LYRICS + TRANSLATION : LEONTINA Ala je lep ovaj svet ! How is beautiful this world ! O, kako je lep ovaj svet ! O, how is beautiful this world ! Sa tobom svaki dan je san ! With you every day is a dream ! Ne pitaš gde sam bio u pet, You don’t ask where I was at 5 o’clock, šta sam pio i kad sam slobodan…. what I drunk, n when I’m free... Sve što ti kažu drugi -lažu ! All what others say to you -they lie ! Kažu-lažu, oči ti mažu..... They say-they lie, they smear your eyes.... Veruj mi ništa nisam krio, Believe me I hid nothing, samo zbog tebe suze lio. only because of you I shed my tears. Ne veruj nikom, - ja te molim, Don’t believe to nobody, -I beg you, hoću, samo tebe, da volim…! I want, only you, to love....! Dugo traje -priča o nama For long -has been lasting -story about us -kažeš da voliš me -ja ne vidim to.... -you say that you love me I don’t see that.... Biće bolje da ostanem sama, It’ll be better for me to stay alone, ti mi donosiš bol, samo bol….. you bring me pain, only pain..... Više nisam naivna mala, I’m no more little naive-one, ni ti nisi isti onaj od pre. neither you are not same from before. Šta sam imala tebi sam dala What I had I gave to you -sve svoje najbolje…..! -all my best.....! REF : REF : Sad idi, ostavi me ! Now go, leave me ! I reci mi : Ne ! And tell me : No ! -razumeću sve -I’ll understand eth al’, molim te, idi što pre ! but, please, go as soon as possible ! I reci mi : Kraj ! And tell me : The end ! -preboleću, znaj, -I’ll get over, know that, samo slobodu meni daj….! only freedom give me......! Ala je lep ovaj svet ! How is beautiful this world ! Ja sam bumbar -ti si cvet ! I’m bumble-bee, -you’re flower ! Ti bi htela da se spustim You’d want me to come down E, baš neću da te pustim ! E, just I won’t to release you ! 2, 3, 4-ta strofa -opet : 2,3,4-th strophe -again :