher: So our secret angel was this candy sister.. Aunt Sultan: We will believe it, if we don't see an angel. Seher: Thank you so much for being with Yusuf. Kiraz: I wish I could do more. Aunt Sultan: They said let's leave the past, let's look at today. Ali: What do you mean, aunt? Aunt Sultan: I say, no one asks guests if they are hungry. Come on my daughter. Get up. Prepare something for the guests. Let them not sit hungry. Kiraz: I will prepare the meal immediately. Seher: We're not hungry. Whenever you are ready, then we eat. Kiraz: We were going to eat, too. Ali: You already prepared everything. Seher: Let me help you, too. Aunt Sultan: You have gathered all the guilty persons to this house, my son. Are you putting criminals behind bars or are you looking at your house? I didn't understand it. Ali: I told you on the phone already, aunt. Aunt Sultan: Do you know she's a thief, or not? Ali: Seher is Firat's milk sibling, aunt. Aunt Sultan: Okay. How long will they stay? Ali: I don't know. Some time. Aunt Sultan: Well. What will your girl do? She isn't someone who treats guests who come home very well. If she's overwhelmed, I don't bend my hair. Ikbal: I can't ask Yaman anything because he will be angry. What did they do, did they find Seher? Zuhal: He'll find her. He will eventually find her, what will he do after finding her? I'm afraid that girl will make her forgive again. Ikbal: That's difficult. Seher took the most precious of Yaman from his hand. Yaman does not forgive this in life. No matter where he finds her, he will hold her accountable. Zuhal: We'll see. When it comes to Mis Seher, Yaman's attitude completely changes, dear sister. Ikbal: This time is different. If you saw the hate in his eyes, you would understand very well what I mean. At least I'm pretty sure he will never let that girl into this house again. Kiraz: Fell he asleep? Seher: Can you please take his shoes off? Thanks. We made you such inconvenience. You gave us your room. Kiraz: I haven't done anything! I'm happy to see Yusuf again. Seher: He's happy to see you, too. Kiraz: Thank God he has an aunt like you. Good night. Seher: Good night. Yusuf: Auntie... Seher: Don't be scared honey. I'm here. Yusuf: Is uncle here? Seher: We're not at the mansion. Yusuf: When are we going home? Uncle will worry about us. Seher: Honey we're not going there for a while. Yusuf: But it's our home. Everyone is there. My room, too. Uncle is there. Seher: I know my sweetheart. You miss it. You love your uncle, I know. But the ladies at the shelter told us we can't go to the mansion for a while. We must do what they say. Yusuf: What if they say we can never go there anymore? Will I not see my uncle anymore? Seher: No! Of course you will see him. We just have to wait for a while. Yusuf: How long? Too long? Or a little? Seher: Just a little. Come on honey. I'll get your pyjamas and you go to sleep. It's too late. Ali: Is there any tea left? Kiraz: No. But I can do a new one, if you want. Ali: No need. I'll take a coffee later. I'll work. Kiraz: Okay. If you don't want anything else, I'm going to bed. Ali: You gave your room to the guests. Stay in my room tonight. I sleep in the living room. Kiraz: No need. I'll sleep in the living room. Ali: No way. Until the guests leave, sleep in my room. You get caught unprepared: They'll see you getting out of bed like that, let's not risk it. Kiraz: Okay. Kara: My Commissar, I'm waiting for the file number. My Commissar, it's urgent. Are you looking it up? You read the message but didn't answer, so I wasn't sure. Ali: Okay. I'll look for it. Nedim: Unfortunately, we still haven't determined their location. Yaman: Where can they go? How can they not find them? Didn't anything come out of that guy called Firat? Nedim: We have men after Firat and Selim. But we don't have a single trace of the aunt being with them. Yaman: A girl alone, waving her arms with the child, maybe left Istanbul in front of our eyes, but the spirits of all those men did not even hear? Are you trying to say that? What are these men used for? Nedim: The guys are on tight, Yaman. But you know the aunt is protected by the police. Their job isn't easy. Yaman: I don't care. You will find Yusuf and his aunt and bring them to me. Right now! Today! Ali: Good morning aunt. Aunt Sultan: Good morning my son. Ali: Breakfast looks delicious. Thank you. Kiraz: Bon Appettite. Let me bring the tea. Aunt Sultan: See how she can do it if she just wants to. As for us, two olives and a cucumber. Then she lefts. She even gave cheese to the cat in the garden. She is ungrateful. Seher: Good morning. Yusuf: Good morning. Ali: Good morning young man. Sit down. Aunt Sultan: Sit down please my children. Seher: What a bother you did. Aunt Sultan: She normally doesn't do that. Good thing you came. Thanks to you, something will enter our stomach. Kiraz: Good morning. Seher: Good morning. Yusuf: Good morning sister Kiraz. Kiraz: Good morning to my little friend. Seher: I wish you woke me up, we'd prepare breakfast together. Kiraz: No need. I did it quickly. Ikbal: Oh you're here Yaman. I was goona call you for breakfast. Are you coming? I still can't understand how Seher could do this. We trusted her! We opened up our home to her. We did everything so that she could be with her nephew. Yaman: It's my fault. She had her goal since the beginning. She came here with a plan. She acted on here plan step by step by looking into my eyes. She fooled all of us. Ikbal: You think so? I mean, I don't think so but can she be the one who filed a complaint to the social services? Seher: I would go if I wanted to. Instead of coming here on my own, I would take Yusuf away just like I took him from those guys! But I'm here. You know why? You will hand me Yusuf yourself. Yaman: Whatever she did, she will pay for everything.
@elidepires 2 жыл бұрын
from Mihrilee Part II Yusuf: Look auntie, brother Ali doesn't eat hot peppers like my uncle. Seher: Yes, dear. Ali: Some know I don't like peppers, but they put it in every dish. Kiraz: Yes actually I know but I put it on purpose. It's very useful, it contains vitamin C, Yusufcum. Ali: If it's useful then let's eat it, right Yusuf? Begüm: So this girl is wanted by the Police, honey. I didn't understand it, too. Why is Ali hiding this girl in his house? If I complain and try to arrest her, Ali will be under suspicion. Anyway. I am finally getting rid of her, now I am experiencing this pleasure. Okay my dear. We'll talk later. Seher: Here take it. Try it on your own. Kiraz: I made us coffee. Seher: You play here. Thank you. But I should prepare it. Kiraz: Next time. Yusuf is very lucky to have an aunt like you. His mother is gone, but you have become a mother to him. Seher: He is my everything. I promised my sister. Kiraz: Actually, I'm similar to Yusuf. I told you, I am also a legacy. Seher: Yes. You're right. You are alike. So what will you do next? How will you make a life for yourself? Kiraz: Actually, I'm not thinking about anything at the moment. Even if I think more precisely, it is useless. I came to this house, thanks to them, they took care of me. My only problem is that my brother doesn't come and find me. My hands are tied. Unfortunately, I have no situation to say that I will do something. Ali: Are you sitting? I'm leaving. Do you want something? Seher: No. Thank you very much. Ali: What about you Kiraz? Kiraz: No. Thank you, my Commissar. Ali: Okay. If something goes wrong, you call me immediately, okay? Seher: Okay. Ali: See you later young man. Yusuf: See you brother Ali. Selim: How so? Seher is with Yusuf at Commissar Ali's house? Nadire: They've been there since yesterday. Ali didn't let them go. Selim: Seher finally got off her collar from this man. I'm so happy with this news, Aunt Nadire. It was supposed to give her custody of the boy from the very beginning. Nadire: The man who will be the uncle of the child is not like giving up easily... Selim: He will of course object to the decision. But I don't think he will do anything after this time. Nadire: I hope he won't overwhelm the girl. Selim: Don't worry aunt Nadire. He stands up or two, but then sits down. Do you have a need? I'll get whatever you need. Nadire: I don't know too, my son. They necessarily need some help. What are you going to do? If you have some time, then come with me to Ali's house, too. So you could talk to her personally. Selim: I would love to, but they will come out of control, aunt. I have to be at the head of my job. But I can come over in the evening. Nadire: Okay. I gave you the good news. I'm leaving. Take care of your business. Selim: See you later. Nadire: See you. Yaman: She's not gonna get away with this. Someone who tries to take Yusuf by going on my back... can't go anywhere without facing the consequences. Arif Baba: Listen. This anger isn't only harmful to the other person but also to you son. Try to calm down. Yaman: How can I be calm Arif Baba? Arif Baba: This girl isn't your enemy. Yusuf is a part of her too, as much as he's yours. Her only concern is Yusuf's happiness, too. She got into deep water, while thinking about her nephew's sake. Maybe she made a mistake. Yaman: Everything was fake from the beginning. I just couldn't see it. She made you believe she had a good heart. But she's not the person you think she is. I learned that women aren't trustworthy when I was just a child. This is just the history repeating itself. That's all. No more trusting women! Especially her! You say she's not my enemy... on the contary. She's now my worst enemy! Nadire: Thank God it's over, my daughter. You are here with us, I hope we will take care together of the rest. Seher: I hope it, too mother Nadire. What is he doing? Kiraz: He eats cookies in the kitchen. Nadire: Thanks to you too Miss Sultan. You did not leave my daughter unattended. You opened your house. Firat told me. Because it is safer here, Ali my son insisted that they should stay here. Aunt Sultan: That's my son. He is merciful. He couldn't do it otherwise. You know it, too. You know who he got, even though she never deserved it. Of course he would also help your daughter. Seher: Thanks to all of you. You have been very supportive to me. I hope I will establish my order as soon as possible. Nadire: You get one up first and the rest is done. This kid pick up a little too, when he's with you. Seher: He'll get better, mother Nadire. A home belonging to us. A new start. I know it will be good for Yusuf and me, too. Ali: Where are you? I called you a few times. But you didn't answered to my calls. Man: I'm sorry. But I couldn't call you back. I was just going to call, the task came out. I was going to call you, too. Ali: Really? What's happened? Man: You asked me for a research with Meryem Gündogdu... Ali: Yes. Man: Now someone else in Istanbul is tampering with this job. Be warned. They tried to get information about her. Ali: I wanted to talk to you about Meryem, too. The girl is innocent. The search continues due to the accusations about her. We need to cancel this decision. The girl is living an innocent life in prison. She got stuck at home. Man: What should we do? How can I help you? Ali: You know the case. Man: I know it. I remember it. Ali: We will find the man who slandered her. We have no other choice. Otherwise, this issue will go on like this. Man: Okay. Let me just work on it. Then I will call you later. Ali: Okay. Thank you. I'm waiting for news from you then. You, too. Selim: I'm coming in an hour, Baris. Baris: Okay. I'm here. Aunt Sultan: What is this my daughter? You filled the tray to the brim. I am the only one missing. Can I eat that much? Kiraz: You can leave what you can't eat, aunt Sultan. Do you want anything else? Aunt Sultan: No. What about the leftover food when you say you don't eat? I don't want to leave any leftovers. Kiraz: I didn't put too much, you can eat it, aunt Sultan. Aunt Sultan: Look, she says that I can still eat it. Is my stomach the Wednesday market? Nadire: I wish you ate with us, Miss Sultan. In this way a person doesn't want to eat alone. Aunt Sultan: I don't want to eat when I'm alone or in the crowd. Nadire: Me, too. So it happens after a fixed age. Anyway. I shouldn't talk too much, you should eat it without cooling. Aunt Sultan: Okay. Nadire: I should get up. It's late. Goodbye Miss Sultan. Aunt Sultan: Goodbye. Seher: Let me go with you, mother Nadire. Nadire: Let me see Yusuf before I go. You said, that he is in the kitchen, right? Seher: Yes. He's still busy eating cookies. Seher: Welcome Selim. Sorry I couldn't call. Mother Nadire told me you spoke. Selim: Yes, she told me everything. You welcome, too. I brought cake to celebrate. Seher: You shouldn't have bothered. Thank you. Selim: I brought it for Yusuf. I also wanted to check if you needed anything. Seher: Actually we do, Selim. I need to find a place to stay. Selim: Don't worry. I'll handle it tomorrow. Nadire: Selim welcome, my son. Selim: Hello aunt Nadire. Are you going home? Nadire: Yes. Selim: I'll drop you. Nadire: I'm not gonna say no. Let's go. Good evening dear. Seher: See you. Yaman: Any news? Nedim: Yaman we found Seher. Yaman: Where is she? Nedim: In Commissar Ali's place. Our guys followed Selim. He went straight to the Commissar's house. Yaman: I knew he was in it from the beginning. I wasn't wrong. Nedim: What are we going to do now? Yaman: Gather all your men. Send them to the Commissar's house. Send me the location now. Nedim: Do you think it's a good idea to raid a Commissar's house? Yaman: Do it Nedim. Begüm: Think about it, the opportunity I was waiting for came to me. No force can keep that girl in that house anymore. Ezgi: So you're going to complain about Kiraz and have her arrested? You can't be serious. Begüm: I'm serious. Do I look like I'm joking? Ezgi: So how will you manage not to confuse Ali in this situation? Begüm: Of course I thought about that, too. I was dealing with the succession business of Uncle Osman. I will invite Kiraz to a cafe about the inheritance file. Don't worry too much about this issue. Ezgi: Begüm, I say fear of you, I'm not saying anything else. Begüm: If only Kiraz understood that she had to be a little afraid of me, too. Then maybe she would go back to her village. What shall we do? She chose this way herself. Kiraz: I wish you stayed longer. The house will be so empty without you. Seher: We'll vist each other. I'll probably rent an apartment near here. We'll finally have a new life with Yusuf. I'm so excited. But also scared. Finding a job... settling down will take time. Kiraz: I hope everything will be as you wish. Should I take some fruits to aunt Sultan? She wanted to get some sleep but... Seher: She's probably sleeping. It's quiet. What's going on? Kiraz: I don't know. Yusuf: What is that noise auntie? Seher: It's nothing dear. Kiraz: I'll go look. Seher: Wait Kiraz. You take Yusuf and go to your room. Yusuf, you go inside with Kiraz. Yusuf: Where are you going? Seher: I'll be right here. Kiraz: Come on Yusufcum. Yaman: Bring my nephew. Right now. Now! Seher: Yusuf will stay here. You can't take him. Yaman: Who says so? Seher: The law. You like it or not, you have to accept this. This is the right thing, for everyone's sake. Yaman: I said, bring Yusuf! Ali: Yaman Kirimli... Yaman Kirimli! Are you raiding my house? Seher: Please calm down. Yaman: The Commissar isn't calm. He's also the one who shows courage to keep my nephew in his home. Who do you think you are? Ali: I'm just a cop who isn't afraid of you and your dogs!
@kazimashakir9056 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot Mihrilee and Elide
@faridatuta1075 2 жыл бұрын
@@elidepires I have watched this before. I'm watching again, thanks 😊🙏for your translations ( both you and mihrilee). You are the best
@faridatuta1075 2 жыл бұрын
@@elidepires I have watched this before. I'm watching again, thanks 😊🙏for your translations ( both you and mihrilee). You are the best
@elidepires 2 жыл бұрын
@@faridatuta1075 always welcome
@melahatkavak8109 3 жыл бұрын
Yusuf masallah cok zeki ve cok basarili bir oyuncu , cocuk oldugu halde muhtesem oynuyor biravo
@soniashah09 3 жыл бұрын
Don't understand why y'all hating the episode. Finally its going in the right direction. If everything you all wanted at once happened series will end right away. It was important to take away Yusuf from Yaman because even though Yaman "loves" Yusuf he doesn't understand that love. His understanding is to lock him up in the mansion and protect him from evil- but that evil comes from being around Yaman. This way Yaman will understand that he doesn't own everything and everyone. His character will be forced to change - to become the Yaman we want to see. Plus writer now needs to develop other parts of the story like Ali and Yaman being related etc. Let's all calm down , I for one am grateful Iqbal sparking the flames by mentioning Selim in the next fragman. I love Yamans jealous scenes.♡🙃🙃
@sissidonato7058 3 жыл бұрын
Ben detto brava 👏 concordo con te 👌🌹
@user-hd4qr7co4d 3 жыл бұрын
I love jealous Taman too..love the birthday episode he was so hot & quet ...
@honordiamond2548 3 жыл бұрын
Sonia's Jalil..... I agree.
@soniashah09 3 жыл бұрын
@@honordiamond2548 i feel like everyone here is Yaman all angry and im Arif Baba lmao
@ourforeignlife 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, its just a learning curve
@Domitili 3 жыл бұрын
No looks no positive feelings no kisses only quarrels and hatred Is it an action movie? or a romantic drama ?!🤨😒 @legacy wake up 😁 yes I know it’s 2020 🥴 we need a love story 🏹❣️
@malakhassan2001 3 жыл бұрын
No love in 2020 hahahha maybe 2021 💕
@glesynm1912 3 жыл бұрын
love story is boring with same twice,, love triangle always
@hafsaahmed3437 3 жыл бұрын
Let Yaman and Seher have one decent. Day where they can spend time alone with each other without killing each other , arguing or even talking about Yousuf. Let them have a day plz
@udbiabdi742 3 жыл бұрын
This is a Halal drama I loved to watch although it like a dog chasing it's tail back forward i wish it became long running drama legacy is powerful title.
@arslanyounus1126 3 жыл бұрын
@@udbiabdi742 same here dude... It's just halil Ibrahim who didn't let me unsubscribe... But the way story goes. .. without proper subtitle ... I would have quit a long time ago.
@glitteringmoonshine1679 3 жыл бұрын
Yamans entry at Ali’s house was something else …… something else ❤️❤️
@dasha-sw2cw 3 жыл бұрын
Have you noticed? In the comments we switched from "there is love in his eyes" to "he probably loves her deep inside his heart" Never ending hope 😂
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Now there hate in his eyes 👀😩😩
@najmamohamed7600 3 жыл бұрын
I never wanted seher for yaman from day 1. He is unstable, have anger issues, and he will raise Yusuf to be like him. Does not respect women, or other people 😖😖😡😡. So I’m glad she got custody
@Kiraz1549 11 ай бұрын
2023 Köln in dieser Serie denkt und handelt in wollen des Kindes. Diese zwei Schlangen sind abartige karakterloze weiber. Jaman merkt überhaupt nicht was hinter seinem Rücken gemacht wird. Ich bin sehr Mißtrauich über Nedim man ist doppel Spieler. Eine total unfeige Angestellten.
@Nafia75 3 жыл бұрын
Only good thing in today’s episode is seher and kiraz meets 🙃
@itsannelex 3 жыл бұрын
Right , Love you Seher & kiraz
@faizakhan4884 3 жыл бұрын
27:10 Notice how he says 'You will find Yusuf and his aunt and bring them to me.' Doesn't say Yusuf only despite being angry with Seher.
@itsannelex 3 жыл бұрын
Exacly ,hi love her !
@freespiritable 2 жыл бұрын
He says so cause she has the custody 😂
@msanane5438 2 жыл бұрын
@@freespiritable yes and probably wants to hurt her, take revenge
@justinet.dotson7228 Жыл бұрын
That’s because he wants to make her suffer more.
@sabahkhan7986 3 жыл бұрын
They just drag the serial nothing interesting just we see yaman anger in every episode... So boring🙄😔😔😔😔
@neenasharma4189 3 жыл бұрын
İ want to know that if they are going to drag seher anger ever in this show
@idiel24 3 жыл бұрын
@1001seherzada 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, they are gonna loose followers if this keeps up. It's so sad because the cast has so much quality and potential
@perejisolomon2556 3 жыл бұрын
Yes non- stop boredom .
@rotosivivano9655 3 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with youu
@paulinamartinez3234 3 жыл бұрын
Y aquí estamos, con poca esperanza pero con fé. Yaman, Yaman de plano eres terco con ganas. Pobre Seher lo que ha vivido por culpa de éste cabezón.
@leticiamunoz4998 3 жыл бұрын
Con su carácter y traumas, solo se pone la soga al cuello, sin detenerse a pensar que el único que sale perjudicado con sus acciones es Yusuf.
@yokastyvasquez4785 3 жыл бұрын
No da su brazo a torcer por nada ufff 😤😤🇩🇴
@sebastianavelazquez3555 3 жыл бұрын
Jajaja espero que se le baje un poco el mal humor viendo rodeada a seher de todos estos chicos mas jovenes que el ..no pienza en yusuf solo en el y en su orgullo..
@verdemarv7497 3 жыл бұрын
@@sebastianavelazquez3555 Los actores que hacen de Ali,Selim y Yaman tienen los tres 34 años,son de la misma edad. El único más joven es Firat.
@sebastianavelazquez3555 3 жыл бұрын
@@verdemarv7497 si se que tienen 34 pero yaman lo hacen aparentar mayor que ellos y a seher una niña delante de el
@jacintakharkongor3012 3 жыл бұрын
Some episodes are boring but I can't stop watching it watch and boring at the same time who is like me
@MaggieTD 3 жыл бұрын
That makes two of us. I'm hooked. All I ask is for a happy ending I'll be so annoyed if thry don't make it happy and I really won't watch the script writer again.
@veronikaradeva8364 3 жыл бұрын
same. God bless you
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Me too 😳😳😳
@nitalopes515 3 жыл бұрын
I'm addicted 🤒
@pinaciccarelli6858 3 жыл бұрын
Ma la 54
@pipsbasher5294 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman... Gush!!! He is versatile actio.. I like his eyes... The way he's looking has meaning... Wish to see him personal. Watchung from Philippines ISLAND of MINDANAO...
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
A big hug 🤗 to us the Emanet fans who still here! In spite of this drama 🎭 mess. How much longer will be here I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ love 💕
@hayab74 3 жыл бұрын
@hayab74 3 жыл бұрын
It's hard to leave coz we want to know what will happen But u know tonight I saw the clips and the promo only I used to watch the episodes before episode 40 many times even the 1st ones with his anger and toughness
@catsup27 3 жыл бұрын
@yvonnemaraj1484 3 жыл бұрын
Hugs to you ❤
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
@@hayab74 same here
@glesynm1912 3 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking this episode was boring! but I'm wrong ,, I was so obsessed about this series ,, Halil Ibrahim,, is really really best actor,, how so hard! acting like a real psychopath,, savage ,, terrible man .🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
@janedella1289 3 жыл бұрын
Very boring this episode
@felicitynefdt9926 3 жыл бұрын
Not so hard if that is the only way you can act. The few longing looks in between don't even count.
@glesynm1912 3 жыл бұрын
@@janedella1289 maybe I'm just obsessed
@sandraoosthuizen4749 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman don’t want to see how evil his sister in law is, but everything that Seher do is bad in his eyes. Hope in the next episode they can come to a agreement 💕
@GirliePereira 3 жыл бұрын
Well he does not think of how hard it has been for Seher. Just compare the way she takes care of Yusuf
@mahoodaloo2880 3 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the way kiraz ignores Ali...he absulotly deserves it😂😂😂
@zmac8689 3 жыл бұрын
The poor girl has had a miserable home life with her brother abusing and forcing her to marry some old goat, then dragging her name through the mud accusing her of theft etc.
@yanahaef6035 3 жыл бұрын
yaman's anger is a language to hide his biggest fear of loosing both beloved people at same time..yusuf and seher.
@elunK 2 жыл бұрын
@marlenerodeghiero9811 2 жыл бұрын
Parabéns Turquia .Está novela é um espetáculo.
@fernandaprates8595 2 жыл бұрын
@hinasheikh7586 2 жыл бұрын
Halil's acting as Yaman impresses you until you have seen Gokberck as Emir . Halil is good but Gokberck is on an altogether different level when it comes to expressions dialogue delivery voice and body language. He sinks into the moment
@elizamaria6875 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@hainaksandato9634 2 жыл бұрын
The promises is good also suna or seher is good actress also.
@maryjoymamac1096 2 жыл бұрын
They are the same Emir and Yaman Reyhan and Seher 😯 specifically their eyes
@freespiritable 2 жыл бұрын
Halil is much better than him, less experience but as a first work he's doing great. I couldn't suffer Yemin, too much stupid stuff happening there 😂
@Maria-vt2oz 2 жыл бұрын
In my previous comments, I mentioned Gokberck (Emir) and Ozga (if I'm not mistaken) as Reyhan. I'm sooo inlove with their series and so happy to know that they are real lovers. 😍😍😍 I love Suna (Selah in this series) in Yenim, she's the younger sister of Emir and I saw in one comments that she has her own leading series (this one) that's why I came here to watch her. LOL! Honestly, She (Selah) and Yanim are also perfect match! 😍😍😍 This Yanim is a great actor indeed! ❤️❤️❤️
@maureenwignall9529 3 жыл бұрын
Good evening gentle people. I have read every single comments in this episode. Yaman is one of the most beautiful in acting. Can you imagine someone always carrying such a look through the whole episodes until now. His jawbone must hurt. I agree with some of the comments that it becomes a bit boring because the clips made us expect more but when it comes, it is not so. Please guys, remember where Yaman coming from and he has broken down some barriers for Seher. He does not know who is behind all the confusion as yet but when he does, it will be hellabaloo. I love him now n will always love him as a superb actor. The writer needs to wheel and come again for making us so dishearten. She does need to learn more if most if her dramas flop. If it has to be that way then give it to us in a better package. We hope tomorrow will make up for the two days of misery. I love Emanet/Legacy and don't want to leave but yes, we need more and quickly. Not sure about the 255 episodes with this writer. Don't keep it that long at all. Good night and all the best. I love my legacy family and I look forward to seeing your comments. It made my day. Thank you.
@simplynatural7056 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful comment...thank you we are keeping hope and waiting for more from emanet
@elsaariya6982 3 жыл бұрын
I am also done with this stupidity😟😟after seeing promo my last hope the part yaman seher Convo she will tell him why she take yusuf away from him(the real reason behind her this selfish behaviour that disappoint me)and yaman for his rude and bitter words should apologise to her that's not gonna happen 😤😤Eggo headed man.if its gonna continue like this I'm going to quit this nonsense 😭
@azitaita2479 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice of u..positive thought..👍
@saniashahg2802 3 жыл бұрын
Yes..I'm still loving Yaman Bey acting...he is doing justice with his acting
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Bravo 👏👏👏
@magangajoy 3 жыл бұрын
I am sooo happy these 2 lovely ladies found each other. They could be the best of friends coz they are sooo alike in their goodness. And yes, these 2 Yaman and Ali need to deprived of these women then they'll understand exactly whats going on. And please Lord, let Yaman discover that Ikbal is the witch. Pleeese!
@Agapy8888 3 жыл бұрын
Temporary custody should give Yaman access to see Yusuf. What is the matter with them. I feel bad for Yusuf who doesn’t know any other home except the mansion. He should be able to see his uncles. This is not right.
@lornasmith1286 3 жыл бұрын
Actually Yusuf and Seher are safer with Ali than in the Mansion! ❤
@Agapy8888 3 жыл бұрын
@@lornasmith1286 I agree. Supervised visit.
@lorrainemanuel5791 3 жыл бұрын
Αγape Aγαpe Agree with you..She doesn't have a home but custody is given to her
@JN-eq2xs 3 жыл бұрын
@@okosalaska The 2 snakes that live in the mansion is the reason why he was taken from them in the first place. They are the greatest danger and threat to both Seher & Yusuf
@MaggieTD 3 жыл бұрын
Also a threat to Yaman because all they want is money. They're using him. I hope they get kicked out with nothing that'll be a great episode.
@miaklein9518 3 жыл бұрын
Ali and kiraz scene is so beautiful 🥰and I loved yesterday's episode ❤️and Kiraz Sultan pretending she doesn't exist 😂👏
@lornasmith1286 3 жыл бұрын
Finally a look from Ali toward Kiraz..a look of Love..seeing her beauty as she sleeps! Although Yaman is very Angry at Seher for taking Yusuf..He misses Yusuf TERRIBLY even Seher! He is Confused between his Anger and need for Seher! 😳❤ Finally Kiraz can SMILE with Yusuf's visit and be her cheerful self..than listening to the mean remarks of the Aunt! Yusuf brings a welcome SMILE to any atmosphere he is in..He made Ali Smile..no more sad dreary home setting! The Love of a Child..can bring MUCH LOVE to a home! Wish Yaman Seher and Yusuf were together again..like at the mountain retreat..everything was relaxed and happy..They looked like a Real Family! 😍 So nice for Kiraz to have Seher to talk to..someone who appreciates her! ❤ Selim is still taking an INTEREST in Seher..wait till Yaman finds out! 😧😎😡 No one messes with Yaman's Woman..she is off limits! 😏
@hd-zn1co 3 жыл бұрын
Now Ali see that Kiraz ignores him. He finally understood that he hurted her with those words. I can wait to see Ali's reaction when Kiraz will take of her disguise and starts to wear something for young girls.
@noahsales9417 3 жыл бұрын
Até quando vamos sofrer juntos com esses dois ? Eu aki torcendo pra que eles se entendam . sofremos juntos , yaman , seher , usuf e nós telespectadores!!
@ayshiaalshaikh7212 3 жыл бұрын
I wanna thank you all ..I feel blessed to have this big beautiful family that thinks the same , about this drama you make this series even better to watch even the episodes become boring but you make it sooo fun to watch with all your comments . I hope we will congratulate each other when they are back to gather married they will make us happy not just them ❤️❤️💕🌺
@veragelever346 3 жыл бұрын
Bless you ☺️🤣 hopefully 👍😍
@nildaguro2645 3 жыл бұрын
If you know the story from the beginning you will not get bored...
@mutahar5524 3 жыл бұрын
The best episode... Ever... More than aspected.... Too much thrillllll.... Yamans acting skills..... Oh my God best scene.... When nedim calls and tells they found sehar... Ufff...😏. Second best scene... When yaman visit Yusuf room.... 😢
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Yes he is amazing actor 🎭
@JaninaWalczak-xl1ng 4 күн бұрын
Yaman nie krzycz nic ci to nie da.Wszędzie są procedury ale również szczere chęci. Gdybyś naprawdę chciał dla dobra Yusufa wszystko załatwić to nie robił byś tego co zrobiłeś Seher. Musi do ciebie dotrzeć że nie jesteś najważniejszy.Co do Yusufa ciocia Seher ma takie same prawa jak ty jako stryj.😅😅
@Dreamligth 3 жыл бұрын
Seher debio volver a la Mansion con Yusuh, total Yaman no se lo llevó al extranejero y volvieron por ella, para que viviera con los dos tios. Es entendible que Yaman esté furioso y piense que ella siempre conspiró para quitarle al niño. Para Seher, Yusuh es el legado en los ultimos 5 minutos de vida de la hermana, pero Yaman es quien lo ha amado, cuidado y protegido desde que era un bebé; asi que fue bien cruel que se lo quite sin ninguna consideración.
@anasarmiento7166 3 жыл бұрын
Pero el Servicio Social le prohibió a ella llevar al Niño a la Mansión , ese es el dilema de ella , !
@anasarmiento5062 3 жыл бұрын
En la mansión el niño con esas brujas corre peligro ,mejor que esté bien lejos de estas brujas 🤪
@amparojuan7230 3 жыл бұрын
@@anasarmiento7166 el no sabe lo que los servicios sociales le dijeron a seher ,porque el troglodita no dejo que ser le explique es un hombre odia a las mujeres
@Dreamligth 3 жыл бұрын
Servicios sociales pudo decirle eso, que no viva en la Mansión, pero desde antes ella pensaba llevarse a Yusuh, se lo dijo por telefono a la mama de Firat. No tuvo intención de buscar una alternativa
@dorkamartinez8775 3 жыл бұрын
Es verda el pobre esta supriendo
@assuntapalmisano4670 3 жыл бұрын
Essa novela está cada dia mais linda de assistir parabéns Turquia
@kgroch1 3 жыл бұрын
I am so relieved to see that Yaman have enough brain to go to Arif Baba to talk. He cannot make sense out of the situation on his own but he knows where to look for help. Nice. He is still too angry to use his own brain, but thank God he has a good memory:):) Yaman and Ali: it is a pleasure to watch those to men colliding:)
@alicesweis9771 3 жыл бұрын
Why is seher living on everyones expense 😒 yaman house and ali now a custody without a house or a job 😂😂
@altarecio8772 3 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing.
@nitalopes515 3 жыл бұрын
This is what I don't understand is how social services made that decision?
@ManarElsa 3 жыл бұрын
@@nitalopes515 i guess it is not the social service it is Nazmiye the writer of this drama 🤣🤣🤣 no logic
@zmac8689 3 жыл бұрын
Yes but it is only temporary custody, but then again he jumped the gun again and did bother to check the details of the custody, ranting and raving like a maniac, blaming Seher for everything, wonder when he is going to tale the king sized blinkers off his eyes and look around his own turf for the culprits, the evil snake sisters.
@meg845 3 жыл бұрын
Great ..for now the most exciting thing of this show is reading your comments..oh boy.. patience my friends 😂
@saralondo2661 3 жыл бұрын
@MaggieTD 3 жыл бұрын
It's got everyone talking about it 😁
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Yes 👏👏👏
@ulkercelilova7672 3 жыл бұрын
@phyuphyumyintthane305 3 жыл бұрын
before watching movie i always try to read commemts. 😅😅😅
@ewas6695 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman needs angry management therapy that's for sure! I must point how loyal his guards are not afraid of commissioner's house ! Some crazy town they leave in!
@nehannawal8920 3 жыл бұрын
Dear writers! you are exaggerating and dragging the story line.... Trust me Please don't destroy this series please
@JaninaWalczak-xl1ng 4 күн бұрын
Gdyby Komisarz Ali wiedział że ma w swoim domu tak bliską osobę którą jest Yusuf to napewno ogromnie by się cieszył i opiekował się nim. Bo przecież Ali jest przyrodnim bratem Yamana i Ziji.
@Myidea4 3 жыл бұрын
33:07 Yusuf pointed out a similarity between Ali and Yaman. Well they have the same taste buds passed on to them by their mom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@sorayaducharme5017 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so happy that finally the two sweethearts meet, Kiraz and Seher❤️❤️❤️
@suelisantos7022 2 жыл бұрын
Estou ansiosa,pra que Yaman descubra as armações dessas bruxas malvadas.😡😡
@nusaindah0658 Жыл бұрын
Terlalu lama yaman tidak mengetahui keadaan ular dalam mansion
@Kiraz1549 11 ай бұрын
2023 Köln zu lange. Das der keine Überwachung Kameras hat es wundert mich so eine Mißtrauicher Mensch. Der hat kein Vertrauen mehr und zwe Schlangen in willa
@sanaahani9853 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman: Manda un uomo ovunque lei possa andare. Prenderà il controllo della stazione degli autobus, della stazione ferroviaria, dell'aeroporto e di ogni luogo immaginabile. Non lasciate il quartiere dove viveva prima. Nedim: Va bene. Mi comporto immediatamente come tutti gli uomini che ci sono. Yaman: Dovrebbero anche seguire quel Firat chiamato Polis e quel barbone del ristorante. Anche lei potrebbe aver chiesto loro aiuto. Organizza subito tutti. Dammi informazioni. Kiraz: È successo qualcosa? Sei rimasto. Stai bene? Begüm: Sto bene, cara. Non è niente. Il mio amico mi ha dato una buona notizia. Comunque me ne vado. Ci vediamo dopo. Seher: Grazie di tutto. Ti abbiamo disturbato. Ali: Non c'è di che. È il tuo lavoro. Firat: Fai il bravo. Yusuf: Lo zio ci viene a prendere? Firat: Giovanotto, andiamo alla macchina. Resta qui stanotte Seher. La mamma ti aspetta. Ali: Non è casa tua. Il ragazzo sa che hai un legame. Li troverà. Seher: Hai ragione. Troverò una soluzione. Non voglio più disturbarti. Ali: Non sarà facile. Ovunque andrai, Yaman Kirimli ti troverà. Per un uomo che ha tolto Yusuf dalle mani di un bambino mafioso, gli ci vorranno due ore per trovarti. Firat: Cosa faremo, mio commissario? Ali: La nostra casa. E' il posto più sicuro per ora. Seher: No. Non voglio disturbare... Ali: Andiamo a casa mia. Fine. Non ti lascio andare da nessuna parte. Ci sono mia zia e Kiraz a casa. Li incontrerai. Andiamo. Zia Sultan: Guarda. Il tè era molto forte. Mettici più acqua. Non dimenticare di mettere miele, zenzero e limone. Kiraz: Sì, mio commissario. Ali: Che cosa hai fatto? Come sta mia zia? Kiraz: Ormai sta bene. Non c'è nessun problema. Bene. Abbiamo ospiti la sera e stavo per informarvi. Sarebbe bene che lo dicesse anche a mia zia. Kiraz: Va bene. Lo dirò. Ali: Aspetta un attimo. Kiraz: Si'. Ali: Stai bene? Kiraz: Sto bene. La zia Sultan stava aspettando il suo tè, devo darglielo. Ali: Aaa ok. Attento al tuo lavoro. Zia Sultan: Quanto può essere difficile portare un bicchiere di tè? Non ho capito. Kiraz: Il mio commissario ha chiamato. Zia Sultan: Perché ti chiama? Se ha qualcosa da dire, dovrebbe chiamare me. Kiraz: La sera arriveranno degli ospiti. Ha detto così. Zia Sultan: L'ospite in questa casa non basta, porta anche un altro ospite in cima. È fantastico. Se c'è una torta che ha portato Begüm, la mangerò. Kiraz: Ma la tua pressione sanguigna potrebbe... Zia Sultan: Sto bene. Non ho la pressione sanguigna. Andiamo. Non aspettare. Mi ucciderai per la fame. La pressione sanguigna... Fatti gli affari tuoi. Chiamiamo questo ragazzo e chiediamogli che tipo di ospite è. Firat: Andiamo. Yusuf: Zia dove siamo? Non andiamo a casa? Seher: No, tesoro mio. Yusuf: Lo zio viene qui? Ali: Se stasera sarai mio ospite, sarò felice giovanotto. Seher: Perché no? Yusuf: Va bene! Firat: Seher, devo andare ora. Sono di turno stasera. Ma chiamami quando vuoi, ok? Seher: Va bene. Grazie di tutto. Firat: Chiamami se hai bisogno di qualcosa. Ciao Yusuf. Yusuf: Ciao, fratello Firat. Firat: Ci terremo in contatto. Ali: Andiamo. Yusuf: Oh! Signora delle caramelle! Yaman: Perché non ci sono ancora notizie, Nedim? Cosa stanno facendo questi ragazzi? Nedim: Tutti li seguono. Ma c'è un problema. Mentre Seher prendeva Yusuf, la polizia era con lei. Quindi lei se ne va con loro... Yaman: Ha preso in custodia Yusuf di nascosto, ora sta facendo tutto con la polizia? Mi fermerà così? Nedim: Non preoccuparti. Troveremo Seher. Yaman: Non voglio parole vuote, Nedim! Nessuna parola vuota! Kiraz: Poi ho comprato qualcosa, dicendo che aveva fame... Sembrava così spaventato, così sbadato. Seher: Grazie a Dio abbiamo superato quei giorni difficili. Spero che anche noi sopravviveremo a questi giorni. Kiraz: Lo spero anch'io. Yusuf: Zia, anche sorella Kiraz mi aveva dato delle caramelle. Seher: Così il nostro angelo segreto era questa sorella caramella... Zia Sultana: Ci crederemo, se non vediamo un angelo. Seher: Grazie mille per essere stata con Yusuf. Kiraz: Vorrei poter fare di più. Zia Sultan: Hanno detto di lasciare il passato, di guardare all'oggi. Ali: Cosa vuoi dire, zia? Zia Sultan: Dico, nessuno chiede agli ospiti se hanno fame. Vieni, figlia mia. Alzati. Prepara qualcosa per gli ospiti. Che non si siedano affamati. Kiraz: Preparerò il pasto immediatamente. Seher: Non abbiamo fame. Quando siete pronti, poi mangiamo. Kiraz: Stavamo per mangiare anche noi. Ali: Avete già preparato tutto. Seher: Lascia che ti aiuti anch'io. Zia Sultan: Hai riunito tutti i colpevoli in questa casa, figlio mio. Metti i criminali dietro le sbarre o guardi la tua casa? Non ho capito. Ali: Te l'ho già detto al telefono, zia. Zia Sultan: Lo sai che è una ladra o no? Ali: Seher è il fratello di Firat, zia. Zia Sultan: Quanto tempo rimarranno? Ali: Non lo so. Un po' di tempo. Zia Sultan: Bene. Cosa farà la tua ragazza? Non è una persona che tratta molto bene gli ospiti che tornano a casa. Se è sopraffatta, non piego i capelli. Ikbal: Non posso chiedere niente a Yaman perché si arrabbierebbe. Che cosa hanno fatto, hanno trovato Seher? Zuhal: La troverà. Alla fine la troverà, cosa farà dopo averla trovata? Ho paura che quella ragazza la farà perdonare di nuovo. Ikbal: Questo è difficile. Seher ha preso dalla sua mano il più prezioso di Yaman. Yaman non perdona questo nella vita. Non importa dove la trova, la riterrà responsabile. Zuhal: Vedremo. Quando si tratta di Mis Seher, l'atteggiamento di Yaman cambia completamente, cara sorella. Ikbal: Questa volta è diverso. Se vedessi l'odio nei suoi occhi, capiresti molto bene cosa intendo. Almeno sono abbastanza sicuro che non farà mai più entrare quella ragazza in questa casa. Kiraz: Si è addormentato? Seher: Puoi togliergli le scarpe, per favore? Seher: Grazie. Ti abbiamo creato un tale inconveniente. Ci hai dato la tua stanza. Kiraz: Non ho fatto niente! Sono felice di rivedere Yusuf. Seher: Anche lui è felice di vederti. Kiraz: Grazie a Dio ha una zia come te. Seher: Buonanotte. Seher: Seher: Buonanotte. Yusuf: Zia... Seher: Non aver paura, tesoro. Seher: Sono qui. Yusuf: Lo zio è qui? Seher: Non siamo alla villa. Yusuf: Quando torniamo a casa? Lo zio si preoccuperà per noi. Seher: Tesoro, non ci andremo per un po'. Yusuf: Ma è la nostra casa. Ci sono tutti. Anche la mia stanza. Lo zio è lì. Seher: Conosco il mio tesoro. Ti manca. Tu vuoi bene a tuo zio, lo so. Ma le signore del rifugio ci hanno detto che non possiamo andare alla villa per un po'. Dobbiamo fare quello che dicono. Yusuf: E se dicono che non possiamo più andarci? Non vedrò più mio zio? Seher: Seher: No! Certo che lo vedrai. Dobbiamo solo aspettare un po'. Yusuf: Quanto tempo? Troppo tempo? O un po'? Seher: Solo un po'. Dai, tesoro. Ti prendo il pigiama e tu vai a dormire. Seher: E' troppo tardi. Ali: È rimasto del tè? Kiraz: No, ma posso farne un altro, se vuoi. Ali: Non c'è bisogno. Prenderò un caffè più tardi. Lavorerò. Kiraz: Se non vuoi nient'altro, vado a letto. Ali: Hai dato la tua stanza agli ospiti. Resta nella mia stanza stanotte. Io dormo in soggiorno. Kiraz: Non ce n'è bisogno. Dormirò in soggiorno. Ali: Non se ne parla. Finché gli ospiti non se ne vanno, dormirò nella mia stanza. Vieni colto impreparato: Ti vedranno alzarti dal letto così, non rischiamo. Kiraz: Va bene. Kara: Mio Commissario, sto aspettando il numero del fascicolo. Mio Commissario, è urgente. Lo sta cercando? Ha letto il messaggio ma non ha risposto, quindi non ne ero sicuro. Ali: Va bene. Lo cercherò. Nedim: Purtroppo non abbiamo ancora determinato la loro posizione. Yaman: Dove possono andare? Come possono non trovarli? Non è venuto fuori niente da quel tizio di nome Firat? Nedim: Abbiamo uomini che cercano Firat e Selim. Ma non abbiamo una sola traccia della zia che è con loro. Yaman: Una ragazza da sola, che agitava le braccia con la bambina, forse ha lasciato Istanbul davanti ai nostri occhi, ma gli spiriti di tutti quegli uomini non hanno nemmeno sentito? Stai cercando di dirlo? A cosa servono questi uomini? Nedim: I ragazzi sono in difficoltà, Yaman. Ma lei sa che la zia è protetta dalla polizia. Il loro lavoro non è facile. Yaman: Non mi interessa. Troverai Yusuf e sua zia e me li porterai. Subito! Oggi! Ali: Buongiorno zia. Zia Sultano: Buongiorno, figlio mio. Ali: La colazione sembra deliziosa. Grazie. Kiraz: Bon Appettite. Lascia che porti il tè. Zia Sultan: Vediamo come può farlo se solo lo vuole. Quanto a noi, due olive e un cetriolo. Poi se ne va. Ha anche dato del formaggio al gatto in giardino. È un'ingrata. Seher: Buongiorno. Yusuf: Buongiorno. Ali: Buongiorno, giovanotto. Siediti. Zia Sultano: Siediti, per favore, figli miei. Seher: Che seccatura hai fatto. Zia Sultan: Di solito non lo fa. Meno male che siete venuti. Grazie a te, qualcosa entrerà nel nostro stomaco. Kiraz: Buongiorno. Seher: Buongiorno. Yusuf: Buongiorno sorella Kiraz. Kiraz: Buongiorno al mio piccolo amico. Seher: Vorrei che mi svegliassi, prepareremmo la colazione insieme. Kiraz: Non ce n'è bisogno. Ho fatto in fretta. Ikbal: Oh sei qui Yaman. Sono stato goona a chiamarti per la colazione. Vieni? Non riesco ancora a capire come Seher abbia potuto fare questo. Ci siamo fidati di lei! Le abbiamo aperto la nostra casa. Abbiamo fatto di tutto perché potesse stare con suo nipote. Yaman: E' colpa mia. Aveva il suo obiettivo fin dall'inizio. È venuta qui con un piano. Ha agito secondo questo piano passo dopo passo, guardandomi negli occhi. Ci ha ingannati tutti. Ikbal: Lo pensi davvero? Cioè, io non lo penso, ma può essere stata lei a presentare un reclamo ai servizi sociali? Seher: Ci andrei se volessi. Invece di venire qui da solo, porterei via Yusuf, come ho fatto con quei ragazzi! Ma io sono qui. Sapete perché? Mi consegnerai Yusuf tu stessa. Yaman: Qualunque cosa abbia fatto, pagherà per tutto.
@sanaahani9853 3 жыл бұрын
Yusuf: Guarda zia, fratello Ali non mangia peperoncini piccanti come mio zio. Seher: Sì, cara. Ali: Alcuni sanno che non mi piacciono i peperoni, ma li mettono in ogni piatto. Kiraz: Sì, in realtà lo so, ma li metto apposta. È molto utile, contiene vitamina C, Yusufcum. Ali: Se è utile allora mangiamolo, vero Yusuf? Begüm: Questa ragazza è ricercata dalla polizia, tesoro. Non l'ho capita anch'io. Perché Ali nasconde questa ragazza in casa sua? Se mi lamento e cerco di arrestarla, Ali sarà sospettata. Comunque. Mi sto finalmente liberando di lei, ora sto provando questo piacere. Va bene, mia cara. Parleremo più tardi. Seher: Ecco, prendi. Provala da solo. Kiraz: Ho fatto il caffè. Seher: Tu suoni qui. Seher: Grazie. Ma dovrei prepararlo io. Kiraz: La prossima volta. Yusuf è molto fortunato ad avere una zia come te. Sua madre non c'è più, ma tu sei diventata una madre per lui. Seher: Lui è tutto per me. L'ho promesso a mia sorella. Kiraz: In realtà, sono simile a Yusuf. Te l'ho detto, anch'io sono un'eredità. Seher: Sì. Seher: Hai ragione. Siete simili. Allora, cosa farai dopo? Come ti farai una vita? Kiraz: In realtà, al momento non sto pensando a niente. Anche se penso in modo più preciso, è inutile. Sono venuto in questa casa, grazie a loro, si sono presi cura di me. Il mio unico problema è che mio fratello non viene a cercarmi. Ho le mani legate. Purtroppo non ho nessuna situazione per dire che farò qualcosa. Ali: Sei seduto? Me ne vado. Vuoi qualcosa? Seher: No, grazie mille. Ali: E tu Kiraz? Kiraz: No. Grazie, mio commissario. Ali: Okay. Se qualcosa va storto, mi chiami immediatamente, okay? Seher: Va bene. Ali: Ci vediamo dopo, giovanotto. Yusuf: Ci vediamo fratello Ali. Selim: Come mai? Seher è con Yusuf a casa del commissario Ali? Nadire: Sono lì da ieri. Ali non li ha lasciati andare. Selim: Seher si è finalmente liberata di quest'uomo. Sono molto contenta di questa notizia, zia Nadire. Avrebbe dovuto darle la custodia del ragazzo fin dall'inizio. Nadire: L'uomo che sarà lo zio del bambino non è come arrendersi facilmente... Selim: Naturalmente si opporrà alla decisione. Ma non credo che farà nulla dopo questo tempo. Nadire: Spero che non travolga la bambina. Selim: Non preoccuparti zia Nadire. Si alza o due volte, ma poi si siede. Ha bisogno di qualcosa? Prendo quello che ti serve. Nadire: Non lo so anch'io, figlio mio. Hanno necessariamente bisogno di aiuto. Che cosa farai? Se hai un po' di tempo, vieni con me a casa di Ali. Così potrai parlare con lei personalmente. Selim: Mi piacerebbe, ma andranno fuori controllo, zia. Devo essere a capo del mio lavoro. Ma posso venire da te la sera. Nadire: Okay. Ti ho dato la buona notizia. Me ne vado. Occupati dei tuoi affari. Selim: Ci vediamo dopo. Nadire: Ci vediamo. Yaman: Non la passerà liscia. Qualcuno che cerca di prendere Yusuf andando sulle mie spalle... non può andare da nessuna parte senza affrontarne le conseguenze. Arif Baba: Ascolta. Questa rabbia non è dannosa solo per l'altra persona, ma anche per te, figliolo. Cerca di calmarti. Yaman: Come posso essere calmo Arif Baba? Arif Baba: Questa ragazza non è tua nemica. Anche Yusuf è parte di lei, tanto quanto lui è tuo nemico. La sua unica preoccupazione è anche la felicità di Yusuf. È finita in acque profonde, mentre pensava al bene di suo nipote. Forse ha commesso un errore. Yaman: Tutto era finto fin dall'inizio. Non riuscivo proprio a vederlo. Ti ha fatto credere di avere un buon cuore. Ma non è la persona che tu pensi che sia. Ho imparato che le donne non sono affidabili quando ero solo una bambina. Questa è solo la storia che si ripete. Questo è tutto. Basta con le donne fidate! Soprattutto lei! Lei dice che non è mia nemica... sul contario. Ora è la mia peggior nemica! Nadire: Grazie a Dio è finita, figlia mia. Tu sei qui con noi, spero che ci occuperemo insieme del resto. Seher: Lo spero anch'io, madre Nadire. Che cosa sta facendo? Kiraz: Mangia i biscotti in cucina. Nadire: Grazie anche a lei, signorina Sultana. Non ha lasciato mia figlia incustodita. Ha aperto la sua casa. Me l'ha detto Firat. Poiché qui è più sicuro, Ali, mio figlio ha insistito perché restassero qui. Zia Sultan: Questo e' mio figlio. E' misericordioso. Non potrebbe farlo altrimenti. Lo sapete anche voi. Sai chi ha avuto, anche se lei non l'ha mai meritato. Naturalmente aiuterebbe anche sua figlia. Seher: Grazie a tutti voi. Mi siete stati di grande aiuto. Spero di stabilire il mio ordine il prima possibile. Nadire: Ne prenda uno per primo e il resto è fatto. Anche questo ragazzo si alza un po', quando è con voi. Seher: Si riprenderà, madre Nadire. Una casa che ci appartiene. Un nuovo inizio. So che sarà un bene anche per Yusuf e per me. Ali: Dove sei? Ti ho chiamato un paio di volte. Ma non hai risposto alle mie chiamate. Uomo: Mi dispiace. Ma non ho potuto richiamarti. Stavo per chiamare, il compito è venuto fuori. Stavo per chiamarti anch'io. Ali: Davvero? Che cosa è successo? Uomo: Mi hai chiesto di fare una ricerca con Meryem Gündogdu... Ali: Sì. Man: Ora qualcun altro a Istanbul sta manomettendo questo lavoro. Stai attento. Hanno cercato di ottenere informazioni su di lei. Ali: Volevo parlarti anche di Meryem. La ragazza è innocente. La ricerca continua a causa delle accuse che la riguardano. Dobbiamo annullare questa decisione. La ragazza sta vivendo una vita innocente in prigione. E' rimasta bloccata a casa. Cosa dobbiamo fare? Come posso aiutarvi? Ali: Conoscete il caso. Lo conosco. Me lo ricordo. Ali: Troveremo l'uomo che l'ha calunniata. Non abbiamo altra scelta. Altrimenti la questione andrà avanti così. Uomo: Ok. Lasciatemi lavorare su questo. Poi ti chiamerò più tardi. Ok. Grazie. Aspetto notizie da te, allora. Anche da te. Selim: Arrivo tra un'ora, Baris. Baris: Ok, sono qui. Zia Sultan: Cos'e' questa, figlia mia? Hai riempito il vassoio fino all'orlo. Sono l'unica che manca. Posso mangiare così tanto? Kiraz: Puoi lasciare quello che non puoi mangiare, zia Sultan. Vuoi qualcos'altro? Zia Sultan: No. E gli avanzi quando dici che non mangi? Non voglio lasciare avanzi. Kiraz: Non ne ho messo troppo, puoi mangiarlo tu, zia Sultan. Zia Sultan: Guarda, dice che posso ancora mangiarlo. Il mio stomaco è il mercato del mercoledì? Nadire: Vorrei che mangiasse con noi, signorina Sultan. In questo modo una persona non vuole mangiare da sola. Zia Sultan: Non voglio mangiare quando sono sola o tra la folla. Nadire: Anch'io. Così succede dopo un'età fissa. Comunque. Non dovrei parlare troppo, dovresti mangiare senza raffreddarti. Zia Sultan: Va bene. Nadire: Dovrei alzarmi. È tardi. Arrivederci signorina Sultan. Zia Sultan: Arrivederci. Seher: Lasciami venire con te, madre Nadire. Nadire: Lasciami vedere Yusuf prima di andare. Hai detto che è in cucina, vero? Seher: Sì. È ancora occupato a mangiare biscotti. Seher: Benvenuto Selim. Scusa se non ho potuto chiamare. Madre Nadire mi ha detto che hai parlato. Selim: Sì, mi ha detto tutto. Anche tu sei il benvenuto. Ho portato la torta per festeggiare. Seher: Non dovevi disturbarti. Seher: Grazie. Selim: L'ho portata per Yusuf. Volevo anche controllare se avevi bisogno di qualcosa. Seher: In realtà sì, Selim. Devo trovare un posto dove stare. Selim: Non preoccuparti. Me ne occuperò domani. Nadire: Selim benvenuto, figlio mio. Selim: Ciao zia Nadire. Stai andando a casa? Nadire: Sì. Selim: Ti accompagno. Nadire: Non dirò di no. Selim: Andiamo. Buonasera cara. Seher: Ci vediamo. Yaman: Ci sono novità? Nedim: Yaman abbiamo trovato Seher. Yaman: Dov'è? Nedim: Al posto del commissario Ali. I nostri ragazzi hanno seguito Selim. È andato dritto a casa del commissario. Yaman: Sapevo che c'era dentro fin dall'inizio. Non mi sbagliavo. Nedim: Cosa facciamo adesso? Yaman: Raduna tutti i tuoi uomini. Mandateli a casa del commissario. Mandatemi subito il luogo. Nedim: Pensi che sia una buona idea fare un'irruzione a casa del commissario? Yaman: Fallo, Nedim. Begüm: Pensateci, l'opportunità che stavo aspettando mi è venuta. Nessuna forza può più tenere quella ragazza in quella casa. Ezgi: Quindi hai intenzione di lamentarti di Kiraz e farla arrestare? Non puoi dire sul serio. Begüm: Dico sul serio. Ti sembra che stia scherzando? Ezgi: Come riuscirai a non confondere Ali in questa situazione? Begüm: Naturalmente ci ho pensato anche a questo. Mi stavo occupando degli affari della successione dello zio Osman. Inviterò Kiraz in un caffè per parlare del fascicolo di successione. Non preoccuparti troppo di questo problema. Ezgi: Begüm, dico paura di te, non dico altro. Begüm: Se solo Kiraz capisse che anche lei deve avere un po' paura di me. Allora forse sarebbe tornata al suo villaggio. Che cosa facciamo? Anche lei ha scelto questa strada.
@sanaahani9853 3 жыл бұрын
Kiraz: Vorrei che restasse più a lungo. La casa sarà così vuota senza di te. Seher: Ci vedremo. Probabilmente affitterò un appartamento qui vicino. Finalmente avremo una nuova vita con Yusuf. Sono così eccitata. Ma anche spaventata. Trovare un lavoro... sistemarmi richiederà del tempo. Kiraz: Spero che tutto andrà come desideri. Devo portare dei frutti alla zia Sultan? Voleva dormire un po', ma... Seher: Probabilmente sta dormendo. È tranquillo. Seher: Che succede? Kiraz: Non lo so. Yusuf: Cos'è questo rumore zia? Seher: Non è niente, cara. Kiraz: Vado a vedere. Seher: Aspetta Kiraz. Prendi Yusuf e vai nella tua stanza. Yusuf, tu vai dentro con Kiraz. Yusuf: Dove vai? Seher: Io rimango qui. Kiraz: Andiamo Yusufcum. Yaman: Porta mio nipote. Subito. Subito! Seher: Yusuf resterà qui. Non potete prenderlo. Yaman: Chi lo dice? Seher: La legge. Che ti piaccia o no, devi accettarla. Questa è la cosa giusta, per il bene di tutti. Yaman: Ho detto, porta Yusuf! Ali: Yaman Kirimli... Yaman Kirimli! Stai facendo irruzione in casa mia? Seher: Per favore, calmati. Yaman: Il commissario non è calmo. È anche quello che mostra il coraggio di tenere mio nipote in casa sua. Chi si crede di essere? Ali: Sono solo un poliziotto che non ha paura di te e dei tuoi cani!
@JaninaWalczak-xl1ng 4 күн бұрын
Yaman powinien podziękować za to co się stało Igbal. To ta paskudna żmija doniosła do opieki i Yusuf został zabrany z rezydencji do domu dziecka. Sam sobie radził bo udało mu się uciec .Yaman odnalazł go wśród mafii handlującej dziećmi i wyjechał z nim na odludzie. Resztę wiemy z odcinków filmu.
@JaninaWalczak-xl1ng 4 күн бұрын
Trzecią wstrętną żmiją jest Begun.Chce zniszczyć Kiraz .Nie zdaje sobie sprawy z tego że brat Kiraz faktycznie chce ją zabić.
@sattlerchacal6940 3 жыл бұрын
Bom e lá vamos nós... Seher saiu da casa por uma determinação do serviço social. Ela tentou avisar a Yaman, mas ele nem sequer deu espaço pra ela falar, ela tentou por duas vezes. Enfim... Tb achei que ela o tivesse "traído" o que não é o caso, ela está agindo por medo, raiva e chateação pq ele nem sequer a deixou falar. Por outro lado Yaman nunca amou ninguém, ele não sabe como lidar com esse novo sentimento e por ele já ter uma desconfiança em relação as mulheres as quais são vinculadas diretamente a ele como o caso da mãe e de Seher as "cobras cunhada e sua irmã" não estão diretamente ligadas a ele, ou seja, pra ele tanto faz, por isso ele acaba as ouvindo, por não existir um sentimento ali. Ele Yaman, se odeia por amar Seher e isso na cabeça dela o torna mais fraco, pois ela o desconcentra, basta vermos quando ele está pensando nela e vai brincar de arco e flexa. E ainda tem o encosto do Selim "ô cara chato". Tb estou achando a novela já cansativa, espero dias melhores, mas confesso que as vezes penso em parar de assistir. Mais como já disse em outros comentários o Yaman, tem um negócio nesse olhar dele que deixa a gente assim meio "coisada" sei lá....
@ivonetecarlos927 3 жыл бұрын
E mesmo amiga o olhar dele nos encanta
@neilabrito7511 2 жыл бұрын
Gente realmente que olhar é esse? Esse ator é realmente muito bom.
@Anna-cl4lz Жыл бұрын
I only agree with your thing about Mr yaman...m watching this series for the 5th time
@pamkowaski1608 3 жыл бұрын
Still amused how everyone wants things to happen so fast. A daily series doesn't operate like that at all.
@nataliyaenn9998 3 жыл бұрын
Well done said
@yaramderinde8255 3 жыл бұрын
Yes you are right 👍🏼
@edenzerai8004 3 жыл бұрын
Remember we are the microwave generation. Pop and out easy . no pain 😅🥰
@marybachew2533 3 жыл бұрын
@marybachew2533 3 жыл бұрын
@@edenzerai8004 😀
@simonemaciel8573 3 жыл бұрын
Ali olhando a Kiraz dormir que lindeza 😍😍😍😍💕🇧🇷 Deus do céu está difícil eles se entenderem😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱💕💕💕💕💕💕🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
@malakhassan2001 3 жыл бұрын
The most boring episode except baba Aref and of course your lovely comments have a beautiful evening everyone 🌹
@neenasharma4189 3 жыл бұрын
Did writers drug addict lessen up or is still high
@maymemay3 3 жыл бұрын
That's what i would said😇😊🌹thank you have a good night🌹🌹🌹
@malakhassan2001 3 жыл бұрын
@@neenasharma4189 iqbal fault she gives her the wrong pill 💊 hahahahha
@malakhassan2001 3 жыл бұрын
@@maymemay3 you too dear 💕💕
@neenasharma4189 3 жыл бұрын
@@malakhassan2001 🤣🤣🤣🤣where are you from
@genao75 3 жыл бұрын
Ok let s see how Seher organizes her life with Yusuf, he needs emotional and physical stability. Dear writers : I know you are busy writing about Yaman and Seher power battles but can you please take care of Suhal, Ikbal, and Begum !!please please please!!!!!!!!!
@maureenwignall9529 3 жыл бұрын
@veenac7991 3 жыл бұрын
Really ,they just want to show the drawbacks of Yaman .At times Seher's.But what about the evil schemes of Ikbal and Juhal ? How did Ikbal got into Kirimli brother's life? Where's that story ?How long can that Sultan aunt pester Kiraz? Actually ,the story of Yaman and Seher has become spoiled.
@felicitynefdt9926 3 жыл бұрын
@@veenac7991 I agree. None of their many schemes have ever been uncovered. How is that possible? Are they all going to be uncovered at the same time?
@tricaurelie 3 жыл бұрын
Guys, don't fret! Yaman's relapse is understandable and even necessary in his arc. True, the writers are dragging this part a bit too long, but Yaman's anger and his distrust towards women are deep-seated issues that cannot and shouldn't be solved halfway through the season just because Seher is soft, gentle, resilient and he is madly in love with her. From Yaman's perspective, she used him and betrayed his nascent trust and feelings... just like every women do according to his deceased father. Our ML still has a long way ahead, but he'll get there and I'm sure the balcony scene was the peak of his violence against Seher. I wouldn't be surprised if he never laid a hand in anger on her in the rest of the series...
@justinet.dotson7228 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t bet on it
@MARIAM-fb9jb 3 жыл бұрын
A mi me gustaria que seher pueda alquilar y estar cerca de kiraz me parece que se pueden acompañar bien, si kiraz se puede ir de la casa de ali se saca de encima a boquita xiliconada y a la dama mayor entonces podria respirar y se podrian ver mejor solos con ali. Seher podria contar con kiraz para cuidar a yusuf y ambas cocinan trabajan dsde su casa para algun restaurant eso le daria independencia economica. Pero otra cosa a tener en cuenta los bienes dinero empresa y propiedades de yusuf estan en un fideicomiso que solo el tutor puede manejar esta es una preocupacion para yaman y que seher ignora ehhhh????
@anacastaldi6414 3 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for Yaman his heart is hurting
@satyasrik8949 3 жыл бұрын
@arunchudasama6323 3 жыл бұрын
Yes 😞😞😞😞
@saniashahg2802 3 жыл бұрын
He is hurt badly 😢
@gminae 3 жыл бұрын
I Don’t understand Seher , she almost died when she think Yaman is gonna go with Yusuf ( and please him to don’t do this again ) and now she go away with the child and do the same o even worst for him 😰😩 . That’s not fair for Yaman 😔. Ok he’s a bit savage sometimes but she knows that he love Yusuf over everything. She shouldn’t do something like that
@luzcarroll 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman feel betrayed again.. I’m sad for Yusuf, he love them both
@nataliyaenn9998 3 жыл бұрын
For me this episode not boring at all. ..Halil perfect as always. Look on his eyes full of tears 26:13
@Rakorm. 3 жыл бұрын
Very bad. The enmity between Seher and Yaman began. When will they be together?😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
@ginakarkaria8852 3 жыл бұрын
how can they be together after this. Ikbal is making matters worse with all she's telling Yaman. He believes every word ikbal say and yet women are not trustworthy to him. Yaman never gave Seher a chance to speak about the reasons to leave. With all this yusuf is caught in the middle.
@Rakorm. 3 жыл бұрын
@@ginakarkaria8852 very right💔😏
@tatianaluca1255 3 жыл бұрын
They will be toghether for sure...we need a lot of patience..🥰
@MaggieTD 3 жыл бұрын
I know. What's the rush. It's on daily and thankfully not weekly. I like it anyway.
@tatianaluca1255 3 жыл бұрын
@@MaggieTD Me too, so happy that is everyday..❤
@vrdm9547 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman had tears in his eyes , I think is because deep inside he loves Seher and is hard to accept the way she’s acting Anyway it supposed to be like that to keep me anxious and is a drama 🎭😂😂😂😂
@markmelbye9137 3 жыл бұрын
We know he love Seher. He will not hurting her. He don't want to loses seher. Seher and Yusul his life now. He jealous. Now Salim came visit seher. God know what Yamen doing...🤩
@vrdm9547 3 жыл бұрын
@@markmelbye9137 with the witch 🧙‍♀️ of Ikbal putting ideas in his mind 😣 he will very upset
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I saw 👀 that too in the office
@beatrizblandon7064 3 жыл бұрын
Definitivamente la idea de un gran amor entre seher y yaman como que en esta temporada no va ser, esto cada día se complica más 😢
@mariajesustapiatamayo8658 3 жыл бұрын
@i3lanckiyiriveroi3riyi98 2 жыл бұрын
Si Seher se enamora de Yaman con todos los maltratos fisicos y psicológicos q el le hizo es una mujer masoquista 😊😊😊😊Está super interesante esta telenovela, Yaman no escucha y no habla solo resonga y grita tiene un carácter insoportable es un hombre q si se mira al espejo y se pelea con su cara reflejada en el espejo 😄😅
@oseokojie123456 3 жыл бұрын
Is it just me or is anyone else struggling to understand why the don’t but eng subtitles on the whole episode but do on the fragments
@mmiddl06 3 жыл бұрын
There was talk of KZbin and the network not able to comply with something but I'm not 100% Why. There are two episodes with English subtitles...
@millionaireleka2361 3 жыл бұрын
me too
@emilpal2005 3 жыл бұрын
Could be some guidelines or policies Eccho Rights or Karamel Yapin has to follow. Not sure, but likely.
@Nidalwonderbigfans 3 жыл бұрын
This story has been a total nightmare for me, I cannot understand a word they are saying, I am forever trying to read all the comments trying to make sense of it. I will never engage in Turkish bolums again, it happens all the time. The first episodes have subtitles then we get hooked on the show the the subtitles stop
@albatrossm4580 3 жыл бұрын
This has been the case since the beginning!! We survive with Mihrilee's translation everyday!! Love u Mihrilee 👩‍❤️‍👩
@iolandatorres4225 3 жыл бұрын
Tres angelitos juntos, Seher, yasuf y Kiraz, muy hermosos, los amo!!
@nusaindah0658 Жыл бұрын
Senang mereka bersama kiraz yusuf & seher
@jonitadias3974 3 жыл бұрын
It looks as if the series is getting dragged into a tornado 🌪️ it's losing all its charm. Actors and directors are all exceptionally good but sorry to say the scriptwriter is messing it up. Should follow the rule 'Less is more'
@veenac7991 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly,the actors are amazing.But the story has lost the charm.
@michelleooi8386 3 жыл бұрын
Yes the scripwriter nazmiye IS TERRIBLE - In the last episode, when the polis Ali & Firat came to the house and Ikbal open the door, Yaman was just having a meeting a while earlier in his room with his lawyers. How come he doesn't know and WHY Ikbal didnt let Yaman know to open the door
@dakshakoria8134 3 жыл бұрын
He resonates his anxiety and restlessness even through the screen. Exceptional acting.
@StormLaine05 3 жыл бұрын
I think Seher will stand on Kirz favor. She will save the helpless woman from heartless Sultana and Begum. Excited for the upcoming episodes.🥰😍
@KJ-ot2ny 3 жыл бұрын
Yesterday was my stumble day now I am back on track. Let's not forget and recap. Yaman character is so down to earth, I am perceiving it as if life itself is telling a story. For me it is more appealing to watch dark layered complex characters that those cheese ones. I don't judge Yaman at all, I have always tried to understand him and his actions, I sympathise with him 😏 we cannot observe his behaviour as normal because it is not.. life has though him to build a wall around him so he can protect himself from pain and abandoment, always looking after his brothers and solving every problem they may have, his only goal in life is to protect his family at any cost. His childhood traumatic experiences never let him the possibility to be a normal child and even now as a grown up man deep inside he is just a scared lonely boy craving for love and attention he never got from anyone. He was raised following the laws of the street, crawling in life, falling and standing up. I think we don't know even half of his traumas and struggles he had to overcome to become Yaman Kirimli as we get to know him at the beginning. A person emotionally unable to express himself, stubborn, ruthless, smart, severe, never trust anyone especially women, never experienced love feelings, never apologise, doesn't share, doesn't know how to communicate with others, control freak, never forgive any mistakes, doesn't accept help, considers love as a weakness, seeks loyalty above all... Yaman has established pattern of behaviour, acts based on his own rules and his only way of expressing is through anger.. The only way he knows because he had no one to teach him otherwise unfortunately. So it is not normal to expect that he change overnight, it it a ongoing slow process and he is taking baby steps but he is changing ❤️ listen to Arif baba wise words once said to Seher: "You will be patient" and that is my message too be patient and we will get our reward. Patience is a virtue and continuously watching this drama we will all master it. And one more thing what I love about this Sehyam journey is the message behind it that even the most emotionally damaged person can be healed with the power of love ✌️ Now let's talk about Yaman Kirimli rules from ep1 and his struggle until now. Do you remember them 🙄.. Being strong, show no comparison or feelings, never lower your guard, no crying, always stand up, trust no one especially women and never show your wounds to anyone. Guess what, he broke every single rule because of Seher. 🧐 So for people saying he doesn't love her, doesn't care, hates her... Think again about it 😉 What Seher thought him so far: feelings are not weakness and everyone needs love reflected in his changed behaviour towards Yusuf ; he trusted her in his own strange way; Yaman apologised to his biggest enemy for Seher the man who never in his life has apologise to anyone, he even almost apologise to Seher 2 ep. ago when she was explaining to him how she felt when he left her and took Yusuf; he listens to her, later thinks about it and proceed to act upon it like in the case 1 ep. ago when he acknowledged that she was right; when they fight he is giving his arguments and explains himself-fight in the woods house; he showed us his caring side; forgiveness Yaman spare the life of his biggest enemy on Seher silent request.. you all remember it right 😉 BTW I want that Soydigar guy back he was amusing 😁 Feel free to add to if I missed something. Seher with her action now triggered something in Yaman and his mood you stole something that belong to me and I am gonna make you pay is showing up. Yaman bey restored to his factory settings which is completely normal and understandable for him. Right now he is loosing it and we are back into applying street rules. Emotionally unstable, madly in love, blinded by jealousy, deeply challenged Yaman bey crazy behaviour is to be expected so tactics to scary her, threaths, blackmailing, using force, even putting her in jail every possible action may be applied. Don't know what to expect anymore... 🤷‍♀️
@meg845 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly, he is a very damaged character and needs time to change.. and Seher has a long work to do. The fastest way would be if Seher goes back at the house to avoid war (for Yusuf) but.. don’t know ..maybe in Friday’s or next week.. hmm 🤔 I loved the going back to factory settings 😂
@ayshiaalshaikh7212 3 жыл бұрын
Every word you said is correct . I’m waiting till seher goes back to the mansion things will get better hopefully. Seher will ch yeman with her sweet love pure honesty wise words . And don’t forget her beauty that he has fallen in love with 🌸❤️
@aimanmukhtar3821 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely..💯💖 We have to be patient and surely, things will take turn.
@92candice 3 жыл бұрын
I really like your analysis and in a way that’s why I’m so disappointed in seher and hurt because yaman has been difficult from the start and he’s never hid this but we saw developments in his behavior and he allowed the presence of seher in the house to change the way he interacts with Yusuf he listened to her when she criticized him and this is a big form of trust he brought Yusuf back because he put his love for Yusuf before his fear of losing him and not winning and recognized the role seher now plays in yusufs life. Now for him this must hurt the most because he has taken care of Yusuf all his life and I said this before seher entered their life’s couple months ago and to give custody to her that’s just off and sometimes I’m sorry to say but she acts like she loves Yusuf more than anyone ( I like seher a lot but sometimes ...) and in a way what yaman said is true he is Yusuf’s roots Yusuf grew up with yaman , not downplaying her put she is a new element to Yusuf’s life and I also I feel like Yusuf understands his uncle more than anyone Yusuf’s faith and trust in yaman has never wavered and Yusuf never said or expressed that he felt unloved which is why the custody thing is confusing maybe I could have understood it if Yusuf did not feel loved in his house. So when seher just leaves like she’s running from yaman I can understand why he feels betrayed ( I’m not supporting his actions towards her) he displayed in his yaman way the biggest form of trust by bringing Yusuf back and now this. Feel like ikbal and Zhuhal have been on a high horse for weeks now while the development between yaman and seher is down the drain
@manjupradhan7159 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! You have a perceiving eye👍🙏
@soniajimenez4735 3 жыл бұрын
parece que se van a casar con las parejas equivocadas. necesitamos ir a Turquía para platicar con la escritora para decirle que no nos gusta el rumbo que va teniendo de la serie, que empiece a modificar el argumento, hacerla menos estresante. Cuando alguien hereda algo sin papeles es muy difícil llegar a buenos acuerdos. Todas creímos que iba a ver romances entre los personajes.
@teresadejesus9514 3 жыл бұрын
Si ese es el caso dejo aquí mismo de ver esta serie ya me cayó muy mal
@carmenperalta6881 3 жыл бұрын
Y yo 😥🤗
@amparotoro6597 3 жыл бұрын
Hay lástima no podemos viajar por covid virus 🦠 sino ahorita mismo tomaba un avión ✈️ me voy a Turquía 🇹🇷
@sebastianavelazquez3555 3 жыл бұрын
@@amparotoro6597 lastima ..y yo te acompañaba pero todo se complico...ya estaran juntos este fin de semana ..creo que dieron este cambio para que los personajes de ali.kirat .firat se integraran...claro no necesitaban poner al Bigoton tan violento ni grosero..
@gunes5553 3 жыл бұрын
Sultan halamız gitse çok iyi olur 😠
@Marketing-digital.565 2 жыл бұрын
@sidramahmood7384 3 жыл бұрын
Please make 2 hours episode . I wait all day for the episode. In the meantime I watch old clips again and again. I’m so obsessed with this series
@denizkz7103 3 жыл бұрын
Get well soon 😊😊
@lucentarnold5424 3 жыл бұрын
@saniashahg2802 3 жыл бұрын
Me too
@emikaza6940 3 жыл бұрын
It's a great episode it is making the links with every member of the serial . I just hope Seher and Kiraz will have a full makeover on their looks and dressing. 🙂
@justinet.dotson7228 Жыл бұрын
I know the heart can get you to do many things but I just wish they would find a man who loves them and isn’t afraid to show it.
@ineshdesilva5748 3 жыл бұрын
53 episodes were finished. But no more happy moments. Sadness, querrels, fights, are only. The drama should be balance with heart touching feelings sad and also happy moments.
@user-ur3wu4ef1k 3 жыл бұрын
Серия 53 , захватывает своей интригой, актеры играют замечательно, спасибо представленное удовольствие смотреть этот сериал
@user-ph5ro9ki9o 3 жыл бұрын
Как приятно на знающим языке читать
@mitsuk_. 3 жыл бұрын
Estou com saudade de yaman e seher na mesma casa e de momentos românticos entre os dois.
@RitaSantos-fg9rm 2 жыл бұрын
👍👍🇧🇷🇧🇷🎯♥️eu bem.
@roseanejustinorabelojustin2813 3 жыл бұрын
Seria um grande privilégio, se o Brasil conseguisse traser essa novela para exibir aqui no brasil😍🤩🥰😊🇧🇷
@RitaSantos-fg9rm 2 жыл бұрын
Verdade na Band.
@cleidedesouzaconfeitariaar5325 2 жыл бұрын
Não ia perder nem um capítulo
@ducaduca2769 Жыл бұрын
Muito cacife pra trazer no Brazil 🇧🇷Band não tem dinheiro 🙆🏻
@rosangelamaria6556 2 жыл бұрын
Nedin, Yaman e Alí lindos 🤭🥰🥰🥰
@dulcilearodrigues2537 2 жыл бұрын
Seher lutou tanto para entrar na manção e Yaman não a queria nem por perto, agora ela quer sair , e ele não quer deixar. Não deixa de ter graça...😂😂😂😂😂😂
@peggi70 Жыл бұрын
@iolandatorres4225 3 жыл бұрын
Meu Deus Yamam entrando portão adentro na casa de Ali, esse homem é bruto, mais é lindo demais, quanta elegância, parece um lorde, afffffffff. Sua furia é maior ainda se cuida Seher, o bicho está solto.
@reginal1918 3 жыл бұрын
Desculpa, mas eu estou deixando de gostar desse Yamam....grosso, mal educado......essa autora perdeu os limites do bom senso. ..
@iolandatorres4225 3 жыл бұрын
@@reginal1918 verdade, a série está meio perdida, quanto a Ali e Kiraz, vc tem razão, não se desenvolveram esses personagen, estão na ordem decrescente, cada dia fica pior e para pior a novela ainda colocaram esse personagem dessa Ella, q não sei qual a função, bom só sabe se jogar nos braços do Yaman.
@Altbandeira1 3 жыл бұрын
@@iolandatorres4225 e a velha nojenta que entrou depois da morte do tio do Comissário??? Essa velha acabou com esse núcleo de personagens. A voz dela é irritante...tomei asco. quando chega na parte dela eu pulo... Eles mataram a historia de Kiraz... autora se perdendo !! Afff
@Altbandeira1 3 жыл бұрын
completando: kkkk essa velha é uma péssima atriz!!!
@iolandatorres4225 3 жыл бұрын
@@Altbandeira1 verdade o segundo núcleo é muito chato, esse Ibo q só come, a Naz não sabe trabalhar com mais de um núcleo, ela está completamente perdida, muitas coisas sem explicação, como as joias, o cartão de crédito e já teve outras coisas, q fica pela metade, affff, muita encheção de linguiça. Quanto a tia Sultana, a voz dela é realmente chata e as vezes ela pega pesado. Agora aquela cadeia com Zuhal e aquelas presas não acrescentam nada a história, só perda de tempo. E os personagens q aparecem e depois somem do nadavsem nenhuma explicação, kkkkkk, aja parciência para aturar. isso
@lekshmysatheesh7338 3 жыл бұрын
a cafe about the inheritance file. Don't worry too much about this issue. Ezgi: Begüm, I say fear of you, I'm not saying anything else. Begüm: If only Kiraz understood that she had to be a little afraid of me, too. Then maybe she would go back to her village. What shall we do? She chose this way herself. Kiraz: I wish you stayed longer. The house will be so empty without you. Seher: We'll vist each other. I'll probably rent an apartment near here. We'll finally have a new life with Yusuf. I'm so excited. But also scared. Finding a job... settling down will take time. Kiraz: I hope everything will be as you wish. Should I take some fruits to aunt Sultan? She wanted to get some sleep but... Seher: She's probably sleeping. It's quiet. What's going on? Kiraz: I don't know. Yusuf: What is that noise auntie? Seher: It's nothing dear. Kiraz: I'll go look. Seher: Wait Kiraz. You take Yusuf and go to your room. Yusuf, you go inside with Kiraz. Yusuf: Where are you going? Seher: I'll be right here. Kiraz: Come on Yusufcum. Yaman: Bring my nephew. Right now. Now! Seher: Yusuf will stay here. You can't take him. Yaman: Who says so? Seher: The law. You like it or not, you have to accept this. This is the right thing, for everyone's sake. Yaman: I said, bring Yusuf! Ali: Yaman Kirimli... Yaman Kirimli! Are you raiding my house? Seher: Please calm down. Yaman: The Commissar isn't calm. He's also the one who shows courage to keep my nephew in his home. Who do you think you are? Ali: I'm just a cop who isn't afraid of you and your dogs!
@bardhazejno9711 3 жыл бұрын
Seher ❤yaman ❤jusuf❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ali❤❤kiraz❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@RitaSantos-fg9rm 2 жыл бұрын
Quando ♥️♥️♥️♥️👊🎯🇧🇷
@stolimyrtaj4068 3 жыл бұрын
I really don't understand them,can't they just put an end on it,get married and create a family 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😶
@diluculum89 3 жыл бұрын
Yes put an end to it 😂 the best proposal so far! I agree 100%
@angelytasliu83 3 жыл бұрын
No, they can't... because the scenarist went to smoke...
@hafsaahmed3437 3 жыл бұрын
Only if soap serials life is so simple. They will overcome hell and back before they even will have decent day
@yanahaef6035 3 жыл бұрын
@@angelytasliu83 lmao
@angelytasliu83 3 жыл бұрын
@@yanahaef6035 Sorry. not understood what is means Imao...
@tgquunobsee8907 3 жыл бұрын
Kiraz and yusuf met again 😍😍
@yanahaef6035 3 жыл бұрын
candy lady 😍
@ayshiaalshaikh7212 3 жыл бұрын
I love yeman he is a hustler !!! He made his driver follow Selim he new Selim would go by seher . I wish Iqbal would go by Selim yeman would see her ther that evil snitch . She can get caught ther
@tocuchare 2 жыл бұрын
Esta novela me tiene como loca!!! Ya me he roto todas las uñas! Jajajajajajajaja! Demasiados buenos estos actores !!! Un gran saludo para Turkia desde Venezuela! Tienen muy buenos actores de todas las edades! Mucho talento
@jaquelineassis4981 Жыл бұрын
Fico lendo os comentários é muito divertido me acabo de rir 😂😂😂😂eu fico tensa com os capitulos só falto dá pulos 😂😂😂😂
@sandrabarbosa8377 3 жыл бұрын
Meus amores esse capítulo foi fogo estou cada vez mais adorando meus amores quero agradecer as pessoas que estão mandando cada capítulo e estou a guardando o próximo capítulo 54 boa noite meus amores.
@soraiapereira298 3 жыл бұрын
Eu já sou ansiosa e assistindo essa novela todos os dias aí eu tenho que tomar suco de maracujá com erva cidreira para acalmar os nervos essa novela é muito boa eu amo assistir mas sofro do começo ao fim mas vamos que vamos Brasil parabéns para os atores
@RitaSantos-fg9rm 2 жыл бұрын
Verdade 👏👏👏👏👏🎯👊🇧🇷
@jaquelineassis4981 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂❤️❤️é verdade ficamos com os nervos a flor da pele
@marlenemoris1464 2 жыл бұрын
Esta série é o máximo. O desempenho de Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan e Sıla Türkoğlu é um espetáculo à parte. São sensacionais, perfeitos atuando JUNTOS e ainda o Yusuf, e outros componentes, todos num belíssimo trabalho. Halil no papel de Yaman, fala tudo muito rápido, furioso e cheio de razão, adorando o sobrinho Yusuf, fica inconformado com a custódia que Seher recebe do Serviço Social e se fixam em casa do Comissário ALI...mais uma confusão pela frente...e as ações do Yaman são impressionantes, os olhos dele quase "matando" todo mundo e sempre dando ordens à NEDIM aos berros...momento ímpar de Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan no papel de Yaman. Perfeito. Impetuoso e resoluto nas atitudes, sempre dizendo ao público o seu recado de excelente ator.
@lailamansur3247 3 жыл бұрын
The whole idea that Seher was given even temporary custoday is absurd. How old is she supposed to be? What are the laws in Turkey for someone her age and financial situation being given custody?
@chenturgeman7799 3 жыл бұрын
she's only 21 lol
@navamanimadhavan992 3 жыл бұрын
It's true
@silvananaurato8707 3 жыл бұрын
It's a good thing that both Yusuf and Sereh have left the mansion it will give Mr Y time to think about what he's lost
@daniellebraga9805 3 жыл бұрын
A kiraz tá dormindo no quarto do ali? 🤭😂 nem a boca de sapo conseguiu essa façanha 😂
@ducilenegomes376 3 жыл бұрын
Rindo aqui 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@hunadi28 3 жыл бұрын
There is nothing boring about the episode
@tania714 3 жыл бұрын
Writers bring us some love and kindness, we need them in such time of covid-19, we are already surrendered by depression and sadness 😪
@concesantos3732 3 жыл бұрын
Aguenta coração , chá de camomila na mão kkk
@rosahenriqueramos195 3 жыл бұрын
De cidreira, capim limão,maracujina e tudo que acalme 😂😂😂😂
@haidermemon9533 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing episode. Whish all thing will go to normal and they all live together.
@noemimartins658 3 жыл бұрын
Aí aí mais um episódio com o coração acelerado 😍
@edenzerai8004 3 жыл бұрын
I want to hide under my covers 😩 when Ikbal is laughing at Yaman !! what a shame.
@temmymasi5945 3 жыл бұрын
trues up.. that how evil she is 😏😏😏
@MASimms784 3 жыл бұрын
He deserves it.
@amalziedan 3 жыл бұрын
All fans are angry this episode except selim the soup man got cake to celebrate 🎉🙄🙄🙄
@shazoxr3407 3 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣soupman again ...
@tatianaluca1255 3 жыл бұрын
100%Indeed 🤣🤣🤣
@ayshiaalshaikh7212 3 жыл бұрын
Your so funny 😂😂😂😂
@aliaayyad4403 3 жыл бұрын
Right On with your Soupman comment. He sees hope. Lol.....
@amalziedan 3 жыл бұрын
@@ayshiaalshaikh7212 i was watching the episode depressed how things turning out Sad for yousef missing he’s uncle Sad for Yaman going crazy looking and missing yousef Sad for Saher so worried she need a job and find a new house And here comes selim with he’s stupid cake to celebrate 🙄🙄
@mariatillery7214 3 жыл бұрын
I must say that my emotions are flowing...The acting is believable and fantastic. Seher needs to speak up and explain. Yaman is over reacting in my opinion. Why is he not approaching Saher in a calmer way? Although, it’s understandable that he has suffered, he has insulted Saher and put her through so much pain. How can she forgive him? He pretends he doesn’t care for her. I am not sure what he expects from Saher. She needs talk to him and Yaman needs to let her talk without interruptions. It breaks my heart to see how unfair they are to each other!
@norhayatiyusoff6211 2 жыл бұрын
Here we are getting all excited including myself, highly tense and stressful along the way watching the dramas but in actual fact they were all having fun behind the scene😂😂 … at least that made me feel cool about all the tensions🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@norahlee1348 3 жыл бұрын
I just you want to know, how Yaman can have a strong personality and at the same time be dumb and even acting stupid, he beleive Iqbal easily and of course it's hard from him to believe one word from seher. The writer he need the adjust a lot off things in this drama. Because it start to be boring really.
@yayanalo6120 3 жыл бұрын
He tolerates Ikbal cos he knows her and has been with her for years. He tolerates her because of his brother. Seher he has known only for a few months why should he believe her again?
@user-hr9mw8mh5i 3 жыл бұрын
don;t forget seher also trusts and believes her the imposters always know how to act..
@amalziedan 3 жыл бұрын
I’m watching the episode depressed how’s things turned out 🥺 Sad for yousef missing he’s uncle Sad for yaman going crazy looking for yousef and missing him Sad for saher she’s worried getting a new job and home 🏡 And here’s selim getting cake to celebrate 🎉🙄🙄🙄🙄
@maureenwignall9529 3 жыл бұрын
Him have a nerve!
@amalziedan 3 жыл бұрын
@@maureenwignall9529 u should saw me when I saw selim coming with he’s cake to celebrate 🎉 I flipped and rolled my eyes like this emoji 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@catsup27 3 жыл бұрын
Ya only Selim is happy 🤣🤣🤣
@kelipriscila9721 3 жыл бұрын
Meu Deus que final.....dois lindos com cara de dogao mal....não sei vcs mas eu sou completamente xonada pelo Ali...Que final..huruuuuu
@jaquelineassis4981 Жыл бұрын
@lidineiabordini2328 2 жыл бұрын
Seher volta p mansão lá é o seu lugar com seu Yaman e Yussuf 😍😍
@tiblanes 3 жыл бұрын
Yaman is digging his own grave with his anger and bullying. Fix yourself first boy! CHANGE! Then prove you are a fit guardian for your precious emanet!
@sunflower-ik1mf 3 жыл бұрын
True 💯
@ManarElsa 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that people like him can't feel that they have a problem that need ti be fixed... The way to anyone to cure themselves is to confess their weakness and sickness first
@zmac8689 3 жыл бұрын
@@ManarElsa I guess Yaman thinks it's everyone else who has the problems and he is right all the time.
@ManarElsa 3 жыл бұрын
@@zmac8689 yes that is right
@monicklove9459 3 жыл бұрын
I like this episode two strong characters men Melih Ozkaya (Ali) and Halil are both very good actors... those looks that can kill .....😉🌹
@gunes5553 3 жыл бұрын
Oy kurban olurum sana kuzum amcasını nasılda özlemiş☹️
@arslanyounus1126 3 жыл бұрын
Sehar sweetie...don't got me wrong... But you didn't have a home to go .. but still you think you can rise yousaf well.... Taking away to his uncle home... Where his roots belong... You take him to road side you can't handle yourself dear ... Yaman pay your loans... And that how you r returning him... Yaman may be a beast or some thing... But he is best for his nephew... He let you in his home that how you respond... So sad.... Yaman is bad...but you really hit him in back...
@boragega4952 3 жыл бұрын
I think exactly the same as you. Now I hate Seher 😠😠😠
@elsaariya6982 3 жыл бұрын
@@boragega4952 hope stupid writers will give a genuine reason why she done that...i feel bad for yaman. But not hate seher.
@felicitynefdt9926 3 жыл бұрын
Paying Seher's loans is not buying her like a slave. It doesn't mean that person can do anything to you like grab you, push you around or lock you up like a prisoner.
@skywalker7505 3 жыл бұрын
If you remember she got the custody on the condition that Yusuf will not live in that mansion. As complain about the mansion to social services was.
@satyasrik8949 3 жыл бұрын
Yes i agree with you @arisan younus she hit him back ...I don't like her character ...💥
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