Let's make an OC! | "If I were in" Ep. 1 - Star Wars

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Sai the Superfan

Sai the Superfan

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@amon6560 2 жыл бұрын
Name: Chande Ley Species: Human Age: 12 Appearance: 5'3 feet, Brown skin, blue eyes, scar on right side of face, dark clothes of an Inquisitor, mask over mouth and nose Planet of Origin: Lothal Title: Inquisitor Ship: Quad-Jumper Force Sensitive: Yes Allegiance: Empire Companions: Other Inquisitors and Darth Vader Weapon: A 2-d lightsaber which is thin enough to cut blaster bolts in half Personality: Murderous, psychotic, unfeeling Backstory: At the age of 6, his parents were murdered in front of him by a group of bandits. One bandit managed to shoot him on the right side of his face. With no one else to turn to, Chande became a scavenger, robbing people in order to survive. But one day, another bandit came and stole most of his stuff. Enraged, Chande discovered his force powers, and killed the bandit. He then decided to create blue prints for a lightsaber. Then, an Inquisitor came to his village to look for the Force Sensitive who has been robbing people. He turned himself in and decided to become an Inquisitor. They didn't even need to convince or torture him. When the time came for him to bleed his lightsaber crystal, he did it without a second thought. He rejected a normal Inquisitor lightsaber, opting to finally create the lightsaber he designed. He then became known as the 14th brother, a twisted individual who kills people without reason
@-That1Ghost- 2 жыл бұрын
Idk why but I like the idea of being a storm trooper sorta like Finn but instead of being against the empire he'd be with the empire. I'd think he'd be a combat engineer who's modified his weapons and armor to be even more effective. I have no clue how I'd make this work and it's just an idea for now but if I come with something I'll edit this
@ChootheKoala Жыл бұрын
1) Dunn Ecae 2) Nautolan 3) 21 4) this species doesn't have to many differing traits but my skin would be like a blue steel color 5) Glee Anselm 6) he hops from job to job when needing to, trying to hide from the imperials 7) a repurposed z95 fighter from the clone wars 8) yes, and i've been trained in the jedi arts 9) leaning towards light but is more neutral than anything 10) BD-81 11) I have two lightsabers one green which is mine, and one purple which I got from my master before he was killed in order 66 12) yes but it's way to long to write here. I know this doesn't matter anymore cause I am seeing this so late but i like this thought idea.
@darthnotvader 3 жыл бұрын
1) Jorel Alden 2) Human 3) 19 during order 66 (born in 38 BBY) 4) Bage Jedi clothes, standard brown Jedi robes, hair similar to Ben solo but brown, brown boots, dark brown belt, pretty standard Jedi look 5) Naboo 6) Jedi padawan, becomes a spice runner after order 66 7) Y2K-Light freighter, (Jorel bought it after order 66) 8) yes ofc 9) The republic, later on joins the rebellion with a band of friends 10) Has a master in the Jedi order, master dies, forms a group of “rebels” if you will 11) Standard lightsaber that’s blue, has average force abilities like, push, mind trick, etc 12) Born on Naboo in 38 bby, Jorel Alden’s parents were killed when he was 6 years old by the separatist alliance, being a natural pilot he was able to escape Naboo. He was cruising in space scared to death not having any idea what to do, he had gone so far from Naboo he had no idea where he was, after a few days he was about to die when 2 ships latched cables onto his ship and started tugging him, they took him to Coruscant, they told him that several ships had informed the senate of a random ship floating and ordered 2 people to help him. They did a midichlorian test on Jorel, he had 12,000 midichlorians. Jedi Master Mace Windu assigned Jorel to be Dain Tarask’s padawan learner, Jorel and his master went on countless missions and they grew a strong bond, Dain was a Jedi knight who was powerful with the force but average at lightsaber combat, he was born in 52 bby. During the clone wars they encountered asajj ventress, Dain was injured but Jorel was able to hold her off long enough for his master to get back up and eventually asajj fled. Just before order 66, Jorel and Dain were sent to Corellia with the 41st elite Corps battalion to help stop the spepratist from destroying any ship manufacturers. During order 66 Jorel and Dain were able to escape in a small ship. They went back to Corucant and saw the immense destruction on the temple, they got shot down and crashed, Dain died in Jorel arms, he went around and killed any clone he saw. He stole alight freighter he found to leave Coruscant but the clones followed him and that lead to an intense space battle where Jorel was able to escape thanks to his amazing piloting. He went to an unknown planet in the outer rim to complete his Jedi training. After a year of hiding and training he thought he would go make some money. He landed on Kijimi and became an illegal spice runner, this was his occupation for about 2 years until he was intercepted by an imperial star destroyer that put him in prison for running illegal spice. After a year in prison he was sent to Raxus Prime to work for the empire. He worked there for 4 years, he made a 3 very good friends who’s names are unknown, they planned to escape in tie fighters. Their plan worked and they were able to escape, they became a crew that would go from planet to planet and help people out. Jorel did have an encounter with an inquisitor but thanks to his training he was able to take her down. His crew joined the rebellion and were associated with gathering intel and going undercover. He was at the battle of endor in an A-wing. He eventually died in 28 ABY just before the rise of the first order, it is unknown how he died but he died My second one: 1) Keskar (he’s a male) 2) yellow zabrak 3) 86 years old during the A New Hope (born in 86 bby) 4) He wears a mandalorian helmet with the horns on it like we see in the clone wars, he stole it. Black clothing, 6’1, 160lbs, dark boots, jet pack with a cape hanging over his right shoulder. With beskar amour 5) Born on Dathomir but moved to mandalore when he was very young 6) Used to be a mandalorian warrior, became a bounty hunter 7) Rogue shadow 8) No, he is not force sensitive 9) his allegiance was to mandalore, lost faith in them and when he was a bounty Hunter his allegiance was to no one 10) R5 unit 11) Duel wield CR-2 blaster pistols, also has a sniper made from beskar than can turn into a staff 12) born on Dathomir to parents who were killed when he was 3, an attack happened on his village, his uncle took him to keep him safe, they went to mandalore bc his uncle had many friends who lived there. Keskar was trained by mandalorian soliders until he was ready to become a warrior himself. One day he was with some fellow mandalorian soliders when suddenly they turned on him. Because he was a zabrak they hated him, luckily he got away. He spent months plotting revenge bc he couldn’t fathom what they did to him he was furious. He went back to them and released his anger killing all of them. He eventually became a bounty hunter, killing people or capturing them for credits. He became a bounty hunter bc it made him feel good because every waking moment since his friends turned on him he got angrier and angrier so becoming a bounty hunter and killing people relieved his stress.
@gamb1t3 3 жыл бұрын
I know I’m very late but if you see this, I really love your videos and just wanted to answer 1) Hugo Minn 2) Mirialan (Male) 3) Age 19 4) Mirialan Physiology (Human with olive green skin, Black diamond patterned tattoos along cheekbones and on chin) Black hair swept to the side with grey T shirt and pants with bandages on forearms. 5) Originally from Mirial, now residing in Tatooine 6) Adventurer and Droid Mechanic 7) J-Type Star Skiff 8) Cliche, but yes because I my favorite thing about Star Wars is the force and combat system. My force abilities would be Force-Force fields and Force Telepathy as well as the basic telekinesis/push/pull 9) I would be a grey Jedi :D not following the rules of the Jedi order but not falling to the dark side. 10) An assassin droid modified by me to become a Humorous companion named IG 77 11) An inquisitor double bladed spinning Saber that is white instead of red 12) Hugo Minn was a Jedi Padawan who was defending his home world of Mirial from a storm trooper invasion attempt along with several other Jedi part of the new republic, and made a decision which cost the lives of two other Jedi in order to defend a group of civilians. The council saw this as a crime and sentenced him to exile. Hugo took this honourably, and relocated to coruscant where he defeated an inquisitor with just the force and discovered his force field ability. He would purge the bleeding kyber crystal to make the inquisitor blade white, and move permanently to Tatooine because it reminds him of his home planet, and become a grey Jedi. He’d open a droid repair shop with his modified droid friend IG 77 and occasionally get into mischief.
@200yearsago5 Жыл бұрын
1. TBT-7274800 2. Droid 3. Was manufactured 18 years ago 4. A custom made droid made with other parts of droids. head with a first order snowtrooper helmet, body and legs of a commando droid, arms of a third generation dark trooper with copper,lime and red paint patterns with jet pack and jet boots 5. Hoth 6. Skill- ship mechanics and droid repair Occupation- bounty hunter 7. Delta 7 star fighter with the cockpit replaced with a whole x-wing T70 8. Yes the droid is force sensitive but with synthetic midi-chlorians they make his force as strong as yoda and starkiller together 9. Jedi 10. Custom BB droid with blood red and copper paint and comes with a flamethrower and electric grapplers 11. A lightsaber like kilo rens with copper and rosegold color hilt with a teal/turquoise or blue green blade 12. TBT-7274800 was made on hoth by a droid mechanic and was a gift to THE darth vader and was a prototype how ever when it was being shipped from the death star to darth vaders corders a group of bounty hunters broke into and rob the ship holding him and when they were going to sell him for scrap he was accidentally powered on and killed all the bounty hunters and took and sold their ship they later on became a bounty hunter using his credits to by ship scraps to make his ship. There are alot more details but i can not describe them without showing a picture
@themachine9811 2 жыл бұрын
1:commander inferno 2:clone/human 3:21 4:looks like Jango fett but his armor is black with red markings representing his company/legion 5:Kamino 6:was a arc trooper for the republic but broke through his control becoming his own persone 7:no but does have a speeder 8:no 9:none because he doesn't want attention drawn and doesn't want to be taken back by the rebels 10:no 11:yes it would be a e11 blaster (most commonly used by death troopers) 12:yes he would be a rouge arc trooper that would take bountys from people givin his new personality.he takes bountys on tatooin because it was the last place were he was stationed before breaking out of the rebels control and now he looks for a actual purpose that might even result with him going back and working with the rebels once more Ps.sorry this was such a late story but I wanted it to get out there.oh and sorry if there is some lore that doesn't match up
@hayo_hru 4 жыл бұрын
I'm late to the party to be in the vid you just made, but awe well! 1) What's your name? CL-8702 AKA Rover 2) What's your species? Human (Clone) 3) What's your age? technically 10 (biologically 20) 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? He looks exactly like all other Clone Troopers, but has 2 shaved lines in the left side of his hair and a soul patch. He painted his armour to have purple on it, as it was his favourite colour after witnessing Mace Windu using his lightsaber in battle 5) What's your planet of origin? Kamino (duh) 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? Clone Trooper, he is really good at sabacc 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? None of his own 8) Are you force sensitive? No 9) What's your allegiance? The Grand Army of the Republic 10) Do you have companions of any kind? A brown and orange Loth-Cat 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? DC-15A blaster rifle 12) What's your backstory? Created, born and trained on Kamino at the height of the Clone Wars alongside his fellow clones, he was eventually deployed under the leadership of a Jedi Padawan who was turned into a Knight so he could lead prematurely. His legion was successful under the guidance of the Jedi General, but one day the Jedi got in over his head and the entire legion died, including the Jedi. He did not resent the Jedi for the young generals mistakes. He was transferred to another legion, where he got in a scuffle with another clone, so he was moved once more, gaining the nickname Rover. He has become cold and detached from other Clones, not seeing them as brothers, as his brothers, the ones he was trained to fight alongside since birth, they were gone.
@thelyricalsign 6 жыл бұрын
If I were to be in star wars my name would probably be 1. Galactic Gangster, 2. Human, 3.13yo, 4. 5'4" 120lbs( basically the same person), 5. Nar Shaddaa, 6.Not so sure, 7. maybe a B-wing Fighter, 8. Yup, 9. Not so sure, 10. Companion will possibly be chubaka(or one of my fam members), 11. Lightsabers(color is gold) for life, 12. Yes(have an idea but to long to type it lol).
@2-d944 4 жыл бұрын
I'd be 1. 17 2. 143lbs 3. human 4. from lower levels of coruscant 5. name- Naat kiro/3rd brother 6. inquisitor 7. tie phantom but with 2 wings
@artist_lemonade1593 4 жыл бұрын
Holy sweet mother of god, you are under-rated. Barely 1k, you deserve 1mil!
@Sharp3431 3 жыл бұрын
Such a positive and pleasant video, I love it.
@greenglassblock1324 5 жыл бұрын
Name: "Spades" A1141141 Species: human (clone) Age: 12 (24 because accelerated aging) Appearance: jango fett clone with "for the republic" and an ace of spades on the back of the head, the armor is mostly clone trooper armor but some parts are from arc troopers or commandos, a hodgepodge of them Planet of origin: Camino Skill: hand2hand combat, advanced blaster training Ship: whatever the other clones are on Weapons: generic blaster rifle Force sensetive: obviously not Backstory: clone number A1141141 or "spades" is just a regular clone trooper with no remarkable experience, only one thing stands out and that is he managed to go 1 on 1 with asage ventris (when she didnt have her lightsabres) disobeyed order 66 and disappeared somewhere
@greenglassblock1324 4 жыл бұрын
@@saithesuperfan big mcthankies from mcspankies
@luish8056 4 жыл бұрын
>.> Nice name...
@gotcha-toon3940 Жыл бұрын
Ok here it goes Name: averin Creature : same a asoka Age: 17 Appearance : 5ft2, jeti looking robes Planet : corisont Occupation : pawdiwan Ship : Cwoldjummper are they force sensitive: yes Allegiants: jeti Companion : loth cat, r2a9, kane lay* a rebel Weapon: light saber double bladed, purple Backstory : had my planet destroyed by the empire but was was help out by the rebellion a
@oddballgaminghd1987 Жыл бұрын
Oh man, coming back and watching this is so nostalgic for me. I haven't watched this video in years. Let's see what's changed: 1) Korran Acklo 2) Diss (Like Carib Diss) 3) Varies as when he is younger, around Obi Wan's ROTS age and when he grows older, after Order 66 4) A warm grey Jedi tunic with deeper blue robes overlapping it, dark leather boots, black skin (when older, skin colour grows white), no hair 5) Nevarro 6) Jedi Master, High Council by the time of ROTS 7) Jedi Starfighter and interceptor (colour: light violet) 8) A non force sensitive Jedi master? Not even possible lol 9) Republic, goes on to assist the Rebellion in the Galactic Civil War 10) An astromech by the name R12, also good friends with Obi Wan (Ben Kenobi) 11) A Cyan, Core Lightsaber, Core is only forged by great wisdom, he would use it backhanded as well as normally, his ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is 12) Born on Nevarro and brought in by the Jedi Order. Trained as a youngling until was taken on by Jedi master Yarael Poof of the High Council. Trained in Form 2, Makashi, he was an expert duelist and a wise, for his age, Jedi. By the time of ROTS, he too had a seat on the Jedi High Council. Like Jedi Master Yoda, he would not rely on his lightsaber as much in battle but instead would use the force. When Order 66 struck, he was on Utapau to assist Master Kenobi in battle. He would aid Kenobi in escape where they both exiled on Tatooine. He would find refuge in the small town of Mos Pelgo. There he would remain until he received word from Obi Wan (now Ben Kenobi) that he and Skywalker where currently on their way to Alderaan. When he discovered this, he decided it was time to come out from exile. At this point, he was much older and had aged like Ben. His scaled skin was white and he no longer relied on his sabers. He would travel to Dagobah to reunite with his old friend Yoda. The rest of the story of the OT would carry out as usual. He was present during the Battle of Endor, fighting alongside Lando to take down the second Death Star. Years later, by the time of the last Jedi, he was 653 (The Diss kind average was 650). He would instead sacrifice himself (instead of Holdo) by jumping to lightspeed to destroy the First Order Dreadnought. he went on the become a force ghost, reuniting with his old Jedi friends....
@elizabethrm09 4 жыл бұрын
Name: Myra Tillis Species: Human Age: 15 Planet of origin: Lothal Appearance: No significant features Force sensitive: Yes Occupation: In the Imperial Academy Allegiance: The rebellion Companions: No one. Weapon: E-11 blaster rifle Backstory: At the young age of 11 Myra was put into the Imperial Academy by her parents. They thought that the academy cod change her, make her a better daughter that fought for the Empire. Myra was sad and alone. She did not was to follow orders but she was scared. Later in her years of the academy she started to realise that she cod do things. Move things. Hurt things. She knew that she was different but she was afraid that if the Empire knew that she could use the force then they might kill her. She kept it to herself. Trying not to get angry because when she is angry that is when she does the more damage. She has been able to get away with little things but she wants to escape. Be free. Join the Rebellion.
@torrencewaespe8503 2 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name? Ren Lecton 2) What's your species? ~Space Tiefling~ 3) What's your age? 18 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? Just me, but with horns and a tail 5) What's your planet of origin? Coruscant 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? Jedi Padawan 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? A Razor Crest, big enough to live in, but small enough to be easy to dock 8) Are you force sensitive? Abso-friggin-lutely 9) What's your allegiance? Jedi 10) Do you have companions of any kind? A Jedi Master, and also an R2 unit. I'd probably paint the unit purple. 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? Lightsaber!!!! Also purple :p 12) What's your backstory? Mysterious and sightly tragic, bc I can't help myself
@SylverQrow 2 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name: Jay Birch 2) What's your species: NightBrother Togruta hybrid (ik Nightbrothers are already hybrids lol but this is fun) 3) What's your age: 27 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? brown orange skin. fluffy curly black hair with 4 thin lekku protruding downwards and 2 horns protruding from the hair line and 2 smaller ones from the hair. simple face and chest tattoos, average looking build. 5) What's your planet of origin: Shili born, lives on a Hammer Head 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title: Scrapper and Bounty hunter on the side 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? Modified Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette 8) Are you force sensitive: yes 9) What's your allegiance: Crew of the Silver Purrgil (The hammerhead he lives on) 10) Do you have companions of any kind: aside from the crew, Modified for combat Protocol Droid and a BP Droid (Bag Pack Droid, custom droid with an outer shell made of beskar, used to shield back, have minor industrial cutting tools for scrapping, taser and holds a limited amount of first aid items like stims) 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it: blaster and a scrapped together orange bladed lightsaber. 12) What's your backstory: born on Shili, never knowing who his father was and raised by mother until her death by slavers at age 15. Ended up leaving the planet as a stow away. taking may odd jobs but finding he liked scrapping the most. ended up scrapping on a planet with a jedi temple, he was called to the resting place of jedi who was killed in combat. close to the body was a red crystal that cried out to him in pain, and when Jay picked it up he wept with it. when the crystal stopped screaming, Jay looked at it and it was nolonger crimson, but orange. From there, he attempted to visit other places that called to him and he learned how to use the force in some capacity. he ended up joining the Silver Purrgil scapping guild which doubled as a base of operation for a bounty hunter's guild. originally the backstory was that he was a survivor of order 66 as a padawan and he just becomes a bounty hunter who takes on small jobs and meets someone who was a former knight (my friend in real life) and they start a hunting guild with their crew comprising of mostly modified droids. But my self insert is more on the side of, i can see myself still crapping, being born when the jedi order was falling/fell and taking on riskier jobs to make ends meet. Also being force adept rather than a master or anything cus Togruta and Night Brother's being from cultures that are force sensitive, think ide use it in a way that augments my body and enhance my perception rather than force pushes and all of that. I dont want to make allegiances to any light or dark side and i like the stance of heres a group with a similar mind set, we work, we take people in preferably warm, and i have an actual place to sleep at night where i dont have to watch for people trying to kill me (often).
@talialyneramedies6977 3 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name? Rilex 2) What's your species? Titanian Eternals 3) What's your age? 28 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? not purple (lol) diamond eye (left eye ) dark red spicky hair hair normal chin ,6''8 5) What's your planet of origin? earth 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? commander of his own team 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? none 8) Are you force sensitive? no 9) What's your allegiance? X wing 10) Do you have companions of any kind? his teammates (1 is Sai ) 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? white light saber &crossbow 12) What's your backstory? one day when Gamora died she reincarnated herself into rilex
@RazorShellz_1 Жыл бұрын
Ok get ready for a ride lol Name : Razor Species : human Age : 15 Apperance : im 6 foot, blonde hair blue eyes, my armor is all white with orange acsents and a gray robe and gray jetpack Home planet : hoth Occupation : Bounty hunter / mandalorian Ship : My ship is the razor crest but a bit shortee with longer wings, a gunship :D Force sensitive : nope Allegance : i work with anyone who pays Companion : a BD-1 droid, colors white and orange with black acsents Weapons : duel pistol blasters, 2 flamethrowers on my wrist armor, 2 retractable razlr bladss on wrist armor (on wrist armor aswell), and 1 kylo ren based lightsaber with an orange saber color :0 Significant backstory : not much but my parents were murderd on hoth so i left and was raised by mandalorians, and went for a bounty on a jedi who would become my friend and master to teach me about saber combat and help me make my own saber using the 2 haves of a red and yellow kyber krystals that i found Edit : oh and im in sequal time lol
@traktor420 3 жыл бұрын
Name: Jak Cal Species: Human Age: early twenties Appearance: 5’10, has a laser mark on his arm Planet of origin: Tatooine/coruscant depending on how you define this Occupation: former inquisitor, now rogue force user , also a good mechanic Ship: quad jumper Force sensitive: yes, but not very, only around 14,000 midichlorians, similar to obi-wan Allegiance: himself Companions: a mandalorian vigilante, and a spider esque droid Weapon: a purple lightsaber with a knife on the end of it in order to disguise it Backstory: A padawan who survived order 66, and was turned into an inquisitor, he found his old master and killed him, but his master had attempted to turn him, it was getting to him, until he finally came to his senses after much consideration and ran off, he met his mandaloiran friend and the mando tried to kill him still thinking he’s an inquisitor, but they made up and they now share a quad jumper, and the droid is one he made himself I know this is incredibly late but I just wanted to share my oc
@BruceWayne-ly6sw 7 ай бұрын
Very well thought out! I’m also making a Star Wars oc, so this helped a lot!
@bettyw6914 3 жыл бұрын
1) Dekar 2) Human 3) 16 or 17 4) 5'8, brown hair, green eyes, always wears a face covering (not like mandolorians) like face masks 5) dude i just wanna be from tatooine (or dagobah but id die if i was from there) 6) i wanna be good at using a lightsaber but i would be so bad at piloting 7) come on we all want the falcon. or an x wing man 8) i hope so 9) i think id be light? i hope i am 10) i want an r2 unit so bad 11) id so have a lightsaber. sabers are 200% cooler than blasters 12) i feel like it would be set just after luke around the time of mando. i haven't rly thought of a backstory tho he mightve found an abandoned x wing and decided to find its owner????
@valeriee6441 3 жыл бұрын
1) Name: Not sure, calls himself Soup. 2) Species: Human, male. 3) Age: 19 4) Appearance: He sharpened his own teeth with a rock, fluffy black hair & brown eyes. 5) PlanetOfOrigin: Lothal 6) Occupation/Skill/Title: Practices music in spare time, also a decent pilot. 7) Ship: Quadjumper. 8) Force sensitive: No. 9) Allegiance: None. 10) Companions: Re-programmed Imperial Mouse Droid. 11) Weapon: Red Lightsaber (isn't a Sith, just found a red one), with the umbrella-like emitter modification. 12) Backstory: Soup had a generally normal life until a group of trouble-makers infiltrated the small village they lived in, taking his father away. His mother just hid and told Soup to escape, which he hated doing, but had to. After that he was taken in by an old man. The old man looked after him for years, he taught him Lightsaber Fighting Form V, Except his 'saber' was a broom, because he was only 16, and they didn't have access to any sabers anyway. He had forgotten his name, but the old man noticed that he loved soup quite a lot; so that was his new name. One day he adventured too far and found an abandoned fighter ship that crash landed, he found a strange item and a droid. He brought these things back to the man and he identified the object as a Lightsaber, which he then kept. He re-programmed the droid so it could now be a suitable companion. It also has googly eyes now, but not the point. The bot is now adapting to English. He then sold some scraps from the fighter-ship, got quite wealthy, and bought his own ship! It had enough room to be a house/apartment as well. He visits the man as much as he can, only thinking if his mother could still be somewhere among the dust that was his old village.
@that0neguy45 3 жыл бұрын
Ok sorry this is late and also I have 2 OC’s First one: Name: Yax Matara Species: human Age: 23 Look: I have an orange jacket with brown vader like leather gloves and I have a glowing yellow right eye Planet: Nevarro Occupation: smuggler and droid technition Ship: yes I have one and it’s like the slave one and I call it “Cargo Carrier” Force sensitivity:I do but in my beginnings I did not know it also I’m not crazy powerful as I’m still learning Allegiance: I don’t have one but the me and the guavian death gang have some beef Companion: I do have one and it’s a white BB unit with gold accents also an old assassin droid I programmed to drive and help me protect the ship and my as I see dad who adopted me when the separatists killed my parents Weapon: I use a standard Han Solo like pistol an E-11 blaster and a yellow saber which I don’t use much again cuz I’m still learning also I got my saber by going to a jedi temple which surprisingly had a jedi who survived which taught me how to use the force and get what ever saber pieces were left and make a saber which is why it’s so all over the place and since he could not leave the temple we had to use a kyber crystal from an old temple guard saber Backstory: On Nevarro when I was 10 my parents were killed by the separatists but I was adopted by a young droid technician named Nave Drogeen who taught me how to use a blaster and fix droids and once I was 18 he taught me how to drive a ship and a couple years later found a temple while heading back to my ship and out of curiosity I walked in thinking there’d be something valuable and I found an old man in a brown robe that seemed to be meditating I walked up to him and he saw my glowing yellow eye and knew I was special he told me “you have something special” I looked at him confused “you are connected to the force I can tell” I look in shock and confusion and then he started training me and still to this day I go back to the temple for more training Second one: Name: he doesn’t go by his real name and only his code name which is Envy Species: human Age: 36 Looks: he has a dark jedi outfit like anakins and he wears a brown cloak and a dark mask with unique carving and a creepy toothy smile Planet: tatooine Occupation: he doesnt really have one but what he does is collect Sith artifacts to one day destroy them Ship: he does have one and it’s a small ship like a tie fighter with hyper speed Force sensitivity: yes and he is strong in it with the fact he is able to collect all the Sith artifacts and not die Alliance: he has none but will occasionally help the resistance Companion: he has one a small black and grey BB unit Weapon: duel light sabers one with a black crystal which he somehow got and that is unknown and one red due to how much darkness flows through him and they can connect to become a double sided light saber and he got his saber by traveling to different Sith areas and took apart different sabers to make his own Backstory: His young parents his dad 21 and mom 19 had him right before the empire raided tatooine and seeing what happened to the other towns they seeked help from what’s left of the Jedi and they were train his father by obi won right before he left and his mom by an unknown female jedi but they were killed in front of his eyes by a Sith using the power of a Sith artifact and from that day on he made it his mission to learn the full potential of the force and collect each and every Sith artifact and destroy them Yax’s saber: twitter.com/DawkosM/status/1347759699408674820?s=20 Envy’s saber: twitter.com/dawkosm/status/1347762864401113088?s=21
@Darkwintre 4 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name? Elyot Tuarte 2) What's your species? Near Human Male 3) What's your age? 45 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? Nathan Filion dressed up as a space cowboy sounds about right. 5) What's your planet of origin? Anoat 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? Former Jedi Knight I used to train Padawans in the lightsaber combat forms 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? A modified Ghtroc Freighter 8) Are you force sensitive? Does the current Jedi Grandmaster have the habit of not talking properly? 9) What's your allegiance? Former Jedi more inclined to support the Separatists than the Republic. 10) Do you have companions of any kind? Just my twelve year old son Joshua who I've been training to help cope with his inherited abilities 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? I retain my basic lightsaber, I dislike the options other crystals provide but I tend to carry a standard blaster to avoid relying on my force abilities alone. 12) What's your backstory? Former Jedi Knight I flunked Mace Windu because of a dangerous weakness in his force abilities believing he was far from ready. Was over ruled by the Council who then threatened to put my son into care as he has great difficulty with the lightside of the force mostly because the idiots they put in charge of his training had no idea what they were doing. Left the order finding out about the Separatists Alliance and that someone in the Republic was manipulating events to cause a war. Alerted Qui-Gon Jinn about this after helping him discover the techniques required to become a force ghost. Had wanted to introduce it into standard training for all Jedi, but the other force ghosts refused only accepting Qui-Gon after careful deliberation. Had agreed to accompany Qui-Gon and his padawan to Naboo to help with the negotiations a clear diversion to help topple Chancellor Valorum and replace him with someone more suitable to whoever this Darth Plaguies is. Odd someone in the Republic has apparently contacted the Temple in Coruscant sending the Padawan I flunked to have a word with me over my interactions with Qui-Gon. It’s almost time its very clear this Republic Envoy is going to make an attempt on his life, Mace alone even with his new technique has no chance against me so therefore it’s a set up for a sniper with Mace clueless as ever. Poor child he reminded me of my son in many ways, but I have seen Mace’s fate his weakness causing the loss of his arm before being flung out of a window by force lightning it’s a simply matter to place the subconscious impulse that will save his life despite the loss of his arm. There behind me hiding near the spaceport a sniper in Republic Guard gear fortunately I was prepared for this well in advance. “Hello Mace, you do understand if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine?” “Yes I know you don’t understand, I’m simply quoting Qui-Gon’s padawan when he faces the same situation as I do now. Haven’t you figured out you were sent to insure I wouldn’t be able to help Qui-Gon at Naboo? They needed someone who would recognize me and try to keep my attention, when I tell you where you can go jump by the way hasn’t that sniper of yours had enough time to shoot me in the back?” I told him. Then it happened I had the strangest sensation of my body or rather my clothing falling to the ground as Mace stared down in shock at the now empty clothing. Turning I see the others waiting. Was it like this for you too? I ask them
@kalebtatum6787 4 жыл бұрын
#1:Koth Edosh (mostly called by koth) #2:mandalorian #3:18 #4:bright green eyes but other then that mainly humen #5:corasant (Republic time) #6:Jedi padawan(master unknown) #7:Me & my master use a mondo gountlet starship #8:yes #9:The Jedi Order #10:K3-T3 a little junk droid (and my master) #11:yes a double bladed lightsaber(Green) #12:just being raised by the jedi order. Ps thanks this was a lot of fun.
@Offbrand._.goat._.cheese Жыл бұрын
(This is kinda long and is not a self insert but just a character I made for fun, hope you enjoy :D) Lilac Hunter: Real name: Yeril Brood / Trooper Name: MQ-6691 White human male 29 years old, 5”10’, weighs 142 lb. Bounty hunter Former imperial stormtrooper (scout trooper variant) Not force sensitive Has an EE-3 Carbine Rifle and EC-17 hold out blaster pistol(along with a small assortment of other things you’d assume a bounty hunter to have) Brood is very agile, and skilled with blasters of all types, especially long ranged blasters. He is an okay pilot, likes to build things in his free time, lacks social skills due to storm troopers being taught not to talk to each other, tends to be overly cautious, and can appear self centered and act like a jerk as a coping mechanism to keep himself from attaching to anyone, but once your in his circle, he’ll do anything for you. (His personality is caused by trauma of war, his fellow stormtrooper friends dying by his side in battle, and the harsh training troopers have to go through, being taught to suppress their emotions and disregard fallen comrades, and even being forced to push on into sometimes impossible odds) Yeril Brood, aka trooper MQ-6691, was a scout trooper working for the empire, who was stationed on endor during the battle of Endor. Him and his squad were ambushed by Ewoks amidst the battle where he’d be injured. Lying beaten and battered after the fuzzy little fellas were done with him, he stared into the sky and watched as the Death Star 2 was blown up. All he’s ever worked for, his entire purpose in life, now destroyed. With the emperor and darth Vader gone, along with his belief in the empires security and strength, Brood defects from his duties and goes AWOL. He escapes Endor by stealing a rebel ship, and naturally finds himself on the planet of tatooine. Brood, lacking credits and wanting to feel like he has a purpose again, vandalizes and upgrades his old imperial armor, and uses his combat knowledge to become a bounty hunter. From there on, he shall be known as the Lilac Hunter. After the move to tatooine, brood trades the rebel ship for a YT-2400 light freighter shuttle, and he also creates his own bd droid, bd-118, who will be Brood's companion in the future. The lilac bandit goes on his final hunt only 5 years later, looking for grogu, where he dies by the hands of the mandalorian. He made a good name for himself in that time, but mandalorians aren’t to be taken lightly, sadly, he had to learn that the hard way.
@RadicalTactical 2 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name? Kao the Merchant 2) What's your species? Unknown 3) What's your age? Unknown 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? A plague doctor mask with goggles stich together, and they wear a winter coat with they wearing the hood covering their head with boots that have sticker on them with bag carrying all of their belongings and stuff to trade. 5) What's your planet of origin? The planet cover in snow Hoth 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? A trading merchant or people call them the wandering merchant, and a very good negotiontor. 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? A stolen fighter jet that they made some tweeked and extras named StarBoy. 8) Are you force sensitive? Yesn't Kao still has it a bit after their powers been stripped away. 9) What's your allegiance? Gods (formerly) Jawas (currently) 10) Do you have companions of any kind? They have a Porg named Berg 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? A bowcaster and a stun gauntlet. The bowcaster can be equipped by any arrow by Kao and the stun gauntlet can be twice as powerful as normal as Kao tweeked it. 12) What's your backstory? Kao was onced and an deity respected by all and respected by the demi-gods and the others. Kao was exiled and stripped away their powers as they were banished to the planet Hoth where the locals found them. They started to make a new life, and starting a buisness. They would make travellers do bounty hunts and rewarded them. When Kao was captured by the Rebels thinking they were working for the dark side just to make sure they arent trying to build the imperial again, Kao met a Porg and named it Berg, Kao was set free by a team of travellers or idk. Kao went into trouble for accidently assaulted an new repbulic officer, Berg (the porg) basically stole an idk shiny stuff and gave it to Kao, for that Kao had to gave it back but they knee they would get arrested, so just threw Berg at em and gently put it back. Kao was captured by the imperial, and they did everything to execute Kao but cant. After that Kao escaped by their own and use their stun gauntlet to stun some guards to get out of there. Kao escaped and ya know stole a few thing there and here i mean they even stole a fighter jet. Kao was back in buissness with a partner, but things were surely bad for Kao as the Rebels wanted to use Kao as a weapon because ex-deity. Now travellers can find Kao in the city planets where they run their shop and sometimes do their buisness on their own. Kao also met an mandolorioan who got stuck in the dessert planet. Kao basically lead the way through the dessert while being hunted by tusken. Kao and the mando were really good friends after this, and sometimes Kao helped the mando with his bountys. But mostly Kao can be found in random forest area where they count the prices for their trades. Kao is basically Chaotic Neutral and i hope you enjoyed this because i had to edit ir.
@arabianflowers 4 жыл бұрын
Name: Elizimira Hadileen Species: Human Age: 17 years Appearance: I look a lot like Hailee Steinfeld so I chose her to portray my character. Planet of origin: Exegol Occupation, skill, or title: Jedi Sentinal Ship: A speeder that she built herself. She calls it The Desert Rose. Force-sensitive?: Yup! She's very powerful but she doesn't quite know how to channel her power in the beginning. Thanks to her master Rey, she learns how to balance the light and the dark Allegiance: Unspecified, but she leans more toward the Jedi and the light side. Companions: Belle Moonstar (biological mother; human; alive), Zayn Hadileen (biological father; human; alive), Jayson Hadileen (biological brother; human; alive), Aurora Stargazer (best friend/sister figure; human; alive), Bohdi Chevalier (best friend/love interest; human; alive), Symphony Cosmos (best friend; human; alive), Rey Skywalker (birth name: Rey Palpatine; mentor/sister figure; human; alive), Finn (best friend/brother figure; human; alive), Poe Dameron (best friend/uncle figure; human; alive), Rose Tico (best friend; human; alive), Lauriana Dune (also known as Darth Dune, enemy/former friend; human; alive), DD-3 (companion; droid; alive), R2-D2 (companion; droid; alive), C3-PO (companion; droid; alive), BB-8 (companion; droid; alive), Wicket (companion; Ewok; alive), Linaroo (companion; Ewok; alive), Chewbacca (companion; Wookee; alive), Cookie (companion; Wookie; alive), Padme Amidala (birth name: Padme Naberry; role model; human; deceased), other unknown family Weapon: A single-bladed yellow lightsaber Backstory: It's a work-in-progress. I'll update my comment when I figure it out. :) Time Period: She was born on 29ABY, several years after the sequel trilogy.
@scarabus3413 4 жыл бұрын
Arabian Flower How can rey teach her to balance light and dark? Isn’t Rey only trained in light side abilities?
@arabianflowers 4 жыл бұрын
@@saithesuperfan Thank you so much! I actually finished the backstory! :)
@arabianflowers 4 жыл бұрын
@@scarabus3413 Rey is trained in both because she is a Jedi Sentinal. They use both light and dark side techniques.
@arabianflowers 4 жыл бұрын
@@scarabus3413 Rey has both light and darkness in her. In my story, which is set several years after the sequel trilogy, Rey has mastered both light and dark side abilities.
@scarabus3413 4 жыл бұрын
Arabian Flower I didn’t find anything saying they used the darkside as it was against the jedi code, also doesn’t everyone have the darkside and light side in then because the everyone has access the entirety of the force
@octo_gaming4157 4 жыл бұрын
Name:Az'moral Species:Zabrak Home Planet: Naboo Age: 22 Appearance: Brown, pixie cut with freckles. Peircing green eyes Title: Peace maker No ship No force Grey Jedi Companions: A hutt (Dolgas Boffras) ( and a protocol droid (C-17L) Weapon: Staff Backstory: Age 1: Her parents abandoned her on Tatooine and was found by Mos Eisley musicians Age 5: Started to have an interest in music and wanted to make a lot of friends. Met Dolgras. Age 13: Had a reputation for ending arguments and found her droid next to the cantina Age: 20: Began Peacemaking. Age 22: Has a normal life with her companions
@absolplayz8773 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just seeing this video but I'll give it my best shot. 1) Name: Maxwell (Max for short) 2) Species: Human 3) Age: 40 4) Appearance: Max is a 6 foot male with semi long hair that doesn't go past his shoulders. He has pale white skin with black veins. his eyes are a bright and firey orange. he wears armor that looks similar to darth raven either metal spikes that come out of the gloves and the shoulders of the armor. He also wears a cape with a hood covering most of his face to hide his eyes. 5) Planet born on: Naboo 6) Occupation/skills/title: Max is currently a defender of a galaxy outside of the normal star wars timeline. He currently guards his galaxy against the sith empire while slowly succumbing to the sith darkness himself. (more on that part later) 7) Ship: Quad Jumper 8) Force sensitive: Yes 9) Allegiance: To his own cause/army or anything anti sith with morals. 10) Companions: N/A 11) Weapon: Custom Lightsaber. The hilt is similar in appearance to the dark saber besides being a tiny bit more bulky. it had two guards on it that stretch forward from the lightsaber. one (top( being a bit longer than the other (bottom) when ignited, it will take the form of am actual blade similar to how the dark saber looks. it's coloration is purple. (to simplify it, look up max steel turbo sword. the blue one) 12) Backstory: (this might be a bit longer even though I will try to shorten the story) Maxwell was trained in the jedi arts by Count Dooku Jinn. Max served as a Jedi knight for years. Eventually he fell I'm love with a female Lethan Twi'lek Name Karlupe. They had a son named Luka who inherited his father's physical appearance but his mother's fighting spirit despite her not being a Jedi. Max hid this marriage and the child's birth from the Jedi order and the order never found out, Training the young child until he became the rightful age to become a Palawan. at which point he was trained by his father as a master. Sadly, tragedy would face Maxwell as him, his wife, and his child would all die during the order 66 attack. However, before dying, Maxwell had been forced to take his family into hiding into a jedi temple that, unbeknownst to ukm at the time, held many sith and jedi artifacts. He had to watch as his wife and child were killed first, then he tried to take out the clone troopers by bringing the whole temple down on them. this however was futile as he died for nothing. however, because his force was so strong, reaching a new peak by letting the Darkseid jnto him as his rage could no longer be contained, a special artifact in the form of a ring was drawn to him. it forced itself onto his left index finer as he was suddenly ly jolted awake. his wounds closing and his body breathing once more. This ring had somehow reversed the damage he had taken. Dumbfounded by this, Maxwell tried to see if he was still awake by slamming his arm into a rock. Naturally, his arm bled, but after a few seconds. Maxwell saw the wound close up. He knew at that instant what this ring had done to him. It had given him a form of Immortality. He walked through the rubble, finding his son and his wife's bodies. he vowed revenge on the sith empire. However, he looked into the waters to get his bearings shortly afterwards to see if he was asleep or not. He saw to his horror the orange flame of the sith that burned in his eyes. He didn't know why they burned like that, but he took a guess that is was because of this new ring. Max tried to take it off. but once he did, a cut came across his neck from nowhere. Desperate to live, Maxwell put the ring back on and the wound closed itself. Years passed as Maxwell guarded his galaxy alone, fighting off the forced of the empire. slowly building an army of clone troopers by using the force to short out their chip. He has learned many abilities from both the lguth and the dark side. But each year, he feels himself slowly getting further and further away from the light side and almost drowning in the dark side without being able to stop it. (apologize if this is hard to read, I am new to this whole backstory thing)
@Her0_1 4 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name? Atee' Dinn 2) What's your species? Human 3) What's your age? 15-20 4) What do you look like? Are there any significant details about your appearance? Scar from forehead to eye making him half blind, A brown skin tone, and small twist of hair that dangle. 5) What's your planet of origin? Alderaan 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? A Scavenging Mechanic, Can use pistols, Force-User, Can Translate Languages, "Scum" 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? I made a ship- Base that is long height, At the bottom there is a rectangle extension that is a cabin and escape pod, and it has blue and black stripes on it. 8) Are you force sensitive? Yes 9) What's your allegiance? Rogue but would only help Jedi that live and Rebels 10) Do you have companions of any kind? A R2-Unit called R6-R8 or "Dunes" 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? A white lightsaber. 12) What's your backstory? A teenager who was born in the Clone Wars (Phase 2/ Close to Order 66) And trained by His Master Tek'a. When being knighted Order 66 Happened. He escaped but his master died. Now being hidden and a Mechanic he wasn't really bothered but he plans to end the Empire.
@narwhalethefancy 3 жыл бұрын
Buckle in because this is a little long, and if it comes off as overpowered I promise it was unintentional lol. I feel like this character would be part of a supporting cast, to give wisdom to the main character or something. Name: Preeka Anarin. Species: Good ol' human. Age: Pretty old, like late 40's. Looks: As I said, pretty old, so hair has a few grays and wrinkles are just showing up. Wears fine clothes, oh and sharpens her teeth. Just cause. Planet of Origin: Coruscant! Title/Occupation: Some kind of nobility or just a semi-large business owner. Vessel: Of course! A decently sized ship that she can drive if she wants, but usually chauffeured, a ship kinda like Padme's chrome one from the prequels. (I don't want to make this character super wealthy or something, but I feel like she's kind of not used to doing stuff herself if you know what I mean?) Force Sensitive: No, but she has a kind of respect for the Jedi. Allegiance: She'd tell you it's purely neutral, but perhaps her prices lower for the rebellion, or she smuggles things along her supply lines for them. Companion: Yes! She's incredibly scared of being lonely actually, and her best friend also happens to be her one bodyguard. Weapon: Maybe a small blaster on occasion, but usually no. Backstory: I don't have a super in depth backstory for Preeka, but I'd say that it's a classic "rags to riches" type story with her family starting out in the lower parts of Coruscant as she worked her way up. I hope you enjoyed reading this and continue making videos, they're always super entertaining!
@carterphillips9475 2 жыл бұрын
1) Mythus Tierney 2) human 3) 38 4) dark brown hair, beard, 5’8, Jedi robes 5) Naboo 6) Jedi master, order 66 survivor, pilot 7) modified Jedi star fighter mixed with a naboo star fighter 8) yes he is force sensitive 9) not specified fighting against the empire but not part of the rebels 10) Sickle modified b1 battle droid with knife arm 11) green light saber 12) not a major backstory
@charlieharris1903 3 жыл бұрын
I'm very late to this but I thought I'd add my own! :) 1) Ris Ethera 2) A zeltron (mother)/ human (father) hybrid 3) 18, the 3rd month of Selona on the 25th day. 4) Black, curly hair native to the zeltron race, dark purple in the light, and tanned skin with a dark pink tint. Hazel eyes. A blaster burn on her lower right hip and a small scar on her left calf (gotten into a few fights on her diplomacy travels and through jedi training). 5"7 with an athletic build. Keeps her hair in multiple buns threaded with white ribbon (leaving out her padawan braid). Wears grey jedi robes with a white sash and a necklace from her mother. 5) Zeltros, in the Inner Rim. 6) Grey jedi (only the high council and herself know in order to protect her alignment from any future sith related threats). She also dabbles in mechanics, mainly taught by her second eldest brother at a young age so she can fix droids and small engines (from further learning), but her main skill is in linguistics and diplomacy for jedi missions. Can shoot a blaster and knows hand to hand combat. It's always good to be prepared. 7) J-Type Star Skiff, heavily modified and calls it The Aurora. Mainly uses jedi temple provided transport though. 8) Yes, around 10,000 midichlorians. Zeltrons naturally have slight telepathy (which helps with diplomacy) which makes this part of training much easier. I know it's a bit cliche that I'd make her force-sensitive but I think that's one of the best things about the franchise. 9) Her home planet is part of the Alliance of the Free Planets, and joined the Galactic Republic in 4000 BBY. Her alliance is to the republic and to the greater good, and this is what keeps her from moving towards the dark side. 10) Pets are usually forbidden in the jedi temple, although she has been tempted to smuggle in a piffin before. She grew up and trained at the same time as Shak Ti and Obi One so you could call the companions :) 11) Her lilac coloured lightsaber and a couple of DL-44 blasters. 12) This is going to be a long one, sorry! In 56 BBY Ris is born into a decently wealthy family on Zeltros and lives with her parents, 2 older brothers and a younger sister. However, she is taken into the jedi temple when she is 5 years old but finds it difficult to cut off all attachments to her family. At the age of 9, Ris discovers the her lightsaber colour is a bright lilac. When her parents are killed during a mission to free a group of slaves on Zygerria, her eldest brother decides to move on from his work in the human rights sector for outer rim citizens and becomes a member of the Galactic Senate as a representative for their planet so that he can have more influence to provide aid. This combination of grief and difficulty to leave attachments (as her siblings move to Corrusant with him so are nearby) makes it difficult for her to push away the pull of the dark side in her force journey. Under the teachings and guidance of Aayla Secura and the high council, Ris trains to find peace in the force by balancing both sides but leaning towards the light and by using the Niman fighting form to perfect her technique. Now Ris works alongside her fellow jedi to save those in need of help, whilst constantly fighting internally to be the best version of herself for the sake of the galaxy and the jedi order.
@elilewis3555 2 жыл бұрын
Name: Fik Species: Zabrak Age: 23 Appearance: She wears a light brown jacket with a yellow stripe and some khaki like pants Home Planet: Don’t really know yet :/ Occupation: Started off as a padawan then when order 66 happened she escaped to Tatooine and became a member of the rebellion Force Sensitive: Yes Allegiance: The Rebellion Companions: None, she kinda just keeps to herself Weapons: A blaster rifle, then eventually makes a lightsaber Backstory: Fik started off as Yaddle’s Padawan but after her master’s death, she went into class with other younglings taught by master yoda. When Order 66 began she managed to escape from Anakin when he killed the other younglings, and found a way off of Coruscant. She made it to Tatooine where she joined the Rebellion and lived alone. One day she meets a stranger outside of a cantina who is very ill. She offers help but the stranger tells her there is no cure for his illness, seeing that it’s a curse given to him by a Sith Witch. The stranger realized that Fik is force sensitive and offers to train her while he is still alive. He trains her for a few days but gets too sick to continue. Fik tries to help but there is nothing she can do and the stranger dies without even saying his name. That’s all I’ve come up with right now, sorry it’s really late, I just came upon this video and wanted to share my own story.
@kaylaranjana8167 Ай бұрын
Name: Tencun Kriss Species: Human (Male) Age: 20s in prequel trilogy Traits: More like male version of Padme Amidala, but with tan skin and short hair, petite build, small eyes, sometime wear same makeup as Padme Amidala as disguise, Naboo security guard uniform Homeworld: Naboo Job: Pilot and guard Ship: Naboo starfighter, Nubian royal starship, later BTL-4 Y-wing Force sensitivity: Undiscovered Companion: A sister, droid R2-RED, Queen Amidala (master), Quarsh Panaka (boss) Lore: A pilot boy from Naboo, supposed to be appear as one of guards in Duel Of Fate scene. His resemblance to Padme allowed him to disguise as handmaid for a risky situations. Unlike other handmaids, he wears more bold makeup to conceal his masculine features and used voice changer in radio communications. After Padme's death, his sister replaced him as handmaid of Queen Jamillia
@Joe-km5ou 4 жыл бұрын
You deserve wayyyyyy more subs
@crzyyyJ 3 жыл бұрын
Era: Galactic Civil War Name: Jak Frerz but his operation number was ST-8888. Age: 13 Body: 115 pounds and 5’4 Occupation: Soldier but more notably a shore trooper. Force sensitive? No Weapon: An E-11 blaster with a modified scope for a longer sight. Ship: When on his off duty and once he retired as a storm trooper Frerz became a bounty hunter. Which is why he used a G8 Rigger-class freighter for high firepower and speed. Outfit: During his early stages he wore cadet training armor but when transferred to the shore trooper division and sent onto the front lines he’d be clothed in the respective shore trooper armor. Story: Jak was born on Oseon at 13 B.B.Y and founded by the galactic empire along with a group of other young children, all around the age of 1-2. Because he was taken at such a young age he had no recollection of his parents and didn’t have an option anywhere besides the empire. Because of this the only thing he focused on was training and empirical work. When Frerz was 48 and the Empire was mostly finished Jak had realized there was no other option. Deciding to defect and become a low class bounty hunter (still repping the shore trooper armor and trusty E-11). Companions: ST- 3521, and R8-W1
@zombiefried2363 3 жыл бұрын
1) Elyk Shaseah 2) human with sith blood (obtained later) 3) late teens early twenties 4) orange curly hair in a ponytail with a few strands of hair flicking forward, brown eyes and some chin scruff blue shirt and orange over shirt with a brown vest, baggy pants and calf high boots 5) Elyk wasn't born on a planet, but was instead born on a space station in the inner rim 6) Elyk used to sell old droid parts, but is now a Jedi in training 7) Elyk has an old imperial cargo shuttle that he bought when he was 15 8) yes, but he doesn't know it yet 9) he is part of a new rebellion 10) he is allied with a mandalorian named Jakovi Mandara, who he calls Jak-Jak, his old nursery turned storefront turned battle droid Mannie, and technically his lightsaber (I'll explain in his story) 11) yes, he wields the first lightsaber ever made, Excalibur 12) Elyk was born on a space station which he lived on his entire life. His parents were storm troopers who had a child in secrecy, and had to leave him without parents. He was put under the care of a nursery droid named m4-nn13, which was given the name Mannie. Elyk grew up living a fairly decent life, selling old battle droid and ship parts to thise who would but them. One day he heard a voice calling out to him, pulling him towards it. He decided to check it out, leading him to a forgotten Forest planetoid named Flora. He followed the voice until he came across a cut down tree that had a lightsaber laying on the stump. Turns out, it was the lightsaber that had been calling Elyk from across the galaxy with the force. He would go to grab it, but not before a mandalorian in blue and magenta armor snatched it away from him and ran. After a long and drawn out fight, with the assistance of uniter troops, a new imperial regime that had sprouted when the first order and palpatine were defeated, Elyk and Jak Jak, along with Mannie, became travel partners on a quest to defeat the uniters from taking over the Galaxy
@Majisto41 3 жыл бұрын
After watching this video I decided to quickly come up with a character, and since then I've made 7 characters, used an avatar maker to design what they look like, got my best friend to do the same (we now have almost 20 characters altogether) and I'm still going! Is there anyway I would be able to dm you the link to hear your thoughts? I only have discord though so I can't use any other social media, but I would love for you to be able to see them!
@Offbrand._.goat._.cheese Жыл бұрын
Dude that sounds sick! I’m kinda curious on what all you’ve done with it since, is there a big story where they all intertwine, or is it just individual characters with little stories of their own?
@Majisto41 Жыл бұрын
@@Offbrand._.goat._.cheese My friend turned out to be a bit controversial (wont go into it lol) so now its just my characters again but they have an intertwining story starting in between episodes 1 and 2 that will finish around the time of RoTJ. The 6 main characters (The 7th was a random sith I made that I decided to get rid of) start as a friend group of younglings that get separated during order 66 around the time they become jedi knights, with the main one being a temple guard. Im not fully set on what happens to them after that but im thinking one gets captured or turns themself in to the empire and they all just slowly drift away from their jedi roots until something happens (probably the OT) that inspires them to come back and help or something. I also made a clone squadron which im gonna revamp soon but im gonna go through and fully plan out both stories for fun!
@imreallytired0 4 жыл бұрын
1) What's your name? Ronan Strucker 2) What's your species? Human 3) What's your age? 22(End of Clone Wars) 37(Rebels) 4) What do you look like? Semi-muscular Male Ectomorph built, dirty blonde hair with green eyes, scar along left side of his waist. He wears jedi robes over a suit of beskar Mandalorian armor(without a jetpack) with a A Collective paint job 5) What's your planet of origin? Mandalore 6) What's your occupation, skill, or title? Bounty Hunter, Jedi knight(formerly) 7) Do you have a ship of any kind? Kom'rk-class fighter 8) Are you force sensitive? Yes 9) What's your allegiance? Himself 10) Do you have companions of any kind? A red, black and silver R2 unit 11) Do you have a weapon? If so, what is it? Separable Double Bladed Green lightsaber, blaster pistols, Old Sith Lightsaber 12) What's your backstory? Born on Mandalore several years before the start of the clone wars, he was found by a Jedi master on world at the time and was brought to Coruscant to be raised as a jedi. He studied form VI Niman and became a near master of the form. During the clone wars he led a group of Arc troopers whom he became close to. Around the time the battle over Coruscant was happening, he and his group of troopers crash landed on Moraband, In the crash all but two of his troops were killed. They eventually found Darth Bane’s tomb, where Ronan was convinced by the spectre to take a sith lightsaber and sith holocron. As he left the tomb his clones received a staticy message none of them could decipher. After a few months they were able to fix a ship enough to use. After learning of the destruction of the jedi Ronan became a bounty hunter and stole a ship from his home planet, along with a R2 unit that was to be terminated. oof this took an hour to think and its garbage
@rippedphrog6027 4 жыл бұрын
1:Lucas. 2:Human. 3:17. 4:He’s 6 feet tall,he’s wearing a grey jacket,blonde hair,and black pants. 5:Tatooine. 6:He’s a scavenger,He wants to be a Jedi. 7:He does not have a ship,but he has a speeder bike. 8:He is force sensitive. 9:He’s undecided,but going toward the Rebellion. 10:He has no companions. 11:Yes,he has a weapon,it is a green crossguard saber. 12:His parents were murdered by the Empire.
@rippedphrog6027 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Your character sounds really cool too!
@rippedphrog6027 4 жыл бұрын
That video’s gonna be amazing! And,the green crossguard saber is basically Kylo Ren’s saber but green Incase you didn’t know.
@oblivionsghost7430 3 жыл бұрын
My star wars oc is a Jawa I haven't named them yet but basically their a traveling merchant of sorts. They know how to fly a ship and know their way around a blaster. They actually understand English to some extent. They know they can't speak English, so they use simple gestures to get their point across. Like lets say one of the things they were selling were small make shift explosives, and someone asked them "What are those?" Little Jawa child of mine would mimic the sounds of an explosion and do a boom gesture with their hands. Edit adding backstory and appearance. Ok so Jawa child basically looks like a normal Jawa, but their cloak has other colors other then brown(blue,pinks and yellows) Their cloak hood has these cute ear things?? They can be interpreted either Cat ears or little demon horns. I like to think that after the Mandolorian goes to Tatooine(?)(excuse my spelling) My jawa wants to see the stars and becomes curious what lays beyond their home world. I love the idea of them being a neutral character, but I feel like if they get close to anyone or well a certain number of people on one side, they would shift to that side.
@TobyAster 4 жыл бұрын
1:Kyla (Last name unknown) 2:Human 3:21 4:One Blue eye,one Black eye, purple hair with blue streaks in it also hair over her black eye,She wears A Outfit like Reys but it’s different 5:Tattuine (idk how to spell lol) 6:Resistance pilot 7:X-wing fligher 8:yes and she self taught herself to use her power 9:Resistance 10:She has a Small cute bb unit droid that is Purple and Blue 11:Yes a purple Two sides lightsaber 12:(This takes place around the same time as Rey) Kyla was Born on her planet her parent’s were farmers and they were poor when Kyla was 19 she joined the resistance and met her fabulous bb unit which she named Galaxy she got put as a pilot at age 20 (I might update her backstory)
@Someguyinaroom 2 ай бұрын
1. Ka’rax’ura(Arax) 2. Chiss 3.18 4. Chiss Physiology(Pale Blue skin, Vestigial eye sockets), Messy Black Hair, Padawan Braid(Pre-Order 66), Brown hooded Jedi Robes(Pre-Order 66), Intricately patterned blindfold, Lightsaber scar across right eye(covered by eye patch), Inquisitor Armor(Post-Order 66, Abandoned), Golden-brown cloak with white Jedi Robes(Post-Inquisitor), Brown low heeled boots. 5. Originally from Csilla, later lives on Coruscant, moves away to Lothal after going rogue on the Inquisitors 6. Jedi Knight before Order 66(Padawan during Clone Wars), Inquisitor, becomes a Musician in disguise(flutist), rejoins Jedi 7. N-1 Starfighter 8. Force-sensitive, can use basic abilities(push and pull), telekinesis and telepathy are also usable, uses dark side abilities while an Inquisitor(Force choke, Very weak force lightning) 9. Republic before Order 66, Empire as an Inquisitor, Rebels after leaving Inquisitors 10. A droid named R10-K8 11. Has a blue bladed lightsaber before Order 66, Gets a red bladed Inquisitor lightsaber, constructs a new blue bladed lightsaber after leaving Inquisitorius 12. Pong Krell was assigned as their master during the Clone Wars, ascended to the rank of Knight shortly after Krell’s fall to the dark side. Fell to the dark side and became an Inquisitor, went rogue after engaging in a brawl with a fellow Inquisitor over sparing a runaway Jedi Youngling. They go to the Jedi Temple, construct a new lightsaber, and go on a journey across the galaxy disguised as a wandering flutist. Along the journey they interact with characters like Obi-Wan, the Bad Batch, Ahsoka, etc. They train a young force-sensitive Twi’lek as their Padawan.
@nerdgeekcosplay909 3 жыл бұрын
Number 12 is my favorite question I like a 5 to 15 page backstory that only I understand.
@littlegentalman1250 Жыл бұрын
1) Ralph 2) Human 3)17 4) Same look but a but more slimer and a tad bit bulky. Wears a robe similar to Anakins in ROTS but without the brown and cosists only of light grey and charcoal colouring some black also. Wears a more flatend verson of a mandalorian helmet (Dark grey) 5) Mandalore 6) Jedi/ Mandalorian and pilot 7) Fang Fighter (Dark blue and grey colouring). 8)Yes 9) Undicided but leaning towards the rebellion. 10) Alone 11) Lightsaber similar to ezra’s design with the blaster attachment and the lightsaber colour is White. Made it out of scraps and spare parts with the cyber crystal being taken from a inquisitor’s lightsaber that I have takem down. 12) Was rescued at thea age of 3 during the night of a thousand tears by a jedi survivor. Spent the next 13 years both traning and hiding with the jedi but however we were discoverd by inquisitors and at the end conflicf my jedi master was struck down along side the inquisitor. From then in on I am currents trying to survive while being hunted by other inqusitors. And all throughout my life both before and after the death of my master I still struggle to find my place and where I stand either with my lifestyle being that of the jedi or my bloodline that being the mandalorians.
@somerandomkid3239 3 жыл бұрын
name:darth çardionus species: human age: 23 planet: exegol occupation:sith ship: old republic war ship are you force sensitive: yes companion: none weapon: kylo ren lightsaber appearence: color changing eyes(like me but usually orange), dark hair, 5.7, 123 pounds. backstory: darth çardonius was an old republic sith that was frozen in an ancient battle snd was born on the sith planet of exegol.He had visions of order 66 and Darth Vader. Abilities:force choke,force push,forshight,force freeze.
@somerandomkid3239 3 жыл бұрын
@@saithesuperfan thank you, also the battle he faught in was the battle of malikor.
@ImNot1antern 3 жыл бұрын
name: Ren delion species: kel dor age: 17 appearance: 6'0 planet: dorin title: Jedi Padawan ship: a ship designed like the mantis force sensitive: yes allegiance: grey Jedi companion: a BD unit named RE-4 weapon: indigo coloured lightsaber backstory: ren delion was a Jedi Padawan who was taught by master plo koon who escapes the purge to kashykk
@clinicallyinsane23 3 жыл бұрын
Name: Ore Tan Species: Nautolan Age: 34 Appearance: Yellow skin with dark eyes, yellow and blue Beskar Armor. Homeworld: Glee Anselm Occupation: Bounty Hunter Ship: Mankvim-814 interceptor Allegiance: Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire (formerly),Galactic Empire Companion: Astromech Droid Named M4-K9 Weapons: Dual Pistols And Bo Staff Backstory: Born on Glee Anselm, Ore Tan was a wanted thief that stole anything that appealed to him, this included beskar armor from a facility on his homeworld, as well as spare droid parts. As a child, Ore Tan was motivated to become a bounty hunter. He was banished from his city and stole an interceptor. He then flew to Tatooine and was hired as a bounty hunter by the crime lord Jabba The Hutt to complete various bounty hunting missions. During the Galactic Civil War, he left Jabba's criminal empire and was hired by the Galactic Empire.
@selenarecksiedler8757 4 жыл бұрын
I have a clone char. Name: Commander Rome Age: 54 Number: 34 56 78 Home planet: Kamino? Hair: Dark grey, sideburns Custom helmet with targeting sytem. ( Red line ) Scar on side of head and robotic hand Force level: Low, but existing. Ship: Custom Status: Cryo-freezed Weapons: Standard blaster pistol lightsaber ( Curved ) Alliance: Republic / rebels Clone chip: Destroyed from head wound. Height: Standard clone. End
@anajiagaming9083 6 жыл бұрын
this was rad :3 Name: Ysera Species: Zalton Age:19 Looks: Blue hair, Pink skin, green eyes, 5'11, female, fairly thin Planet of Origin: Lothal Occupation: Rouge Jedi, good pilot, great cook, can tell fortunes for people Ship: The Valkyrie, a light weight freighter Force sensitive?: Yes Allegiance: unknown but would be a rebel Companions: unknown Weapon(s)?: Lightsaber x1 pale violet blade Backstory: was a Padawan and her master was a exile who has been exiled for many decades he taught her everything he knew and left her his ship when he disappears... she promised herself she would find him one day (he left when she was 17)
@anajiagaming9083 6 жыл бұрын
@@saithesuperfan oml thank you :3
@Quil_II 4 жыл бұрын
Can you make videos again? Really enjoyed them.
@Quil_II 4 жыл бұрын
@@saithesuperfan Sounds great!
@blasterproductions12 2 жыл бұрын
Name: Nick Asedo "Rivet" Age: 20 Appearance: I am 5,12 and I have a scar going through my left eye due to when I was young I fought a stormtrooper. Skills: I am a talented mechanic who can fix essentially anything, droids to hyperdrives. Planet of origin: Tatooine Ship: I pilot an old Jedi Starfighter I repaired. Companions: I have a protocol droid who I fixed called "UN-925" or "Un". Weapons: I have a blaster that I claimed during the battle of Scarif which I survived by my mother putting me in a cargo ship before the Deathstar attacked. Allegiance: Leaning towards the Rebel Alliance. Origin: I was born on Tatooine with my little sister but my mother and father were rebels who were station on Scarif, so I lived on Scarif for some time but then the battle of Scarif happened. My mother, father and sister were all either shot down by stormtroopers or killed by the Deathstar. So I escaped to Alderaan where I became an amazing engineer and aided the rebels but then I moved to Naboo and then Mandalore and became the best engineer on the planet and became an armourer and gave the Mandolorian his armour.
@T-Rex_productions Жыл бұрын
I am etnor gran I’m a bounty hunting Duros with rocket boots. (Yes, I know, wish cad bane.) I am 28 to 32 years old. I have a Greyish black overcoat with a brown shirt under it and greying black pants with boots. I was born on kamino (I was on a ship in the atmosphere of it.) but was raised on Naboo. I have a ship with mostly parts from droid and republic ships and call it the Em-38 bounty I don’t generally have any alliance but I continually get jobs from the Seperatists and wanted by the republic for multiple crimes. I have a droid called j3-11 I have modified 1 ll-30 blaster and 1 modified ib-94 blaster. I also have a flame thrower. My backstory is my parents were always wanted by the republic and constantly on the run. They eventually settled on Naboo and raised me there. I found a liking to bounty hunting and taught myself to bounty hunt. I eventually made a living doing it and the republic was always seen as an enemy in my eye.
@upsanddownsaldc381 4 жыл бұрын
Name: Lynn Al Haat Species: Human Age: 13 Appearance: Blonde hair, blind, small Planet: Alderaan Occupation: Former Jedi Padawan, Bounty Hunter Ship: None Force-Sensitive: Yes, but quite weakly in combat Allegiance: Rebel Alliance Weapon: Bamboo Staff Backstory: During Order 66, Lynn's master sacrificed himself so she could escape and steal a ship. She crashed on Tatooine and became a kind of bounty hunter to survive, abandoning her lightsabre and using a staff, which is like it, but less suspicious. She also fights more brutal than a Jedi as she believes any hope of their civilisation is lost. She has physchometry, so can see moments when touching objects. These make her really far away, so is a big weakness in combat, so she strays from touching anything.
@susic1819 3 жыл бұрын
R2-BeebPoob is the R2 unit
@darthkuat 2 жыл бұрын
I know that you won't likely see this at this point as you are focusing on other stuff and ideas, but just thought I'd post it here. Name: Dax Ikedo Species: Zabrak Age: 28 Appearance: looks much like a normal Zabrak. His facial tattoos are shaped like crescent moons. His hair is long and Auburn in color. His skin is pale. He is a little bit taller than average height, coming in at 6'4". Athletic build. Planet of Origin: none. He was born in space aboard a Hospital ship within his parent's nomadic fleet. Occupation: Dax is a scout. He travels ahead of the fleet and lets them know where to go. Also is a treasure hunter in his spare time. Collects artifacts from eras long before the Galactic Empire existed. Ship: "Adventurer's Lance". A Heavily Modified Taylander Shuttle. Force-Sensativity: Dax is able to feel the Force, but he hasn't been trained to hone his abilities to be like a Jedi. He does posses the natural ability to plot hyperspace routes with the Force. Allegiance: He is supportive of the rebellion, but he does not actively fight along side them till after the destruction of the first Death Star. He is primarily loyal to the Force. Companions: He does have a couple of companions. Tad Stargazer, a human from Corellia, Grelka Fin, a Rodian who was raised on Tatooine, and CAM, a reprogrammed commando droid from the Clone Wars. Other Relations: He does have a rival or two at least in the realm of treasure hunting. They are Drake La'Ra, a human woman from Naboo, and Croft Naithano, a crass human man from Corellia. Both hunt treasure for a living and tend to be thorns in Dax's backside, though he has developed a friendly relationship with them despite their rivalry. Weapons: Dax uses a quarterstaff that he made as a child out of Worshyr wood. He also has a DC-17 that he found on one of his early adventures. Backstory: Dax Ikedo was raised as a part of a religious tradition that taught people to live a nomadic lifestyle. His parents were the leaders of their particular branch of the roving fleet and wanted their son to follow in their footsteps. This of course ended up not going to plan when their son experienced the coming of age ceremony. He went off for two years, as was tradition in this religious order, and explored the galaxy. Dax discovered that he had a talent for finding things and places. So upon returning to the flotilla, he joined with the Scout ships. He also returned with his first ship, a small scout shuttle. That ship was destroyed by an encounter with pirates. He then discovered that he would rather work independently of the nomads. So he flew off in his new ship, a G9 rigger that was barely holding together, and that one crashed on the surface of Mimban. Eventually he was gifted his ship, "Adventurer's Lance", by the local Mimbanese and he agreed to help them out from time to time. Fast forward a number of years, and Alderaan has been reduced to a pile of dust. His parents and their fleet were on the surface and were destroyed with the planet. This was the moment that made Dax decide to join the Rebellion full time. He would eventually be given the rank of Captain in the Rebel Alliance Navy and he would end his service after the Empire's defeat. Where he wanders now, no one knows for sure. The ship under his command during the final battle of the war, a modified Pelta-class frigate named the "Star Pilgrim", was shot down, claiming the majority of his crew's lives. Including his companions from the "Adventurer's Lance". He left the Rebellion behind after this and was last seen flying his ship off into the stars.
@l30n37 2 жыл бұрын
Its quite late but here we go.. 1) Leorex Charzev 2) Human 3) 19 4) I have a lot of scars on my face and body, I have brownish hair, green eyes and some small facial tattoo's as well as tattoo's on my left arm and leg. I wear a mask. 5) Tatooine 6) I'm a Jedi Padawan as well as an engineer. I'm skilled in lightsaber combat but more in the force. Since i wear a mask they call me The Masked Jedi. 7) I possess no ship but i fly in a Jedi Star Fighter 8) Yes 9) My allegiance is to the republic, to DEMOCRACY! jk. My allegiance is to the Jedi Order and to the Rebellion down in the future 10) I have no companion, I'm a loner 11) I have a lightsaber that has a orange-ish cracked kyber crystal 12) I was a small kid who was abandoned when I joined the Jedi Order. My parents have sold me for rations or money or whatever they wanted. I was about 5 when a Jedi Master called Yadiel Bizsto found me on Tatooine and took me with him back to Coruscant. He sensed I was force sensitive, he sensed i was powerful. The Jedi Council allowed him to train me and so I became a Jedi. 10 years later my master went on a mission given to him by the Jedi Council. His mission was to find and slay a Sith Lord who called himself Darth Ronan. Master Yadiel took me with him as he believed I was ready. When we got to the planet the Sith Lord was on, we went to fight him. He was quite powerful.. The Sith Lord cut off my hand and slayed my Master. He believed I would die from shock or something so he just left me. About 4 years have passed and I've been training because I want revenge for my master because he was like the father that i never had. I believe i'm now ready to defeat Darth Ronan.
@Sighren_ 4 жыл бұрын
i really like this video +1 sub
@ABreadClip 4 жыл бұрын
Name: Neyl Haskern Species: Human/Mandalorian Age: 30 Appearance: 5’8, clad in Mandalorian gear, wears a jetpack and has red and silver armor, Face is close to Jango’s but not quite Planet:Mandalorian Profession: A bounty hunter Ship/vehicle: A ship that is close to the IG-6000 ship Force sensitive?: Might feel it at times but definitely not force sensitive Any companions: Mostly travels alone for his jobs, unless his jobs include a partner Weapon of choice: He uses an EE-3 carbine, which is Boba Fett’s weapon, He also carries two thermal detonators and has a knife on his side Backstory: He was born on Mandalore during the fall of the Empire and Left it to work bounty hunter jobs, Which he was well and reliable at Allegiance: Bounty Hunter Guild
@laurelharvey910 4 жыл бұрын
1:idk/Darth Deception 2:human 3:30 4:5 ft 5:idk 6:pilot 7:star destroyer 8:yes 9:sith all the way 10:no 11:red lightsaber 12:I was abducted by the empire and learned the way of the force and then built my lightsaber and then became a sith Lord
@emmoxley6762 6 жыл бұрын
do you have the questions and the link to make your own lightsaber?
@emmoxley6762 6 жыл бұрын
gonna make a video with my answers :) it will hopefully be on my thatsoawkward account within the next week
@dec0mposiex 4 жыл бұрын
dude you're hilarious-
@Herehau0508 2 жыл бұрын
i am late , i know but meh 1) Gal'han 2) modifiated human 3) 27 4) 7'21 , i am very imposing, my body is muscular and i have scars on me almost everywhere 5) naboo 6) i am a clone but because of error on the genetical way of creating me , my body have become much more bigger and all , in term of strength , i am much more strong than a trained wookie , i have good shooting skills , i am an expert in bombs and i am good in hand-to-hand combat 7) clone ship ( don't know there name ) 8) HUGE NO 9) the republic but because of the order 66 and the other crap , i have choose the empire 10) i have little robot that can fly , run fast and can go in water , i like him but i don't really have a friend ship with him 11) mostly heavy blaster and explosive weapon , a hidden blade in my arm , i have a weapon literaly in me , i have put it in my leg , it's a knife 12) when i was created at first i was a normal clone but then because of a genetical error by trying to make a new type of clone much more strong , fast and all , i did become strong but too strong , that have infect the health of the other selected clone and i have literaly take their health making me much more strong but also a cold-blood person and a person a bit sadistic and that fighting , i have been put in a special group of where i am the commander , i have kills 9 master jedi , 17 jedi knight and i also have command a lot of mission against strong species but with primary tecnology , ex:wookie
@Herehau0508 2 жыл бұрын
i see you all rebels people
@italiap9222 3 жыл бұрын
1) Pag-It Pagana (puh-jeet puh-gone-uh) 2) Human 3) 16 or 18 4) Lightskinned/Mixed, 5"10, Lean but toned, Brown/Black hair with White Ends two braids in the front going down the side and an afro... Wears alot of Black but has lighter accent colors such as Beige, Lavander, Pastel Blue (etc.) Cape/gown flowwy outfits with structure & shape. 5) Socorro 6) Senate Commander/ or Gaurd (Secretly Jedi) Lando Calrissians Sister. 2 different Dads, Same Mom. 7) a Mini Star Destroyer.... or an Armed Imperial Shuttle 8) Yes, Definitely... 9) No Allegience, More Independent..... 10) Yup, We have the OG Crew Han, Chewbacca, C3PO, Leia and R2..... BUTTTT also Obiwan, Ani, Padme, Jar Jar & Ashoka...... 11) Duh.. Yes.... A Green Light Saber, design is inspired by Darth Maul and Kylo Rens Saber, but not... looks like this kinda ---->>=
@tristanisdd4917 2 жыл бұрын
Character is Ron Zino he stars in his own series master Jedi From 1999-2023. He is 28 years Old. In Clone Wars And Rebels And episode 1-9 Friends With A Girl Pilot Called Popj Nmx this series ended with 8 of his Pilot And Jedi Friends Are Killed By Darth Maul And Darth Sidous but he and five Of His Pilot And Jedi Friends Fight Back
@Zyra_Vr 2 жыл бұрын
1- name- Zeke 2- species- human(female) 3-age- 17 4- planet- Hissrich Skip 5 6-alliance- her own (it just deleted half of what I just typed guess I have to retype it I'll just explain in the backstory) Zeke was a Jedi padwan but order 66 is why she left the Jedi when she was 10 was when it happened she hates the Jedi and Sith but the Sith more she will attack any Jedi and eny Sith she will not let them near by her ship she has cut a siths head off killing them but they weren't that powerful
@thetrueending6125 2 жыл бұрын
1; Galok Gorru or GG as most know him as 2; Togorian, tiger variant 3; 18 4; he is 193 cm tall. he is muscular. he looks like a tiger. his eyes are jade green. he has a scar that starts at his left shoulder and goes up diagonally to bottom of his right ear. he wears brownish green cargo pants and a sleeveless tight vest. he wears fingerless gloves. 5; his planet of origin is canto bight 6; used to be a bodyguard now is a jedi in training 7; he does not have a ship 8; he is force sensitive 9; his alliance is to the new republic 10; Monkie a sassy 16 year old boy who has sith powers[[shoots lightning]], 32 year old dude who is a dug and is a pilot, Lolee a gungan who is a jedi in training, Molly is a human woman who is a skilled soldier for hire that helps them 11; he wields an inquisitor lightsaber, the saber is purple 12; GG was raised the bad and poor part of town on Canto Bight. He exercised and trained himself so he wouldn't be pushed around be pushed around by some of the gangs. He earned a job as a bodyguard at one of the best casinos. His boss scarred GG with a lightsaber simply for fun. He met a defected inquisitor and the inquisitor new GG could be a great jedi and trained him in the art of lightsaber combat along with some special hand to hand combat training. One day he met Monkie a seth clone who had escaped the dwindling empire's attempt to regain their forever lost power. GG's mentor died saving him and Monkie. The two left and met republic soldier, a jedi in training and a dug pilot who took them to the new republic where he joined the new jedi knights as a jedi in training.
@blasterproductions12 2 жыл бұрын
Name: Xal Vael Age: 27 Appearance: I am 5,10 and I wear Jedi Robes with a black hood. Skills: I am a powerful Jedi who has mastered the force with type 3 lightsaber combat. Ship: I have a blue Jedi Starfighter. Planet: Coruscant Companions: I have an R2 unit called R2-T5 Weapons: I have a yellow and a red curve hilt lightsaber. Allegiance: (Formerly) Galactic Republic (Currently) Galactic Empire Origin: I grew up on Coruscant, my family were very wealthy. However, I was a padawan to my master, Plo Kloon. Anyway, during Order 66 I fled the Jedi Temple and I later went into hiding on Kashyyyk, whilst I was in hiding I mastered the ways of the force. But, I became more and more power hungry and killed more, later joining the empire and becoming the feared Sith, Darth Raelon.
@snow-in4zp 4 жыл бұрын
1) Zed (I like how the British say z) 2) half Mandalorian half Alderaan 3) 19-20 4) tall 6'9"(fun fact I'm actually that tall) Black and Navy blue Mandalorian armor, not fat but not skinny, carries a sniper and a pistol for most combat situations, missing a piece of my right ear, have lots of scars from military training. 5) constantly traveled between Mandalore and Alderaan before alderaan's destruction 6) bounty Hunter Low skill stealth High skill accuracy medium skill level pistol to pistol 7) yes but I haven't decided on what it is yet I'm kind of leaning towards a u - wing based freighter kind of like the Mantis from Jedi fallen order but as a freighter instead of a cruise ship 8) more than the average imperial citizen less than the average Jedi /Inquisitor 9) to whomever pays the most (imperials pay triple) 10) 3 an Astro mech (A3 B82 ) and 2 rebuilt commando Droids with bhaskar enhancements to help with combat 11) yes I already said what they were forgetting about this question but I'll say again a sniper rifle( heavily modded DC-15) and a pistol(DE-10) oh and a heavily modded Mandalorian carbine 12) rote it realized it was longer than the rest of my comment x3 and decided to save it to drive where I could use it later and tell you that it was way too long to write down here.
@scorchcodi4357 4 жыл бұрын
Hello fellow Alderaanian
@snow-in4zp 4 жыл бұрын
@@scorchcodi4357 hi
@darthmorax5198 3 жыл бұрын
Name: Frixa Gunii (birth name)/Jar'el "Jer" Eldar (Mandalorian name) Species: Hybrid (Dathomirian Zabrak/Zygerrian) Age: 25 Looks: Neko-Zabrak, literally. Pale white skin, yellow eyes, small horns on forehead, and grey tattoos make her look almost like a normal Zabrak, besides of big cat-like fluffy ears and sharp claws. Around 5'9" tall, muscular and pretty wide-bodied. Black hair, shaved on the right side and chin-length on the left side. Planet of birth: Manaan (her parents have settled here) Occupation: Jedi Padawan, specialisation as Jedi Investigator (formerly); Mandalorian Beastmaster/explorer (currently) Ship: HWK-290 light freighter "Gorgara" Force-sensitivity: Force-sensitive, almost fully trained Allegiance: Jedi Order (formerly); Mandalorians (main current allegiance); the Rebel Alliance; the Order of Gayi'kar'am - non-canon order of Force-sensitive Mandalorians. Companions: some other survivors of the Order 66 who've been a part of the Jedi Investigation Service (non-canon organisation within the Order) - An'tirri Sekwe (Togruta, became a smuggler), Onorak Sekwe (An'tirri's twin brother, been an Inquisitor for a while to protect his sister from Imperials, later escaped and joined the rebels), Kung'urama'nuruodo "Nuru" (Chiss, became one of the Fulcrums), and Tyrax (Shard, An'tirri's master, private investigator). Other companions: Vess Eldar (human Mandalorian, adopted father), Dukkara Geeriosa/Arana Eldar (Force-sensitive Lasat girl, Jer's Padawan and adopted sister), Saarai Raluz (Sith Pureblood who got trapped in the World Between Worlds and have accidentally traveled more than 4000 years into the future), the Guards of Gayi'kar'am Weapons: split 2-in-1 bronze lightsaber (like the one Cal Kestis had after Ilum), grenades, blaster, dual vibro-katanas as replacement of lightsaber in undercover operations Backstory: A child of two marine biologists - a male Dathomirian Zabrak and female Zygerrian. As this species are rather far away from each other genetically, birth of a child in such a pair required help of genetic engineering. Fortunately, Jer's parents had friends among Kaminoans - they've spend a lot of time in their society while researching marine wildlife of Kamino. Not without casualties, but a healthy child was finally born - who have also appeared to be Force-sensitive. The girl, who was named Frixa, was taken by the Jedi and later became a Padawan of Master Hozo Peral, a Sephi Jedi Master and a member of Jedi Investigation Service - an organisation which had a role of investigators and spies for the Jedi Order. Through her master, Frixa also have met Vess Eldar who have been Peral's old friend. Unfortunately Master Peral died in the Clone Wars, and Frixa left the Order because she was sure that it was the Council's fault - their mission was a direct order of the Council but resulted in a trap. Frixa was adopted by Vess and became a Mandalorian, and took a name of Jar'el Eldar. With her former colleagues from JIS she became a separate rebel group called the Griffins, also she met an orphan Lasat girl who was adopted by Vess, and later Jer's padawan. Together with some other Force-sensitive Mandalorians became one of the founders of the Order of Gayi'kar'am. Also during the Galactic Civil War, Jar'el have met an unusual alien man with red skin, who've appeared to be a Sith Pureblood who have accidentally traveled 4000 years into the future by accident and now got lost in completely new world.
@Tailz-1 5 ай бұрын
1)K’nix Cide 2)half zabrak half human 3)18 4)tattoo of a 4 point star on my forehead being half human, I only have 3 horns black curly hair and brown skin I would wear something almost like Jedi robes except with a black robe with purple runes and patterns on sown on it(I am not a Jedi btw) 5)Im from Naboo but my home planet is Tatooine 6) job: A scientist who seeks the knowledge of the universe(inspired by the gatherers) Title: the star scarred (K’nix Cide, the star scarred) 7)TIE defender 8)no but I would know a bit of the force 9)neutral 10)I would have a crew on my ship which includes: me a rogue Mandalorian a professional podracer a droid CALLED d1da a Gungan who owes a life debt to me a pet vulptex 11)a special purple lightsaber with a y shaped plasma blade. It has a piece of my staff (which was y shaped) imbedded in to the kybercrystal casing. This connected with the root, in turn making the plasma blade reminisce the original staff shape 12) My mother was of Naboo royalty and my father was Sith Zabrak called Darth Cide. When I was born, I was kidnapped and sold to slavery in Tatooine. I quickly learnt lots of mechanical engineering skills and built a droid called d1da. When I was 13 I stole a TIE defender and escaped Tatooine with only my droid, the clothes on my back and my staff (very high on spice). I encountered a group of gatherers who taught me there ways and helped me create my first lightsaber (gen1- a normal purple lightsaber made from scraps around the universe). The gatherers also inspired me to seek knowledge and become a scientist. Because of this, I left at the age of 15 in the TIE defender and crash landed on another planet. There I met Korben Spyder, a rogue Mandalorian. We became friends and together we made a new style of lightsaber (gen 2 - a lightsaber witch attaches to the wrist like an assassins gauntlet from assassin's creed). He joined my crew and together we crashed into Tatooine. Realising we needed a proper ship driver, we went to Mos Espa to recruit my childhood best friend, Trop Merces , a professional podracer. Together we created the Patti Crew. On our journey I created my one and only final lightsaber (explained in 11)). We explored the universe and went on many adventures. On our many journeys, to our crew, a Gungan (who owes a life debt to me) and my pet vulptex joined.
@regularreefus7016 3 жыл бұрын
Iam very late and it is unlikely you will end up seeing my response but here it is: 1) Rin'Va Thorn 2) Human 3) on his journey he ages from 21 to 34 4) Rin was born with two different coloured eyes, left one was brown and left one was purple, a scar across his brown eye and he wears Black and Purple Mandalorian Armour. 5) Born in Concord Dawn 6) Rin is a Mandalorian that started at the age of 18 or 19, he took the Bounty Hunter role at the age of 21 and gave up at the age of 34 7) Modified and Stolen Naboo Royal Starship 8) Rin founds out he is force sensitive at the age of 29 9) His allegiance is to democracy! (joke) His actual allegiance is to the Mandalorian's being a Bounty to make Jango Fett proud. 10) Rin's Companion's are Jango Fett, Elehal Prihya, Brecart Coajack, Zarota Quink and Boba Fett 11) Rin's weapons consist of dual CDEF Blaster Pistols, Scoped NT-242, Beskar staff, a combat shield built into his wrist and when he founds out he is force sensitive he uses a white lightsaber the has has a foil around the hilt, sort of like the pistol lightsaber but doesn't shoot. 12) Rin'Va Thorn was a your average Tatoonie kid but on Concord Dawn, during a battle in his hometown he gets seperated from his parents and was about to killed off but was saved by Jango Fett, which he now looks up to and leaves his beloved parents to fulfil his dream as a mandalorian like his mentor, Jango Fett. His Mentor and Father Figure left to Kamino when he was 34 and got cloned, Rin didnt know that until he was 20, when he found out he was dead, he toke the role of Bounty Hunter at the age of 21 and honours his Mentor and then gave up at the age of 34 to take the role of a father to a young forgotten clone which was called CT 9186 but his name he prefers is Bereck but he likes his made-up codename ``Scope`` This toke longer then I thought, hope you liked it.
@Deathking000 5 ай бұрын
1. Darth imperius 2.human 3.a few billion years but he is like his 42 4. Human with white skin , bloody red eyes and a scar on the left eye he also wear an armour made from pure beskar 5. Earth 🌎 6.his a sith master 7. ( details are unfinished) 8.yes ( his a sith ) 9. Sith 10. A bd series Droid ( a Droid similar to bd-1from jedi fallen order and jedi survival) 11. A red lava saber ( it have a bleeded lava crystal)and a blaster 12. His the first person to become force sensitive and the first sith
@Deathking000 5 ай бұрын
Also darth imperius is mostly hooded with a cybernetic mask on his face kind of similar to darth malgus but he doesn't need any cybernetics to survive
@Tailz-1 2 ай бұрын
@@Deathking000 Ur character should be called darth perius cause sith lords like darth vader and darth sidious got there name by removing the first prefix. For e.g darth vader came from invader and darth sidious came from insidious.
@Deathking000 2 ай бұрын
@Tailz-1 I took the name from the star wars Republic
@jetski-9 4 жыл бұрын
Alex,human,16,scruffy hair 5,11 little slim clone helmet (phase 2) jacket with hood, lothal, scavenger, i hitch hike but I own a speeder bike, no but I do have a lightsaber that I shorten the blade (scavenged), my own path, no current companion, dual dl-18s an saber (as stated before), no real backstory
@johntgreen4610 3 жыл бұрын
Name your droid R2T3
@themonkeyman4448 4 жыл бұрын
Name: Golden King Species: human Age: unknown Appearance: clone wars: blue clone armor After order 66: Jedi robes Planet of origin: kashyyyk Skill: force teleportation Ship: A old jedi star fighter Weapons: Yellow lightsaber Force sensetive: Very Backstory: As the clone war began he was trained to become a clone. he wasn't cloned in a factory, he wasn't a clone at all, he just served as one. He became very good in combat. a jedi master say something in him. A spark of the force, he trained golden king to become a Jedi. golden king never met his father but he used to be a jedi. Golden kings master gave him golden kings fathers saber. Golden King then went on his first mission, he was fighting battle droids when his clones betrayed him. him and his master got away never to be seen until the time was right to reveille themselves
@karmakat10 4 жыл бұрын
R4-97 ? for your companion...IDK
@AaronR868 2 жыл бұрын
1. Quin 2. Zabrak 3. 17 after the time of Rey and Kylo 4. Probably a man bun and black vest with a grey shirt under it the vest had dry blood and dust and pants with holes lots of holes and you can see my bruises because I used to start fights 5. Corusant 6. Droid builder and ship fixer 7. Corellion scout ship it's kinda like the millennium falcon 8. Yes I am force sensitive and is part of the grey jedi light side but sometimes I use force choke or a version of force lighting called force justice that plo koon made I mostly use force justice to disable my enemies 9. I'm a grey jedi and live on my own rules 10. My bb model friend named bb86 11. A blue lightsaber that he found on ilum and later uses the force to find a purple kyber crystal and later use a cyan and silver lightsaber because I stole cured a sith lord crystal and it became white and kill a merchant to get the cyan crystal you will see why I do that in my story but I mostly use the purple saber because it shows my connection to the light and the dark but keeping a stability in the middle so I can be as powerful as possible but I'm still pretty weak in. I also use form V Djem So 12. I am born by the name of Quin was abandoned at 6 because by my mother because she was a sith assassin and I grew a life of scavenging and droid building and my trainer that taught me how to droid build and fix ships her name is Aura and when I was 15 I built my corellion scout ship and went to ilum and found a lightsaber I spent the next year training with my own blaster droid the next year when I was 17 I went back to ilum and used the force to find a purple kyber crystal so I trained even harder and found my mother and had no choice but to kill her because she tried to kill Aura I never knew my own last name or who my father was I even fell to the dark side for a while because he wanted anyone that causes pain should deserve that pain and he went on a absolute slaughter because I found the people who killed my father and the inquisitor that killed Aura I was "adopted" by a sith named Darth Lunta who I later killed and went back to the light side while I was in the dark side I went to tatooine found a merchant with a cyan kyber crystal and kill him and stole the crystal when I went back to the light I remembered the cyan crystal and use it for a little bit but later build a lightsaber put the cyan crystal in it and give it to the merchants family
@AaronR868 2 жыл бұрын
I already made one but I'm making another one so here I go 1. Kley (pronounced clay) 2. basic human 3.19 4. A robot hand after his first sith encounter I have pretty long hair and have darkish skin I'm Mexican irl so yeah I also have purple eyes I have pretty long hair and have darkish skin I'm Mexican irl so yeah I also have purple eyes 5.jakku 6. I am skilled in lightsaber combat and I call myself "the greatest pilot in the galaxy" but deep down I know I'm not 7. Customized Jedi interceptor I scavenged 8.well yes I am pretty powerful I can pull down multiple ships that are flying away but I can't pull down a star destroyer like starkiller 9. The new resistance (a new form of the resistance) 10. My boy bb79 11. A lightsaber that has leather wraps on it's handle and like an arch on its emitter like count dooku it is a black lightsaber I'll explain later 12. So I was a scavenger boy that was a little like Rey I had a staff that I used and lived in the fallen star destroyer I always knew I was force sensitive throwing stuff and stealing with it but then the new age of inquisitors came I was in town when they were there the inquisitors we're inspecting everywhere I had to leave somehow but then I saw them kick a random bb unit I used the force to save it because I respect everything that works hard they saw me and I ran away to the star destroyer they came and found me but I force pushed an inquisitor so hard she died on impact I force choked her inquisitor partner I snapped her neck I didn't even think twice and I did not care I went to my ship and quickly flew away leaving my home I knew I had to go somewhere the empire were hunting me so I go to tatooine I see a bounty hunter and a hilt I asked around and they said that the saber part was a special black color I approached the mandalorian I asked him questions and asked him for a drink I convinced him to take off the mask and get drunk and I Darth plaguis the wised him killing him in his sleep I took the saber I have no remorse for anything I do I made a hilt before and kept it in my backpack but I didn't know if it was stable I carefully destroy the hilt only leaving the kyber crystal I put it in my hilt and shoom it works I had a flashback rememberering that madalorians killed my family I done care on what I do many years later I am still on tatooine I have focused only on combat and defense then the inquisitors they are looking for me I walk out announcing my name one trie to force pull but I was ready and resisted I pull out my saber and go for the kill one down 2 to go I force choke them both killing one and leaving the other I spare him I don't know why but I did. He runs even more years later I meet a boy that's force sensitive named ike he is a very peculiar boy but I take him under my wing training him and bringing him a kyber crystal from an illegal merchant we train for years then he turns dark I never was good but I wasn't bad either we fought on the planet mustafar he won chopping off me hand so I do what I have to do I force push him near the lava river holding him down with the force and I take his saber making sure he can't do harm no more I hold him up with a force choke not killing him but making him suffer he killed an entire village of innocent people before he does I say "I have failed you" and I kill him streams of tears running down my eyes I run away and I disappear killing inquisitors if I must I become more peaceful only killing if I have to I disappear never to be seen again
@tristanisdd4917 2 жыл бұрын
This in the third and fourth Series Maul And Sidous joins in the second and first Snoke And Kylo Ren
@minecraftftwfortniteftlaut4631 4 жыл бұрын
Name: Scorch Co,Di Species: Human Homeworld: Alderaan Weapon of choice: Double bladed green saber Jedi or Sith: Jedi Rank: Padawan Age: 17 Yes I would be force sensitive Gender: Male He was born on 36BBY Height: 5ft 5in
@Sammich004 5 жыл бұрын
1. Dalen Kceb 2. Hooman 3. 16-17? 4. I would wear a tan jacket and shorts, and I would have robot legs. He's 5'3 and weighs 121 lbs. 5. Batuu 6. I would repair droids and ships. 7. The ship I would have would be a light freighter me and my mother built before she went to fight on Scariff against the rebels. 8. Nope. My character desperately wishes he was though. 9. My character hates the rebellion and the empire. He blames them both for his mother's death on Scariff. 10. A custom built droid that acts as a father figure. 11. Me LEGS. And a blaster. 12. Dalen is the son of a storm trooper who is his mother. He was raised without a father, rather a droid called M-09. His mother left one day because there was rebels attacking Scariff, trying to steal the death star plans. Once he found out the empire blew up Scariff, he became a rebel. Not because he likes the rebellion, but because he also wants to bring down the empire.
@bagboi9710 5 жыл бұрын
Name: Jon Species: human Age: 33 Physical appearance: 6’1 ft. Tall, dark blue eyes, black cloak with dark black robes underneath, and long dirty blond hair Planet of origin: Coruscant Skill: lightsaber dueling Ship: an orange and white Jedi star fighter Force sensitive: yes Allegiance: Galactic Republic Companions: a bounty hunter and a retired Jedi master Weapon: orange lightsaber Backstory: Jon had been attending Jedi academy and had just graduated when Anakin Skywalker invaded the Jedi temple and the galactic empire was formed, his master, Ayden, was shot to death by clones right in front of him. After that, he took his former master’s star fighter and flew to Tatooine. There he made friends with a former bounty hunter, Gage Samson. After a while Jon and Gage notice imperials invading Tatooine, so they flew to Kashyyyk. There, they found a former Jedi in hiding, Broderick Newman. Together the three fought along side the rebel alliance against the empire.
@bagboi9710 4 жыл бұрын
@aidanolson9247 4 жыл бұрын
lothal is literally the state of Illinois
@redcreeklogging7431 6 ай бұрын
What's your name: Colshay Shakir What's your species: Dublorian (Human style, but white skin, Eyes are Bright Purple, and marks like tattoos and marks depend on Gender and Family) What's your age: 1,200 What do you look like: Wears Dublor Steel Armor and helmet Are there any significant details about your appearance: Scar down the face from a Nexu What's your planet of origin: Dublor (My Own Planet) What's your occupation, skill, or title: Jedi Knight, Force Lighting, Force Healing, Absorb, Telekinesis, Mind Trick, and Shadow Walk Do you have a ship of any kind: Marauder (Like from Bad Batch Series) Force sensitive: Yes What's your allegiance: N/A Do you have companions of any kind: A Padawan (Susamy Wesrall Female) and a R2 Unit Do you have a weapon: If so, what is it: Two Lightsabers (Yellow and Purple) Backstory: Colshay Shakir is from a Planet in the unexplored System of the Galaxy called Dublor. He was the sole survivor of his Home Planet that was blown up by an unknown Species. Colshay was very young at his age and doesn't know anything about his history. Dublorians life span is unknown. Colshay Life Pod landed in Corusant where a Jedi Master Vernjar Gillin found him and took him to the Jedi Temple. Colshay was trained by Vernjar and many other Jedi Masters in his young years. After his Clones turned on him and killed his Padawan he went into hiding in the unexplored System of the Galaxy where he found an older Dublorian that also survived. After he Learned that the Males of Dublor were all Force Sensitive and great warriors of Dublor that wielded Sabers and used Force abilities. The Old Dublorian trained him the ways of Dublor and Made Colshay a Better Skilled Jedi. After Ray killed The Emperor Colshay returned to Corusant with his new Padawan Susamy Wesrall to finish her training.
@King_Tenacious_ 5 жыл бұрын
This is not my oc but it's a bad guy from my star wars universe. Name: Tytrone Species: kaleesh Age: 25 Appearance: I have a scratch scar on my face from a fearless beast. Also kaleeshes have masks and mine have cool markings. Cool armour, he has a cape and hood likes megatrons from transformers 3. Planet: kalle or kale forgot how to spell. Title, skill and occupation: Tytrone the jedi hunter, skilled hunter and warrior also jedi hunter. Ship: Something like a ship with one seat and enough room to move for his companion. Force sensitive: my kaleesh have the force but he relies on combat. Allegiance: nothing but I'm leading towards my before bad guy army the sith alliance not a sith a jedi hunter😎. Companion: a corellian hound. Weapon: two single bladed red lightsabers. Backstory: when Tytrone was a child and on his home planet kalee he had a different name Takkar. When he was a child he was forced to train to be a powerful warrior and hunter, when he became a adult he went hunting and gain a scratch scar from a fearless beast but of course he killed it. But once he had to face a strong kaleesh warrior and when he was losing he raged so hard he gained the force and force choke him and won. Then he went out to seek out better prey and then he became a jedi hunter. Also he never takes off his masks to be mysterious. When Takkar became a jedi hunter his name changes to Tytrone.
@King_Tenacious_ 4 жыл бұрын
@@saithesuperfan Thanks dude. I really appreciate it.
@sabersquad602 4 жыл бұрын
CHAD KENOBI After obi wan died the power of his force carried on to create his son he was told to hide his power and hide on tattoine but after the first order found him he had to escape he stumbled onto a rebel base where they would give him shelter since that day he swore to protect the rebels
@efrimbarnett1678 4 жыл бұрын
Name the droid ghost or a 27
@kurtknispel5334 3 жыл бұрын
Low level mechanics... CAN FIX A DROID?!
@fathom8519 4 жыл бұрын
name: Xull mereel human 28 5"8, fit, lots of facial and body scars tatooine bounty hunter, but former mandalorian has a ship called the cortosis hawk, old and rackety but customized and trusty is force sensitive, but barely uses it and does not have a very strong connection because he has no interest in the Jedi and sith, and is just trying to get paid allegiance: first, Mandalorians, then the highest bidder, and later darth talon no specific companions multiple boasters, lightsaber with a yellow crystal taken from a fallen Jedi backstory: (legends) was born on tatooine, after the fall of the empire but the Mandalorians soon discovered that he was a descendant of jaster mereel, the former Mandalorian leader. he stays with the Mandalorians for a while, until his clan breaks off from the rest due to conflict. he ends up fighting with the leader of his clan, and leaves to become a bounty hunter. while fulfilling contracts, he discovers he has a connection to the force. at first he dismisses is, then realizes he can use it while bounty hunting. he becomes a renowned Hunter doing jobs for the Pyke syndicate, when he is sent on a mission to execute a sith assassin who has been in hiding for some time. he finds the sith, who happens to be darth talon. he comes to assassinate her, but she can sense that the force has a presence in him. she takes an interest in him, and persuades him to become her personal assassin and apprentice. he agrees, at first only for the money, but slowly begins to realize the true power of the force
@giblitgaming3503 Жыл бұрын
1. name jayden rift 2. species human 3.age 16 or 15 during/before order 66 duing the 2 years after order 66 18 or 17 4.looks before/ during order 66 hair kinda like obi wans but darker brown dark brown normal jedi clothes after order 66 put on normal clothes to go into hding but kept his jedi stuff and kept using his jedi belt and has grown a short beard when made is own team to fight the empire he put on his jedi clothes again 5.orgin planet alderaan 6.jobs/skill was a jedi padawan nearly a jedi knight after order 66 he and his friend and his master fled to lothal 7. ship jayden rift has a modified VCX-100 light freighter where the polit and use the guns where the cockpit among other things 8. conncetion to force yes he deos 9.factions before order 66 the jedi order and the republic after the rebellion and his own little team thats helps whenever they can like the bad batch if you will 10companions .he has 3 companions his friend from the jedi order a freind he met on lothal and a modified r2 unit above the wheel section there is a thing that makes the legs go up and down and 4 arms on back to help with combat among other things 11weaopns .his weapons are his and his masters lightsbaer a modified dc 17 and a modified ac80 he keeps his master lightsaber and the 4280 as back up and he keeps his lightsaber and his dc17 on him 12,history jayden rift was born on alderaan when he was young got taken to become a jedi when it was time for him to become a padawan he got chosen by jedi master calnum undulen when order 66 came jayden rift adn his master and his fiend got on a VCX-100 light freighter and just managed to escape to lothal when the clones found calnum adn killed him jayden ran over but it was to late his master was gone he took his master lightsaber and pleaged to take down the empire so he waited to fix the VCX-100 light freighter he and his master and friend came here on while he fixed it he had a normal job to nto raise suspesion when it was time he flew of to help the empire but he also made a friend with a modified r2 unit that will help him so he set up his own team which he called force warriors which is kinda like the grey jedi but with normal people as well and jedi so he dawn he jedi outfit which he modified to be a bit tuffer so he and the force warriors set of to help the rebel to take down the empire
@rockypro-gamer9582 3 жыл бұрын
2 dislikes lol
@s9recalls411 4 жыл бұрын
100th comment
@diamondgaming8041 4 жыл бұрын
Name your r2 unite deformed clanker
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ALL Imperial Ranks Of The Galactic Empire [Canon] Star Wars Explained
Imperials Explained
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How Order 66 Became the Best Scene in Star Wars
Schaffrillas Productions
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5 Ways to Improve an Original Character
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What If Anakin Skywalker Fell in Love with Barriss Offee (Star Wars What Ifs)
Watching *STAR WARS* for the FIRST TIME
Alex Hefner's TV & Movie Vault
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Creating a Character: StarWars OC
Art ala Carte
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