I hope he continues this campaign. Tzeentch shenannigans are incredibly fun
@CapybaraConnoisseur892 жыл бұрын
I love Tzeentch in general, he is definitely my favourite, of all and Khorne is next aesthetically, thematically and such. Bombarding enemies with spells is just satisfying, plus deceitful schemes 🐦
@siropallius Жыл бұрын
Hey, just wanted to say I really enjoyed watching this campaign! Thanks for the amazing trickster-god shenanigans
@robertmosley1188 Жыл бұрын
6:28:43 if the ai is just out of range of your teleport from a settlement, you can often do smallest movement possible outside your settlement (in direction of the enemy) and still be able to teleport stance, which means you should easily be able to reach them now
@hatenuke12 жыл бұрын
truly hope a part 3 🙏
@CapybaraConnoisseur892 жыл бұрын
I found Blue Fire of Tzeentch a lot better than wind spell, it has AP damage and if you angle it right. Especially when the enemy is lined up on the walls it can just delete them in half. Pink Fire is good if you manage to bounce it or as finishing spell.
@robinekhoodekful2 жыл бұрын
Maaan Henry Cavill + Legend stream would be so wholesome :D
@dennislauritsen1002 жыл бұрын
dont burn yourself man your channel is great. i hope you cover legion of chaos at some point, im interrested on how you would take out darkblade
@DemonicToasterShark Жыл бұрын
Could you use force rebellion as a way to improve public order as from defeating it?
@Choppy Жыл бұрын
If you have high tzeentch corruption, fighting a tzeentch rebel army in enemy territory is a very good way of casualities replenishment after battle, +15% 😎👍 Casual rebels also replenish but the tzneentch ones are extra buffed since its the same faction
@leto22cz2 жыл бұрын
For @Vladimir Stefanov - If you will read this....Yes ThirdAge mod was fun, back than in times of TWM2....LOTR would not be as fun as Warhammer....Now Im NOT comparing the Lore or the books - Im talking about Games/Game Mechanics....Sure Balrogs would be fun - but take in perspective what state of the game and what game mechanics are CA able to produce....Compare Warhammer and Tolkien works - who has more faction variety (which includes units, faction and specific Lords mechanics, units etc.)....I think that TBfME2 showcased what to expect from potentional TW game....Lets talk Magic - LOTR has basically none that can compere to WH (in-game)....LOTR TW even in 1st age would (and again for the thick-headed - in term of games!!) pale to what Warhammer can offer....Also look at the state of WH3 - I could not bare another cash grab of something I love since I was a kid....
@bradsimon21802 жыл бұрын
After watching legend play this campaign I myself almost want to play the game. Ehh I will decide once we see him play Orion I suppose.
@ghaine122 жыл бұрын
The AI is ridiculous in IE compared to WH2. With a single minor settlement that only offers an income of max 300 they can dish out 2-3 20 stacks and rebuild their armies in a few turns. Their casualty replenishment rate is through the roof. They can colonize a ruin and fully replenish in 1 or 2 turns. They have more campaign movement range than the player. Constantly bee line for the players capital and just have so many unfair ridiculous cheats. I even went through and modded up the game to be what I felt was more "balanced" but still the AI is pure cheese. They can even get to higher tier units far faster than the player can. They get huge diplomatic bonuses and income. For me this killed the game. Legendary difficulty is straight up cancer. VH is frustrating. Hard is probably the most balanced, but some factions just become so weak. Anything less and the AI is brainless.
@JohnSmith-jo3ou2 жыл бұрын
Yeah fully agree. I use the mod "Organic AI" and reduce AI replenishment to -50%, huge improvement. Also you can tweak AI armies manteinance costs and many more variables...
@ghaine122 жыл бұрын
@@JohnSmith-jo3ou wow thx man thats exactly what i was lookimg for!
@leto22cz2 жыл бұрын
There is no longer attrition to armies which colonize settlements....And yeah AI is cheating, but oh boy is it nothing compare to WH2....with exception of AI armies running away distance from either lost battle or retreating....Had Wurzag lost battle at my settlement and retreated all the way to his own - maximum movement for my fresh army....