Desejo muito que os povos em todo o globo terrestre nao percam a cultura que marca a cada um. Pois com a globalizaçao muito do que realmente é bom e belo esta se perdendo
@prayerlee65063 жыл бұрын
굿 송
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
GrandeurBravo UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee!.. 😀😀
Apr6'22(entered on apr7th)- allForms of sincerityGiving(withoutFires of descendingNature) are great, greater stillMagnanimously: 1phrase of ascendedGoodnesses which theReceiver becomesSeparately ofEmos &realizesVirtues ya!.. wonderful midWeek in happiness cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
FrmJun23'22- All ourKnowledges, strengths, powers &Wealths areServants to kindlinessWisdoms, goodnessCompassions &pervadingTruthfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
LoveDarlingHoney😘 always makeJokes withSpontaneous face ya!..😘😘😘 didLove timedHow longOur laughter afterLove saying'Call meBetty bCoz ofBaattuiwoera asHal literallyAl!..😅😅' when Divo Paul Simon wasOn interRun yesterday cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
1stDuty inServicing othersAlways in aForm ofLove ya!.. withIt ourCompassion, kindness, sincerityGoodness hearts &Happiness shared.., howeverImperfectly areMiracles than performedPerfectly by othersIn seeing &Saying cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
The virtues of greatConsciousness are moreLovable with/By theInfinite than weObserving ourDignities inWorshipping ya!.. raisingIshvara!!..; trueGodliness ofSelves are beyondWorship stillGoodnesses &Virtues exemplarsOf livingsTimelessly cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
Generally when starts watching Korean drama/movies back in2018(orSo), theImpression inMalay was: 'adaBanyak Naga-Naga!..' Hahahahahahahaha!..🤣🤣 since 'Naga' is dragon toUs, WOW!..😲😅 theKoreans calls theDragons toChase ppls away ya!.. wonderfulMonday &have aGreat weekAhead cheers!.. 😀😀 #note: inputComment here since yesterdayIt was added inNon @Song So Hee Official/@Song So Hee videos.
FrmJul2'22- Love everFlowering inUs prospersLives ya!.. Loving asMuch asWe canHave use ofOthers creates phantomLove whereGains &loyaltyEnds whenBenefits ceases areActs ofDefiance frmOur defeatedHearts(ofLove) really!.. life'sBlessings frmOur pureLoving heartsAre magnanimous4 what canEquivalency asCompensation inOvercoming othersWhilst masteringSelves towards all ascendedGoodnesses areGreatest loveGreatness enjoys byPurest untaintingHeart cheers!.. 😀😀
@prayerlee65063 жыл бұрын
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
FrmJul13,22- Embrace ascendedGoodnesses as 'theFittest' of theConcept 'survivalOf theFittest' ya!.. Moralism towards spiritualGreatness onlyPossible byThose beyondThinking ofHow to beingCompetitive or existencesInfluenced byCompetitions[theHeart's purityAlways sameThroughout!..(evenIf it's aPlay!)]. Free&Creative thoughtsRichly lovingKindness ofOthers areMost excellenceLiving conducts ofMorals cheers!.. 😀😀
@bjs96342 жыл бұрын
발성이 완전 달라졌네요.음
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
We all are different inVocalization friend!.. that'sY now there's voiceID too ya!.. UniverseTraDiva's voiceDifferences areHer greatnessGreatest cheers!.. 😀😀
Mar30/22- giving pervasivelyAccording to theDestitute(properInquiry as what'sWanted) are trueCharity!.., allOthers including those weThink mightBeneficial gifts have natureOf(what's Done4) thoughts ofReturns asWell asThose onPurposes ofIntrigues ya!.. mostProsperous merits rightlyGivings are allVirtuously whenMind falsityFree cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
FullaMaakNice!..😋😋 LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 Love beenFeeding allThose nicelyWonderful banchans!.. Hahahahahahahaha!..😅😅 Hal asks &Love answered lovingly!.., stillDunno whatIt isMade of ya!.. knowsOnly greatLoving Hal beenSwallowing cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘
Aug6'22- Meditatively, mindsAre likeStepping thePillar of aMountain ya!.. ascendedGoodnesses of theHearts are perceivingViews alongCourse, virtuously ofVirtues seenFlowers intoLight(as theBuddha), ifWe amongstThose collects pebbles&Sparks fire intoPillar's light, ascendedGoodnesses 'sincerelyAdmits', surrendersFor correctness as theWorld's nirvanaSustaining withinGalaxies(in universe) isFlawless cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
FullaMaakLoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 till night still laughing on the 'twoMangga🥭'😅😅 whatIs it thisTime!.., Hal alwaysDunno unless LoveDarlingHoney tells ya Love!..😘😘😘😘😘 After sweetlyShyness answer: Haiyayaya!..😂😂 logicallyIt's theSangju's🍇Korean grapes weEnjoys right LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
Be straight-forward, know how to be flexible; clarifyThings, know how toSimplify 2yes&No; beCourageous, know how to beCautious &Be dignified, know how to beUnassuming ya!.. 2theStrong, weInterchangeably weakerOr evenStronger, 2theWeak, alwaysEncouragements+spirits upLifting cheers!.. 😀😀 Jul5th'22 (pm)fB update: worldExpo seeYa!.. in Osaka2025 then Busan2030 cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
If we doBecomes the1Who knowsAwareness, it'sIntelligence leapInto heaven'sVault.., neverMind knows unAwareness asWe still bringsDonkeys 2Destinations ya!.. the1Forevermore inVirtues ofAscended goodnesses doublesWisdom inKindness neutralizesInterchangeably awareUnawareness are theLiberates freeIn perfectnessBlissful cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
Love grandnessAre inEver presentEven in remembrance memoriesForm!.. whenEmos challengesUs inThat wonderfulnessLoving: Only words&Writes!.., nvrGive rises actionsOn rage/discomfort/discontent asWe canSuddenly adoresA devil& obliviousOf ascendedGoodnesses evenSlain loveWithin us ya!.. lovelessThoughts areFoundless far to sayJustified asLove's foundationIs infinitelyEver shinesPeacefulness in trustingWays(really_whollyReady)..; Hehehehehehe!..😅😅 evenSome of theTao translateGot it wronglyBy 'hate4Love' whenTao gracefulness meaningPutting others(love) interest &Welfare1st cheers!.. 😀😀
@lianneotan2 жыл бұрын
Hahahahahahahaha!..😅😅 Love noNeed 2Change Hal soMuch myLoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 (jul1)todayBeing asked: lu apaOrang?.. Korea ka!..; looks foreignerHere mustBe thereAlways with LoveDarlingHoney isIt cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘