Could you make a video on how to add a sid file with trse? Tried to do it and failed
@khaledsliman99132 жыл бұрын
I tried this , typed it exactly as you did , but I keep getting a screen full of garbage .. lots of letters and numbers fill the screen
@leuat2 жыл бұрын
As a clarification for other people who might try out this tutorial: TRSE C64 levels come on *two* flavours, one with colour data *included* (1 extra byte = 1 free colour per cell in the data) and *excluded* (colour data is included with the charset itself). While the first option gives the user more freedom, levels will take up more space. The other option has restricted colours, but levels are smaller - and you can for instance have combinations of 2x2 tiles that have uses 4 different colours in each cell. The level unit (library) contains two distinct draw calls, one for each of these. Remember to call the correct one!