As with each of the Rahkshi in their respective colors, Kurahk's head, capsule lid and feet are a metallicized version of white sometimes called "Pearl White". Even though pearl can be classified as its own color in itself. Though I didn't have this set, I did obtain the capsule lid in pearl white from a Bionicle "Parts tub" (6638) from 2006, while others of Kurahk's parts-such as the head, feet and spine fin appeared in other Parts tubs (8711, 8715 and 6620) I did not have. The end parts of Kurahk's "Staff of Anger" were also repurposed/reused for one of the Rahaga (4870) in 2005, as well as for projectiles in a minifigure-scale set (8759) from that year, before they were phased out.