做一个主里的守望祷告者,挺长时间了,一直在摸索着神在新中国的心意。主耶稣是新中国和中国人民的唯一道路,真理,生命,那么,神要兴起什么人作新中国的领导人呢?从神带领我听张牧师的视频,明白了神这一路的那一只看不见的手,一直在中国和中国人民的生命中做工。愿神兴起张牧师和神所拣选的子民,在这国家和人民之命运转折点,可以被神所大大的使用, 完成神在我们生命中美好的旨意!In The Name of Jesus, Amen
We should not criticize ccp; instead, we should criticize ourselves why we don't believe in Jesus. We should not worry about the fate of the race, instead, each of us should worry about the salvation of God. We should not concern the motherland; instead, we should concern the Kingdom of Heaven. Thank you for your testimony.