It means stupid, I am in NZ, do you go to a test before employment in your country? As a matter of fact, lots of us do not even be able to calculate or spell 26 letters and numbers correctly.
香蕉是things that long and yellow 在某個程度上沒錯呀😏😏😏難道店家是想幽默一下嗎? by the way 一些舊的畫作裏,一些不常見的動物常常被描繪成奇形怪狀的樣子,畢竟那個時代的畫家不能Google 一下那些動物長什麼樣子呀,而且一輩子也沒有見過哪種動物,只能全憑想像。 而後邊的那個大象 ,我覺得頗為可愛呀,畫家很有自己的風格(?)也沒有到不會畫就不要畫的程度吧
It means stupid, I am in NZ, do you go to a test (simple English and mathematics) before employment in your country? As a matter of fact, lots of us do not even be able to calculate or spell 26 letters and numbers correctly. If you ask people 100-37? You can forget about it; 90% chance they cannot calculate it.